is i imjjammajujj.ii I'll I"""" Wll' aoeo Is hard cnotili n it Is. It Is to Iiit that we owe our world, ami every thl in; .should he made ns easy ns possible for her nt the time of childbirth. This Is just what MOTHER'S FRIEND will do, It will malt u Jmbv's cotnintr easy and painless, and that without talc ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. It Is simply to ho applied to tho muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through tho skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it. It strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of plumb babe in Panama, Mo., nays: "I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." Get Mother's friend at the Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free Illustrated hook, " Before llnby is Horn." Inrr 1 ,,M llltl.l lit SI (Villi. blnatlon. l Eureka J Hnmncc OSS V'.'1 ha .! m.kM (tm ,1 ., anil ,lta lmrxi Itrk- lttrr. Iiut make tho 'D leather soft unit pllnllp,putA H In mn. l illtlon to Inat-twleu i" lung . in It nnllnnrlly wmM. J Fill rvrrv-nrr 13 aa all I IMl.,."" '"""' 5TAMJAKU , OIL CO. Give Your Horse a Chance! h. d. bedford, Real - Estate, - Insurance, AN COM.KCTIONS. Agent lor tho Kqtitaiii.k .vv. Assut- ANCK SoOtKTV. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary (.raduato & Silver Modalist Western UniTCiHity, Canndn. Galls Anawkhk Day and Nioht. rrrci OtiCk' rammer. J. S. EMIGH, dkntist. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IF TOU WANT IT. Orrn I Briigi Wirk r Teeth Withiut Platei. POIICKLAIN INLAY Alt all th latest laprTement la eitl meob inlin Wo ran surnish you brick in any quantity at the ItiwoM pos sible rate, liiick on .salt) nt 'itlii-r of the lumber yard. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS.. Red Cloud, Neb. SALZER'S SEEDS H WILL MAKE YOU RICH" H iiiiBiBHuanntr piaiemem. DU1HA1 fat UriWMI Uftf H nilt Mt.nllmiL Hi 'til'! ; Combination Corn. "lRl?yv "f"',,"onrtli.wultoiitlTei Blllion DollnrDraas. ha ii reateat marrel ol tho airei S Utomof haTperacre. V'lni gk crop iU weeks after eowlag What Is It Catalogue tolls. roi ido. tTAypi andlilaNOTICK lull l m4 cUlo, U Qrtla tompiaabicla&ria'ettova.atao WU ll Mi. M A.) IW1, awlCTl?tv.MCA)l, I Jthw A. lilwr m4 . U tnm. H,1 Ji ' M TRIUMPH INCUBATOR Hatches all llatchabln Eccs .- IIr it9 uu man any oinor macana made Requires no supplied mouv uro. Perfect Vontllatlon. Equal Hood. Abdolutoly Automatic. Cataloguo (roe. TRESTER SUPPLY CO., ..wiitihn taiNT. 103 8. 11th fit., Lincoln, Nob, '-J w 5 " &i I" WM I i m,hT i m IS, SBBS lift v$wg m H It ItlfZ 43Jx; tfai'V i 3 pfl Q lMMl i yugli L' iu. TaU' (icxxl. Cm fjl Tfl la time, ulit by dfniilt. g GOLD IN PHILIPPINES Plenty of Precious Metal In Out New Islands. v Mnnr Aniprloiiiia Sot RnffflRrtl ll Nurfnrc OpprnMoin Intcrrat- Inir I'nrllcntnrit hy Mlnlntr Autliorllr. Tho subject of gold lo bo found ii nur nt-wly iicciiilu-tl I'aclllc islnnds i. 1 rented in the Engineering ami Mlniii Journal by 0. I). Rice, He aiiys tha although there Is plenty of the pre eioiiM metal in the Philippines, it can nnt. lie obtained in anv conslderabli amounts without the erection of largi Miimp-mtlln or smeltlug-plants, ant that the mnn who Is looking for goli without great capital hnd better en tcr the field simply as a dealer, buj Ing up the accumulated hoards of tin natives In the Interior. Mr. Jtlch tell us that, generally speaking, the gob is found either In alluvial depotltj oi In ledges and veint. The former (pa; best at present, and numerous dls churned soldiers and civilians st ! ready making considerable rtone from operating on the river bik ii the foothills. Says Mr. Rice: ( "flome miners In tho Philippine claim to have mada large prolts b; working the sand and beaches on tin seacoast. I saw one plnce alng tin beaches of Panay where there wm mining apparatus in operathii for i mile or more, gelling out the gold dc posits, which probably hn heel washed Into the ocean in the urrcn of some river and deposited i ong tin hori's. The gold obtained cmed ti lie very tine and worn miiooII bt lonj action of the waters. Etiiliitlj t In original lodgment of this j ld wa in home far-awii, mniiiittiin, . ii it wa wahed tollieM-n- b iln-riiel- liiel f thi (.'old :i- iiiM-ilile ainlJMiulii hi clacked nin'er the head f llnugold. "Placer aolil in the I'liUm-lfes al waj: has n r-1 1 1 n 1 1 m t- .ip,,i u.ince foi the reason that it is t limbic about Ii the ravines and along the rilr-eoiirsei for a long time befoic itiein-lies i place, of dcpoMt in the shoils of somi rier or at the beaches, 'llic nativei hint- been at work getthg gold foi nearly 100 jears anil sone of their lune secured large store if the valu able metal without kunwiig its trui alun. 1 Ii.'mc enteieil oiji .vi;ic);s o the tin I i for a tcstinj.- piice thriiul llif'niyln ainl.h:ic Ine shown III collections of gold uinlihcr mctalr of the native father ail his faiuilv Although the shack mn tint be worfl ten dollars and there mn hcnMioi-tngt of the necessaries of iff, the nntiv miner will be alile ( exhibit a bag fill of nuggets iiboutlhe slc of peas most of them being llrtened and worn Flour gold. too. wIMie seen, but thii is the kind that the utie sells or dl posc of in some wn.vnlrst and he kecpi the nuggets. In faJ. in almost eer portion of the aiellpelago, until tin past few months, tere has been pme tlcally no irotltiiliMwn, for tin: native uilners to change ais treasure intn commercial nionevl lie has had to do his bartering withgold, and frcciient ! the gold has lad but little em rent value In seelons of the islands which have been Jit oil" from the nut side world. I live een natives in actual want who eru possessors of lit tle boxes of gold "A far richermeld to work in tin Philippines thai'prospeeting just now Is to go among iSese isolated mountain towns and hm-Jux for the iiurnnsi nf purchasing thi accumulation of gold In. the hands if natives who have not the ability to ispose of it. There arc many of the iiJive- who never go inorr than tlve. mil, from their homes dur ing their llv. and thev might have M-veral thoi.iud dollars' worth of gold which hey have collected since they could Aork. and have not been able to gctjihc benefit of It for want of means u changing it into commer cial money Large amounts, of this gold could lc bought up and shipped to the seaman for transportation to Amerle.i o' other countries, and the returns witild be prolllahle. "It is evMcnl that there will not be a in fteiifiv-f milling operations in the Philippine until parties with capital enter theiii'd and pin up slaiup-niills or snifltig-phiiits. There are Mini,, rich lodt in the mountains f 4 he southern' islands of the Philippines, and in css than live years some of the prouoters of mining schemes there are goIJg to make a grcut amount of money. There are thousand', of ua tives a.illahle for service in the minex at thelow rate of wages of ten to llf teen Juts per day, while there are a greatnumber of Chinese coolies here who lould work for even less than that There are at present koiiiu Amer ican Ailning concerns represented here and ktcps are being taken to put In" ncccnarv. eouinmoiit t ...m,.. .v.. 'veins of, quart which have been lo- ateii, i, nave been throiirh the mit iui,' sieijins i.i iMinn ,,lt , t , iii l ' I (1 III l! MHl'l -Kill I. veiy msui,.,. the s.uupu of gold on were pioinislug." ' Aratt I'uU'i I.oiik U;,e (o Bna iu ii sain mai the. anniversary tho succession of the v, Of Of JVt will be signnllcd by the na Ion of Arabl Pimhn. wl,n i,,.. i.... r- f s) t . . . . ' tiwe uir. en in;iu uv UIC Jlr t s i as ii nrltinni't- nt war on the island of Ceylon for "0 y curs, no wn ""J 1'gyptlnn peasant, nil great courage had out ny genius a t risen to n high position in the service oi me Kiieuivw. in 1881 he started the movement ngninst tho despotic rule of Turkey that secured for hit country a parliament formed on west ern models and reforms that were greatly needed. Ills success alarmed the Kuropcan creditors of h'gypi, who were obliged to look to the sultan for their pay, nnd a Hritish army with tho cooperation of tho fleet defeated Arab! and his forces. Little Chron Me. - is.. " ' ' ,. . -" PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "What nre yon reading, Doric?" "I'apa'ft poeinb." "Jleeu naughty '.'" 1'lllK'll. "Didn't, it miike Mr. Stu.woMint mad to lnue Mr. Peterby gl Miss IletiMiiiliurst n canary blrdV" 'Well, If It did, he neer allowed It. He simply hurried up nntl bought her a cat." Hrooklj n Eagle. ''.Vc. that cheeky young Winter- green tnntle a menu or tno nnugiity Mr, met l)e Noting the wry first time he her!" "How did he do ItV" "He asked her If her hair wasn't premn turrly gray." 'levcland Plai'n Dealer. Iti ngley "Well, old man, I'm to be married to-morrow." Nnggs "I hope 011 nave tiiougiit tins over careiuny, llliifiey; do you love her?" Illngley -"Oh, don't he wentlmentnll The girl has money Isn't that enough?" Ohio State Journal. "I think 111 let you measure me for a sack suit out of this cloth," said Crolly, indicating hU preference "Very well," said his tailor, "I can mak you that suit for $30 or $100." "Wlmf the idea In the two price?" "Cash or credit." Philadelphia Press. Landlady "Ueg pardon, sir, but did I understand as you were a doctor ol music?" Musician "I am, ma'am; why?" Lundlady"Vrll, Hlr, my Hil ly 'ava just been and broke Mb con certina, and I thought as 'ovr I shud he glad to put a hodd job in yer way." - Fun. Olglamps- "Ilashly is the luckiest man I know." Sharpley "Why, 1 thought him particularly unfortu nate." (llghimps "Why, lie draws a pension for being wounded in war, and now he in to get damagct for hav ing been hit by a trolley ear." Town Topics. The Right Pitch. Finite "T thought I'd practice on my cornet last cteiilng, but In line me I couldn't get the right pitch mi It." Itrattc "Couldn't miii get the window open?" "What's the window got to do with it?" "Well, the right pitch would have been through that." Philadel phia. Record. WOMEN RUNNING STORES. The Lallar I)nr Sratnn of Sanding ItoBauU "on AiroTl" ! .Dralructlv. Tho "returners" is the title applied to a large nnd growing number of worn en who deal with the department anr other retail stores who do business or. credit. So great has become the femi nine army deserving the new appella tion that store managers are consider Ing the desirability of making up a "black list" fur mutual protection, sayi the Chicago Chronicle. "The women are having ton much fun at our epcnsf," said a .State street man the other day. "We would give n big price for a remedy that would sav us without hurting the feellngx oi costing us the patronage of the mad urns and misses who seem to think t have invited them to dabble promis cuously iu our stocks." The custom objected to is that by which goods may be taken home "on approval." The scheme operated well at tIr.M, but soon women noticed that there was no bar to ordering in quau lltles far beyond needs or intention ol buying, it is quite the thing nowa daws for a inntron of good llnaneial standing who wishes, .say, a new lion net, to spend the day In "shopping" nt down-town millinery emporiums. From each of a doen she ordered a choice piece of headgear sent up "on approval," and when her husband eiii'i's liniiie at niirht she dons them each iu turn and tries to obtain his in-dor-en cut of the most expensive Failing that, she works 'Mown grade" until he throws up both hands. Or per haps she has a similar "trylng-on bee" with her female friends for critics, In any event, It of the 12 bonnets are sent back the next day. without any cash to pay the storekeeper for the wear and tear Incidental to the trip his pet. itinfectlons have taken -"on ap proval." After a few excursions of thin nature he U obliged to retire the bon net from exhibit ion and charge Its cost to profit and Ion, "If these 'returners' don't have more pity they'll .end me to Kankakee," walled a sufferer. "I'd go back to the 'cash down' system, but that Would mean prompt loss of my trade to my rivals. Oh, for a Moses!" flcqaal to llrtim, A Pnria merchant dreamed of his daughter who died several yearB ago, and next morning, with his dream still mournfully haunting his mem ory, wuuetliiiig brought, to his mind that It was one of the days on which I ho municipal lottery wan open. To the lottery, thereupon, ho went, be ing a man of sporting instinct, nnd Ills dream suggested the venture. His daughter having died nt the nge of .'I years, I.I days, I hours, he se lected thesu three numbers to U't upon, and two of the three proved highly lucky One oil which he hnd laid Ss. -M. brought him 3J0 times his stnke, or 100, and the other 4,850 times his stake of 1 12. fld., or fl,80. London TiMUU. Hlbarlan Ilanka Get Mora Ittllnd. The Husxlan minister of finance has accorded the UuMo-CliIuese bank and all lt branches in Knst Siberia the SlieclnlTV valuable m-U-ltiw... nt tl.o .-... j purchase of gold dust and nuggets, Without demanding from the seller any proof of origin, says a Rt, Peters burg correspondent, t'p to the pres ent i his piinhnsf of gold has I een strictly pioh.bitid by the linshlau gov ernment, mid the concession is in tended to paralyze the secret sale of this gold to other countries. The com ing heavy purchases by the bank will strengthen the gold reserves In the Itiibslan imperial bank, which have been greatly depleted by the expendl turo over Chlnn. N. Y. .Sun. THE GRIP EPIDEMIC. The Disease More Prev.ilint than Ever and quite as total. The best treatment. The gup has sin pi isctl the doctors and liimltlt authorities tills uasoii by Itstapid spretut mid by ionic novel symptottm. W'lillo it spates nobody it is proving especially dangerous to middle-aged and elderly persons. In many cases cither ti fatal onset of pneumonia, or u completu breakdown of health and strength, is apt to fol low tin attack of grip. The wise, course for all is prevention. Uy wearing n Horsou's Porous Plnster on tho chest and back you protect tho lungs f i om cold and chill nnd (with otdinnry caic) you tiro safo from grip. For those who nro nlrcudy suffering from grip, or tho usunl wintor coughs mid colds, Uonson's Porous Plnsters nro ii sure- and speedy relief nnd euro. Highly niodielnnl nnd scloutllio. Uofuso imllatlona nnd substitutes. Only tho gonuino nro effective Kx amino when you buy. Snabury & Johnson, Manufacturing Chomists, Now York. Low Rata, West and Northwest. At a tituo of year whon thousands will tako advantages of thorn, tho Burl ington Houto makes sweeping reduct ions in i's rntes to tho West and North westto Utah, Montana, Washington, Oregon ahd Hritish Columbia. I Untcs: February 12, 10 anil 20. ! March 5, PJ, 19 and 20. Aptil 2, I), 10 2!J anil 30 Hates nro shown below: To Ogden, Salt Luke, Huttc, llolona, 'Anaconda, uml .Mts()ul:r $'21). To all points on the Northern Pacilic lty. west of .Missoula, including Spo kanc, Seattle, Tncnnti, Poitland, ns well as Vancouver, and Victorin, IJ (J. $'23. j To all points on the Spokane Falls &. Notthern Ily. ami tho Washington v Columbia Kivcr It It. $28. Never has tho Pacilic Northwest heeu us prosperous ns now. Labor is on constant demand ami wages nro high. Tho money making opportuni ties nro beyond number in mines, lumber, merchandising, funning, fruit rinsing, lishiug, and all tho other in dustries of a great nnd growing count ry. Literatnro on request fiec. J. I'rnnci.dcn'l Passenger Agent Omaha, Ncbr. The smoke r.s of Red Cloud can find on sale by II. IC. Gi'ioo and a few of tho locol dealers one of the choicest and iiiit phenomenal retailing eigat sever manufactured in the west, the "Tuck" cigar. It is hand made throughout and uiiiqunlcd iu workmanship by any 5 cent cigar on tho market. Tho "Tuck" cig'ir lias iu its filler tho finest grade of ohl unll.woicd tobacco that can In pur chased and used iu a ft cent cigar Its dial! is perfect ion Tho '"'fucU'' dear is packed in tin foil in packages of tivo with the object in vinvv ot Keipingit fresh, ic taming Inn llavoi and protect ing it from htviikniM when cairiediu tho pocket. Tim "Tuck" cigar is in fact pertcction in everything that is ri quit cd to make a choice smoke There is no cigar made in tin; live cent cigars that equals tho Tuck cigar, in lino workmanship, quality, draft and filler. Trvthn "Tucks". 9999 9979V977999i Its Easy To Take i Thin, pale, anaemic girls; need a fatty food to enrich: their blood, give color to their cheeks and restore their ; health and strength. It is safe to say that they nearly all reject fat with their food. SO!?" COD LIVER OIL WI7HHYP0PH0SPHITES or LIME SODA is exactly what they require; n it notonly gives them the im- jj portant element (cod-liver oil) $ o in a palatable and easily di j gested form.but also the hypo- f ! ( phosphites which are so valua-1 1 ! ble in nervous disorders that usually accompany ansmla. H SCOTT'S EMULSION is a $ fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat. A certain amount of i I flesh is necessary for health. j You can get it in this way. I We have known per t sons to gain a pound a day while taking it. J ) joe. n J $1.00, 1I drugglit J. I 5COI I uuwnct iirinivi j W. B. ROBY, tiiCM.nit i.v Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn, Bated Hay and Coat Oil. HiVlO - AIVO No. i Third Avenue, Red PLATT & Chicago - Lumber - Vard, ltKU CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, TlfcAJLTERS IVCJMBKSIfc CO, DEALEItS IN LUMBER Red Cloud. - JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" Ii H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERY STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How many or you have lost tho prlco of this KtiRltio In onii day on accouut of Iu sufficient wind to operatu your wind tnlllD, iciivini; your Mock without water. Out one now to do your pumping when tliuru Is no wind or to do It reulurl". Weather docs not !l.,.'oct.l,s w"r.k ,Klt ,,r 0l)l1' w,a or ,uv. wlnu or cnlm. It N afi iliu muiio to this machine. Will also shell corn, isrliid feed, saw wood, churn buttT and Is handy for a hundred other Jobs. In tho h'liiso or on tin, furm. Ousts nothing to keep when not worklnir, Hnd only 1 to S coats per hour when worklnir. Shipped completely set up. ready to run. no foumlv uoii iii-rui-ii, 11 Kirjii iiiiiur mm money Miver. absolutely safe. Wo make- nil sizes of Uasollno Kngiuo, I mm t'i t'o7." hone power. VI viiuuiiii ti i i njnjtun ii iiji'i, FAIRQANKS, MORSE City Dray and E. inH. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Vines, Liquors, California brandies PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. E'CHICHCSTKR'B CNOLIBH U UZD ud Uald PMUllla boiu imIkI U blM rlblwi. Tak atker. BcfViM Baasaraaa HaaaUlallaa aa laUta- air .1 j :t Draabl, r m4 4. la iuh fer I'aHlaalara, TaatlataalaU U4 ''Killer for La4laa, In Utlw, .J ra. tara Mall. lO.OUOTuUai.alaU. 0.ldtr &1I matat.. fTklkafllarCJhailal . HMcBlMjpH. Ma4Uaalark.l,UlLA..I'A. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM . CKinicf and bfiulinei tb but. 1'mmnj.i a lmurlfttit rrowth. Haver rll to II ton OraJ Ualr to ila youthful Color. )uhw G. V. AUGAIJIUGIIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Red Cloud. Nkbhaska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits anil Por traits inailo to order. STUDIO IK DA1IU1IKI.I. BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Box S3. Quldo Hock, Neb. v- k. Mr All kinds of proporty boiipht, sold vati oxclmiiRod. C0U.KCT10N8 MADE. THltMb UKA80NAULE SOXTOD - COAI, Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. FREES CO.,. NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. and COAI - Nebraska iteiiuires nr.ici leaiiv in) ailunt ion. ami u Wnt & CO.. omflHfi, NEB. Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.7 RED CLOUD NEBR UHUiLiaaaT LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E 8AL1 LAKE C"I PORTLAND SAA FKAXCISC0 and all pointt west. TUAINS LEaTE k ruLtOWRt No. 13. rmiacuRer ilally for Obi-rlln Htitl St. Prnucliibmiiclict. Ox ford, McCook, Denver rikI nil potiitH went....... .............. tl.'SS ,m Ko, 14. FamciiKer ilally for St. Joe, KnnstiH City, Atchison, bi. I.oula. Lincoln via Wymore anil all polntH caxt and houth H'15 ti.nt No. IT. VanteuKer. dally. Denver, all points in Colorado, Utah and Calif ornln 8 MO p. a. No. IB. l'anseiiRer, dally for SI. Joe, KntiHRH city, AtchUon, St. Louis and all points cast and south .. ..10:00a a. No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Hastlnes, Grand Is land, Black Iillls and all points In tho northwest I :d) p m No. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via lie publican 12:30p m No. 04. Freight, daily, Wymoro and St. Joe and intermediate Junction points 18:45 nm No. B3. Freight, daily for Itepubllcau Ork'RtiB, Oxford and all points west . lOMOa.m No. 6C. Frelcht, dally except Sunday , .. '9r Wymore and all point cast 8.45 am, No, 173. Freight dally to Oxford and Intermediate points lLVinm HlecnliiK. dlnliic, and rccllnlnc chair care, (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tablcB. maps or tickets . h0,It wllrcafi a. conover, Agent. Jted Cloud, Ncbr. or J. Francis, Ocuersl Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. CONSTIPATION tho (Taiuent cauw of ArpenHcttTa and rnni oUrm loui Ills thuuld nTr bo n vlec-twl. The objection to tha Inrmuirs comuipntlon lutrailotcurlnirlt. 1'AHKElfH tllNOEK TONToT. tho t.rorr remedy. It anion th? IJTf r. and when ud u dlrocKtl, inimnciillj reiuor w tlit comtlpaUoo. do eta. & gLOf at ail imigtrUti .. ., . wmirii - wni kv.,!,. n-aCHOn WniOIl For 14 Cents! - rv T.tllH, lr.kf.HlM IUodT.m.l.H..J, a .11 WVfQttl tot folloaln. fir. . M.a.i.t.. 1 " 'a.r.Nl.rt.a(iiryab.cH-,i. ., I ' ll-DarlUdl.hKrt4, 'IS lbmnuki(H r.r. will ..train bk C.lo,,,,iH0, ail abJJ, ' Alao Choice iln0a Heed, title, a lb. llOHH A.SAIIK SECDCO.. UCr..,a,wu. i an -Jm mk.pmimrme -imm r-a mXSZWnS9iX4 7&X2&flrftCZ8i