The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1901, Image 1

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Stu x "Wistr ,: j. , :
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I njjmimirif iii ii iiimm . . . .
NtttLBER 2
We are going Vftose
them out at est.
A full lino of the M D. Ms shoes
at a great liarga
U'.,1U I) ,11-ohi Kid til).
Kcgiilnr$2 it'$lG5.
, ivingarooCalf tlip Inoi
Regulat $)(it SI 05
Well Vi"l Kid, choeolaW'i
Regular 32 it 81 05
Hisses' and Cfiildrei Shoes.
Wells vici kid, chocolii' w 1 t 3,
Regular lui l .'
to 2.
at $1 'M
Wells kangaioo calf, si
Regular $
U'r.11 vici kid. si.o 8 td.
" " ' . J . .
UcKulnr aim 15W.
to 13).
lit 31.02.
Wells kangamocalf, f
Regular $
Wells vici kid. sizes 5
Regular $
at 81.10.
1W " BROS.,
fled Cloud Nebraska.
They fire Here !
That's Why We
Offer Them!
Items of importance to those
who deem quality essential
to economy. High class,
well made jackets at a sav
ing of coc on'the dollar.
$12 :0 Jaekuts pi ico to you 8(5 25.
10.00 Jaekots piico to you' 5.00.
0 00 Jackets prico to you &1.50.
8 00 Jackets prico to you 1 00.
0 00 J ackets prico to you 3 00
4.00 Jackets price to you 2 00
Dress Goods, Suitings,
Wrappers, Shirt Waists,
Blankets, Underwear.
Dress goods i2c to $2.50 per yard.
Suitings, 30c to $1.25 per yard.
Wrappers, regular $1.40, special 75c.
Shirt Waists, special one-half off.
Underwear 10c to 40c a garment.
Blankets 40c to $10.00 a pair.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
lied Cloud, Neb., Jnnuary 2, 11101.
iioaid county coimnisHiuners met pur
suant to adjournment. Members pres
ent, lions, Overman, Vance, Chairman
May, J. P. Hale, clerk.
The following assessors' bonds wero
3. H. Shirley,
Omer Gngnoti,
H. C. Scott,
Oak Creek.
lio'l Cloud precinct
Win. Dretthauer, Catherton
Ueorgo Payne, Heaver Creek
Ii. AdauiHou, Pleasant Hill
George Greig, Glenwood
Chris FnHsler, Potsdam
Francis Houchin, Garfield
Ii Stenner, Uatin
W. A. Shoemaker, Walnut Creole
J. W. Warren, lied Cloud city
Howard Deisley, Inavalu
,1. C. Johnson, Line
The following road overseers' bonds
wero nppioved:
The ReiCloud Chief
for $1.25
Wo enn surnish 70U brick in
any quantity at the lowest poi.
IIh late. HiJck on salo Ht
either of tins lumber yaids.
Get Our Prices Before You
Buy Brick.
Red Cloud, Neb.
G. W. Mutter, Dist. IS
Chris Nelson, " 518
O. J. Lum, ' ' 21
F. Doom. Glonwood
Joseph Huback, " 49
G. G. King, , ' 27
Win. McCleve, " 15
Chas. Zalmaii, " 51
John Unity, " 40
Len Wilmot, " 12
f. c. uiiiiiigH, " :io Wiggins, ' 21
0'hiis Jorgenson, " ill
lames Urooinlield, " 4
T. J. Chaplin, 28
Ertek Bergman, " 18
Adolph .lessen, " 10
Henry Scheslitinan, " 50
J. L. Meyer, Jr. " 11
John Larkey, " 20
Win Johnson, " 511
J.E. llnnes, " 2
H. S. Applegate, " 20 '
Joseph Genoreaux, -10 (
O. D. Hedge, "
James Witt, " Rosemont
lien O'Ucig, 47
Jas. Kiiicaid, " 25
The following settlements were made
with road overseeip:
W. McCluro f !) 83
Ben. J. Kiinotscher, 27 00
C. W. Llndgren, 110 00
A. W, Choat,
Win. Holschu
J. P. Sprinkle,
C. T. Collins,
8. Van Boring,
Chas Goll.
S. G. Stunser,
Olto Jensen,
C. L. Columbia,
W. M. Points,
Joseph Henry,
Len Wilmot,
Julius Nelson
J. M. Clark,
J. E. Hiines,
Dick Iiippen,
Joseph Hubeck,
G. W. Motter,
30 00
28 00
43 10
28 00
2'J 45
12 17
20 00
10 75
11 45
28 55
30 00
23 00
27 75
11 CO
20 00
30 00
23 10
30 00
30 00
33 50
30 50
25 30
The following ollicial bonds were ap
Justice of Peace
' for Garfield
" " Harmony
" " Harmony
Constnble Guide llock
" Harmony
On motion Win. A. May and James G.
Overman were appointed as a commit
tee to settle with the county ofllcers.
Minutes rend and approved:
Board adjourned sine die.
J. P. Halk, Clerk.
II. L Luce,
N. L. D. Smith.
John May,
J. II, Holycross,
Iiob't Garrison,
G- W. Hite,
tlm frequent cmmo of Ajipcmllcltlnrt man oiltor Hot
loin lie ehould nerer U I; w Ircll. 1 l.e oUJt luon to the
u.u.l catluirtlo remodlce l their coMIe i.-auion which
mmim? ro'itv7li?!Ll'iSLl't tul lP" ',- ""KKit a
iV.Vih'LT2? 1 ft 8!PI'.,'1. " teon til
siii,: "irvissrs.' S'SL"1?
I. r w e m
Voted It Down.
At tbo first meetinng of tho local
camps of tho Modern Woodman society
in tho month of December tho piopo
sition to authorizo tha next Woodman
national convention to stabiish some
soitof a leservo or emergoney fund;
was voted on. All camps have report
ed tho result of the voto to tho Wood
man head clerk, Maj. C. W. Haws, at
Uook Inland, Illinois, and ho has just
made the following announcement:
"Tho emergency or rcsorro propo
sition Iiim been defeated We have not
jet counted the totuins, but I should
say tho pioposition is lost by a vote of
two to one. Not more than 50 per rent
of tho members of the society voted.
Wktn the letoius from our local camps
ONE reason Mrs. Pinklmm's treatment helps women
promptly is Hint they lmvo confidence in her.
- Through some of the many thousands of Mrs. Pink
ham's friends an ailing woman will be led to write to Mrs.
Pinkham at her homo in Lynn,
Mass., and will tell her symptoms.
The reply, made without charge of
any kind, will bear such evidence
of knowledge of the trouble that
belief in her advice at once inspires
Tills of itself is a great help.
Then the knowledge that women only see the letters asking
for advice and women only assist Mrs. Pinkbam in replying
makes it cosy to bo explicit about tho little things that defino
the disease.
Mrs. Eliza Thomas, of 634 Pine St., Easton, Pa writes:
' Dear Mrs. Pinkham I doctored with two of the best
j doctors in the city for two
years and had no relief until I
began tho use of your remedies. trouble was ulceration of
the womb. I suffered
something terrible, could
not sleep nights and
thought sometimes that
denth would be such a
relief. To-day I am a well
woman, able to do my
own work, and have not
a pain. I used four bottles
of Lydia E. Pinklmm's
Vegc'table Compound and
three packages of Sana
tive Wash and cannot
thnnk you enough for tho
good it did me." ,
Mrs. M. Stoddard,
Box 268, Springfield, Minn.,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham For
about four years I was a great sufferer from female troubles. I
had backache all of thotimc, nonppetitc, painsin stomach, faint
ing spells, was weak and my system was completely run down.
I also had falling of womb so bad that I could scarcely walk
across the floor. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable
Compound and one box of Lozcngcrs, can say I am cured."
rwi 11
aio cotnpleto I think that tho total voto
will show neatly 280,000"
When asked what would be the effect
of the defeat of the uieastiie Maj.
Huwps said:
"The immediate ellecl will be to pie
vent any aetiou looking to making
pi 0 visions for the society's futuie at
tho coming national convention, l'er.
soually I uover f 11 voted a icseive fund
What is known an a 'legal tesei vo' has
always boeu out of the question in my
opinion. Hut I did favor nncniergencj
fund; I think soulo soit of an emer
getiey fund is a necessity, and the mem.
bors of the society, I bellevo, will erino
to realize this soon. However, as the
meinbeis ate the ones directly uou
earned and as this voto was in thp na
ttito of a icfercndum there will bono
attempt to niako any provision for tho
society's futuie until the meinbersdolc.
gate that autliotlty to tho bond camp.
All things considered, it is probably
just as well that the proposition was
defeated at this timo, It will not hurt
the society to delay tho matter another
two y cms."
He Forgot Something .
An old fanner living to tho noitli
w.uu hitelud up his team 0J0 morning
recently and taking the old lady in tho
wagon drcvo to tho county seat for the
customary week's shopping. On a lit
tlo slip in his pocket wero tho articles
numed which they weio expected to
buy and bring home. Tho town was
reached without any incident of im
portanco.tho team tied up to a hitch
rack, and tho couple diified around
town. After completing the purchases
tho old centleman tratlinrAil nil ih.
packages together, carried them out to
tho wagon, depositod them under the
sent, then mil itched the pntiont homes
and ollniblng into tho seat startod back
home again. After coirir two or three
miles he seemed ill an ease.'aud kept
glancing bacK with a doubtful look ns
though he had forgotten something.
After going a fow miles fin ther the idea
that ho had foigot soinotUing got so
fixed in hi mind that ho stopped the
horses and wont over the list of pur
chasos and checked them off on tlm
slip. Appatenily everything cheeked
up all light, and ho acaln Htnrinn !...,
somewhat better satisfied, but tin 1..
doubt. After u timohudrovo into his
liiirnvnr I m.l 1.1.. .1 1.,..
- ' " wuiigiiior wno had
oouie rutining out to meet bun ex-
claimed: "Why Pa, whore's Ma?" It
then dawned upon the old fellow what
he had forgotten.
What Shall w"e Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
evoty day. Let us nni'ver it today.
TiyJelUO, a delicioii dessert. Pro.
pated in two minute. X bakiugl add
lint water and set to mini Flavors:
Lemon, mango raeplum and straw
bci ry, At your groeci , 1U cts.
Jcll-O, the New Desj;rt,
plcnscs all tho family. Four flavors: l
Lemon, orange, nispln-rry mid straw
berry. At your gioeeis. 10 cts. Try
It t day.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. '
Morton I,. Hill of Lebanon. Iml. nay: "My
wlfu had liillRinmntory rlioumntlim In every
iiiubcIo and Joint; tier luftorliiK wan terrible and
hir body and faco wero nvoolen almont beyond
recognition ; had been In bed for eli wcclci and
liml elxht phj-fcltlniiH, but received no bvnellt
in, til eliL tried tho Mvetlo Cure for Itlicumatlam.
ItKiie Immediate) relief, mid (die was able to
wane auoni in tnr
her life." Sold
Cloud, Ncli.
ihrcu (lave. I am nuro It Kftved
by II. K. Orlce, Drnggln, Red
Rheumatism Cored" in a Day.
.MutlcOuro far rticnmailem and neuralgia
readily I'lirth In fiom ona to thrct) daB ltd ac
tion upon the ayiilkui In retnurkablo nndmyi
UrloiiB. ltremoi)a at once the cauxu and tlie
dltcato Immediately disappears. The llrtitdoee
vreallybcncm. 75 cent, bold by II. K. Orlce.
lied fllnud. Veil
(Benton's Plaster Ii Pain's Master.)'
From the natmral impulse to "put some,
thing on" a painful spot all application
for the relief of pain bare arisen.
The myrt success fnl hare ever been poul.
tices or plasters, and the best of these ii
Denson'a Porous Pla'ster.
No other baa anything like Hie mum
Dower as a, miraHvn soont. It I. -j
Bcleutifioally medicated, aad Urn sUadard
w advanced year by year.
Uae Benson'a Pliaier for eoooba. fcolda.
Qbeat diseaM rheumatiam, grip, neuralgia
kidney trouble, lame back, and other ail.
menta that mako Winter a soaeon of suffer,
ing and danger. It relieves aad cum
quicker than any other remedy.
Do not accept Capsicum, Strengthening
or lislladonna plasterain place of Benaon'e,
aa thoy poasesa nono of its curative power.
Insist on having tho genuine.
The pooplo of cvory civilized land have
testlnod for years to tho euporlatlvo merit
of Honeou'a Piasters; and 5,000 physiciana
and druggists of tills country have declared
them worthy of publlo confidence.
Ill oflleinl rnmn.'irlo.nna ,Ill, ntl,., n
son's Plasters havo been honored' with
flfTti.flpA Mrrliraif n,.iiwlii M
1 or salo by aU druggists, or we will pre-
Soy postago on any number ordered in thA $tir
inited States on tho recolpt of 25o. each; " "'
Acuvjit uu iiuiiauon or suosutnto.
. ,&
- J " -
.. iiiy
Esgr." rzs i 'JteA.i'awa-'j'.y && .w
Mary wewtMS, Mff,