The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1900, Image 5

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4Ur i tit ti ! v Unbllol.l'jlV litfctkb A
! f .-h H$l5rifQ9
u Xs
Shakespeare's words fittingly
Holiday display. From it you may select a Christmas
gift for young for old, either sex, that will be sure to
please. And such a selection will cost you infinitely less
here than elsewhere. You take no risk of any sort in
buying here. Anything you buy is exchangeable. We
warrant everything we sell to be just as we say it is. A
child can buy here just as well
Uur at Wolfs.
Stove repairs nt W. W. Wright's.
For farm loans call on C. V. Kaloy.
Mrs. A. J. Hayes of Guide Hock waB
here this week.
VT. K Thorno of Uladen was doing
business hero this week.
fitufs for Christinas pieseuts nt J. C.
Wolf's at beil lock pticcs.
0. F. Catlier of Lincoln arrived in
the city thu last of tho week for a visit.
Wanted Good girl wanted nt the
lepot lunch room. Himikut Nkukk
iiuho. A largo addition is being built onto
the residence, of A. lladell on Seward
Hugs of all kinds at bed rock prices
from now until January 1st, at Wolf's
itirnituie stoie.
Hoy Young and wife left this week
for n visit with friends in the west part
of tho state and a trip to Omaha.
Shoilff Wells left Tuesday for Lin
coin having charge of John Poyerwhom
he will place in the state penitentiary.
J. II. Negly of Hepburn, Iown, and
Till-. Negly of Fulton county, Illinois,
were hero last week visiting with Hen
Kshohnun and family.
Mrs Oscar Yarger who has been vis
iting with her parents and other rela
tives hero left for her homo at Sco ts
Bluff, this state Monday.
Mrs. Hoy Haxton who has boen hero
visiting with her sister, Mrs Charles
Oilbam, left Thursday for Emporia,
Kansas where she will visit with
Wm. Buckbeo and family.
Tho groat trouble with the averago
ndvertiROi is impatience. Ho expects
to cast his broad on tho wator today
mid seo it come floating back tomor
row with butter and sugar on both
Hides. Agi icttltural Advvi t'iMiig.
Tho building next door north of this
lli"f formerly occupied byC. D Morse
it ts been purchased by Tioss Harwood
land will be moved onto lots north of
Dr. Moranvlllo'M building on Webster
Mircct. It will be inndu into , 'wp1Mi-:
The shelving has linen put up anil
the counters placed in the uow brick
store room of Ed. McFarland. Tho in
side of tho room is now in tho hands of
tho painters nnd the iinish of shelving,
bins nod counters is of a dark cherry
which makes a very piotty appoaranco.
Mr. McFarland will move to his new
store room some timo next week.
For a
V-.f $8
. .-- -. in -i.,
v.jl jjtjifc.;iy
J. O. WILES, Trop.
UokUnJvfcikUkvlUivk tkiilliifciJiitilfclkililliUiiilliUi ibtt-
ae, o rave tamce,
describe our magnificent
as an expert.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Tiik Chikv $1 por year.
Andrew Horg is reported ns very
seriously ill.
John Kniggo of Hoscmout was doing
business hore todaj.
Mrs. W. A. MeKeighan has returned
from a at Lincoln.
Hemard McNeny made a trip to
Kansas City this week.
J. W. McClarcn made a business
trip to Hebron this week.
H H. Cutler, lately of McCook is tho
now day operator at the depot.
Samuel Liuhtfoot left Wednesday
evening to join his family in Colorado.
I havo a few first class sewing ma
chines to trade for stock. F. V. Tay
lok. Sanford Fox has ut in a brick walk
in front of his rcaHcncc in the north
east part of the city.
Is yourname written there? Where?
On our subscription books for tho last
vcar in the 10th century. It should be.
Thcro will bo regular service held nt
the Christian church each Lords dny
nt tho usual hours. II. S. Sot'UKit,
William Perry left Thursday morn
ing for St. Joe where ho will transact
somo business matters and will go
from thoro to Illinois for n visit.
James Gilliam, accompanied by Jas
Dennett who has been visiting heie
with himself and family, left Tuesday
night for a business trip to Victor, Col
orado Aro you going to buy a sewing nn
chine? If so I havo tho best machine
for the money over offered. Do not
fail Jo seo it before buying. F. V.
Frank Tennant and wife left Tues
day morning for Mammoth Springs,
Arkansas, near which thoy will visit
a sister of the latter. They will also
visit friends in Missouri.
Newhous( Urns, on Monday, Dec. 17,
place on i a S9 50 genuine ebony,
tolling ' er trimmed, brush, comb
-d ii Im.m toilet set. This set will be
in. irked dnHP CO cents every day until
sold. Come and see it.
Aqknts Wantkh: We want nnnet
ivo agent in Hed Clnad and vicinity to
represent the laigest Evergreen Nur
series in tho U. S. A full lino of hardy
fruits, 8hndo nnd ornamental trees,
shrubs, etc. Four plans, pay weekly
Address at once, Tlio Elgin Nurseries,
Elgin, Illinois.
Wo nro plea'ed to chroniolo this
wcok the marriage of Mr Charles
IirrytoMiss Addio M. Fuller, nhlch
1 happy event occurred on last Sunday
1 afternoon, Hv J II. M. Cobb ollleiat
1 ing. The newly mnrricd couple are
I well known young people of tuis city
' nnd the Ciiikk nlong with their many
frionds extends congratulations.
With tho approach of tho holidays
holiday ads are beginning to make
their appearance, and with them the
fool who wants to (-pell Christmas
"Xmas." To such men the Republican
would likotoask if they were wilting
the nnmo of tho Savior of Mankind
would they spell it "J. X "? Thai
would be just as sensible and fully as
appropriate as writing Christmas
"Xmas." We are glad to say that all
the belter-HiiMs p'ier over tho cnin
try nro tabooing tint use of "Xmiis"
in their want columns, legnnllos of
j whether it is paid for or not, "Xmas"
is tnbu in the column of the Republi
can. Honolulu Republican.
Sen tlm rugs nt H i' furniture store.
l)i. c,'iuir nt Rlveiion was hero
this week.
J. W. Hiblnsou of Guide Hock wu.
licit Thursday.
H It Thonip(on nnd wife of Con i us
weiu heiu Monday.
Al Holdrego nnd wife os Hiverton
were here Thuisday.
Sec the lino display of heating stoves
iitV. W.Wright's.
J. S. While inndu a business trip to
Ulnc Hill this week.
G W. Dow left Wednesday night for
a two weeks trip to Louisiana.
Do you want a rug? Call on J. C.
Wolf. Fine lino nt bed rock prices.
Walter Hoby sells tho Singor sowing
mnchino. Pi ices right. Gut tho best.
Pay your subscription and got a cnl
dilating pencil. Thoy are n little won
der. Charles Wright, brother of tho
Wright boys of this city was hero this
Mrs. Harry Goblo of McCook is vis
iting with relatives in the city this
Dick Gray stopped off horo Tuesday
from his homo at Norton, Kansas on
his way to Hastings.
Ward Hiatt left tho first of tho wcok
for Macomb, Illinois, where ho will
visit his sister Mrs. Kd. Urown.
Geo. Griffoth and wifo who hnvo
been residing in tho east for over a
year arrived in tho city Sundny right.
Jacob Nustoin moved his cigar store
this week t tho Blue Front building
where ho now has comfortable quartors.
Nowbouse Pros, nro showing a nicely
assorted Hue of Kodaks. Ono of theso
will mako a suitable gift for any young
Mrs. Ed. Liud.sey, formerly of this
city, accompanied by her two children,
arrived in the city from her homo in
California the first of the week.
Hookers and iron beds at greatly re
duced prices for tho next thitty days
to make room for holiday goods at
Wolfe's furniture store. We mean
business. Como and sec.
Miss Corn Garbor who hns for somo
months past been in Virginia has been
appointed to n clerkship in the ofllco
of Geo D Folmor commissioner of
lands and buildings at Lincoln.
When you havo urgent business with
someone in another town or city, re
member you can reach your party the
quickest and best by the long distance
telephono. H.itcs made known on ap
plication to "central."
Cheap trip to Lincoln. The Burling
ton will sell tickets from Hed Cloud to
Lincoln nnd return for 84 15 on Dec
ember 25, 2G and 27, on account of tho
annual meeting of tho Nebraska Stnto
Teachers' nssociatioo. Return limit
December 20th.
Wantkd Men to learn tho barber's
trade; only tw month's required; can
earn scholarship, board, tools and
transportation to our collegos at Chi
cago or Minneapolis. Apply by mall
Moler B.irber College Representative,
1G23 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nob.
A meeting of members of tho Neb
raska and Kansas Inter State Fair as
sociation was held at the ofllco of D. J.
Myers on Tuesday evening for tho
purpose of talking over the advisability
of holding a fair next fall and it was
decided to do so. The management
will make a supreme eflort to make
thu fair a success and in so doing they
should have the hearty co-opt ration of
the public. Thu suits against tho so
ciety havo been settled and they now
havo a clear title to the fair ground
propei ty and somo money in tho treas
ury. Wo would suggest now Hint they
have decided to hold n fair, thoy do
not leave tho gotting out of premium
list and other matters until tho Inst
minute, but that thoy lot tho public
know thoy are going to hold a fair so
that thoy may proparo for an exhibit.
Let tho work of preparation bo started
early and lot overyouo stand up for
Hed Cloud nud the fair.
Wm. Gundy, of Dotroit, communi
cated tho following item to Mr. Hines
of tho Dotroit Tribune, which ho had
seen in tho Toronto Weekly Globo,
with these remarks:
"Smallpox being so fatal nnd so
much feared, an unfailing remedy liko
the following, so simple nnd so safe,
onco discovered ought to ho brought to
the knowledge of tho masses without
hesitation or delay."
"lam willing," siys Etlwnrd Hlncs,
to risk my reputation as a public man
if tho worst caso of smallpox cannot
be cured in three days simply by tho
use of cream of tartar. This is a sure
and ncvor failing remedy: Cream of
tartar, one ounco, dissolved in boiling
wnter, one pint, to bo drank when cold
at short intervals. It can he taken at
any time, and is a preveniativu as well
as a curative. It is Known to have
cured thousands of cases without fail.
1 havo myself. reMoiod hundreds by
thii menus. It never loaves a maris,
never causes blindness, nnd always
orevtuts tedious lingering."
Incident ol Evtry Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Accouut of Their Littleness.
Now that tho weather is liable to
turn blustery nnd cold it would be n
wlsu scheme for our busincsR mon to
provide n "rest rsotu." Tho room so
designnted Is n placo whoro tired wo
men and children from tho country
can go for a rest when worn out from
shopping or uncomfortable fiom colli.
Tho lady customer fiom the country
coming often from a long distance, in
summer coveted with dust or wet with
rain, In winter with snow or pet haps
suffering from cold, should be provided
with a comfortable placo to go. A
number of homo comforts could be pro
vided including easy chnlrs, a couch or
two, reading matter, writing materlnls,
and wash room privileges so that tho
Indies could fix up a bit after their long
rides in wind and dust. Tho men and
boys may loaf around town nud find
both chairs and warmth, but the women
find ovou tho afternoons long, tirosomo
and tedious depending nil tho timo on
tho good nature of thu store keeper.
If you will take observations on any
Snturdny afternoon you will sco how
tired innny of tho women from tho
country look, who perhaps have boon
on their feot most of tho dny. Wo
hnvo inntlo tho suggestion nnd now it is
up to tho business men to put tho
sclicmo in operation. A woll located
room or rooms could bo secured and
tho cost would not xococd individu
ally to tho business man moro than CO
to 75 cents por month and porhaps
oven less.-Tho time to net is right
now nnd you will find that Rod Cloud
and its business mon will not bo losors
by having consideration for tho wel
fare nnd being kind to tho women nnd
children of its pntrons. Thcro is ii
decided boom on just now in tho sale
ofcronmof tnrtnr. Thero nro n num
ber of business men who would sell
moro goods if they would let their light
shine by placing a few locals in this
paper. This has been chicken show
week and some of the interested fan
ciers have been so wrapped up In the
exhibit that they hnvo almost forgotten
to go homo to their meals Now tha
tho building north of this olllcu has
been removed tilings begin to look
bettor. If some kind act of provi
dence would remove tho ancient pile
of tinsightliucss below us wo would bo
supremely happy. Thero is an under
current of favorable sentiment among
our business and moneyed mon in re
gard to tho auditorium project. Wo
would not bo surprised to seo such n
building completed before fall. Let
somo of our progressiva get to
gether, talk it over and sco who will
tnko stock in tho enterprise. Our talks
in regard to tho saving by putting in
substantial brick walks is bearing fruit.
Ono more brick sidewalk hns beon
laid this week tud moro to follow.
Good returns from advertising nro
secured in tho same manner as other
profitable results are attained in any
lino of huninn eflort that is, by keep
ing at it. Sporadic trials of tho adver
tising columns of ovon tlm best news
papers bring only intermittent gains.
A hoop which wabbles in its rotations
over tho ground docs not, of courso,
follow n strnight lino, nnd tho trades
man will discover by observation nnd
oxperionce that in tho matter of adver
tising ho must bo aj regular nnd sys
tematic as in tho management of other
departments of his establishment if ho
bo anxious to keep on the direct road
to success, Pniladolphia Record.
Tho lino of heating stoves at Wright's
is superb. Sco them.
Eat end sign.
There isn't a man who would be seen
running through the street munching a
piece of pie. Why not? llecause it
would mean dyspepsia nnd stomach
trouble? Not nt nil; but because it
wouldn't look well. As a matter of fact
many a business man snatches a lunch
in such a hurry that he might as well
take it on the run. That is one reason
for the prevailing " stomach trouble "
among men of business.
There is a certain remedy for diseases
of the stomach and other organs of
digestion and nutrition. It is Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The
worst cases of dyspepsia ami catarrh of
the stomach have been cured by this
medicine. It cures where all other
means have failed to cure.
"I took two littles of Dr Pierce' Oolden
Medical Discovery for utotnaclt trouble," wrileu
Clarence CnrticH. l;j of Tn lomtoun, I.omlotm
Co., Va, "it tin! me m much good that I didn't
i.ike uny more l can eat
inoit nnjtlihiR now. I nm bo
well plcnacd wnlt It I hardly
know how to thank you for
your kind Information. I tried
a wiioie lot ol thing
before I wrote to
you. There wis
gentleman told me
about your medi
cine, and how It
had cured his wife.
1 thought I would
try n bottle of it,
Am now utad I did,
for I don't know
what I would have
done if It had not
Iwen for Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical Dis
covery Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
cure biliousness.
They stimulate
t It e s 1 u an i s h
liver, and cleanse the sys
tem of impurities, Thoy
should always Iw used with
"Golden Iedical Discov
ery " when there is need of
a laxative.
If Cowden-Kaley
Wo wish you all "A
"A Happy
We still havo a nice line of Christmas pres
ents that will suit the lato buyor.
Wo thank our customers for past patronage
and solicit a continuance of same.
If you want anything in the Clothing lino
come to
3 Cowden-Kaley
(IO 'I'd I'liTKItbiiN' KOlt 111 S'. H
Remember that Christmas will
soon be Here.
You could not niak a mist ako if you would come in nnd
This would bo useful and give pleamru for limn to come.
If you have no wife get a f buggy and you will surely
get a wife soon.
I will make a price on these buggies so they will be
in reach of all. Come in and look them over
and see what 1 will do for you.
The Bed
One Year
vaAxAvnA" aA-saW
Morry Christmas" and
New Yoar."
Clothing Co.
Cloud Chief
Clothing Co., f
Inter - Oeean
for $1.25
M r ti r
- ' lvo andTh-0 ;;;8 p K sjH-pr
Ii .tf