i - ' ' ' r-vvv rciit.iiniD bt COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT.. W. L. MoMILLAN. Oaa yaar... .11)10 50 SSf V . t; PUBLISHED XVXKY FIUDAT Hntorad at the poit office Bt Itod Cloud, Neb.aa torn) clan m&II matter. ADVKHTltilNCl KATKSl Local adrettlilng 6 cent cr lino per initio. Local AtlrerlUlng fur eiitorUlntnaiita, con tcrta.ioclala, etc., ulrcn by ciiurchoa, charitable jocletlci, etc., where all tnonoya ralsod there from arc uaed whollr for church or charitable toclctlei, aril ten Hues free and all over ten linn 9V4 coiUh per lino per laauo. Local adrertlnlnx of entertainment, concert, recital, etc., where per cent la rIvoii to pro moters. 6 cent ter lino per Imiiu. nmrLAT AI'VUtlTlHINU. One column cr month ............ 17 pji One half column per month ........ . . 8 W One-fourth column per month 1 75 (Jcnoral tllaplar adTorllaliiK I 8V cunt per Inch perlaaue. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents ol Evtry Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut oi Their Littleness. Tho anxiety ovt r the Ico Imrvost Is pnst. A largo amount of that cold nr tlclo is being put it). If nil tho small pox stoiios tbntaio put In circulation wore printed in bonk fnun they would cover many page. Soino people hatch up a few fresh ontn ovciy morultig bo foicthnygo down stnet Hothatthoy will havo mimotliing to talk about Tliis week tho snow caniu on too Mid den for those poetically Inclined to bond us in a hatch on miow, beautiful now Noxt wok tho show will piob ably have disappeared :tud it will he too late. Nebraska weather Is not conducive to good uow ttootry. Every young petHon wanting to get iiiained in Klley county, Kansas, must willingly or unwllliugly tell A. Story then swear. Up iu th's country they some tititcH got married unwillingly became plaintiff In lun caie tolls a story tlicn wears. A gill named Cnr:i Wniking was married the other day to u nan named True. It was n cnBO ot nut love. Now suppose in a few jears mIio wants to take part of her maiden niunn as all tho excusstvu oluh women do, it will bo a case of Cara Woi king True. Tho good man plodded thioiigh tuts snow on Wednesday, he held no etlgo over tho sluuer. Titis is the titnu of tho year when the business man takes a invoice of the stock on hand uud figures up what ho has made during tho past year. As soon rb this is over tko wiso merchant takes a half page in tho local papers, inaugurates a clear ing salo and gives tho people the bone tit in order to keep frwii cnriyiug over what remains of his winter stock Is your s wear-off in good working older yet? Can you say iu tt nth and sober nets '! hold no enmity ngainst any man that I would uot freely icconoilu should I lind in him 11 corresponding disposition?" If not cultivate your self to bo thus forgiviug When the fall excursions of homoseokora como and two stately brick buildings loom up on tho lots north of us tho leul estate men will point to them with piido. They will tell who built them and praise their progressireuess as cit liens. What answer will they make ns to the reason that somo of tho other little shacks aro left standing? They will say, "oh so-and-so aro somo of tko ilchest wen iu uur Midst but they aro satisliofl us lung as they get taxes and a little extra. Insurance it not thought of as they aro not worth in suring. Property that is not worth in. Bluing cones under the head of Ordi nance No. 14, providing for tho remo val or destruction of buildings dam--ajred by tiro or decay. Why do tho city council uot In force this ordinance -or repeal it? Why should these build lugs be allowed to stand and reduco tho value of good buildings? Tho side walk oidinanco is being iufoiced on -rl hand poor alike. Why not this? We wonder why, wo wnndtir why. Ulow many of the council havo 11 string tied to thorn. The names of those who can provo au alibi will bo printed next week. We are glad that wo are going to havo a fair. Are you neighbor fur raor? If jou are begin to count out your biggest seeds, nhUk will taise tko kiggeit piiMukins, tht biggest squashes aud the biggest potatoes. The Cauur Is going to offer n tear's subscription to the oue who has tho host of eack of these, and also for the best boar black pig and the best cow 'trnod Speck. Wo aro going to offer a cuflin to tho subscriber who is tho furthest buhlud on subscription and it valuable ptizo to t..u 0110 paid far thest ahead, I IMP. V Weather cold. TIim n'Uool in district 4 taught by Jrroddio utt communced Jan 7. Mr. and Mis. Puckur aud Mr. P. O. Hutchison, young folka, wero tho guest of Frauk Vandyke Sunday. Tho family reunion gathering on New Yeais Uay was largely attended at V, M. Scrivener by ill of the child ran aud fraud children nuutberiug II besides a g od lumber of ntker frisuds. Mr. uud Urs. Wat. Taadyko aud sou leuj. wro visiliog friends at Gwhiu Uock, North Branch, Burr Oak, Man katu, aud Ut. Kese, Kan.; this wook and report uo auaall pox. The Maulo (irore aurca Is elauwd ou account of Uie ssuall poc sre. M RECAPITULATION, showing the amount on hand July at the close of the 31st day of KINDS OP FUNDS .School mill Univir. Ity Lundc State Cnnildiilcil Count) General County Bridge Kail Itoad Bond County Poor County Poor House , County Insane County Hoad Soldiers relief , .. Keel Cloud (Jitv Keit Cloud Water lioott K"d Cloud Wnter Work Ki'il Cloud WaUr Wot Ks Spec Ked Cloud Klccttlo Light Bed Cloud Judgment . . Ked Clotitl Special Sldowalu. Dine Hill Village Illuo Hill Water Bond.. .. Illtio Hill Judgment Guide Rook Village Guide Uock Bridge Bond Uoad Districts Township Special . School Districts School Bond High School School Mandamux Finos and License , Stato Apportionment Interest Advertising . . Redemptions iul i, .. v. ntiDiutiMi, I 1 I I).. I. I. mid di-ihuiMtl lo me us County l'leaMirer of Webster Counti, Nebiinka, fnun the 1st dai of Julj, 1900, tu the ur siaiviuuiiL munviLii Biiommen. 8KAI. Subiciibed and sworn -to boforu me this ftth day of January, 1001. J. P. HALE, County Cleik. cases ns yet and tho chuieh will bo opou on tho 20ih of March. Miss E l.abeth Shepard oHlcd Cloud after n vacation of two weeks ci m meiiccd school at district 40 Jan. 7th. Bom In Mr. and Milt Elmer Watt a boy. Hugh Boyco talks of going to Colora ko In tho near future to woik iu the mines. He will quit farming for this year. F. D. Hutchinson's son Jack will farm tho place this year that II. Boyco was occupying. Prof. Shannon has another weeks vacation on account of tho small pox scare at Guide Rock Mr. Maynard is grubbing all of his young limber south uf hU house. W. H. Clark of North Branch was the gtioitoi Win Vaniljke last week. guid'e'rock. If you want to subscribe fur n local paper or havo itoms of local news call at 1. B. Colviu's olllco. R. S. Proudtil and Win. Sabln aro in Omaha this week. We aro informed that J. 1). Anderson hurried hit 1-year-old daughter last rm-day. Wo did uot leal u llui puttie ultus. Chris Konzack is hobbling about on crutches, We understand Jamos Duffy will open au olllco bore this week. Fred Watt has his new ico house over half full nf frozen spung water. Two of Henry Moinuvillo'ssont had quite a collision iccently while playing polo ou tho ice. Every house in town is occupied aud sevetal parties looking for houses to rent. Win. Reed started to Gage county, Nebraska, Monday with his new medi cine wagon. F M Piumh is building a medicine wagon forE. S. Stiickland. A II Jones is in tho north part of the county selling international stock food for E.J. Moore. J. M.Chnfilu ami Robt. Potter wero drii from tho county neat Monday on profrssinnal business. John Welgel will more into tho Saw yer property in tho spring. O-uito n number from this vicinity and Rostwick will go to Canada iu the sprluif. Born, to Mr. anil Mis. Win. Reeves, ou Fildiiv morning, ti girl All doing Anidos An.V ... urbrj.vi.u . . , :. i ?20U, fetitics 500 in the Mrausiinl. An orguu worth $50 here fcolis for $150 there. Americnnsaddlcsandharnei.hdon'thuit the .Boers, the former being too high priced nnd the latter too line for the rough ocrland work of trekking. In the canned meat line Australia to far undersells Chicago that our packers are in despair. Our mnnufneturen. sold ver 700 tons of bnrlicd -yIre In 1S07 to the Tianavaul, hut, at range to say, the fence poults eiiiue from Germany and England. Tour ice plants were tur uiblit'd for the Kimherlci mines by Clil cogo. Inning un aggregate capacity of '1 tons u day, berhUb 100,000 cubic feet f eeld ateiag. N, X, Press. , n s U 1 a '. 1 o 5 1 ft (J 7 8 I) 10 11 12 1 180(1 07 1188 8-. 8 8187 8 871)1 (18 248 228 80 00 23 8 lft ) 7 07 ftO 22 13 3 80 7 4 0 125 470 01 41 JJ0.J (J'J 148 ftS 3245 1ft 18 Otht. - 1114 04 01 7132 74 1070 30 8ft 710 88 ftll II 10 08 01 18 8ft 202 08 57 82o7 20 lllir, 80 75 08 ftft 1 II lftft 73 ft75 ft7 071 81 252 81 14 7ft 10U 12 Kifntl 8(1 3.-1 135 8 88 00 830 24 18 14 in in 17 18 11) 20 21 2'J 2!) 24 25 211 27 1:8 29 ao III SI a.3 28 Of) 75 81 fift 07 20 27 14 67 00 4 80 82 70 07)3 8ft 4 lift 22ft 40 Oft 81 141 71 88 72 I ft GO 8ft 85 01 47 70 00 18 Oft 42 Gl 72 97 10 IG 1ft G272 10 00 9774 70 0247 08 8389 04 1030 02 00 45 ftl 11 71 1 18 08 21 0U 1551 80 Oft 40 802 ii'i 1 2251 04 $35314 or!S30507 84111551 80 3 Fees and commissions received from Julj 1, Railroad Bumts ...... J-V ...m .. l , . . ... comity i reiiHiucr, ceniiy mat me above Is n true and conect Ntuteinent of ilm LESTER. Fino snow weather today. Putting up ico has been iu full hlnst this week. Tho mill (.hipped tliteu cars of Hour in tho last few days. Mr. T. B. Baldwin lins jnt returned from a business trip in the sunny south. Tho Amboy mill has free tolephono communication with Rod Cloud, phono No. 2. Al. Uerritt is taking a course cf law. we think he will do well as lie U devot ing all his extia time iu this line. No small pox in this part of town. Somo of our peopln are happy, they itiu again eating prunes. Skating Is raging and all who partaku mo having great spoil. Mr. Holsbushsold 05 voty lino hogs Wednesday, G. W Baker also recently sold some of tho tinest ted hogs ever put into tho market ftom this part of the country. John Martin has 75 giuntes'for sale. Thoy are genuine full blooded ginnies, wart anted lu havo u good fquuker. Chi Ititnpbcr Columbus Ritissar agent. Little Edd has aold hi driving horse ami onctttiupluUi a ttip to Washing ton soon. He won't slay loug if he gotta nlune. A mule has recently bceu purchated up the creek, his namo is Bryan. 'What's iu a name." Pat Ckowk. Boars for Sale. I have a fuw choice thoroughbred Poland China boars for sale cheap. E. L. Faweett, Cowles, Nebiaska. Training In indispensable to athletic success. In training, much sticsu is. laid tijKjn diet; caic i I iitfiliou tuhoquttititv nu 1 mnlity of the foo.l cat- r- i l-T.M .-.!, ni-ii , .....! - ..ji.will.- ui IMVJI3, iu;u is uic cc-t.lol htrciigtu lor every mini. No mnu can be stronger than "hfs stomach. The careless and irregular c.V !!;, of business men, causes diseaw of the stnuach nnd its allied orgaim of digestion and nutrition. There can be no -ud hedth until these diseases are cured. Dr. Pierce's Ooldcu Medical Discovery cures discuses of the stomach and other otgan of digestion and nutrition, aud enables the body to be built up into vi onnih health by the asbiinilattou f the nutrition wxtractwl from food. "I nan hatu flll) Oifprlpi. hlcli rult4 I" lirt niul Miniir.c)i trtn-lle," wntca Mr, T, R. Caliilill rl Wmlland AltT.1y I'o , K. C. "I ww .W w. tmjUkhn; Kii Hit f Kkc imt I wmtf In I'r f'ii-rei-nbmitnivomdition, 1 ,'Vii: full wim.iWurt: m his inviIUInc It oJ-lM-tuivlokUelitir..l1rn Mullnl I-,o-y which I tiM nAnc I lu.it friiMicil the ftiii livttlf 1 1 Uij-uu ti. hl Wvlti r I hne uml n-airlr M I iHttt H-t ikfinvful tt.iV.Kl fr Ue Ui.i fit I Imu tcto. fru lir fknVoC.i.hlcg Mai. lail l)lMTrr.T I fu hjhly rtmmintod U u till IWfkKtLA Ul ,1 I r-, ... ,. r I I t r u " m t, uiiiuu itiu imMisciuc." vr. hmw'i reJhses r Mi i, 1900, the collections sine? made, disbursements, and the December, 1900, in each and all of the several funds stated. FUNDS TltANSFK.ItlthD FROM 110.M4 lfll.iulM, i 120 40 f tivft DIsiYlois'""!!" 1013 87 4 ..... County RoNtl '., ........ Statu Apporiionineiit, 53 15 8482 Fines Mini Uicei7ie S'ate TrtiitHtiiHi-. . 1 3131 $8152 1000, to January 1, lOui essesssessss&ss&essssgsige M w TURNURB - BROS. Or Clearing : Out : tf Or 4 Owins; to our large trade our BLANKET STOCK has been very nearly cleaned out. On our remaining stock you will lind it to your interest to pm chase here. Men's Overshoes gg German Socks. Our stock N ibis season's ami prices tho loweM. Aiijit Duck Overs. $170 quality at S1.E0 J 0i U ft it iv 0 U b U d) b 0 tf ilr i w TiJDAir ojq il m MATliXM-, v asssasssaasaasaasasaasssas NOTICE TO CREDITORS DITORS r eoeliiy. 'iiomo W. llui Stato nf NVlimaLa i Wi.hi.tpr Crmtitr 111 lilt I'oillilY Court nf U'l.tnti i III Hit- iiiMUt of Hie oiAti- of 'icurK W, iuii. 'jctrkBril. Nntll f. Iri lif.rnlir lv ii ,.. all ...... l..i iIhIii. mil tleoumW Relnt (Jenre W lUlntmi llef Webterroinilj.ileiem.(J, HiHt the lluu for mint rUlm tcnlntt Mlil eslnlo li Hi nsilki frem Hip ln.l ,y of Norrabfr. lno All lucti pertoni xr '. iufil to prcn-nt thlr HUiMi With ihc tOBf) H kl (lOOnlT Jlltt-T, rli1 eonnty.al tu- .nine Uh-rMn. an or tf fun the anil imv r,f .May it) i mih! nil rlaisia ) llfd will I,p hrinl ueforp the tali) IiiiIki. mi lie Srd ilay of May. IW. at 1 ii c lurk a in . anil tint ntlil ailinltilmralor Ual mvifii oiip fr Iriim the .-Jih ilay nf ki ti-mler. H)i. In wlilcli tui II. e ileMi, mill (liarKca al Htvvil aalwil itl1 tale n i ittl lha larat. Jims. Darrr lJ) ''eijp Pala, ) M, UM. w J C" s v e: i if ft 0071 41 4051 82 1195 8.1 1022 67 ft86 48 87 90 1288 70 170 59 488 00 20 SO 13(5 20 80 93 88 35 10 220 11 310 23 1 80 70 00 02 4433 55 13810 09 1009 88 02 2209 00 f 4 3033 00 TOTA t. ftl 81 4107 1073 8272 12ft3 85 353ft 2455 249 770 1501 801 14 200 37 10 338 802 123 113 19 0497 22117 0340 18 21 3482 1551 05 2014 To To County Road County General I'o Stale Anpoitlonment To School Distticts. . . To Vat inns Funds. I'o County Genera! $84550 8.' $ 832 40,000 mium. itlinglndebtednesa of the county, lt day or January, 11)01, to the best of C. I). RUBINSON, UC1K auuiu on me eve oi inventory and wishing to reduce stock before the 20th of January we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Come and get one of those dress patterns displayed on our centre counter. ItiTOGS GIVEN FREE! Goods at a big discount from regular selling price. Ladies Outing Pln-n-nAi n-nnmo Our former $1 40 lino to go at $1.10 Our foimorll 25 line to go at 07c. Our former $1 00 gownn to 70n Our former 7Co gowns at 04c Men's Outing Night Gow ,eT cS o'ifS 55c At . LADIES' JACKETS. i,?' l'i ourlow Vti. Our line is somewhat broken u.. i " V1 cn l,,'9Jbtt c" 8tl t most anyone. Men a heovy fleeced underwear 85o per garment, 70o per 3-Vi,l.-,'ns,,e,lvlF 1,.'",m, IwruW.ntu at clearing sale priro Lidies underwear iu colton, hoary fleece at 00c, reunlnr in , . 37o grade. LiiliiM union suits 40,i, G5o and upward to $2.00. .. inj n.uuiu ici'S un HU Furs, Collarettes Muffs and boas. M ' ono rJli - m, - i JLJITIJa rt.tl 1 City Dray and B, 5rt. ROBS, PROP, f'.nn,i. rv.i: i vwuua wuivuicu io any pare oi the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. amount remaining on hand i t - Kg UNDS TIIANSKEKHKIl TO a Z TOTAL. J ? 7 3278 14 iM)2ir5ft S 230 02 518104 5 105 4407 48 S tL 00 03 1073 20 S r 8272 80 8272 89 007 14 1833 02 S 8ft 60 8ft CO S 1 3147 13 8535 03 5 , 11G0 07 2155 3G S 70 01 240 03 S 200 01 779 27 $ 1534 G5 1501 ftl 107 02 801 21 S ., 14 45 14 75 5 101 80 200 74. 87 40 37 84 S 0 00 10 00 118 30 338 47 480 08 802 81 S 122 03 123 83 5 80 77 118 78 S x'y 1018 87 1050 50 0407 48 5 00.. OS i 8277 42 22117 51 S 533G 17 0340 05 5 00 00 13 85 18 87 S 1 00 20 00 21 00 -5 8482 71 8482 71 1554 IVi 1551 80 S 05 40 . Oft 10 5 ... . 405 45 2014 45 J 10140 00 $35378 0084ft59 8ft 5 03. 00 and of all moneysteceived my knowledge and belief as County Treasurer. Sale ! m n m m 9 m m m m m m m m d m v IN SHOES Wo carry tho Hamilton Brown Shoo Company lino nnd enn safely ti .. siy l.m,y leatl ,l" others, until iu lowest prices and best, quality. LADIES FLEECE LINED rappers. The best the muiKet alionis at ... RXently reduced pi ices. Heeee lined Wn.ppet Goods 7c per Taut to l'.'lu per yard. Outing Flannels. ,?,r '"" t,xi"'',,i(",!,"V nt lino ... .w i-m jr-Hu i rjj0 per yaid m . .tf1trt Va n Express Line. , . . Vi it w Tei.EPMNH HO. 3ME. y . '-