The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 23, 1900, Image 1

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' 5
-vault . .-,. fHMw ...... .., -,,. . j-t--.1tBCrjaaMaTw?.iiT-iS,rrra!5SifcS--x33- ......
JBM awjflSsssPsssslsssaffljLj lllITjalalnf gWMalCTasssss. VSSS HsBBBBBSsfPKElStinmiBBBBBBBB
MBpWjJJ P ). J! . . tlZj"' r"TFf Hr '- SMJByl.ifflf BirriaMLaBBBBHKiHrg ' MJW T WMMffliPff'KllaMBBM
Special values
selected here and therd
from our stock no better.!
.values than hundreds of other items, but they showi
;you the prices and the kind of vulues that makes this ,;
"tne store to patronize.
We are assured of your inter
est here as we show many new
ideas. Thcv are the best quali
ties,the swellest ideas from the
best makers, but the price places
them within the reach of all.
Ladies 27 Inch Suits pluHli cipe, q .-"
Thlbbei fur trimmed, special JpO.OU
All wool Kntwy Jacket, sntin lined gunrnuteed
to wear two season, colors brown ,,-, ,. -.
and black, was 810.00, now ip I .OU.
All wool hrsey Jacket, satin lined, guaranteed
t wear two siuniii, colors black, 4,q r--v
bluo anil ontoi . wan 812 CO, now JpO.OU.
All wool Keisey JacKCt, silk serge lined in
blues uud uasloij, was 89.00, -
iimv JpO.OU.
All woal K"rsoy Jncki't, silk talTcta .,- n cr.
lined, blue only, was $10.00, now pj fC.OKJ
All wool Kersey Junket, silk lined, g.iuranteed
t wear tw seasons, black only,- n ..
was 810 00, now pl&.UU.
An all cotton blanket, size 56x72
inches, tan, white and gray, fan
cy border, good weight, sold here
at 40c.
A heavier weight at 65c.
Another special $1 blanket in
brown and gray mottled, fancy
borders, as heavy as most deal
ers get $1.25 for.
Other grades at $1.25 to $2.00
in all cotton.
Union blankets at $2.00, $2.50
and $3.00.
All wool blankets $3.00 to $10.
The latest styles and novelties
in ladies winter waists. 5 dozen
to be sold at half price.
$2.25 for a good weight satin waist
blue, red and black, former price
$1.38 for the mercerized satine waist
in red, black and blue, former
price $2.75.
$1.65 for flannel waists, 4 colors,
special weight, former price, 3.25.
$1.75 for flannel waists, four colors
special weight, former price 3.50.
65c for flannelette waists, 6 patterns,
former price $1.25.
75c for flannel waists former price
Our stock is running low on the
No. 1453 that we are selling at
40c. This cannot be duplicated
at the price. It is a full made,
full weight, silk taped garment
wool fleeced, bought to retail at
Soc, but sold at 40c while they
Same quality ladies goods 40c.
Ladies jersey knit, regular 30c,
special at 25c.
Children's fleeced, size 16 at
ioc, 5c rise per size.
Children's cotton, size 16 at 3c,
3c rise per size.
Children's all wool, size 16 at
8c 5c rise per size.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Hoard of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment, present, W.
A. May, chairman ana Win. Irons,
Geo. P. Webber, Jeioine Vanco and J.
(J. Overman.
Petition to open road botwecn sec
tions 32 a nil 33-10 read and referred to
J-froiuo Vance,
Pctitinnofl), II. L'lirick and others
for an appropriation of 8200 for giad
,ing road wns road and roforred to Irons
and Overman.
Petition to appropriate 810 to giade
oast lino of tho northwest quarter of
section 23 8-12 was read and referred
to Irons and Overman.
Petition of A. Koats and others to
open up road commencing at tho
northwest corner of 31-1-10 and 80-1-11
was granted and board grants A. Hosts
830. to movo.fonce off right of way.
Petition of J. W. Mclntyro to open
road commencing at tho northoast cor
nur of section 34 and running south
one mile between sections 84 and 35-1-11
w is referred to Vance and Overman..
K. U. Overman appeared before the
board and exhibited his certificate of
olection and requested that theytlx
tho amount of his bond to be given as
county attorney of Webster county,
and upon niotl in tho amount of said
bond was fixed at 82,000.
Petition of Jas. K, Tambon and oth
ers to open road commencing at the
southwest corner of sootion 81 5 0 in
Clay county and continuing to the
northeast corner of section 1-1-0 in
Webster county was presented and
read and referred to W. A. May.
Petition to open road commencing
at tho southwest corner of section 31-1-10
and running east between tcutioii
30 and 31, one mile, wae retorted to
Jerome Vanco.
Petition to opeii road commencing at
tho notthwest corner of section 35,
running south one milu on section linn
botweou sections 3!5 and 30-2-10, was
presented and read and tefcrrwl to
Jerome Vance.
Petition to opon road commencing nt
the noi th west coi tier of tho northwest
quarter ofo Section 5 2-11 to tho
southwest corner of tho southwest
quarter of section 32-3-11 was granted.
Hoard adjourned to meet November
14 at 0 a. ni.
Hoard motNovembor 14 pursuant to I
adjournment, with all mambers and Cloud City
Henry Wnit, C. W. Co winy.
Tho county iiea-uter wns mi liorizod
to accept U111 t.ica on lots 1, 1(1 tnd 12
block 27, less 1 lie illegal city taxes foi
tho year 1804 nnd 1895 and receipt tho
sumo in full.
The county clerk was authorial to
issue n warructon the county general
fund in favor of tho county Measurer
for 1000.37 to balanco tho account of
tho defunct StiUe II ink .f lilue Hill.
On motion ihe coMmut wlili J. 11,
Mercer n it-garil to luu collection of
delii quttni. tavis was reconsidered aud
laid over until the next iiieeiing,
Tne following a 111 cm I ootids wero ap
proved. George llapitn, assessor.
E. U. Overman, county attorney.
A. Urady, road overscoi Dist. 18.
F, Crow, road overseer, Dist. 1. h-t
Clarouoo ltood, justice of peace, Red
osltien including fixtures and safe, on
the 20th day of Outober, and agreod
Hint tho present lease expires on that
date, theieforo bo it,
Resolved, that the action of Win. A.
May as committee bo approved, tho
salo confirmed nnd docd ordered, and
ho bo authorized aud instructed to
convey the said premises to tho said
Kdward Mclirido by warranty deed
Petition of Joo Pavelka asking that
820 be expended on the section lino
between sections 33 31 nnd 27 28 8-11
referred to J (J. Overman.
The following claims were allowed:
K Peter. Jtidireot election t 4 00
J It Crary 7 SO
II PConcer 4 00
Houry Qllhani 4 Oil
( II Kuloy 4 00
Fred Maurer 8 SJ
A II Carpenter 4 00
J KVanlljkp 4 00
Jus BiU'len 0 40
Hoio Wilson , S3)
August IIujcIiow 4 00
A Kuplsch 4 00
M D Konyoti 4 00
UK drchnrd 100
B W Tattle BOO
1 Hauler 4 00
J It Mattocks 4 00
W II Outline HSO
II J Urlnkenn 4 00
A 1irapman 4 00
II Plluilson 4 00
WTFIsuer 8 00
JHCrOiler 4 00
TJJonei 400
MCFnlton 4 00
Onciir l'ctcrson 8 ft)
J K Islington 4 10
AU Wbrnt -.. 4 00
TJ Ward 4 00
FN Hlohardson 4 00
Uli (Iroat 4 CO
Kd tlllfonl TOO
II W Fowler 4 00
II Mlopln 4 00
D.1 Mjors 0 10
J N l'oji 4 00
It II Kultoil 4 01
Job Hoocl II II)
H I.lnclKrott 4 00
CM llrown 4 00
l!K Cod rod 7 40
A.I KelRWln 4 00
J D Chrlsman 4 00
Wit ltyker 7 70
dins Molluy 4 00
HO Wolr 4 00
(leoF I'opo 4 0o
Frank Ales 4 00
EJ Puterton H 00
8 H'renson 4 00
C Halter 4 00
JV Hacker 4 00
Io Detruan, clerk 4 00
KM (latber 4 00
AV Uneker 4 TO
WAKenadr 4 00
WUlejThrockmartlQ 4 00
WmMaokey 4 00
Ed Hilton 4 00
WABhetekek 4 00
Al MeCllntock 4 00
OIMIirvey 4 00
WliTborne 4 00
J P Duffy 4C0
Austin Itllby 4 CO
Geo Itoae 4 06
Osuar Ferdinand 4 00
Jno Steedam S 00
Mike Htroble SCO
Arthur 0drich 4 00
Jlio Foritaton ', ft CO
ICH Vanco liM
Julian Nelson 17 Ml
Jan Mol'artlnnd 3 00
OI) lledKO IV 7.1
.Ins M0Iuto.l1 ...., 17 M)
TS Hbnnklli !H1 00
.) WColibs.tH :i 00
II 'J Iiocklmrt, Jn.'il ft Oti
JooTnylor 'JO .15
Chris .lorlnaun 21)00
A Vllor lHfiO
A llrndy , HI 111
,HERE arc women everywhere who suffer almost con
stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell
nil about their Ills to a physician.
Such women can uuroly explain their symptoms and their
suffering; by letter to Mrs. Pinkhniu at Lynn, Mass., for the con
fidence reposed in licr uas never ueen
violated. Over a million women have
been helped by her advice and medicine.
Mrs. Pinkham in attending to her vaBt
correspondence is assisted by women
only. If you are ill, don't delay. Her
reply will cost you nothing and it will be a
nrnctical help as it was to Miss Eixa E.
Brennkk, East Rochester, Ohio, who says: I shrunk from
the ordeal of examination by our physician, yet I knew I must
have treatment. My troubles were backache, nervous tired
feeling, painful menstruation ana
leucorrhecn. I am so grateful
to you now that I am willing to
have my name published to help
other girls to take their troubles
to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound used as you wrote
mo has made mo entirely well
and very happy. I shall bless
you as long as I live."
Mrs. Pinkham receives thou
sands of such letters from grate
ful women.
Miss Nellie Russell, of
138 Grace St., Pittsburg, Pa.,
in a letter to Mrs. Pink
ham says : ' From child
hood I suffered from kidney
trouble and as I grew older
my troubles increased hav
inor intense pain running
from my waist to my womb and the
menses were very painful. One day,
seeing your advertisement in one of
our papers. I wrote to you.
"When your reply came I began taking
your Compound nnd followed your advice
and am now in perfect health, and would ad
vise nnv ladv rich or poor to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I can praise above all
other remedies. It is a wonderful help to women."
IKPrlPQi9Ewi!iHHn '
LAvJl 1 ft IVI
VCtlrJUJUj- v -"Cim
road work .
J W Itccd I OH
i J W Mcl'bcMon . 4 to
O I. Mtldqueiit 4 00
4 00
6 Wl
, W
a no
........ 6 00
.. 7 no
Mt l 50
7 60
ft 00
ft to
n 00
n 00
4 00
. .. 4 CO
to 10 ;
ft 00 J
.17 W I
Hi 05
110 42
Jos Taylor,
Harry Mlrbacla
Jacob Goll
T F Puffy
C Wood
P J Duffy
S M IIIMreth
Mike Htroblo
Jno Itolvcmoti
M Parkor
Frank Kepler
Win Campbell
I.en Wllmot
Wm Campbell
G Hchrccr
Leu Wllmot
Geo Columbia
Wm Irom, lumbec
Wm Irons, lumber..
AiiKtln Itllcy, lumber,
county clerk present.
Hoard proceeded to draw Hit of
names for jurors for tho December
term of court and tho following! the
list dinwn
Iloyd Vance,
Henry W light,
Jaroh Coll,
Len Wilmot,
Kd Harbor,
Peter Mcintosh,
11. Slinnpoiihnrst,
(it'o, W. Davis,
E. Hroismttu,
A. D. Hik-r.
David Larrick,
O. L. Fulwidor,
A. W. MoKunzic,
Irviu dimming,
J. P. Mnrauville,
Morgan Davis,
Kil Dyer,
Heo. K. Coon,
F. Unulbiook,
(Jco. Ititn,
Philip Fassfer,
In tbo matter of tho sale of the Slate
Bank property at Hlue Hill:
Wheteas, at the regular October
meeting of the county board, held on
October 3, Kd MoBrido made a propo
sition to buy said property towit: Lot
87, block !), original town of Bluo Hill,
including the bank building and all ap
purtenances belonging thereto, nnd the
time look sufo in jaiJ bank building,
l'.i Daffy 10 &0
IlW Gibson :iooo
All WI?Kln...-. 38 00
j W Cobb CTuft
J II Holyoroti 17 20
j E Jones, , 2U no
DFIIudnon UftO
LU Snider 30 CO
A Campbell 31 33
O Bcliroer 27 00
O J M40
Wm Jolinson 3JhO
i', II Vance ,... 10 78
Bwmi ilankt SUM
Nick Harentoo 40 00
Yanctt Horenavn.. .,,.,., ,.., 31 dO
A E Wolcott, brldjro 0 25
CnrlKachn KM
31 10
34 4y
13 on
Wm A May. " M....
Ooo P Webber, " ................
I O Overman, "
Jcroaie Vance, " - ..........
Claim of Lon Wilmot for 130
laid over.
Bill of Sown Banks for 130.00 was ro
Ilnai d ailj'iin iii'd to meet January 2
Had to Ha Largr.
Teacher What was the largest
steamer ever launched'.'
ClassThe Great Kiihtern.
Tacher Correct Can any of
tell me about when it was built.
Hoy I don't know 'xactl.v, but I hw
a picture of it, with 11 lot ot popl
uround,an' it wan In the time o' koop
klrU. Oood News..
Win, Iron...,
J Wlla !....
II K Chaplin-.
C O Stout
Jo HerburRCr
W II I tody
and to pay tho sum of 91,600 onsh,
Whereas, tho said proposition was
rofeired to Win. A, May with Instruc
tions to sell the same, mid
Wheieas, Wm. A. May this day re- K L Ul"c" '
v,. i.....:.. ....i.i 1 Pclerlllll.
uiio iidtiiik nwuyiuu luu huuvu 1'iup
nmj .M JTuriitT... ...
u 11 uruuu .. .. ..-.
II II Kewb )Uo -.-
Prank Stroble..
A J Grant
E Utrlckland ....
. as K
V 8 Hall, lumber - 100 00
S J Whltten, lumber. HUM, cut lo 216 'M
A II Ward, tinltliliiK. .- . 7 OA
William Wolfo wltneM . 1 10
J 8 White, ' a 10
I.W.KInaol. " 4 'JO
MlnnloVanllyko " a 10
Mm Wm llrown " 120
Nclllo.Slierimiii " -.. I a
.Mrx. Youiik " 4 40
Mrs Vest " I 'M
Jiik llurden, potii' pliouo, cto 14 00
J P Hale, CHtivrtHHliiK vote - - 4 00
II llalloy, vauvailuK Ytu .... Hi)
Geo Hummel, I'umaRkliiK yule - . I no
W'cUlur Count v Abstract bo U &o
I U Colvln, rent ..,.- I 0J
V W Word, prlntliiKuuil nuppllc 78 11
,t WlUon, attorney Inuane cnxe.............. 0 (O
Htatu Journal Co. mipplln 113 'U
Greenbalsb A Denton, nupplle ...... I so
I. A Hawloy.. , J 33
W A Shottenklrk .. 4 :i
John Holve-nm............ - 3 00
Frank Kuehu. mrvey r.. 'M M
1. 8 Wllnou. expense rounty attornoy.. . 7 Ml
II W Gulliford, clmlnnian....- 0 Oil
Prank Klfer, cbalnman ....... ......... 3 00
M O Sherman, Comtnbli)... ....,........., 4 10
J an llurdcn, Innaiia cano .....,...... 1 1 S
I W Tulleyi, lunaae cano .............. .... 10 03
Prank Parka ..-.. . .., ..-.. , 2 00
Kd Gilford . ... I 00
Jat Duffy, exponae, '" eto..... . -id mi
Einlck Ilroii, ninllhlnK ............. ... 1 3ft
4 00 I.KTalt, printing .... 13 (i0
7 30 T J Ward, repairing bootha. .. . l 75
4 00 CUtiBuii A. Ulrkuer, rout................ 2 M
4 00 W W Ward prlnlluR and mippllca 313 U)
4 00 Jim Pouter, janitor 0 75
4 CO J P Halo, Ntniiipa, cto .-
I CO , A Murliart, tuppllea
I to j W S Ahby prlntlllK
100 W 11 1 toby, con! for comity
I Ot ) Or Dumcrell, euro poor, $V
4 in J P llnlo. clerk of board
I 00 .IP Ilalu, cinlllcatea of election .. .,
00 L II Wells kliurllUfoea
4 00 GTDIuUllSon MullbliiK .
I to I W Tiillcya, medical aid .... ..
4 00 Wm Irtut. C0BiU)UUuer... ........
The busy bee works systematically
as if under military discipline. Pollen
for "bee bread" has to be secured an
well as honey for a rainy day or for
those humans who ruthlessly take from
the bees tho reward of their hard
earned labors. But a recent author as
ficrts that when a beo starts from tha
hive for pollen not tho sweetest nectar
will tempt the creature from his task,
while the honey gatherer docs nothing
cImj but gather sweets till tho day'B la
bor ceases.
Dr. Titus M Coan, who knows th
Hawaiian queen, tayn in tho Now. York
Morning Journal: "Sho is a bright,
and cultivated womnu. An excellent,
mot is attributed to her. A foreign
diplomat, conversing with her on th'
subject of tho mixed races in Hawaii,
said: 'But your majesty surely has so.
white blood In your veins." "Indeed.
I have white blood In my veins, "said the.
queen. 'My grandfather ate Capt.
Cook.' "
A Scottish gentleman had a dispute
with a London cubmen over an eight-een-penny
fare. Ho had offered u shll.
ling only, and the cabman had remoa.
trated with hlra. Drawing himself
up with dignity, he said: "Eh, mpa,
but I think ye dlnna ken whomye're
peaking tol I'm tho MaoIntohhP' The
cockney wannotproporly Impressed; ha
retorted sharply: "I don't care if
you're tho Humbrella; 1 mean to have
mat sixpence)"
18 40 A Mm,,.,-,!.! i ,, .
31 .10 .1 " i.Tcuiif mania'
' LlinT 1 nit OttUVAm rx9 1141. f t
MiOl" : -p" "I'l'lllg" wut
101 00 r . ' ""' uo onion cpsts
M0) aoi, jcb!, man one dollar a day
101 0) ' " ho road." If his "tips" w
jtioo T nionorato In amount Jn
7d on ieo mo aggregate, lie rtccla;
7 05 ba double tho sum named
e m evea y charging then
A so ! . T '
.s '
1 r
r i
V ni
1 (
&L 'V
ill 1 nmmmMmmmiiimtimiatm0mn 1 mi '
4gy,.if3ffiwi 1 aii.nwiaiiiMmnf - rtafeaawi
v- - '
"" I ' wwvh. j.
ou k.tiu. m- i
, . . .
lM!7MaeTMMrrAm''"'-'" -- ..-..-. ? .Jr? ,',: r
" " '..1. .JB,VHHHM
r TmvMTqmiaaBiEiii