I RockaBye Baby These are sweet words, but how much pain and sulierlnff they used to mean. It's different now, Since Mother's Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much of the anguish of child birth, Mother's friend Is a liniment to bo applied externally. It Is rubbed thoroughly Into the muscles of the abdomen. It gives elasticity and strength, and when the final great strain comes they rerpond quickly and easily without pain. Mother's Friend Is never taken Internally. Internal remedies at this time do more harm than good. If a woman Is supplied with this splendid lini ment she need never fear rising or swelling breasts, morning sickness, or any of the discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy. The proprietor of a large hotel In Tampa, Fla writes: "My wife had an awfui time with her first child. During her second pregnancy, Mother's Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived. It's certainly great." Clet Mother's Prltnd at the drug itore. $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Oa. Write for our free Illustrated book, " lief ore llaby U Horn." Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Uncmialcd by any other. Renders ltartl leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. lARNESS ,n excellent preservative. I educes cost of your harness, ever bums the leather : its ifliciencv is increased. Secures best service. ltitcb.es kept from breaking. OIL Is sold in all .ocalitiea Ma,hcl0Ma bf StsuUattl Oil Caaraar . r. d. bbdpord, Real - Estate, Insurance, AND COIAKCTWIW. Agent tor the Eq.titablk"Likk Assuh- ANOK SOOIKTT. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Medalist YYcatorn University, unnaun. Calls Answkukd Day and Night. Orrrci Otsr Cook's PuAMtAcr. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Tcelh Without Plates. POKCBLAIN INLAY And all the latent Improvement lu dental moch anltra OVERMAN tfi BLACKLEDQE RTTORNBYS - HT - LKW. OttUe arcr Pom Ottlce. UED CLOUD, NKUKASKA. is THERE'S A HITCH somowhero if you don't gut good (amli ty in your harness. Don't be cent vriso and dollar foolish by Retting trashy stuff, but buy our Leather harness. That will last for years and give satisfaction, at n prico that will surprise you by its littleness. OUR HORSE COMFORTS such as liy nets, etc. are well worth your attention, anil will surely provo a great investment. J. O. Butler, THEtOTEss HOW TO STUDY ART I We Rive in our illustrated catalogue, FREE, valuable information and advice to those contemplating the study of Art. Send postal for cata logue. IIALSUY C. IVKS, Director. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS, St. Loulm, Mo. tUIUS WMUIt All Hit (AILS. licet counU Bjrru iouku ojruu. Tiutca Hood. in time. Hold br ilrunKl.lJL . Curesl the Grip. Ilnvo you had tho grip? Probahly yon hnvo. It's pleasant nnd makes a follow feel like going off and dying. If you haven't, after atwo week's sir-go I feel perfectly competent to givo all the siiiptoins, feolines nnd treatments necessary to n grip patient. Tho symp toms nro n hollow cough, headache, an nil gouo feeling, n disposition to not care adiun for nnything and an incli nation to growl at everybody and kick at averything, you want to ho let striotly alono and nro peifcctly willing to let everyone elsu tend to their own buainusB, in tho mcrriing when you got up you feel had mid in tho evening you feel like tho very detien, you have chills and plover, your spirits are de pressed, you have an infernal desire to do Mimothiiig mean and the meaner or more ornry you can bo tho better you are pleased. You have backache, head ache, ear ache, nose nche, tooth ache, soio throat, soro lung, soro bowels, liver and kidneys and from there on down everything is sore and aches. These aro a few of tho symptoms ami feelings of a two weeks siege of grip. A few of tho remedies to be enjoyed in tho same spaco of time, if you take all the advlco given you nro as follows: Tako quinino nnd whiskey. If tho remedy is too strong diluto it with more whiskey. Tako twelvo ono grnin asnfctida pills for breakfast, eight for dinner and ten for supper. Sleep soundly nnd tako plenty of exorcise when you wako up. Tako hot air baths nnd keep warm for several hours pftcrwnrds. Tako tlvo gallons of whiskey. Avoid quinino in nil forms as it has n bitter taste. Tano n plungo bath every morning in ice water immediately after getting out of bod. Drink hot water, ns near tho boiling point ns possible, nnd avoid all kinds of food and stimulnntH. Tako treatment from a magnetic healer. Absont trcatmont is tho best if tno healer is a man. Soak your feet in hot wator and drink hot lomonade until you start to sweat, thon crawl in a hed full of hot bricks or hot water bottles. Avoid reading patent mcdiclno ad vertisements. Tako whiskoy and rock oandy. Eat tho rock candy then drink the whiskoy. Also forty-seven kindsof patent mod icine, twenty-two kinds of pill, thirty- four kinds of powders, and a dozen kindsof capsules. These are a few of tho remedios tho sympathizing friends and neighbors advocated as suro cures. There were others but owing to my sympathetic disposition I will keep ahem secret. After a 'two 'Weeks siege I took an inventory ol the "ranch" which re sombled an apothocary shop on a small scale. The invontory showed up nu merous halt empty patent medicino bottles, ; powders, pills nnd capsules innumerable, and two jugs, (empty of course.) I camo to tho conclusion at onco that I bad not been .taking tho stuff nccording to directions ns each was labeled for doso every hour until rolioved, with tho exception of the jugs nnd ths contents of thoso were to bo taken spasmodically and had therefore bcon consumed. I then itrnightoncd tho stuff all out and concluded to go according to directions. It was rather hard work for a sick man to get a doso of unch kind down him tho Hist hour, but it was finally accomplished with live minutes to rest in before commenc ing on the second round. At this point n lucky thought Hashed through tho patients tortured brain. Why not mix tho whole darned kerboodle, medicine, powders, pills nnd capsules, in ono of tho jugs, stir it up, nnd drink n teacup full every hour? Twns done and after three more doses nil pain nud acho was over and tho patient was lying very quietly in his bed. A doctor was sent for nud pronounced the grip gono anil life- nearly so. When asked what I had taken I merely pointed to the jug. Ho sie.ed it, jerked out tho cork. fiok a smell and then went out duo j. I guess thti hi'at of tho room made him sick. When ho returned he gavu mo it few doses of something iuiu said if ttdldu'i help nothing would. In the course of a fow weeks I expect to he is sound mid well ns ever. Hoping this will benefit some poor grip suffer er I remain, Yours for suffering humnnity, KU'YAKD ItUDLINO. Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local application as thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. ibere is only one way to euro deaf rieia, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of thn mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imporfect hearing, and it is entirely closed.; Deafness is the result, nnd un less tho inflammation cau bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed iorevor; nino cases out ol ton aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but nn inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. jfj, Wo will give ono hundred dollars for any caso of Deafness (caused by cat arrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circuluia, free, F. J, CnKNEY & Co , Toledo, O Sold by druggists, 75o. D Hull's family pills aro tho boat. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut of Their Littleness. The next thing which will como up for discussion is city politics. The question will bo nsked who is going to bo mayor and who will bo councilman in ll o north nnd south wards, For our part wo nro satisfied to Uavo well enough alono nnd see tho present in cumbents of those offices stay there Hut wo aro not tho people They may want a chango. Our present mayor has been u good nnd efficient ono and tho council has worked in harmony with him. In timoof emergency, dur ing the smallpox scare, he was found to bo the right man in the right plaen; .Much improvement to tho city has been mndo during the regime of Out present mayor ami council and it will bo up to tho voters soon as to whether this policy will ho maintained or whether a now nnd untried ono will go into effect. Don't mnko a mistaku nnd put up n man at the head of our city affairs who is unprogrcssivc. For u month or so past there has boon tnlk of a brick hotel going up in our city. Tho different gusts of "hot nit" came from all directions. First wo woultl hoar tbnt it was going to bo n sky scrapor, threo stories high, with all modern improvements, nn olovntor, steam heat, with billiard room, hotel bar, barbor shop and bath room con nections, nnd to bo on tho east side Then somebody's lllght of imagination got it in tho north end so as to pull businoss that way. Thon tho wind voored nnd it wont to tho west. In this case it was going to bo takon out of tho business portion of tho city, wns going to hnvo all modern improvement!) with tho nddition of spacious grounds, planted to grass, (lowers and trees. The traveling man wns to havo a haven of rest wbero ho could swing a hum mock and read himself to sleep on Sunday after attonditig morning ser vice. Now tho latest Is that it will pos itively bo built on the south side for tho purposo of enhancing property in terests and business. We wish thoy would decido this matter at once as it has caused us to uso up much shoo leather in chasing down rumors and as wo haven't any advertisement from the shoe dealer, wo won't have any shoes when thoso shoes are gono. We don't believe there is a man or set of men in town who have money enough to build a hotel. If Mrs. Carrio Nation and Mrs. Sheriff would come to Red Cloud, what then. Thoy would probably be soundly spanked and sent home 'as aughty .children. Mrs. Carrie aid her fool helpers will yet lead to mur der and then bo put where they will do the most good. How nico it would sound if wo could run in a littlo seven linor and say, "Excavation for the new auditorium building has bcon commen ced. This will give our idlo labor a chanco to earn money which will again find it's way back to tho source from which it came. Rod Cloud brick nnd Rod Cloud labor, tho greatest part of tho cost." THE GRIP EPIDEMIC. The Disease More Prevalent than Ever and quite as fatal. The best treatment. The grip has surprised tho doctors and health authorities this season by its rapid spread and by some novel symptoms. While it spares nobody it is proving especially dangerous to middle-aged and elderly persons. In many cases either n fatal onset of pneumonia, or a complete breakdown of healtu and strongth, is apt to fol low nn attack of grip. Tho wise course for nil is prevention. By wearing a Uensou's Porous Piaster on tho chest nnd back you protect tho lungs from cold nnd chill nnd (with ordinary care) you aro safo from grip. For thoso who aro plrcudy suffering from grip, or tho usual winter coughs ami colds, lienson's Porous Plasters are a suro ami speedy relief and curo. New York. Wantkd Men to lenrn tho barber's trade; only two montli'u required; can earn scholarship, board, tools nnd transportation to our colleges at Chi cnjro or Minneapolis. Apply by mail Moler Barbor College Representative, 1G23 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. m "How did Dodds eyer become coun cilman?" "Huh; he li the only livmi- mower in the neltrhbortiood, an' ha promised to buy a new (mow fthocl." Indianapolis News, "That newly-rich Wilson cartes beau tifully." "Yes, he learned how to do that when they Hred in n Harlem flat and he had to make one chicken go round with nine in the family." dere land Plain-Dealer. "Yes, it's true," boasted Col. Bragg. "I've been iu Innumerable engage ments, and yet I never lost my head." "And I've been in hundreds of them," replit'd the summer girl, "and never lost my henrt." Philadelphia Press. She "It's strunge how the smallest things in life make the biggest difllcul ties." He "That's so. Last night, for liiiitnnce, I could ilml the house all right, but for the life of me I couldn't find the keyhole." Stray Stories. II B i y medicinal mid fciontitic. - . --. . m -av - Mfl-.1Fi4.,2Ei?IE5sE!?GUBJi,.a Uufniolmllationini.il substitutes. CONSTI P ATBOW PENNYROYAL P US Mi.l. tl... ......ml... ...... -IV,.,.ti,.,. I.'v tlioriTiiiicntraaroorApiwIiillrllliBndinniiyiillwrijir. yjv OrlslnaTaml Only llrnulnr. Ullly till) UUUUinu lUO rllUCHlVU. r.X oiiimihulill!vvi-rlHiiclwtiM.TIiotJYtoiiti tho Wj'fijSKHKTiU aiS.t.i.ii.u. I.u.llc.. ... innrrlfi .....I.... ...I..... ,... I..... ....!. ...... V. iitualratliartlorenHHllMilh.trc ItUlIllI) Wllt'll VOll Uliy bmiUtiry V . ,.mlH.a rniiyiimllonlnttrutl of curing It. I'AIIKhltti 4,J5&a Hi:il ul linlil iMUllla boii. IMi. I . t .. t ., IIIMIKIt TONIO U tho iror rcmnly. It iict.on tn U -JCVJ wllliLiii.flMwn Tnkr no other. lUrmo iJoillSOtl. MunUinetlU'lUir Clll'iniStS, iAVr.aii.lhiniliuillrteMrmaiKiillynmovw 45 SSM ianru. Mub.iliuii7.n .ni 1ml il. tUU t'UIUUltatlUIUUUVUka. VVVUI.U.. v.u).wvi. I w . . . I I W . a Homescokers excursion to points north. On tho first nnd third Tues days of January, February, March, April, May ami June, 11)01, tickets will bo on sale at ono fnro plus 82.00 for tho round trip, limit to twenty-one days from date of sale, to several points in Manitoba, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Seo ticket agent for further Information. A. CoNOVEK, Agent. Jell-O, the New Dessert, pleases all the family. Four Jlavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your groeeis. 10 cts. Try it today. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I. Mill of l.ebmmn. lnd. mjh: "My wife linil Inlliitnimitory rlietiuintNm In every iiiiimMu nml Joint; lu-r Mulcting whi terrible hiicI tier lioily mill fneo Mere mvooIcii iilmost l.ojoml recognition i Inul been In lieil for Mx weeks nml hud rluht iihyxlrlnn, liiit received no bent lit til til die tricil Hid M5MI0 Cure fnr.llheniimtlMti. It gave liiinieilliitu relief nml sho whs nblo to wiilk nlioiit In three tiny. I inn Mire It unveil lier life." Sold by II. li. ciricc. Druggist, lied Cloud, Neb. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Myrtle Curo for rhcmnntlMii nnd ncuralKlix readily cures In from ono to three dnys. Its ac tion upon the system In rcmnrknblo and mys terious. It rcmovci nt onco the cause and tho disease Immediately disappears. Tho first doho greatly benefits. TAccntn. Sold by II. K. Grlec, Hed Cloud, Neb. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. The Discoverer of Swamp-Koot at Work la His Laboratory. There Is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart falluro or apoplexy are often tho result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack tho vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood tho albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Brlght's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other fforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. and (Motion this paper. SALZER'S SEEDS H WILL MAKE YOU RIOH fl Tn ll la a (Urine sUlaraent. but 81. Wliwdibeir u oat TtryUm. nrMlMloonionetrth.WIMpofiUr!? nronuoairaconi growing, Billion OollarQras. irrtUMt nimi oiioe u torn or fur per aera. cropiix w0u alter What Is It ? Catalogue UlU. fat IDo. STAMPS nd thta NOTICE mU Ll Md ClUlcw. 10 flrila h.mt ! Including thof.. kUol hnltl (llOtu. r A.) 0U,f 12jQ tab.l tr A.l lUrx. DwlCT,(tntni.MiA) Vnutt, etc WortallO. toraaMil. John AnSaixerseedGckUCrotM. wit- KJC XE 3CBUM BRICK BRICK Wo enn surnish 7011 brick in any quantity at tho lowest pos sible rato. Brick on sitlo at either of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In llio District Cniirt of tho Unlliil Males for the IHMrlut or NeliraHkn. In tlie mutter of Henry A. HtovtiiH. liHiikrupt. To. llio'credltorB of Henry A. Stevens, lmnkriiit: Notice Is Iicru by kIvoii Hint on the 12th ilnrof Jiimiar, A.I). 1001, the nlmvc intnu-d pereoijrvms duly ml judged a bankrupt nnd Hint tho 11 rut meeting of creditor!) under mild bankruptcy will bo hold before tho iiiiderclgticil referee, nt his oillco In IlnntlnRs, rseDraa, on ine laiin aay oi .January A I). 1M1, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, at which time and placa the creditors of said bankrupt may atienn, iirovo in rove their nanus, appoint a trustee, examine ia mo tiansruni on oatn ana trnnsactsucb other bimlucss he may properly ' -..t,n(aMatlit moatllKT UUUIOUvictoiMiu auvuiiiift Dated Jan. 15th, 1001. J, A, OAnDINIR. LEGAL NOTICE: All rrons Interested wilr take notlre that Oliver Allen, did on Jamfiuy 21, 1901, (He his petltltn In the District Court of Weboier rouniy, Nebraska, showing, first, that he ha been a bona fide citizen of said coiiutv for more than one year last last; second, that liU father and mother nro dead, that ho has b 'on n.lne.l ilnco a child one year old by .lnmc McNutt, and dur ing rll of mill time has been known by Hie uauio of Oliver McNutt, and hint done IuhIuoh In such name, and nciiulred bropvrty liiuruls therein, and wuh iRiiorant of hl tail' iinmc un til abnnt the vcar 1K91: thlul ttuit for his own benefit, convnilflico slid proucllou In bimlucsH matters and property IntrrcMii ho ilolr.s tlmt his name dp en.iiiKeu, mm in lectuy hmhihiu mo namoo' Oliver JlcNtltt. Tho rald iH'tllUm lll be heurd be fnro said Mn.tr, a. llin iia.I r.u.iil.ir f.trin ill. r.u.f Ifi.tvlt, April nth, iwi, at the fi nr 1 1 ,e, in Kfd Cloud, luisild county, ui0o'( Id ki m , urns noon tbereiif I. r ns rouiuel i an be be . 'I. Dated Jan, ill 1V0I. Oi.ivrm Am..n. IVtlllouer. Uy Ovkiihan ill Ulacklkuok UUAltOILt)!. 1 I lwM&- ltl WHaNV rirn Ki'licm. owing Mlf JWiPtF lift V SgVrifliligj vm I JBSK I HF 1 HI W. B. ROBY, UKAI.KK IN Flour, Peed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hay and Coal Oil. ' HARD - A2VI - No. 1 Third Avenue, Red PLATT & Chicago - Lumber - Vard. RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime. TRADERS IUMBBR CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAI toiaildLixxg; material, Kto. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" I! H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERT STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How tnnny or you have lost tho price or this Knulno lu ono day "on account of lw enfflclent wind to opt-nito your wind mills, leaving your stock without water. Oct oa now to do your puinplnic when thoro Is no wind or to do It rculurlr. Weather does not ftRif!"8 wott ,,ot or !'!l,i w?1 or ,,r' wlnU or calrD' 't ls a' l" Bamo to this machine. Will also fihcll corn, grind feed, saw wood, churn butter and Is handy for a hundred other Jobs. In tho houso or on tho Tnrm. Costs nothing to keep when not working, and onlp 1 tp 2 conts per hour whim working. Shipped completely set up. ready to run. no founda Won needed, n great lalior and money saver. Requires practically no attention, and U absolute y safe. a muko nil sizes of Uasollne Engines, from IK to 7ft horso power. WrrU M circular nnd special prices. FAIRBANKS, WORSE St CO.. OmflHfl, NEB.' City Dray and B. 3HC. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADATS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. SOUTH SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, l'KOl'lllETOIt. DEAl.KK IN ATmes, Liquors, California brandies w W Beer ALWAYS ON TAP ttona Kuj of your liruKKt er.ro14r. la .uup. titt I'artlculurM, '1'c.tlmonlaU and ltrllerrirl.aillrt'' in lidw.br ro tura afall. ln.lltlOT..lIoioai.l.. H.IJbv Mnaoa IU. t.fi. MadUoa 1'ark. I'll 1 LA.. 1aT kit Tlnl.. .-k. ....... ... . . .1-" PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltaaw. anil bcaalinu tbt aalz. vnmou$ a laiuri.Di frowui. NoTor rail to Ileators Oray Hair to it Youttarul Ciut. Kalp litK. k hair ItlUuj. too, and 1I.UU at DnigUU G. V. AROABRIGHT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Rkd Cloud. Nkukaska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits mattn to order. STUDIO IN DA.HEIIKI.L 11I.OCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS, Lock llox S3, Guide Hock, Neb. kinds of property bought, sold ond exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. X V TERMS UKASONABL J SOFT - COAI - Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51 FREES CO., NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest TIMETABLE. B. & M. R.Y RED CLOUD NEUlt. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO S'J. JOE KANSAS CITY S'J. LOUIS ami all points east and south. DENVER HELENA OUT1E SAL1 LAKE O'Y PORTLAND S.M FJiAXUlSCO and all point west. TH11NS LEAVE AS rOLLOWSi No, n. Passenger dally for Obcrlln and ht. Francis branches, Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all points wc6t............. .......... 8:5 a.m. No, 14. I'nsHcnRcr dally for St. Joe, KanssH City, Atchison. Ht. I.ouls. Lincoln via Wvmoro and All points east and houth 8-15 p.ia I'assciiRcr. dally. Denver, all ,w points In Colorado, Utah and " No. IT uaiiroruia. 8:10p.m. No 18. I'MbsotiRcr. dally for St. Joe, uniiMiB ouy. iMi'iiifiun, at. I,o n I h and i J nil points cast and MHItll . 10:00 a.m. No. 114. Accommodation, dally cxrejit similar, iinniincK, uratui is- Intnl. Illnck Hills nud all points in tho northwest....., i :oo p m, So. 143 .uu ccommoilHtlnn. ilallv cxront .Sunday. Obcrlln, Khiimis, nnd iiiieriueuiniurtiaiioiiN, via Ho tiilhllcnii .. 12:30p.m. No. 61. rrcluht, dally, Wymorc and St. .loo and liitcrmedlitte . ia:-l.'. n.m iiinctlou nolnts. o. tw. KreiKht, dally fur Ileriiibllfnii Orleans, Oxford nud nil points west . 10:40a.m. No, 60. Freight, dally except Sunday for Wvmoruaiul nil nolnt can 6, 15a.m. nu, 1 1 J. rreiKiu nniiy 10 iixiord ntld iiiiermcuiaie pouits.... . Sleeping, dining, and recllnlnR , IIIJU 1 :S0 p.m m i UK chair nar.T ckcts sold and baeeaito checked to nn nnint in ihn iini... .icui uu iiiruiiKU trains, -licxeia sold and States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps or tickets ill on or address A. Cnnntnr Acrnnt nut Cloud, Nobr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent umana, Nebraska. Notlc of Final Settlement. State of Nebraska, I fj Webster County, f " V In the County Court of Webster Couuly. Ne- braika. " ' W,U...!lSecDe.,.0, U' "'o' Alexander O. ..N,ron.,llls S(1 t,,y r November. 1900. caao It. M. Cochrane, executor of said estate and filed hla final account as stirh executor, nnd a veri fied etltlon praying for a Hual settlement and allowance or said account as filed, and for atftr order of distribution. ' ""'urmt It Is therefore ordered that tho 20th day of Da sinber, 1K. at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, at io office of the countv ludunin ni,i ,m. ,.,.. '.., state. I3. and tho sumo Is hereby fixed as lh tlmo and plncp for liearlng said petition ami examining and allowing said ncroiitits, nud the helrb of said deceased, nnd nil persons Interest ed In nild estnto nro reiincmed to appear at tho luie nud p ncp so deslgtrntwl. nnd Vliow caure. alloweX sccotint should uot be It ls fnrther onlcrod that said cxecutorglvo nollco tcnllerionsnierctedln saldeslntoof Hmtlinonnd place fixed for exnmlnlne allow, lug and settling said aoooiit t by c" u ,fg S copy of this tinier to be piii.IIMimI In tho iid ('lou.1 Cinsr, a weekly newsiapcr printed aid In koi oral circulation iu bald county, for four cniih utlo weeks P,or io Hieday fet fiirValil itikf, Jamki Durrr, Couuty Judgs. r O. Bgwywaaaipmf;TTt o. ,