& kWs& rJSIS!! HRWR?ri :fWlttAOTWitlMUi tatfO" MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. LOCALLY yvvr)viv6v0vvvV0V)V IS in $1 ' f l? ibUnbbtbibbbbibbtlifcbtbLibibbilMiiliUivtfc. Come in . and see that new -s , , s- stock of t GAJdEHftS I r I SUPPLIES, i i ' ' . Yc arc making i.t: 1-Lowosl Possible Prices i 4 fr 1 on these in order to I s move quickly. ; I CAMERAS I a fr 1 ROM I $1.00 to $35.00. I - fr M ' . j ''n'B '9 ln0 l'nosl anu" complctcst fr tap - line ever in the city. t- Jieuihoose Bros., f I Ued Ootid, Neb. , ' 1 Jewelers and Opticians. I ' n . .. - - - - ,.-- I WEEK'S HAPPENINGS, Stove repairs at W. W. Wright's. jVor farm loans call on C. V. Kaloy. p Special price on buggy whips. Fo tEL & Hutchison. Dr. Waldon of Itiverton was hero the first of tin week. A pleasant social dance was given ai the Must hall on Tuesday evening. RoyTait was locking after business matters in Kansas City thclirstof the week. Sid Longtin has rutin nud fiom Hast ings where he has been attending busi ness college. Mrs. Mark l'.itkes of McCook ar rived in the city Monday on a visit to Win. l'arkes and family. Mrs. Samuel Temple returned Tues day from a soveral weeks visit with fiicnds and relatives at Atlantic, Iowa. Tbeio will bo regular service held at the Christian chinch each Lords day at the usual hours. II. S. Soi'tiKit, Pastor. K. II. Foe left Sunday night for Mc Cook whore his son Fred is seriously ill with inflammatory rheumatism. L. H. Rust says if you want nursery stock, let him know what you want soon. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs and roses. Miss Cora Uarbcr, who has a posi tion at the state house at Lincoln vis ited at the homo of her parents here the last of the wook returning to her duties Sundny. Mrs. Harriot L. Urown received the sad news of the death of her aunt Par nulla Sholoy, which occurred in Now York state recently. Sho had reached f ho ripo old ago of 93 years, 4 months and 4 days old. Noticb Lost, nearly now niokol frame eye glasses, in case, about Feb ruary 1st. Thought to havo boon left on somo counter, may havo boon drop pod. If the finder will please leave them at this ollico ho will receive a lib eral lownrd. At this season the housekeeper must look specially after the baking powder. As she cannot make good cake with bad eggs, no more can she make rake that is light, delicious and dainty with inferior baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for the preparation of the finest food. It imparts that .peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cr.ke, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., which expert bakers say is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. The "Kojnt Hater nnl ravlty Cook" containing rrnr P' moM practical ami aluihlc rooUrip; it ccli't frctoe-t union vfM postal oiil Willi) our full aUunk.. Tint CitiKKfl per year. Dr. Spencer of Iuavalc was here on Thuisday. , 'Canvas legglns at cost. Fooki. A: UUTCIIIOON. A few of those dandy 'Joe whips to go nt lOo at Hutler's. The line of heating stoves at Wright's is superb. See them. l)on't fail to got our prices befero buying Fooki. & HinuiusoN. Mrs K. H. Smith returned Sunday from a visit with friends at Itiverton. F M Hopkins of Riverlou was here in Mnniln v lnnbliiff .if tin. ImetiifioQ mnl. I "......j ..,.,,.... ,..,u. j,.j...v.j ...u. teM. Miss Nellie West who is teaohir? school at Falls City is hero to visit with her parent". Wbb Jossolyn and other It. A: M railroad employes weic here in a spec ial car Thursday. Foity thousand feet of oak lumber for sale cheap. Enquire of K. H. Goblo at Red Cloud Mill site. Littlo Juliet Galusha gave a very pleasant party to a numbor of hor young lady frionds last Tuesday. A very pleasant time is reported. r Wo havo put all our 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 nion's laundricd shirts on our tables at GOc and 75c Big bargains for shirt wearers. Cowdkn Kaley Co. For a hand made harness to givo woar, mado of tho best oak tanned leather that will not rip or t oar. and warranted to be mado with tho boat of care,. go to J. O. llutlor. Lew Clapp, who has for somo tine been tho popular conductor, driver and goneral manager of tho strict car lino, has accepted a position in tho grocery department of Minor Bros. Frank Clauson of the south ward has got tired of paying rent and has pur chased tho property south of D. L. Groat's residence and known as the Kubicek property. He will makosomo improvements. Somebody has beon spreading an epidemic of a desire among our citi zens to depart for tho country which will soon bo opoued up in tho Indian Territory. This is a very contagious diseaso and somo who are at present doing well hero had bettor not got mixed up with it. Hugh Miner returned Wednesday from Chicago whero ho purchased a large invoice of new and seasonable giods for the Arm of Minor Brothers. These new goods aro now arriving and aro being placed on their sholves. It will pay prudent buyers to always study their advertisements found in these columns. Tho Christian church peoplo this week received their no v boll and have placed it in the tower of their church. Tho boll is a littlo "off color" as far as sound goos, and can bo readily distin guished from tho other bolls in tho city. Wo are glad to notico tho improvement and would bo pleased to noto an im prsvement of liko character at tho Methodist church. ' Kd Pulsipher met with a very painful thouffh not Kovoro accident on Thurs day morning. While at work sweeping tho frost from tho roof of i'latt's new lumbor sheds preparatory to shingling ho lost bis footing and foil to tho ground, a distanco of somo twelve or fourteen foot. Ho was quito sovoroly bruised in tho ankles and left hip, but fortunately no bones wore broken. At presont ho is getting along nicely and in a shoittimo will bo about again. Tlutc are clitan baltlnc lowders, inaili linm alum, tin" lliej are ex. ccoIiiik1 Inriulu wiliraltli. llieir lutrltiRem ami lauterUlns uualltlir mid ,i tlariRrrouf clement to lootl. GENERAL CITY NEWS. ' 85 cents gets a 50 cent whip at Fogel & Hutchison's. See tho Hue display of heating stoves at W. W. Wright's. Tho Ciukk and Chicago Inter Ocean no j ear for $1.25. Mis. Mark Paiks of McCook visited relatives iu tho city this week. Walter Roby sells tho Singer sowing machine. Piiccs rigtit. Get the best. Roy Zint of McCook was iu tho city this week the guest of Miss Blanch Conover. Deputy U S. Revenue Collector R. (J. Sto wait was in tne city on business Wednesday. R T Potter and Bernard MeNony left Thuisday night forn business and pleasuio trip at Denver. M. R. Bentley and wife accompanied by Miss Mabel Put man left Sunday morning for Hot Springs, Arkansas, whore thoy will spend soveral months. I wish to announce to tho public that I am prepared to cry sales. Those needing my services will find it to their advantage to' see tuo.-Ci.orKn Cum MINUS. Albert Uhlonsporgor of Milwaukee Wisconsin, is hero visiting with tho Rassor brothers and other frionds. Ho is a painter by trade and has decided to locate here. When you havo urgent business with someone in another town or city, re member you can roach your party tho quickest and best by tho long distanco telephone. Rates mado known on ap plication to "central." Tho household effects of Mr. Richard Whittaker who somo timo ago purchas ed tho old Saml. Garbor place north of town arrived and he is now comfort ably located. Mr. Whittaker hails from Fulton county, Illinois and wo aro glad to welcome him to our commun ity. Jno. Rtinchoy, tho popular proprie tor of tho Holland House, this week installed one of the best and hand a miest legisters made, for that popu lar hostelry. .John is stiictly up to dato and wo aro glad to seo him mak ing a success of his business. It is what this town needs. Insurance, I Abstracts, I Notary Public. 5 'WW T O. C. TEEli RED CLOUD, NEB. S If you aro going to givo a banquet and want somo swell menu cards, if you aro goine to got married aud'wnnt tip-to dato wedding cards, if you ait going to have an oponing in thy spring and wish to please iu this line, if jon want typowiiter paper or stationery of any kind, either printed or plain como antl seo us. Wo havo a lino lino. Tho announcement of tho now firm, Baylor & IMack, appears olsewhoro in this issuo Tho now storo will car ry a full racket storo stock and will bo known as Tho Fair. The dato set for tho oponing is Saturday, Fobruary 0, by which timo all tho stock will havo arrived and bo arranged. Wo tako ploasuro in announcing tho now firm and sincorelyjhopo thop will bo success ful in thoir business vonturo in this oity. A oolored troupe mado a ono night stand at tho opera hnuso this week. Just what was their lino of talent or whether they had any talont wo did not learn. Tho house was not jammed to tho doors and most of thoso present wero chary of admitting it. This is an other indication that our city needs an opera houso where troupes of merit only will bo permitted to appear on the boards instead of strollers who bill and appear all on tho same day. Burlington Route 925.00 to Califor nia February 12, 19, 20, March C, 12, 10, 20, April 2, 0, 10, 23, 80. Lowest rate in years. Applies to San Francis- t.r I .no A nrtiilna Kunrulnflntn U.itt .tion ami prelty nearly every other impor tant point in CHlifurnia. Tht'iuch totuist sluupers on i.ll of the above dates get ahoaid at any fetation iu Nebraska at which train slop?; get oh" at Los Angolos, Seo nearest Burling ton ticket agent, or write J. Francis, General I'assonger Agont, Omaha, Neb. Kd Kellogg left this week for Seattle, Wimhiiigtiiii, (teo. Hutchison of Cowles was doing business heie Friday. Miss Meta Cloiigh a siMor of Mrs J. A. Haiiiu is visiting In the city. Clyde Olnistead accompanied the in mains of his brother .J mi to H-tslingn yesteiday. (Jeo. Challln and Miss Sadie Zule both of Webster county weio mini it'll by Judge Kdson on Febitiary 23th. Mauiago licenxo was gi anted on Febiuaiy S.'ith by Judge Kilson toT J. UverMieet and Mrs. Mary l'lilllpii. Omar Butler was lendeted a veiy pleasant surpiisu by his joung friends last evening. A very pleasant time is lepoited, Mis Annie Conies and Kdwartl L. Tom bet both of Webster county witie mat tied by I. B. Colvln of (initio Rouk on Washington's blitliday. Someone told us a while back that Bert (irlce would not build on his resi dence lots for a year or so, but we b licve we wero "joshed". Tho material on his lots now indicato that n new rcsidonco is going up soon. If you seo anything in this papar that pleases you if you think it has tho right ring havo your namo put on our list as a subscriber. If it displeases you givo us yout namo anyhow it may plcaso fiomeono olso this timo and you next. Talk about scared people, S. F. Spokesiicld was about tho worst of any of them the other day. In his de livery around tho town ho lost a roll of bills amounting to nbout S1G5.00. However ho eventually found it again but at tho next mooting of the city council ho should bo asked to explain whero ho got so much boodle? List of letters lemaiuing uncalled for at tho postoflico at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending-Fob 28th, 1000 Sallin Dorian, W. Ktherton, W C.Howard, W. R McAlister, Kmnia l'ciry, M. K. Roskwers, Non Robinson. These lettt rs will be sent to tho (load letter ollice March 14th if not call ed for heforo. Whoti calling for abovo pleaHo say "advertised." T. O. Hack Kit, Postmaster. On Wednesday morning F. V.Taylor clerk of Rod Cloud Camp No. 208, Mod orn Woodmon, received $2,000, for Mrs. Berg, in full payment of the poli cy held by him. Mr. Berg died on Tuesday, January 20, and tho return to tiro beneticiary of his polciy was mado on February 27, less than ono month from death. This certainly speaks well for this beneficiary organi zation. Tho new lumber sheds of Tho Piatt & Frees Co. aro rapidly assuming symmetrical proportion and when com pleted tho yards will bo ono of tho fin est in tho west. Wo are pleased to noto that tho increaso in tho lumber business will warrant such improve ments, and wo predict that with three more years of good crops Mr. Piatt will havo to increaso his yatds to covor a block aud ovory farm in tho county will bo improved with a liandsomo residenco and barn. On Thursday morning whilo freight train No. H was at Republican, Brake man Judd Olmstoad mot with injuries which a fow hours later caused his death. Tho fatal accident was caused by tho young man going in between the cars to cut tho air hose and on stopping back his left heel was caught in a frog and the car whoel crushed the entire length of tho leg and passed act ots thu body. A special Main mado up of thu engine nnd eabooso of tho tiuin in charge of Conductor Leliew was immediately brought into requisi tion and tho injured man, iu cbaigo of phyecians was suoii being whirled to Hastings in an effort to reach his wife in that city beforo ho died. Tho train was boarded hero by his brother Clydo Olmstoad who went to Hastings with tho unfortunato man. Tho hopo that bo would reach Hastings btforo ho died was not realized as ho passed away betweon Blue Hill and Ayr. Ho leaves a wifo and infant. This week we aro pleased to acknowledge tho receipt of somo very lino wedding cako, handed in by tho brother of Harry Harris, If Harry's wife is as sweet as tho cako wo don't blamo him a darn bit, but as yet we havo been uuablo to figuro out just exactly tho meaning of all of it. Ono pieco contained four layers, one was brown nnd white and one was all white. Now we can figure out tho four layers all right or at least wo suppose that to bo tho number of the family iu future and ono layer for each. Tho brown and the white aro easy 'too when wo stop to figuro it out. It represents life's matrimonial seas and tho tioublesj to be incurred, mid we me pleased to nolo that tlio white predominates to a( huge digiei, hi'iii'H we conclude that I wlnio thi'ir life Ul'O be cvi iitful at tlnii'H in the mam it will bo peaceful AIKI IIHt Willie l I'liliuiuu", mi nun u . . I . - .1.1. . . plo'u-aut and nappy om age. in. inks lii other Hat i is you have our best wish es for a long and happy voyage over life's matiimouial seas. OVER V3 -a COHTS MND DUCK COHTS A g At almost your own price. 5 anceofour 9 3 3 a 3 Men's, Boys' and Children's 1 Overcoats 3 3 AND at 33r Discount. 3 3 Also some great weight Suits, Underwear. A positive sacrifice in order to make room the bitr S . ,.,.t. ... ,... .1 1 A . ..! 1.- " "" nu.N muw uii uiuiu.m. rv great saie. ion s; will miss it if yon miss it. fc g el f 6 rS UOWDJUN-lVAIiEY THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 2p------B--m-m-9-m-----a--mTi-m-m-mn JlaFeh 9, 1901, m m m m m m m i m m m tff Or ik Mi lb If lb tb lb Kb ib lb lb lb lb lb lb lb ib lb ib ib ib lb ib ib lb & lb ib lb lb lb lb ib ib lb ib ib m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Will be the opening day for "The Fair" The new store in the Moon Block. We have a regular WET STORE m m T i f n m n m m m m m m m 2 and have so many differ a m m m ent kinks of gcods it will be useless to m try to name l COME IN I AND SEE FOR I YOURSELF. ib ib ib ib ib ib lb ib ib ib ib ib ib lb lb lb ib lb lb ib lb lb ib lb ib ib lb ib lb The name of this store will be m m M m m r p m TheFair. fCtt((tf((F(ftftttt(.t? The bal- j Duck Coats 1 6 & bargains in heavy fe S Pants and & & & ULOTHING CO. gUubibUubOilblbibibtbibibiblbttbibib, 4 w i - 4 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 You want good vegetables in your garden, and you need good seeds I fr fr fr X I fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr t fr fr fr fr I t fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr ft fr fr fr 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 to get them. Our garden seeds have arrived and are the CLEANEST and BRIGHTEST seed we ever had. c ALSO BLUE GRASS 9 7 pounds of nails for 25c. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. m CLOVER SEED 9 at the right prices. ' 9 9 9 9 1-M1UM..-.,.. i 'ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK. ' -r p-'wixr Tr"" -" "nj ;TTjr; rrrKnz7Zg82i