The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1901, Image 1

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Prices for
Just Through invoicing, that's the reason. The other reason is to make room for
new goods. It will pay you to buy now. Many Bargains, no disappoint
ments. Everything will be sold at a special saving to you.
Ten per cent off on all DRESS GOODS.
Fifty per cent off on JACKETS.
M. D. Wells Line of SHOES at Cost.
Grand Closing Out Sale on Furniture Carpets.
V. A. Shottonklrk tins a job nt Cow lea
(or tho winter.
The foundation of health is pure groceries. They make wholesome food possible.
Libby, McNiell & Libby's canned meats, viz: Chipped Beef, Deviled
Ham, Veal Loaf, Chicken Loaf, Vienna Sausage. An
assorted line of prepared soups.
20 pounds Fancy Evaporated Peaches, new stock, $i.oo.
20 pounds Fancy Prunes, new stock, $i.oo.
20 pounds Fancy Raisins, new stock, $i.oo.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Miner Brothers,
Red Cloud Nebraska.
From Fountain, Oklahoma.
AEditou Chirk. It 1ms been some
thno sinco I havo written, but will try
Rml pen a few lines. Wo tiro having a
Tory lino winter. There."1! no frost in
thogionnd nt thW wilting Wo have
lincl very little, snow and tho ground
has been frozen to tho depth of two and
ono-hnlf inches dm inn tho winter. Tho
ppuPlo hora aro all doing well and
get-in to bo happy, lively body in im
plying und trying to mako their homo
pleasant and comfortablo. There is a
fair prospect of a railroad near hero.
It will not bo moro man muu un
from us. It is to bo finished by tho
first of April, and some talk of another
but nothing cortain. Tho pooplo who
came down hero from that part of tho
country are all doing well as far as I
know. ,.
Mr. England is living near a small
town called Ceoling. Ho is vory nico
ly fixed. Has a good houto with four
rooms, good baru and good out build
i?gs, good well, nico orchard, and ono
hundred acres fenced with three wires.
His son Otis also has a good claim, im U imuroving. Hank Hoese
has built on his claim and is now ready
for a cook, Uncle sum iviusu n
hue but his health Is not veiy good.
Mert Fearn is getting along very
nicely. Mr. Fearn is a lustier and if
anyone can got wotk ho will. Ho has
his houso plastered and it Is very waim.
Hjg oldest son has been very sick and
ftAno time-wo toougui hu " "
danger, but ho is hotter. Tho rest of
tho family are woll. Mr. VauDyko has
moved on his pluco and is keeping
batch. Ho ia building mid has throe
men grubbing for him. Ho is working
at Ills trade most of tho time and gets
plenty to do.
Wo hnvo had thioo months of school.
Mr. .). K. Stiiukland wielded tho birch
and guvo good satisfaction.
liobGtahamls doing a good business
in with Mr. VauDyko. Undo Hun says
Im will ninko a good plasterer. Ho is
going to build in tho neat futuro
This is no longer a now country. It
is a wonder to those coming from tho
oast to seo tho country settled up so
fast. Somo few aro seeing bard timoB
but after another year I don't think
anybody will need te complain.
Hogs are worth 11.60 per hundred,
red cows 120 to $30, chickens $2.50 per
dozen, corn 25o per bushol, hay 12 60 to
$3.00 per toa, mi Hot $4.00, and 14-Inch
wood $1.00 per load.
Everybody is gripping, and some
pretty hard. Our houso is full of it.
No smallpox as yot, but some scarlet
fever und tonsilitis. Nothing serious.
Wo aro doing as well at any of our
neighbors. Ileing lono handed and not
in good health 1 chu hnrdly keep up
with tho younger men. winter wueai
looks splendid hett. Wo aro atill con
tented and wel( pleased with our now
home, Muo lot us heat ftom you a lit
tle oftoner, What Inn become of South
west YVubator. No moro nt present.
.). M. UuTimii:,
Weather cold and stormy.
Fred Wildoy and wife will mako a
business trip to Oklahoma iu tho near
Mr. Molutjic'slittlo daughter Hello
was aecidentnlly uin over by a tmun
and quitu hoi iously injiucd. She is not
oxpepted to live.
E. W. Anderson waj tho guest of Hi
Ho j cu this week.
Kuv. II. II. Haskins and Sherman
Fordyco will start for Idnho overland
in the near futuro to mako that his fu-
turo homo.
Tho roads aro blookcd with snow so
thoro has been no travel to Red Uloud
this week.
W. T. Auld has sold tho Davo Ander
son farm to N. E. Wllhelmson for
J. F. Grimes hm just ptirclinsod ti
lino now piano mid has commenced
taking lessons.
Tho way to try a man's friendship is
to ask him for a loan of two nnd a half
when you really need it.
Dr Fulkerson has just wiitten a
touching poem entitled "Heautiful
Snow." Write him for a copy of it
enclosing stamp for teply.
Tho oast and west minis In this part
of tho county arn so badly drifted that
few poopln aro coming to town and
business 1h quieter than usual.
M lanes Sweezy nnd Palmer hnvo re
moved their millinery stock to tho
Persons' block nnd Judge Swoezy has
opened a law oDlce in tho room vaca
ted. Tho whist club will moot with Prof.
McCrary on Saturday evening As tho
Prof, is a little short on wives, resi
dences ar.d table linen, he will enter
tain at John Brunnor'i.
Chris Koohler's steam heating plant
blew up the other day. Nobody hurt.
Chris has been keoplng warm, whilo
repairs are nindo, by the use of some
of the hot air left over from last fall's
The kids, and others, give Mr. and
Mrs. Beaver & roHslng perhaps rasp
ingreception upon their retarn from
their wedding trip. Mr. Beaver re
sponded with refreshments. Those
young people will, wo understand,
soon commence housekeeping in the
Ererhart houso which is being flttod
up for them.
Tho new lodge, tho Ancient Order of
Bald Headed Prevaricators, was organ
ized laBt Saturday evening by tho elec
tion of John S. Hoover as Grand Chiof
Prevaricator; II. A. Simpson as Ablo
Assistant Prevaricator; Judge Hilton
as Recorder of Prevarications and
Ezra Bishop as Bouncer. Sevoral ap
plications aro on tilo. Wo hope to bo
able, through the kindness of tbo Re
corder, to give, from timo to timo,
some hints of tho progress and work
ings of the local lodgo of this noblo
Hugh McCluro is having trouble of
his own and plenty of it. LastSatur
day his horse ran away, kicked itsolf
loose from tho buggy, ran hone and,
in its fright, mistaking tho open door
of tho bouse for tho door of its stable,
ran into the dining room and kicked
over tho tablo and broko all tho crock
ery in tho house, incidentally breaking
up tho dinner of which tho family
were ut that moment partaking. That
was not tho worst of it, for, whilo tho
horse had niunttgul to hqueezo in at
tho door, hit positively infused to
fqni'CM hluixelf mil of it. Hugh tticd
to lead him out mid tried to drive him
out, but, liko tint liny im tho burning
itfi'k, ho would not go. Hugh hold
tempting in of corn in (unit of the
door, culled him !y niimo and told him
lie wits good hnitte, but it wits uo go.
And he's theio . t 1. and his uufottuiiato
owner, who linn nlleicd to give him
away to tiny out) who will take him, is
now trying to decide whether to kill
the horse and carry him out in chunks
that he can handle or tear down tho
house and take him out alivo.
(Cum In too Uto far Inat week.)
Hub Houry sold Mr. Witt,wer a cow
and calf for $40.
John Wagoner will build a largo
barn in tho near futuro.
W. II. Rosoncrans bought a lino
bunch of hellers last weok.
Chas. Hesse of Red Cloud was buying
stock in this part last week.
Tho lino nov church near Jack
Hrown'd is about completed.
Small grain novor looked hotter in
mid-winter than it does now.
Harvey Graham is having a sorious
timo with a felon on his thumb.
Clan Fair and Win. Ftancis sold
somo lino heifers for n gootl ptico.
Frank Sibort is building a new houso.
Win. Scrivnor and James Hillings are
tho carpouters.
N. L. Fitsgerald and wlfo havo boon
sick for somo time but aro up and
around again.
Wo havo had such a nice winter that
stock is doing well ami many farmers
say thoy havo more feed than they can
Stock is high nnd many farmors have
horses, mules, cows and calves for salo
and some aro selling them and buying
Jos. Rosoncrans, Pete Lederbrand
and others did th ir own shipping of
cattle and hogs last week to Kansas
Over a car load of hogs were taken
off this creek one day this week. They
were sold in Red Cloud at Go. boven-ty-six
head in fourteen wagon loads
Perry Boardsloo has bought tbo Uor
ton farm cf Mr. Ford for $1,800, and
Mr. Ford bought a larger one. S. N.
Potter bought an improved eighty of
A. G. Scrivnor for $900.
Tho citizens of Andersonvillo have
boon wonderfully excited for somo
timo over the proposol railroad that
thoy Bay is to run west from Nelson,
Nebraska, to Smith Centro or Bollaire,
Kansas, by way of their town. Recent
ly Mr. Steffcn was iu that part with his
steam thresher, and when tho Ander
Bonvilleitos heard tho whistlo late in
tho evening thoy all ran out to see tho
train como in.
An old timo blizzard struck us Sun
day. Sam Millor of Lostor wa9 ou our
shoots Wednesday putting up salo bills.
11. it M. Agont Wilson's mother and
brother from Kansas are visiting him
this weok.
Ed. Gilford is putting up ti tluo foncu
around his residence.
B. A M. water sotvlco mon repaired
tho railroad pump ou Wednesday.
Py.Jo-Sos is buying tho bulk of tho
poultry thiiso days since Earloy has
had tho grip.
John Waller is putting up n now
wind mill at his residence
Tho corner stone of tho A. O. U. W.
hall was laid on Wodnosihy with up
proprialo coromouics.
JohnHutohlns our section foreman
has had his snow plow (Motter) at
work this week.
Tbo Court of Honor Lodgo has got
sovoral applications for nawmembors.
Tho Court Is growing and will bo ono
of the largest orders in town soon.
linger is woll located in his new two
story blacksmith shop. Ho contem
plates putting in a grist mill for a sido
Fred Good is master workman on the
now A. O. U. W. hall.
Rule Hurd has gone te Oklahoma.
Mr. Shottenklrk of Blao Hill lias
opened a real estate, loan and Insur-
anco office in Cowles.
Ask tho P. M. about that rural mail
Pat Mooro is lotting his whiskers
Mrs. J. E. Sttador and family has
moved to Missouri.
Will Morgan has moved into tho
Teel proporty.
Undo Tod, Aunt Pino and Noah
Crafford aro on tho sick list.
Mrs. W. A. Franklin is in Uluo Hill
this weok nnd tho doctor is batching.
Boari for Sale.
I have a fow choico thoroughbred
Poland China bonis for salo cheap.
E. L. Fawcctt, Cowles, Nebraska.
What Shall We Have for Deueri?
This question arises in tbe family
ovory day. Lot us answer it today.
Try Joll-O, a delicious dessert. Pro
pared in two minutes, No baking! add
hot water and set to cool. Flavors:
Lemon, ornngo raspberry and straw
bet ry. At your grocers, 10 cts.
AOKNT8 Wanti.ii; Wo want anact
ivo agent in Red Cloud and vicinity to
represent tbo largest Evergreen Nur
series in tho U. S. A full lino of hardy
fruits, shade and ornamental trees,
shrubs, etc. Four plans, pay weekly.
Address at once, Tho Elgin Nurseries,
Elgin, Illinois.
Deafness Cannet be Cured,
by local application as they cannot
reach tbo diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to euro deaf noss,
and that is by constitutional remedios.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of tho
Eustachian Tube. When this tubo is
inllained you havo a rumbliog bound or
imporfect boat ing, and it is otitlroly
closed. Deafness is tbo tcstilt, and un
less tlioinllamn.ation can bo taken out
nnd this tubo rcsloted to its normal
condition, homing will bo destroyed
forever, uiuu cases out of leu (tie
caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but mi itill.imod condition of the
mucous mii faces.
Wo will give one hundred itollais for
fiuy cuso of Deafness (caused by cat
nrrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catnrih Cure. Send for circuhts,
F. J. Chunky & Co.,Tolodo, O
Sold by druggists, 70o.
Hall's family pills aro the. best.
Ullljr Ilrjran,
De' a trjln
Te recorer from tbe awful fall bo fell
Lait November;
You remember
How lie (truck tbe froitr pavement, with yell.
W.unded btdly,
Weeping ally,
U aroio and said a printer bo would be ;
Booms were never, never more for such at he.
Tbeu lit. paper
Cut a coper;
rrlnlur Urran (till wan talklnj; tbraugb ItU bat,
Jlen of (union,
In condition,
Bald tbe "t'omm iter" bud fallen Hat.
Hilly lltyan
' To rtcon-r from tliu htvful fall lie fell;
Crom lliu ocean.
Wbllu tlit'pnr kox to prcus or Boe to
Tho smokers of Red Cloud can lind
ou salo by H. E. Grice and a fow of tho
locol dealers ono of tbo choicest and
most phenomenal retailing cigars over
manufactured in tho west, the "Tuck"
cigar. It is hand made throughout and
unequaled iu workmanship by anyC
cent cigar on tho market. The "Tuck"
cigar has in its tiller tho finest grndu of
old uullayored tobacco that can be pur
chased and used in a 0 cent cigar. Its
draft is perfection. Tlio "Tuck" cigar
is packed in tin foil in pnokagos of live
with tho object iu view of keoplng it
fresh, retaining tho llavor and protect
ing it from breakage when carried in
the pocket. Tho "Tuck" cigar is in
fact perlection in everything that is
required to mako a choice smoke.
Theio is noeicttr made in tho live cent
cigars that equals tho Tuck cigar, iu
woi'Kiuiiiigum, mutiny, itraii ami
Try tho "Tucks".
is destruction of lung by a
growing germ, precisely as
mouldy cheese is destruction
of cheese by a growing germ.
If you kill the germ, you
stop the consumption. You
can or can't, according to
when you begin.
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Qiocl Liver Uil : taKe a little
It acts as .t
food ; it is the
easiest food.
Seems not to be
food ; makes you
hungry ; eating
is comfortable.
Yougrow strong
er. Take more;
not too much ; enough is as
much as you like and agrees
with you. Satisfy hunger
with usual food ; whatever
you like and agrees with you.
When you are strong
again, have recovered your
strength the germs are
dead ; you have killed them.
If you havo not tried It, send
forfroo samplo, Its agreeable
tasto will surprise you.
409 Pearl St., New York.
60c. and $1,00; all druggist
at first.
Tbe genuine 1ms
till picture on it,
lane nooiner,
;i .r
4 w- '
Msls an Li !.. .v ftt A fit f - Vijii