VOJjTJME XXIX. W& BROS. Red Cloud, Nebr. The Time Has Come! We are going to make the GREATEST SACRIFICE of the Season. All Ladies', Misses, and Youth's Jackets will be sold at 25C on the Dollar. You may wonder how we can do this. It is our intention to get rid of them, and those who are in need of good garments at a premium, will find us ready to accommodate them. A few words and figures for the little tots. Ask your mamma or papa for $1.38 this will buy you'the Best Garment in our stock. Children's Jackets, Regular W 50 now II 88 " " 5 00 now .: 1 25 fc " " ' 4 00 now 1.00 " " 2 00 now .50 Pair of Sizes 6 to 8, consisting of Black Cat, Bur lington fast black, etc. These hose retail regulerly at 25c per pair, our closing out price ioc per pair. DRESS GOODS, 30pieces, 10, 12J, 15, 20, to 75c the yard, to close out at half price. , w ft Or S i ITS A MESSAGE. Your advertisement is a message from you i" to the people who want what you have to sell. The effectiveness of. the message depends on the way it is worded. If properly worded it will reach the people. ' interested, the rest depends on you. Our businesf is to prepare messages. Publishers' Advertising Agency, David City, Nebraska. bmiiiz--i5' T&E CHIEF, $1.00 PER YEAR. 'jserest rnrtn rr-jr aj j."' JSs"W','Jy3JfrlwM''' '' '"' """ '."gggSS 'm.i Frnft Lilies' Regular $12.50 Jackets, now $3.13 " " 10 00 " " 2.50 it n qqq it 225 ' ' 8 00 " " 2 00 it ii o oo " 1 50 ' " 4 00 " " 100 Misses Regular $600 Jackets, now $150 " " 4 00 " " 1 00 Hose Sa"$ RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 22, 1901, BLUE HILL. I have jours of rt cent dto. Mrs. Nation. I Iiiitc noted what you state, Mm. Nntloii, Yes, John Oooso I' selling heer, Jiistnboutn block from hero, And he' feeling might' queer, Mrs. Notion. I.oulc HrhnmAnn's still on deck, Mm. Niitloti, Si'llltiK hy the lnt or iack. Mm. Nation. lint ho'sKCiired to ikittli, my pet; And, ulii'ii jon nrrlvc, yon bet llr'll surrender, never frit, Mrs. Nitltn. They're expecting you to corno, Mrs Nntlon Yiiuiuiil I will spill tin Ir rum, Mrs Nntlon; llrliiK our lintrlu t unit jourgtui; Come to fight ntul not lo run. And we'll have no end of fun, Mrs. Nntlon. Write ngatn before wo net, Mrs NhHoii. Let me know the ditto exnet, Mrs. Nntlon; I.Ike n wolf upon Its prey. Mice a farmer making liny, We wll mow them down to stay, Mrs. Nation, Thuro is no small pox in Bluo Hill. Miss Marion Sweczy ia in St. Joseph, Missouri, purchasing her spring stock of millinery goods. W. A. Garrison and wife nttonded tlio ceremonies nttending the opening of tho K. P. bull nt Hustings, lust week. I Herbert Smith and family of Lin coin have been spending a fow days in town as guests of K. A. Simpson and family. John Croner, who formerly lived near Bladen, has purchased a farm east of town. Mr. Croner removed to Oregon last spiing. Ho now Bays ho is fully content to lesido in'JWeb stor county. Tho Ancient Order of Bald Hoadcd Prevaricators mot at tho usual timo and place, but owing to last week's oxposuro in this column, they are as close mouthed as clams. This strin gency will probably relax and wo will then 'apply tho lturup and give the readers of tho Chirf the benefit. Meantime we are informed by Dr. fulkerson that Brother Johnson, who recently lost an ear is doing well and that a new ear is growing out and de veloping nicely. joait slowbot's TAtKifnaa. Sweet Sally Ann, with balr like twine, O. Jet me be your Valentine; We lored ton, gal, back f rem the time I passed your dad's, haulln' lime With them old skate 1 uie4 to drlre When yaur aunt Hannr was alive. I seed yon settln' near the door, Makln' rag carps t for toe floor, Tour sleeres rolled up near shoulder high, Makln' things hump as I went by; "Qte whlx" scI, "See that gal work. Sho'd make a wlfo that wouldn't shlf k." I'vo seed you since, amllkln' cows, Talked with Hank rolls and Hank allows Thare hain't mi gal In twenty miles K ii do more work and r mile more smiles; And what Hank Potts don't knew 'bout gals Hain't been found out. And so l'si Sal's. There's somethln', Sal, that speaks Insider It sex that you mutt be my bi Ido: I'm sartlu niro It's what's called leve, Jest It-t right down from heneu nbovo. oemsllkemy heart would Jurapstralght through My utirneil old skin and fly to you. I hain't got much of this world's stuff; My larnln's bad ; my clothes look tough j llut somthew, hal, It seems I must J tut gltyeti or my heart will bust; Bo, Sally Aim, ltli hair like twine, Please let me be your Valentine. COLUMHUS. ' GUIDE ROCK. Last Friday Osborne Ayor was cutting down a tree over on his farm and itfell on him. He Is in a critical condition, his daughter Mrs. Houl has beonsont for. Walter Watt and Sarah Titus wero minded Inst week. J, U. Skrnn from west Mt. Clare was posting bills in town today advertising his public sale, March (irst. Mrs. Janu Taylor was over from Lobitin this week. Hon West amIJMiss Bonton wero married last week. P.trties from Lawronco Nebraska wore hero the ilrst of tho week trying to negotiate for the Unldo Hock House. Thero will.be a musical and vocal 4-- entettainment ntlho Kekley church on tho evening of February, 28, proceeds for the church. Admission 10 16 cents. Cull at I. IS. Colviu's barn nntl sou that donkey. He Is all right ami a ringer too. J. II. Crary nntl Joseph Hunter will both build lino new houses us booh us the weal Iter is lit. Revival meetings tit o in piogress at the Ciiiistiun chinch. Tho Woikman Lodge- hud a supper ul Hiiover Hall last night, Leave your news items at ColviuV ollleo in the Hunter btiittU nr. Amidown COWLES l'lie weutlief man hits cut, us on" nn other chunk of winter. Tho work' on tho sky scrapers is somewhat delayed on account of not getting stono but the carpenters aro at woik on tho fiatno. Wilber Rippotoe visited his fathor Hov. Ilipuotoo hero this week. Wo wonder if Van will change his mind again. Henry Sutton and Arison wore shown en Into tho mysteries of the A. O. U. W. Tuesday night, The B. & M. bridge gang made head quaitersin this city a few days last week. Hichard Ureonhalgh is expected homo from Now Zealuud in a fow day9. Tho little 0.4 surpriso club held a meeting at Mrs. G G. Hoits last Tues day night Those present report a pleas ant evening. l'hero is somo talk of a bank being opened up hero. Wo hopo it is not only talk forCowles needs a bank, and it would be well patronized, Thero will bo a series of meotings hold in tho Congregational ehurch this weok to furthur the advance of the Sunday1schoo)-work atthisplaco. We also understand tho Christian church will hold a series ot evival meetings soon. Bill your' goods out if you want them to go by tho Burlingtoa Route. ' v If the Bluo Hill Deputy for tho Bald Headed Prevaricators would only come down hero there would bo no trouble for him to organize a subordinate lodge here. There is plenty of good timber here and thoy would have no trouble to qualify them, only perhaps a fow would havo to abow their beads. Wilson says my trolloy is twisted for it wasn't engine No. 212 that he was betting on at all. Pete Hill held a publio auction this week of all of his bolongings and will soon loavo this part of tho country. He has not decided whore ho will locate yet, but will leave his family in Blue Hill for a whllo till hn looks up a locat ion that will suit him. Earley says his brothor can not como for tho children are sick and Piorce has got tho heart failure. So it is pretty hard to tell how that contest can come off according to contract be tweon Brown and Jack. Mr. Walter Wells, nephew of our hotel man Mr, Brown who has boon visiting hero fiom New York has gnno to Campbell to visit relatives for a few days. Mr. Geo. Harris of Campbell was doing business hero this weok. 8. B. 'Watson arrived homo from Grand Island this week. Ho has been visiting a brother. Tho Ladies Aid sooioty of tho Christ ian church mot again this week after missing several meetings on account of batl woather. LINE. Weather somo llttlo warmor for the last fow days. Snow all gono aud roads very muddy. Miss Melva H. Van Dyko from Frank lin is homo on a visit this woek. Horn to Mr. and Mr. Frauk"Van Dyko a girl on Februaty 17th. Tho school board of Dist. No. 8 has treated tho school house to a new Bhinglo roof this week. Tho little old school house lias cost the district a little over four thousand dollars. K. W, Anderson will run tho cream route from State creek to Red Cloud this summer. Some talk of Allen Car penter i unning a creamery route to Inuvulo. Opposition is tho life of ttude. Tim literary nt Dlst. 09, is increasing in interest as the Monlfonl boys urn the ptincipnl speakers. Tho Peter Marsdon ranch hits chan ged hands this week. John Mnrsiton reports being aiouml ngiin ami doing a good business ul Hob trt, Coloitulo, (or the railronl com p.tny. The enterprising stock men, thu Divis Brothers, are busy buying stceis to feed this full. Rev. A. A. Miller of Itlooiuington will pleach in Lino some time in the near ftituic. Mrs. Muckoy is no bettor at this writing. Shu is not expected to live. Rev. 11. 11. llaskins ami Sherman Fordyco will start toward tho sotting sun in tho near future. GARFIELD. Mr. Kenyon has moved to Rod Cloud. Dean Smith was at homo last Sun da v. Tho roads aro in bad condition yot on account of tho drifts of snow in tho draws. Ratio Wagoner was visiting her sister Mrs. Mohlor last Monday. Charles Mtingcr was quite soriously ill last Monday. George Wolfo is convalescing slowly. Wo understand that Will Fisher is moving out onto Mr. Konyon's farm which ho has rented for n term of throe years. . now fad a good-bye social. Tho young friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fishor, providod with somo nlco things to cheer tho innor man, congregated at their homo last ovening to send them tolhoir new location rejoicing in tho friendship of which thoy will not be deprived in their new home. . N. L. D. Smith is circulating a peti tion to get subscribers for a rural free delivery mail route.' We 'Wish him success. Georgo Houohin is slowly recovering from a long serious illness. CENTRAL WEBSTER. Weather cold. More snow coming. The grip is oa the rampage again. A young son is reported at the home of Jas. Bromvells. Wm. Croziors little son Carl is on the siok lisk. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Donny have re cently returned from a months visit over in Iowa. Mrs. J. K. Haught and Mrs. J. W. Smith aro roported as having tho grip this week. Miss MattioCrdxton who livod in this vicinity a numbor of yours ago isather sisters Mrs. D, M. Hunters. Mrs. John Buster who has boon ill soveral times lately was taken qulto bad again Sunday night but is reported Borne bettor nt presont. writing. Mrs. A, R. Carswell has a brother visiting hor from Mlchigian. Ho is a brother to F. C. Johnson, Their uged mother who lives with Mrs. Cat swell also enjoys tho visit. 'Tho local talent of Kokloy expect to givo an entertainment ut the church on tho ovening of February 28, 1001. A fee of ton and tlftoen cents will bo chanted at thu door for tho boneiltof tho church.' It promises to bo a good entertalnmont, Harry Bates and wife woro very nuuh surprised on Wednesday of this week when their relatives and frionds to tho number of about forty came driving in bringing well tilled baskets of tho good thing of life an J took pnsession of their homo. All did ample to tho dinner especially Mr. Butler urn) Mr. Doughmun who uto at every tabln and thero wero four. All present on- j'.juu iiii-iuaeivro miRi-iy. nil. iinuA, t(mt t0 cbAltOr of tho PoH DO Mrs. nates expect to move to western (valutas in mu near iuiuiu id result'. I. !!. J... ... 1, but will always count this a red letter day. Eaves Dkoppku. t -4 (. M NUMBER 8 ASH CREEK. Weather warm and tho snow is neatly gone. J. M. Clark was up to bin farm on Hultatii cteek one day lust week. A numbor of our young folks wero tho unllniHof Jon Smith and family ono day lust week. S.J. Campbell from North Branch was visiting his uiiolii and cousins on Ash Creek last weok. Mr. W. Fisher will movn on Mr. KonyonVs fat m in thu near future Mr Joe Wooly ftom Sheridan county Kansas was down to attend the funeral of his sis'ter, Mrs. Young. Mr. Monger is on tho sick list tills weeK. Grandpa aiulGinndma Campbell nre visiting in Ash Cteek this weok. Clurouco Reed is soon over on our Creek most uvory Sunday. Burt Kniutis body was burled in Wagoner gravoyard Monday. the LINE. (Came In too lato far last week.) Woatbersomo warmor this week. V. H. Scrivuor mado a business trip to Red Cloud this woek. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Al Scrivnor a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wro. Macicey a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Issao Wllmor a boy, Oklahoma correspondent wanted to know what bocamn of South West Web ster. Sho has gono to Oklihoma to mako that her futuro homo. Labon Attbushon and Richard Kcaglo mado a trip to Red Oloud Monday. Some sioknoss.nlong tho stato line. Mrs. Ruth Dubois, Grandpa Ferguson L. and P. Boyco are on the sick list. Tho literary organization at Pleasant Dale was largely attended some time 'ago, but not so large last Friday, E W. Andorson was elected president. Mr. Adams sold his thirty acre traet of land to a land agent in Red Cloud, and will go to south eastern Kansas to make that his futuro homo. His son, William has gone to Oregon to work on a ranch. Chas. Isora reports no work in the goldmines and will be back in the aear future. Andrew Soderlind has leased! the farm known as tho J. C. Wolf place. The Union Sunday school at Dit. 8 has closed until tho first of April. Hiram Boyco spent a fow days with friends at Dutch Flat this week. Mrs. iWildoy was the guest of Mrs Labon Aubusuon this weok. Louis Attbushon was tho guost of John Morrill this woek. v Mrs. F. D, Hntchlson wns oa tho sink list this wook. Littlo Hollo Mclntyro was not so bad hurt as wns thought nt first. Sho is out and around again. Grandma Bnaohamp had tho mlsior- ' tune to fall and dislocato hor wrist last., week. Al Scrivncr was doing buslnoss In lino ono day last week. Resolutions of Respect. Wiieueas, It has pleased the Su premo Commander to remove from our fraternal associations as a mem ber of Jiuios A. Gariield Post, oar comrade Wm. Dickson. Therefore be it, Resolved, Thnt tho sympathies of Gariield Post No. 80, Department of Nebraska Grand Army of tho Republio bo totidorcd tho bereaved wifo and ohlltlieii and that a copy of those reso lutions published in the pnpors of tho cliy and spread on tho record of the Po.t and a copy bo sent to the family- iti-inied for thlrtvdava "' I ' ' F, N. RtOIIAIlDSON, JOSKflt GAItUUlt. J. 8. Whits, Cora. AxiStHaf-Vvt'.11"" ' ""to'tite""' j VJife yfy'' 'jifflJi. , I V W T. ' ..t j t i j i i. umnntii zrjgtia