The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 16, 1900, Image 4

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i i
MRS. PINKIIAM says that irritability Indicates disease.
Women who are nervous and snappish are to bo
pitied. Their homes are uncomfortable; their dis
positions grow constantly worse. Such women need the coun
sel and treatment of a woman who understands the peculiar
your Vegetable Compound has done for me. It has helped me
more than anything else. I suffered for a long time with ner
vousness, pains in back and limbs and falling of the womb;
also had neuralgia in my head and could not sleep. I told
my husband that some
thing must be done, for ;
I was nearly frantic with !
pain. Having read of j
the wonderful cures;
LydiaE. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound had ;
performed, I determined
to try it. I have taken
it and am happy to say I
am cured. I recommend it
to all my friends and never
tire of telling the benefit I
have derived from Its use. I
have you alone to thank for
my recovery."
Mrs. Ellen Flana, 1810 Mountain St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. . writes : !
"Dkar Mks. Pinkham
Three years ago I was
a sufferer from chronic ;
dyspepsia, was irritable ;
and cross, and can say '
that after taking seven g ,
Domes ot L,ytua b. I'niK-
ham's Vegetable Compound was
pleasure in writing this to you
interviewed by any one who is
complaint. I am very grateful
ruiH.tain bt
On. ysar It 00
ttmooUta 10
Knlettd it the past otflce at lied Cload,
ecD class tuall matter.
Lacal adTerllaliiR 5 ceots per lino cr Issua.
Local Advertising for ciitertaliirasHt. con
Itrts, taclali, etc., Riven by churches, charitable
ieletlei, etc., where all moneys rained (hero
frsaa areuwd whslly (or church or clinrltablu
sootatles, flrit ton Hues frco nod all orr ten
lines 3)4 cents per lino per Issue.
Lecsl advertising of cntertalnaienta, concerts,
recitals, etc., if hero per cent la kItcii to pro
maters, 5 cent per lino per Issue.
nmri.AV adteiitimnh.
Oaa ralnmn per month tT 00
One half column per month ........................ .1 no
Oiiefeurth column per month... . 1 7a
General dlnphiy ndTcrtUliiK 1 m cents per
Inch perUsne.
(Jootl byo, Bryan, forever and for-
vcr fiiru the. well
S.tlllu election butH has beer tit
order for tho past wool:.
m m
About Urn meanest tiling Jiu can any
to a finionht days is "I told you
"Grout U tbu ropubliu.111 party and
Mtircur A. Ilntina is Its prophet." Thu
Thu itupoi IuHhui and iniliturjiom
bugubooi can now uu stored away far
auothiT forty years
VVhon will tho icpubllcaus of Web
storcouuty lunriithanho only way to
eUul a lupiiblloan is to vulo for him.
The rcRflnuration of tlio denineratle
patty hai cnmiuutieed with tho indieit
tiuDg that fualoit is a tiling of the past.
Now that thu catnpnigti is over lot
every one scttiu down to business and
do something for tho upbuilding of tho
'Tho republican statu headquarters
weio moved fiom Uiuaha this week
and nro now located in the Llndull
hotel at Lincoln.
It is now lu older for V. J. Bryan to
write "Thu Second Btttlu" but ho
should bo sure and have it copyright
ed before his friend Croker gels hold
'of it, othorwido lie might have to elimi
nate sonio of tho sentences.
MoKlnley's voto in tho electoral cot
lego'will bo 295, an Increase of twenty-
f aur votos over;4 yearamgo. His plural
Itf over Bryan'wiif bo over 080,000, the
largest ever recolved by any president
! the United States.
Congratulations to tho good, steady
true blue republicans who ksve been
voting so steadfastly for tho past eight
years to redeem the state. It was
a long hard fight but now it is won.
Good tickets hereafter will complete
the regeneration and redomntinn.
There Is a fellow in this community
who professes to know of a dozen fel
lows who wore Bryan campaign but
tons who "voted for MeKinluy. Hois
'the same fellow who boforo election
professed to know of sovural fellows
, who wore MeKinluy buttons and we to
. going to voto for Bryun.
m a "
The main trouble with tha ropnbli
j wans of this county U that they uuially
have nu infernal desire to trade oil one
candidate for another. The quicker
thuy stop suuh practices the better oil
" thoy will be, From this lime on please
remember that all if requires to elect
'thu republican ticket is straight rptib
lean votos.
troubles of her sex.
Mks. Anna E. Hall, of Mill
dale, Conn., was all run down in
health and had completely lost
control of her nerves. She wrote
o Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. Now she writes:
" I wish to thank you for what
KOQnfljyyQQQ.cwcTOtMnpo7appjlpv" w .i'A"JMr'Vrg
d 'flGlfV . mBBK
mm ) am
Pii Wm
Mir B8
u 1 at s ttfaaaD1'
KV X""V. vl 1- n
' I xz5ws
--w-'- - v
entirely cured. I take great
and would be pleased to bo
afflicted with that distressing
to you."
Klsowhern in this Ustio will bo found
the tabulated returns of thu election
held on Novambcr Gth, compiled from
thootllcial returns mndu to the eotiiity
clerk. Tho tabic tiiiows an increase of
205 votes in Webster county over four
years ago, antl it also Knows nn increasu
f 2(10 votes for tho republican patty
over four years n(?o. Tho entire fusion
Htatn ticket receivad mnjorities of up
wards of 200 four years ago and this
year thoy are vsry nienKro nnd in nmo
places hardly dlscornablc. Taken nil
in nil thu tablu shows well for the re
publicans. a
Considerable comment is heard to
yarding tho causu f tha defeat of I.
B Hampton and C. K. Hicks. There
are probably two causes. The nanin
of H Hosewatur on thu fllcial ballot
as oholeo for senator, and thu county
attorney liht wuged In this comity.
Tha niirnu of Ko.sewatur on the ballot
In.! many to belluvu that Hhould
the tupublican legislative ticket bo
eltctcd they wore bound to supporl
Mr. Kosewater for sehntor, nnd many
good republican votes were thus lost,
for there nro hundreds of god repub
licans who think thai Mr. Kosewater is
not entitled to any favors at thu hands
of tho republicans, and consequently
they wculd not voto for thu republican
candidates because they thu;i;ht that
by doing so thoy weio voting for Kose
water for senator. This, together with
the fact that some trading was done In
the county attorney light, was without
doubt the causu of thu defeat of C. K.
II l. , nndnlv hid ei ulib-ri'dr t ln
u,i:i Uiu ilulcut of 0:m 1. id and Hump
'on in iln.Mlini 1 ni.
Jell-O, the New' Dessert,
pleases all thu family. Four ll.ivoio:
Lemon, mango, raspberry and straw,
bony. At our groceis. 10 uts Tiy
it tsday.
On Hen Feet
All day long nnd racking with pain from
her head to her heels.. That is what
many a self-supporting girl must experi
ence. On those
days each month,
when in other cir
cumstances sh
would go to bed,
she nHist still tie
nt the desk or
counter and strug
gle through the
day as best she
Backaclic, head
ache, and other
pains caused by
womanly diseases
are-perfectly cured
by Dr. Pierce'e Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion. It cures
the cause of these
f tains. It estab
islies regularity,
dries enfeebling
drains, heals in
flammation and
ulceration and
cures female weak
ness. makes
tveak women
strong and sick
women well,
" t have taken your medicine with the greatest
aatUractlon," wrlte Mrs. George Rteht, ofl.xk.
iwrt Station, WcMmnreUnd Co., return. "Your
I'avurltc 1'reiicrliitlon ' hm cured me of uterine
trouble Unit I Miuerrd from for fifteen ycnra.aud
painful monthly troubles. I can honestly any I
can work n whole dny mid not get tired, and
heore Inking I)r Pierce's medicine I nlwny
fclt llrcil My Mln U nil itone nnd I feel like n
new thhmiii I ufTereil with hendnchc nU the
time, hut tiivc no headache now niucc Inking mtillcliif I Ime been cured of trouble
that I auflered from for finecn years and the
bwt doctor lu the Mate could not cure me "
fir. I'icrce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
OnThla Line You Mnr P1"IC the VlraHat
With n Itmnrella, nd the Knstl
neer Will Brack Up n Conple ol
Mile Oct a Forgotten Pipe.
"Tust hold up your umbrella, sir, arc"
sho'll stop nt once," was the chceiy
response given an Inquiry as to the
possibility of boarding nn npproachlng
fraln on Us way from Wadcbrldgo to
lloilwln, two queer old towns In Corn
wall, Cngland. Up went the umbrella,
and sure enough the driver shut off
steam nnd 'pulled up Just In front of
the would be passenger. And what a
sight It was!
The cngliu tns constructed In
George Stcphoson'A time nnd, I be
lieve, under his pcnmtiaJ supervision.
But the enrrlngofc. There tTe two of
them, first nnd third clais, respective
ly. The first class accommodation
consisted of an open truck, such as one
cob dnlly In New York carting cottou
bales or other merchandise but pro
vided with some benches. Kude nnd
uncomfortable its It Hcemed, however,
it was luxurious compared to the thin)
class carriage, which was neither moro
nor less than a common closed au,
such as cattle or furniture arc con
veyed In, and boasted neither seats,
buffers nor pprlngs. Third class fnra
was but 14 cents, but the first class
passengers were mulcted In the sum
of 25 cents for a Journey of barely
seven miles.
The engine driver, who ofllclnttd In
cidentally as conductor, brnketnnn.
guard nnil porter, came nround collect
lug the tariff.
A little conversation elicited somo
surprising facts In connection with
this nbsurd out of date Hue. Formerly
It had been the custom to sell tickets at
tho termln, little triangular bide nnd
white bits of pasteboard, with a hole
! the middle, so that tho tlc'-cct col
lector (also engine driver, stoker, etc.)
could file them nway on a string. But,
alas, the ravages of time spare not
even railway tickets, and cvc'ntually
they were all worn out! Sa now tho
fnrcs arc collected on board. The rate
of speed was strictly limited to ten
miles an hour, but Incidental delays,
such as picking up passengers, chasing
stray hats, removing cattle or sheep
from tho track, took up so much time
that not Infrequently nn hour and a
half or moro was consumed In cover
ing the short dlstnnce. I mny mention
that passengers picked up on the way
Bldo paid no regular fare, but merely
tipped tho engineer.
Tho need of tlrno tables was un
known, for the train ran but one way
each day, nnd arranged the time of de
parture to suit Intending travelers. It
Is related with much gusto in those
parts that two commercial travelers
once arrived at Bodwln Just In thno to
sec the train round a curve some quar
ter of n mile off. Turning to the nged
station master, Mr. Worth, 0110 of
them Inquired nt what hour the next
train would leave. "Day after tomor
row," laconically answered that offi
cial. Tho astonished drummer looked at
hi in pityingly nud, nudging his com
panion, whispered, "Poor fellow; ho'a
crazy." But they were soon unde
ceived and, learning tho truo state of
the case, hired a cart at some expense
la accomplish their Journey. What was
their mortltlcatlon, after proceeding a
couple of miles, to so the train put
back to Bodwln, because, us they sub
sequently discovered, tho engineer bad
forgotten to bring ills pipe alongl
An Interesting function nlwnys took
i!aco whenever an Incline wan renehed.
The driver, having regtilnted the speed
of his Iron horse, would climb out on
the front ot the engine, and, sltMns
.bstween the bnffers, strew sand on tho
rails; occasionally It has happened
that, the supply of sand proving Insuf
ficient, the engine would stenm nway
to the depot lu search of more.
The country through which the little
railway passes Is of a high order of
bea"ty and affords many picturesque
glimpses. Bodwln Itself Is n quaint lit
t'.o town that dates back to the days of
the Phoenicians and In later times was
of much Importance. This mny bo
Judged from the fact that It supported
a cathedral and no less than 13 other
churches. The retrains of an old bper
Douse nro still to be seen, commemora
tive of tho terrible scourge that In 1350
ravaged the whole country around. But,
Jackaday, the solemn march of prog
ress is already beginning to destroy
this relic of bygone daysand the ruth
less hand of contractors and navvies
are paving the way for an ordinary,
common, everydaj service of expresses
and milk trains, and the Inhabitants
are deploring the loss of their steady
going, If slow and uncomfortable, eM
train. Loa Angelea Times.
Where Tlsnera Fear Xea.
cheerful place Is Sorapoujco. In la
dla. The rainfall there often Is as
great In oue afternoon In the rainy
eaBon as It Is lu New York state In a
wholo year, and tigers nnd leopards
arc as plentiful as dogs are on New
York's east side. Ou account of the
tremendous dampness the cattle have
to bo driven to the top of the hills, so
that they shall not get their feet toe
wet, and the tigers and leopards climb
to theso high altitudes also, because
they nro Imbued with the kindly desire
to snve those cattle from pneumonia
uud other Ills by eating them carefully
and with due enjoyment.
I As there mo no forests on tho hills
; the tigers prowl about all night In the
, opeu, lying roucenled tlurlug the day
lu the limestone caves, the coal pits
and between thu crevices of tho rocks
! The residents come upon them In all
, maimer of odd uookH nud comers so
unexpectedly thut the tuust nro as
uuich alarmed us themselves and usu
ally scampejr off In oue direction, their
Saturday Special Sale!
Low Prices the Attractive Magnet.
In spite of the extremely warm October weather we had a month of good business.
People arc realizing more and more our ability to place on sale goods at prices that can
not be undersold. In Jackets, Capes, Etc., we have probably sold more garments than
all the other stores combined. Underwear sales have been very satisfactory; some lines
we have closed entirely out and have reordered. Our big line of silk, satin and flannel
waists are almost closed out, about three dozen left. Many other lines badly broken.
Saturday we make a tremendous effort to close these lines out entirely. A record break
ing day. Lowest prices in every department.
Men's wool lloocedftio pants or ehiits
Mo 'a II Oi oil, COit pjintc or shirin
Mm'i Silk lliiish Jl.nO (Mints or shit 1
Women's lleeee Mm 1 V ami V
WonienV 50V ll'ec Until V and V
11' '.. ....1.... ...1...
VV llll.ll., Illlltill fillltu
Chiidreii'H union unit!
A liirci' naaortmoiit of meicenzoil luster cloth petti
coats, rulll'i or accordeou pleated 11 uiiicf $2 25 to $3 50.
Satteeu petticoat. , pleated flounce, $1 00 to$l 50.
Wo are sh wing a complete assort
ment of ladies' house wrappers. All
(he piVtty calnrs in percalas and ll in
neleltes, full leimth, nicely Dimmed,
deservedly popular, 81 00 to $1 75
New Henriettas,
New IVroln Cloths,
New Setues,
New HlMett linml-i,
Now Wool Novrfltv Pliiiil,
Ne'iv Co't hi plaids, 15eto 25o
Special sale on Fancy figured liltick
goods 15, 25, :)." and oOu.
Our $10 Jackets.
The wonder of all wh have seen
tlitui. Latest short ,lackut, Itesftr
collar, bell cuffs, nppllqun irim, guar
anteed two year Skinner satia linings.
Can you get aiound it. Six popular
Saturday Bargains in Footwear.
Look over our linn of men's shes
evsry number a better wearer than
you can buy.
Hcanilnss shoes 82 00; Full stock
calf S2, !!.) Kxtra heavy kid 2 00.
Hargains all the way through our bin
shoes 81.25 to $1 50. Children's, sizes
Outing Flannels.
Our big assortment of outing flannels in light
nnd dark shades nt 5, 0, 9, 10, 12. and 15c, is win
ning new trad every day.
Nebraska Mercantile Co.
Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer.
No matter how often a cancerous sore is removed, another comes at or near the same point, and always in a worse form.
Docs not this prove conclusively that Cancer Is a blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure this deep-seated, dangerous
blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the diseose-a nlace of exit for
thepoiion? r
Cancer runs in families through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at any
time to be stricken with the deadly malady. J
Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another
further proof that Cancer is a disease
To cure a blood disease like this you -must cure the entire blood system-remove every trace of the poison. Nothing cures
Cnncer effectually and permanently but S. S. S.
S. S. S. enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells. No mere tonic
, U.U...U.T .uw ...... . uu ius. o. o. o. k"c uown 10 wie very roots ot tue uisease, and forces out the deadly po son,
allowing the sore to heal naturally and permanently. S. S.S. at the same time purifies the blood and builds up the eeneral health!
MlBw A little pimple, a harmless lookimr wart or mole, a lumn in th t,ra.t ,... n, k.i.-.1... r..... .
am 41 yeors old, and
. WV.B.. -
v-auin uu mjr jw, which
that I could not live more
rjr.v.r, .,.." - vi
in a ihort time mad
I splendid, aleep I
experience, wno are
Hfr (UmIiM 1T1lMflr miiVIhia. Aua
or in
formation wanted, we make no charge whatever for this aervice. THE tWIFT SPECIFIC CMI MM V aiKy baT
disturbers flying In "the opposite one.
No ono stirs out at nighttime without
powerful lantern or torch, for, aa
rule, wild beasts will not como near a
light, though this rule docs not hold
good In all cases. New York Herald.
Ucaltb the StalxsBrlas of Snceeas.
Tho chief essential of success for a
young man Is what the vast majority
of young men think about the least
that Is, good health and a sound con
stitution. That Is the first thing; noth
ing precedes It. In the battle for suc
cess that should be a young man's first
thought not his abilities nor bis work,
but his health. That Is tho basis, thf
cornerstone, of all. Abilities cannot
bring health, but health may and gen
erally does dovelop ability. Ladles'
flomo Journal.
Friend I Ruppopo there nro n grent
many people who owe jou their llyt's.
Doctor They say they do, but thr.
relatives always kick Uko thunder
when I accidentally collect a bill of
that kind. San Francisco Examiner.
1 0o
Uue to 75
$5 50 satin wnlt, pcifect fitting
R 00 satin waUts, perfect fitting
1 25 satin waists, perfect lilting
II 50 extra French tl timet waists
.'J 00 extra French flannel waists
During this Rale wh olfer
dic.-s linings free with ev
ery dress pattern at 50c
per jnrd or better. A won
deifulotTer if 3011 stop to
fl ynid. C-imliiic.
2 yauls Duck
2 yards Wnit Lining.
before you see us.
We won't quotu prices hero
but we have somo extra
bargains for you.
Ladies calf, laca or button
Ladies neat kid laco . ..
Ladies kangnroo calf
Ladies boxcalf
Ladies extra quality shoes.
lino of children's shoes. Misses
to 11, 00c to $1.25 and many
Blankets, Home Made Comforters.
In spite of the weather we have had big sales in these
lines. Our prices lower with hrnvior weight and bstter
woven gauds. Converters aro made by our heme church
of the blood
heal under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with
a bad form of cancer.
nriitol, Tcno., write 1 "I
for three yean had luffored with a terete form of
(MB, f T....UM. ... 1K
tue uuciuiB in mm cuy saia wat incurable, and
than its tnonthi. I irrrmnl ihlr i. ......
true, and had given up all hope of ever being well again, when my drug-
rial VnrkWliiar rr tmw rvtiHIiiii revimMaNiltut a a a m . tt .
my condition, recommenaea a. H. 8. After taking a few
egan to heat, much to the lurprtte of the physician!, and
lade a complete cure. I have gained in fleib, my appetite
1 is refreshing in fact, am enjoying perfect health.''
.""". - u. - .Tr.v"::" "-,"-". .?". ?
Our medical department ia in charge of physician of lent:
esoectaiiv turned la treating- run., ..T
i .
W. .
Flourt Feed, Oat , Corn, 7
Baled Hay and Coal OU.
No. i Third Avenue, Red
The Chief;;
Satin, Silk and Flannel Waists.
$4 25
4 00
3 35
2 9!l
2 no
Walking Skirts.
Lndies Walking skirls, inndo of extra trnod quality
doable faced goll cloth 0 Inches heavily tailor stitched
at bottom, Saturday sale price f 1 75.
Jackets and Capes.
Our great selling of Juckots, Capes
Fins, Etc, surpasses thu combined
sales ol all the oilier stores in town, a
wonderful showing we -nttrihttte on
tli ely to thu fact that wo aio the only
merchants in town with nn entirely
new line of garments. Customsrs
know the' take 110 ehanco of getting
an out of date Jacket. Our prices
compete with any out of date garment
shown of similiu quality.
Children's Coats.
A complete ussottment f Children's
cents in Kersey nnd Uough Chevio's.
Uright attractive colors. Fancy bra'd
Trimmed. 91 00 nud up.
We ntoshowing a rnmpletn nort
ment f th nwwest ideas in Capes,
CllareltC8, Scarfs, and Mulls. Our
prices meet the approval of all.
Duck Coats.
Weather is changing. Sure to be
cold tho next two weeks. Co 1110 t us
for n duck coat, blanket lined, shoot
rubber between duck and lining, for
only 81 50.
Cannot be Cut Out or
Removed with Piasters
suspicion, as this It often the berinnlne of
' "" s
t...Kii jj .,, ,. . .
wwr.p rmwnnwr, -w
Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51.
$1 per year,