The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1901, Image 4

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il tt'lftflltll 1IT MoMIMjAN.
One four
Htnii.ianr.i) kvkiiy riniuv
Kalcrcd nt tho pout oBlce t Hod Ciuuil. Not.
4condoltimitll mMtor.
B.ocal ftrirertlslnft 6 cent lino cr Imuo.
Local AdvrrtUtng for cnlcrtAliiniatila, ran
tcrtn, toclnlK, etc., given T churches, churltnhlo
Jocletlc, etc., where nil moneys rnltcil thoro-
-Ironmro lined wholly for church or charitable
toclotlcn, Grot ten lines frco and all over ten
Hue 3)4 cent por lino per lue.
Local ndvcrtUlim or eiili'Mlnmciit, concerto,
recital", etc., where per cent l given to pro
moter, 5 ccntN per lino per Imiiu.
Ono column per month ... ....... - in
'Oho half rolnmn per tnontt - -. a Hi
Ono-fourtli column cr month................... . I b
Uencrnl dlfplay nilverllnliig I SX ccnta per
Hitch perlimnc.
CoiiRross will probably bo called to
moot in extra session immediately after
'tho 4th of March.
The nWH from Smith Africa would
lend ono lo boliovo that tho Doors lmvo
lakon now honrt since tho advent of
King Edward.
Tho ontlro wheat bolt of tho United
IStntea is now covered with snow. Tho
f aluo itf tho storm to this particular
rop is unostiraablo.
Another apportionment bill was in
irodocod this wcok. Tho now bill
f uts Wobstor in tho twonty-flrat sons-
torlal district and fortieth repreaontn-
tiro district.
As yot thoro has bcon no notion taken
by the date loRiHlnluro in regard to fish
and gitim. Tho game bills will arouse
a Tory decided ktorost and perhaps a
-warm contest when considered. The
mportsmon of Nebraska nro miking for
-the thorough enforcement of rigid laws
peeltyin tlio I inn- for killing game
'Tho farmers of tho stuto, espoclnlly
those of thu western portion, aro very
favorablu to legislation that will pro
tect those bit da from slaughter that
ate tho greatest insect enemies, such as
-quail and prairie chicken. Thoy would
favor a law prohibiting quail nml
chicken killing entirely uud this would
.not bo favornblo to tho sportsman.
Tho peoplo of the state aro Rotting
heartily sick of the senatorial scramble
-at Lincoln. Tho politicians and caudi-
-dates soom to hnro complete control of
tho situation, tho candidates seeming
to bavo tho legislator so completely
nndsr tholr thumbs that thoy daro not
make a move contrary to tho plans of
tho would bo sunators. These long
drawn out lights for tho senatorship
aro having much to do with tho grow
ing sentiment in favor of electing sen
ators by popular vote. Wliero so much
timo iscotiBUined in such monkey bus!
uoss as is now going on at Lincoln otli
ev important business is sadly neglect-
-d. Tho republican members nf tho
.legislature should get together and sot
4lo tho matter nt onco, and thon got
down to business ana bo ready to ad
joum with a good record at tho end of
tho session.
A joint resolution has boon iutro
duood in the legislature to amend tho
constitution by Increasing tho number
-f supremo judges from three to nine,
tho court to bo divided into threo do
partmonts of threo judges each. Whon
judges of ono department shall be
"unanimous their decision shall bo tho
tloclsion of tho court. If tho judges bo
divided on principles of law, tho mat
ter shall bo roconsidored by tho four
senior judges of tho other departments,
two from each, a maj irity of whom
nhall piotiouco n decision. Provided,
-whenever two judges shall vote to
modify or oveirule a former decision
the mutttir tiliull tie considered liv the
entire court. Constitutional questions
li:ill ha considered by the court. A
principle of law once established by
either dupattment is to he oven tiled
or modified only byj n voto of at least
iivo judges. No more than six poisons
of the samo political party shall bo eli
gible at tho samo timo to tho olllco of
- Tho editor of the Dixon Tribuno slr.os
up tho political situation from a pure
democratic standpoint as follows. "In
general politics wo aro a democrat and
know no reason why wo should be any.
thing else. Uy the term democrat wu
menu n genuine democrat; not u mixed
mess of anything and everything
tin own together to win. We will no
longer train with Mich it gang. When
the diMiiiHtrats gi't together (Impi'lc..,.,
hh it looks under present condition.)
and go back to old priuclrles, dropping
populism, socialism and till other wild
schemes, thu Tribune will be found
supporting thu ticket faithfully and
conscientiously us it always has dono
in the past. Hut if fusion is again
agreed on, in national, state or county
politics, wu are out of it. Fusion lias
bueii found a blight on overv party
trying it and in Dixon county it lias
dry-iotted both the populists and dem
ocrats until now comliined they are in
the minority. The time has come when
a mil thing, IiiiiViU'hi' iuir.i'UiVn sliunld
bo dropped and wu hope lo seo tho
democrats of this county either io
lieved of tho bliglit of fusion or dtfuit
od again and again until thoy aro dually
llelng religion? and howling religion
no two veiy different thing?
Don't, expect a ninn to take water
when you nsk hi u to h ivo something.
If it wasn't foran occasional funetal
some men would uovor sen tho inside
of n church.
A kiss bears tho samo relation to a
good bye that a notary's scat docs to n
deed, fry it.
Most peoplo don't caro whether a
photograph resembles thorn or not, just
so It is good looking.
Fow women nro sntisllod with na
ture's handiwork and ns a consequence
toilet preparations nro in demand.
Women enn't, as n rule, pass a mllll
Inery storo without looKlng in, and
some men cnti's pass n saloon without
stopping in.
Kggs nro worth ono dollar npione In
Alaska. Here Is a chance for thu Ne
braska hen who is not satisfied with
this country.
A man down in Kansas advertises to
trade n guitar for a baby buggy. Ho is
evidently going to chnngo from instru.
montnl to vocal music.
It wns nn nil wiso Providenco that
created woman after everything olso
bad been finished, otherwise sho would
have wanted to boss tho job.
Whon a lot of women got together
very often the aubjoot of conversation
is whether some .other woman knows
how her husband is acting.
A woman can got somo kind of an
Idea how pleasaPt a voico her husband
has if sho talks to him over tho tele
phoco and disguises her own volco.
Men who aro always waiting for
something to turn up aro of very little
uso in this world. Mon of the get-up-and-got
kind aro what tnakos a country
Only two arrests have been mado
hero for violation of tho game laws so
far. Ono had heon shooting crapj and
tho other had caught a sucker during
tho closed season.
Wo nro willing to bet nt tho odd of
throo to ono thaw tho follow who wroto
tho verses about beautiful snow didn't
havo any sidownlk in front of his rosl
donco to shovel off.
A woman might just ns well plant
pumpkin; seeds and cxpoct to rnlso
watormolons, as to expect to make a
lovoablo husband at tho point of a po
tato masher, or keeping him at homo
nights by tongue lashing him,
A man horo who is always ready to
snap up a bargain whothor he can use
it or not, wns recently Induced, through
a smnll want advertisement to send
a dollar to a Now York firm for a llro
escape. Ho got n blblo by return mail.
Thoro is a ninn in Bellvillo who has
proposed to a girl onco a wook for tho
last two yeare. Ho says ho is going to
keep it up until sho says "no" nnd thon
bo is going to quit hor. Ho is afraid to
quit how for fear of a broach of prom
iso suit.
Tho heroine in a lovo story asks her
lovor to kiss hor with bis oyes. It is a
matter of conjecture whothor he had
been smoking cigarettoi and drinking
beor or whether sho had been eating
onions or reading thoso microby kiss
stories, that such an unusual pro
ceeding should be desirod.
Last week a delinquent told us he
would pay up this week if he lived.
Ho is doad. Another said ho would seo
us tomorrow. He's gono blind. Still
another said, "I'll pay you this week or
go to tho devil." He's gono. Tho rest
had hotter tnko warning from these
procrastinators and pay up.
Mrs. Cnrrin Nation seems to he mak
ing a d nation big smash in her part of
the country. Auwuy, slut wins moie
honor thnii thu hjpoerites who shout
for prohibition at homo and go to a big
city when they want :t hig .spree. .Mrs
Nation at least lives up to her c invic
tious. A certain woman has just tumbled
to a schemo to got hor husband who
stays out lato at night, homo earlior.
Tho other ovoning when ho carao homo
showontquietlytothodoor and whis
pered through the koy hole, "Is that
you, Charlie?" His name wasn't Char-
lio and being of a rather jealous dispo
sition bo is now staying homo evenings
waiting for Charley to show up.
Wo would liko to know why tho dovll
Is always pictured ns a man with cow
hoofs, iplkod tail, horns nnd a threo
tined spear, and an angel is pictured
us a women with hlouil hair, winv-s,
harp, and had half a bolt of white im.s
liu wrapped around her. If there is
no lm unguis what becomis of tho
preachers and other good men, and if
theto aio no tdiu devils what becomes
of ilm village gossips,
A preacher announced that tho next
Sunday he would preach u set mon on
"Hell, and Who Would Ho Found
There." During tho next week he re
ceived letters fioni four lawyers, two
newspaper men, thieo bankers, two
iiotel men, two Imi hers, two real estate
men, two druggists and eighteen other
nn mbiMsof his congregation, threaten-
in,' to tvitinli'uv their support and
tie him fir laudur if ho dared "to
mention my name in your sermon."
Che other morning one of our sporty
boys was considerably tnkou back,
Ho was ovidontly dreaming of some-
il g Unit li'id huppi'ied sou.- time
' nl .us iiis g -of v,i. l.nd (a rii
mm time or four times fir breakfast
hut ml a move had he made. Final')
die became impatient and going to tin
riom said "I've called you four times,
and" Hut she got no further. The
weary sleeper moved iiuinf)y in his
ied, remarked "That's good, I've got u
hoblall," and commenced to snore
again. When be dually arose he hail a
haul time explaining to his wife just
what u "bob-tall" was, but ho finally
succeeded in convincing her' that ho
wns dreaming he wns buvitiir a bull
dog with its tail cutoff.
As wo bavo had several n quests to
print tho niHrkeireportAof this locnlity
wo glvo you tho weeks report which
will probably answer for mhiio timo
and will apply tho world over: Y.uing
men: unsteady, dudes, slightly off;
gills, lively, in demand; coffee, consld
erably mixed; fiesh IL-Ii active und slip
pery; wheat, a grain better than barley;
'-'UK, quiet now hut will probably open
in a fow days; whiskey, steadily going
down; onions, strong and rising; blend
stuffs heavy; hoots and shoes, steadily
going up and down; hats and cans not
ns high ns last fall; tobacco slow, with
a downward tondonov: monov. close.
but not closn enough to got hold of;
gamo, unsteady, markot flooded; feath
ers, light and going up; iron, firm;
butter, strong; opium, a drug on the
market; advice, good, no demand.
Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Accouut of Their Littleness.
The poet who wanted to write on
"snow, beautiful snow" Suuday did
not lack for plonty of the pure article
to got his idoas started. The man whu
forgot to bring in tho coal and kindling
on Saturday night didn't fetl liko writ
ing poetry. Talking of snow jou will
now hoar tho crop prognosticator crank
say that tho crop is assured uud give
you dites to show for it. In giving his
dates ho will leavo out tho years when
wo hao plenty of snow followed by
plonty of drouth. It does ono good to
seo somo peoplo plodding through tho
snow drifts. It is tho hardest work
thoy over did in their life nnd it is ono
thing thoy cnu't always nnvo some
otherbody do for tliem. The next fool
custom to bo observed will bo St. Val
ontiuo's day. Tho day of itself is not
so bad nor is tho idea of tho sentimen
tal lovor who sonds a pretty Valentino
to his best girl. It is tho comic and in
sulting pieco of paper with its offensive
caricature that makes tho custom odi
ous. 1'ho persons, in some cases, who
havo enemies wait in gleeful anticipa
tion for tho day, that they may bo able
to got oven by sending them ono of
these pictorial nightmares. Mon who
seo evil in everything olso that thoy
think is bad still sell these vonom-ladeu
sheets of paper. Hero is another ru
form for Mrs. Carrio Nation and hor
littlo hatchet, or sho might uso with
better effect a basket and a tire.-Wo
aro glad to note that tho day is becom
ing less and loss observed by tho do
cent element of society. Our lilue
Hill correspondent pays, "Tho way to
try a man's friendship is to rak him for
a loan of two and a half when you
really need it," This may be truo and
tho loan of tho two and a half is a good
way to find out the friendship of tho
other follow along with his honesty.
But you don't want to come to Red
Cloud to try the experiment unless you
want to pay dearly for it. If you want
a fellow to cut your acquaintance and
treat his friends on your money, lend
him two nnd a half The bigger tho
loan the. bigger the cut. Frank Cow
den's turkey chaso wasn't in it with the
one whim oectiivd last week. Thin pig chase and thu participants
were piggy, Maurice Weist and Cir.uit
Turner. Tho chase was a no as-Miti witli cigars bet as to who was
thu best man the pig, Turner or Weist.
After going some fourteen miles tho
pig proved itself to bo tho best man
and as it hasti't been seen since, thu
other two aro in a wrangle us to who
should got tho cigars. Turner says
that Weist did nut have thowind and
Weist says that Turner couldn't run
fast enough, The pig came to tho con
clusion that neither one of them was
any good. Ask Elmor Ross for tho
story. Ho didn't lmvo any buttons left
nfter ho got through laughing.
Low Rates, West and Northwest.
At n tiuiu of jcar when tluuiiands
will takeadvautages of ilii-in, the Hurl j
iugloii Route makes sweeping reduct
ions in i s rales to the West and North
west to Utah, Montana, Washington,
Oregon iihd Hritish Columhia.
'J.ites: February 13, 10 and SO
March 6, 13, 10 and 2(1. Apiil 3, 0, 10
311 and U0 Rates are tdiowu below:
To Ogden, Salt Lake, Hutte, llulonn,
Anaconda, and Missoula: $3iJ.
To nil points on the Northern Pacific
Hy. west of Missoula, including Spo
kane, Sentlle, Taoomi, Portland, ns
well as Vancouver, anil Victoria, R C,
To nil poltiis on the Spokane Falls &
Northern Uy. and the Washington ei
Columbia River R. U $38.
Nuvor has thu Paciliu Northwest
been ns prosperous as now. Labor is
on constant demand and wages nro!
high. Thu money making opportunl-1
- i oeja n- " 3w mm
To the first Twenty-five subscribers who pay
up all arrearages, we will send
Cbieago IntefnOcean
The Hed Cloud Chief
Eemember this only applies to the first twen.
ty-five. If you want to be one of those to
gen the Chicago Weekly Inter-Onean
FREE "you'll have to hurry.
New Subscribers who pay one year in ad
vance will receive the benefit of this offer.
je7ieaaBBeifcfc fc ea, fc av aV fc . eav av . v . . . . . w. . . . . -
ties nro beyond number in mines,
lumber, merchandising, farming, fruit
mising, fishing, and nil tho other in
dustries of n great and growing count
ry. Litcruttiro ou request free. J.
h rancis, tion'l Passenger Agent, Omaha,
In dealing with tho cigarette ques
tion the present legislature has mado a
wonderfully good start and it is to ba
hoped that it will come out as well nt
tho finish. A bill has been introduced
requiring the man who deals in cigar
ettes or cigarette paper to pay a license
of threo hundrod dollars before hand
ling tho goods. The bill should become
a law.
Wk Want at Onck. A roliable man
to look after our interests in Webster
nnd tho ndjncont counties. Salnry or
commission Specinl inducements to
offer to the right puty. Lincoln Oil
Cu, Cleveland, Ohio.
Catarrh has become such a common
disease that n person entirely fiee from
this disgusting complaint is seldom met
with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh
m nothing more serious than a bad cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and
very dangerous disease ; If not at first, it
very soon becomes so.
The blood is quickly contaminated by
the foul secretions, and the poison through
the general circulation is carried to all
parts of the system.
Salves, washes and sprays are unsati.
factory nnd disappointing, because they do
not reach the sent of the trouble. S. S. S.
does. It cleanses the blood of the poison
and eliminates from the system nil catar
rhal secretions, nnd thus cures thoroughly
and permanently the worst cases.
Mr. T. A. Willi. iin, n Icrullnit (Iry.jjmxb tner
clmiit of biurtntilmn,', ,s. C, vrilr ' I'oryean
a ,.tii, n ritcc .tc ill
tinuil Cntiitili, "llli nil
the dlsncrvrablc ttTecu
which liclnnc Id Hint
dlcnsc, n n if w li i c li
make life painful nml
utienitiiralile, I lined
medicines prescribed by
leadliiR )lilclin-i nml
Hiicce-inl hy numbers
of friend, but Mitliout
ceding nny belter. I
then began to tnkeS. S.
S. It lml the desired
effect, mill cured mi.
afler taklne elehteen v
bnttlm. II HIV (Hilldim fi. S. H. In I lie nnltf modi.
clue now in inn llmt will effect n perntinciitcure
of Catarrh."
Saf afUl is the on,y Prely veg
m W etnble blood purifier
k k known, nnd the grcnt
aW!$kiJS('st of "" ,)loo(1 IIC(li
Wm? Stf cincs nud tonics.
If you linve Catarrh don't wait until it
becomes deep-sealed nud chronic, but be
gin ntouce the use of S. S. S., nnd send
for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
and write our physicians about your case. '
Vr v ai' j. m n t -
Yoaf Grandfathef
may have succeeded in business without us
ing newspaper space, but its "dollars to
doughnuts he was progressive enough to
use every advantage he knew to push his
business. If he was in business now he
would use newspaper space in preference to
other methods, because he would realize
that it is both cheaper and better than any
other. Let us prepare some ads for your
Publishers' Advertising Agency,
DavIH C.lixr
- .,u ,,Muu wia, i-niKiimns irentment Helps women
I f promptly is that thev have confirlpnpf. i,-
" fUh vanaAH 1tt D.'-l.t
Through some of the many thousands of Mrs. Pink
hnm s friends nn ailing woman will be led to write to Mrs
iUMmui in nui iioinc in jynn,
Mass., nnd will tell her symptoms.
The reply, made without charge of
nny kind, will bear such evidence
of knowledge of the trouble that
belief in her advice at once inspires
This of itself is a cM-ent Ti1n
Then the knowledge that women only see the letters askin
for advice and women only assist Mrs. Pinkham SUSf
tffsCS? t0 be explicit about "" 1U 38&
SL? I'Sift i..? Rt. write.:
mi "'""""'
mwmu) t &Auas&m
mmmfKrc ?, m
Wf ZVSKrjitQAf O . . vW VW T'ljTVLKy
about four years I was a great sufferer from female troubles I
hadbackacheallof the time, nonppetlte, painsinsto, achSnt-
".W "3i fWS? WCI? n"d my SySte,U Wn completely ! dow?
I also had falling of womb so bad that I could scarcely wa"k
across the floor. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable
Compound and one box of Lozengers, can say I am cured."
Offer I
Mknl. m
t- i ...
"tofcq wim two of the best
uociora in the city for two
years and had no relief until I
began the use of your remedies.
My trouble was nlonmH
$$ tne womb. I suffered
'f$J$H somptliinn-,:i,i, i.i
h n-muic, UUUIU
not sleep nights and
thought sometimes that
death would be mipIi n
relief. To-davInmnwrii
woman, able to do my
own work, nnd have not
a pain. I used four bottles
of Lydta E. Pinkhnm'n
Vegetable Compound and
three packnges of Sana
tive Wash and ennnnt
thnnk you enough for the
good it did me." u
Mrs. M. Stoddard,
Box 268, Springfield, Minn.,
liriPITi Itfnn Tl
n if" e f '' ? "f1 "" "
- - - --m.