'--!- Hi. fcT 4-1 Er; ,-1 .u & PERISH IN A fIRE Frightful and Fatal Holocaust at Rochester, N. Y. NIKE INMATES OF ORPHANAGE BURNED It U l'i-iird 'Unit More IVrl.1i.d-M rk of IIpmiu- lU'Rtin Sdini im rlrc Him IHcntered mill Curried lonr.ird Willi a Will -Other ,.. A Rochester. N. Y., Jan. 8. 'j u. n,.. dispatch says: Pin- broke out in the hospital section of tin- Rochester or phan asylum at I o'clock this morning, on Hubbel park, anil the Humes spicud rapidly to other sections of the insti tution. It is known that nineteen of the children perished, and it is feared that many more victims may be leported later The tire was first discovered by two men passing the asylum. They hastily sent in an alarm and then turned their attention toward arousing the nurses and the children. Tliu work of rescue began with a will. Children ami and muses were carried fiom the building all in an un conscious condition, some, death Am hulances from the city, St. Mary's home and llahenman hospital were summoned mid the victims weie re moved to the several institutions. Thcic weie lull children at the hos pital, and a corps of about thirty nurses and attendants. Two of the woman attendants are among the dead. FARMER FOUND FROZEN. IiiIiii Hi-tirnericr DUcotered Druil In " Hiimll Creek Near fiprtiKiie. .lohn Schrocdcr. a farmer living two miles from Sprngue in Lancaster coun ty, was found dend in a small creek. Sheriff Ibunson found the body, which bad been the object of a diligent soarch during tile past week. "Mr. Schroeifor was fotty-six ,i cars of age and unmarried. Something over u week ago Mr. Schrocder wts at the town of Spragitc with friends. He started home ubout ." o'clock, and was not awn alivt .-.fter that. It Is be lieved that he turned off the road to go Id the home of a neighbor anil on the way fell through the ice of a small creek. At that point the creek Is seven feet wide and two fecit deep. The ce showed thai It had given away with Hie weight of the man and that it biii been broken for a considerable distance by bis struggles. Later the water froze again anil held the Inidy in a firm gia .p. At first foul play was suspected, but as Soil mid a watch were found on the body this theory was abandonded. The coroner's jury In ought ,in a verdict, of accidental death. MAY SURVIVE INJURIES. ilrl Hliiahrd with Itaor llu G'hiiiii-e for Kim overy. Nellie Morris, who was almost out o pieces .Inn. 7, by Walter Wein stock at Hackney, ()., is still living, with chances In favor of her recovery. Kx citemeiit in the vicinity of Hackney runs high, and but for the girl's re quest that Weinstock should not be lynched while she lives .summary jus tice would have bean meted to him. The constable who took Weinstock to the jail at McConncllbvlllc drove fifty miles roundabout to avoid lynch ing parties that had Wen organized. Welnstoek made a written confession in which he said: "I do not know why I did It. I wanted to kill her, I have no excuses to offer for the crime, and if they want to kill me. they can." Rumors of impending trouble at McConnell.sville have, been in circula tion, but. they appear to be without foundation. FRESH ALARM IS SOUNDED KlaliiK In Cnpe (.'ninny (IroiTlnp More Ontliiou. A London, .luuuary 7, dispatch says: The morning's news from Capetown is again unsatisfactory. Martial law has been again proclaimed at Miilmesburg and would have been proclaimed in other districts, hut that the cabinet meeting called Saturday was unable to agree as to its advisability. The vagueness of the information concerning the movements and posi tion of the invaders has sent a fresh cold til over the colonists, and Cape town calls loudly for strong i enforce ments from England on the ground that the greater part of Lord Kitch ener's available force is employed in protecting the lines of communication and the Hand mines. Heeome Inannr. William K. Love.whols perhaps the most dangerous and violently-Insane man ever committed to an asylum from Sheridan county, was taken to Hu-v ville and sent to Norfolk, lie Is ck and dumb, and while at his mother s house became violently insane, terror izing the family. It required the united efforts of half a doen men to handle him. BELIEVED TOBJ MURDER liny found Demi in Home Ntull nnil Money Mlln. Developments In the case of the death of Humphrey .lackman, whose body was found In a stall with a vir ions horse, iu States McCoy's stable uMiranvUlc, Mich., point to deliberate murder. Eleven wounds upon the head show that they could not have been lufllcted by tho horse. 1'art of Juchmnn's 875 for services of the sea son was missing. The eoi oner's jury is investigating. RHEA FIRED FATAL SHOT Con feme lo sheriff tlml He Killed Snlnotikveper Ziilin. A .laniiary 7 special from Fremont says that the murder of Herman 'aim at Sn.wler was the sole topic of con versation, ntul that on almost every corner little groups of men could bo seen congregated and earnestly talk ing upon the subject. Sheriff Kreader believes that all (lunger or hncliing is past, since all three of tlie desperadoes have been placed behind the walls of the county jail. Sheriff Kreader and Chief Lytllek arrived froin.Nest Point at t'::i(i this morning with the third man who was connected with the murder. This bandit ausweis to the name of Wil liam llurton He Is about twenty-four years of age. and, to nil appearances, Is well educated, and is entirely out of the class in which he has been found. William Rhea, the,oniig man, made a rcw statements last evening, when (itestii)ued by Sheriff Phlllpps of Com ings county and by the newspaper men. (lardner has maintained silence ever since his capture, and refuses to talk about the affair or what part he had in it Sheriff Kreader stated this afternoon thai- Khea had finally admitted to htm that he was the muu who tired the fatal shot. The police give full credence to the story that at least six or eight mem bers of a well organized gang of thugs are still at large. No one expresses a doubt us to the relationship L', itween the Williams woman and the mini who was sentenced to the penitentiary a few days ago. Facts have been hinught to light which prove conclu sively that the rendezvous was all that it has been reported to be. (1ms or two farmers in the ncighliorhood have also been Implicated and other arrests arc expected The gang is undoubtedly one of the toughest in the state, and It will be a good riddance if a change of (quarters is taken. C. L. KIRTLEY KILLED. llurllneton SwIUImmii KhIU Heueath Km Klne at West Lincoln. C. L. Kirtley, a switchman in the llurlington yards at Lincoln waskilled nn the morning of January (1 while switching- at Wcbt L-'nvyJji. M. Kirt ley fell fiom the side of n car being" pushed by a switch engine at die West. Lincoln stock .iil.s, nnd when found the wheels had passed over Ills body, crushing his legs and Injuring his back. He lived until 10 o'clock of the same morning. He was conscious up to the time of his' death. When the accident happened Mr. Kirtley was riding on the side, of a car which was being pushed along the sid ing by a switch engine. He was car rying a lantern and the engineer saw tlie lantern drop. He stopped as quick ly as possible, fearing that Kirtley had fallen. When found Klrtley's body was under the front trucks of the en gine. The switching crew went out from the Liuculn yaids In the early morning to get some stock cars near the chutes. WILL EMIGRATE TO AMERICA Itunnlati Qnnker PrrpiirliiB to l.euie the (Mil World. A St. Petersburg dispatch says: The Molokauen, u sect numbering -10,000. whose founders removed in 1840 from various parts of Russia to the Cauca sus, and whose delegates have just brought glowing reports from the Doukhobors, or Russian quakcrs in Canada, contemplate emigrating to America. The sect secured state lands in the Caucasus almost rent free, but recently the Russian government announced that rents would be increased. Now the sect is petitioning the, government to restore the former rentals or to per mit emigration. CARL MORTON DEAD. Youngest Son of Kx-.SecretBry Morton Succumb After Hrlef Illne. Carl Morton, youngest son of former Secretary .1. Sterling Morton, died at Waukcgan, 111., -Monday morning. January 7, following a sudden and severe, attack of pneumonia. News of the death of Carl Morton was a terrible shock to his father and scarcely less to the people of Nebraska City, where he has lived nearly all his life. Carl Morton wns the youngest of the four sons of Mr. Morton, and was near ly 30 years old. Dht Not Commit Suit die. T. W. Kennedy, the men who mys teriously disappeared from the home of a friend in Plattsmnuth, Neb., last Tuesday, has returned. It was thought that be hsd committed suicide, but the fact developed that he had walked down to the vicinity of Hock lllurt in search of employment. Olrl Killed by Negro. Klia NewUlrk, u student at Vorhis business college at Indlanopolis, lutl., was shot and killed by Morris Jones, a negro who had been employed ns jani tor at the college building. The negro then killed himself. Miss Newklrk is sold Ui have been a member of a prom uent family in Friondsville, III. It Is Mild by the state department oflleials that no orders have been sent Minlbtcr Loomls at Caracns, contem plating the use of I'ttiU'd States ma rines in tlie existing difficulties over rival asphalt oompanlcs' concessions. The department is making a careful inquiry into the controversy and if the results warrant such action represen tations will be made to tho Venezue lan government with a view to secur ing an cqltable settlement. The United Suites training ship Buf falo, which recently arrived at La (Juuyara, loft latr for MoaiJ. (ONdRESSIONAIL National Legislature Busy Important Business. With THE HOUSE AND SENATE PROCEEDINGS llciipportlnuiiit'iit Hill Meeting Stronu Opposition--Outcome In Dottlit Army Hill In Semite fptietd by Srnnttir I.mlKtt of .MiHAiielunctt. BKNATi: NUTINdS. Tuo-ulu), liimiiiry rt. A notable speech was delivered the benate yesterday by Mr. Iiodge ill of Massachusetts. Addressing the sen ate on the amendment of thu military committee striking out the provision of the reorganization bill for a veterin ary corps, he discussed brlelly and principally in the form of a colloquy with Mr. Ilacon the Philippine ques tion and the necessity for an nriny of 100.000 men. In conclusion he drew a brilliant wonl picture of the commer cial future of the United States, de claring that the trade conflict with Kurope, already begun, could result only in the commercial and economic supremacy of the entire world. In this industrial conflict he apprehended no danger from a material contest with any nation of the world, but he urged the necessity for a strong and scien tifically organised army and a power ful navy in older that the (Jutted States might be prepared to defend Its' rights against any possible foe. During the afternoon the senate rati fied the committee's proposition to eliminate the house provision for the establishment of u veterinary corps In the ntmy. Senator Teller of Colorado gave no tice of n substitute he will offer for the entire pending measure, continuing in full force and effect the act of March 3, 1 81HI, Increasing the sle of the army for three years from duly 1, HUM. Mr. 1'ettus of Alabama presented the credentials of his colleague, Hon. J. T. Morgan, elected a senator from that state for the fifth time. A bill was reported from the judi ciary committee amending an net to create the southern division of Iowa, changing the time for the holding of court from the llrst Monday in Muy and fourth Monday in September to the fourth Tuesduy In Murth and the third Tuesday in October. A joint resolution was reported from the District of Columbia committee nuthorl.lng the secretary of war to grunt permits to the committee on the inauguration of the president. Tho resolution of Mr, Hacon and Mr. Pettigrew relating to the declina tion of the executive to send to the senate the report of A. L. Law-she as to postal frauds in Cuba went over. Consideration of the nrmy reorganiza tion bill was then resumed. IIOUSK HAl'l'I'.NINdS. Tuemlay, January M. The animated debate in the house on the reapportionment bill is near its close, it being agreed that a vote would betaken Friday. It was expected there would be a sequel to the exciting clash of Saturday between Mr. LlttleJield of Maine nnd Mr. Hopkins of Illinois, but tho latter made no effort at rejoinder nnd contented himself with the de cision for the final vote. He expresses confidence that the bill hoiring his name will be passed tomorrow, al though there may be a blight change, giving an additional member to Flor ida, Colorado and North Dakota, bring ing the total membership up to UOO. The notable speeches were by Mr. Crumpaekcr of Indiana, dealing with alleged disfranchisement in the south; by Mr. Hepburn of lown, severely ar ranging the present house, nnd by Kir. Grow, of Pennsylvania, comparing tho old system in the house with that of the present. Mr. Kitchen, North Carolina, the first speaker, supported the Hopkins, bill, but said he would voto against tho amendment requiring the congression al districts in tlie several states to be 'continuous and compact." Mr. Crumpccker of Indiana, who favors reduction of membership from the south because of disfranchisement advocated the llurlelgh bill us against the Hopkins bill because it kept pace vith the growth of tho country. He agreed that during recent years the inlluenco of the house in legislation had gradually diminished, n condition due to the fact that the members of thu lower house allowed themselves to be dominated by tho senate and chief executive. If the membership was to remain stationary as the years wenton its influence would continue to de crease. Ho then developed his argu ment in favor of reducing representa tion in certain southern states along the line of his report. WASHINGTON WAIFS. The auditing ofllcers of the treasury have boon engaged for some time in nn effort. to secure from United States Consul Itndcllff II. Ford at Yarmouth, N. S,, a satisfactory explanation of certain disbursements made by him on account of tho relief of distressed American sailors, but so far without result. Tho office has been investigat ed by tho nearest consul general nnd unless somo account is rendered for tho'ltcms referred to tho ense will bo reported to the state department an one requiring drastic action. Consul Ford is a native of Maine. I.enU Will Content. Congressman John .1. Lentz of Co lumbus, O., has berved formal notice on Congressman-elect Kmmett Tompkins that he would contest the lnttcrV beat in the bouse. .Mr. Lentz stales that he will base his claim on charges of whole sale bribery and fraud in the count of the ballots. Huh ItnUed Quarantine, Dr. Justus O'Hage, health commis sioner of St. Pnul, Minn., has raised the quarantine against Winona, nnd Intcrcourte between the two cities is now of its formal character. THE LEGISLATURE. Iirunku Lawmaker Htiy with Hlato'a (limine. tiik ni:natk. TncNtln), itiininiry H. The senate was In session a short time yesterday afternoon. The mem bers were all piesent, after having en joyed a short vacation at their homes or in Lincoln, and were ready for busi ness. The business took a turn toward the introduction of bills, the selection of a few employes and discussion of policy In caucus. (Meson, of fuming. Introduced one providing for the elimination of that part of the law which now permits pei sons to contract for the payment of Interest at the rate of 10 per cent. The bill will leave the rate at 7 per cent. Interest on loans shall be 7 per cent, and Interest on judgments shall be U per cent., provided that where u different late of Interest has been agreed upon in the contract upon which the decree or Judgment Is founded, not greater than 7 per cent., thu rate of Interest upon such judg ment or decree shall be the same, as provided for by the terms of the con tract. Hills for a constitutional con vention and a constitutional amend ment for the referendum were Intro duced, Itaiisom, of Ilouglas, introduced a bill to protect feebleminded women from designing men. The present law protects insauu women, but feeble minded women, are not so piotecteil. The friends of Mr. Hansom say this bill Is of more importance than one would suppose, ns it is evidently In tended to cover a specltlu case that ocuurrrd in Omaha. The old question of requiring butch ers to register and exhibit hides 1h again before the senate, having been introduced by Van lloskirk of Hox Hutte, The net Is desired by the stock raisers of the west who suffer from the depredations of cattle thieves. It is believed that thu exhibition and registry of hides will answer the pur pose. Other bills introduced provided for the repeal of thu barbers' examination act. defining u legal newspaper and to authorize counties, townships and hohiol districts to pay thu picmlum on olllclal guaranty bonds given by ollleers of such subdivisions. The following employes were placed on the pay roll on motion of Currie of Custer: Miss Nellie O'llourke, steno grapher: Clifford Stultz, page; K. D. Smith, fireman: C. II. Illcssing, janitor; Mrs. Carriu Wilson, Fay Yau Jlobklrk nnd W. A. Keed, copyists, Adjourned, TIIK HOUSE. Tuemluy, .Innuury 8. The house convened at 'J o'clock. Chaplain Presson prayed that God's blessing may rest upon the outgoing nnd Incoming state ofllcors. Koll call showed four members ubsent. Heading of the journal was dispensed with. Speaker Hears announced that tho matter pending at last adjournment waa before tho house relotlug to the preparation of the houso journal dally. Armstrong of Nemaha moved as a substitute for nil matters pending that the chief clerk employ one additional clerk to prepare the house jdurnal dally for the printer and ulso to pre pare one cony for the secretary of state nnd two copies for tho members. The motion ulso included a reference of the printing of the journal to the committee on printing with instruc tions, to rcnort In '-'4 hours after ap pointment. On request of the secretary of state W. II. Clarke was appointed custodian of the house supplies. Hibbcrt of (Inge moved that tho Sergennt-at-arms procure a stand of colors to bo displayed at tho rear of the speaker's chair. Carried. The speaker announced that ho had not been ablo to complete the person nel of committees in time to make tho announcement and hu asked for n little moro time. The house decided to allow this and adjourned till this morning nt 10 o'clock, A determined effort was inado to as certain tho names of tlie chairmen of tho important committees. Speaker Sears was mum wheuevcr the matter wns mentioned to him nnd all infor mation that wns abroad camo through the members who wore trying to 11 ud out how they stood. Ire Hoiino Iturned The. ice house of P. F. Kishcr at 8t Edwards, Neb., containing several ice plowH and other tools, wus completely destroyed by (Ire at midnight .Ian. 0. The loss Is estimated at nearly St,000. There Is an insurance of 8130. Tho fire was got by some unknown person, probably through spite. Hlood hounds from Lincoln have been sent for and it is hoped they will trace the guilty ono HetU Klectvd nn Hufford'a Hui-ceflior. A Topeka, Knn., dispatch of Janu ary f. says: II. Hetts, nominee for representative to fill the vncaney caused by the death of II. C. Safford, was elected today by a majority of lr7 over Frank Collins, populist. There wcro cast 1,100 votes, Collins received 140. Tho democrats refused to indorso Collins because ho claimed, at the con ventlon, to be a prohibitionist. Itoy Murder Sliter. During tho absence of William Chldcster and his wife from their homo on tho river near Marietta, O., Thomas, a nine-year-old bou, shot and killed his sister, Florence, aged fourteen. No reason 1m known. He apparently docB not realize tho enormity of his crino and fought for possession of tho gun when a neighbor arrived. The parent are prostrated and the mother may die. Discovery has been made that Maggie Hoel, who mysteriously disappeared from Puublo, Col,, ten days ago and wns supposed to have been murdered or kidnaped, had eloped with a man named John Watson and gone cast. Stonewall J, DeFranco, a noted for ger, who was bent to the state prison at Jackson, Mich., from Kulamaroti county in 1804 for eleven years, for de frauding a Kalamazoo bank of several thousand dollars has been paroled by Governor Pingrec and will be released Monday morning. VICTIMS NUMBER 28 Fatalitios at Rochester Holocaust Larger Than First Told PATHETIC SCENES AND GENERAL HORROR Mmrlllrl.il KiTorIt of Atli'iiilmitii to t'nforlnimlo Vlrtlnn Siul Scrnri llnnpllitlo mill Aloritues Oilier Neil of IiiUtihI. Sure lit A Rochester, N, Y., dispatch of Ian. H says: Twenly-elghl dead bodies lie at the morgue and twelve others, moie or less seriously diluted. He at the dif ferent hospitals In the city, as a result of the terrible holocaust which oc curred early Tuesday molding at Ihe Rochester orphan asylum. Of the dead twenty-six were children of bolh se.es Hinging in age from two to four teen years, while the leiiuiiiilng two were adults. In all the long and dismal records of fatal fires In Rochester none can ho found which can equal this one In Us general horrors, In the pathetic scenes In which so many lives were blotted out, lu the gallant sacrifice of lives of the attendants In whose cure the chil dren were, and in thu sad scones at the hospitals nnd morgue. That so many children were saved fiom the west wing of the building seems mirneii lous, and when the ruins were visited one marvelled that the death roll was not even linger. FRIEND OF SILVER DOLLAR IteprenlntlTe Hill Hill In Introduce liiipnrlniit lh Hon. Representative Hill of Connecticut has iiitiodueed a bill to maintain the legal tender silver dollar at parity with gold. This and the bill of Represen tative Levy of New York, on similar lines, will be taken up soon by the houso committee ou coinage, and at a time fixed for hearing Secretary Ooge and other financial authorities Level of (.rent t.nke. The rlyer and harbor committer of the house on January 4 adopted the provision iuithorl7ilng tho president lo negotiate for fixing the level of the great lakes as follows: "That the president of the United States Is an thorl.ed by diplomatic negotiation or otherwise to enter into such nn ar rnngotncnl as 'will Insure as iniiuh as posslblu the levels in the great lakes and contiguous waterways betweeu the United States and Canada." Admiral Knulr to Itetlre. The navy department issued orders January I detaching Hear Admiral A. Kaut. from his post, as commander-in-chief of the Pacific station, to take effect January S3. Admiral KnutvtV retirement takes place soon after. He will be succeeded by Hear Admiral Casey, commander of the Philadelphia navy yard. Hear Admiral (5. W. Sum ner has been detachrd from the com mand of the Pott Roynl stntlon and will succeed Hear Admiral Casey. Turkey Comrn lo Time. The Turkish government has fur nished 1). Thomas Norton, who was appointed I'nlted States consul at liar poot, what arc known ns traveling pa pers, constituting a safe conduct toen able the doctor to nroceed to his post. There Is rcoson to believe that this forecasts a compliance of the Turkish government with a request of the state department for a regular exequatur for Dr. Norton. M Union of the Hrorplnn The navy department has received a cablegram from Commander Sargeant of the Scorpion, announcing the ar rival of that ship at La (iiiyura. where she will assist Minister Loomls in this mission. This i,t said at the state de partment to li limited entirely to the procurement of a Judicial and equit able determination of thu existing Is sues growing out of the asphalt fran chises. Strike About Mettled. A Denver, January 7, dispatch says: The strike of the miners in thu north ern Holds is practically settled. A mass meeting of the strikers was held at which it was decided that the men should return to work Iu the mines which aro willing to pay the scale asked, This Includes all the mines except those of the Northern Coal company. lire at rittnlmrir Hiiliurli. On January rt a lire at Wilkiiishurg, a suburb of Pittsburg, destroyed the. Penn building, occupied by Caldwell & (Iraham. dry goods and millinery, and adjoining building occupied by a number of small business firms. Loss, 8150,000, The origin of tlie fire is un known. Most of the Kunsas editors have de clared war on the Topeka chump who said in a recent public meeting iu Topeka: "I would rather hear the clods rattling upon my daughter's cof fin than to see her the wife of the uveruge .1 ouug man," Money for Itnninni From Union Springs, Alaiuiba it Is learned that N, II. Fraser. the tax col lector of Hulloch county, has recehed a letter from Memphis from men claiming to have kidnaped Frifer's ten-year-old son, I lass, in Atlanta, who demand 95,000 ransom. Thu letter contained young Frasor's alleged sig nature as proof of the claim. Fraser was a student in the technological school at Atlanta, and it Is learned has not been wen In several days. The kidnapers assert they aro mi their way to Kansas City, whunco further negotiations would be ((inducted. MUST LEAVE ISLAND .eiiilliiR t'lllplno ItnheU to He Deported hi tin ii in A latr Manila dispatch says: (Int ern 1 MaeArthur has ordered the de portation of (leiierulK Ricnrfo, Del Pilar. Illron, LI an era and Santos r the IsIhiiiI of Oiinm. Nine regiment and foul' subordinate ofllcera, with eight-civilians, including KriaH, Ten sou and Mablui, notorious assistant') of the insurrectionists, have also been ordeird to be deported. It is (icneral MacArthur's Intention to hold most of the active lenders of the rebels, who have been captured, in (Juatn until the resumption of a condition of peace has been dec.laicd. The llrst municipal election was held successfully at Hagulo, provlnco of Itcnguet. Tho Igorrotcs took part in the election, The Filipinos In Manila hare beun enjoying ti novel experience recently in tlie holding of free, open political meetings. Most of the addresses tit these meetings wete made by former oIllcei-Hiif the Insurgents, all bf whom asserted that thu best way of securing personal liberty is to accept the liber ties guaranteed by the constitution and government of the United States, v hlcli American sovereignty stands for The audiences were gicatly iu terested and many of those attending the iiiectlngH signed tlie federal party declarations, The construction of the. rebel prhon at Clougapo, in addition to those at Manila, will be begun soon. (icneral MaeArthur, accompanied by his staff, reviewed the Thirty-seventh regiment of volunteer infantry on the Luueto Held January 7. All the com panies wore together almost for tho first time since the regiment was or ganizrd. After the icvlew the regi ment was drawn up In close order ami Cencral MaeArthur, In u fnn-well ad dress, congiatulated the ofllcers and men on their lu-tivcry, discipline unit Judgment, concluding his remarks with a beany "May (lod bless you, com miles.'' The Thlrty-seventh will snll foi home on the transport Sheridan. More bun half tho men and many of thu olllcers como from Tennessee, LIVED ALMOST A CENTURY. Denlh nt AiiRimla. Me., of Ei-Nenntor Hradliury. An Augusta, Me., dispatch says: Former United States Senator Jaincn Ware Hradliury died at his home hero of bronchitis. He wns horn lu 1802. He graduated from Howdoln college in 182ft, mid in the celebrated class in which were Henry W. Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jonathan Cllley, John S. C. Abbott, (leorgo II. Chccvcr and Horatio llrldgc. He was the last survivor of his class and the oldest liv ing graduate of Howdoln. He was nlways a democrat. Ills elec tion to thu United States senate wns in I H 10 for the term beginning March 4, 1847. He had in 1H44 been a tlelcgato to the democratic convention in which he threw a vote from Mulnu that result ed in the nomination of James K. Polk. When lie entered the senate he gave the president his hearty support. Ho declined it re-election nnd in 1853 set tied down in Augusta. FUNERAL OF BISHOP NINDE Iniprcmilvn Kervlren Held at HU Detroit Home After an Impressive funeral bervice had been conducted over the remains of llishop W. X. Nlndo of the Mctlio dlst church at his late residence lit Detroit January 1, they were removed to the Central church. Here they lay in state from 10:30 until 13:30, while n continuous ossession of people passed by and looked for the lust time upon the deceased bishop. At the conclusion of the service the remains were taken to Elm wood ccine tary nnd temporarily placed in a vault. The place of final interment will not be decided until after the return "of Frederick Ninde and Miss Mary Niude fiom Florida. To ('rente Noir Carnation. Delicate experiments arc now going on in the green houses tit The Univer sity of Nebraska under the supervision of Professor Emerson, of the Depart ment of Horticulture of that institu tion, in thu creation of new varieties of ctirnutions by the crossing nnd propagation of thu old standard plants which they have on hand with newer and more delicate varieties. Tho method of doing this is quite novel antl there is qnito a little speculation as to what the outcome of these exper iments will be. Thu buds of one plant are fertilised by others and in this way a graft is niude. Some of the ortlinary hardy pinks arc used in these experi ments and soma valuable varieties of carnations tiro expected to be the out como of those investigations. .Wurdetl hlilp Contrite!. Secretary Long Jan. 8 sent out the formaLtotice to the Jlath Iron works, Ncwffort News Ship-building company nndMoran Uros. of Seattle that they each had been awarded a contract for tho construction of a sheathed battle ship, upon conditions already sent out relative to cost. Morun Pros, navo accepted the award. Want New HiilldbiK. The faculty of the university lias united )n u request for the construc tion of a building for the department of physics, which now occupies thu habeuient and third floor of Nebraska hall, It is said that the constant vi bration of Nebraska hall Interferes with tho working of thu scientific ap paratus, making it almost impossible to conduct many delicate experiments. Seventy convicts have escaped from thu state penitentiary at Lanslngblnuo LSHH, only twenty-six ot whom were ever recaptured. i 'i to i M :; i !- f; J 8 4 2 n - - -, . - 'SH&M?1&yt'r ": ... fit' w3g