W?L'1 t iff i kfi savTmitjyWCTWWMjtr!I,eBW,,tJMJ;,J,, 9 9 9 9 9 9 a -a -a 9 9 9 9 9 China' s Sphere of Influence. Holt! bofoio lie eyes, move with a circular motion, ntidjou will got tliu idea of tliu coming Chinese icvohition. Whon tliL'Sti spheres of inllii enco begin to revolve, "John" will fool us dizzy as does u pur son with defective oyo sight, when things begin to swim. The latter may ilnd relief from his "dizzy spells" by using properly fitted glasses. "John"' may Ilnd nont. 9 9 9 9 I flewboase Bros., I Red Cloud, Neb. 5 Jewelers and Opticians. X EEK'S HAPPENINGS, Stove repairs at W. W. Wright's. For farm loans call on C. W. Kaloy. M. Lovitt of Guide Hock was in the city Monday. Special prico on buggy whips. Fo- OEL & HUTGUISOK. D Don't fail to see "Among tho Break ers" next Friday oveniug. Wm. Kirkpatrick of Guide Uock was in tho city on business Thursday. C. K. Gitting, tho Superior horso buy or was in tho oity Saturday buying horses. Juliet Galuslm who has been quite ill for some time pnst with rheumatism 3s much better. Miss Elizabeth Sheppard after a visit hero returned to Guide Rock whero she is teaching school. The snow of last Saturday and Sun day made tho iirst use this season for tho stroot car snow plow. Spring is here; so is Butler, with a full lino of light and heavy harness at low pricos. Call befoi o you buy. Mrs. Samuel Tciuplo and Mrs. Weld- -emno left Sunday for a visit with rela tives and frionds at Atlantic, Iowa. Thero will bo regular service hold at the Christian church each Lords day at tho usual hours. II. S. Soudkk, Pastor. Tho wifo of Conductor Smiley died at the hospital in Lincoln last Monday. She was quite woll known and had many frionds in this city. Pass the poultry pleaso to Caldwell, the Red Cloud man. Hens 5c; spring roosters 5c; staggy roosters 4o; hen lurkoys 6c; young gobblers 5c; old gob blers 4c. Al Galuslm of tho firm of Galusha, Wescott & Story loft Thursday for tho -eastern markets whero ho will pur chase n largo invoice of clothing for tho spring and summer trado. ISp!il Ts a disease of civilization. When the Indian was a stranger to the white man he had no name in his vocabulary for this dreaded malady. Without arguing as to the curability of consumption, it may be stated posi tively tn at uoctor Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures weak lungs, hemor- deep-seated and -,.;. stubborn cougii, auu other diseases which if neglected or un skillfully treated find a fatal termination in consumption. There is no alcohol in the "Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other nar cotics. Persons Buffet iiig from chronic dis ease are imited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, ire. All correspondence is conducted under the seal of sacred secrecy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, IlufT.ilo, N. Y. In a little over thirty years, Dr. Pierce, Jissisted by his medical staff of nearly a .core of physicians, has treated and 4'ured thousands of men and women who hud been given up as incurable by local physicians. "Your medicine U the lst I hive ever taken." writes Mr. Jninle Dliinman. or Rnplil City, Kntknukn Co, Mich. UH uprliiR I Jwa n lml cough s cot m 1ml I had to be in bed nil the time. My Imtliaml thoiiRht I had con. Mimpltun. He wanted me to Ret a doctor, but thought we would try Dr. 1'ierce'n Golden Med ical f)lcoery. and be lure I had taken one bottle the courIi Moppet! and I hae siuce had no glgu of Its returning-." Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. WWttmm iwy.yv.Tivrtgffgaj.Twru,vM3twPKr4KTjri'rvv'ti.'iwi'iit't.'ti wv.itnwv.rirTrr ij,ir--iF?f''itr;fjiiw,Ti'i""irin-i(t'.arwwnii MOKE OR LESS PURSONAL. I Iiik Uiit:t"M per your Dr. V. E Alelvcoby was hole Thins, day Dr. D.imctpli was in Hustings this week. Win. Kenkcl of Inavalo was hero Sutuiday. Dr. Moranvlllo is reported as very seriously HI. Canvas legglns nt cost.-FoQKi. & Hutchison. Go to Roby for tho host nnd cheapest coal in town. F. E. Yost of lioltlretlgo was in tho city Sunday. A few of those dandy IMc whips to go at lOcnt Hutlei's. II. S. Pioudllt of Guido Rock was in tho city Thursday. Tho lino of heating stovos at Wi ight's is superb. Seo thorn. For blacksuiithing go to A. M. Boors, north of Day's barn. Miss Edith McKolghan is among tho list of grip sufforots this weok. Don't fail to got our prices beforo buying. Foqkl At Hutchison. Miss Emily Hadoll left Sunday for Chicago to purchase a spring line of millinery. Miss Willott is teaching her dress making class at Mrs. Cozad's resldonco on north Main stroot. L. H. Fort and son Charles loft Wed nesday night for a visit with frionds and relatives at Lincoln. Mrs. George Ball of Akron, Colorado is hero visiting with her son Charles and family and other friends. M i e Gov. Grner had tho misfortune this weok to loso a lino cow in tho stalks nnd also to got her hand severely scalded. Mrs. S. F. Spnkcslicld returned last night from a visit with friends and relatives at Hebron. Miss Ethel Hon dershot roturnod with her. Wo hitvo put nil our 75c, 85c, 11.00, $1.25 mon's laundriod shirts on our tables at GOo nnd 75c. Big bargains fur shirt wearers Coytdkjj Kalcy Co. Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho M. E. church will give n valentine eocial at tho rosidenco of F. E. Goblo on the evening of tho 14th of February. All are invited. NOTICE. If customers and friends hold ing trado cheeks, duo bills, and unpaid coupon books on tho Ne braska Mercantile Co., will bring them to my rooms over Wright's hardware I will see that they are entered with othos claims with court. Elmer W. Kalky. D. J. Myers today removed bis office from the rooms in the F. & M. bank buildin? to the rooms recently vacated by Overman & Blackledge over the postoiilce. For a hand made harness to give wear, made of the best oak tanned lost her that will not rip or tear, aid warranted to bo made with the best of care, go to J. O. Butler. When you have urgent business with someone in another town or city, re member you can reach your party tho quickest nnd best by tho long dlstaneo telophone. R.ites nmdo known on ap plication to "central." If you seo anything in this paprr that pleases you if you think it lias tho light ting have your nnnio put on our hit as a subscriber. If it displeases you givo us youi name anyhow it may pleaso someone else this timo and you next. Why don't somo inventive genius of this town make a snow plow that could bo workod with one horso and ussd for cleaning off sidewalks. Such a con trivance would bo a paying investment Just now. As a rule people would rather pay n small price than shnvol snow thomsolves. If you arc going to givo n banquet nnd want kohio swell menu cards, if you aro going to get married and want up-to ditto wedding cauls, if you nr going to have an opening in tlm spiing nnd wih in pleaso in this lino, if ynn want npewiitcr papi'i or stationery of any Kind, either punttd or plain come and M'o us Wo havo n fine Hue. Acrniiling to the census nf Inst venr as published in the Sate Journal to co illy. Red Cloud iseieilited with hav 1,554 souls within her corporate limits. This seems -Mango when huh stops to consider that ten years ago Red Cloud lid a population of 1,810, and at that timo numerous house-, worn empty. Today neatly every houso in tint town is occupied, tho corporate limits have not sin link any, business W better than it was It'll oiil Hir, then-nio mine and hnnilxomor H'MiIciiimm (nut gill) nnd still iiecnrdlng" to the toport, we hIii link 285 in population It may be all light hut. wo will but "dollars to doughnuts" Red Gloud.lnis nearer 2,000 than 1,054. GLNKRAL CITY NEWS. Ed Story is again In tho city. HA.M. Beers, for blaeksmith woik. A If i cd Hadoll was in Omaha this week C F. Evans is back from a ttlpto O in a ha, 1)5 cents gets a GO cent whip nt Fogol & Hutchison's. Seo tho lino display of heating stovos at W. W. Wright's. Tho Chirk and Chicago Inter Ocean no year for $1.25. Rev. G. W. Hummel of Dowoeso wtiA hero this weok. Wo nro closing out our leggins at cost. Foil in. & Hutchison. Caldwell's $t00 coal innUcs your stovo hot mid cook happy. C. F Gather was hero fiom Lincoln this weok and will remain in tho oity. Walter Roby sells tho Singer sowing maehinu. Prices right. Got tho host. Pay your subscription and got a cal culating pencil. Thoy nro a littlo won der. Ono carload of Jackson county, Ohio coal. Best coal for cook stovo in the U.S.-W. B. Roby. John Myors has so far rocovored from his recent sick spell that ho is ablo to again look after his businoss matters. Tho t vo act drama entitled "Among tho Breakers" will bo given nt tho Red Cloud opera houso noxt Friday ovening by elovon of tho high school graduates. We understand that Dr. Dameroll will in the near futuro have either a stone or brick walK built in front of tho Damerell block nnd that tho curb stone has been ordered. I Insurance, Abstracts, Notary Public. I jo. C. TEE J i RED CLOUD, NEB. F. W. Cowden and Harry Lotson went to Chicago Snturday oight whore they will inspect and buy a large in voice of clothing for tho Cowden-Kaley Co. Card or Thanks I desire to thank the many kind friends, neighbors and members of tho various lodges who so kindly assisted during my late boreav ment, tho illness and death of my kus band. Mrs. Juma Berq. Tho small pox is ropartcd at Oxford, Norton nnd McCook. At Oxford but ono enso h reported; nt McCook a hotel containing thirty people is quarantined and tho town ol Norton, Kansas, is quarantined. We aro led to believe that Rfil Cloud got off pretty easy. It, L Tinker had tho niKforitino to htivo his riijl t in m badly ettished tho llrsl of the week by being crushed by a s nail piece of a board while woi king nt a circular saw. Fortunately no bones woro broken, but his wrist was so badly injured that he is compelled to lay off. McCook Tribune Wanted: Men to learn barber trado. Propare for the spring rush. Only two moaths required. Constant practice, expert instructions; present graduates with complete outfit of tools and pay 118 weekly when competent. Cntn loguo nnd particulars mailed freo, Mo ler Barbor College, Omaha Nob. A serious lire win narrowly nverted nt i lie residence of T. U. Hacker last Thursday. Tim cause was a defootivo flue mill the lire is miiiih I to l.r.vn ...l.,l....!.l fr ... ...L- I ..' " ' " """v.jii um eeilini; mid roof of the shed kitchen. Fin innately tint hlaz was diseoveied i...f..i.. .. i... i ""' H ' mm ii itt'iiii -wii and was extinguished with a few pails of water. Some hiiinoth swindlers urn honie kiuuotli swindlers arn workiui; I oukus. coins, lumo uacu. lumbago, mus e farme, shy a sleek che,. Tl. I SSllS!?S3 "iSKK going through the eouutrv present-1 pneumonia, and all other diseases open to til an jing can-less Iiiiiiihi'h with so called nsiis lilniiU which J hey claim call for aililitiiiiml information. After tho JHwindlei-K are gi.tin the blanks turn out tu ll liHMiil-sniy niilf.s. Atliillier Hellenic is fur Him m imlici m m be chick en iitiycrx. I liny got tumnir to lgu n tei.nnai't in ilulivcr chickens at iiiit eonH a pound The contracts turn out to bo notfls. Watch for theio swindlors. Nemaha County Herald, LOCALLY Hard and soltconl at J O. Caldwoil's Elmer Kaley was in Guide Ho"k Tuesday. M Castell of Aurora was in tho city Thtiisday on business. Omar Doling of lloldiego visited with f i lends In the city Sunday. Alden Ely of McCook visited hctu with ftionds tho first of tho week. O. It. Pitney stopped off horo Satur day on his way home from Lincoln. oDlllatd Bedford wns looking after business matteis in Omaha this weok. Blaehsmlth woik Is llko everything else tho best is tho cheapest. Seo A. M. Beeis southeast of Miner Bros. Geoigo Tophatn left Wednesday morning for Edgar whero he basse cuied a position in a moat maiket. UT Mrs. Einiiiii Hiokson, who has been visiting with hot- sister Mrs. Harry Strotip nnd other relatives and friends left for Littlo Rock, Arkansas, Wednes day. On Inst Saturday night n farewell party was given at tho homo of Harvey Starkey in honor of Wm. Eamos nnd family who aro about roady to depart for Caldwell, Idaho. Jay Olney and R. B. Gaston of Con cordia, Kansas woro here this weok looking after their interests In tho stock cf goods of tho Nohrnsxa Mer cantile Co. An effort is being made to get tho stores opened up again at an early date. Mrs. Groat, wifo of our fellow towns man D. L Groat, died nt her home in the south pirt of tho city this forenoon. Deceased has been n sufferer with kid ney disease for somo yoars. At tho hour of going to press the timo sot for tho funeral had not boon learned. Honry Clark has socured tho con tract for tho building of n brown stone walk for O. H. Potter nnd W. W. Wright at tho sito whero thoy will build their now brick building. Our advo cacy of substantial wnlks Is bearing fruit oven bettor than wo imagined. Tho qttarantino has been raised in tho smallpox district nnd the inmates of tho two houses aro now nt liberty to go where thoy please. O. W. Hoover who understands tho ntodo of proced ure in disinfecting was hero tho first of tho weok and thoroughly disinfected tho houses in the district whore tho contagion was. Tho city wns lucky to got tid of the disease Burlington Route 125.00 to Califor nia February 12, 10, 20, Marcli 5, 12, 10, 20, April 2, 0, 10, 23, 80. Lowest rate in years. Applies to San Francis co, Los Angeles, Sacramonto, San Joso nnd pretty nearly ovory other impor tant point in California. Through tourist sletpors on all of the above dates got aboard at nny station in Nebraska at which train stops; get off at Los Angelos. Seo nearest Burling ton tickot agent, or writo J. Frauds, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. The city council mot in regular ses sion last Wednosday evening and al lowed more than the usual amount of bills. The added exponse was Juo to the quarantine which bad boen main tained in the south part of town during tho month and which was ralsod last Monday. Ths total expense of tho quarantine to the city has beon a littlo over four hundred dollars. Tho conn, cil also ordered four new stono cross walks to bo put in at tho intersection of Fourth aventio mid Webster street Tho contract for putting in tho walks was nwnided to Ovoting Bros, The cost of the walks will bo about fifty ilollais each. This may-bound a little steep to home, but wliernpni -on stops to consider that a ei'hViwulk of two inch plank costs between twonty.fivo and thirty dollars, and that it will last but two years, and a crosswalk of livo incli sandstone, tho snmo kind as wns used areund tho new residence of W. N. Ri bardson, costs but fifty dollars and will last forever, it is not so bad after all. Wo tbink the council is to bo commended for its action. THE PEOPLE KNEW HIM. (Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Hist or.) Gooroo Washington made nnd sold flour. nnd every barrel of flour In tho market branded "G. Washington, Mount Vernon," i sold without delay. No question was over i raiHd " t quulity or weight. Ioa"'8 l'oious Pbiiter hells on its repu. 'U,U'.r-.1',,J''l no iuiiuiu ui is unu, xnu piaster ouereu lilm ' really ia Benson's, uixl not a worthless imi- lut!on. of il?r Bubsti'Hloforit. AplastcristUbciitJoniiofoxtcrnnlrcin. edy, and Ilcuson's is tliu best plutitor; 5,0Ui physicians nnd druggists, nnd n multituilo of people no man can number, have settled urn. lou tan trust it." thev sav. Coughs, colds, lumo back, lumbago, mus- ' HYTftmfll l.nndnnnl .. A j. . 11 . . I euro '. by Benson's Plaster. Do noi BMtimo that Belladonna, Capsi cum or B rongtlienlug plasters nro "juntas g iod as" Benson's. They nre vastly U. fcrlor. No other plustcr is as gooJ as Bon oil's. In competition with tho boat-known plasters 01 Kuropo and America, Benson's ' havo rocoivbd JUty-fite hlghtut cucards. i'or suio uy nil druggists or wo wm pre pay postage on any number ordored in tho United Btatos, on receipt of 2Dc. each. 8bury fc Johnson, kfg. OkualsU, N.Y. ' t'il d l i d id S Cowden-Kaley LEADERS IN Jast a Feai lief 1 1 1 vSt 3 Wc Ikivs a Men's and Boys9 Overcoats V3 -it a m m 3 And a small line of Men's, Boys and Children's Suits and Pants. Wc are going to sell them if price will do it. Lar gest discount ever offered on clothing. Sale lasts until they arc gone. Our buyer will go cast soon to buy spring goods and we want all the room we can get for them. 3 a Cowden-Kaley THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. gib j "Among the! 9 Breakers." i If you don't come we go broke sure. (( Our price, 25 cents for re- 2 served seats. f Half tho play is acting and to soo woll get a rosorvo. Wo try our first, nnd if wo fail, probably our Inst attempt on tho stage. This bountiful two act dinma will be given in the OPERA - HOUSE, Ftiilay evening I FebFiiMy 15, 1901, f t by olovon of tho high school scholars, graduates and quituatos. Come and SEE the FUN Doors opon at 7:15, performance commences at 8:20 sharp. 1W TttTTTTTTTTt'TTTTT'TTTT'Tv pindley's HestauPantjil l HAI.K ISUIMIINO, X '! i Ueil Cloud, Nebraska. a ? I -9 i V3 Warm Meals at Allt ,9 Hours. ,3 i'l Kt- r- r . 1 1 t 1 - J inicc, vomioruauie iwOuging 1 Rooms. ' ? 9 KKUirS, CONFKOTIONKKY, i NUl'S AND CKJAHS.5 1 Oysters if Every Style. 4 9 S. S 9 f " iALL- KINDS OK HOT AND COLD LUNCHES. I -WW'WWWWWW'WWWAm - nM'i'..nm'HJijjmnmimiui,mimnmi V fc $ d d d l i fc Clothing Co., & & LOW PRICES. & small line of & Clothing Co. )tiiUiUi4rUaiUilitliUitvb4iUi j THE ! TIME TO BUILD HAS ARRIVED. Aro you in HneY Tho proper way to save money on a building is to bring your bill for hard ware to us to figaioon. 1 flAHDWAHE I AND rNAIkS 6 I t l t s 6- o o c-e- 6- s t 6 6 V o o o f o 6- s t s o t O nro on tho upward tendency but wo got in early so aro in u po silioti to do von Niiiiin good in the m.itler. Dun't. fail to coiue ami talk with us if 3011 want to save your hard earned money. WE MEN WHAT WE SAY. JUST TRY US. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. MfllHJiiBsjm.t ih 'X?3& .-WiMgVWft'g sasyi?pwag";