lT' f mjj ' I """'ijjw,wM;g;ij .unwmnm i i , n iiwmito minwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmL. VOLUME XXIX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 18. 1901. NUM11EH Smiles Satisfaction ! kVvAvv 'NaNaNAW' wvu Smiles of Satisfaction are noticeable character.' istics in our store these days of bargain selling. Those bargains in Novelty Goods, Plaids, Brocades, and some plain colors that make elegant cheap dresses for school wear, and are exceptional values for older people. Jackets. We never tire of mentioning "JACKETS;" at the prices we are asking each Lady, Miss or Child can have one. All we ask for them is 50 cents on the Dollar, Underwear. Men's wool fleece, heavy weight 40c. " cotton " medium " 30c. Ladies wool " heavy " 40c. " cotton " medium " 25c. Underwear for the smaller tots, size 16, cotton fleece or wool 10c, 5c rise in size. SHOES AT COST. Mothers, do your children need shoes? We are closing out at cost, the entire line of M. D. Well shoes thus giving you an advantage of buying shoes at the same price we paid for them. Yo&&ZJ3l LADIES' SHOES. WOllS UOIlgOla KIM tip. IllOII KoRiilnr93 2rj.tit.8t0r). WelH Kangaroo Cnlf, mock tip. lucti Regular $3 25. tit $t 05 Wells Vini Kid, chocolate, lace. KoRiilnr 93 "i), til sji.ud. W 3-s riisuss' and Children's Shoes. WVIIs viol kill, chocolate, si.D I to 3, KoRiilnr 91.85, tit $1 !J3. V?lls kiuiKiuoo calf, sizu I lo U, Rcirulir 81.85. tit 91 :J2 Wells viol kill, si.n 8 to K1J, Regular $185, nt 81.32. VulN kiniRiiroo o.'ilf, si.n 8 to Kl Ki'Biiltir 81 85, nt 91.32 Wells vloi kid. sius 5 to 8, Regular 81 50, tit 81 10 Dress Goods and Suitings. We are intent upon giving you the best possible goods at the low.est prices. For the next ten days we will give a special discount of ten per cent on all dress goods and suitings. This includes our entire line. All Crepens, Crepon Effects, Bril liantines, Henriettas, Serges, Novelty Goods and Flannels. BLANKETS. Cotton, medium weight, fancy borders, stze 56x72 inches. 40c Other grades, heavier weights, 65c to $1.75 per pair. FURNITURE. t The Furniture Question. A Big Discount. Prices to February 1. 3 piece bed room suite 91 1 80 Iron Kuils for .12 00. Dining Chairs, ouno seat, 75i Kitchon Clmlrs, 50 . Rockers, tane seat nt $1 45 Kitchen Citpbo.tni-, I irRo 84 80. Special in the Carpet Room. M rid n 1.1 ma mm niittnrn. !0 Vnnls. 8J1 J7" Light woiRht till wool luRraln, 50 vd-,32ic y Samp.lesof Wilton, Velvet, Moquetto.etc. 70o each. rv 'f 't'T'S '1 V rt0"- " " I I it--r A A- - I W$mm T CI nr(ri(z The foundation of health is pure groceries. UiUwCl flea. They make wholesome food possible. Lib bv, McNiell & Lobby's canned meats, viz: Chipped Beef, Deviled Ham, Veal Loaf, Chicken Loaf, Vienna Sausage, Miner Brothers, An assorted line of pre pared soups. Highest Market Price Paid for Produce. 'Ai' J fsvVAWAAW Red Cloud Nebraska. CAPITAL NOTES Special CurrcupoiidCDCL'. Tho Urst btllH to pass tlio hotiMi woio tho two expense bills, upprnpi luting $8.1,000 to pay members salaries, timl mileage, anil $30,000 to pay Incidental expanses of tho session. As usual they went through without n contest, and tho sonnto welcomes them with open nrms. As was predicted a month ago tho wholo8lo unseating of mcmbuis on contests mot with litllo favor. WhlloJ strict attention to tho spirit of retalia tion would havn called for tho Iking of two or three fitsionisls, tho republicans gavo tlin benefit of every doubt lo tho f usiouists, and lot them hold their seats. This shows a strong contrast between republican and fusion political meth ods and morals. As usual, bowovor, the stuto will bo called upon to pay contest expenses and fat lawyers fees fui bulb parties. V One of tho early bills to got in is bouse roll No. 101, providing for the payment of the piiinhiuiou tho stato Measurer's bond,. Two J'uais ngo tho same sort tf a proposition was bofoto the session, and if. the com so of its consideration tho Mcusuior was asked whuio ho had the permanent school fund deposited, mid how much inteiest ho derived from this soiuoc lleio- f na.iit In nlluivor tlinkli fllll.atlilllri. fklltt the bill piopcrly fulled. It is believed that in tho four years of his Hum Mo servo derived from SIU.OOO to $20,000 from these deposits, and this being tho case tho payment of the bond picmlum was no burden. In case Tieasuior Stusffor informs the public of the loca tion of tliis fund, ud reports tho inter est into the treasury, tho payment of the expense of bis olllcinl bund is Vol ceded to be proper and light. Another Kussian thistle bill has coino in, but tho thistle agitation is pietty well played out In 1805 them was a great thistle scare ami a bill was rushed thtoiigh. In a later session pi oof was produced that the pests weto leallva blessing and that cattlo and shep full over themselves lo feed on Kussian thisths. Now tho other extreme is to come, and tho "post" cry Is to bo beard again. Senator Steele bus introduced a bill to establish a now military code and re organize tho national guard. . Untitling n newspaper is Just tiko running a hotel, only its dllTerent. When a man goes into tho lu.tol and linds inmothlng on the table that does not suit In tn ho doesn't get tip and kick and raise Cain with the landlord and toll him to "stop Ills darned old hotel.'1 Well hardly. Ho sets that dish aside and wades into sonic of tho many dish- os that does suit him. It isdiftotont with Homo newspaper renders. They llnd nn item occasionally that does nut suit thotn exnetly and without stopping to think that it may please hundreds of other readers, make n grand-stand play of their supremo iisiniulty, and hasten to tho ofllco and givo a sharp, excited order to "stop tho darned old paper" little thinking that tho editor looks upon him with the same lullnito small ness that a hotel man would if ho kick ed at, something on tho table. Hut tho paper don't stop; not much, but this particular kicker's paper fails to roach him next week, and ho has to run over and borrow bis neighbors just to seo if it is still boing published. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incldrnt ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut of Their Littleness. It looks good to eoothostnoko rolling up front tho slack of tho now mill, which indicates that tho machinery is in motion. At last our city has an In stitulUn .of which it can justly fuel Pioud. Some one of the difTeieut brands of Hour should bo in every household and for salo In every sioro which sells this fumlly necessity. A imiioni.iugol homo industries is what makes towns and oities.-'-Kod Cloud should not stop ut this ouu institution but should roach out for others. In order to do this tin association of citi zens must bo oiganized so people who havo enterprises which thoy wish to luculu will know thero is something to baso support upon. Wo can uiako suggestions that uro vuluablo if acted upon but it takes nioro than our own lonesotuo to carry them out. When u young man takes a vacation out of Tho Stnto"7o"u7nro77si Tuesday own for his "health" he bus u kind of Tho usual number of normal school bills are coming in, including one or two to unlotd empty buildings on the state and quite an active lobby to boom thesa projects is already noticeable. V Seveial rcappotioiument billsaro un der consideration and it is certain that the one adopted will make tallica! changes. Tho last apportionment was made in 1885. In 1SU0 tho bill agnod upon was killed by W. A. I'oynter who was committee chairman. Attempts wore made in 189.r) and 181)9, but Until failed. The constitution icaHy culls for a now appottloument every five years. Adam Guanokk. m It used to he a standing joko that one was so scarce of reading matter that ho usid to ra4 ''oven the advertise ments." This can no longer Ue used as a joko. Advertisers hare kept pace with or aboad of tho progressive times.- Itcosts iinmeus sums of money to ad vertise as some firms do. Ttioy would never spond this money unless ttieir advertisements weio read. As a on sequence as much, or mora perhaps, piilus uro takon to get.up attractive ad vertising than there is to keep up good editorials. Men are paid largo salaries for both. Good ad vet Users change their mutter of ten. It is worded cine fully and with a direct interest to tho reader. It natutully follows that tho reading public now road advertise ments just as cagorly as they do any other part of iho paper. Proof of this fact is most easily demonstrated. II by an erior u merchant should quoto n price below that which ho intended and the pi oplo see a "snap" bttigain ho is auaio atonco that advertising has tu tulle, though iu that case it did not pay. says: "The eight presidential electors mot yesterday at noon In Governor Dtiitrich's ofllco ujiI cast their vote for piosldont and vice president. The bal loting win carried on us formally us nn election nt the pulls and each member used u pilnted cntd on which he wiote tho niiiiiu of the candidate of his choice The eight votes will help swell the ma jorities of President McKlnloy anil Vice President Koosevelt. Latcriii thw ' day the electors mot and balloted forty times before a messenger wus elected to ciurv tho vot to Was hington. Tho lust six or seven votes resulted in a tie for J. F. Nosbit of Tokomah and W. R. Hal ton of Tecumseh. Finally a recess was taken. During tho truco un un dei'staudiug was reached and Mr. Bur ton was elected mossengor. as mr. Button was an old soldier it was deem ed titling that this honor should go to him. Iu nccordunce with a previous ariiingenient till tho electors will no company Mr. Bjirton on tho trip to Washington. Tho parly will leave Ne braska Jnuuury SO. Tho Curtis Connor of rticcnt dale savs: "A dlscovcrv of conslileiublo importance oven on tho old ltontler litis just boon mado north of tho oily. It is no loss thnu an old fiacral pyre, whero in tho oaiilor days somo poor victim furnished a sacrificial ofToiing toappeaso tho wrath ol nowmig sav ages. Burned bonis, brass button?, arrow heads galoro, a broken toma hawk, and other evidences of tholiond ish carnival won found in tho residue Evon tho old charred stake to which tho victim was lashed was found llrnily planted in the ground and brought I::. Tho gruesome relies tiro in a fair state of pieseivntiou and Instinctively cans s tho mind of tho beholder to go back to tho days when somo.vlotim of suvugo fury furnished rare spoil for tho "toil dovils" us his life wont out in a liery cloud timid the howling oigies of tho savages." shoopish look when ho returns. Ho may havo gained a few more gray hairs but ho can Uroutho easier Take a lawyer with a bewildering Unnk tank and he can build nioro air castles or how ho is going to get his client out of tho tolls than a kid before Cliiistmus. Air castles iiiuafioiitltnci punctuicd. If some of our nttornejs would dur ing tho ptoSHit legislature son that ono or two laws now on mo biuuuu books were so amended ns to muko both parties jointly amenable to tho law in casoH of criminal intimacy, thero would bo fewer Innocent parties sent up This would uiako a less num Uor of street walkers and u purei at mosphoro in tho cities of tho state. There would bo loss levying of black mail for the i!Hmwo of extortion or money. A paper gives tho welcome news that usbostos towels uro among tho cut lositiesof'tho day. When soiled it is only necessary to tlnow thorn Into a red hot lire and after a few iiiiiiutis draw thorn oubfresh and clean.-Th will bo a grc.'tt boon i pi inters ut cut hhmt tin atone- in legtird to pi Int ers' towels. ? ,4y What Shall We Have for Defart? This qui'Stiou alibi's iu thojTMilly every day. I."t us aiisver it4cMnr. Try Jell-O, a ! lieh.iidr.suit.ijPro. pured in two minutes. No bukinrfludd hot water and set tt cool. FlaVjrs: Lemon, orange riifpber-, and jjjruw- hmrv. At vour urocitJ, lucis. r A Kentucky editor going off on a visit loft hi.'i paper in charge of a min ister. During the minister's stay in the sanctum tho following letter came from a mountain subscriber: "You know d d well I paid my subscrip tion tho last time I was in Lexington. If I get any mora such letters from you as I received last week I will como down and maul h 1 out of you." The minister answered; "I have beon try ing to maul thatthinig out of the editor for tho last ton years, and if you really come down and maul it out or mm, then, my dear sir, I havo twenty mem bers in my congregation you con opor atoon." Kx. A prominent i epuUlican stopped into Gruss's drug store ono day this week and wanted four ounces of glycerine, bayrum and Florida watorcompoiinded for chnpped hands. "I havt no Floti lla water," said the druggist, "but I enn Slvo you Kosowater instead." "Not by a d n sight you diint," roared tho prospective customer, "I've got no uvo for Kosowater, and don't you forget it," Contagious Blood Poison There is no-poison so highly contagious, so deceptive, nml so destructive. Don t be too sure you are cured because nil cxternan signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have lcen dosed with Mercury and. Totash for months or years, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up . ... driven from the Uko Bogota Uko. surfncc to break out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to -themhave been infected by this loath some, disease, for no other poison is so eurelr transmitted from parent to child. as Italic'" Often a had disc W RUeumaUstn, . Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin lMC . an old sore or ulcer developing in middi? lif, can be traced to blood poison con tracted M. Xlm f fc r r in early wn9 9m mw wmm rm''Omtm life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven oat in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus," the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, anil'' it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures contagious Blood I'oison in any and all Btatres: coutains''no mineral to break down your constitution: it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the genera healthj Our 'little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and Instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourseitat iiotnc. u H irec auu.snouid to embarrass or hut CCCI and it took the courteous young clerk fully ten minutes to explain that the J be in the hands'of everyone seeking s rose water no spoke ot nan notuiug to cure, aenmoru. do with the Omaha Boo.-Kx. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA, M. fl m tiH