The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 14, 1900, Image 1

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Miner Bros.,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Peaee On Earth, Bight Prices To Jill f
Read these descriptions over carefully and note prices. We guar
antee every article to be as represented. Your money
is yours if you are not satisfied,
Miner Bros.,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Dress Goods and Suitings.
Prettiest sljles cvei ofluied hi dress goods, Swell
est novelties ut phenomenally low prices
...... i ...... i
isittck (anoy umcnuiMt, fiik ami wool crcpon,'
40 inches whlu $1 GO to 32 7ft
Black all wool ciojiou effects, a choice lot, 88 .
to44 inches wide 42J3, GOc, 7Gc, 81 'JO, 81.60,'
$2 00 and $!.uO per yard.
Ulnck all wo 1 Henriettas. 38 ami 40 Inches
wide. GOc toilQf
Colors . luck, led, blue nml green, 36to40.
inches wide, OOj to 81 10.
Camel's Hair Suitings.
Gioy Mixed and d nnd black mixed, 18'
inches wide, ei.2u por yra.
Uioy nnd bluo mixed caniol's hair sniiings,
88 inches wido, 70e per yaru,
Storm Serges. H
Brown, black, blue aud prey, 43 inches wide'
75c per yard. .
Venetian Cloth.
Two shades, green and bluo, 44 inches wide,
7&c per yaru.
I). nb, gicv, blue nnd black mixed, .'18 inches
wide. 50c uor varil. ' -
Tan, drab nnd groy, 30 Indies wide, at 80o
to 00c per vant.
Novelty Goods.
'2T inch homIi g.ioiN, brown and pur
nlu. 15 j t 18 ner vhhI.
ill) inch noelt goods, broun bluo nnd black
flOc per, Mud
38 inch novelty goods, bill", red, puiple and
gmx.-Ulc pur yard.
12 inch novelty -oods, hint) gieun nnd blown
HO.! per j aid.
About fifty pieces Novelties, Brocades,
1'iauis, rite, ac just nun price.
'(loid heavy cotton lleoced, fancy border,
size lM
price per pair $1.60.
Heavy cotton lleoced, several shades, fancy
hnrnnr- nl9n 114
price per pair $1.40.
Mediant weight cotton tlooced, fancy borders
size ouxv- incnes,
price per pair $1.00.
Medium weight cotton tloccod, fancy luuder
sizoGCx72 inches
price per pair 60c.
Medium weight, two shades, light and dark
fancy borders, ooxyb incites,
price per pair 40c.
Miir vvrml lilftliktLs l'nnrru ill Hl'lcO f 1 0111 '
2.00 10 &IO.OO.
Comfoit, yon kou know what it menus to have tin-
dorwear that noes notsctatcli. X tits
is tjio kind
Men's Fleeced.
All sizes, nn elegant garment, silk
taped, extri heavy weight, good
length, wool lleoced
40c a garment.
Men's Fleeced.
All sizes, n good garment, heavy weight
good length, cotton iicoccd,
30c per garment.
Ladies Fleeced.
All sizes, a very good heavy weight
i garment, silk taped, line wool fleeced
40c per garment
, Ladies' Knit.
AIIh'iz's, good weight and lonlh, cot
ton fleeced,
25c per garment.
Misses', Boys' and Children's Cotton.
Heavy wolgnt, cotton ueccea, an sues
silk taped
size 16, ioc, 5c rise per size.
Misses', Boys' and Children's Wool.
All wool, good weignt, 8UK tapcn, mil
size 16, 10c, 5c rise per size.,
Hoods and Fascinators.
Ice wool Fascinators, black and white, fiOo'
to n gu
Wool fascinators, black, white and red, 60c.
Children's knit hoods, colots, 4Uo.
L'ldlcn'knit hoods, 00c.
Children's Fairy handkerchiefs, So to 5c,
Ladies haudeichUfs, n nice assottment Go to
Gentlemen silk initial nnd plain, GOj to 753.
Outing and Flannelette.
We have the assortment! Bought heicirn the
7o outings at Gc.
12)u outings at 10c
10c outings at 121c
20c English Flannelettes at 15c.
Table Linen.
Do you want nice table linen and napkins to
A very pretty pattern, 72 inches wide, 91.75.
por yaid.
Napkins to match samo, 2222 inches sptiaro
81 50 uor dozen
Napkins to match sstino 07x27 incuts fqunie
So 00 ror dozen.
Table llnon. 72 Inohos -vide. i 31 pr vard.
Napkins to matuh, 22.V.'2 ImoIh-s.84 fM) pi d- ..
Table linen, 72 inches wide, $1.25 pur yard.
Nankins to mutch. 22x22 In.. $;i GO pen d..
These am only a few of the ninny patterns
we n u snowing tills mhimiu,
Other gindes 80o to 81.25.
Ladies, Misses and
Children's Jackets.
I he perfect finish of these garments
has become our trade mark.
HW 50 Jacket, Ketsny, fnncy silk stitched back
nud not. I, 2 season guaranteed lining
strong worked button holes,
half price, 8.oo.
812 50.) tokot, Keisey, silk stitched, raw edge
beams fancy, morcoi lining,
half price, $6.25.
$10.00 Jackot, silk stitched plain soams, satin
lined lapels, fancy buttons, guaranteed
half price, $5.00.
,$9.00 Lndies Jacket, Kersey, silk stitched, raw
edge, seams ( mcy, nietcoiized lining
half price, $4.50."
(7.50 Ladies Jackot, Kersoj, silk stitched' plain
seams, strong meicerizud lining, fancy
half price, $3.75.,
'AH of our Misses' and Children's Jackets goat
half price. 1 huso goods liavo not becen mat ked .
up, (tnon prices cut In two), they arc all marked
in plain llgutes, regular tags and prices arc on
every garmrut.
Ladies' Winter Waists.
Satin Waists.
A good satin wnist, fancy cold stitched
red, blue and black, was 84 GO
,. half price, 2.25.'
Mercerized Satin Waists.
Ked, bluo and black, fancy pleated
back and front, Intuit out sleeves nnd
collar, a good garment, was 82 75
half price, $1.38.
Flannnel Waists.
Four shades, extra heavy weight, fancy
cotd stitched, from nicely made,
was 83.25,
half price, $1.65
Flannel Waists.
Four colors, one of our best garments,
nicely trlmniod with satin cord, fan
cy buttons, latest cut sleeves and
collar, , was 88.60,
half price, $1.75.
fJFlannelette Waists.
Six patterns, stylish made, was 81 25,
half price, 62$c.
Flannel Waists.
Several patterns, latest cut sleeves and
collar, no butter goods made for the
money, was 81.50,
half price, 75c.
81 GO to 82 00
. 1 25 to 1 GO
1 75 to 2 00
B0 to 1 25
Good shoes at von i mice Substantial worth
anil ci hi,, in j In e vei pair.
The Green-Wheeler,
Lidies Bhoe. Once tiled you will uso no
Russian Letilir stock, a very hundsomo.
shoo, light, flexible solo, hand wolt, lace
I per pnii.
Vici Kid stock, medium weight sole.stook tip ,
laco, a guarantood shoo, 88.00.
Vici, heavy wuighl solu, nlojk lip, baud welt
laoo, guaranteed, S3 00.
The American Girl
Ladles' Bhoe. We have sold a croat many of '
these shoes and all have given satisfaction.
Any sun mid stylo 82 GO.
,The Wolfe Bros.,
Medium pi iced shoes for Ladies, Misses,
Uy and Cliildton. A great seller with us.i
Ladies' shoes from
Misses shoes from
Boy's shoos from .. . ,
Children's shoos from
Have you a swoot tooth? If you have you cannot
resist buying some 01 our unu candies.
Inspection will bo convincing,
Good Mixed nnndy Gjc per pound.
Pure Candy 8Jo per pound.
Fancy cream Bnn-Bons HJo por pound.
Nuts 121 to 18c per pound.
Cownnv'". O'LcnrvV and Lockwoods fancy can-
Miles in iU, 111. and 21b boxes.
The furniture question, lot us help 3 on folvo it,
Oak Suit, 3 plecei, regular $26 00.
DltlCSsK It-Oak tup, turell drawer. Boll I poK pen and
c)oel. tollel iiollnh ilnUh 91x10 French beul mirror.
Ilcil (ink. Vi ft wide, u feot high, truiiK wo I 1 11 It bed.
t'ommndu-'Uak, nulla ponta, fwtll tup drawvr, pollihl
""" Special, J clecei, $i?.50
Elm Suit. 3 oleces. reeuiar $24 00.
.. w . ". . I ..... . . ,
uresaer. Kim, pon.nea top m. inrgo ucrinnn novel 1
dIbU mirror. nUa 9lz3J. closed toilet. I ule e iionH.
lied, 4 reel 6 luetic wide, 0 fed rt Inchos higli, nicely
Dnelcil head and foot piece.
Commodo, ihi30 top, polltbed 2 plcro )U. 3 drawer SpccUI, 3 pUcn $17 50
Elm Suit. 3 clecei. retular $19.00.
uroiKr. nun. iup zuza. ucruiaa utiui mirror IBXM,
tied, i'A feet wide, fi feet IiIkIi. paneled liend nnd feot.
C'onuiudc, 1HH0 top, Hirell lop drawer, t piece pou.
Special, 3 piece $15 50,
Tbescato only a few of tho apeclala we are offering. Snaro
iiooi ikii permit u 10 give you a iuii description or each ar
ticle. Wuaakvoti to lierttKato nnd fcee for vourialva.
NothltiK will nmio n more bountiful Clirlatuiati present than
a nice piece 01 lunmnre.
Bed Room Suites, Iron Ueds, Cupboards,
tjntna U10SCI9, tiooK uases, aecietarles,
Chiflloners, Fancy Rockers. Ceutro Tables,
Dining Chain, Tables, I'icturo, Easels,
Indian Stools, Jatdinore Stands,
Wall L'ockets. Medlclno Cabinet.
Comb Cases, llussocks, Etc.
Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
J A Account of Their Littleness.
Christmas is rapidly approaching.
This is tho time when somo people pro-
sunt vou with a gift wbleh thoy think
is awful pretty and useful, but which
thu rooipiont a few weeks later puts in
some obscure corner of tbocubboard
to got it out of the way. For onr part
wo would rather lecelvo a dollar on
back subscription or a paid-in advance
hubscrJbor than all tho tawdr; clftfl In
existence. It is tho timo whon tho
faces of tho children of tho moro for
tunato ate wreathed with smiles and
tlioso of tho unfortunate stained with
tears and at no other timo of the year
aro Hie huart strings of thu little stieet
gamtuso badly shattered. With all its
bitnshino and happiness to some, to
othots it is the saddest day in the yeur
It is tho day whon "tho man who
svor drinks" in a salfpu Roes oo
to mako tho acquaintance of Tom nud
Jetry. It Is tho day when tho fellow
who moans to swear off on the first of
tho year gets lu his boat licks. Hot ait-
was lirst introduced into -the uotld by
Adam wheu he told Mis. Kvu ihnt there
was no woman in all the woild liko
her. This ncconnts for the fact that
lovers can Bit in the fiont pallor with
no lito those ovenings for bjx long
hours at a stretch. Dead men tell no
tales, but thu editors who write their
obltupriei often do, Talking about
dancing it will be observed that a man
will waltz ten miles during tho prog
ress of a hop, who could uot carry a
scuttle of coal fifty feet. What's the
matter with having a wood sawing
and splitting match for Christmas?
The man who saws and splits the most
wood in a certain given timo to tnko
all tho wood chopped bj bis compel!
itors and leceivo a eaBh prizo. Wo
have been observing Bort Giico for
somo time ami want to hot on a cincli,
Tho man who goes after a cau of beor
is "rushing tho gtowlor," and a dog
with a can tied to his tall Is "a growler
lushing tho can "We have not lonrn
ed what they call the sauctitlcd chinch
member of our city who goes to Liu
coin to a convention and 1 italics the
b 11 tender because he don't get tbu
diiuks up fabl enough A well kuown
young bachelor of our city who has
fn t the frosts of winter and the heat
of summer for foi y-sx odd years and
has withstood the winning eniiles and
captlVuiini glances of at least a thou
sand blushing damsels has at last suc
cumbed and Is a victim to a newspnpor
personal. Loi.g nights ho has lain
awake thinking of how he will elude
thoso ghosts down the stroet by mairy
inir. this fair charmer and going to Chi
cago. Tho following has made bis day
dreams happy and he hat builded
many air castles. Young lady, 810,000
in own name, nice looking; very inusl-
cal; niruutionate, wants good, kind hus
band; nioiuy no object. Addtoss lto
sollu, box 070, Chicago, 111. This
otiug lady will Rose(h)ell with a young,
middle-aged Jiitchniau, who is good
looking, kind hearted aud ntlcctlouatc,
when she arrives in Red Cloud I'll at
one "why is this oporn house like a
tiitiun!" and the answer "bccuttsu it id
on the otur.," which was gotten oil at
thu show last night may hu an old
chestnut, but it was oiy npptopihito,
Thu pnttoniige of this show indicates
that tho city is a good how town aud
tbut uu auditorium would pay the in.
vestors good dividends Heiu is about
thu 8i.o apparently of our moneyed
men. If there is anything Hint gives
us longing for nternal rest and deep
damp aolitudo, it is the men who ootno
to a towu or country, build up a pay.
ing business, grow rich from tho re
sources of a prosperous country, and
then squat down on their wealth like a
clucking hen on a door knob, and are
too infernal stingy to even lot the
gravel grind in their own gizzards.
There are men hero who could put
8250 or 8300 into an auditorium even If
no dftect money return oamu back
from It. It wotul at least bo a pleasing
monument to their progressIvencsH.
Hut an auditorium will bi ing dividends,
it will uuhunco tho value of your prop
city and it will bring business to your
merchants. It will make your children
have a higher estimate of life and keep
thorn out of quostionublo resorts and
tho dark comers t f the city. Stand up
for Re.t Cloud aud build an nuditoiiiim.
Unu moment of linger and hasty ac
tion on thu pntt of John A Poyer a
farmer living uenr Cowles will send
him to the penitentiary for three years
and will causo long and bitter sot row
to his family. This week in district
court his case came up for the shooting
and wounding of Deputy SheriH A. A.
Burdick and in his trial before twelve
good men and true he was found guilty
and tho judge on Thursday gavo him
the abovo sentence which it is to be
hoped will be a lesson to othors. Tho
The ebootlafr, as was told in these col
utama at tho tine, occurred on the eve
in of the 12th day of Juno last at
tho homo of Poyer and tho trouble
leading up to it was caused by tho
deputy sheriff and a collector of the
Walter A. Wood company levying an
oxoou ion on a buggy for a debt owing
to that firm. Tho weapon used was a
shotgun and thu deputy leceived a
good number of thu leaden missies In
his body. A gteat deal of sympathy
is oxpiessed for tho convicted tnan'd
R. B, ituiuniur, proprietor of tho
now Rod Cloud Flouring Mill Informed
us this week that that institution had
been started up and was now ready
for busiaess. The machinery which is
all first-class is capable of tuning 01a
thn lwmt . ..Ill ..
nnd elllcient mi lor will h i .." jV
With tho advent of this now enterprise
will como a demand (or more
aud a latgor acreage of cereal will We
the outcome to eeP up with tho IB
creased demand. The fact that w
the wheat wo can raise shouN i eioour
ago our citizens to triv th V .
their most loyal support tS "J1
uctsofthU nJw Jtlffia.m.Ea;
be found in tho home of ow LIm .
of our city. For a S ""
thousands of Tfollara h.
from this city to othor ? B.n Ut
" "t-ausiUIIS nml l
ttnaiia ull.... ,u
vwwn nibi UHL ,1 onn,
retura, Mr.
Kummor has co.uo amone ua witi. h
intontinn .f n.-i.i. K us wlth the
1.. .a ., ;;, : ;w7u Th'
-rriuWII pi
money splmt rtt homn
t. n is the "v m
nml lk '!iJ'jtv
rought in filu imtHil,r Tone ' 7
'or the new mill '" "kWfu" P fiJt t" M
. . m&
1 iJvmrBKtKBtlUKmm'i "