GENERAL CITY. NEWS. LOCALLY ? .Mt ST. mM r't'Y'f.'l ST t 5 Evon Santa Clnus is surpriseil at our magnificent Holiday display. 9 The gold and silver workers of the land have outdone all former efforts in the production of now, novel, dainty and exquisite articles in gold, silver 5 and plate for Christmas presentation. Along with these, wo present a 9 pleasing array of tho jowclors staples. J "9 . I Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry and Novelties. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 And just her at tho beginning of this holiday buying wo want to add a worn regarding prices, it stands to reason that jewelers of smaller cities and towns, like ourselves, can undersell liueu citv deiiler. who t ........I ;i !...i .. ,. ' . ;: . i labor under enormous rentals, and varied expenses of city merchandising. Wo have proven to all old customers, and desire but an apportunity to prove to new ones, that our inlets are always fair, and nnwhnrn i..s t . !!.!.. ft .... 1l...: . - i . ' 5 IU1 ijuuimus ivuii. wwiua in us nil wilt isillllis UIKIS, I NEWHOUSE BROS., JEWELERS and OPTICIANS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. 1T1T1,1T01TmT111'1'V11TTVTV1r't'n'Pp(rripfiiip WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Stove rupairs at W. V. Wright's. i For farm loaus call on (J. W. Kaloy. Tho Chief and Chicago Inter Ocoan no year for $1.25. 31.00 will got 400 pounds of coal at the poultry yard. Minstrol for bonefit of Episcopal church choir Dec. lUth. For a good smootho hair cut or shavo go to L. E. Ff is on Wobstor street. Harvey Vincent formerly of this city, now of Uivorton, was here this week. Grant McFarland of Lincoln was looking after business matters here this week. E. Spencer of Malvern, Iowa, a brother of Mrs J. S. White, is visiting in the city this week. Mrs. A Galusha and children re turned Wednesday from a visit with rela'.ives at Topoka, Kansas. Henry Newhouseof Newhouso Hros., was looking after tho optical portion of that firm's business at Guide Rock Monday. The ladies of tho Christian church will give their annual Christmas bszir on Friday, October 20, in tho building recently vacated by C. D. Morse's mil linery storo. Dinner and supper will be served. No. 13 passongor train from the oast and several other trains were delayed by the burniug off of a journal on a coal car oast of Guido Knck Thursday taornlDg. Tho B. & M. should supply their car links with a little more oil. Tho Bod Cloud Interstate Paultry association this week posted bills for their sccoad annual exhibit, which will bp hold in tho opera house in this city December 18, 10,20 and 21. Tho man agemont is expecting a much larger exhibit this year than last, and fiom present indications they will not bo disappointed. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Thk Ciiikk $1 per year. I. H. Hampton of Guide ltock was bote Wednesday. The lino of heating stoves nt Wright's is superb. See them. lien Ludlow was looking after busi ness matters in Hastings this week. J. W. Lippincott ami wifo left Mon. day night for a visit at Blair, this state. I have a fow first class sewing ma chines to trado for stock. F. V. Tay- i,o it. W. B. Koby made a business trip to Byron Ilmrsday to look after tho pur chase of somo grain. Mrs. Walter Warren who has boen visiting relatives hero returned te her home iu Superior Monday. Miss Rosa Tate of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, who has been visiting relatives here returned to her homo Tuesday morn irg. The material for tho telephone line between this city and the Amboy mill arrived the foro part of the week and ia now being put in. Are you going to buy a sewing ma chine? If so I have tho best machine for tho monoy over offered. Do not fail to see it bofore buying. F. V. l'AYLOK. Cheap trip to LI a coin. The Burling ton will sell tickets from Red Claud to Lincoln and return for 14.15 on Deo ember 25, 20 and 27, on account of tho annual meeting of tho Nebraska State Teachers' association. Return limit December 29th. TheMcKcighan uienuaent arrived the fore part of the woek. It is four and one half feet, square at tho base and stands thirteen and one-kalf feet high. Just" when the monument will he erected is not known, as tho work of lettering tho samo still remains t be done. fV'"VvA'Vr'v-'WWV'r' IfuuTO I'KTKUSON Kim lU'CUHK tf Remember that Christmas will soon be Here. You could uot mnk a mist .iko if you would como in and BUY YOUR WIFE A BUGGY. This would bo useful and givo pleasure for time to come. If you have no wife get a buggy and you will snrely get a wife soon. I will make a price on these buggies so they will be in reach of all. Come in and look them over and sec what I will do for you. YOU : WILL : BE : SURPRISED. JAS. PETERSON, Clnlttp out milliiM-ry nt com sit Mts. McH.I.I..- See tho lino display of heating stoves at W. W. Wright's. Elmer Crono has takon a posit Ion at tho Argus offieo. Mrs. Dwight Jones was visiting rola tiros and friends bore Tuesday. Walter Roby soils tho Singer sowing machine. Prices rigtit. Got tho host. Pay your subscription and got a cal culating pencil. Thoy aro a littlo won dor. The Misses Dillon nnd Miles, the dancing teachers arrived in the citj Thursday noon. Mrs. R. S. Proud lit of Guido Rock visited with Geo. Morhart and wifo tho first of tho week. Mrs. McBride is closing out her mil linery stock at actual cost. Come at onco nnd get tho now stylos. Mrs. Ed Bohaunn, who has been vis iting hero with E. B. Smith and family left for her home in Lincoln Wednes day. It's away up in tho north end of Damorell bleck. Whall Tho Racket Store, where alt of thoso now Christ mas goods are. Wo wish to express our gratitude to tho many Kind friends who so tenderly assisted us in tho caro and interment of our mother. J. (J. and D. J. Mvkus and Family. Rockers and iron beds nt gi catty re duced prices for tho next thirty days to make room for holiday goods at Wolfe's furniture store. Wo mean business. Como and see. Rev. G. W. Hawley, former pastor of tho M. E. church of this city, will occupy tho pulpit next Sunday morn ing nnd evening. A cordial invitation is oxtonded to all to como out and hear him. Official Fkumits, 11)01. Applica tion for clergyman's half-faro permits for 1001 should bo tiled at the earliest possiblo dato with tho local agent of ho B. & M. R. R. J. Fiuncis, General Passenger Agent. When you have urgont business with someono in another town or city, re member you can reach your party tho quickest and best by the long distance telophone. Rates mado known on ap plication to "central." On Monday ovening tho Evening Mall Club solected the following of ficers for tho ensuing year: President, L. 11. Beck; vice president, E. J. Over ing; secretary and treasurer, R. D. Bedford, trustee, F. W. Cowdon. Jacob Nustein is having the old Blue Front building fixed up and will in a few weeks move his cigar shop to that building. The building now occupied by him will bo removed on account of the new brick which will bo placed on tho lot. Auknts Wanted: Wo want an act ive agent in Red Cloud and vicinity to represent tho largest Evergreen Nur series in the U. S. A full line of hardy frnlts, shade and ornamental troos, shrubs, etc. Four plans, pay weekly. Address at once, The Elgin Nurseries, Elgin, Illinois. Regular services in theBaptist church next sunday morning and evening. In the morning atlOiCO 'tho subject will bo "Lazarus Sick," nnd in the ovening at 7:30 "Tho Arrival of the Great Physician " Acordlnl invita tion is extended to all to attend. Rev. Wm RiciiAitus, Pastor. A brick walk twelve foot wldo will bo placed iu front of the new brick building erected by James Halo. Mr. Hale shows good judgment and as the yesrs roll by and ho sees his noighbois repairing their old wood wnlks and building now ones ho can look on with satisfaction. This paper has boon ad vocating brick walks for somo time and we look ferward to tho day when most of tho walks of tho city will bo of this material. W. J. Perry will do the work. Tho Misses Milos nnd Dillon of Hast ings on Thursday evening organized a dancing class in this city. On the start out something near forty mem bers havo boen secured. The young ladles will probably securo a class of botweon forty and fifty. Tho Misses Milos and Dillon como hero highly rec ommended as teachers of this pleasant pastimo and are woll schooled in all tho latest dances. The school will be open ed in tho Rust hall ou next Wednesday afternoon at 4 ami evening at 8 o'clock. A mandolin olub was organized in this city last Monday evening. The ofllcers elected were ns follows: J. O Wiles, president; Chas. White, busi ness manager; Robt. MuBrido, socro tary nnd treasurer. Tho club has boon organized with a view to furnishing musio for all classes of home enter tainments, Tho hoys aro practicing regulary, and, being all very good per formers already, are prepared to fur nish music that will entertain anyone. Wo wish tho boys success in their new enterprise as it is a worthy ono aud something that is greatly needed in this city. Jesse Bakor was in Guide Rock Mon day. Mrs. L. D. Oat nun visited in Guide Rock Tuesdny. Cost sale of milllnory at Mrs. Mc Btide's, Damoroll block. Col. Kirtley oditor of tho Franklin Sentinel was horo Wednesday. Mrs. F. M. Hopkins ef Rivcrton was visiting iu tho city Wednesday. R. D. Bedford was looking nttor bus iness matters at Wymoru this week. Sid Lougtin has gone to Hastings whoru ho will attend business college. District court will bi convened fer this county on next Monday, Decem ber 10th. The homo talent minstrol is billed for tho oera house, Dec. 13th. Don't fall to attend. Child's wool 8ncqucs 25c; toques 25c; hoods 25c; bootees 10c; fascinators 25c, at Mrs. McBridc's. Is yournamo written there? Whore? Ou our subscription books for tho last venr in the 10th century. It should be. Tickets are now on sale at Grice's drug storo for the home talent miustrel Dec. 13lh. One ovoniag of solid fun. Don't miss it. Dancing school will bo held in thu hall over G aliislin iSr Wescott's store on tho afternoon of Wednesday, Decem ber 12th, at 1 and evening at 8 o'clock. The Ctlii.f Calculating Pencil cna bles any one to liguro faster than tho brightest brain can without its aid. A twist of tho wrist brings the result. Instructive, interesting aud highly useful. From this dato wo will givo ono with each dollar paid on subscrip tion ' A very pleasant surprise was given Riohard Ruuchoy ou Wednesday eve ning by tho members of tho Degree of Honor the event being to celebrato his twentieth birthday. Tho ovening was enjoyably spout aud n splendid repast was served. As u souvenir of tho oc casion the young man was presented with n protty watclt chain. List of letters remaining uncalled for nt tho postolllco at Rod Cloud, Nob raska.for tho week ending Dec. Gth, 1000. Myers, Iko Sutton, Minnie These lett rs will bo sent to tho dead letter oillec December 20th if not call ed for before. When calling for abovo please say "advertised." T. C. Hack Kit, Postmaster. Tho largo plate windows nnd tho doers havo boon placed in position in tho now McFurlttnd building, tho pins torintr has peon finished nnd as soon ns tho shelving and othor minor details havo been completed the store will be ready for occupanoy. We aro glad to soo our business men getting lata the idea of owning their own business property. Very fow, if any of them who have been in business hero for any considerable length of time, but whom havo paid out enough in rents to build them a good brick building. Mrs. Caroline Gardier Myers, moth er of D. J. and J. G. Myers, died at the home ef the former in this mt.y on Tuesday, Becember i, 1000, at tho ripe Id age of 83 years, S months and 18 days. Mrs. Myers was born at Towan da, Bradford county, Pennsylvania, on August 18, 1818. Sho cameto Ne braska wither her two sons nbout sev enteen years ngo from Illinois and first lecatcd in Franklin county, whore they remained n short timo and thcr camo to this city where she has bince resided. Tho funeral services were conducted from tho residence- on Wed nesday afternoon at 12 o'clock and the and the remains were laid nt rest iu tho Red Cloud cemetery. The be reaved relatives huvo thu sympathy of thu entiro community. rrrJLj&kEyV wT ,2 Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Pitta Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to f-jjy pass It or pam In IMG UlI 13 KI5U convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing- rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and tho extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for It3 won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists ln50c.and$l. sizes. You may have a cample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mall. address Dr. Kilmer it Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in tnu paper. ESS- BJfeipiS - 'ii '' nil 'iTtfF? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Good News m for Overcoat Buyers. Iloroe of Bwirap-Root. g We have just received this week a consinment of 1 $500.00 13 worth of Men's Overcoats from the well known $ firm of Kohn Bros., Chicago, Illinois, one of the '. largest clothing houses in America. ?25 These coats were sent to us to close out at a big sacrifice in the prices as the season is late and they are anxious to dispose of their fall stock. We arc making the lowest prices ever heard of on these goods and the sale will last for a short time only. Goods will be open for inspection by Saturday, Dec. 8th. Come early and get the choice of the good things in this line. s 0 -a 3 -a 3 Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. 2 THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. mmmwMmmmmmmm!m!nmm$ Q-y HAVE YOU A GOOD GUN! We have, and a complete stock of them. Doable Barrel Gods, Single Barrel Guns and Rifles. That bargain in a single barrel gun for $6.50 is a beauty and cannot be beat. It is guaranteed. And then again we have a special price'on Stevens "Favorite" Hifle. We say we have a special price and we mean it Come in and see. V. Genuine Baker and Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire $3-50 per ioo pounds. We are out for your trade. Save money by trading with us. Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. ff,f0fk v ' r '4, ii inn i. 5P"?1RSWI ifc4i itoASa. ,, . .'it fi'iltt'lj...- u .'.-A-.. -.,. wwcpKKT?: v r ijtYjifc ffleuj pSBBBBBBBBBa mI .. uv i' Ljg.iUA. I