yfy. . -l of 3UM&jpMr.&s gtwVU 'n re r'graraBeacBnnwriwcawtw . Sri 9ft 1 3 Baby's Birth Is very much liko the blossom ing of n flower. Its beauty unci perfection depends entirely upon tho enre bestowed upon Its parent. Hxpccwni mouicra should have tho tenderest care. They fchould bo snared nil worry and anxiety. They should cat plenty of good nourishing fowl and tako gentle exercises. This it. Ill . h Iahk ..tn.. tr.ttnrt ntnenn ii j;i i 1UIJ; 4 mniini . ,... . -ing their health and their benuty ns well as that of tho llttlo one to J come. But to bo absolutely suro 1 of short and painless labor they should use Mother's Friend regularly during the month of gesta. tlon. This (i a Imple liniment, which la to bo applied externally. It gives strength and vigor to tho muscle and prevents nil of the discomforts of preg nancy, which women used to think were absolutely tiecemnry. When Mother's friend It used there If no danger whatever. Oet Mother's Friend at the drug store, 111 per liottle. THE BRADHELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. A. L Writ for ear frrt book," rfor rulj It llotn " , Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Uiicmmled by any other. Renders bard leather .soft. ' Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness n excellent preservative, educes cost of your harness. Never bums the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all Localities Mannfartured by Standard Oil Onpnny. 1 r. d. bbdford, Rial - Estate, - Insurance, am Collections, Agent tor the Eqtitablr Like Assuk anok Society. ' LR. b. A. Creighton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Medalist Wostern University, Canada. OALLB Aa"wK DAT AND NlOIIT. rrrca tib Ceex's Phiumact. J. S. fcMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 1 TU WANT IT. ton lrtyi Wirk ir Tielh Wittat FUUt PORCELAIN INLAY aVa all tat latest laprereaerit la festal aeoa ails r We can surnish you brick in any quantity at tin lowest pos sible rate. Uiick on sale at either of the lumber yaid. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS.. Red Cloud, Neb For 14 Genls Wt mill thff following riri A iu..Hr.. ikf.ni.niM4TiuK.4, ,ii ( K.rU.ra Um,n k4. ' ',i ! I! riio.iM41 :,5 1 knlUntaarB4. .10 I IS-D.rlU4l.ah,,!, !; WortU$l.ooftrl4C:i ?. I8 !' " MmIUm v.wIU iuuuuj sJ r.ui.,.(,iu.c hi ttw.i Alae fkelra Oal.a Herd, . fc. iiik.::".-:'r"s:??,,',,"? H.r :r: ".v'T: .r.'n ". ' Jij .. ' ' a.llb.at. .Mllll HID CO.. UCrMM.ITli. , sasawsssBBeaaaU TRIUMPH INCUBATORS Hatches all JIatchablo Eggs.v Uses made. Require,, no supplied molst 5ff. Porloct yontlluUon. Equal CIalfe&U),yAutoulftU0' "TRESTER SUPPLY CO., 103 B. l ith St., Lincoln, Nob. , llMth WHtKt All tlbt jAUS. Uctt lOUIlb tijTUD. Tones Good. in time. Hold br dnik'aUtt. V"Wp"'1 fli P sJ I I .""Xw fSEEZSffTi U IilKi 1 Ir40. !1 ONCE A HOUGJl TOWN. Ava, III., Was at One Tlma Over run by Desperadoes. Aortic Mfmoralilc Inalnnara of Their Itardlbfinil One of Thalr Num ber Whii Win I'arllaa larly llnil, In the enrly 70', wJiert the now (lourlshirif; town of An wns known by tho iiniiie of "IIcnd(uartcrs," it wits overrun with roiih characters and desperadoes of nil descriptions. The plnec soon acquired such ft bad rcpiitallon that strangers were afraid to visit it. It was at this time, hnjn n special correspondent of the Chi cago Inter Ocean, that the Cnllnhnn clan was in the height of its power. Tlilsclnn wnsnn orf;nilied bnnd of out laws, and Its members raided stores, looted residences, mnde counterfeit money and stole horses. In speaking of the old Hcadquartern dnys, one of Ava'a pioneer citizens tho other day told of some of bis experiences. "I wan at work on a new building," aald the old citizen, "whnn tho slier Iff requested me to go with him to arrest Hill Rollings, a notorious rob bcr. He hnd another picked man, and we set out. The man we were to ar rest, or kill if necessary, had been lo cated In a small log cabin among the hills a mile south of town. The coun try vtas then in timber and was rough and unbroken. We mnde our plans as we rode along, and we were deter mined to make the arrest or die in trying it. We knew the character of the man we were after, and we were prepareil for busiuchs. "Arrlxing near the cabin, we dis mounted anil crept up as noiselessly as we could. 'I'hu shanty was sur rounded by a stone wall about four feet lil'h When we had almost renched ihu place the outlaw's dog barked, and t lie next thing tlint hap pened the sheriff's hat. was knocked on" li a rllle ball, which mIm took a little of his hair. We dlscocred that the robber was fortified behind the stone wall, nnd It was quite evident that wo were in for n siege, so we stationed oursehes behind soma trees nnd tired a olley at the desperado. We knew we could not hit him, but we wanted to make him thoroughly understand that we were not going to be driven away empty handed. The fellow shot nt us every time he got a chance, nnd we returned his shots. "After lighting Indian fashion for quito nwlille, the sheriff said that something must be done, as his time was valuable. He suggested 'that we make a charge on the fortlflantlon of the enemy. First he tied his hand kerchief to a stick and waved it from behind a tree. " 'What do you want, Mr. Sheriff? sang out Hill, the bandit. " 'I want you to Burrender,- nm ihoriff. " 'I nln't going to do It replied our man. ' 'cause I ain't done anvtr,l-w The sheriff then gave the word, and away we started. Our sudden move seemed to have caught the robber off his guard, nnd wc were right up to him before hu tried to shoot. When we renched him he was chewing to Imcco the fastest I ever did see a man chew. He reminded me of a sheep eating green clover. Hut he was cool and collected, just the same. Al though we hnd him covered with our guns, he Jerked his big Colt's re volver from hi belt and flred point blank at the sheriff. The ball passed through the sheriff's arm, making u painful flesh wound. The other dep uty and myself then Jumped on the man and succeeded in putting the irons on him, but he rnado an ugly fight, and it was all we could do to handle him. ITe was a powerful man, over six feet In height, and all muscle. "Wc then dressed the sheriffs in juries as best we could and started back to town with our prisoner. We got along without any trouble. Short ly afterwurd we caught Kollings' brother, but that's another story." Die Kollings boya and ten other men were sent to prison nnd served 15 years ench. At one time the clan hnd a membership of 26, but there were only ten or 12 who did the rob bing. The others assisted in making the plnns and took charg of the stolen goods. -I Aluminium fur Soldering Halla. Among the uses recently found for nluminium is the soldering of iron rails end to end In order to obtain n smooth, continuous track. Aluminium has the property of producing grent beat In the net of eombiuingwith ox.gen. The ends of the rails are placed together In n crucible filled with n mixture of nluminium anil iron ore. Thcmlxtme being fired, an intense heat results, and the rails nre Hrmlj soldered togeth er. This is snid to be quite ns cillcn- clous as the electric method of ol dar ing. Science. Resolutions of Respect. WnKWCAS, Through tho will of di vino I'rovitlonco, Contralto Grant has boon deprived of a faithful wlfo, tho children a loving iiiotuor, thoreforo bo i Rosolvcd, Thai Garliold Post No. 80, Department of Nebraska O. A. R ox tend their sympathy to tho berenved family in their sad hour of deep iifllio tion. That theso resolutions bo put), lished in tho city papers anil Unit a copy of tho snnio bo sunt tho family and that they bo sproail on tho record of the post. , I'. N. UlCHAIinSON,) 104KVII t.AllllKU. r J. S. WlIlTK, ) Com. Low Rates, Wst and Northwest, At n tinio of tear when thoitoanils wilt t jiKii nilv iiitntfcA of tin in, tin Hurl ingloii Route iiinkt'o sweeping icduct Ions in i s tntei to tho West and North westto Utah, Montana, Washington, Oregon alul lliitisli Columbia. Dates: Kobiunry 13, 10 mid i!G. March fi, 12, It) and 2(1. Apill 2, I), 10 23 nnd 30 Rnttwnro shown below: To Ogdon, Salt Lake, Hut to, Helonn, Anncondn, and Missoula: $211. To nil points on the Northern l'acillc Ry. west of Missoula, including Spo knnc, (Snnttle, Tncoiim, I'oitlaud, as well ns Vancouver, and Victoria, II C. $28. To nil points on tho Spoknuo Falls Hi Northern Ry. nnd tho Washington & Columbia River R. R $28. Never has tho Pacific Northwest been ns prosperous its now. Labor is on constant iiutnnnti nnn wages nro high. Tho money making opportuni ties nro boyond numbor tn mines, lumber, merchandising, funning, fruit raising, lishlng, and all tho other in dustries of a great and growing count ry. Litoraturo on request frco. J. 1 rands, Gen'l Passenger Agon t , Omnbn, Nebr. Deafness Cannot be Cured . by local application ns they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho enr. There is only ouo way to euro deafness, nnd that is bylcousiittitionnl remedies. Deafness is caused by nti inlbuncd con dition of the) mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. Whim this tnho is inllained you have n rumbling sound or Imperfect hem tug, nnd it is entirely closed. Mi'iuiii'SH i mu resiiu, mm un less thoinllamir.ation can ho taken out mid litis tutu' irestorul to its nonual condition, homing will bo destroyed forover; ntno cases out of ten arc mused by eatanh, which is nothing but an inll.tineit condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will givo one hundred dollar for nny ensu of Deafness (caused by cat arrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catnrili Cure Send for circulars, free. F. J. Ciiknky'& Co., Tolodo.'.O Hold by druggists, 75u. Hull's fmnilyjpills nro the best. Tho smokers of Rod Cloud can linil on salo by II. K. Grico nnd n few of tho locol dealers ono of tho choicest and most phonomonnl retailing cigars ever manufactured in tho west, thu "Tuck" cigar. It is hand mndo throughout and untqunlcd in workmanship by nny 5 cent cigar on tho market. Tho "Tuck" cigar has in its tiller tho finest grade of old unllavored tobacco thatenn be pur- draft is perfection. Tho "Tuck" cignr Is packed in tin foil in packages of five -).v. i.. ;.,- at keeping it fresh, retaining the llnvor nnd protect ing it from brenkngo when carried in tho pocket."" Tho "Tuck" cignr is in fact perfection in everything that is required to make a choico smoke. Thcro is no cigar" mado in tho livjo cent cigars that equals tho Tuck cigar, in lino workmanship, quality, draft and filler. Try the "Tucks". Jell-O, theNew Dtsaert, pleases all the family. Four flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your groceis. 10 ctB. rTry it today. What Shall Wc Have for Dessert? Thin question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it today. Try Jell-O, a delicious dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No bnkingl add hot water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orange raspberry and straw bet ry. At your grocers, 10 cts. poismi oak poison ivy are among the best known of the many dangerous wild plants and shrubs. To touch or handle them quickly produces swelling and inflammation with in tense itching and burning of theskin. Theeruption soon disappears, the suf ferer hopes forever : but almost 03 soon as tho little blisters and pustules appeared the rcoison had reached the blood, and will break out at regular vated form. Tltis poison will loiter in the system for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before you can expect a perfect, permanent cure. AAA Nattre's AitNote dddNitirc"ftls.is, is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants. It ia corn nosed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now is the time to get the poison out of your system, as delay makes your condition worst. Don't experiment lonccr with salves.washes and soartsthev never cure Nebrnska. showing, nrst. that ne has been a Y 7 . U.V Va luc' acvcrcun:,ii.nnn1ti.r 1 lenof said cottntv for iroruthan Mr. S. M. Marahall. booVkrrnr of the Atlanta (Ga.) Oas Light Co., was poisoned with riilton Oak. He took 6ulphur. Arsenic and varioui other drugs, and applied externally nttmeroui lotions and salves wit It no benefit. At times the swelling and inflammation was ro severe he was almost blind, for eight earn the polkon would break out every season. Ill, condition was much improved after taking one bottle of S. 8. 8 , and a icwnoitics cleared ins mood or the poison, and all evidences of the dlseaso disappeared. People are often poisoned wiUiout knowlncwhenorhow Uxnlaiu vot r i-ae , r"'"t "lien or now, ivXpiatii jouria- fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such infonuatiou nnd ad- vice as you require, without charge, ami we will send at the Battle time an ititk'rej.t - ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. tui vm f icirio oo, atunta, m. THE GRIP EPIDEMIC. The Disuse More Prevalent than Eyer and quite as fatal. The best treatment. Tlio grip has surprised tho doctors and health autjiotilles this season by its rapid spread and by nnm novel symptoms. Whllo it spares nobody it is proving especially dangerous to middle-aged mid elderly persons. In many casus either n intnl onset of pneumonia, or a complete breakdown of health nnd strength, is apt to fol low an attack of grip. Tho wise course for nil is prevention. By wearing n Honson's Porous Plaster on tho ciiest and back you protect tho lungs from cold nnd chill and (with ordinary cure) you nro safe from grip. For those who aro nlrondy suiTeriivfi from grip, or tho tisiufl winter coughs and colds, Honson's Porous Plasters are a suro nnd speedy relief and euro. Highly medicinal and fcicntilio. Refuse imitations nnd substitutes. Only tho genuine nro elTcctlvo. Kx nmlno when you buy. Seabury & Johnson, Manufacturing Chemists, Now York. m Homeseekers excursion to points north. On tho first and third Tues days of January, Fobrunry, March, April, May and June, 11)01, tickets will be on salo at one farn plus $2.00 for tho round trip, limit to twenty-ouo dajs from tlato of sale, to several points in Manitoba, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. See ticket agent for further information. A. CoNOVKit, Agent. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L Hill of Lebntimi, Iml nn; ".My wile liml liillnininiilory rlieiuniitlMa In every muscle tuiil Joint; her MilTetlni: wh lirrllilentul Iht luxly mill fitfuncrc nvoolen nlimxt Ixijotnl recognition; lutil lien In I'd for Hx weeks Mini liml elKlit J 1 1 y f 1 1 Iiiiih, Iml reeelveil no liciinllt ui'tll ilu tried tlii! .Mj Kile Cure for lllieutnutlMii. ItK'ivu him dilute relief nml Mie whn iilile lo wnl nliout la three lit h I nni Mire It euU'd licrllfc." ol by II. K. Crlce. Drn'ist, lleil Cloud, Nob. m " Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MvHIcCiiro lo' rlieniiHtlMii mill iietirnlKlfi n-Hillly eiircN In from one to three Ihh. Its ho tlon upon Hie system In rcinnrknble. hwImjh tcrlou. It remove tit once tliuesuse nml the (IlKeii'c Immediately illiiienrH. Tlio llrrt iluhe Kreatlyljeneflls. ?5ccntH. Soli) by 11. K. Urlce, ltcil Cloud, Neb. Thousands Have Sidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in Ahfi.J54ck.ls also der are out of order. What to So. There 13 comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times durlng-the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may havo a sample bottle of this wonaertui discovery fC'KL and a bpfak that tells more about It, both sen liMtuisa absolutely free by mall, SiSL'Miul aaaress ur. Kilmer at. rtomo of swamp-Eot Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. JpONSTIPATION loot Uta tboald avrar Knwliwud. objeetlgn to tba awl ettfctrtto 1 dlwMHWtr eoativ retetioa whit iiumhwcwihh nuxri wiiwaj. t ana on cat BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. InlheDlKtrlctCourtof the United (states for the District of Nebraska. In the matter of Henry A. Stevetu, bankrupt. To tnc creditor of IltnryA. St. reus, bnnkrupt: You are hereby notified that Henry A. Stevens, bankrupt has tiled hit peiltlan for discharge nnd It Is or dered that the 2nd day or March A.D. 1901 be and the a. mo tallied as the date oner before wblrh all creditor! of. and nil pernoni Inter ested In said estate, and In the matter of dis charge In bankruptcy of said, bankrupt, sbslllf tberdcKlre tootipose tho samo (lie lurnj ofllro in iiasiings, iiaiirnsia, in 1 ncaraiice in wrltlne In an aid dlstilct iuelrap prslllou to the gram iiiKOf said dlsrhartte. nnd olio within Undnts thereafter tlio in my snld offlro specIflcntUua f tno grouniiN ar hh'o oimiohiiioii. Dated Febr. 15, II H. J. A. OAimiNin, iS Iteferee In Bankruptcy. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In tho District Court of the United States for the District of Netiriukn. In tlio matter f .Tamps 8. White, bankrupt. To cri-ditors nf .IniiH'H S. White, banirupt: Nolle Is hereby ttlvrn that en tho eth day of reliruari, A. 1). 1UUI, the Hbove uamed pert on was duly adjudged a bnnkrupt, and that the lint mecllnxof cred itors will be held before the uudrwned Iff eruui blsofllOH In llaflltiHS. Nuuraska. on the 2Mli day of Kebrtiao, A. I). 1001, at 4 o'clock In the afternoon at which time the creditors may attend, prove tbelr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt en oath, and transact sueh other business as, may tiroperly come be- furn aald meelllic Dated Febr. U, 1001. J. A. OARD!HCn. Itatereeln Itantruptcy. LEGAL NOTICE u tire f ',. ' 0iiv" Tron Interested will take not that Ter AIICI1. UIM mi uniii.ni 61. iwi, (lie bis iiltlt.n In the District Ceurtuf Webster county, our year last last; second, thai bta father and motuer arc lienil, iiihiud un. iwch inniu ruiuu n mild one year old by Jamna MeNtitt. and dur Ing rll of Mild tlmo hua been known by the name of Oliver MuNutt, and hnsileno buoluess In Htirh name, und acquired prbperty Interests llionlii. and was Ignorant of ltta tiue name un til rtlxini the ear IHW; thltdrlhal for his own bot'eflLconvinlruri- rud protection In business ..... u .1 .......i.l,r l,ilbffv.MlH ti .1ilrra thu, I hMiamnberli nged. nnd lo legally assume the nn.eo niie McNuu. Tn" '"V1 l'm" w " b.e near' be'or. ,",1'' r, , ,ll0 m.xt regular term lliereor, to-wllj April I5th, lotii. at tho Court House. In lied Ciiud.lnsMdeour.iy.'ailOo'tlo kit m.,orassoon 'iVn"Ti00 1 m.tvitn allien. Petitioner, 1 Uy Oy.ii.un A iiLicKLrnnr ' uu Al,or,"!i- twf mH mm itiw W. B. ROBY, DKAI.LIt IN Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hay and Coal Oil. - HARD - -AJVO - No. i Third Avenue, Red PLATT & FREES CO.. -Chicago - Lumber - Vard. RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime. TRADERS IXJMBESR CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAI ttailclii3.a' m.ote:rio.l, Bto. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" II H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERY STOCKMAN AND FARMER. now many or you have lost tlio price of this CurIiio in ono day 011 account of la. sufficient wind to opvriito your wind mills, icuvlui? our Mock without wnter. Oct ono now to do your puinplnR when thorn is no wind or to do It rp-tiliirl-. Wouthor doos not a (Tec t Its work, hot or cold, wet or dry, wind or calm, It Is a. iho sumo to this machine. Will also shell corn, prlnil feed, saw wood, churn butter nnd Is handy for a hundred other jobs In tho house or on tho farm. Cots nothlnR to keep when not worklnir. nnd onlr 1 to a cents per hour when worklntr. Shipped cnmplotoly set up. ready to run. no founda tion needed. 11 gre'it lnlor and money silver. Hpqulres prnctlonlly no attention, nnd l HwoluUMy safe. o mnko nil Blzcs or UiiBoIIno Knglnes, rrom 154 to 75 tiorso power. Writ or circular and special prices. FAIRBANKS, MOSSB St CO.. OOIAHA. NEB.' City Dray and B, IftZ. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivereu .. oart of the city t-in.0oC as jow as the Lowest . CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. MAUtR IM Vines, Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. E'OHICHEaTKR'SJ KNQLIBH . MUNjUrS. Alw.j.r.ll.bl. La4U, Unitrlrt P9V VU1VIUU1 bib D " w. la UKD aaa 0ld UDi tiw. ull wlthSlurtkbta. TakBotkr. RrM Daaajaraaa Mak-iUtatlau n ImlU ttm. Bi .t jr JJragti, r Mtd 4. la Unix r Partlalara, TMtlaualala ul ' lleltaf Tmr La4lca," tn Mur, b; rt larmM.ll. IO.OUOTmUe.dIiI.. S.ldii lIDrmUu l'blcktatrl'hmlaalO Wi. MadUol-.rk.flllUAl'AT PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OlttDM, and. txautlflea lb htil. l'rtimntel a ltlxurUDl CTOWU1. Merer Tails to Ileitore Oray liair .9 ne xeuimui uoiur. Cuni Mlp ditrawa hair dUlng. SOc.andSluuat Dmnlill G. V. ARGABRIGIIT, ARTISTI PORTRAIT PAINTER. 1 ItKD Cloud. Nebraska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits iiiittlo to order. BTUDIO IK DAJlUrtKLL BLOCK. 1. 13. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look Uox S3. Guide Itock, Neb. W kinds of property bought, sold sad exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TBUUb IIEA80NABLX 1. P Knileaiila KKsut-aBBBB SOFT COAr Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Express Line. TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.T RED CLOUD NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY Bl. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1B BALI LAKE CT PORTLAND SAM FRANCISCO and all point west. rains umti as follows: No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and 81. Francis branches, Ox ford, XcCook, Denver aad all points west .. g a.. No, 14. Passenctr dally for St Joe, Kansas city, Atchison, 81. and all points east and south 8 '15 p. as Mo. ll , Passenger, dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and No. 18. Passenger, dally for StrJoe. i.auiurui 8:40p.s, Kansas City. Atchison, at. Louis and all points east and south- . 10:00a m No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Hasting. Grand li. land, Black IIIlli and all points In tho northwest.. 1 :00 n sa No. 148. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Ie- Publican.., li'Wnn, No. ol. FrpJeht. datlv nrrnnnMWi ' -- ..--, , . ..M.W.B HUU o. iiwj niiu inicrmnniein No. 63. Freight, dally foTffepiibiican Junction points. 19:45 p.m. "' ituiUMum auu an points k. a w,iis. H..i--rr."s""-.-!--uu.ni. west. ror Wymoreandall point cast 6,45 am No. 173. PrclRht dally to Oxford and ' Intcrmedlato points l:30nm Sleeping, dining, and recllnlug chair cars (seats f reel on through trains. Tlckots sold nod sKeWrSnatt? ' ""' P'nt "' W ' Sft ttverMt"0 Notice of Final Settlement. State nf Nebraska, I Webster County! f,H 1 Inbrt1ka,U,,ty Court of Wobs,er bounty. Ne- Wni.sic'esVe'.i. f he e,ta,e of tM 0. itNMWn0n.,.,bU23ad,'of Norembcr. 1900 came II. M. Cochrane, executor of said estate kn'rt 11 "Jf his (lnal account as such wecutor in . "'? Jjyl Petition praying for i ffial MMlSa-ntM allowance of sad account aa fiiA .Sf vlna order of distribution. n,ctl'nl foraa renXr! heirs of sld deceased, and all : wrsoni ?'i5?.ih.8 el tn snhl estate are reqi eted to n. XS..J 2le.ix time and place so deslgnatwl iml 'fcK,i ,Une II Is further ordered that ssldcxceuiorglra notice to all persons Inirreucd In said..?.. . HiHilme and placo fixed fo ' V?. 1 " e of Imr aniUeiiHtiK said : account br ?.ni ?" alluw' j;f this order loBbS publW d ffi ' ,V.S!.VopI Ciimr. nwceklv ncwsinVilr ,ill.l f, "''' t-Ioud crnl rfrcuUtlo.1 In Mli'iKinft Pf S rll!!? Jn.en uUeceksp,,oHoetij!ie( 1 -HiMbj v UU0, f f n MaH,MVMSe