A Wife Says. " We have four children, With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under Ihe Influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mothtr's Friend before our last child came, which b a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard 0 pains. This lini ment Is the grand est remedy ever made." Mother' Friend will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering, Mother's Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness, It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan-' ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter ol a few days. Drug-gliU sell Mother's Friend for SI bottle. The Bradflcld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga, Ben J (or our free Illustrated book. Give Your Horse a Chance! It. D. BDFORD, Rial - Estate, - Insurance, and Collections. Agent tor tho Eqtitablk Lifk Absiih anok Society. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary Urnduato & Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. Calls Answered Day and Nioht. Oi-rcs Ovi Coos's PuaniucT. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Criwi Bridge Work or Teeth Within! Plates. POUCKLAIN INLAY avod all lb. latest Improvement la dental meeb anltm Wo can surnish you biick In nny ipuintity at the lowest pos 8ih'i) mm. Hiick on hhIu nt "it Iter of tint lumber jiuii. Get Qur Pricks Bki-ork You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. For 14 Cenisj W ntll tht Mlavl.f tut P4 ..t.lll,,. llf.8laRlM4TaUlM4, (.11 1 ' rIMll ItalM Sm4. ,1 I InMWm(uikli .la 1 lllWHnBXIkM, i 11-D.r iu.u. .., ;;; Worth$LOOr.r,4c:iu! AUn n atttiai tut iIUm vtfl IUrtcau4 Swi C.uUj, i.iuaa all .Wat RalaaraBlllUn EaUarOraaa Ata Ckalaa atalaa aa4. SOa. a la. i ?ltl. Wktincinflul Hli.t.S..l.jii,,.i.r4all.Mt lS M.SAIIEI IHO CI., UCnaw,Wk. HOW TO STUDY ART! We Rive in our Illustrated catalogtie, FREE, valuable Information and advice to those conteinplatltiK the study of Art. Send postal for cata logue. HAI.SBY C. IVKS, Director. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS, St. Loulm, Mo. M luHt WHtKt AIL tUt I AILS. I LJ Uoai CouKb Hjrrup. Tastes UuuU. Die m lntlmr. Bold br ilrumrl.in. I kj Qtflifif V r'J i rv NDnBiv?' a mm S f li ' A good looking 5Vk3&1 honnandpoorluok ,-ZS Ing tinmen In tho S"?A wornl kloil or n. com- J r!A blaalton. 4222k Eureka x! Harness OIP A Botoalrmakra the harness and tba l'M bona look brtttr, but makiw th SS iMUbir soft and pliable, put It In con. i nai li dltlon to last twice an long nV mmhkui M It onllnailly vtouM. JlSfi aaaSflli. 8.14 ffrttft la , alt a& aailllll. ,,. Kkl, b i!lsm r LlVlKuf STANDARD li I JfrM'xv oil co. JAWMk iVAiill mizmwrn'MA SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. In 300 (Ionium towns, with nn np-p-re pate papulation of 15,000,000 Inhab itants, ineiliunl Mntlstles are nowrcjru larly received mill comillc(1. A curious ncr-lilent occurred recently In a fenther bed factory in New York. The leathern got to whlrlliiff ro rapid ly tlmt the friction set them on fire. Currier plgconri refuse food after a lotif and exliutiitinf Journey. They drink some wnter and go to Bleep, not to resume their tmunl mode of life for 48 hours. Jnines Cnntlle, V. It. C. S., rceofnlm eight type of plnfrnr nnnicly, the lm lunik, the cepllefieinic, the pneumonic, tho nertoiis, the toxlcor fitlmlnnnt, the puerperal, anil the two mild t . iom, pes lis Mtiiliiilnns and pentls minor. On November 0, during n tent before the Ilel'riiin incriiiiit'iit olllelulH of M.irconl's uirthts telegraph, a ltic.v wige wiiHsent from tin Mcnnishlp l'i in ert. Clementine to Dover Court, Ksnex. m diFtniice of between 80 mid 00 miles, incluillnr iiiiiuy tulles of cIIITh nnd sen. The Royal Witrteinhcrf' railways Iiiih jut eoncltnkd a co n tract ly which ltn shops at Stuttgart ure to lie lighted by a new system. This system constats of a central petroleum rcscnolr from which copper pipes conduct tlic oil to burner", in which It is vaporized to a pus which affords n very brilliant light with a limited quantity of oil. Tho superintendent of foreign malls says in his annual report that there were 8,325,010 pounds of mall matter despatched by sen to foreign countries during the Inst fiscal year. Of Uils, 5,722,433 pounds were for trnns-At-lnntlc destinations, almost 2,500,000 go ing to Orent Hritnln. The trans-Atlantic mnlla increnscd 429,847 pounds over the previous year. The aggregate cost of the foreign mall service wns $2,158,033. SURE BN0UGH UMBRELLAS. GorajootM ainnta-tois, London Mate, for Aabasntl Chlafa, at fit Aplaa-r. Nearly 20 Englishmen are now at work on aeven umbrellas for an Ashantl chief and hla faithful staff, ays tho London Express. 'liter ia nothing under the sun a dhief can wear, not even excepting a enst-off silk hat or n red-lined caviilr coat, so calculated to strike awe Into the minds of refractory natives am', so Imbue them with a spirit of obe dience ua it "gingham." Traders, when tliey want to obtain free access to the country of one of the hostile tribes, make presents of worn-out clothing to the natives, or even a "gamp" to a particularly obstl nate and pugnacious chief. A London syndicate of Gold Coast traders has glcn tho order and are paying for the umbrellas In question, wnton win be given to bribe the vain, dusky warriors. Messrs. James Smith & Sons, bf Ox ford street, are making them, nt 35 for the large one and 20 each for the others. When finished the umbrellas will be gorgeous beyond the dream of the most imaginative negro. For the chief the present will be nearly 15 feet across, quite a decent sized tent. In fact, on state occasions It will bo so used. The handle will then be stuck in the ground, and six slaves will act as the tent peps. Tho rnntcrinl from which it is being made is silk, and the colors are to be "red, white and blue." What will some of our political stump orators say to this? Round the edge will be a deep rich fringe and on the top an elaborately chased cap. surmounted by a Rritish Hon, rampant. For the staff the umbrellas will be somewhat smaller and lens majestic. What rejoicings there will be in the land when the couriers arrive with those parasol-tentllke umbrellas, and how pleased will the city men be with the return for their good-uatured and thoughtful action. LIQUID FUEL FOR STEAMERS. Veatael Travels to London from Do- tto UalBB Only Oil for Ita rirea. In October the stcntnshlp Cowrie -tenmed nil the way from Kuetel. In Itorneo, to Iomlon, n tllstnnce of 9,M5 miles, uslnj; nothing' tint llqulil fuel. When the steamer tenohed Ixmtlon the boilers for hiipplyliiff steam for tho un loading iiiHdilnery were flreil by the I name material. The oil was not burned j by 11 thin layer of liicnndebfeiit coal, iib is the ease In some systems, but was reduced to a spray liy meauh tifn steam Jet at the funnier- door, where it was dellvrrtd from tanks above the boilers, says the New York Sun. The Cowrie was formerly tired with coal, nml her owners Bay that hereon crslnn to liquid fuel has been at temhil with udvuhttiKuou rtultb, Only six stokers are now riqutrcd, though 10 were, necessary when coal was used. A great deal of bunker space ia also saved. The consumption of oil at ea ia only 22 tons a day, while the dally consumption of coal used to be 33 tons, and a ton of oil occupies only 34 cubic feet, against 45 feet required for coal. The coal Is also taken an board much more quickly thnn coal, and recently 300 tons were pumped into a Herman steamer in nn hour. The oil yield by the Itorneo oil fields In until to make nn excellent fuel Just as it comes from tlu', ground, and It is beffinnlnf' to be much used for this purpose by the Haniburg-Anujrlcau and other Ktnunrrs that are engaged in the eastern trade. N t iicriililf Mule, Thero Is mule nt Torkin, Mo., 47 years old, mv it is a-till liulc nnd hearty nnd nble to do a good duy's work. N. Y. Times. MORMON EXPLORING PARTY. Sal On) to Flnil In nlrnl Amerlcn Ilitln Verlflcntlun f that nook of Mormon. One of the most remarkable expedi tions for antiquarian research which have set out for tmnc time Is coni)OH'il of a patty of M mon students which left Grahmrn county, A. T., a few tin a ngo, fora throe years' trip through Central ttnd South America. In the party are 24 men from the llrighnm Young ncademy, In I'rnto, I'lnh, Includ ing President Hcnjamlii t'lull nnd two professors. Their object is to explore the country nnd its roottrcis while searching for traces of the la t surviv ors of the N'cphltcs, any n local report. The .Mormon theory on which tin ex pedition Is I't'sed, nsnilvnupitl by If oil ers of the pnrty. Is this: About 0(.) II. ('.. I.ehl and his family, accompanied by Ishmacl nnd his fnmll.. left .Jerusalem and went Into the wlldnncss. After 10 yeais of waiideilng they built boats and sailed toward the con tinent, landing whole Chill now Is. Nephl and Latunn were two of Lrhi's sons. Nephl was benutlful nnd obedi ent, Lnmnn the reverse. Knelt had ninny followers who married nnd In termnrried until they numbered many thousands, nnd built mnuy large cities In what Is now the northern part of South nnd Central America, Mexico and southern Arizona nnd Now Mexico. The two factions waged wnr for mnny ye'nrs, according to the Mormon theory, until, evcntunlly, about 400 A. I)., the Nephltes were entirely exterminated by the Lamnnites. From the latter the American Indians nrc descended. Mnroni, the Inst surviving Nephite, burled the records of his people, writ ton on hrnsa, plate, ' in the hill "Cumornh," in the state of New York, and the angel Mnroni revealed these plates to Joseph Smith. The transla tion of these constitute the Book of Mormon. Tho Provo expedition hopes to find In the ruins of Central and Southern American cities evidence that they were built by the descendants of I.ehl and thus give to (he world proof that the Do ok of Mormon is what the Lat ter Day Saints assert it to be a true history of the people who inhabited this continent years ago. Am Aaaataar SatTMait fooled. The stories are common enough of fla-e engines being turned out to quench an aurora, and, on the other hand, it has not seldom happened that a very mundane conflagration linn passed muster for a "celestial dis play," says Knowledge. In tho me moirs of Ilaron Stockmar an amusing anecdote is related of one Hcrr von IUdowltr, who was given to making the most of easily picked up informa tion. A friend of the baron's went to an evening parity near Frankfort, where he expected to meet Ilerr von. RadowitK. On bis way he saw a barn burning, stopped his carriage, a&sUted tin people, and' -waited till the flames were nearly extinguished'. When he arrived at his friend's house, he found Ilerr von Radowlfx, who had previously taken the party to the top of the building, to e an aurora, dilating oil terrcvtrlal magnetism, electricity, etc. IUdowltr. asked Stockmar's friend1: "Have you seen the benutlful aurora borealls?" Hr replied: "Cert it Inly; I was there myself; it will mioii hooter." An explanation followed as to the bam on fire, ltadowrtta was Mlent some ten ralnutva, thm he took up his hat and quietly disappeared. RUSSIAN SPIES ARE HERE. Thar Are aCaapIn Watch of Nlhtllata Wko Hark liafaa la 'America), The Russian secret police are prob nbly the most skillful in the world; they need to be. In tho days of Na poleon III. the police of France had tlmt reputation. They haven't it now for the beat of reasons. An emperor needs skillful spies In nil the world a republic doesn't. KiishIa has had its lessons in the death of tho late czar and in tho many attempts made- upon the present ruler. So the chief of po litical police keeps agents in every grcnt city in the world. New York, where so many Russian nihilists have found refuge Snn Frnnrlsco nnd Chi cago are espeelnlly favored In this way, Hsenped convicts from Siberia hoiiietimen drift to tho I'neifla const, while Chicago Is watched on general principles. Now York, however, is get ting to ht more ami more the chief object of the solicitous ntteutloiiB of the e.ar's people, says tho Chicago Chronicle. The spies who keep tab on nihilists In America always claim to be nihil IntR themselves, exiled for their po litical views, or escaped suspects. It Ih their plan to secure ndmlttnnce to tiomo of the many nihilist circles here and keep the police- Informed of what goes on. So long uh the nihilists confine themselves to speechnmklng nothing Is done about it. Dut if one of them should start for St. Petersburg with such a mission as that which took Urescl from Patersou tho home an thorities would be warned and stand rendy to receive him after certain well-known precedents. As for the spy. his is a dangerous life. If sus pected he may become nt almost any time, the hero of a mysterious murder case, PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. " Wife "Oh, Hnrryl You enn't talk straight." Husband "Sphrnlned my neck, my dearsh, looking up for tht (hie) leonlds." Town Topics. u.....i iiiri.H --. i - en wiicu juu uiiriiL-u raor mniith to offer vour hand did vou nut your foot in it?'-' Frank "N-no. My )'' Frank "N-no. Myv heart was in It." 1'hiluUelpula Dulls tin. THE GRIP EPIDEMIC. The Disease More Prevalent than Ever and quite as fatal. The best treatment. The grip hits surprised tho doctors nnd lionlth uutliotiticH this season by ltd rapid spread nuit by ionia novel symptoms. Whllo it spnrcs nobody it is proving especially dangerous to miildlu-ngcil anil oldcrly persons. In many cases cither it fatal onset of pneumonia, or n com pic to breakdown of licnltit nml strength, is apt to fol low nn ntlnck of grip. Thowiso cotirsu for nil is prevention, ily wearing it Uorsoti's Porous Plaster tin tho chest twid'b.ick you protect tho lungs fioin cold ami chili and (witli nidiiuin fine) you itre snfo fiom grip. For thoiii who nro ilicaily sulTeriiig from grip, or tho usual winter coughs and colds, licn.ionVs Porous Plnslei sine u suio mid speedy relief and cure. Highly medicinal nnd rclcntitlu. Kofitiu imitations and substitutes. Only tho gouuluo nro effective). Ex amino when you buy Seitbttry & Johnson, Manufacturing Chemists, New York. m Homoscekers excursion to points north. On tho first and third Tues days of Jnnunry, Februnry, March, April, May and Juno, 1001, tickets will bo on sale nt one, faro plus 92.00 for tho round trip, limit to twenty-onu days from ditto of sale, to several points in Mnnltobn, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Seo ticket ngont for further information. A. Conovku, Agent. Jell-O, the New Dessert, pleases till tho family. Pour ll.ivors: Lemon, orangu, raspberry ami straw berry. At your grocers. 10 cts Try it Cilay. a a Wanted Men to lenrn tho barber's trade; only two month's required; can earn scholarship, board, tools and transportation to our colleges at Chi cngo or Minneapolis. Apply by mail Moler Barber Col lego Representative, 1023 Farnnni Street. Omnhn, Neb. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L. 11111 of Lebanon, Ind. raj: "My wife, hud inflammatory rheumatism In every muscle, and joint; ber lufforlnn wa tt rrlblo and her body and face, were swoolen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for lx weeks and !ie.) eight physicians, but received no benefit mail Hie tried the Mystic cure for Ithcumatlsm. It save Immediate rellof and aho was ablo to walk about In threo days, lam sura It saved her lire." Sold by II K. Grlcc. Druggist, Itcd uiouu, neu. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Mv tic Curo for rheumatism and neuralgia readily cures In from one to three daya. lm ac tion upon the system Is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the causo and the disease Immediately disappears. Tho first dose freatly benefit s. 75 cents. Sold by 11. K. Grlcc, led Cloud. Neb. DO YOU GET IIP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful . cures made by Dr. It Kilmer's Swamp-Root, II the great kidney, liver li and bladder remedy. J- It is the great medl 4 cal trlumoh of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by SI Dr. Kilmer, tho emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst form ef kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommendedforeverythlng but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When wrltlngmentlon reading this generous nttr In thin Mn.. anrt ft-vA.T' send vour address t0d(15 Dr. Kllmer&Co.,Blng-USrW3H hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and nomeotsvamp-itoot, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. I .t... -.-iiiifttir f-fliifcn of Anntnillfltls I loutlll. lioiildutcrlmislMtl,TI,onUJUoiito.tlie itunlralliurtlo rcniixllcltli'lrcotlpriutloii wlilcli lnrrfM oontflpatloii Inktomi of curing It. l'AHICKKS IIIMIt.H TONIO I. tho iiropcr rtmoUy. It nctaon tti Uvit. ami hn uwtl tisnirwticl, iHTiimiH-ntly riuiovia Uio (.oiutlpuUua. Ml (.U 4. SUM HI ull DrutffbU. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In tlio Dli-trlol Court of Hie I'lillcil Slntos for tlm District of NcbriiHkn. In tlio uiRllcr of llnnryA. htevf us. tiBMkniiit, To the creditors of llcniy A, biuvons, lmtiknitt: Nollco Is liero bvKlvon tlialon tho 12th day of Janimrr. A.D. 1001 (ho nhnvo iinmrtl porson was duly nil JiuIkCiI a bankrupt nul that tlio first mectinR if creditors under Bald bniiknipicr will bo held before tho undcrslKiicd reflrre, nt tils ofllco In UaMliiRs, Nebraska, on tho Jritti day of January A I). 1901, at 10 o'clock In tlrb forenoon, at which time and plsc the creditors of said bankrupt may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ezainlna the bankrupt on oath and transact such other business may properly come befero said meeting. Dated Jan. 15th, 1801. J. A, OAnnissn. LEGAL NOTICE. All perrons Interested wilt uke nolle that Oliver Allen, did on January 21. 1901, file his petltlan In the District Court of YVcbtier county, S'ebruska. showiue, firm, thst he has been a bona fide citizen of said cpuntr for mora than one year last i't: aeconit.lhat his father and mother uro dead, that be aTa been ralsod sltiro n child one year old by James MoNutt, and dur Iiir all of Mild time has been known by the name of Oliver AtcNntt, and has douo hiifitiem In such name, and acquired nrnperty interests therein, and wan iRimrant of IiIh tiuo name un til about tho rear 161X1; third that for his own benefit, cpju'nlenci nd protection In business mailers rjh property Interest he denlns that bin iiHinof 'Uj'Rel, and to lesally nssumo the iiiiii n n O 1 l.McNlllt. Tho unlTT petlilon will be heard before said I court at tlio next regular term thereof, to-wlt: April mill, lull, m i:io tnuri iiimibu, hi lieu Clc uil.ln.8l(l county, ai0o'lockn m,,oraioon rimiil.lii aIil cour.lr.; iliereaft-rsscouiimlisiibolieoril. -'-.- .";. Ohveh Allek. Petitioner. il U lr BU 'tir r "jiiiir rsCgfc. MjM --taaPr1 t ltfWUff By Ovkhmak 4c Ulacklkdok, lllAuorney. W. B ROBY, DKALKIl IK Flour, Peed, Oats, Corn, Bated Hay and Coal Oil. HARD - AIVJD - No. l Third Avenue, Roil PLATT & Chicago - Lumber - Yard. RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TROITeS lUXXMJBI&Ifc CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAE, t3u.il ell jcxsc material, Btc. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" II H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERT STOCKMAN AMD FARMER. How many or you have lost the price of this Englno In one day on account of 1-s sufficient wind to opt-ruto your wind mills, leaving your stock without water. Oct om now to do your pumping when there is no wind or to do it rr-ularlv. Weather doc not RH?? t.'t8 Tor.k' uot or "'"l11' wct or tlrJri wJntl or calm, it Is all the same, to this machine. Will also Rholl corn, grind feed, saw wood, churn butter and Is handy for a hundred other juun, iu ttiu iiiiuso ur mi mo mrm. unaui numing 10 Keep wnen not working, and onl 1 3 cents Dcr hour when worklnir. Shipped sion nceqea, a groat, larxir anil money saver. absolutely safe. Wo mako, all sites of Uasollne Kngines, from 1H to 75 horse power. mm MlMltaa ntirl utnli,! nalana w JM WIlVUtHt UIIU JVVmi I'li-wCB FAIRBANKS, WORSH City Dray and B.HlL. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. . I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DKALKR IV Vines, Liquors, California brandies ALWAYS ON TAP. P 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH 'ennvroyal -FBLLS -rTv .. . .."''a1'"' '"", "fir ."enuln. ;-','.. HAFI A.rmliiM I, suite. lrtrU tot uim;iuir.K'rt i:ruLi.sii U UVJi n UoM tuctavU.o toxti Mtlei wlthltntrltboQ. 'Ink no other. lUfiuo Duniternnat HiitiKtllutlnn -uod Imttu tlvna Hi) f jour Drm-j-iit or 'o-l ! to umpff for I'strtlcularia TrtlmnlU nl "Itelter f.tr Ltaille," t- itffr, by - turn Mali. lO.Olill ItiLlmAbiikli. Mallfv . ' ajB).'" h iiiaiv r w mi ic a a Vfu OMoBlUif.f.r. Madl.oil'tL,l'llll.A.. VX. 11 TtrnvjUli I'kUkaa'. 1 I.. ..I. .-. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CTtcuiMt and bfiutlllci tbt hair. lTooiottt a laiutuni itowuu Haver Talla to lleitora Oraj Ualr to Ita Youthful Color? Carw Kilpdimxi a balr lilluif. tcaip aimm a niir iui Oc,andSH)0t DrurxliU G. V. AnGABRIGHT, ARTISTI PORTRAIT PAINTER. Red Cloud. Nor ska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits antl Por traits madn to order. STUDIO IN DAMERKLL BLOCK. 1 I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Look Box ia. Quids Hock, Neb. BaBBaWvGi'?ijW,BaH ill kinds of property bought, sold mitt exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE, TEUMS REASONABLE SOiraD COAT. w Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. FREES CO.. NEBRASKA. completely set up, ready to run, no founda- Knnulrett nraotlcallv no attention, and la na u Writ CO.. OfllAHfl, NBfi. r Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest TIMETABLE. B. ft M. R.T RED CLOUD NEBR. LINCOLN DENVER T ' - OMAHA HELENA CHICAGO BUT1E 82. JOE 8AL2LARECT .' KANSAS CITY PORTLAND , 82. LOUIS and 8AA FRAXCl&Co all points cast and and all pointt t south. west. . ',y, TnilNB LIAVS AS rOLLOWS! No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and 8t. Francis branches. Ox. ford, McC'ook, Denver and all points west 8:25 a.m. No, 14. Passenger dally for St Joe, rtangas iny, Aicnison. bt. I.nill. f l,.Att1 ..la U7Hn.M.A and all points cast and south 815 p 17. Passenger, dally. Denver, all No i tonus in loioraao, man ana California - .... 8: 8M0p.m. No 18. 1'AKeciiRcr. dally for Ht. Joe, Ht. Kanims City. Atchison. Ht. Louis and i i nn 1 points cast and south -.-... in-nn m Nn. 141. AccommodHtlon, dally excejit ' ' Suiiday. IIuMIiiiib. tlraml U land, illack IIIIIh nnd all XolutB Iu tlio northwest l:00nm ccomiiKidHtliiii, iliillj except hlllliliiy, (Itierlln. Iuiiii-hs, anil InicrmeillHto Minions, vlii lie niibllenn.. I2:3()n m No, CI. I'mlght. dully, W')mnre and l St. Joe and Intermediate junction iinluis I3:t5nm No. B3. Krrlclit. iIhIU for llepiibllcnu OrleaiiN.DxrordHiidiillpolutK wen m. m. No, 60, KrelElit, ilnlly exi-ept "'uii'iYnv ' ' ' f...ir. .........i.ii'. . ,. . No. 173, ...I t iiuiii-niiuiiii iiiillll CHSI o. sa.m. Prelum ilnlly In Oxford and iniermeaiHtii poinis... . I:30nm SlecpliiB. dliiliiR, and reelluliiK chair oars, (teats free! ou through trains. Tlf keUsold and maTsrcSnada'! ,0 "' r""U '" ,lle Vttlled For Information, tlmo tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover. Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Qeueral Paaienger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. ius Notice of Final Settlement. State of Nebraska. I Webster County, f" bhikl'Unly 0f Wcb,tcr County, N- wS'eS.0' U,e "fte of AI.Mnd.ro. Now on this 23d day of November loon p.m. H. M. Cechrsne . executor ofiimc.tatl wd oh?d ol?ero7de..7r.d,.Vo75,,n, "S led'n0?o?,.2 It Is therefore orjlCreil tliHt tho soils dav of na. comber, lliop. at lfT o'clo. k in Ihe oreiiooii a the office of the county Judeein Ml.) cot"" y and state.be. and ihn uini iL !'... ...'.. ""l"'"'m time and placo for hesrl nil sal '., I.ifii '""J II ir nltil ullninliii. l-l ''' "U allowed. It Is further ordered (lint notice to all per'ons Inure n,i thntlineand place llxed fot a t'XKiitorglve H lllNlNlOf I 'II IT. lllllHV. ' his order to be pnhlUh ,t i ',j,' Z? Cuirr, n weekly iifwsiBjvr nMt . aiitl In atoSi. UllTOet.kNprlorlO.IHrIhV 'f r ald llPHrlnir. ezamlnliiR and Hllowliigsald nceoi nts a d the heirs of snld decean-d, mid nil jcrn , in efest cd In unld estate nto revested to ap "e "r HUhe Ime ami pace so leslKiintwl, nu.l iV ,,,"", " If HIIVPZ ats. hhv i.al,l .,,,,,,"i., T."'.1"! ' -vviu,,, -linn J HOI )Q J AMI'S Dun H i v t li. t f juty Judjje. "Saaivru'.iC-r i- V V...i. ?i A'-- Vi -I K-V.I . ' rczJ .CT 0UiymtmAnmnmtm mA I,THWMIWMHS. im3r'ri A rtw