w B lr f.i i ! f M i I II THE CHIEF runuaniD bt W. li. MoMIIiLAN. One your... Blzmontht .1100 50 rUlMSHKl KVRHY FIUDAY Kntored t tho tot offlee at Bod Cloud. Nob.ru )Condclnmll mutter. ADVKUTI8INO KATES! Toctl HdvcrtlMtiR 6 cenu jcr line icr It-uo. Local Advertliliw for cnlcrialnm.iiU. con tort, ocl.l. etc, Klveii by chtirchcn. charitable clctlc.ctc, whe-o all money rained there rromareuwdwhtlly for church or charitable oclelle. flrt ten line, frco and all over ten ilnei 3W cents por "no per ltic. Local advcrtlln of entertainment, concert, rtciul-, etc.. where per cent l Riven to pro moters, n cent per "" t1' I""1"' laM.AT4IIVritTHIlll. One column per month . - lL v., One half column per month . J ' -Oncfoiirth column per month .. Oeneral illplr wlvcrlfcliu, I 8U cent per inch per Imiic. . ALMOST FORGOTTEN. What's tlto reason Kcd Cloud don't go after one of tlioso new state normal schools? A meeting will lio called in llio near future for tint purpose of discussing tho opera house proposition. Watch lor tho date. A'kbill has boon intrntiucctl in tho state legislature authorizing nn appro priation of 815,000 for a Nebraska ex hlbit at tho Buffalo exposition. In tho second ibsuo of tho Commoner tho editor bolioves that four years is long enough for an vonn to be president, how ovor, his "opinion is not based on otual oxporionco with that high po flltion, but from oxporionco in trying .to got it. m Mrs. Carrio Nation's iioancial man ager," who was to steer a lecturo courso on shares for tho woman of hatchet fame, figured up tho receipts of an ovonlng'a locturo in Iowa and im mediately cancelled his engagement and put back for his Topoka home while Uo had monoy enough left. As u financial investment tin tho gate re ceipt plan Carrio is an utter failure At a dollar-n-plato dlnnir given at Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, uy the Jefferson, .Inckson nnd Lin coln longtte in honor of Abraham Lin coln's birthday, W.J. Hryan was in troduced by the toastmaster as follows: "The last titno I had tho pleasure of introducing Mr Hrynn to you I Intro .duced him as tho next president of tho United Slates. I again introduco him to you as I did then." When did tho democrats conclude to make his candi dacy perpetual, or until ho should bo elected? The bill which was recently enacted by tho state legislature authorizing tho construction and maintenance of two moro normal schools in tho state -was undoubtedly a move that will bo sanctioned by a majority of tho people of tho state. Hut those two inslltu tions should bo located whero thoy will do tho most good and bo tho most accessible to tho largo number who wish to tako advantngo of them. An other thing to bo taken into consider ation is that thoy should bo located in towns of sufnoiont sizo to accoramo dato them. Locating a normal school in a towu of less than oho thousand population should not bo thought of. "Wo would liko to see ono of theso chools located in Ked Cloud, and wo bollevo that no better location could bo found in the south central part of tho state. Why not make a movo to so euro ono of those institutions? Incident! ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut of Their Littleness. What a lot of prevaricators there ut o i i this old world. And somo of them provarlcalo with such easo and graco that tho general public learn to think that they tiro tho most truthful of men. Now from tho reading of a section of our Ditto Hill correspondence of last week, in which it described the troubles of Hugh McCluro of that place, nnd his heartrending mishap witlt a runa way hot so, would anybody believe it was a pure piece of prevarication made out of whole cloth? Now wo would have been willing to but a last year's almanac or tho chance that Mum Hill will go prohibition this year, that the event absolutely happened. How one's fond beliefs are suddenly dashed to atoms. On Tuesday wo received a let ter at the postolllct!, nnd immediately visions of a new subscription with a postofllcu money order attached or an old subscriber who wished to pay up for four or live years back anil pay a year in ndvance, were in our thoughts. On getting at the contents our fund hopes were shattered. Tho communi cation was from Mr. H. M. McCluro ono of tho substantial implement dealers of that city, and stated that tho item was false from beginning to ond and kindly asked us to correct it. Wo do this with pleasure Our correspondent is either a member in good standing of the Ancient Ordor of Bald Headed Pre varicators or elso ho was haviug a llttlo innocent fun at Mr. McClure's oxponse. Our advico to him would bo to ob serve Washington's birthday and tako advico from tho llttlo hatchet episode. But talking about prevaricators, lied Cloud has the ouliest only ono, (somo peoplo como out plain and say the big gesl liar.) Wo wont tell you tho namo as most peoplo sometime during their slay hero have come under tho ban of his virulent prevarications. Even tho little birds are next and won't slug in his back yard. ror several months this paper has been made a victim of his prevarications. Strangci h liuvo been cautioned to not enter tho tin Hanctilied portals of the ollicc and some ,vlio havu listened to the oily tongued stories had almost comu to the belief that a Gila monster was hidden within. Hut wo caught on nnd invited somo of them to jnter and they departed without having received the sling of a cobra do capello. This prevaricator still lives and hero is another case whore Carrio and her little hatchet might got in a winning. Wo do not wish to seo tho projectors of our now brick building improvement put to any unnecessary troublo or expense but somo kind of temporary sidewalk should bo laid on tho north and west of theso lots. Tho business along this portion of tho street has beon consider ably impaired by tho snow banks nnd mud. Elmer Ross had so much fuu out of the pig nice of wook before Inst that ho has concluded to have ono of his own. Ho will soon issue a chal lenge to all tho hoavyweigots in tho city. Ho is training for tho event Sewing as n business is nn exacting nnd exhausting occupation. Long hours, fine work, poor light, unhealthy atmosphere these are only some of tho things which fret the nerves nnd hurt the gen eral health. Often there is a diseased condition of the womanly organism which causes backnche or headache and the working of the sewing machine under such conditions is akin to torture. Thousands of women who work fliPifP iH ; li have written grate ful letters to Dr. R.V. Pierce, whose "Pavoritel'rcscrip. tion " has cured their womanly ills and established their gcncrnl health. "Pavorllc Prescription " es tablishes regular ity, dries un healthy and offen sive drains, heats inflammation and ulceration, nnd cures female weak liens. It makes weak women strong and sick vvniiipii well. Sick women are invited to couiult Dr. Pierce by letter ire, and so avoid the indelicate questionings, offensive ex aminations and obnoxious local treat ments deemed necessary by some physi cians. All correspondence private. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce. Iluflalo, N. Y. "I lake ureal plea-itre In rccomtnemlhifr. Dr. Pierce' I'nvorltc Prescription for female weak lie" write Mr. Suvuinnh Perinenter. ol I'miU Store, Shelby Co., Texaa. I wa troubled with benrliiK-dowii palm In my back and hips r. .i. .,... n.ol mir in Dr. Pierce Tor nuvlce. I tried his l'nvorite Prescription ' and alx bottle cured me. I feel like n new person aud I thank Dr. Pierce for my health. I.lfe It a burden to any one without health. I have told a (treat many of my friend about the great medldue I look." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In paper covers, is sent free on receipt of at one-cent stamps to pay rxtwnsc of malhiiL' only. Add R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y Address Dr. I 'mil m hi -hi--in i That T Aiuih Hangs On Tho wrong uso to which many peo nlo nut two riclil words that nro fro qttontly used in connection with tho legislature impels us to turn school ma'am, for a moment, l'lireo quarters of the peoplo use tho word bill and act as though they meant ono aud tho same thing in legislative affairs. Not no. A bill is a proposed act. a form or -draft of a law presented to thu legis lature for onactmenl. An act, on tho other hand, is a bill that has been on acUd into law. Until it has passed it continuos to bo a bill. Whilo a meas ure is ponding it ennnot correctly bo oallod an act. Aftor it has boon enact ed into legislation it can not correctly be called a bill. A bill represents something projected; an act something .accomplished. This is a distinction -with a difference, but mighty few poo plo either know or respect tho differ ence. Ex. It is qulto evident, from tho facts so far found out, that tho populist ofllclals left the asylum for tho chronic insano . iLiutini-s with thu tirui belief that they would novor again get a chance to gel their lingers in the state treasury. During tho month of December, 1000, the fusion ofllctals spent 80,000 for gar monts for the 420 malo patients of tho asvlunt. Tho contract was given to a fellow who had a "pull" and ho lost no time in tilling It. As a rosulttho insti tution is now overstocked with malo garments. Tho officials did not stop at this but bought 4,000 pounds of butter. Ol tho 4.000 pounds of butter bought there is very llttlo of it that is lit to eat, and some of tho stuff is spollod hihI ennnot bo used at all Had overy pound of the hutter.been good it would have been enough to run the Institu tion for more than ton weeks. This fti..o was givonto a mm with a "pull" aud goes to strengtneu tho suspicion that the wholo thing wa9 a purely po litical doal. I I I You have used all 1 sorts of cough reme I dies but it does not yield; it is too deep I seated. It may wear j itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe I pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build jup the body. 1 SCOTT'S i EMULSION rjadell's Gash Bargain House. Special 10 days opening sale of the New Goods. Our progressive store wins the bulk of the local dry goods business. Twentieth Gentry Retailing finds Its Best Expressions Here. Sounds a little bit conceited perhaps for us to say so, but we believe it thoroughly. We are always aiming to make this a better and more satisfactory trading place for the people of this community, and we are glad to say we arc succeeding. We know that our store and our business methods are appreciated. Our large patron- overy day and thinks ho will bo in fine coidilion In two or three weeks. Ho iscoineto try a"skin"Ramo on tho fellows who go in with him. Ho is learning his pig to stop and bo petted when he sings a short solo. Ono of tho other fellows is on and is also teaching a pig for tho occasion. Ho says ho will not do a thing to Klmer only substitute his pig for the one which likes a rasp ing song A. C. Hostiier will actus referee and starter. licforo long a meeting will be called to make at" ratmements for the formation of a stock company to build a ground floor opera ltoui.ii. During the time inter vening stand up for Uetl Cloud nnd talk up tho project. Who will bo the next mayor? That's tho question. As far as wo are concerned it will be tho samo man. Aside from his general good qualifications his genial hospi tality to strangers causes them to say good things about our town in distant lands. A case of this kind happened this week when "a worn and weary traveler in tattered garments clad" made him a call (unofficial of course) in tho early forenoon George's bos- pitnltty was at onco in evidence nnd ho at onco proceeded to divide up his morning meal, providing, of courso, tho visitor would exhibit tho manner in which a snow plow worked. This was agreeable, and tho stranger "tilled up." lint alas, aftor tho. visitor had got roady to start tho snow plow in op eration, Georgo was called to attend to other business. The snow plow not caring to "miss tho train" dtparted, leaving tho snow plow (a scoop shovel) unmolested where tho worthy mayor told him ho would find it. Now the next time George contracts for the ser vices ho will ordor tho city marshal to see that the darned thing works. Hut that wasn't the worst of i. In his hur ry to catch tho train tho motive power of tho snow plow wont through tho barn aud left tho doors open, and Gtorge also being lit a hurry to catch the train to go to thu Superior chicken show forgot to look and seo that ev ery! hinc was secure. As a result the cow got out and had a high old time. An inventory later on showed t at the mayor was out half a breakfast, two nice pcacli trees destroyed by tho cow, and two-bits paid to a fellow by his wife for catching tho cow. Talk about philantrophy and sociability. Wo want it disinctly understood wo are for Geo.' J. Warren for mayor again. THE NEW DRESS G-OODS. Out showing ni the new on fnbrics is the best tind largest ever made in tho town Host prico values, best selection- of tho newest styles and fabrics. Come in and " tixm New 30-inch Poplin, weave eO'ucis, ...indsomo colors, 25u per yard. Now fabrics at !15o fully up to tho usual o0c and GOc grades. Handsome lino of tho now goods at GOc, 00c, Oic, 75c and 81 00. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Greatest values over shown. Our new lino of black dress goods is especially attractive, prices 20o to $2 00. CORSETS. You have hoard a lot of talk about tho straight front corsot but you have not seen tho best, ono un less you have examined our Stylt No. G03. It is designed and made right and will give thu straight front effect without discomfort to tho wearer, that's moro titan you can say for most straight front ror sen. Spacial soiling of other corsets nt2ric, 33u, 50c, 05u nnd 70c. SPECIAL OPENING SALE OF THE NEW HOSIERY. Ladies 10c .mini Hlack Hose sain price 8c, two pairs for ITie. I.ndii s1 15c fast blai'k lmc sale inieo lie LwHi- 20i and 2.c fast lbcU hope, s-ilu price 10c. 50 ib zon Children'. Iilnck Huhhit Hicjele hose, rcmilar 2"io guide, silo price lUc, no moro than six pairs to one L-ustoiiiei'. SPECIAL SELLING OF THE NEW KID GLOVES. 10 dozen Ladies Dres-mr Km Giuvu., 2 elasp, tegu lar 91 grade, sale price 7fic. NOTIONS. As regat ds notions you ought to know that this is the best place to buy them. If you don't you nte losing money. Ssxony yarn fie per skein. (iood dress stays 5c per set. Lisle loom elastic web, 5o poryard. Extra Child's, Misses' and Ladles hoso support ers at 10c. Coats darning cotton 4c. Now Sans Silk Cc. Hair pins at bargain prices. Common pins 1c per paper. Uest Crown Jewel pins 5c. Rest patent Hooks and Eyes 5c. Hest Safety pins Co. Uest Corset Clasps 5c. Extra grade shoo lacos 5e per dozen. Hair curlers Gu. Now iiuisuing braid 5c. Now poarl buttods, extra quality, 5c. Now llattonburg pattern braids, rings and.thrcad RIBBONS. Special showing of tho now ribbons at bargain prices. CARPETS. In addition to an extra lamo lino of tho now car-- lai.t'i " i ct f"n 1 w' . .ve Hiout fif teen rolls of theliow Ingrain carpet in stock. (ai"tous fir your carpt buying, it will pay mi. I'i estl' .A-1 . tj ((-.. qui ut and pat terns thu hest TABLE LINENS. Special opening of the new table linens at 13 J, 20c, 25c, 30e, Hoe, 40c, 50r, fiOc and 75c por yard. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Special showing of the now dress trimmings at Go per yasd and up. HADELL'SCASH BARGAIN HOUSE. RLFRED HRDELL, WKNFCER. FREE EMPLOYMENT. I i ! I s I it!1! At 4lt!c iittion Atrnrtrtl-iintf 3 l else fails. There is no doubt j i about it. It nourishes, i I strengthens, builds up and J makes the body strong and r iiisUiiiiYi ul viiiT tu uiiwn off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against j further attacks. If you arc I run down or emaciated you 1 i should certainly take this i j nourishing food medicine. t So,-. anJ $!.'. ill ilruggUtl. t J- " SCOTT &nOW.Nh,ChemIit,Nw York. j lmiH -m .i -m m-J State Labor Bureau at Lincoln Ready to Receive Applications for Help or Position!. All persons desiring help and out of employment should write at once to the statu labor bureau and let their wants bo known. The legislature of 1800 and 1807 passed a law making this a free employment bureau for tho en tire state Those who want help should stato in tlieir applications exactly wlnt kind of help is wanted, in which branch of la bor, etc. Those who want situations should state sex, age, height, weight, trade or experience, reforen jes, etc. All information received by the bit lean will lie held strictly confidential and all services rendered will bo freo Absolutely uo fee will bo charged in any case. This is a froo employment bureau and is designed to do away with tho private employment agency nuis ance in tun uig elites, iy which so many people are victimiz d All desiring help carpenters, brick- makers, mill men, faun lntnis, ctity la borers, eooks, servant girls, or help of any kind, should iiumellateiy apply to this office niiil tliey will In. put in com munication with llioisii in thu lino of service desired Persons out of employment should also writo without delay. All unlllled applications bhuuld be renewed after thirty days. 0 ft li ft t) Hi it t Vi ft ft ft , It) i ft It U il 0 It It it It It It lkV T& !&&&. fin Unprecedented Offer I To the first Twenty-five subscribers who pay up all arrearages, we will send Weekly InteMJeean AND The Bed Cloud Ghief BOTH OHEYEflHforOHEDOMH. Remember this only applies to the first twen- ty-five. If you want to be one of thoseto gen the Chicago Weekly Inter-Onean FREE "you'll have to hurry. New Subscribers who pay one yearin ad vance will receive the benefit of this offer. m n m m m m m m m m n m A m m m m m m m m m w m w m (IV m m m m r