? ws I, i M VOLUME XXVIII. HED CLOUD, XE1IUASKA. NOVUM It 13 It 10, 1000, NUMBER 4G k' m VALUES THAT WILL That will hold your interest, is the situsi- tion here for-Novcmber soiling. We want nrAarm w w w. -s. or a r to swing sales forward want an unusual- TEMPT LIBERAL BUYING. ls7ctivt: ir? n,?lh is'1 ,wc 'f,lizc ".; - what will bring it will be the special prices, the splendid values. A selection is offered you of many new specials, advance heralds for Christmas selling and this, coupled with our reasonable prices will make this store of special interest, a store that careful buyers cannot afford to overlook. . November Special Offering of OUTER GARMENTS. We feel assured of vour interest here ns we show manv new ideas, and the backward season has enabled us to secure many unusual values, making the November prices especially rea sonable ones. They are the swellest qualities offered here the swellest ideas from the very best makers, but the price places them within easy reach. 27-inch Salts Plush Cane. ThiMwt Fur Trimmed. No. vember Special at $3.50. Underwear. You will find no fqtial any where at the price, aail them you trot the best tittiocr and 1-' the best knitted undorwear. 1 We have exceptionally good values in this lino the kind thought ful buvers appreciate. In line now with November rrquiicments. n . . . . . . -i.. .1 Men', weoi neoce, tun size iuumaue extra neavy, siik taped,' were OUc November special 400. Men's fleeced, full sir.e, full nado cotton tape, was 40c, No vember sale 30j. Ladies oxtra heavy fleece lined, was DOc, Nevomber special 40c Ladies Jersoy knit, light Ileeceu was 8Uo, Novemuerspecinl 2&o. Children's fleeced, sizu 16 10c. Go rise por nixo x Children's wool, size 10 8c, Co rise pur size. Children's cotton, size 1G 3a. Do rise per size. Cloaks and Jackets. in fit, finish and making are exactly in line wit decree. It's an unusual onnortunitVfibut this ,be known as the right store for fashianable garments. A special showing of ladies" misses and children s fash ionable garments at prices1 you're unable to duplicate. The styles are the famous Friedman & Palmer models and that means every detail i th fashion s store, must, All wool Kersey Jacket, satin lined guaranteed to went two seasons, colors brown nnd and black, whs S10 00, now These Are Seasonable And tho cooler winds of November will , innko such soleotions accessory. Wo show only what wo feel is reliable tho Hii'Mfuction uivinir kind of merchandise ami wo feel that ench of these otTmlncs Wni''i i!ly worthy of your patronngo. I.iiiv unreins rules tho selling hero as .you u )tl believe, nluin you unto tho values. otAJwrici'rs. Full weight 10 4 siz' .Ml72 InVhes, all cotton blanket, II colors, fancy border, sold evrvwiiei i- at 00, here at Ui Other values at 65c, 80o, t 00. M '20, $1 50, $1 75. &vVvVvAn'nav' rn n TfcJc Caxp fn UEASONS A right- wijjjw w "'" "Wlt"" iv bimirht stock, se-' gyj r dr M. lected just when tho staple ury uuuus. py w ": " . . . - with enr low margins makes the kind of values that Kood buyers approve. You will like i , tho class oi goous we caer, lor iney represent wnai is ues: ior ser vice tho satisfactory substantial kind. CALICO All blacks, reds, grays, blues and fall styles fanojr ( Drints 5o per Yard. MUSLIN Cabot, regular Oo grade, short lengbtsat 4c. Best L L unbleached, yard wide, 4jc. Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdalo bleached, flj. SHIUTINU Southern Silk, regular lOo grade for 8o. SiH'clfil mini's n fin. 7c. 10i! and VH!b. OUTING FLANNELS Wo havo placed on the shelf Another case oi outing uannei, uougni at prices mm means oar , gain?. You gut tho benefit. Special oilers atSo, 7c, 10c and 12 J c. $7.50. All wool Kersey Jacket, satin lined, guaranteed to wear two i.vnom, colors black, blue nnd castor, was civ i)U, now $8.50. All wool Kersey Jacxct, silk serge lined in blues and custom, was 9 00, now $6.50. All woel Kursuy Jacket, silk tnliutn lined, blue only, was $10.00, now $32.50. All wool Krirsty Jaokot, silk lined, guurantced te wear twe seasons, black only, was 110.00, now $12.00. Go Amiss Dressy Ideas for Dressy People. vWvvn- Such an anpcul to tliu earn-' ful dre3sers and if you buy tnom at tins storo you arn certain of tho stylo feature1 being exactly in line witu the fashion demands. The prices aro lowest a' good feature to regard in such buying. DRESS GOODS A No. 1 plaid skirting, an excellent articlo for uaderskirts, bought to retail at 45c, Nobember special at 32jo. All wool storm serge in brown, blue and grey, 75c. 44 inch good quality venotian oloth in greens and blues. 75o. All wool Zibeline suitings, 60 Inch, grey and brown, SI. 10. Camels Hair cloth in dark gray, 70c. Dress flannels in dark gray, blue and' black and red and black at t)oc cer yard. Dress flannels in dark grey, light grey and tan, 50c. Special offering of Crepon effects. Black goods bought to retail at 00i, spoc-lal at 42Ji Speciat 35u storm Serges at 23Jo. Wirfrf ff4' On a Furniture need if you M v WCcJLC come here. There's nl- : ways a splendid satisfaction" in teeling that the purchase ' .. .1 . ,i a is ritriu. mat voirresecnrinfr' fullest values, and if von se lect from this stock them-iloi 'feature is rtlwavs certain. It's nivinrr nnr tmdn iic peerless va'ues each and every selling day, and yet a se- lection of what's newest and most used, the stvlish. sttb- .,f:.,i :Ar, un-,,.i.nn i.: .. i.. i .' ntam-icn iiiLua, unit iiKmw tins il IJUIUIcir UUJ'lllg place ( a place the public frequents. Inline with all our offer- uiiis iicic yuu ii nun im:he iNovemoer aneciais: i A solid oak bedroom suit, S4x.'i0 niir- ror, perfect condition, wat$U"), Novum, ber special, $19.00. A 8 pleco hardwood bedroom suite, 22x28 mirror, perfect condition, was( 92U, November sneciull$17 00. One anch. iron hml mirlnni nml mot. tress, comulote. $0 in. Aimum cupuoarus, t w, t; vu, qu.ou vo.uu nun aiz.uu. Dining chairs, high backs, cane and wned seats, 7fic tol..25 each Dlniug tnbtet-. 6 feet. $4 50. November specials ut $5. $7. $8 and 810 micueu cnairs, n spinuieou, 4spinaie ooo vu Handle nniv the jiarpen guarau teed construntiou couches, prices range from !t 25 to $21 00. Kaoklng (JliailH Sl.'JOto 813.50 Fabling Iron and wooden beds $12 50 $14 DO, &10 High chairs 91 te 3 60. SHffl 'VvSaAaAanaaAvnA,saAaAaA' si'vT-v Bichc'ors' Iknquel. Again have tho maiiibers of tho Miti'lielmV Club of this city met nnd banqueted, and again has nnntker olio of the members of tho little baud deserted their ranks nnd takun unto himself a helpmate Tho onu honored ut the banqueting board on Monday evening Inst was Oscar T. l'atmot who was married on the lollowing evening. So far since its organization the club lias lost but three members from its original membership of llftoen, but as the threo havo boon lost cinco May II, last, at this ralu it will not tako loag to dupluto the organization of these still remaining on tho roll of honor. Several of the mombors wero absent, their present tivuciilionfedn llfo having placed them in distant states, but the remainder, to while away tho evening, as is their custom beforo tho banquet tag heur arrived, repaired to the rooms of Dr. L. 11. Deck nnd spont the hours in pleasaut pastime until near raid- night when they betook themselves to the dining room ef tho Star Uakery where the banquet was served. At on the two previous occasions tho dining rooms nnd banqueting tahlo was deco rated with a prefusbn ut plants aud flowers and tho repast which consisted of ten courses was gotten up and served in the best stvlo of the caterer's art. A number of toasts wero given aud responded to and tho merry crowd broke up with tho thought perhaps ef who among their number would bo the next victim of woman's wiles. PATMOR-VEIDEMAN. Married, at tho bridu's home in tho northeast part of the city, . Tuesday evuuing, Novemb r II), Mr. Oscar T. I'almor to Miss Christie Weidoman, lUv. J. 11. N. Cobb oil! luting. Tli wedding took pluco ui tliu presouuu of a few friends aud rotative. Promptly at 8 o'clock a buautiful wedding niarcl was played by Mrs. A. II. Sellars, dur. ing the concluding f trains of which tho bride nnd groom preceded by attend ants, Mr. A. II. SullatM and Mi&s Mnymo Wcldoiiian, marched into tho cozy r ar lor and took a position boneati. an arch of artistically arranged blooming vines. Tho beautiful nnd impressive ceremony prescribed by tho Methodise church was then pronounced, after which followed most hnarly congratu lations. Tho brido was boautifully attired in crenm silk gown trimmod with silk lace. A sumptuous repast was servd be tween the hours of 8 and 0 o'clock nnd was most heartily enjoyed bynllproi ent. Many beautiful, appropriate and use ful prosonts woro received by the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs, Patmor will go at once, to their homo in Cowles whoro lie is in biifdness. Hearty good wishes from hosts of friends go with this most ustimabln young couple in their jutirnoy of uni ted life aud fortune. GUIDE ROCK. Gee. Payne's thren week's old baby was buried at the Guide Hick ceme tery Tuesday. Chas. Hodges will move Into his new house soon. Abu Schorebourg was atthecouuly Mint Thursday. I. It, Colviti has some farms to reit for cash. I. II. Calvin was ovur in Garllcld township looking nfter the interests of t ho Continental Insurance company tho II ifi t n( the week, K. PotctM is building a houso nnd barn oa his lots in town. K. L, llagau has moved into tho new addition he has built to his house. Tho f ustunists aro very quiet in this neck ' woods sluce election. A. Horn returnod Thursday from a thren months visit in Iowa and Illinois. Tho social at tho church Wednesday night was well attended ami all ropert a good tim. M. Marsh is up from Hobrea this week tho guest of his biothcr J. S. Marsh. Harry Owen of Hubboll was here Wednesday. D. H. Dillon of North Hraich was is town Thursday. Amidown. What Shall We Have (or Dtuert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it today. Try Joll-O, a delicious dessert. Pro pared in two miautes. No baking! add hot water nnd sot to cool. Flavors: Loinon, ornngo raspberry and straw bot ry. At your grocers, 10 els. Inflammatory Rheumatum cured in 3 days. Morton I., Hill of I.cbnnon, lad. kutm "My wife linil liitlnmmntorjr rhonmntlMii In overr iuum'Iu mid Joint; lior mlTotliiK wh terrible and her body iiml faro wcru awooleii almoin bcroiut rccoKtililoit ; bail been In bed for tlx wceki and bad elKbt ibrilolanii, but rccclrcd no benefit until the tried tliu Mynllo Cure fur;ittioumatliim. It gave Immediate relief and rlio w able to walkabout In tlireo day, lam nuroltaaved her life." KoM by II. K. Orlcc, Druggltt, lied Help... Nature Babies and children need I proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive l on ineir iooa somcining n wrong. They need a little f help to get their digestive machinery working properly. -OrMIN6R-BR0S. ie3ct Olovid, IVolroj?ilcca. S A Plcawnt Surprise, Wediiustluy morning tlui good puoplu t Amboy community enmu in upou Kev. Cobb at thu parsonage and pound ed him with pounds of good luiugs, cauueil him with etius of the usofol, sacked him with flour of Father Kris biu's bost grades, aud dollared him with dollars unUl Amboy's part of tho imBtorM salary was weeks abend of the almauau. Hesides all this thoy opuued up baskets and loaded down a long la lilo with everything good, nnd then all gathered round and sought to do Jus ticu to tho bountiful spread, Tho day was full of sooial enjoyment for all. Tho pastor and family mosijhtartlly appreciate this manifest good vv-fll aud kiiulnctt.?, nnd trust their relations shall bo such always as will proinoto the pencil nnd hpppluess of u grateful pnople nnd extend tho kingdom of the world's Itudffnier. COD LIVER OIL WHHYPOPHOSPHITESQrLIMEtiSODA 1 lis I ) lliiiucHuekui'H excursions to Arizona, t Arkansas, Indian Territory, Lousiana, j New Moxlco, Oklahoma Territory, and (Texas, D.ites of salo Nov. 0 to 20, Ducomber 4th and lBili. Ono faro plus V2 for the round trip, limited twenty, jone days from date of sale, continuous passage in both directions. A. Con OVKU, Agent. will tfenerallv correct this j difficulty. 1 If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful f in baby's bottle three of four 1 times a day you will soon sec a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to 1 age, dissolved in their milk, 1 if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish' ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the 1 baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother i and child. 5o. nil ti.oo, all druggists, SCOTT & llOWNB, ChmUt, N,w York. M h , . !'l M II II M II mi II -mmmmmmt i4xmmh1'mm -' ' "' T irrtwi .I'Miiifnii trGEStSSMB KUfKf i,d"M'!P!'wm mwai ! asesi 9&XJkiS.iiwi.-. i t. ...... ..'. ,.i.. va.,1, .- M 0mllmmmtm.s:i. JfwjBtKwfi "