nwWwwv.nmiSSI5 KlKUtb OtfCtKSZlt0pjKlafcMv GLNERAL CITY NI'VF t .M rMii,w!uunmnjR!i'Viiw , y . i A' P I fc A - f vS v- , tn VjJT " China s Sphere of Influence. Hold boforo tro eyes, move with a circular motion, and yon will Rot the idea of tliu coming Chinese involution Whin these spheres of influ ence begin to revolve, "John" will fuel its dizzy as does n put son with defective eyo sight, when things begin to swim. Tho luttor may II ml relief fiom bin "dir.jiy spells" by using properly fitted glasses. "John" may find none. Jlemhoiise Bros., Red Cloud, Neb. -9 -9 4 -9 9 3 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 -9 9 9 -a 9 4 jcwcicrs ana upiicians. g. -9 C- WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Stove repahs nt V. W. Wight's. For farm loans call on C. V. Kalov. Special price on buggy whips. Ko nv.h & Hutchison. Milton Fuirlioid of (itiidu Kock was in town this week. L. V. Albiight made a business trip to Lincoln this week. F. H. Duuchy, a former citi.un of this place was hero this week. By Shepardsou of ltivorton was on tho streets one day this week. Good pasturage forcattl in stalks aud straw. Inquire of 0 D. Ilcdgo. Alfred lladell is making quite a ehango in tho interior of his store this week. Geo Hriggs of Clay Center, this state was seen doing business on our streets this week. Charley tho uight year old son,' of Chns. Smelsur dud at his homo in Inu valo of pneumonia last Monday. There will bo regular .service held at the Christian chinch each Lords day ui the usual hours II. b. Soudku, Pastor. County Surveyor Kuehn has betn uite busy part of this week hunting corners in this city and rinding the grade of tho principal street. Antuouy Shafer niado ui a pleasant call this woek. He inforims us thai he is going to sell his truck faiM on the aoutb of town and go to Oregoi is tho apring. Wo wish to extend our heart felt thanks to the kind friends who assist ed uk during the illnest ari death of husband and bio her. Mr?. Jcslo If ir phy aud Sister. FokSalk Fourlull blooded Durham bull calves, ono year old, eligible to rogistry, and one full blood Jersey bull oalf Mime age. For particulars inquire of Juo.Giitieth, lied Cloud, Nebraska. The city dads held a meeting laM Friday evening ami oidcied another b.iteh ol sidewalks built Tho walks ordered arc along tho east side of Webster stuet between Fifth and Sev enth avenues. The house moveis have been buj IhisweoK. Tho building formcily oc cupied by Geo. Klair and Win, ZelufT were torn down and removed and tho building of C. H. Potter o tho corner was raised and now slIU put under it and moved to the place where tho two former were taken out. Iilndlcys Hestaarantj IIA1.K IIOII.DING, lied Cloud, Nebraska. Warm Meals at Att Hours. Nice, Comfortable Lodging Rooms. KUUirS, UONFKCTIONERY, NUIb AND LliiAU-3. OVSTKRS IK EVIMIY SrYU:. LL ivlMH OVIIMT NI inAV LUNOllKa T . - !' y.Okh OR LLSS PERSONAL. 1'iik uiikkSI pri j ear Canvas leggltist at cost. Fooki, & Hutchi(is Goto Uuby for tho best and cheapest coal in town. IlobeitShowburgof Guidollock was hero Monday. W. C. Hurd of Cowles was horo tho lirst of tho weok. Tho lino of heating stoves at Wright's is superb. See thorn. Omor Holing was visiting with old friends hero las Sunday. Herbert Conover visited his folks horo thn fore part of tho weok. J. H. Weginan returned from a busi ness trip to Blue Hill Monday. Don't fail to get our prices before buying. Fooki. & Hutchison I have a few first class sowine ma chines to trado for stock. F. V. Tav- t.o it. Mrs. George W. Francis was visiting friends up the valley the tirst of the week. Comity Jung Kdson visited with his family in tho north part of the county Sunday. II. C. Nicholson of Superior was looking after business matters hero Satuiday. Louis Soderburg who wns here for n few days has returned to his homo at Longmont, Colorado. Little Paul Polnicky was taken very suddenly sick last Monday with spas mus but is better now. Will Ward of the Nation is visiting friends in Omaha and taking in the S'a'.e Kditorial association K H. aud John 0g of Fillmore county, this Mate, weio hero this wvtk conferring with I) J Myers in regal d to the purchase of land. We notice by one of our exchanges that Mr.. Mary J Gtuwits of this city has been grauted an original widows pension of $12.00 per month. We havn put all our 75c, 85c, 11.00, $1.25 men's laundried shirts on our tables at &0c and 75c. Big bargains for jhirt wearers. Cowdkn Kalky Co. Are you going to buy a sewing ma chine? If so I havo the best machino for the money ever offered. Do not fail to see it before buying. F. V. TAYI.OK. Mockers and iron beds at greatly re duced prices for tho next thirty days to mako room for holiday goods at Wclfo's furniture store. Wo mean business. Come and see. When you have urgent business with someone, in another town or city, re member you can reach your party the quickest and best hy tho longdistance telephone. Rates made kuown on ap plication to "central." If you aro going to givo a banquet and wait some swell menu cards, if you are goine to get marri-d anil want up-to date wedding cards, if you are gaing to have an open'ng in the spring and wish to please in this line, if you w int typewriter papor or stationery of any kind, either printed or plain come and see us. We have a ina line. At a revival in Cullom, III., a man reso ana' sahl that bo was the wickedest man in Cullom. "I'd go straight i hell if I should die tonight," ho con cluded. Immediately an old deacon started the hymn. "If you got thorn before before I do, lookout for mo, I'm coming, too , And thon tho deacon wondered why everybody laugl ed -Ex. The next regular meeting of tho Melief C will bo Saturday after "oon Fi . 2nd and it is very ecossary luii ail me nbers shall bo in attendance us eonunittbsarii to bo nppoined and much other huines done. On that day numorlal services will beheld for departed sister Mrs. Julia Wolcott, at 4:80 p. m. The Comrads of the G. A. M. and all of Mrs. Wolcotts friends aid neighbors are invited to attend. Pro;. We will innn again conunenco tho agitation of the buildiac of an opera hour ia thn eity. There is no reason why tho project should aot bn pushed There is a number of people here who ! would tnkp from 1200 to 1500 worth of stock and enough others who would take a -ina'ler amount to insuie the sal" of 55000.00 worth of stock in a , shoit while. Nothing would pay fcetter dividends or hotUr intarcit. on the money iBVMtud. The wnibers of James A Gartinld W. II C mot last Saturday and in stalled their olllctr fir the rnsuiag 1 year as follows 1 I'rvHrinnt Kami B. Knight. ) S V. P-Srvilln Rif. j r P. L lis MrKtdghaii sji.p llnrrmt llnwinJ. Ti .i. -F toil' I nl iViii Ciin Wem Gn-d Lli ' K '''I'M-. A- I i" " ' r I iiltiot, A-' (i'l.'-l-U ui!- K Wtr.l. lt ! li boa N iney I oi'lii'r. 2nd color b. -ni.ii .hi. iu Wnrrcii, DelagalH Han ut Uuwaul. Altai uU LIr'CkVeT. lie-' in tho city ... ., riioliui.f in' it.cagit liiU-i .venn ii" .Mm fi.i $1.25 Sen the lino display of heating stoves at W. W. WrlghtV. 05 cents gets a 50 cent w hi,j ut Fogol A Hutchison's. II. A. Simpson of Uluo Hill was on our streets Monday. Col. Charles Winfrey cried a sale nt Guldo Mock Tuesday. Caldwell's W.00 coal makos your stovo hot and cook happy. Wo nro closing out our leggins at cost. Fooki. & Hutchison. Omar Doling of Holdregc was visit ing in tho city tho first of tho weok. Walter Moby sells the Singer sowing machine. Prices rigtit. Get tho host. Pay your subscription and got n ciW dilating pencil. Tlioy aro a littlo won. dor. I'. O. Mussell of Superior wns hero this week looking after tho purchnso of horses. M. E. Fall-Held of Guide Mock was n business visitor to tho city tho first of tho week. Miss ltiua Blaino, of Porlntid Oregon n neice of Mrs Thus. Poninan Is visit ing in the city th'a week. A innrriago license was isucd this weed to Claienco Cox and Louriin M-illick, both of this county. MoyTnlt was down at Omaha this week attending the annual meeting of tho State Press association. Editor A. C Potter of the Lead, South D.ikota, Call is in thn eity this weok visiting datives and friends. M. W. Diekerson lias again gono down to Lincoln to see tho legNlaturo work and look after other business mntters. Mi Mover ot Juniata, this state, was being .ihown around the country here abouts' this week by our real cstalo man, D.J. Myers. On Saturday evening the case of Florence Galbreth vs Bert Cady was Fettled and dismissed upon payment of 1250 by tho defondaat. Geo. Briggs and Mrs. Lucy Wilson, brother and sister of Mrs. J A. 'Pulleys wore in tho city this week in attend ance at the funeral services. Mrs J F. Winters was in tho city tho lirst of the week having her rcsi deuce in the north part of town repair ed. F. G. Turnuro will occupy it when linished. Win. Corcoran who pas been visiting tho family of E. W. Moss, departed for his homo in Arknnsas City, Arkansas, Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Moss who goes for a brief visit. Joe Blair, the popular young dry goods cleric who has presided behind tho counter of tho Nebraska Mercan tile Co. for several years, departed yesterday for Hastings where he has accepted a position a large department store. We aro sorry to see Joe leave tho oitv bin wp aie glad to hear of his good foitiiii Ladies desiring to learn a tirst-clnss tailor system cau do so by taking a teiM of Inssoas ith Urs. Willits who ii ia the city orgaaiaiag n tinea. Tu can cut all garments for ladies nnd children bv actual measurement. Full course $5 00. Lssoes unlimited.- For further particular plne wtitu me or etll at tho rosidftiioti of Mils M Fen is. Miss J F. Wittli., NobrasKa State Manager. List of letters remniniug uncalled for at tlie postollieu at Med Cloud, Nob. laska, for tho week ending Jan STitu, 11100 N.i-m.iu IWgfi'M N J Andiev It M '" ( '. M ivi ' -a t J'i..s . i- r i', i I 1),. j.m t,j ,)(. ilcnl lutir "111 ! l'Viiiimiy Jltb it not call ui tor bufoio. Wlion c.illthg for above plenH!) say "advertised," T, O. Hack r, Postmaster. Omei Doling ' Insurance, Abstracts, Notary Public, j O. C. TEEL, i RED CLOUD, NEB. 5 v'WW'WW'WW'WWWW'WWv LOCALLY )at Kiibiok of MiCiok was in the city Thursday. Anion Ely of MeCook was hole Isit ing with friends Sund-iy. T. J Llonberger of Superior was looking after business in the city this week. A pleasant social danco wns held nt tho B. & M. eating house on Tuesday night. C. M. Smith was looking after busi ness mattoiH in Superior tho first of tho week. Chas. Bronson of MeCook was hero Thursday attending tho funeral of J A. Tul leys. 0. 1) Follmnr of Oak, this state, wns hero this week in attendance at the fu neral of J. A Tulleys Ono carload of Jackson county, Ohio coal. Best coal for cook stovo In thoUS.-W B Moby. Mrs. Hurry (Soblo after n visit witli friends and t datives lieie left for her homo at MeCook Sunday. C E. Woicolt nnd son Cliff who havo been sojourning with us for about a weok returned Tuesdny to their home nt Plattsmoiith. Mrs. 1). 11. Wontworth, wlfo of tho supervisor at thn H.istings insane hos pital was visiting with Ed. Pulsipher and family hero this week. Jimmy Winteisteen, tho genial rep ri'setnative of the State Journal Co., was nero Sunday. He set type on tho Ciiikk some twenty. tin ee years ago Last week we lnnde a inlslal-o in the item of tin- di'itth in Louie Sodciberirs family. In our ite o wo stated it wnt his wife It should have read his son. Theieii moio sickness lepoitedjn tills eity than for a long time. The piovai nig ailment is grip, mid about one person out of every thiee or four IlllVlf it. John Young ,Jr , accompanied by his brother weie hero from Cedar Blufls, Nebraska, looking for land. Meal le tato Agent Myers was showing them round. Godfrey Monia, a prosperous farmer from Guide Mock wns looking after business matters in tho city Monday. H is much pleased with tho rural free mail delivery system in thnt vicinity. Tho Nebraska Mercantile Co., this week mado an assignment in favm of its creditors. The liabilities of the firm are about $14,000 00, tho assets about $10,000 00. In all probably tho matter will be amiably settled in a short while nnd tho linn will again resume busi ness. Wo aro pleased to chroniclo tho change of the lirm mine of Gnlusha & Wescott, toGal'tsha Wescott & Storey Tho new member of t lie linn has been a clerk in tho tore for some time past and wo arnglal Iosco his nnmo added to the list of proprietors. Wo wish him an abundance of success in his now vonturo. This picture is the trmle titittk of SCOTT'S KMW.SIOK, ami is on every bottle of SCOTT'S 1-MII.-SION in the World, wliioli itcv ntuonuts to many millions c:n5 This great business has giown t. such vast proportions, f7rsf;-Becnusc the proprietoi have always been most careful ii flelecting the various ingtedicnt used in its composition, natnel . the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Ilypophosphites. Scijrfr-Ikcuc they have skillfully combined the varioi ingredients that the bcht jots.j ' results are obtained by its use. 77rf;-necaic it has made . many sickly, ddicste chihit trong and healthy, given lu(.. aud rosy cheek-, in ) j'.aiiy i anaemic girN. aim iii..kl thtjlrt mi 1 restored ltr ill Ml)...' 'housaiid ii the- J.i-: -Uges Consumption. K y.u hnc not trie -i Frti'l f r free amil' ill gtccab1c innc will cnriT).c vru SCOTT ft llOWNK, Cbriuikt. 4v(l Ffirl &ttcrl, New T.ik. Cowden-Kaley LEADERS IN 20th Century Bargains. VVc arc going to start the new year and the new century right. During January we will offrc unheard of bargains in Men's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, PANTS AND us IS OVERCOATS VV e will only ask a small margin of profit, just enough to keep things going during the month. Don't miss this sale. It is the opportunity of the century. vat V5S Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. 2 THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 5 1 - r..?: I i I til I flHE WE You can tell by Lanterns, Washing Boilers, Saws, Axes, Forks Spades, Shovels, In fact everything in i In woi k (Mill p liimbing .lass for TWrrmTTATjrn Pdao TI a "d twtt a t tp Cr HTi j.vxisjEVJL.n.xv x uiiugi oa.xxj.vxy vv xxjtvxj jj. ,i,) ri w?:v'v!,ysviva',y;e DO YOU LOW SPIRITED, BOY AMD BRAIN WBMtY? RBLiIEVES HUD INVIGORATES. It ckansts the livtr and fcowds, strcfigtheas the kidneys and aids digestion, (tat the syUm h regulated and the body forlliiad to retut disease. ... A VALUABLE REfoBOY TO VM IH THE HOUSE ... ih, SOLD DY tJN. Price li.no PTTltottle. Clothing Co., LOW PRICES. & fTik LEADERS I getting oar prices on Guns, Machines, Rifles, Amunition, Wringers, Barbed Wire. Churns, Graniteware, Tinware, thn hnrdwnio line. We nlso do all kinds of and guaiuntcu our work llri any particular. &.i L FEEL I" IT 1 1 i I 1jI!l1 1 ASHBIHERS ALtHPCCISTS. MT J, V'l. to m r.t: to r W, ss K.f: 1 m !t: 'p.:- m rf(T - tgt i