;i .& rv I I. ft' K h M i.' lis ft ! ! if vi KCl VJ V u i $ I 'i ' , 5TTTE7Dl?Tr:jcyjf ront.jonm it w. li. McMillan. 0d yeftt i ..... i 1100 Sii month , ... vi PUBLISHED EVRHY PUIDAV Sntered t the pom office at lied Cloud. Neb.M ccondcUiimftll matter. ADVKHTI81NO HATKS: tccal ndTettlilng 6 cenla per lino per Uiue. local AdrertUIng (or cnttrulnnwnU, con ictt. nodal, etc., lven bj churchei, chrluble inriiilp. etc.. where all monCTt rlMd thero- from are uicd wholly for church or charltablo tocletle, flrt ten linen free anil aiioTarteu line 3Vi cent per lino per lime. Local adrertlilng of entertainment!, concern, recital, etc., where per rent la given to pro moter!, 5 ccnU per lino per Uaiie. nmn.AT AivKnTiiNi. .. I. . mji. ill, . ..ll 111 uud ruiiiiiiu j'vi iiiwMi .......- n.A ti.lf nnlnmtl Ivltf month . ....... l WJ One fourth column per month.............. .... 1 75 General dliplay adTcrtlilng I 8 centa per Inch perlixue. Itll-O, the New Dtuert, pleases nil tho fnnilly. Four flavors: l.etnon, nrnnRu, rrtapborrj nnd sirnw. berry. At your urocois. 10 tits Tiy it totlny. Tin soripturo suys: "Ho l wnrso thwn nu liiHtlu! wh proviilcth not for bis own household." Tho fusion press throughout tho country is belittling It self by trying f mnico Its renders bo liovo that tho election wus won by up pcnling to tho people's stomnchs nithor than their reasons nnd hearts. Demo crnts hnvo nlwnys been known to get real rotison and goodsunso badly mixed up with jingoism. Sonntor Allen has twice been reject ed by tho pcopU of his stntf. In 1898 lie made u careful canvass of Ncbrnska and labored linnl for tho election of a fusion legislature Hn was turned down. Tho dentil of Senator Hay ward gavo 1 im a second lrcso of Hfo at the hands of Governor I'oynter who np pointed hint to III', tho vacnncy. The lato lection gave him a second turn down and it hn desires U servo the people ho will return to his practico ( law and possibly seek a position as dis trict judgo in his own judicial district In reply to an inquiry b to whnt should bo dono to restore tho demo cratic party, Sonator Catchings of Mis isslppl, says: "Drop free- silver, drop fusionisin, drp tho cry of government by Injunction, drop tho cry of imper ialism and militarism, drop nil dis cussion about tho Philippines until poaco has been restored, drop appeals to the passions and prejudices of tho idlo and discontented." All of which is very wise advice. Tho query that suggests lisolf however, is: "What would be left of the democratic party If all theso things wero dropped?" Tho democratic party has produced some of the nation's greatest states men, Itlsto the advantage of tho people that the two parties alternate iu cou trol of national affuiis, as one is a check on the other; but populisn has never been popular, and It never will be. A populist Is an agricultural anar chist. A populist ib a man who declares that industry is discreditable; that thilft Is a crime, and respectability suspicious. Amcrirans do a great deal of grumbling, but they will novr sub mil to Dopulism in the nation, for it would moan national dishonor. Thou sands of thoughtless people will cheer for repudiation, but repudiation is a Horloim thing; a tutlon cannot alTord it. W. J. llrynn is a populist. Atchi son (ilobe. So many questions havn been asked concerning Mr. Hrynn's vote iu his pre cinct, ward anil county that tho nllici al ligurcfl have been ting out of tho recor.ts. Tliu following i.s tho otllciat returns of the last election compared with tint vote of 181)0: 1SU0 181K) M'lvl Hi 'ii M'K Hr'n l'ri'ulnut Ward City.. Count v.. J03 UU 4102 TOOT. 10(J VM frill 8'2J 2S0UI !J848 o077 0i GoOB litt 511 2830 CO 77 It will bu seen that in nil uavo tho county, which, curiously enough, gavo llrynn exactly as many votes as four years ago, the democratic candldato received a few moro vetes. MclCinley, however, received an enoimous num ber of additional votes, thus greatly increasing his pluralities. Four years ao McKlnUy carried Urjfftu's election precinct by 00; this your by .102. Ho carried tho ward in 1690 by 317; this year by 402. Ho car ried tho city in 1800 by 1012; this year by 1,501. Hu carried tho county by 899; this year by 1888. Stato .Journal. A Out for ouaavISUee. Another treatment of suako-bites Is now added to the long list of entries that liave come from many countries. It is said that tho natives of Australia have comparatively little fear of snake biUa. They keep always at hand a piece of Btrlng mado of human hair. This string Is tied tightly three or four Indies above the bite, a small circle an eighth of an inch deep is cut around the two fang punctures with a knife, nnd the largest vein below the blto Is silt to allow the blood to run out. The labt btugoof this heroic treatment Is the turning on of a atream of water to tho affected rmrt and thu rubtilnir down steadily of tho limb for about twenty minutes. t'limuurgh wispatcli. " almost Forgot ten Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut of Their Littleness, Some of tho boys have heard of the lawyer who said hn was the coming man. Tho coming man now is called 8. Clntis. Two men who hare already arrived and hnvo come to stay for a few months aro named Tom and Jerry. Many of our citizens will get intimately acquainted with tlum dur ing their stay. Some of thorn will re grct tho acquaintance for a short sea son but will want to renew old friend ship again. Tho summer girl has gone but buckwheat cakes and maplu syi up are horo to tako their place The ilrst of tho year is coming and it is a good time to settle up every Utile, floating debt. While yen are doing this i. member thnt llttln floating debt 3011 owe u on subscription. Those owing two, three, four and llvu years prefer red. Now Years promises aro so haul to keep and so often broken that a good man of this town has ptouiijcd himself to bo more wicked thin ever just to seo what the effect will be. Ulrla mny think thero is no harm iu an innocent llirtatiou and thciu Is none, but thero is no such thing as an "inno cent flirtation." This is whnt a Kan sas editor says of It: "A flirtation added to n girl's education is like brushing tho down from the peach, robbing tho rose of its perfume, tak ing pretty tineonseiouincs from tho baby, etc., etc. Then girls should hear what men say about a lllrt; men aro mighty menu. There Is no danger, pariiculaily, in tho man who wrinkles his forehead up and down, but beware of thu man who wrinkles it east and west, ho Is a killer." It is wonderful what a largo amount of money a news paper is supposed to get out of tho campaign funds, etc., beforo election and how really little it tloiii got for tho extra expuuso and troublo it goes to in booming candidates. Talking in this lino how very seldom is n nowspaper man recognized when it :mes to tho distribution e-f tho loaves and fishes. In tho distribution of positions under the now administration of tho state's affairs the nowspnpor man will bo iu it like 10 to 1. There aro s many yellow hammers who "saved tho stnto" who want a position that tho editors aro afraid to ask for their duos for fear thoy will bo placed in tho samo class. A Yankee girl hai discovered that a piece ef sand paper tied to each ankle will produce a good imitation of the frou frou of a fifteen dollar silk skirt. Whasa god-send this will bo t her best follow whoa he wants to light his cigar in wet weather. Now that it is getting cold weather and you feel lone some and don't know where to go for nmusomont your mind enn revert to the fact of how pleasant it would be if we had an auditorium or opera houso where one could enjoy a good play for a few hours. Of cotirso yon can ge to the saloon, tho club or the (p. d ) and pass your evenings, but thero aro many of our citizens who are not partial to any of theso. Let your children find amusement at night In tho back alleys and when your farmer customers come to town to spend an evening point out tho placo where they can get rid of ineirroauy money tne quickest. Un Thanksgiving dny it has been ananged to liuvf- n ten mile fren Nr nil wilting uiilcliin ihi cltv Dim fat, ih l.-an, tlm rich and the pom- c;in go inm this on an equal fooling The ice men have given way to the coal men who are now raking iu the shekels, the for mer howtver nro making r-ady for the harvest and will hn ready to do up their patrons next summer Accord ing to a Into decision of tho supreme court it will bo Judgo Kdson for the next yonr. NO MAIN IS STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH. The stomach is the vital center of the IkxIj-, It is the organ from which nil other organs are fed. A weak stomach means a weak man. There never was a strong man with a weak stomach. What is called "weak stomach" is iu general a diseased condition of the stomach nnd other organs of digestion and nutrition, which prevents the proper digestion of the food which is taken into the stom ach, and so reduces the nutrition of the Inxly. When all food is taken away the body starves. When the food eaten is only digested and assimilated lu part it only nourishes the body in part, and so the Ixxly is parUy starved. And this starvation is felt iu every organ of the body dependent on the blood which is made (rani food. The great variety of the cures per formed by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is due to its remarkable power to heal diseases of the stomach and allied organs. It cures through the stomach diseases seemingly remote, but which have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutrition, "Weak" heart, lungs, kidneys and weak ueM of other organs is cured with the cure of the weak stomach. Mr. Tliomat A. Swart, noi joi. Substation C. Colunitm, Ohio, writrs! i wui taken very nick with severe htrjilnche, then cramp in the atomach, mul fbtxl would not dlRcst, then kklncy ft ml liver trouble, and my Kick tfot weak a I could cnrceVy Ret around. The more I iloclorctl the worse I Rot until U yrnr piuseil. I hud In come so jxKirly I could only walk in the home by the aid of a chair, and t cot so thin I had I i-m up la die, thinking that I could not be cured. Then one of mv neighbors said, 'Take Ur. fierce' l.oliien Medical Discovery and make a new man out of yourself. The fust bottle helped me o I thnuzht I would Ret another, and after I had taken cuht bottk-i 1 wa welched and found I nail valued twentv-seven (;) llu. iu about nix week I have done more hard work lu the jw-t eleven luotitlm than I did iu two year before, and 1 am a stout and healthy to-d.iy, I think, as I ever was." Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. : MS '.zrA Areetr.r.ir:i T to -nrv t t r r r T T rT t t $ AA A IT I! F - h- 2 V JL. A. Mmmmm .11 K r 11 A -- ffrn. M. A. r V ij Hi W M At no time has any store offered you such prices as wc now offer you. Our big reductions during this sale is of M -.-. tfiJ-nl imnnrrnnro t-n rrn oc 5 enmni-icnc an mnmi flilnrci ,im, rrrA nmo V-. nnn..-.. JM ft 0 ft iJ to to vital importance to you as it comprises so many things you need now. You cannot afford to stay away from our store. We Invite Inspection. We Urge Comparisons. FROM SATURDAY TO SATURDAY. I SflltE-Hovember 24 to Deeember 1 Inclusive. to to Stt Sell at any cost the order of the week. m & aaadaaiadadAjadaaAaaaAaAaaAad'jAdAAAAAd .-'''''-''"ii-''jpjf-jjiv'Jj,s.2.;a.a.3;a,a.2r3r3.3rar3r3.3.sra.z.3:a.a. zs B33333'3&'&333&a $&&&&&&&fe&fe. ittttfcttfct.'fcfcsr nr. .iv - " "-" " " .- . m . ok- - o. k- o k o- -- k vok, Bk. .. W m m m m m w m (0 m m m m m (n m m m m m m m m m m m m m i Wednesday and Saturday " wo offer Dress Linings Free. 0 yards cambric. '2 yard duck. 'J yards waist lining. 1 spool thread. 1 set hooks and eyes. With every (Inns pattern at fiOj per yard or better. Our entlic tnck of new a a.souablu merchandise to choose ft out. Extraordinary sale of UNDERWEAR. We put tho knife In dpcpoi and deeper cadi wsek. Men's fleece lined pants and thirts 2!)o Men's extra heavy wool lleecu mi- .derwear . .. 4.1 Men's silk linish tiudHrwaiir .. .S1.00 Children' camel hair vests and pants any size whilr thy hint .. 12J Woman's llceced underwear. . 2rc Women's (Ueccd rihhed tiuderwar 45o Women's fleeced undcreat . . . . GOu Special prices u union suits atSSc, 50d and 91 00. CALICOES. Blacks and reds . 4c Mack and white 5u Hluo and white . . fie Gray nnd white ,. ... 5o All stitndatd weavos. CRASH. (Jroy colten crash Do Unbleached llnon,crnsli 7o Unhlt-achsd linen crash .... 10c Unhlcached linon crash , 12o llle.ached linen crash ... Hi Bleached linen crash l!li liltachcd linen crash Outing Flannels. Light colors 5c. Dark colors Go, 0c, 8c, Dc and 10c. Not tho dull dead or tho gaudy glaring horrors you tiud offered as bai gains. FLANNKLK ITKS-Special bargain at Gc, 7Jc and 10,!. INDIAN HEAD MUSLIN "At n little more than half price per yurd, Gc, to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Jackets and Capes. 127, Indict black Kersey, mercerized sat teen lining, sizes 32, 34 38. repular prlco 37 00, saU pile . , ...... 480, isret kersey, merci'iizd sattecn lining sizes 32,31, rcgulat price 7.00, sale price 470, castor and bluo grey korsev, mercer ized satien lining, sizus 82 31, legular nrice $7.50, sal prico ... 470, red kersey, plain Skinner satin lining sizs 32, 30, rtgular prico $11, salo price 400, castor ketsey, Skinner satin lining, sizes 82, 30, reuular pri c $12, sale prlco 00 . . ....,. , ( ..,- r. . . - CIIIU ('. 1 372, caster krr. mtrccrizt'd sattecn Hn- to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Hi sizes 30 38, regular prico S10, salo price I- to to to to to to to to in , sizes .Ji, 83. rcEUlar wrico elO 00. salo price . ... 480, caster keisoy, Skinner satin lining, d.f" 82 39, regular price $12.50, sale price 430, red Kcrsoy,applai'att'immi'l, Skinner satin lining, sizes 82 84, tegular pike $12 50, sale price 430, caster kersey, npplacii iiiniiiied. Skinner satin lining, sizes21 30 38, reg ular price 812 GO, Mile pi ice 400. caster k.-tx-y, applac.i trimmed, Skinner satin lining, Mza 31, regular pi ice $14 00, salo price 403, Havana brown kersey, applaca trim med; Skinner satin lining, sizes 34, 30, regular price $12 GO, salo price .. . 370 caster kersey, fur trimmed, Skinner sal in lining, size 32, regular price $12 GO salo price 888, caster kersey, fur trimmed, Skinner satin lining, size 32, regular price $17 00 ale prico 100 2504, caeter kersey, npplaca trimmtd Skinner i-atiti lining, size 34, regular prico $1250, sale price 403, Havana brown korsey, nppiaca trim med, skinner silk lining, size 34, regu lar price $15 00, sale prico . .... 450, black hoiicle, mercerized sateen lin ing, sizes 34, 30, 40, regular prico 87 CO, sale prico . . . . , 707, crushed pluh cape, beaded, Thihbet fur on Hilne, mercorizi'd atcen lininir C 00 5 75 10 ll 00 7 G5 10 00 10 00 111 00 10 50 10 00 0 50 12 GO 0 50 11 00 5 75 JAfc. eeeeeeeeeeeeti 40, plain plush cape, Thibbet fur on edgo Kaileme satin lined, sizf s ,J8 10, regular price $12, salo price 700, plain plush cape, Thibbet fur on eduo mercerized sateen lined, size 3033, regu lar prico 810, sale prico 728, crushed plush cape, Thibbet fur on edge, mercerized sateen lining, 30 88 40 42, regular price $18 GO, salo prico 10 T57, plain plush capo, bear fur on edge, mercerized satin linod, sizes 4 as, regu lar prico $10 00, salo price 503, hoticle cloth cape, Thibhot fur on edge, mercerized sal ecn lining, sizes 34 ,5U 38, regular price $4 uu, salo prico 0 00 7 05 00 8 50 2 70 m o (ft m (t (ft (ft (V (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (n (ft A W to MARVELOUS 0 Dress Goods Sale to AT JUST HALF PIUCE, On these two days we plaoo on our center table the following dress and many others at just one-half original price. One piece, bluo and brown wool uoveltv, 00c par yard, selling at half the price. Ono piece wool plaid novelty, 75c per yard, salting at half tho price. Ono piece blacu serge, 25c per yard, selling at half the price. One pioeo green mixed wool novelty, 00c per yard, sulliug at half tho prico. One piece Ditrplo and check flannel, 50c per yard, selling at half the price. Ono pioco groy aid brown novelty cashmere,, 50c por ynrd, solliog at half tho price. Ono pieco of red and bluo nixed nov elty, 50c por yard, selling at half tho price. Ono piece black sorgo, 30c por yard, selling tor half tho prico. Fifty to 75 piecos in nil on displny at ono-half prico. WAISTS. At less than Actual Cost. GO tt W $5 00 satin waists fy 4 GO satin waists U 1 00 satin waists Wf 4 00 Frtnch iiannol waists y 3 GO French flan not waists. -i- 2 50 French Ihnnol waists... (ft (ft $3 GO . 3 25 2 75 . 2 75 . 2 50 . 1 09 Fascinators. (ft Wo have have a big lino of fascinators wo wisn to ci big reductions, ft wo wish to closo out at exceptionally (ft f MEN'S GLOVES-Special prices Hy, men' gloves at o, 4qo. Ooc and fe on 00c. (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft m (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ,w ?3??????rrr(t:rr999397399993?999399999993-?3333S3S9 'rm - , . . . . oz. ffjl Overshoes for men, women and children at less prices than anyone else is showing for similar goods. Special tti (f reductions in shoes and hosiery. Farmers bring us pour produce. You will find we have a better market for (ft butter and eggs than other merchants Lrrge and complete line of groceries at the right prices. b Nebraska Mercantile Company h THE PEOPLE'S POPULAH BARGAIX STOKE. ft ft,C'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'C,g'g',g'g'frC'CC'g'frmfrfrfrg,&''g'mm'C,g'C'C'frfr''',',''''fc' PLATT & FREES CO.. eiheago kumber Yard, RED CLOUD. NKHUASKA. Lumber, Lime. Goal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IX LUMBER AND COAL touilcliiati material, Etc. RED CLOUD. Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" U H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EVERT STOCKMAN AND FARMER. Hotr man;- or you liavo lost tho price of this EtiRlno In ono day on account ot to sufficient wind io icruto j our wind mill, leaving jour stock without water. Oot ono now to do your pumping when thoro U no wind or to do It rr-'ulurl". Weathor doos not HtTtHit Its orl,, hot or colli, wot or dry. wind or vnlm, It Itt a . iho mitna to this machine Will nlo sholl com, grind tvt, suw wood, churn touttar nnd Is hundy (or a hundred other lobs, In tho liniiMi or on tho farm. Oostn uothlnit to Iceon when not working, and onlp 1 to S cents por hour when working. Shipped cnmplutoly ttet up, ready to run. no founda lion needed, ii giwit lulior nnd money Mivor. Itomilres pritctlrally no nttontlnn, nnd la absolutely safe. Wo miike nil alios of Omollno liiiglnoi. from li to"5 Uorne powor. Wrlto or clrcnlur and epochil prices. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.. OCDAHA. NEB. W. B. ROBY, DEALKR IK Flour, Peed, Oats, Corn, Bated Hay and Coat Oil. HARD - AKTJD - SOIOD - COAL. No. i Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. City Dra and bxpress Line. B. inC. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city, " Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. The Chief, $i per year,