The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1900, Image 1

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Aii "l.
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' - -iijiti - i i i - i i i - i .1 i '''. ; i i .fir IfB
L-vkikvn-i iii jnsLJWfaeiMiaEti9ria. f m im - i tim r wwn fiiMSMicMieK)ii at -tv
? -- vi 22 . . - zjLi: - - - ' ' -y
. d Mf a m r. - i i - .. i '..--
T, ,In 1,1- ,J.W
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Invoi$lftg?tffje 'will soon be here and in the mean
tihie-weWilt:make pur 'greatest effort to '
.W'.closequtjall goods at a ' . t '
if "WW
. NT.
.-.. t -
i tings.
A sUkwaist'natterns dnd frim-
a .tv .. tmncisuKs'' v
r 'j.'. 'l- n. r
?.: . r i' l-l.-i.".
Convince ...
''How would , you liko to be the ice
man.'l, " ' -
Sniilo anrl tho crrfWtl smiles with, you
if you but, pay for the smiles.
Lust Tuesday was ribotit the dry est
we mean aullest Christmas thii town
over r aw.
Next Tuostlny bogins. tho new cen
tury. Ik'nlu it right by paying up your
subscription. ( '
The average kid would bo right in
tho height of his glory theso days
if: there was oven just a little "iujy
t A' Kansas girl has sued a man for
$3,000 lor kissing bur, Ho must hav
u kisser that axplodes Ilka a dynamite
bomb to do that muoli damage.
Au exchange is anxious to know if a
girl ought to get down on her ktiaes
when she is proposing? Mo, why
should she get on her kntus when his
are bo bandy.
A lady was hoard to remark, ''If all
the men wero dead but ono what would
become of us poor women t" Bqtter
inquire what would become of that
poor iono man.
One of our townspeople asks us to
giro a recipe for keepUg fresh nisat.
Either eut it or, lock it up Iu an iron
vaulu Never ban i it out doors after.
dark if you, wish w keep,it,t.iit'-tY
.Divorces have become so numerous
and frequent that the business might
be simpUtled by just licensing it and
purmit the minister, judge or justice
who tied the knot to do the untying.
Oucu upon u lime there wero two
'brutuuMr "Ouo worked himself to death
before he wua titty, and tho other, who
whs ljizy uud did .not work, took care
ut his health, uud lived to inherit bis
brotber'a money.
A reverend gentleman in Kansas re
oautly delivered a discourse, 6p, ''How
Men Should Treat Their VVrveV.'' :id
this place a man soldom thinks othii
wife when there is any treating gojpg
win uud never thiuks to treut her. ' " '
A stranger approached n fellowjon
ouratreoid luu.ouier uay .auu extna
Insr lila linnit Viiifi '(luii''mnral&
.n ,-.1,Ym-,.-?
your face auu form haves fami
ptrmationt demoatia or spasmodic and
Intsrmlttont iasanltr. However wo
opine thai tbo tJit time Sam Foe buvs
a Imlf'ahf'wlll nlso buy a gun and
n dog to pfotcct it while it is under
going" tho curing procoss of a' midnight
A ninth came running byouroillce
the other day and said a carpenter up
street hadf swallowed a two foot rulo
and was dying by inches. Wo atarted
out to inv.ostia'o and inquired, of a
doctor if such n thing could be possible
and ho quietly remarked that that was.
nothing, ho onco hal a patient who
swallowed a thermometer and died by
degrees. Another bystander remarket!
that that retuindtdl him of a fel
low up in Buffalo county who swallow
ed a pistol and wont off easy. Then
another. follow chippod In and said
llVJttHan lld friend of his in Indiana
driik a quart of apple-jack and died in
good spirits, We concluded by this
timo that we had completed tho inves
tigation and returned, to tho seclusion
of our don.' . ,
Tbo following fablo from tho Topoka
Mail aud Breeto is very suggestive.
A Kansas duck which had faithfully
stuck to business during the summer
and laid several dozen large fawn col'
ored eggs, complained Hint she was
not appreciated. "Sco that lien oyer
thero," said tho duck, "sho hasn't laid
as many, eggs as I have or as big, but
e.fhajkswxIUJBabout' he.r.Jn.
verses composed in uer minor, nunc
aobody is sajlng a wojd about me."
"Thd trouVld wllh you ls,".said u wisp
old roostei-'vho was standing near,
",tliaf you don't tell tho public wliat
you havo done X'ou lay nu egg and
wnddlo off. , wjilioiit. saying a word,
while that Mister ot mine nevu' lays
,otm witl(ouf,vlotiliig cyerypno in tho
neighborhood know what she has done.
If you want to, cut anv'ldoMn this com
munityyou must learn to advertise."
InddenU 61 Every Day Life Which Very
Frw People Stop (o Think About :on
Accouut of, ThelrjfJttlencu.
Just at this time tho niau who' goes
out of' voui' doori fulls it stroncl V'.to
nftorihim and sees that tliolafci fas.! boo , h$! M M,fl.llfi
toned, shows that ho has fiad good B0D,; on f. . SvednesdaV atka yj
leacuing in- uts younger nays. i no
rJi veryl pleasant enltrtalnment aad '
Uhrlstmas tre wM.hel'd altfetchr
hduso 'MiJtiday aftefnpon.'lllis ilnjt'iiv
cneivV '
i.i.i'...-M ..." ,:.:.
iiss tiouie uaroer prAimnK
af is visiting her. cdUsitftMl
AKt Wfc-
9 &
' .
th&.'our J ACICETq
areji.otonjy the best.yj
Dargamg.ever oner i
ed, .but, that every
'icfarmii wpud be' a
i? jl ' . . . . i. . M
bargain -were vcfctp asfc regiriaKpnce
V -. Hu '
. hOuE Advantage Comes fc,- sp
?. -4iAn, . Cm in Rtivlnar. -it . . .' '
S5':?""" 7"?- '. ti-' 4 .A
ayeihe.assortmentand 4the rjrjces,ar T,
Lj :SiS!v.a U'&M-urfr riilH-ni - flprprihlankts ' X
looki where iu h 1 have I met you
"I eioni't know,1' was the quiet rejoindac
4,wiat pitrt of k 1 are you from,"
Tbo man.who iias never lived in tb
country wheuaboy, made clder,pallei
thocews. kisse4thoalrlst the huk-
log bee, swallowed quiniao In a scrap
ed apple and castor oil 4u cold coffee,
ate molasses and sulphur, ltnuk sassa
fras tea threo uionihi in itae spring to
purify uh bkx-l, h is jived in vain.
A local pivaclifi' near Hepublican
jUity who wax tptiduuting duity-revivr
tils tooifi iiftpfurtou una eYKniiig, said
tuorewouldb" no services on Monday
afternoon, uJ'o iho women a chance
,U waidi. Of courso ho inwmt the regii
lnr fnmlly Washing,, but lie is now luiut-
ing a.nuw held to work iu.
Aud now .'tgs . Iiavo b6m cornei'ed.
It is bail enough to corner' wheat; com,
pot'k, lard, I'C real mtciiilifti .off
lifo-but wlui to yog, tlipTom ui
Jerry nnguJV;i(Kdiitu hfiYc, be
ithui oiit,4onvllhii mpuths o? ils poor
raortab it i rn'jugh, lo.ujuke Ne-
braik'au go out ami, liu down iu an' al
falfa pasturo and dib fr'om hcr,cha
gfin and morilllcation.,
, . Tl
h John Portonior arrived from Phillips
hmg. Kausas, Batunlay .night, coining
down to spend the holidays with
friends and relatives.
Albert Vollers Month of town buried
pn infant chit 1 in tbo Guide Hock com
awry o una ay. r
Mrs. I. Relsaltiriprth of town died
Saturday night at V,15. Interment
took'placo at the Guide Kock cemetery
Monday at U o'clock. Mrs. Heisalt
has bees suffering ' with heart trouble
for several neofitbs And berMeath was
not unexpected.
,ChristtHaawas very qGet here this
. J. K.'Skeen was in towa Monday.
Sheriff Wells was in towu Mopdayt
The. county .board liiad instructions
from Governor Poyntor ini regard .to
the smallpox in this county? '
Tho coun'ty, board miet in regular
. "In,. nt ni,r. i I, l.c-!l...i"...:l. - .
!WW ,l'"'w?ta i'V!"" .ITT- ' T'T ZJZ'T J.- ,uv " Yu ."Tvii'.rei wisuus Uf
u..V-r-i'J.-. , .-. ."Wm-t ... ; .-fc. 4. --X-'l. t Vir ' M-ffK t T.t.. lor I.- .
mediutahheaYyigOt,JUSttne'tntng lor tnese' i Kaowano aiuereuco oetweon a salary
AtsKiW'fKt ' '''x ' ' w. ,'A d wages. It is thisv-iTa man Is
cold.nftfinC -fa , ,. '.V' . ,T ffttlBro.two .,rdblkriaday
Car ajjh V if. Atfffc S ' ' ; v v Corruiingiamaohino iff aome kind.
tesslon next wcekt
Wt Uk .
5T ;:
t - r .: :
.. ..
mf ,mtr 4iti."
pCir-iT7' :r .-
prlngvtJ ' $
ktant ii .-. T-
,.1B "
paying brick on uwkil, or doing any.
yiing ilminuike.'i collUivund Duffs, uu
coiufdrtairu,ft-g'etttiiipwRg If ho
sctstdesk arfp guts k,,m four to six
.dollars k-.,w'cok lias 6ft bands, ivnaVtfu
'wbitof'eollaj', cuffs ami tioIie its-a
; Wiio9sfollo.v 'buys "half nliognnd'i
jukos fbo, i'Iis. and b 'r l,n, tfn
ana eats tntmi upa i.ij p,4 j j ntt
Sain Edgorton jvlll manage the Ed-'
gcrton ranch south rof, town 'nfjAjfvnv.
" li'mi oiitfo n'no of
0,rA, Edgertoiila-. farms 'near With
Branch, au$s,iifHh'l npririg.
rFred" Hagani Upd3fani Ciilvip .are
ejpendiiiK.tlie-Moildaya;wHii relatives' in
orton" county, JCaasas,
Archie Campbollfhatf two sisters vis
iting him, one from Iowa, anil the
qther from Oregon. He has not sees
tbopt before for twenty years.
IfSawyer of Cfce'yennecouUy, Kaa
flis, is visiting his brptber VfH.Saw
yer of .this placo. J "
Fran-kDickorso's liorse. .ran vay
from in front ot do. blacksmith b)uw
.Wednesday aud 'tore Ms; buggj'to
pieces', . - ' ,
To "wWU May Concern, '
AjLlted Ol.QUd, Nub, Deo. 18th, 1000.
' ''Notice Is hereby given, ilatmy jVjfe,
A.rvilla Watson lids left her bed and
hoard Without aby just cause and o'f
uec uvvu win ami aei. All persons jy-o
njiivi.jr M'Miiiuu mm Afiiyiii not-.Bt) rn--
:," , spPDiblo for. hpr snppdrtor niatnte,
''' nance, nor for any dubls she make?,
niton. nntnnv nnnnn I .v. v f V
poison who carefully nibses ndo.orl
the'wintor tlnlo will nlnq tluies out of
ten be found to bo just as. careful In.
his own business matters. Not not
changing tho subject, Sam Foo has al
waysfbocn careful in closing tho door
after htm and liu did not fail to do so.
J Where ho erred was that bo didn't as
carefully put tbo hog inside tho hpuao
beforo closing the door. Tho old say
lug of "whole hog ur, nothing" didn't
stand in this case for-the fellow who is
regaling hirasolf on Sara's pork was
satisfied with a half hog, but he prob
ably would not have passed up the
other half If it had beod there Sarti
was hoarse' for sevoral days answering
ttlepboBo messages about tbatscotion
of hog. Ho has come to the. conclu
sion that tbo hog was kidnaped and
stronguspiolouH aro entertained that
Pat Crowe is nilxed ub in tho ileal. i
Sam is not however going to put 125,-
. k V d
000 up against a lantern lor mo rotura
of he hog. Ho Isn't oven going to put
out a red lantern. Wo are sorry tbat
the small boy who has been patiently
'goifcrio' KuVdaT wfiborffornSBmt
several weous was cnooiou oui oi' nis
sack ot candy, but wo would 'advise
that bo persevere for it won' so aw
ful long until the Sunday school picnic
is on'. Young man, when .youhavo
been in the newspaper business long
onoug! to bo able tbcoUut tho silver
hairs of worry which went onco black
nnd glossy, you will learn not; to sub
sidize your paper to the wbjms.of a fow
and try to suppress facts which 'should
rightfully bo told for the good of the,
community. Don't make prominent
tho (torn telling ot tho shortcoming of
tho poor devil who was drurk and dis
orderly to the exclusion of (ho article
in regard to tho smallpox. In tbo stipi
prcssion ot tho one you might aaVo.a
mother';, tears, in the sUppreisioif of
the other you are trying to mislead the,
.patrons who pay you for printing inix
portant news. A guilty nilenco icaur
one, to think -that .matters are WQrsii
.h ttkAW vAallt. nfrA !fjuv f IttnW nftn.
1V Lltn..A u.111 nn.k.o .LnJtanI..Mlu'H..l I
iu nviiunja ttiii vuijid iliu iunainii 11
they will keep the church poor buying
coal. Missouri ono day recently shook
m f J L. 1 .2r - ...
ior uv uriDRB uuu iwu ukuuis cuum uuv
. . L ' r . . '. .
iu wg ocare-heaa articles pronouncing
ic an eartuquaKo. ino best iignten
store in the city is .that of 11. K. Giice.
Kubbernock Yaw could 11 j'd spvcrai
of then! out on tho streets' th)s wifefi.
Thoy just looked liko au old lioh,tnikvy
on a roof stretch.lug (tcr'puck'.to Hnd a
good place tjfght. oylo notKnovv
now ruueiney iofjKeu,-riney wero on. a
par wllii bjili'Uuwl row'iUi sklrt.darice.
Ndw, than tliristfjiMIs pastthajiiau
wnp' ui(i not htivflruio-vll.5aYu(UUy
pack ,u hia two or three yttrvold.,lpyH
lind bring thulu idt huxt yearrtls u
uVa.nd ficw Htoctr. TJuiru'H'riin numb'erV
of little sallCioitK scandals in the tit'v
mosplicra. beroiipouts but. probality
thoy wJH nbf reac'li lliaojior'nt er
fumory stage before tVev kro hushed
up. Dflm't get jurioy, wbile!tbere
mav be it few'liere. thu (nrkiuttna ltm?
- . . -- ' ---o---flI-",r'
Waspriotod'in,a Kansas paper beforo
wo got hold of it.-H'j'hoqpiVtcsCffristj
mas in UiJrty"yuas;r-.Wafee teal sorry
for the matt abjJ bla. family who auio
inlast Sunday from thucountry to at
tend cburcb, It's a good tblng.toftake
thfs papereyeu I rjqd out thathcre
wllitie nocbiiroh.'6orfbe,aa a.rbqali'
Uori in reard'ti'tWpalJpoxlpa.
per (lb.w$(i( Kansas., gets off, thA jofeo
that.tho irryam of tlwxBcitjstaiBWft
"wmppidcrenu.1" down.. iivJSbuU Att
nca.-r yna,vji tue nia(ter-rl(i tqtf "rest
room" ohoiiverWliiaiV the' natter
with. tluuiud luij-mT V $ .
., djSctn:
Oht;istinn lias comb Knd'MV "
Ataciable-tArao was had.
Iff. 'Hon
, ...utfJtm
' ' -v
.!, i -. fiKPB?- " A. .B
W .....-.... i.... rii : fjrt, ,:i"MJ
rs. niaurur'nnu jars, josiq' reewr - - ns,
. '1 . .h. . . .A i V
re, the guests of .Mr4.McOuiA,
t N.vW'P,
.uaiusriug coin
5! M
tliolday. Several.
. i.t . mwrm aw !. L
. 1 jrr & V"
CREEK. t t " i, 2-
are .fioVdonyeV M!
outSJierter'tfiah? ';'&&
KnttinAflrn li tnrnlni
.was.eVpeoted aud you-citb'bnj it: aqwli v..y"d
lof tlllrty oenU per bushel, t v U kR
.yogslioirits.stookora .'Mr abquUour ,VftK
cents and we got M,?5 to M &f Jer ma. -r .M
fatobei. fy'$t Y0J0M
- 'I'hi f'nrlitm trnn at AneUrnonvllIaC iWll
i. ' ... :- Vk. iui.i-"'iJj.i TJfSftS
some very chelce aeleutMai. Ml ' ,V&1
U.wll .. .uJUlJVM. :.W:;l'y ' . 'XvvZ'.l
J l"ll ""!
presided at the organ.
Nwere tho recipUnts '
ontsV The only bad tea
ehlaf. entertainment was .thepeor
order'of 'some who tilled tho aisle.aod , -
w hoboed more than others cared to v
1. . '..J Jij r. . 'iU.'L'L u
inear auu aiu.uoi auipv w vuiuk.uun.iv . ,.,
sounded. -- ft ' SI
u "T?f .J", Ots. Kit
Jesse. Sapp, formerly orUdra bowi .jb3m'-
'r ' :&& . &mvf
Several jHMfiWl Mfft
ot valuable vtehfytfflk
with' relatives and f rlendsUhVlfore ,. &&,
parl.ofth.weok., ' , , Jigm
O. A. Provalt and Miss J3dith Boyc it i?Jmi
wero married last'.Wcdneaday. '"$it$J
f, A rf.4fl t. li
CarlRudd is reported as quite slck'V
though some better at prset. ?s
..Elmer ,Boardslee . and Miss laitff
Davis wero married ,Bt Sundiy- by
Squlro S.'Ni-Pottor. , b, 'i'
' V
. V 7
Tiio.boys ot this creek have? been In
the two lato chiarivark and report
good crowd and say rboy werifwwt
l....,l .t l,nlhnl.MI , ' v -tS.'. ,t. ..if&i
ILVCU UW.M r,VVr T --AirttfaaiK,'
J. , i ?' tafias
IMHWIH"1' .i , I fl II I III
.M, ..;:,
! r
. J" " . ,- te..l v
A You 'nave .useajaii ,wfi
sortsof couih.renef;Iv!!
1 4ts -but -it -d?;nw:U',:
iiin .-a ir ic inn nn ji.v-im
J VJ "'. fcVV Tl- V
seated, it may wear
itself out in.trme, but
jt,js, more, liable to!
produce la grippe :
.Dneuirionia bra sen- ? rh
r'j -a war J ' - V jt
it)us tnroat arrection. .l :&
. u . ,
! ' T"" J ' .
1' ,f . 4U M
that . win igiye ym
I irtnxiii uuDUiKi
1 J
pp, the
f pu need something
L . ,
r V . i- . IP 7
HAAlf ' T "
yj; J' t
' ' . . -. j
1 .. L'iBS I l.eV'l tl&l' I
! Hllt JITlllim
S,i w
f wUKeio th wHn
- u-
Vrv ' i
. -lJ"i8
. 'h ''
A' ,VI
..r e.l
Y 4.
-'i-Tiii' tjy .i i
nv )
itriiftirH buUdt' ud and.
r i.uor.niJii auu; iiii'imiif u r?Mrt icii
L"" M af dark fiiirbt '(fVt nn In kT1.',i( Ai.. VI " ' "V"" " i(rfu2,"i uisinug , r ?J firVV ' ' "Vfyl y'-'lV""', .
m ., fiweAJ. u'i.. -i .. i.k t j- i.. a .. i"i " wMwHtiitiii vu iiLi uii iiinnii nn i ' i - - v . i. -.t n- - ' - w .1 i ,fi ' mm nsraci
jyass iwi;Mr; i, ffir- -'V"fis!fcs .?. ' ' jv&wbs rsnci'Msrssi
yiit, mi .ncifu cour om i
!J tf ! SPWlr cmiKiaiei
lrete' Hrr...J
in. -T r AASykx $ &
Si,. J;.'
65'f?M ?"!"' f.T V Ti'lf
A'iii' : i
W;'Hr, t.'