The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1900, Image 1

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Imk&C" m&wam,T9
rgy ijfyggtgsg fparis.'ssssaMta.ttt-Bige' .-ir.xjv .-.-,.
"'I'm i . . t t. .
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MSoBBrgEJElvSiS -SHBBPbbbbbbbbbB ' KKbkrEHKrrrrH
- Miner - Brothers., -
?ecf Cloud, Nebraska.
Pleases the Mind !
Warms the Body!
By comparison you will see that we are striving
to attract attention with Low Prices.
Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Accouut of Their Littleness.
Several kinds of woathor tins week'
Several weddings ought to occur
hero in thu near future.
Thoso nru thu evenings whuu only
tho young mon with serious intentions
$1.60, Blankets.
A good, heavy
1 order, 11-4,
$1.40, Blankets.
Heavy cotton fleeced
fancy border, 11 4
cotton fleeced, fnncy
$1.60 per pair.
several shades
$1.40 per pair.
$1.00, Blankets.
Good weight cotton
borders, 10 4
tieeced, fancy
$1.00 per pair.
60c Blankets.
Medium weight cotton fleeced, fancy
border, 10 4
60c per pair.
40c Blankets.
Med mm wIght, two hades, light and
dark fancy border, BGx72 inchss
40c per pair.
Dress Goods and Suitings.'
75c Venetian.
Vi'iHMinn cloth, two sondes, gieen nnd
blue, 44 inches wide,
75c per yard.
75c Storm Serge.
Storm serges, browu, black,
grey, 4a incites wiue
blue and
70c Camel s Hair.
Camels Hair, blun nnd
38 inches wide,
75c per yard,
grey mixed,
70c per yard.
$1.25 Camel's Hair.
Camel's HaiJ, grey mixed and red and
black mixed, 48 inches wide
$1.25 per yard.
150c Flannel.
Flannels, three shades, tan drab nnd
crrev. !1C Inches wide
50c per yard. ,:
65c Flannels.
FlunnolR. drnb, gray, blue and black
mixed, 38 inches wide,
65c per yard.
$1.10 Suitings
Suitings, giey and tan, 00 inches wido
$1.10 per yard.
40c Men's Fleeced Underwear.
All sizes, an eh-gnnt garment, silk
taped, an extra henvy weight, good
length, extru wool fleeced,
40c per garment.
30c Men's Fleeced Underwear.
All sizes. This is n good garment,
heavy weight, good length, cotton
30c per garment.
40c Ladies' Fleeced Underwear
All sizes, n very good, hoavv weight
garment, silk taped, Hue wool flcocud
40c per garment.
25c Ladies' Knit Underwear.
All sizes, good weight and length, cot
ton fleeced
25c per garment.
10c Misses', Boys and
Children's Underwear.
Heavy weight, untton fleeced, all sizes
silk taped
Lize 16. ioc, 5c rise per size.
10c Misses'. Boys and Children's
Wool Underwear.
All wool, good weight, silk taped, full
Size. 16, ioc, 5c rise per size.
Ladies' Winter Shirt Waists.
,A. good weight satin waist, fancy cord
stitching, red, blue nnd black,
Regular 4.50, Special $2.25.
Ladies Mercerized Satin Waists.
Red, black nnd blue, fanny pleated
back and front, latest cut sleeves nnd
collar, a good garment for wear.
Kegular$2.75, Special $1.38.
Ladies Flannel Waists.
Four colms, 'xtid 'in-ivy woI'Un, fan
cy cord stitched fiont, fn icy button?,
nicely made,
Regular $3.25, Special $1.65.
Ladies Flannel Waists.
Four colors, one of our hnt garments
nicely trimmed with satin cord, fancy
buttons, lntet cut sleeves, a very
heavy weight waist,
Regular $3.50, Special $1.75.
Ctiristmas Prices 01 Dates, Iie;si, ItjLtsa,
Grapes, Candy, Oranges, JSto.
Candy, good mixed, sijc per pound. Pure candy, 8c per pound.
Fancy Cream candy, 9c per pound. Nuts, 12A to 18c per pound.
Lowney's, O'Leary'sand Lockwoods fancy candies in &, lib and 2 lb boxes.
eiheago Iiamber Yard,
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
The Ghief , $1 per year,
k fc il i
TnAot Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anrono tending a (kclrb and description tnT
qulcklr nirertnln our opinion free wliclhor n
Infontlon probably na(cntatlo. Cotiimunlra.
iioiisairiciiroonoaeiitiui. iinnabooicnnratcuU
lent (reo. l1eit aitencr fursocurinirpatenu.
rutenu taken ibrouBli Maun & Co. rocel
II A i
tjxctalrwtlce. without chnrue. lutfio
Scientific fltticricnn
A hnnJsomply llluntraled wpellr.
Ijirceit dr.
dilution of anr sclentlOn Journal. 'J trim, II a
vcAri four tnontlii. tl. Sold bvalt nftwailrailcni.
Wauled nt onco a "him
mnstcr to lunrn n fow "modest"
bucks how lo (lance.
When n ninn retires from business it
nioajiil' Unit tho rest of Ills life he will
bu iirsnmebody elso'.s wny.
A Wisconsin wo inn n riivo birth to
tiv bffVR tccontly, and s.iid nhu had
only fpun prnyin for triplets.
When u man coos to writing sonti-
mentnl poetry hit wifo ought to begin
nn invest lotion s to the cause.
It only when a man is running for
olilco that be becomes alanned for tho
walfare of his country. At other limes
he is perfectly sanguine.
In tho bnrbaraus countries the peo
ple fight nnd then get married, while
in tho civilized countiies the people
get married and then light
If '.ho Darwin theory, llu.' tvory man
is tho tlceeadant of h nionky, is cor
rect, wo know some men who arc not
much credit to their ancestors.
Nobody has ever jet discovered a
girl with a small wa!bt who did ut
think sho could haro it smaller yot
without feeling uneomfoi table.
Some men who Imvo an nleii thnt
they uro going to set the wmld allro
in ronlity haro not tiuough mnbilion to
stmt u tiro in Mm kitchon stove.
Tho Sunday M'liools of tho city tiro
receiTingnow additions to their mem
bership now days. Tho sinnll boy is
getting ready for thu holiday fcsiivi-Hies.
There nro times when there is more
religion in rolling ui ones sleeves and
going in work, than there is in a dra
matic prayer bosido an empty Hour
lied Cloud is looking up. A danc
ing school, a mandolin club, a homo
talent minstrel show, and rumor of a
new brick hotel. Stand up for Red
When a fellow has to mako up his
mind between getting married and go
ing to the "pen" it is a mighty tough
proposition and he don't know which
ono to go up against.
AJled Cloud mother has hit upon a
novel scheme fer getting her daughters
in early. Sho makes the last one ia at
nighl get up first in the morning and
got tho family breakfust.
A young lady wants to know "if It is
truo that kissing will euro freckles?"
Wo don't know for sure but it is such
a simple remedy that it is easily ti iod.
Call after business houis.
It is almost forgotten that Johnny
Crans nnd tho rest of tho boys prom
ised -vhon they relumed they would
hiio n hull anil givn their experience nt
C'ipo Nomo. Probably they ure wait
ing until tho now nuditoiium is built.
Now that tho evening passenger
trains meet here it would bo n good
idea for the 1). & M. to donnto a goed
headlight or two to light up the plat
form. It would only take a little ell
nnd tbey would only havu to bo lit a
BhorJ. time.
Tho walking match was such a suc
cess that it is still being 'talked ef.
What's the matter with having an
other one nnd eaqb business man who
receives n benefit from a crowd being
hero givo something from his stock as
a prize, Tho women might be given a
chance to wnlk too.
From a Kansas town comos tho re
port thnt n minister nnnnuncod from
liis pulpit that ho would net preach
another sermon until his buck salary
hid been paid up to date. Ho is evi
dently tin up to date minister. If ho
goes out on a strike tho pnrlshouers
nro wondering if ho will call out tho
other preachers "on sympathy."
The young men who stand around
the church doors uu cutth, uufilug
cigaretto smoke, watching people como
out and smilingoii the girls in naomitlc
sort of wny, will someday hangnround
the gates of heaven, while the decent
people go in, nnd tho first thing they
knew, the gato is shut forovur and they
will have to get accomodations else
where. Sam Jones says thnt hu hoped thnt
when tho whiskey trust got hold of
whiskey tho pi ice would go up so high
thnt a poor man could not nfford to
drink it. Tho poor man cannot nfTord
todiink whisky no matter how low
tho price. It Is n ruinous hnbit for any
mna, i ich or poor, and as useless and
degrading as tho opium or morphine
hnbit di Ink beer.
In a publiu discussion between two
candidates inKnntucky tho Hi st speaker
hnd mude n masterly argument, and nt
the closo of his efforts hu snt dawn
nmid the enthusiastic npplauso of half
ftholnige audience. But whon tho
other fellow tose to speak ho simply
said: "Will all yotno follows wot's go
ing to veto for mo jluo mo at tho bar in
tho room below?" And ho wns tho
man who got the total vote of the en
tire audioncu.
Tho town of Geneva Is agitating tho
Urination of a stock company for the
building of an auditorium. Why can't
Ucd Cloud do the samo? It could bo
built with a stage and used as an oporn
house. It could bo used for dances,
lectures. public speaking, etc. Tho bus
iness man who thinks such n building
will draw additional Undo to tho town
and has $200 tr ."00 to put into a good
interest bearing investment should
start the ball rolling. One man has
already stated that ho would help such
a project along to tho oxtont of $300.
Tho levised book of rulos nboutto ho
issued by tlm Burlington contains two
rules which will bu now to the employes,
although it has been understood for
years thnt while theso rules wore not
published in tho book they were effect
ivo just tho samo. They follow:
"Uso of intoxicants byflmplovcs while
on duty Is prohibited. Their habitual
use or the frpquontimg of saloons where
they nro sold Is sufllcont cause for dis
missal. "The uso of tobacco by omplows in
or about station buildings or on passen
ger cars is prohibited."
While going homo tho other night
one of our townspooplo was somewhat
worked up by discovering through a
win Jew what he thought was a fieak.
It had all the appearancos of a two
headed person, or two heads uu one
pairaf shoulder. Ho wont cloier to
examino tho supposed freak, and then
the dog barked. When tho dog barked
he soon discovered thnt the extra head
had sheuldeis of its own, which had
evidently boon a victim of temporary
paralysis. Thu ou-lookur rubbed his
eye i, said "huh", hugged u nenrby
tiee, and thou started for homo on n
dog trot softly whistling "Pull Down
the Winds."
A young mini callod on u young lady
ono evening last week and was sonio
wluit shocked when hu was told by her
mother that film was out in tho kitchen
washing dishes, and to go "right on out
nnd boo her." llu went through a very
neat dining room and into u kitchen
equally neat and clean, and found
her with her sleeves tolled up and
working away at a dishpau full of
dirty chinaware. Sho looked bo woll
at tho task that hu nsked her to be his
own on tho spot. This didn't happen
in ucd Cloud. J he facts in tho case
precludo the existence of such n thing
Had it been hero the young lady's
"maw" would bavo bees washing thu
dishes and the young lady would have
been in tho parlor playing the "pianno"
or looking out of the front window for
n chanco that went by,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
tattueen to health of the present day.
aovAi bjuhho rowot oo., niw yobk.
0. P. Sawyer died December fi, nt 7
o'clock In tho morning. Funeral wa
holdThuistlay, DccomborOthnt tOn.m.
Perry Sawyer ns ho was usually called
was ono of the old sottlors of this
I). O. Leith bought nuother hunch of
horses here tho lint of tho week.
A sister of K. h. nnd Geo. W. Hagan
arrived from low.i Wcdnosday oven
Tho supper at Colviu's hall Wednes
day night wns well attended consider
ing thu weather.
11. Nicholson of Sup'orior was in
town Wednesday.
An axle on a coal car broke one-half
milo east of town Thuisday morning.
A good number from this sido of the
river attended tho snlo at Chris. Col
umbia's Thursday.
Piopeity sold well at Chas. E.
Vnughu's sale Tuesday. Cows 110 per
head; young calves $8; yearlings f32 00.
It is rumored that Guide Hock is
sending out inoro uuvassers than amy
town of its size in tho vnlley. Why
should it not, it is the bust town. Win.
Heed will sell nicdli'in."-; A. H. Jones
stork food nml G. it. K.iimusson nur-
sory stock.
Enrl Tciirhwniiii nnl"l from Em
poiia, Kansas, WediieMlm 'light.
m i
Constipation lends to I'ver trouble,
nnd torpid liri- m Wight's disease.
Prickly Ash Hiner,s is a certain our
nt any stage of the dNurtlT. For tale
by C. 1. Cottinp.
Purify tiie sowers of tho blood and
stimulate tha dlgcstivu organs to main
tain health, strength nnd energy.
Prickly Ash Hitters is a tonio for the
stomach, liver.Mdneysnnd bowels. For
enlo by O, U, Coiling
Tho various stores of this city pre
!smt a very gay holiday appear. .,
( A person has no troublo iu securing a '
deniable piosont. I
For a J
I next
i go to )
? J. o w
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wmzvww'ww " wwywwwwtivw msmmmmrmmwitmmmimwr-
mtmmaAntmm.t.ta piumi
W.E3, Prop., ,,
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