The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1900, Image 1

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Miner Bros.,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Last Days of the Year,
And What We
Have to Offer.
Dress Goods and Suitings.
Handsome Colors,
Attractive Designs,
Fabrics That Wear,
Prices Made to Sell the Goods.
Crepon Effects,
Storm Serges, Serges,
Novelty Goods, Plaids,
Venetian Cloth, Flannels,
and Camels, Hair Suitings.
Our Way of Helping You to
Red Cloud Falls in Line With the Rest of
the State and Enjoys (?) the Novel
We don't give them away
but donate from $2 to 4
on every Jacket we sell.
Every garment in our
store cost from $2 to $
more than we are now
asking for it. This is"
what we mean by helping
you to a Jacket at
mm 'WW'W'v-.fife
DUG on the
.i v. 31
Worth Makes the Bargain.
Our blankets are bargains for this reason. We
ask no more for them at retail, than you would
pay on todays market at wholesale.
A good cotton fleeced, medium .
weight, fancy border blanket jCw
size 56x72 inches
City Dray and bxpress Line, j
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
The (Thief, $1 p year.
Disease Confined to One Solitary Case and
Every Precaution Taken io Prevent
Its Spreading.
The past week has boon n busy omi
for iiii' merchants, notwithstanding
thotopoit which tuts h p tend thiough
tliu county thai thu smallpox was in
lied Cloud. Wo say scat 0 ami ihut is
just what we menu. There nru bill
few eli&oases that can create .such
n seal c art can smallpox, and at thu
saino time thu death lute fiotn smallpox
is far below tho death rate fron diph
theria, typhoid fccr, pneumonia aud
other contagious diseases from a given
number of cases. Hut as to the small
pox scaio in this city. Uu Tuesday,
December 11, a gemug man by thu
name of Kmciton who had been work
ing over iu Uhi field township, came
to Hod Cloud and was taken sick at
the homo of (J. M Uibbuy. 1 he next
day symptoms of small pox began to
develop, and in an ineieiliuly short
time all kinds of stones were alloat
about smallpox in the south end of
town At this point the city aulhoii
tics began 'in investigation, winch io
suited in the dUttict in which thu dis
ease was, bciug quuiantiuul. A fence
was built across thu bi idge road and
guards stationed around tho quni un
titled ilisli let so that no one could gut
within two blocks of thu infected
hoii-.ii, and all who weru known to have
bueu e.Niobul were put within the dis
trict Thisquaiantine has since been
maintained vciy strict. In addition
to this thu city nuthoiities stationed a
guild at thu luilroud crossing with in
structions to stop people fioni Cat Held
township who wctu known to have
been exposed to the disease over tlieic,
where it eamu fiom, and thtough some
potties being turned buck a lepott has
gained eiedunce that this city was
qu iraiitiued, aud no ouu could gel out
or in. Reports citculatcd in different
putts of the county ate to the effect
that Ihetu nui ftom ouu to tiftecn eases.
These stotiesaie all eiioiieous. The
true facts of thu caso are that theio is
one caso of what is supposed to be
very mild smallpox in thu extteiue
southeast part of the city, three-quar
ters of a mile from the business part of
town. It has been there ten or eleven
days. No uew cases have developed
among those supposed to have been
exposed. A sli id quarantine is main
tained over thu district and a person
could not gea clone enough to bo ex
posed it tbuy wai ted to. The qu.iran
linul (liit ic. tu d tho housi s therein
are fiiiui.itnl twice, daily .nid also
moslot tliu cinut houses in , lie south
en I. Kvetyi iu in thu south cud of
town has been vaccinated, and theiu is
absolutely no fear of a spionel of the
contagion. Tho disease is ptuvalent all
over the state. Dr. Towne, of Omaha,
picsidunlof tho Mate hoard of health,
ropoits homo 250 or liOO cases, mostly
in the cii-icm pint. Iu poakingof thu
disease ho Mtjs "hat "u is a very mild
form and Unit as . i uhi Hit; putiont suf.
fors no ineoiivetileuca except a slight
fever until tho xiipeatancu of the pis
tules, uud that thta is largely the cause
of thu spread of thu contagion. Wher
ever the proper quarantine and disin
fecting methods have boon observed
tho contagion is readily checked," This
is what has bueu done hero and thero
is at present no more danger of taking
the small nx in this city than thero is
iu the couutiy norm of it. In addition
to the above pn-cauitous lbomaor has
rt queued that no public gatbetlngs bo
held until ii is a ccitainty that tho
plague has been wiped out, aud thuro
will be no uhuich nui vices and thu
usual Christmas Men services will bu
dispensed with Tho Fireman's danco
aHnrti-ed for Christmas evo has also
I been called oil, In conclusion wo will
I sny thai theiu is little fear of a upload
I of the contagion in this city, and fiom
'pio.-out Indications the disease will bo
eonlitied to the ouu ensif, and no onu
I need be afiahl to conic to town on tie
'count of it.
Court Proceedings.
Tho following is a list of tho cases
disposed of ut the last term of the dis
trict couit.
Stato of Nehiaska vs Michael Horrv,
hurglaty; defendant discharged.
State of Nebraska vs John A. I'oycr,
shooting witli intent to kill; found
guilty and sentcne d to three ycara In
the penitential y.
A. K. Haas vs Webster County; ap
peal, dismissed for want of ptosoculion.
Israel Schcrmorhorii vs Wobster
county; appeal; dismissed for want of
1). U. Iloppen vs Webster county; ap-
peal; dismissed for want of ptosectt
tlon. Nuw England Loan and Trust Co. vs
Thomas Kmigh ut al; ponding stay;
order of sale aud uew appraisement or
Tho Kquitablo Trust Co. vs trancis
D. Cooper et al; pending stay, dropped
from docket.
Tho First National Uauk of Omaha
vs tho Stato Dank of liluo Hill, suit on
note, continued for term.
Kyland Dlllard Bedford vs lied Cloud
Power Co.; petition; ill opped from
docKot for want of prosecution.
City of Keel Cloud, Nebraska vs tho
Farmers and Merchants Hanking Co.,
dismissed on motion of plaintiff.
Harriet Donnison, ex., vs Sylvia C.
Warner, et al; mo tlon for leave to sell
nej 18-2-12 separately sustained.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs John
Mcllale, ponding slay; objection to con
firmation withdrawn, sale confirmed
and deed ordered.
John 11. Hillers vs Geo 0. Veiser et
al; foicolosure of tax lien; foieclosure
of tnx,eleed and electee for $152.10.
Tho City of Keel Clouil, Nebmska, vs
Faimets and Mercbantu Hulking Co.;
potitlon in equity; jiiilgnient for city of
Keel Cloud for f 0,438 00.
Thomas Etuigli vs David Morrison,
on appeal! motion to dismiss sustained.
Lium C. and Anelrow Me-Neer vs I).
M. Osborne & Co; injunction; ells
missed at plaintiffs cost.
Muscatine Mortgage Co. vs C. V
McDounld and I A. Koiicnu et al, pe
titlon on contraut; plaintiff given thir
ty days to lilu amended petitl n, case
continued for term.
J. S. White vs Webster county; em
appeal; continued by agreement.
Allen H. Carpenter vs Austin A. Jof
froyetnl; on appeal, settled aud dis
John W. Mcon vs Isadoro Fteymaik,
consolidated with City of Ked Cloud,
Nebraska, vs Michigan Trust Co., ex
ecutors of last will and testament oi
John W. Moon deceased; foreclosure;
Mary Damercll substituted for Kobt.
Damerell, plaintiff given leave to fllo
amended petition in thirty elnys, casu
continued for term.
MeKinley Limning Loan & Trust Co.
vs Henry C. Cutter et nl, foreclosute of
tax lien; continued for teiin.
Adams County Hank vs. William
Schmidt; appeal; dofoiielant given thir
ty days to answer.
C.J I'opovs Slate bank of Hluu Hill
Nebraska, suit on note, continued by
agree me nl.
Miner Hrotheis vs tho Hurliuglein As
Mlssouii Kivur Kailroad Co., appoal,
plaintiff given thirty days t" lilo amend
ed petition, continued for term.
William Deering & Ce. vs J. B.
Gouldio and Luke Uouldie; appeal;
case dismissed as to Luke (Jouldie;
court finds eltto plaintiff from J. H.
Gouldio 1120 80.
Moses M. Slorn vs Louis Shuman et
al; foreclosure, court finds duo James
McNcny lirst lion; plaintiff on note
and mortgage second lien; State Dank
of Hlui) Hill third lion. Decree of
foreclosure anil order of salo.
I'ottihono & Nixon vs Amos Gust,
two cases consolidated, foreclosure;
court finds due cross pulltionots Smith
Bros. Loin & Trust Co. anil W. II.
Nichols, receiver, 12112.38; elecreo of
foreclosure ami orelor of sale,
Mary A Starr vs Francis E. Payne,
petition in equitr; dismissed on mo
tion of plaintiff and complete record
Chailes 11 Mulmgiin vs A. Galushn;
suit on account; motion to make moiu
spccilioovci ruled; ill fiiiuluui excepts;
defendant given thirty days to answer.
F FiskvsH. W Gullifoidctal, con
tinued for term.
George L. Gitllifotel vh 1) J.Myers,
appeal; continued (or lei in.
Harrv McCoimal vs tho Hoard of
County Ceiinui ssiotiers et al, injunc
tion; continued for teiin.
Otto Skjelver vs Chin l'etf rson et nl;
suit on bond; settled and dismissed,
each pai ty to pay their own ceists.
Hul nh 1. Hower vs l'eler Nelson &
Gllmait Nelson; appeal; dismissed.
Charles G Peterson vs Otto Skjolvcr et
nl; To eiuiet title and injunction; Settled
n ml dismissed; Each pmty to pay his
own eostH.
Helen M Anthony ut al vh Ludwig
Schmidt et ill; Petition in equity; Salo
confirmed and deed ordered.
Giles U Burt vs Sarah Burden et nl;
For receiver; Continued on motion for
appointment of receiver.
T II Qulgglo vs John 11 Kuck et til;
Petition in equity; Settled and dismissed
nt plaintiff's costs.
S F Wadell vs A M Walters; Petition in
replevin; Defendant given return of
property replevied.
Clans Koso vs Parmeliii Mosteller; Mo
tion to revive judgment; Oreler of ruvi-
vor grnuted.
Louis Yock vh Minnie T Miller; Peti
tion to quiet title; Prayer of petition
The McCormick Harvesting Machine
Co vs John McHale ut al; Petition, in
attachment; Attachment sustained, duo
plaintiff 1080.8.1.
Andrew A Kohmd ve J M Kolnnd;
Suit on note; Duo plaintiff from defen
dant if 1131.00, judgment on finding.
Parmeliii Mosteller vs Theodore L
Mosteller; Suit to set aside deed; Prayer
of petition granted.
Susan A. Henty vs Sninnel Henry; Pe
tition loi divorce; Prayer of petition
gi anted upon payment of costs.
Herman Erfmiiu vs Caroline Erfimiu;
Petition for divorce; Alwoluto divorce
granted to plnintiff. Plaintiff to pay al
imony in sum of $850,
George A Wells vs Julia A Wells. Po
tion to quiet title; Prayer of petition
Peter Nelson rs The Tram Mississippi
Mutual Fire Insurance Association of
Omaha; Defendant pays plaintiff U0O
and case dismissed at defendant's cost.
Noah II Bowman vs Jessie P Sprinkle ;
Petition in equity; settled and dismissed.
John F Townsend vs Joseph A Boyd;
Petition in attachment; Court finds due
plaintiff from defendnnt $1 127.15 on note
Attachment sustained.
Rebecca Murphy vs Wm T Murphy ;
Petition; Settled as per stipulation on
John Sness et nl vs The Stark Bros.
Nurseries & Orchard Co; Petition to
quiet title; Prayer or petition granted.
John Fennervs The Stark Bros. Nut
series &0: chin d Co; Petition to quiet
title; Prayer of petition granted
Hni rison Sanderson vh Joseph TSinlth;
Appeal; Ordered that defendant givo ad
ditional sectttity within 20 elays, upon
f dluio to do so, ch.ho will will bu elis
inlssed and judgment of lower court nf-
Isaac W Bowling vs Fiances Bowling;
Di voice; Divorce gt anted on payment ot
Stephen A Kedden vs Achsnh L Ked
den; Divot ce; Divorco grunted on pay
ment of costs.
Carrie Hathway vs Mark M Million
and Felix A. Killougli; Suit on boud;
Court finds duo plaii tiff from defendant
Felix Killough $51.25. Judgment on
Alexander Philips et nl vs David Mor
rison et al; Suit on bond; Dismissed on
motion of plaintiff.
David W Tripp vs Eliza R Tripp: Di
vorce; Divorco ginnted upon payment of
costs and suit money.
Samuel Smith vs Martha A Smith; Pe
tition for divorce; Divorco granted plain
tiff upon condition that ho pay defen
dant $50 suit money and alimony in sum
of 200.
Robert McMuiray vs W P Ulnkle,
Aeliur. of thu e-stato of Geoigo Ralston,
deceased; Foreclosure; Court finds elue
plaintiff on note mottgag mil taxes
$001.(10, ititeii-bt 10 pet cent, 1st l.i u, mid
elue K II Amber on notu uud niortgago
f.MOl, niteieHt 10 per cent Mill Hen,
Decieeof foreclosuro and otder of sale.
JobuO. Rose vs Gerd Meents; Appeal;
Plaintiff given 30 days to file petition.
Defendent given 30 days thereafter to
In matter of Sarah C. Murphy, de
ceased; Motion to Bet aside decree sus
tained. Sale confirmed and deed or
dereel. Wm M Evans vs Anna L Simpson et
nl; On mandate; Sheriff ordereel to make
eleed and deliver samo to party entitled
therein, that terms of decree havo been
compiled with.
Henry Palmer vs John R. Lightfoot;
Motion to correct tho record In nccor
ehince with factH sustained.
Mary O. Richard vs John Waller et
til; Court ordmed that Louisa Diuimick
and A. Minor Wellnian show beforo tho
next term of court what claim right or
tltlo they muyhiivoiu and to tho sur
plus money in this case.
Otto Skjulver tu CIiob Petorson; Set
tleel as per stipulation on tile,
Tho smokers of Rod Cloud can find
on salo by H. E. Grico and a fow of tho
locol dealers one of tho choicest and
most pheuomonul retailing cigars ever
manufactured in the west, tho "Tuck"
cigar. It is hand made throughout and
utuqualed in workmanship by any 6
cent cigar on tho market. Tho "Tuck"
cigar has in its tiller tho finest grade eif
old unllavored tobacco that en n be- pur
chased and used in a 5 cent cigar. Its
draft is perfection. Tho "Tuck" cigar
is packed in tin foil in pucknges of livo
with tho objoct In view of keeping it
fresh, retaining tho flavor and protect
ing it from hroakago when carrieel in
thu pocket.o Tho "Tuck" cigar i in
fact perfection in everything that is
required to make a choice smoke.
Theio is no cigar maelo in tho livo cent
cigaiHtlmt equals tho Tuck cigar, in
line woikmanship, quality, draft aud
liller. Try tho "Tuck."
Foil SALKu7or ""bottom farm in
Lincoln county, Oklahoma. At least n
fifth down. J. F. Hkanson, Mulock,
1M c ugh
Hsiigs IMl
You have used all
sorts of cough reme
dies hut it does not
yield; it is too deep
seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
:l IS-LL l 5
ii is mure iiduit, iui
produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri
ous throat affection, i
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body.
will do this when everything
eise raus. mere ts no doubt
about it. It nourishes,
strengthens, builds up and
makes the bodv strong anil
i healthy, not only to throw
off this hard cough, butf
fortify the system atuUit
further ,-iHaokc If .LvIZ-
--..... M..uulwa ,, v inn ' arc
.. . . - "
run down or emaciated
snouia certainiv take a
- a . W --
nourishing food medici
u - hi ue
MSXtesX WWffl