The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1901, Image 2

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WWKwn Hmtifcm.Mju wivwitj .in ..u iiMiimniii mi hhimhh iriimiiuiip iinnmiamiiiiii II inn iimini miuiimiimn i n mi muni iinr
The spring cloths arc creating some
excitement. Our buyer knew what he
was doing when he selected them and
now that they are unpacked they show
ood uidcment he had. Pretty figured effects for
spring. They are full of beauty and will wear and hold
their color. See them early, the assortment may be broken
There's No Time Like Now!
There is no better time to buy good clean merchandise than
now. We are directing all our efforts toward making offers
of values that shall prove irresistable. Bring your money
here and see what a great deal of good it will do you.
We are selling all dress goods at bargain prices and are
closing out a number of pieces at less than cost. , vtJ.,,
i Simpson's blacks, blues, reds and grays 6c per yard.
LTJ !.". Apron check Ginghams 4c per yard.
Our liberal reduction has has created quite a little talk and
the Jackets are going at a two-forty rate. A discount of 75
per cent means something to those who need Jockets.
Choice line of 25c hose at 10c per pair.
Ask to see our line of ladies', misses' and youths shoes we
are closing out at cost.
Home Happiness. You will be able to'.have a greater amount
of comfort and happiness in your homes if you buy the
right kind of fnrniturc. Wk Skll The Comfort
able Kind, full of good points and sold at
the right prices.
Bed room suites $35.00 to $14.80.
Kitchen Chairs 50c.
Dining Chairs, cane seat, 75c.
Kitchen Cupboards $4. 75-
MINER BROS., Red Cloud, Neb.
Regular spring weather.
Grip is tlio order of tho day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Noblu ot Wal
nut crook, and Mr. Davis of Denver,
wuro tho guests of Frank VunDyko this
Mrs. Win (JtUbraith was visiting
with friends on Penny creek this week.
Kichaul ICenglu is on the sick list but
is improving,
Mr. Vaughn of Louisa creel; has
bought tin'.). 0. Wolf fiu 111.
Mrs. Mackey, who bus been unite
ill, is so mi) belter at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Aubushon attend
ed lliu lltcraty at Dutch Flat last week
anil reports a huge alleudauco.
Louis Aubushon was the guest of
Mr. Hoseucrans of RulTalo uteek last
Will Scrivnor is building a now bouse
for James Keaglo just cast of Labou
Aubushon a this week.
Will Lowls chartered u oar for Cus
ter county thia week. He has bought
a farm of one hundred and sixty acres
tbero for 3800, and will make that his
future home.
11. 11. llaskins will start overland foi
Utah about April 1st, or as sot 11 as tho
roads are passable.
Somo changes are being made among
the renters. Carl Hudd goes to Wal
nut creek, (irandpa and Grandma Sod
erlind to Stuf jreck..
Reuben Keaglo of Oklahoma will be
home on a short visit this week.
Allen Carpenter and hon made a
trip to Red Cloud this week and bought
u tine lot of shoats and onoealf.
Death visited the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Kd Mounlford last week and took
their little daughter, aged four months
from them. Tho littlo one was sick
only a few hours when the Loul saw tit
to take her from this troublesome
world t tho great beyond. Tho fu
neral services were held at the homo
Saturday tit 11 o'cloi k and tho remains
were laid at rest in tho Mt. Hope conio
tery. The sorrowing relatives have
tho sympathy of tho community in this
their sad hour of bereavement.
Unparalcllfd Record Amon Imu ranee
Companies It's Success in Nebraska.
Tho following i9 what tho World
Herald bad to sav about tho National
Life & Trust Company of Des Moines,
in its issue of .January lirst.
This company with Iowa's popular
Seeiotury of State, Geo. L Dobson, as
proMdi'iil, Governor Leslie M. Shaw, as
chairman of tho executive committee,
and P. M Stiii-no", 0110 of tho best in
surance men of the state, as secretary
and manager, has made a roeoiU dur
inij the past year, uuniualod by any
company in all tho history of insur
ance During tho last three months, it lias
entered Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan,
South Dakota and Nebraska, and will
soon bo doing business in ail tho states
of tho Middle West. During the mouths
of October, November and December,
its premium incomo nmountcd to near
ly $20,000. Tho remarkablo success ol
tills connmny. is duo to theso facts,
that Its proposition is principally of an
Investment nature, thereby nmoling
tho largest presout demand in insur
ance; that it is absolutely safu because
a reserve equal to tho cash valuo of all
its policies Is kept on deposit with the
state; that tho prolits are eiuuaoiy
distributed among the policy holders,
and pay a good rate of interest on tho
investment; and that the management
has shown unparalelled energy and
It's business is being written with
tho very best nnd most conservative
people, by a corps of careful and con
scientious solicitors, of whom thtre
arn over thirty men and women in the
Nobraska Held.
Tho ollicu of tho Nebraska Depart
ment occupies suite No. 10(1 8 Beo
Ruilding, with Haas & Ely as State
Managers, Win, Ivo, Special Executive
Agent, nnd O. 11. Smith, Cashier.
Thoso gcntlomon glvo a cordial wol
come to nil who doslro to investigate
the proposition, eitbor from a solicitor's
or an investor's standpoint.
Your advertisement is a message from
you", to the people who want what you
haveXto sell. The effectiveness of the
message depends on the way it is worded.
If properly worded it will reach the people
interested, the rest depends on you.
jlrindley's tyestaurantj
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
(t)ur businesf
is to prepare
publishers' Advertising Agency, jjj
David City, Nebraska. f
at AUi
(Nice, Comfortable Lodging
Oysters if Every Style.
Married at tho residonco of Chris.
Buder ou February 32d, Edward L
Traubort and Annie Ctrdcr, both of
Guide Rock.
John Kiuclier Sr., has closed a deal
on his farm in Reaver CrooK township,
selling to Henry Wohrly for 13,000.
A colored troupe gave a show at Mo
ranvillo'a hall Wednesday night.
Honry Moranvillo has sold out and
will move to Iowa soon.
Chris Columbia has bought tho Crow
llvory barn and stock.
Dr. Paco has bought the Kradsbn
drug store.
Undo Hilly Sabin is in Omaha to
uavo an operation performed on his
Frank Pohfman shipped for Colby,
Kansas, yesterday.
Wm. Reed moved bis family to Hluo
Springs today.
Ycstorday was Dr. J. H. Fisks 7Ulh
birthday anniversary.
Fino weather. Farmers have begun
to talk about spring work.
Loouard Munger marketed three
loads of hogs this week.
Dock Wolf has moved onto tiio old
Sandersou farm.
John Clark moves to his new homo
on Uulfalo Creek this week. Sorry to
lose so good n neighbor, but good-byo
A new caso of small-pox in Jewell
county, Kansas, which seems to threaten
Ask Creek. Roys you had better stay
close to homo.
Tho wedding bells mo expected to
ring on Ash Crook this week. Roys
get your bulls ready.
James DeWitt has moved onto his
fai m on Asli creek.
Mrs, O. A. Campbell's aunt from
Guide Rock has been visiting her the
past week
While w havo had considerable win
ter during tills month, feed is hoi ling
out well nnd stock nearly nil looks
Mrs. Rcrthn Davis who has been real
sick is reported better.
Mr). Wm. Mackey who has been sick
fur some tlino is better.
Tho Andersonville literary is prov
ing n success and is well attended
every Friday evening at oarly lamp
lighting. Fid. Montford's littlo baby died a few
days ago very suddenly.
Thero was only two non-resident
farms for salo in this part and ono of
them is sold to Fred 15 an m. It is
known as tho John Wolf farm.
Al Scrivnof bought nino young steers
at tho Charley McKoighan salo and six
or seven moro of Andy Citoron.
The Mt. Hope school is piogrcssing
uicoly under tho suporintendoncy of
Professor Otis Fnw.ior, and the tetm
will only last iivo weeks moro.
A man in Logan township Inst tho
last horso ho had with something like
blind staggers.
S. N. Potter who has beon in poor
hoaltli for some time, is hotter nnd was
on our crook op business recently.
Perry Wumer has sjld his faun to
John Kuglor and will luave in a few
days for Washington.
l'rof. McCorklu is toaohing a singing
class at tho Womor hull. Ho hns about
thlrty-fivo pupils.
Ihi9iuess at tho creamery is improv
ing each wook and they expect to do
iiiuuh more business than t oy did last
summer. Tho company havo contrac
ted with Mr. Moore to mako butter for
another year. Ho has done well and
wo are glad ho is going to stay.
Spring is here; so is Hullor, witii a
full lino of light and heavy harness at
low prices. Call before you buy.
A man is always moro willing to give
up his turn in n dental parlor than In a
barber shop.
Ton much dreaded spring house
cleaning day is already beginning to
cast its shadows about.
The fpilckost thing in tho world K
light and tho slowest thing Is a person
who owes subscription.
If a woman constantly keeps her
husband in hot water she alone Is to
blame for his being soaked.
If thero ha.l been a tlizen Adams in
stead of one, probably Evo wouldn't
have llirted with a serpent.
Women nro said to bo always looking
In a glass. Men always want some
thing in a glass when they look into it.
When a woman says to her husband
"this is n pretty tlmo of night for you.
to come in," she doesn't mean a word
of it.
Nothing pleases a woman better than
to havo her husband return froui a trip-
anil say "I haven't had a tiling lit to eat
since I left ho no."
Judging the si.o of somubicacli
of promise suits wo are led to believe
that in woman's estimation mair is
worth something after all.
A corset ngent lemnrks that corsets
havo tho sauio cilcot on women inat
rum has on men. The harm in each
caso is tho samo. Tho inevitable result
is "gelllug tight."
Somo folks' Ideas of Christianity aro
that if they go to church and prayer
meeting tegiilarly they can do pretty
innch as they pleaso between times and
the Lord wilt be satisfied.
It takes a girl about four hours long
er to clean tho front windows of u
houso thnn It docs tho back ones. That
is, if it is tho hired girl instead of tho
daughter of tho housu who is doing tho
It is now said that Mrs. Carrio Na
tion's lirst husband died from alcohol
ism. Why didn't tho poor ftllow just
take n gun and blow his brains out and
bo done with it, instead of taking such
nn indirect suicidal ruite.
Thoso who resido in glass houses
should bo tho very last ones to dolapi
dato their neighbor's windows; but, as
n matter of fact they are tho very ones
who most porsistcutly persist in peg;
ging away at their fellow raon.
Tho usual spring agitation of a cm few
ordinance is being hoard. The best
( u .few ordinance is ono that is adopted
in each family, where tho old man acts
as mayor and city council, night watch
and calaboose keeper; whoro lino and
punishment go together, and where u
good hickory is feared moro than any
thing else.
A learned judge has divided legal
drunkards into three classes; tho sim.
pie, tho complex and the compound.
The simplo drunkards aro those who
aro merely in a stuto of exhilaration
and can walk straight. Tho complex
aro tho incapable ones, and tho com
pound are tin- disorderly and incapable
ones, An ankle corset has been iuveuted
for the support of wouk ankles. It is
now in order for some phihintrophist
to invont a brain corset for the use of
weak minded people who woar long
hair parted in tho middle, smoko vilo
"ciga-woots" and always havo a mouth
ful of smutty remarks to hurl at somo
young lady who passes them.
An oxchango describes a cigarette as
a roll of papor, tobacco and drugs with
a big lire at one end nnd a bad smoll
and a fool at tho other end. Some of
its chief enjoyments aro condonsoil
nightmare, fits, cancor of tho lips nnd
stomach, spinal uieningitis, softening
of tho brain, tunoral procession and
family shrouded in gloom,
Roys with cups on tho back of their
heads and long hair hanging down
their foreheads, and cigarettes and
smutty stories in their mouths, arc
cheapor than old worn out shoes, No
body wants them at any price. Men
will not employ them and tho gills will
uot marry them. Tlioy aro not worth
their kooping to anybody and they will
not keop themselves, If any boy who
happens to read this auswers to
this description let him take a look at
hiiiHolf and do what his conscience
says is tho host thing to do.
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