The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1900, Image 8

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In good condition she Is sweet and lovable,
and sings life's song on a joyful harmonious
string. Out of order or unstrung, there is
discordance and unhapplness. Just as there
Is ono key note to all music so there Is one key
note to health. A woman might as well try
to fly without wings as to feel well and look
well while the organs that make her a woman
are weak or diseased. She mint be healthy
Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There
are thousands of women suffering silently all
over the country. Mistaken modesty urges
their silence. While there Is nothing more
admirable than a modest woman, health Is
of the first Importance. Every other con
sideration should give way before It. Brad,
field's Female Regulator Is a medicine foi
women sills. It Is
way to cure leu
corrhea, falling of
Ihe womb, nervous
ness, headache,
backache and gen
eralweakness.You will be astonished
at the result, es
pecially If you have
been experiment
ing with other so
called remedies.
We are not asking
you to try an uncer
tainty. Bradfleld's
happy thousands of
women. What It
has done for others
It can do for you.
Sold In drug stores
for $t a bottle.
A fire Illustrate
txxik will lie unit
to ill who write to
Atlanta, Ga.
r. d. bedford, -Real
- Estate, - Insurance,
Agent Ur the Kqtitablk Lifk Assuk-
Di E. A. Creighton,
Honorary (irndunte & Silvor Medalist
Western UniverMty, Cnnitdu.
Calls Answkkkd Day and Nioiit
Orrrri Ovxn Cook's Piuhmmt.
Criwi Bridge Wir. or Teelh Wilhiol Plitei
And all the latest Improvement la a'ontal ncb
ttttt $Tcr Ptit Ottlc:
ioniawhert if you don't jet Rood quali
ty in your harness.
Don't bo cent wise and dollar foolish
by getting trashy stuff, but buy our
Leather harness. That will last for
years and give satisfaction, at a price
that will surprise you by its littleness.
such as Hy nets, oto.. am well worth
your attention, and will suri'ly prnvo a
great investment.
J. O. Butter, THElttftS?ESS
We give in our illustrated catalogue,
FREE, valuable information and
ndvice to those contemplating the
study of Art. Send postal for cntn
logue. IIALSEY C. 1VIJS, Director.
St. Leulu, Mo.
ISf Most Cough Syrup. TfiMtMtkHM. LVo
Cc in tune, KcM bruriif-KKts,
Ill o yp
II 111 111 Ln " m
An Art Understood In tlin I'nr Knst foi
Counties Ar-s.
Of nil materials put in two by the an
cient inhabitants of India, clay must,
at a very remote period, havo held
Irtrgc place. The plains of India are
bountifully supplied with clny, by tho
Inundation of the great rivers, tho
Indru, and more particularly tho
Ganges, nnd tho native potter found
ready to his hand an unfailing Mipplj
of tho material for his urt. Tho dls
covcry of the pltistic nature of clay,
nnd tho facility with which it can bo
worked into nny shape, is not abovo
tho capacity of tho udc (sav
age. Thero is abundant evl
donee that sun-dried briefs pre
ccdod the art of working vases; dessl
catcd objects, however, have wu ugly
tendency of resolving themselves into
their original mud, ho that even in tho
most favored countries, ns Egypt, for
example, tho state of the attnosphore
will not allow crude clay to Biirviva a
single winter. The baking of it so as
to prod y:o an indestructible tenacity
was an Immense advance, and probably
the result of accident rather than de
sign. Tho Hindoos, unlike the Egyp
tians, Assyrians, and even the Romans,
do not seem to have used brioks to im
press upon them the names of thalt
Wings or their governor or the build
lugs for which they were intended, or
is to tablets for their public ar
chives, their astronomical computa
tions, their annals, their title
deeds nnd their religious dedica
tions. This is much to bo de
plored, for, had they done so, wc should
not be left to grope in the dark with
regard to tho history of their early
civilization, but wc should have de
tailed accounts of particular buildings
and the chief events connected with
the various buildings of the vast pen'
Insula. The modeling in clny the
forms of thu physical world gave rise
to tho plastic art, and Hindoo panthe
ism, better than nny other rullgiout
creed, served to difTuso it throughout
the Indian provinces.
Tho invention of tho pcttcr'a wheel
was an immense Improvement upon the
rude methods previously adopted in
fashioning vessels by tho hand nlone.
Hy the application of a circular table,
laid horizontally, and revulvlng upon
a central pivot, on which the clay was
put, all combinations of forms could
be produced .. the wheel spun round,
nnd vessels became symmetrical in
their proportions and truo In their ca
pacity. As with every invention re
specting which nothing Is known, that
of the wheel has been ascribed to all
nations of antiquity. It is represented
in full activity in Egypt as for back as
1400 It. C; wc find mention of It in the
Scriptures (2 Samuel, xvii., 28; Jere
miah xriii., I-U) while vases with the
marks of the wheel upon them have
been unearthed in Assyria, and we may
safely conclude that factlle vessels for
domestic or religious uses were made
at an early period in Indin.
On tho other hand the ancient
Semites, like their kinsmen of Pales
tine, set no great store by the
potter's art. Thoy deemed the material
too common; their love of the pic
cious metnls making them prefer gold
and silver. In India, whether owing
to difference of race, with its lnrge ad
mixture of Turanian blood, than which
none is more imitative or artistically
endowed, or religious scruples which
will not allow natives to use the sumo
vessel or idol twice lest it should b
detllcd, the fact remains that no coun
try in the world has so great a demand
for earthen pots aud paus of a common
kind, but ever of pleasing shapes, and
must have hud for countless genera
tion. So universal is the manufac
ture of t-artlmnwaro nt the present
day that scarcely a hamlet is found
without its kiln. The desiro of mak
ing terra cotta less porous and better
fitted for retaining liquors led to tho
invention of an Impervious covering or
glaze, consisting of opaque glasses or
enamels, which in Egypt are sold as
the eighteenth dynasty. The employ
ment of copper with a little lead to
produce a brilliant blue enamel was
very early, both in llabylonia and As
yrla; the use of tin for a white en
amel, found on tho encaustic tiles of
llabylonia, Assyria aud Kirypt, antici
pated the rediscovery of it by Lucca
della Robbla in tho fifteenth century.
Indian Magaelne and Review.
Inert used Tulilo K.ipenm'a.
In tho same proportion that our
furniture, clothes and ornaments have
increased In elegance nnd value with
the Increasing wealth of tho past twenty-five
years, so has our tabic expenses
increased. Undoubtedly the choice of
food is wiber and the cooking better
now than It was then; thero is loss
flagrant f tying and more sagacious
stewing; less snerillco on tho altar of
grease, and more demand for good
AOiu-ishtneut. Hut, on thu other hand,
otn dinners are more and more a con-i
resslou to both vanity and a form of
gluttony, which It is populnr to call
epicureanism. Too much time and
thought, as well as money, aro spent
on food. The rich may, of course, do
as they please, and thu poor must do
as they can, but the great class of
middls-clasb well-to-do people, who yet
are not rich enough to afford travel or
concerts, books or pictures, are often
the very ones whose tables are total
strangers to a wholesome economy and
too familiar with tile most expensive
cuts and unseasonable delicacies. Not
to have an abundant and atrrccable fa
ble, if it can be afforded, Is niggadly,
but to deny tho bouI for the sake of the
stomach; to indulge the sense of taste
at tho expense of the more spiritual
senses of seeing and hearing, Is vul
garity. Philadelphia Press.
lu 1893 380 miles of new railroad
were opened for trafllc In France, mak
ing a total of the country i!3,30'.J miles,
of which 10,748 miles belong to six
jrrent companies, 1,000 to tho state, u9r
to branch railroad companies, 109 are
not chartered, and 1S8 miles are made
In shows, yards, etc. Resides there
were at tho end of thv year Sfi0 miles
'if local railroads, 1S8 miles of which
viro opuiHid In 1S0.1. There wore also
i.iM I miles of tttrcct railroad.
in lndat..ou and Progressiva Portions!
Itussln'a 1'opiiltttlon.
la -very trade and in uvcry profc
lion, iu bu.iiiu. and in the government
services, tho AimcrJan sees himself
without a rival aim in full possession
sf the field. Ho equips tho postal scrr
Ice by which you travel, and if you trt
so fortunate as to find an inn tho land
lord will be an Armoulan, If the local
governor attaches to your service the
head of the local polico tt will be a
stalwart Armenian In Russian uniform,
who will cither find you a lodging or a
Oiady garden iu which to erect your
tents. If you remark on the way somo
well-built edifice which aspires to
architectural design it will be tho
work of an Armenian builder
from AlexnndropoL In that town
lUelt, where tho Armenians
aro mast numerous, tho love of build
Ing, which so marked a characteristic
of their forefathers, has blossomed
again among kinder circumstances: a
spacious cathedral and several largo
shurches stand among the new stone
houses fronted with ambitious facades.
In Erlvan each richer merchant has
lodged himself in an agreeable villa,
whoso Italian architecture will raise
from the shade of poplars and willows
and fruit trees laden with fruit. The
excellent wine which is found in Erlvan
is made according to the newest meth
ods by an Armenian who has studied
for two years In Germany the most
modern appliances of the Industry in
Europe. The monetary transactions
of tho country aro in tho hands of
Armenian bankers. The skilled work
men jewelers, watchmakers, carpen
tersare Armenians. Even the ill
miencd officer of mounted frontier
police, whoso long association with tho
wilder elements, Kurds nnd robbers of
small and largo degree, has lent him
tho appearance ef a chief of brigands,
will bcAr, not much to its honor, un
Armenian name.
Tho lago majority of the people do
ot speak Russian, or speak It very
imperfectly, Indeed, were it not that
the governors and chief police officials
sf lnrge districts were Russians, and
that Cossacks and Russian regular
soldiers may hero and thero be seen,
tho traveler would not suspect that ho
was in a Russian province, and would
go the way he listed with tho most
serene composuro until he 'was rudely
awakened by some abrupt collision
with the Russian system nnd brought
to his proper mind. As it is, the Ar
menian has edged out tho Russian, nnd
If peace were allowed its conquests un
hindered ho would ultimately rule in
the land. Contemporary Review.
Natlvei Wrre) Not Favorably Impreised
With Iti 1'htlllng Tnnrri.
The natives of tropical countries are
seldom so much astonished as thoy are
when first introduced to snow and ice.
While the World's fair was in prog
ress a joke was played upon two mem
bers of a Zulu band which was greatly
enjoyed and appreciated by all present
except the Zulus themselves.
The manager of their tribe, whom I
knew intimately, knowing that none of
tho Zulus had ever seen any ice, thought
it would be great fun to see how thoy
would act when brought in contact
with It. He' accordingly told two of
them that he wished them to go down
town with him..
He informed me what he was going
to do and invited me tonccompnny him,
which I did. We stopped at the offlr-o
of ono of the large breweries, nnd, after
explaining our errand, were readily
granted permission to go through the
On arriving at the door of the ice
house we all entered, tho Zulus, who
were barefooted, following closo be
hind. All along the walls inside great
cakes of ico were piled.
My friend, the manager, climbed up
on top of the cakes and told thu Zulus
to follow him. They obeyed. When
the cold chill of the ice first struck
their bare feet thoy didn't know what
to make of it.
They looked at one another for a min
ute and jabbered something in their
outlandish tongue. They stood it for
about a minute; then giving vent to a
yell, they sprang to the ground and,
rushing to the door, threw themselves
on tho ground outside, where they lay
writhing about, nursing their feet and
Insisting that they had been severely
burned. St, Louis (Uobc-Deniocrat.
Tho smokers of Red Cloud can 11 ml
on salo hy II. K, Orieii and a few of tho
loeoi dealer ono of the choicent and
mot phenomenal rctailinc clears over
niiiuufitctuicil iu the west, tho "Tuck"
Hilar. It is hand made throughout and
iinrnttnli'il in workmanship bv unv 5
cent on the market Thu "Tuck"
cigar Ins in its tiller the linost union of
old uiifl'ivormt tobacco that can In pur.
p!i:icil and used iu a 5 emit cigar Its
draft is perfection. Tho "Tuck" cigar
i packed iu tin foil in packages of live
with tho object in view of keeping it
fresh, retaining the flavor nnd protect
ing it from breakage when carried in
the pocket. Thu "Tuck" cigar is in
fact perfection in everything that is
required to make a choice sinnko.
Thero is uw cigar made iu the live cont
cigars that equals thu Tuck cigar, in
lino workmanship, quality, draft and
tiller. Try tho "Tuck."
A system regulator n inediuitie
that 8ti-Mjgthens and stimulate-) the
livor, kidney, stomach aud luwels.
Prickly Ash Hitters is a stipsriur sys
tem rettulatsr. It drives' out nil un
healthy conditions, promotes activity
of body and brain, restores good ap
petite, sound slsnp and cheorful spirits,
Sold by C. L, Cutting.
Jcll-O, the New Dessert,
pleases all the fnniily. Four Mayors:
Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw,
berry. At your groceis 10 cts Try
it t itlay.
At tho last regular meeting of James
A. Ganflsld Post No. 80, O. A. H , thu
following ofllccrs wcro elected for tho
ensuing year:
P. C.-D. L. Great.
S.V.-J. M.Sollara.
J. V. A. Hotichln.
Sargcon F. Newhouse.
Q. M.J. V. Warren.
O. D.W. IMlnbr.
O.G.-J.S. Whits.
Representative W. H. Roby.
Altcrnnto J. A. Roiti,
Tho now ofllcors of the 1,0. O. F.
Encampment Lodgo, elcctel at their
meeting last Monday evening are ns
P. C.-L. M. Cnabill.
S. W.-J. S. White.
J. W.-F. G. Turnuro.
Scribe-O. C. Teel.
U. P.-W. R. Roby.
Treasurer G. W. Dow.
At the regular Mooting of tho Mod
ern Woodman lodge of this city last
Wednesday evoiing the following ef
Heers were elected for the ensuing
V.C.-J.W. Kinsol.
W. A.-C. T. Dickinson.
Hanker Chas. Palmer.
Clsrk-F. V. Taylor.
Physician E. A Creighton.
Escort H. J. Maurer.
Manager L. H. Fort.
I.W. Win Popo.
0. W.-L. A. Haskins.
Tho following ofllcors of Red Cloud
Lodge A. O. U. W. Dcgreo of Honor
were elected on Tuesday evening, Dec
ember 4th:
P. C. II. Mrs. Mary Krnlik.
C. II. Mrs. Elfoibeth Runchey.
L. II. Mrs. Kmnm Reynolds.
C. C Miss Fay Toothacro.
Recorder Miss Sadie Overing.
Financier Mrs. Overing.
Treasurer Mrs. Fogcl.
Usher Mrs. M. Fox. i3?.l
1. W. Gilbert A. Person.
O. W. Fred Hedgo.
Organist Mrs. L. F. Rohrer.
Ex. Physjclan Dr. E. A. Creighton.
$100 Reward. $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that thero is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been ablo to euro in all its stages nnd
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical frateraity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, it requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat
arrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon tho blond and mucous
surface of the system, thereby destroy
ing thu foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building
up the constitution nnd assi9ting'nattire
in doing its work. Thu proprietors
have so much faith in its curative
powers, that thoy offer one Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list A testimonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hull's Family Pills aro t o best.
The most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby, all
dimples and joy. The most
pitiful thing is that same baby,
thin and in pain. And the
mother docs not know that a
little fat .makes all the differ
ence. Dimples and joy have gone.
and left hollows and fear; the
fat, that was comfort and
color and curve-all but pity
and love--is gone.
The little one gets no fat
from her food. There is some-,
thing wrong; it is either her food
or food-mill. She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what
she had stored in that plump
little body of hers; and that is
gone. She is starving for fat;
it is death, be quick !
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the fat she can
take; it will save her.
The genuine has this picture on
It, take no other.
Ifvoulmvc not tried it, send
for free sample, its agreeable
tatte wilt surprise you,
Chomlsts, .
4O0 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c. and SI.OO
all druggists.
Homcseekers excursions to Arizona,
Arkansas, Indian Territory, Louslanu,
New Mexico, Oklahoma Territory, nnd
Texas. D.itcs of sale Nov. 0 to 'JO,
December 4th nnd 18th. Ono fare plus
$2 for the round trip, limited twenty
ne days from date of sale, continuous
passngc In both directions. A. Con
oVKit, Agent.
What Shall We Have for Dessert?
This question nrises in the family
every day. Let us answer it todaj.
Try Jell-O, a delicious dessert. Pro
pared iu two misutes. No baking! add
hot wa,or and set to cool. Flavors:
Lemon, orange raspberry and straw,
bet ry. At your grocers, 10 cts.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days.
Morton Ij. Hill of Lebanon. Iml. mtb: "My
wlfo lind IntlHinmnturr rheumatism in every
muacle and joint; tier MifTorlnt? wo terrible ami
ber body nnd face were Rwoolen tlmom beyond
recognition: bad been Iu bed for tlz weeks and
had ciKlit pliyatclatin, but recelred no benefit
until she tried the MyMlo Cure for;itlieiunatlini.
ItRAve Immedlnto relief and she was able to
walkabout In three days, lam sura It saved
her life." Sold by II. K. (Jrlcc, Druggist, Hed
Cloud, Neb.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
MrsttcCnre for rheumatism and neuralgia
readily cures In from one to three days. Its ac
tion upon the system Is rcmarkablo and mys
terious. It removes at ouco tho cause and the
disease Immediately disappears. The first doso
greatly benefits. 78 cents. Sold by 11. K. Grlce.
ited Cloud, Nob.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
from the parents, but may be from some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant iu the blood for
rears, or until you reach middle life, then
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap
pearance or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma
nently all the poisonous virus must be
eliminated from the blood every vestage
of it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and
is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like tkfs.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer begins often in a small way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows :
A small pimple came on my jaw about an inch
below the earon the left side of my face. It gave
me no pain or incqnven
el nee, and I should have
forgotten about it had it
not begun to inflame and
Itch ; it would bleed a
tittle, then scab over, but
iould not heat. This
continued for some time,
(7hen my Jaw began to
swell, becoming very
painful. The Cancer be
tjan to eat and spread,
unlit it was as large as a
half dollar.when f heard
'A S. S. S. and determin
ed to give it a fair trial,
ind it was temarkable
what a wonderful effect
It had from the very beginning; the sore began to
heal and after taking n few bottles disappeared
entirely. This was two years ago ; thete are stilt
do signs of the Cancer, and my general health
.-ontlnues good. Mrs. K. Rhirj-.r, I,n I'lata, Mo.
Af Am Af is the greatest of all
blood purifiers, and the
sW sW sW only one guaranteed
P B J purely vegetable. Send
s sF for our free book on
Cancer, containing valuable and interest
ing information about this disease, and
write our physicians about your case. We
make no charge for medical ndvice.
Notice of Final Settlement.
State f Nebraska, I
Webster otiiity. f "
In the ('aunty Court of WebMer County NV
In the matter ot the estate of Alexander 0.
Willis. dcreaed,
Sow on thin 2-Jl day of November IWH, ciime
It. M. Cochrane, executor of said etate and tiled
ulHtlniilaccou tnsMirh ex-outor. and n vitI
lld etllfun pravlng for n final Ktttlrment mid
allonanreuf Mild account i tiled, nnd for an
orlerof distribution, f
It Is tliRrerore ordered that the 2Clh day or De
cember, IV(X). at ten o'clock In the lorenoon, at
the office of the county Judueiu said county nnd
state, be. and the same is hereby (lied m the
time and place fo- hearing xnlti petition and
examining and allowing said iutouiiU, aud the
heirs of -mid deceased, and all persons Interest
ed In said eiitate are requested to appear at tho
lime and place so designated, and snow cause.
If Hny exists. wliy said account shauld not be
It is further onlercd that sstd executor give
notice ta all persons Interested In said estate of
the time aad place fixed for examining, allow
ing and settling said account by causing a copy
of this order to be published In tho Red Cloud
Cuisr, a weekly newspaper printed and In gen.
eral clrculslloa In said catiuty. for four cousec
utire weeks prior to the day set far said hearing,
.Tanks Di-rrr, County Judge.
In tho District Court of the Tenth Judicial
District In ami for Webster county. Nebraska.
Iu the matter of the cstnto of arah C. Jlur
phy. deceased.
This cause common for, hearing on the report
of Iloimlns I. Myers, gimrdlnu or Inn Francisco
and Clarenco Myers, minor heirs of ijarnh (J.
Murphy, deceased Of llio snlo of the undivided
lwoseenths lulutest In and to the following
described tract of ;inid, to wit:
llculiuilng at n'polnt 4nu:tt 100 feet West of
tho North Kast comer of the South West quar
ter of Section Two (-.'.) Town One (I.) Kiiiikc
Eleven (II ) West of the fith 1'. M In Webster
county, Nebraska, thenco running West Wl 10')
feel tliFiii-o South lOrt Itf lixj feet, thence Kind
(fl S7 1 o feet : titence North I5fl : 1X1 feet to tho
place of beginning, containing one acre inoro
or less. In S W i Sec. 2. Twp. I. llitnge 11,
West Glh 1'. M. iu Vjcbster County Nebr.. Iu no
cordanco with tho license, of Mils court thereto
made on iho 0th day of Alarrh. A. I. 1W0.
Now therefore It Is ordered that nil persons In
tcrested in said estate appear before me at Ited
Cloud, Nebraska, on the llttidnyof December.
1(M), to shaw causa If any there be why said
ale should nat he confirmed.
Dated this 2Mb day of Oct, 1800.
En L. Amu, Judge.
Chanct ti Uxiicsn. Attorneys. .
Look llox 23. Guide Rock, Nob.
Ill kinds of property bought, sold h.hI
Run Ci.oun. Nkhiubka,
Landsenpos, Flowers, Fruit" nud Pur
ttuits nitido to order.
k? 3sS
"liMSak stS.
SJ.iarM MrA
Eacket Store. I
Hurrah for
Santa Claus. H
He's benn hi-lo und iondotl our i
store witli popular '
nt ifticHistiiblu prices. Como and V
sco them. h
R E. McBride, i
lo rrnjuent cause of Appendicitis and many ouW g
Appendicitis and many ouW sai
louilllfl Khoulil nftTftr tw nwlMtMt. ,,..
Ufoal cathartlo remedies Isthelr eortlre reaction whloh
Uts oooaupauoo. M eta. LW at sJl DnfitM
California brandies.
Wo enn surnish you brick in
nny quantity nt tho lowest pos
sible rnte. Brick on sale at
cither of tho lumber yards.
Get Our Prices Before You
Buy Brick.
Red Cloud, Neb.
IL-cx .d oni, r,!S;"'
la HKD .! U.ld nttmu tciM mM
llh t... ribb... Take .. .U.K.'Rw
t . j ;f your UrM,t,l. er Mftd4. u
' li n7.'.-r." TL-Mf" '""'' SIT
ai.Hv; iMTCYtfima
B. & M. B.Y
all points east ami
and all point)
No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln
and St. Francis branches. Oz
ford, McCook, Denrerand all
points west . 8!2S a.m.
No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe,
Kansas City, Atchison. St,
Louis. Lincoln via Wyinore
mid all points east and south 8:15 n.m
No. 17. Passenger, dally. Denver, all
points In Colorado, Utah and
California.. auOn ra
No. 18. Passenger, dally for St. Joe.
Kansas City. Atchison, St.
Louis ami all points east and
south - ...... ................ 10 -00 a m
No. HI. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday. Hastings. Grand Is.
laud. Illaclc Mills and all
points In ihe northwest..... :( n m
So. m. Accommodation, dntly except
Sunday, Oberlln. Kansas, and
Intermediate stations, via Ho
publican 12-Slln m
No. 61. Freight, dnlly. Wymoro and P
St. .Joe and Intermediate
Junction point . ia-n m
No. ta. Freight, dally for Hcpnhircan P
Orleans.Oxford and all points
west . io-4ft m
No. CO. Freight, dally except Sunday
v ,, 'ST Wpofonnd all point cast 8.45 a.ra
Io. 173. Freight dally to Oxford and
Intermediate points l:30nm
Sleeping dining, and reclining chair ran
seats free? on through trains. Tlciets sold hfuS-
maBKe.goerCanad.d ,0 aDr P,nt ,n ,he U'
For Information, time tables, maps or tickets
S?11 J"!,0; 'ddress A. Conover. Agent. Hod
Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. General PaJsenMi
Agent Omaha, Nobraska. lassenger
. rAKKbR'8
OtMlUtl Biul Viunllfl.. AA... L.a-
Eroois a luiurtinl growttu
Hair to its Youthruj OolorT
Can fip "'" iilr l3lt
T "' "'"
t VnlivnaW.. 1
State of Nebraska, I
euner i;ouniy, (
In the county Court of Wobntircountv
Notice I ho'ruby given to all persons havtt.r
fj?i'2f u'" ,l.cwl "gainst Oeorge W. nail S
lalo of Webster county, deceased ii,., ,!. ., "
for tll'Mg claims agi nst ea," ' csnu0"u,lm?
mom , from the 2ml day of Noi ember ium
o'clock a m and that said administrator V. ni
low d oik- ear from the "OiiwiVA J Lall?r '? nl
Dated, Octoccr 12, idoo. -
9k iLlij
ls 0
. Kf