wmuaiij iiiBt"tf)"M'"-'i' '""" tjWMMUlHli I r MOT MI'I " i " "" - 1-',T " p if l ft s a 1 I ) il s. If if Phil, the Fisherman's Son. "So now, what'ro yo goln tor do? Yo lost tlio chnnst o' goln' on tho Northern Light, nn' yo wuz on'y Joot lu tlmo, o' course, to loao the Job .nriioro. Yo ain't nny llko yor father, an " "Oil, don't ma'am," pleaded tho bit; hoy at tho window. "An yo ain't llko yer brother both on 'em luyln' out thoro on Ocorgos till tho Uia trump noun's. Ken yo toll of yo've got any Rpttnk or goahoad about, yea. tit all, 'sldoa wantln' tor go tor SCllOOl?" I'till did not nnswor, only lookol sullenly and unseolngly out ot tho window at tho driving sleet that throatouod nt times to dash In tho panes. When an occasional lull catno, a gllmpso of tho "backshoro" wan caught, with tho ocean spray dashing to an enormous height along tho rocky coast. Tho storm of words from Phil's Htopmother, and the raging of tho ale meats without both helped to stir u a strange commotion In the breast of tho llHhonnan'a boy. Ho looked out, and felt that ho would rather face the Hlcot and tho wind. Now, as ho gazed dully Into tho up roar without, In an Instant his eyo dilated, mid his vision suddenly glowed with a certain Intelligence that nearly betrayed itself by a quick ejaculation from hla partod lips. Ho got closer to tho window and looked more Intently. Then, without a word ho Jumped to hla feet, and. catching up his hat, made for tho door. An ho passed out into tho yard, ho toppod at au old shed, and taking up a gun and a heavy hank of codllno that lay In a cornor, ho was out and away In n moment, making for the "back shore" uh fust as his sturdy legi would curry him. Ho followed a bcatoa path over knolls and hollows, and keeping his gazo fixed steadily bofors him, he at length buffeted, his way through the florce tempest to tho long popplo hcuch. YchI There wan no doubt of It, now a schooner had struck on Wolf liar, and moat of tho crow hnd taken to tho rigging. Tho tblo was low, and tlio storm had toased tho vessel upon that unlucky shoal, where somany other had found tholr grave. Phil did not stop to ask hlmnolt what was tho best thing to bo douo. Ho know what to do, as ho had soon his father act promptly lu a llko situa tion only two winters before It was Impossible, ho know, for his lino to reach the schooner from tho beach. There was nothing for hlra but to got out on Table Itock, ten feet distant. Ho watched his chance. Meantime, every passing moment was one of wretchedness and misery for tho shrieking men out there In the storm. At times tho breakers were enormous. Phil must hurry If he would do any thing. Now or never, he thought, as tho fury of tho waves lessened a bit. Hold ing tlio gun high over his head, with out hesitation ho ran down Into tho bitterly cold water that surged and swelled to his arm-pits, but ho reachod the rock safely, and climbed upon II, soaked and shivering. Ho could hard ly keop his feet, but he uncoiled tho linn, and fixed tho stick fastened at the end of It Into tho gun muzzle. With his heart pounding fiercely, ho rnlnud tho gun, and carefully Blghtlng over the vessel's deck, ho tow'ied tho trigger. Like a live thing and lu.nost as swift as light, tho lino shot out from the rocks. Holding Its end firmly, ho wntched It anxiously as tho wind bore It out ot Its course, until thank Oodl It foil and hung over tho bow. He suw one of tho poor fellows force his wuy along tho tloodod docks and grasp the line Just as It scorned about to bo blown away. H watched him with all his heart In his eyes ns ho mado his perilous way up tho rigging, with u heavy rope bound to the line. In a moment l'hll heard: "Pull away!" Jumping into the seething wator again, and Just escaping being caught lu a breaker, he ran high upon tho ttiiore, and hauled in tho ropo ns rapid ly as he could. Winding Its stout end about tho base of a amnll boulder and Bocurlng It, he waved his arms to the men In tho rigging. In tholr danger ous place they mndo the ropo taut and attached to It a string running loop of cnuvus. A bravo young fellow was the first to test It, and drawing him Belt along with all his strength, he soon found himself by Phil's side. Dack went tho loop by means of n line the mon had tied to it and ashore enmo another man, and do on, until tho crow ot fourteen found themselves thanking God and blessing Phil that thoy were safe ashore again, though they wore the losers of nearly all their earthly possessions. Somehow or other, the storm-boaten party at lost found lta way to the houso of Mrs. Torroy, Phil's step mother. That Mrs. Torrey did posses a heart was evidenced by her silicon; und tireless efforts to mako the half drowned men comfortable; and that she succeeded lu doing so was plain from the thankful ejaculations of tho crew. "Phil," she said to the boy, later on; "I c'n seo now why it wa'n't meant ye sh'ld go out In the Northern Light; an' I hope ye haint took It too much tor hoart, my speakln' ter yo so. We'll eeo If thoy alnt somo way In the world 'at yo o'n go ter acbool, ef yo want ter. I sha'n't opposo yo no more. This day's doln'B Is euough ter satisfy me 'at yo'ro o' tho hero Bort, like yor father wuz." PW1 did go to school, "worked his way," as horoes often do, through a collie, and Is not only an ornament but an bouored leador In tho com munity In which ho lives. Frank Walcott Hutt In Portland Transcript. Mitta III for Itnail linprnvMimit. Reports of somb of tho agricultural meetings recently hold In Illinois ln dluato that tho attempt to Interest farmers lu tho subject of state aid for the Improvement ot rouds Is meet ing with some opposition. Tho objec tion raised was that a stato tax would mean that to Just the extent of tho state tux paid by him, a citizen of ono county would bo mado to pay for im provements In another county that would bo of no peisonal Interest or value to lilin. Is this position well taken? Can thoro be it groat public Improvement In ono part of a state that will be valueless to tho people in other parts of the state? Tho people In tho rural districts of Illinois probably foel that thoy have no Interest In the public Im provements In Chicago, but Is it likely that If no Improvements had been made; If Chicago had remained tho mud hole It was when old Fort Dear born was built, that Illinois would be the great stute It Is today? Would It bare made tho great and rapid devel opment It has oxperlouced without tho stlmuloiis of a great city reaching out for lta products? No thoughtful man questions the wisdom shown by the government In encouraging the building ot transcon tinental lines of railroad by Urge grant of land or money, yet the same sort of an objection might have been made whoa the Union Pacific was built, that Is rained now when state aid In the building of wagon roads Is proposed, viz: that It would only bene fit the states through which It passod. It Is generally admitted that the rail roads nro the arteries ot coinmorce, and therefore of value to every citizen or tho United States. It thin bo true, surely the wagon roads are tho veins of commerco ana becauso they aro nearest to the products on which the citizens of our cguntry depend either us consumers or exporters, the more valunble. When the country roads aro Impassable, as Is frequently their con dition during tho winter season In the corn bolt, farmers nro unable to haul their produco to tho railroads and tho shortago lu supply that such condi tions breed, causes a rlso In prlcos, ot which the middleman with a stock on hand, reaps the bouoflt. As soon as shipments are resumed the market Is temporarily glutted and prices drop before tho farmer has a chance to realize on his shipments. If all tho avenues of trade could be kept open all tho year around, It would un doubtedly bo better for all concerned, certainly for tho railroads, who would rather have enough business evory day In the year to keop all their cars em ployed than to have such a rush at certain seasons that they are unable to handle It. That tho railroads are alive to their Interests In this matter Is proved by the action of some of them In shipping material for road Im provement free or at a nominal cost. If the grnln growor could bo suro of good roads for hauling and good ship ping facilities all the year around, he would not feel obliged to sell bis grain as soon as It is threshed rather than tako tho risks ot getting It to market later In the season, as he is often con strained to do now. Nothing would so greatly aid in thu economical distri bution of produce nB good roads. Whon tho corn crop falls In one state the feeders ot livo stock want to purchase tho corn ot some other stato ami tho condition of the roads in that stato over which It Is hauled may consid erably nffect the prlco they will bo compollod to pay. In n country llko ours, what Is tor tho best good ot tho whole is for tho best good of tho Individual and no ono can afford to opposo great public im provements because ho falls to see di rect personal advantage to himself. Such a spirit Indulged In und carried to Its legitimate ends would overthrow all our Instltutliis, for the whole pchimio ot government, of civilization Itself, Is tho combined effort of all for tho good of all. As tho good book puts It: "No man livoth unto himself and no man dleth unto himself." We can not get very far from the golden rulo without retrograding commercially as well as morally. In a Inter Issue wo hopo to give full particulars or the road Improvement bllU recently Intro duced lu the Illinois legla'aturo by Representative Curtis. Hurt Hale at Chicago. Salos at the Chicago horse market during tho week ending January 26 lncludod an unusually large number of coach and drntt stock of u superior order. Thero was considerable demand on tho part of eastern buyers some Individual animals bringing 1250 to 1350 and extra choice teams ot 4,200 to 1,440 pounds, $000 to $700. A good many orders for farm chunks weigh ing 1,200 to 1,600 pounds, were placed at 190 to 1135. Bussers brought 85 to ?120. Thero was good Inquiry for coach horses, which sold for the high est urlcoa of tho season, high class single animals ranging from 300 to $1,000, whllo fancy teams realized 6Q0 to I1.17G. Exports did not equal In numbers thoso of tha corresponding weok Inst year. Dealers say that tho volume of Chicago's export trade thus tar for 1001, is llghtor than it has been in throo years daring tho corre sponding porlod, but they antlclpato a larger business next month. Rotation economises applied ma nures by making uso in due tlmo ot all their fertilizing Ingredients. The grntest catorpult In the wurld t tho yoomau tung; It kin mako skan dill fly clean acroat tho continent. Tho largest mosquitoes In the world ire found In the arctic regions. Clever Eskimo Dogs. "Talk about dogs," Bald tho old Alaska miner, whoso remarks have been published In tho Now York Sun, "why, theso cura of high and low do grco In tho cast nro not In It whon compared with tho Alaska matnaloot. "From puppyhood up ho takes to har ness like a duck to water. Ho goes ut It with vim nnd vigor characteristic of bis ancestors. Rig tho pup In nny old harness, nnd it's amusing to see how good nnturcdly ho buckles down to business, staying with It llko an old stager, novcr tiring, never feeling dis couraged. Ono becomes very much at tached to theso exceedingly useful and companlonablo animals, and they al ways Improve on acquaintance. The longer you know them tho better yon llko them. With white mon thoy are at first disposed to be a little shy, but they gradually mako advances, and ul timately take the visitor Into full con fluence. "When we pitched our tents on Nome beach last summer we had a lit tle experience with huskies from the Reklmo huts, la our absence from the teats theso dogs were lncllaed to take liberties with our previsions, but they did it la suck a sotentllc manner that wa felt More amused than outraged, Tko dogs weuld form a skirmish line on tho outside, and then send their most skilled thief into the tent to re conaolter for meat and bread. It this thief failed they would send another, and It he was successful they would divide the plunder In as Intelligent and equitable a manner as dog thieves were capablo ot doing. These dogs wore honest Injuns at home. When thoy becamo better acquainted with us wo could lcavo tho mess chests open and they would never touch anything; they woro on their dog honor, and never violated It, only accepting food when It was offered to them. 'I'm led to there remarks," aald tho old minor, "from seolng men and boys on tbo streets endeavoring to break all manner of domestic dogs to harness. They can't do It; lt'a utterly Impossi ble, because the poor brutes were not born that way. Tho Newfoundlands, or St. Dernnrds don't appear to havt any Intercut In their new calling, and they show it In their downcast faces, and they show It In their downcast tails and dejected countenances. You must remember that dogs have very expressive faces, and show their feel ings in a remarkable degree; they are tbo only animals that laugh and cry. They have shared my Joys and sor rows In the bleak arctic, and this is why I have a tender heart for dogs. uaoa. THE STARTING TOINT OF FERTIL ITY. T the Farmers' Review: During tho past few years wa have heard a good deal about humus, yet so little Is It understood that some remarks In ref erence to it may not be amiss. There are a good many farmers who can talk quite readily about the elements of fertility, but their knowledge of them seems almost usoless In practice ow ing to their not understanding humus. They seem like people who have learn ed sufficient words to speak a lan guage, but nover having learned tho grammar of It aro continually misplac ing the words. Now, 1 don't want to be understood as cantlug any reflection on farmers' English, but what I mean to exemplify is that until wo ground ourselves proporly In tho principles underlying humus In the soil we can not cultlvnto very Intelligently. If all tho countless experiments in manur ing carried on by tho agricultural sta tions had boon guided by first estab lished principles, wo would not todny bo floundering In tho mlro of empirics on the manuring question. The de crease In tho fertility ot our farms can Invariably bo traced to destruction of humus and want of bnlanco in tho hu mus restored. It is difficult to find a Blmlle to Illus trate humus, but perhaps the reader may gather 6omo idea of It In contem plation of charcoal. Charcoal, like hu mus, results from the partial destruc tion ot vegetable matter, In which the more readily combustible gases aro driven off. Charcoal will not readily docompuBO, yet it can bo burnt up, and Its constituents largely pass off Into the air, leaving only tho mineral soil elements In ash. The manure heap, consisting of straw and dung ,or a pile of grass, practically burns until tne more readily combustible gases are drive off. If it has been kopt suffi ciently well wetted to prevent "Are fang," there remains a mass ot black and brown stuff, which wo call humus, and which decomposes only very slow ly, practically conservod by Its own acids. This stuff, like charcoal, has Important absorptive power, ana HKe charcoal preserves for a tlmo from de composition what It absorbs. It has within lta own structure all the min eral elements and most of tho carbon and nltrogon of the plant or manure from which it 1b derived. It absorbs from tho soil tho mineral elements wbioh are constantly being set tree by th various aaents at work there. In this way it becomes a storehouse for plant food, and It Is from It the plants oock and obtain their food. As a mat ter of course this humus is not alto gether Indestructible. It is conse quently breaking down, or perhaps more correctly burnlug up, and the carbonic acid resulting from it frees more possible plant food from the soil basis. The passing ot seasons leaves more material to dlo on and in tho soil, to form more humus to absorb tho nowly freed Ingredients. Thus In time, the boII becomes what wo term rich and this Is the condition ot vir gin soils. Thus tho young plant at eaou successive season finds its sus tenance In tho food propared and stored up for It by Its ancestors and parontfl, and for which thoy have loft tho charcoal ot their bodies a store house. If wo would keep up the condi tion of fertility wo find In a humus virgin soil wo must provide first for keeping stationary the percentage of humus. From time to tlmo wo must add sufficient now earth from tho Btib soll to allow of a ronownl of the min eral Ingredients for humus storage. Also wo must make provision for tho storage of nitrates, cither from tho at mospheric air or from nltrnto salts. We find It Is necessary to keep up tho balance of tho plant food contained and stored In tho humus, Just as nec essary Indeed ns It Is to bnlanco tho food for our nulmnls by using as foods the grains of ripened fruits ot tho plant us well ob tho foddem. Here Is borno In upon us the tremendous valuo of the legumos (pod plants and clov ers) as manurlal agents, for they sup ply nitrogen as well as humus. 8upposo we have, us most farmers have, destroyed the humus condition ot our soils which it took nature many years, perhaps hundreds of thousands, to accumulate by leaf, straw and in sects. What shall we do? Can we readily restore it by plowing In legume crops? Certainly we can, and If we have the courage of our convictions we will do it thoroughly and In a compar atively few years, But will we then have the original virgin condition In our soil? No, and for soveral excellent reasons. We have taken from the soli we are now about to reclaim so much of its available mineral matter, partic ularly Its phosphoric acid and lime, that our hu mates will be deficient In balance even If we could produce them rapidly enough. Then wo can manu facture humus pretty rapidly, but Its gradual decay nnd consequent action In liberating soil Ingredients Is too slow to fully nnswer our purpose. With tho removal of tho lime and magnesia tho phosphoric acid may have fallen n prey to the steel-Jawed Iron and alu mina and Is held so tightly that tho weak nclds resulting from the destruc tion of the humus cannot readily re leaso It. Tho silicic ncld also Buffers In a llko manner nnd as a result we have such a poorly balanced plant food In tho humus that we do not get the full benefit In ripened crops that our plentiful supply of nitrogen would predicate, and our straw but poorly supports what grain is formed. In a later article 1 will tako tho op portunity of expanding this subject to show conditions necessary to the pro duction of greater crops than normal soils are capablo of. Thomas Wallace. Kaergjr la Milk 1'roUnrtloa. A bulletin of the Storrs experiment station says: The digestive tract prepares the food for assimilation Into tho tissues, the udder elaborates the milk, tho heart forces the blood with its load of food and oxygen through the body, tha lungs supply oxygen to the blood and remove from It the products of the oxidation which takes place In the" body; but tho brain aud nervo sys tem aro concerned In nil theBO opera tions. Through tho lnflucnco of this system tho activities of all the organs are aroused, guided, controlled, and harmonized. In the cow tho heart and lungs are ever active. The di gestion, absorption nnd assimilation or food, nnd perhaps the mysterious elaboration of milk, are constantly go ing on. Colllor estimates that a cow giving au average quantity ot milk produces, on an average, 138,210,000 fat globules per second during each twenty-four hours. This and tho Eocre tlon of tho other constituents ot tho milk illustrates tlio amount of activity In tho milk organs nlono, and sug gests the need of a highly developed nervo system. Tho more pronounced of tho outward signs thnt indicate this nervo development are a bright, lively and prominent eye, thlB prominence causing a dished face; a wide fore head; a wide Junction ot the skull and spinal column, Indicating a large brain; a lnrgo, prominent backbone, giving room for a well-dovelopod spinal cord; a long, slim tall; and considerable energy and vigor and stylo of action. The Ngro anil tha Mult, Why is It tho negro Is so successful at managing tho mulo, nnd Is so un successful at managing a horse? It Is generally ndmltted that both theso propositions are true. Tho negro Is a noisy driver; whllo he Is teaming he 1b constantly shouting at his beast of burden. Tho mule Is by no means ns sensltlvo to nolso as the horse Is; ho Is less excitable and more patient. The horso's excitement exhibits Itself In violence, that of tbo mulo In stub bornness. Tho phrase "horse sonso" Is founded upon nbsurd error, for the horse actually lias very little of thnt which humanity terms "sense." Yot, have we a right to expect any vast amount ot sense In an animal whose eyes are so constructed as to magnify obJectB from elgty to twelvo times their actual size? ' Whllo it Is truo that tho negro soon ruins the average horse, it is not truo that he is more successful than othor people In the management ot the mule. Tho mule Is adapted to every class of driver, but the negro can bo adapted only to the mule, and this, we suppose, is really why we Indulge tho humorous heresy that nobody can got along with the mule but tho negro. The fact Is that tho mule is tho only quadruped that can get along with tho nogro. Chicago Rocord. Clay 'soil that Is well drained and rull of humus will be frozon to a great er dopth than soil that is full ot water. Hard clods will hold neither neat nor moisture and hence cannot be used by tlTe feeding rootlets of plants. Wood Preservation. There Is now being Introduced Into England by the Xylosoto Company a process designed to provent decay in wood, nnd known ns the Hasselmnnn system. In this the timber to bo treat ed is enclosed In a cylindrical vessel In which n fairly high vacuum Is pro duced by a suitable air pump. When tho Bap has been drawn out of the pores under tho diminished pressure a solution ot metallic and mineral salts Is allowed to flow into tho vessel, and tho wood is steeped In this for eomo hours under steam prcssuro and at a temperature of about 130 degrees C. Thon after being dried, it is ready for use. The Impregnating liquid Is a so lution of the sulphates of copper and Iron whoso preservative properties are generally acknowledged, together with some aluminium, potassium and mag nesium salts. The Inventor of the process maintains that the copper de stroys any germs of decay that may be present while the Iron comblaes with the cellulose, or woody Mere to form a eompound which Is Insoluble in water, and hence cannot be washed out by the action of rain. The salts In this way are made to permeate the sub stance of the wood, and are not merely deposited mechanically as minute crys tals In the pores by the evaporatloa of the solvent.. It is claimed for the proc ess which apart from the drying takes about four hours, that it greatly re duces the inflammability of the wood, enables it to take a brilliant polish and increases the hardness of certain soft woods to such an extent an to render them available for purposes to which formerly they could not be applied. Another advantage attributed to It Is that it saves tho expense ot seasoning In tho ordinary way since perfectly green wood nfter treatment neither shrinks nor warps. Tho process ap pears already to have gained consider able recognition abroad; thus It Is stated that the Bavarian Stato Hall ways and postofflco have contracted to have all their sleepers and poles up to 1905 treated by It, while the Swedish government has adopted the system and ordered C00.000 Bleepors preserved by Its use. Llka UagaU I.lkf. A new beginner asks: "Do you think It likely that tho daughter of a sow that haB been noted for her largo Ut ters will be a breeder of the same sort or more so than a sow from a dam that has always had small litters?" We have to say In nnswer to this that it is to be expected that she would luherit the good characteristics of her dam. If she did not in some measure, there would be what is called "atavism," or harking back to the characteristics of a remote ancestor, which is unusual and not-to be counted upon. The whole plan of breeding is based upon the truth of the saying that "like begets like." We would not expect to get a good milking cow from a poor milking one unless the sire influenced the prog eny towards milk production. The lat ter effect is to bo counted upon to help the prepotency of the dam, but the dam should nleo have prepotency towards the production of that product for which she Ib kept The scrub cow is bred to withstand tho rigors of the clt mnte without shelter and to Jlvo upon poor food, but sbo has no prepotency towards the production of a largo flow of milk or towards producing a max imum amount of flesh or fat from a minimum umount or food. Tho breed ing of sows is based upon the same laws as those applying to cattlo breed ing and Indeed tho breeding of all nnl mals. The sow Is expected to produce after her own kind and llko horseir, and tho boar Is to bo chosen possessed ot thoso attributes and characteristics which will not counteract tho prepo tency of tho sow, but being of tho samo sort, Join with It nnd mako tho progeny even stronger in thoso attri butes than Is either of tho parents, or at least as strong. Tho bow or n dam that had always proved to be the breeder ot email litters would bo like ly to have small Utters also unless sbo were bred to a boar that had descendod from a line of females noted for their prolificacy. The boar might not al together overcorao the prcpotoncy or or the sow to produco a small litter, but it would be found that he would help matters and lu tlmo' the bows of the small Utter-producing sow would Increase in their prolificacy nnd so provo profitable breeders. In tho same way the breeding qualifications of the family of largo Utter-producing qual ifications could bo Improved by mating with boars having tho samo sort ot prepotency, but would bo spoiled In time by breeding to boars from the othor kind of family. From these T)l olnts It Is to be seen that, In breed- ing, prepotency towards a desired end should bo present on both sides of the family, and when It is thoro, it is to bo Improved upon by continued breed ing ot the rnalos and females of the same family or lino of descent.- So well was this proved by the early breedors that they hated to change the male which had given good results, for they found that his work as a breeder was even stronger In the desired direction when he wob bred over and over again to his own offspring or their descend ants. In fact, la was found that In-and-in breeding would clinch the progress made by selection and establish the strongest kind of prepotoncy. Such prepotency 1b found today In tho ca pacity possessed by tho Poland-China hog to make lard out of corn, a pro potency which has been established by the continued breeding of the same line of blood. Whon carried too far, close breeding gradually lost its value and 'showed bad effects in loss ot vi tality and constitution and invariably less likelihood to produce large 1 1 tier of pigs. A now beginner, then, must select the right typo of bows and bonra possessed of prepotency to produce thof product or typo he desires. He may clinch his work by a fow crosses of close breeding, but must not go too far or ho will dofeat his own purposes by weakening his hogs constitutionally or au producers of litters. "Like begets like," 'tie true, when all things aro fa vorable, but man may lntcrforo with this law of nature olthor towards im provement or tho reverse nnd so must i breod his animals with caro and lntol- llgenco. Hhnep Nl"w '"land. A correspondent In an exchange writes of New Zenland's sheep Indus try as follows: Sheep farming may fairly be called the leading industry of Now Zealand. There nro over 1!), 000,000 sheep In the colony.. During tho year ending March 31, 1000, wool to the valuo of 4,741,212 pounds ster ling, and 3,339,163 carcases ot rrozen mutton and lamb were exported. Con siderable eapltal Is invested by In dividual farmers, as some ot tho flocks f aumber over 100,000 sheep. Anything uader 35,000 Is eeasiderctt a smalt lock. It is said that thero is not mueff moaey la the business ot late years, and at keet the profits nro not more thaa latere en the money in vested. Much or the load devoted to this branch ot farming Is extremely rough ana hilly, aad to a stranger at first glance would appear to bo quite worthless. It is astonishing, however, to see the kind of oountry over which the sheep will erase, and many dis tricts quite useless for any other pur pose of agriculture will' carry two to y three sheep to the acre. In southern districts where tho winters aro more -i severe, It Is the practice to grow tur nips, into which the sheep nro turned during the winter. In other districts they depend entirely on the pasture. Wyoming dispatches say tuat re ports from the north say a month ago cattle men nlong Powder river nnd Otter creek sent warnings to tho shocp men to get out of tho country. Tho flockmnstcrs refuted, and a band of masked men captured a sheep camp and drove 3,000 sheep over a cliff, kill ing them. R. R. Seway owned tlio sheep, and he has offered a rewnrd of $2,000 for the arrest of the raiders. Tha Sheap Hiatal. "Today the seat of the sheep-rearing, ladustry of the Union has shitted frotnr the Mlddlo West to the plateau region' between the Rockies and tho Sierras. Ohio 1b still doing very well In thei business, with nearly 3,000,000 head, but she has dropped from first to fourth in the list ot mutton-producing' states. New Mexico is at the head, with more than 4,000,000; Montana has, nearly as many, while Wyoming leads' Ohio by a few hundred thousand head. Idaho closely follows Ohio in the rat ing. Oregon, California and Texas each has about 2,50,000 sheep. llaalU af tha Farnifir. In one of the publications ot tho Field Columbian museum Dr. Elliot gives a description ot the curious lit tle North American rodent known as the sewellel, and often called tho mountain beaver or farmer. The lat ter name is derived from lta habit of making hay. The little rabbit-like animal excavates its burrow in tho neighborhood of a low-growing water Illy. It cuts down the stem and loaves of this plant In great quantities and carries it to tho mouth of the burrow, where It Is spread out to dry in iho sun. When properly made Into "hay" it Is carried Into the burrow, where it Is used for feed and bedding. It fre quents swampy places In the vicinity of small streams. The Canadians are elated over the. fact that both their butter and cheese received high marks ut the Parts Ex position. ThlB strengthens their stand ing In tho forolgn market. The Cana dians nro striving to win on the buttor trade as well as on tho cheese trade, so far as tie English market Is con cerned. However, we cannot bellev that It -will bo an easy matter to build up a large foroigu trade even for Canadian buttor. They aro hampered by the same circumstances that keep ua down the Inclination of the home market to take at a good price all tha first-class product that can be turned, out. Thnt this state of affairs Is no Imaginary Is proved by the Canadian oxporta of dairy products last yearj Tholr exportation of cheese was In creased and the price received was largor than the provlous year by 26 cents per box. On the other hand the exports of butter dropped from 451,000 to 256,000 packages, though tho price la England was 70 cents per paekage more than last year. The amount of buttor being sent to England by Can ada Is only equal to the amount Bent by New Zealand, and Is only half that sont by Australia. We do not believe that Canada will ever be able to com pete with the othor colonlos in this matter for the simple reason that aha has access to populations at homo that are used to paying high prlcos for what thoy want. A system of rotation of crops should, be so arranged as to economize tha natural supplies of fertility contained in the soil. Different crops feed upon different soil Ingredients, or at least they require these ingredients in vary ing quantities. A proper succession of crops brings all tho eloments of plant food into uso and hence prevents any of these from lying idle and being wnsted, as for example, by being car ried away by water in its constant per eolation through the soil. What wo call a spider's thread con- slsts ot more than 4,000 threads united. A