I1' rvvw-- 4Mv.mIA-1 i.-...lV,.-. wfcVfl&w I w. 'fel TE CLOCK. A reliable clockls a necessity in cv cry well regulnted household. Our clocks combine bounty of design with accuracy in time keeping. Wo guar anteo every clock wo sell and know how to tuako it go light if it goes wrong. THE RING. Our flngor tings nil have tho ring of goodness. They stand the closest in spection under tho strongest light of lay, Your critical inspection invited. THE WATCH. Thoro nro two kinds of people wo want to watch. They who have watch-cs-no want Jo repair them. They who havo hono we want to sell them watches. Newhouse Bros., JKWKI.EK4 A Ol'TICIANS. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Tdk C'uiw $1 per yenr. Stove repairs nt W. W. Wright's. For farm loans call an C. W. Kaloy. The Onmr and Chiuago Inter Oceaa no year for 81.35. Cowden-Kaley Go. for hats,t caps, gloves and mittens. J. L. Miner and Obas- Gurnoy made a trip west this weok. A windmill has been put up at the residence of J. L. Minor. Miss Bottha Talbot visited with frleads at Gnido Rock Sunday and Monday. CMrs. W. B. Roby returned homo Thursday night from a soveral weeks visit in Illinois. Mra. E. J. Ovoring and daughter Sadie returned Thursday from a sum mar's visit in Maine. Samuol LIghtfoot who loft overland in tho middle of tho summer for Olo rado returned home today. Miss Nellie Fort returned Tuesday evening from a visit with relatives in tho eastern part of the aiato. M. S. Marsh of Grand Island, for merly of this city was hero tho first of tho week visiting old friends. Anthony Schaefor returned Wednes day night from a several month's trip to Oregon and other western states. Don't delay until thoy aro all gone but come and got a buggy or spring wagon at Peterson's and save from five to ten dollars. Mrs. l)r Rico who has been visiting witli her brother, Dr. J. S. Emigh and other rolatives, returned to her homo -at Anrorn, Illinois today. Wo carry the largost lino of mons' and boy's duck coats, water proof and wind proof. Hoy's 83c to $1.50, mens' 1 0d to $3.75 The Cowokn-Kalky Oo. A. Cook and wifo returned Wednes day from a soveral week's stay with tlioir daughter Mrs. Willis Robertson at Primroso, town. Mr. Cook is very roach taken with that portion of tho country. Tho telephone system is now con nected north with Ayr, Blue Hill, Blad en, Campbell, Cowles, Ego), Lawrence and Rosomont. This will bo a good thing for receiving election roturns from tho northern part of tho county. Riverton will give n republican rally Saturday. An ox roa&t nnd other at tractions nro offered. Tho McCook band is scheduled to furnish tho music for tho occasion. Mary K. Lease will be the principal orator. For a ) SQUARE MEAL i i next i I SATURDAY 5 go to I Star BalceryJ J. O. WILES, Prop. J MORE OR LESS PERSONAL, Cowdcn-Kalny Co., for shoes for men nnd boys. All kinds of wire fencing nt Wright's hardware store. Ono of Mark McConkcy's children was burled Sunday. Tho lino of heating stoves at Wi ight's is superb. Soo them. Otto Pope left last Saturday for n trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, on Saturday, Octobor 27, a gin. Mrs. Goorgo Warren has returned from a week's visit at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride nro tho parents of a bouncing baby boy. Cowden-Kaley Co., for mens' nobby neckwear, collars, cuffs and shirts. I havo a few first class sowing ma chines to trndo for stock. F. V. Tay- i.ou. Chris. Fasskr of Blue Hill was in tho city today accompanied by L. C. Pelsiger. Alex Bcntley, formerly of this city, now of Lincoln was visiting old friends in the city this week. Mrs. A. C. Hosmcr loft this Friday morning for her former old home at Clinton, Illinois, on n visit. L. A. Haskins returned Wednesday ovoniug from a soveral week's sojourn at Elroy and other points in Wisconsin. Geo J. Warren wh is a juror in tho federal court at Linooln came home Friday night and returned to Lin cola ngain Sunday night. I bavo juit unleaded n car of the llncst buggies and surreys that linvc ever been brought to tho town. Come in and see them. Jab. Pktkhson. Aro you going te buy n sewing ma chine? If so I have the host raachiae for the money ever offered. Do not fail to see it before buying. F. V. Taylor. Next Tuesday is the day. After that things will settle back to tho old rou tine. The price of gold may not go up but tho prico of campaign orations will go down. All voters sheuld acquaint them selves with the way in which tho ballot is voted. If you do not understand it ask some ono who docs and be sure you make no mistake in voting. When you go to voto next Tuesday put an X after tho names of O. E. Hicks, F. P. Olmslead and I. B. Hamp ton. There aro two senators to elect la Nebraska and thoy are tho boys to see that the right kind aro chosen. Wanted: Man to manage branch office for wholesale house; salary $120 00 per month, ofllce expenses nnd com mission. Must furnish satisfactory references and $800.00 cash. Address, Wholesale, No. 004 Nelson Bldg., Kan sas Oity, Mo. Report of Dist. 33 for month ending October 20th, 1900. Pupils on roll 24. Average aUondanco 2. Tardies 17. Pupils neither nbsont nor tardy, Anna Hansen. Mnrthn Ilnnsen, Lizzie Cop loa, Julia Jelenix, Keller Cplen, El mer Bunt, Andrew Hansen, George Ramoy. Lillian Ramky, Teacher. As everyone knows, L. A. Hawkins is a devout Bryan man, nnd ho has also been away on a visit. While the writer was pausing his house wo were, surprised to notico a largo picture of tho republican presidential candidates in tho window. Wo aro inclined to think that Ins bettor half has boon playing a joke on him or is a republi can horsolf. Maybe he has seen so much prospeiity up in Wiaconsintkat ho placed It thero himself since his re turn. Wo wish to nnnounco this week a pleasant call from tho Rov. J. II. M. Cobb, pastor of tho Methodist church of this city, and must say that ho im pressed us as being a very pleasant gentleman and one who will do much toward tho building up of that soeioty hero. The pleasure of tho visit was mutual nnd wo believe that tho gentle man left with tho impression that wo did not huvo horns and were not near as bad as some threo or four persons who up to (Into have not road their titles clear would like to have people boliovo. Tho smokers of Red Cloud enn lind on salo by H. E. Grico nnd a few of the locol dealers ono of tho choicest nnd most phenomenal retailing cigars ever manufactured in tho west, the "luck" clear. It is hand made throughout and unrqualed in workmanship by any 5 cent cigar on tho markot. Tho "Tuck" cigar has in its Ullor tho linest grade ef old unllavored tobneco that can bt pur chased and used in a fi cent cigar. Its drnf l is pel fectlon. Tho "Tuck" cigar is packpd in tin foil in packages of llvo with the object in viow of keeping it fresh, retaining tlio lLivornnd protect, ing it from breakage when carried in thu pocket." Tho "Tuck" cigar is in fact poi lection in everj thing that is rr quired to mako a choice smoke. There is u cigar made in tho llvo cent cigars that equals the Tuck cigar, in line workmanship, quality, draft and QUer. Try the "Tuck." Last week I told you that goods well bought woro half sold. This Is a true saying from tho way tho penplo buy when thoy see what I hav for tho money. I will sell you a better job than you can buy at Chicago or any other place for tho money. Compare my goods nud ptlets witli otheis nnd see for yourself. Jas. Peterson GENERAL CITY NEWS. Roy Young and wife wcro in Hast ings this week. See the Uno display of heating stoves atW.W. Wright's. They all g to Peterson's when thoy want a good buggy. Walter Roby sells tho Singer sowing machine. Prices right. Got tho best. Pay your sulnoriptiea and get a cal culating pencil. Thoy are a littlo won der. Mrs. C. L Wiafroy returned Wednes day frnm a several weeks v.'sit in the cast. From the way that tho baggies are going nut from Putersou's he must havo something attractive. Lost. Coming from depot, small green purso containing about 70 cenu in change. Finder leave nt thh ofllce. Tho "Ashlacd," "Secretary", "Direc tor," "Sothorn," and "The Booth." Proper things in shirts. Tur. Cowukn Kai.ky Clothino Co. Hicks, Olmstoad and Hampton are thVe men who will do credit to them selves nnd tho community they repre sent. A vote for them is a vote for good1 men. Rockers and iron beds at greatly re duced prices for tho next thirty days to mako room for holiday goods nt Wolfe's furnituro store. We mean business. Come and see. A New England young man, height Oft Tin., weight 140 pounds, blonde linir, blue eyes, does not drink or use tobneco, intends to buy a farm in Neb raska and wishes to correspond with n Nebraska lady as a help-mate is need ed. Strictest coalidonco. S. 11. Jim MKitsos, Port Chester, New' York. Hnmeseekers excursions to Arl.onn, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Lousiann, New Mexico, Oklahoma Territory, and Texas. D.ites of sale Nov. 0 to 20, December 4th and 18th. Ono fare plus $2 for tho round trip, limited twenty ne days from date of salo, continuous passage in both directions. A. Con oveh, Agent. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postoflico ut Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending Nov. 1st, 1000. Hnrbaugh, Jess Mullen, W. Ray, C. C. Stone, Mamie Vandorne, J. These loiters will bo sent to the dend loiter ofllce November 15th if not call ed for before. Whon calling for nbovo please say "advertised." T. O. Hack Kit, Postmaster. (juldo Rock did itsolf proud last Monday, tho day of tho republican rally. Novor before in tho history of the town hns it soon such a crowd. Everything was thero that was adver tised and a little more too. Tho dele gation front Red Cloud was much larg er than tho railroad company hud evi dently figured on nnd nbout a hundred woro left at tho Red Cloud depot whon tho trnin pulled out, who could not squeeze nbonrd Everyone reports a good time arid plenty of republican en thusiasm. The person or persons who have been tearing up sections of defective sidewalk on Fourth avenue may think they are doing a smnrt trick, but whon they havo to go through tho mud this winter they will understand how silly their act of vandalism was. Tho start which this paper has bcou crying for for years brick hidowalks has begun nnd with tho advent of the summer we believe that many of thU material will be put in. The council should draft nn ordinance specifying tho kind of side walk that t-lioulcl be put in whon tho old ono is taken up nnd it should bo biick. Do this and the property pf tho city will advance in value and tho looks of tha street bo enhanced amaz ingly. As a stranger said, your varie gated walks of brick, ashes, gravel, sand, and board looks like h 11. LOCALLY Now is tho timo to subscribe Amos Co ml en of Suporlor was here iho first of tho weok. L K Fcls tho Webster streot barber will give you a good shavo. '). M. Abel of tho B. & M. totcols taklug a lay-off for n few days. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dickey, on Saturday, October 27, a girl. For a good smootho hair cut or shave go to L. K. F-is on Webster streot. James Burden was looking after 3 m business matters in Omaha this week. Fred Glover of Kansas City was hero this week looking after live stock in terests. Ed. Emlgh who loft hero soveral moutliH ago tor Seattle, Washington, Is homo again. Tho "Lion Brand" shirts aro the best in tho world. For salo by Tho Cowden Knloy Clothing Co. Dr. Crcightou hns plared a lino hitch ing stone with his name cut thereon in front of his now residence. L E. Feisof Campbell hns purchased the barber shop of J J, Baker. Jesse will remain with him for somo time. A dnnco will bo given nt tho Fire man's hall, tomorrow Saturday even ing, November ild, and tho usual good timo is expected. A very pleasnnt dnnco wn given at the Mnsonio hall Inst evening by tho IndlcR of the Episcopal church aad a very pleasant timo wns had by those present. "Lion Brand" shirts hnd tho largest summer sale of any shirt hi Amencn. Tho fall line surpasses anything ever attempted in shirt manufacture. Seld by The Cewdea Kaley Clothing Ce. Wo have before us a saraplo of the ba'.lot to bo used at the coming elec tion next Tuesday. It is a very bulky affair, measuring 14x42 inches, and if the voto is very henvy dry goods boxes will bo in great demand for ballet boxes. It is also one that will requiro a censldorablo amount of study and riWD in marking in order thnt no mis takes bo made. Report of school in Dist. 85, for month ending Octobor 20, 1000. Num ber enrolled for month, males 22, fe males 14, total 20. Average attend ance, males 10: females 13, total 20. Those neither nbsont or tnrdy areas follows: Laura Harris, Iror.a Kent, Carrie Manly, Blanche Pope, Mnblo Pope, Maggio Robinson.'Russel Amack, Archie Hnrns, Charles Harris, and Walter Popo. Nkttik Hummel, Tea cher. Pkoi'osalh ron Bids: Sealed bida will be received by the city clerk until Wednesday, November 7th, ut 0 p.m. for tho construction of four brick crosswalks nt the intersection of 4th avonae nnd Webster stroet, walks to be 18 bricks wide, of llrst-class paving brick and laid on n good nnd sufficient foundation of sand or cinders, center to bo threo inches higher than sides, nnd to bo bound on sides with stone. For further particulars call oa city clerk -J.E Kkslku, City Clerk. Mary E. Lease spoko to a large and vory attentive audience nt tho opera bouso last Monday evening. Sho spoko from n republican point of view nnd the way she exposed Bryan and Bryanism showed clearly that she knew what sho was talking about. It is just as she says, "whon tho demo crats swallowed tho populist party t'roy didn't swnllew mo." As a speaker sho can command more respectful at tention thnn any speaker who has been here this year. Her talks aro interest, ing and instructive nnd her compari sons aro simply immense. It you did not gel to hear her go to Riverton next Saturday. It will be worth your time The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. Pjifei Tie Dtscovfrer of Bwamp-Root at Work la Kb laboratory. Thero Is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths aro caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy aro often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack tho vital organs, or tho kidneys themselves break down and waste away- cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and tho sufferer has Brlght's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery 3 the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer St Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. -rJLJ' !V ' hj7 Ik L if Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. fj fj LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. & 3 o i i . . r . 9 opeciai - low - rriutjs s ON Men's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS AND PANTS, We were fortunate this season in our fall and winter purchases of first class mer a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a chandise for all male creation, fortune is your fortune. We divide good things with our trade. OVERCOATS AND UNDERWEAR. a a a a a a a a a a a 500 men's and Men's overcoats a $3.00 to $15.00. Big Hne at $6, J'8.00, $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00. Boys' and Children's overcoats cheaper than ever sold. a a a a a a a a All kinds of Underwear, garment. Duck Coats a Cowden-Kaley CLOTHIERS FOR a a ii!iiiiyiryiyiwi!iyiyiy(fw You are cordially invited to call and see TflE pituEftBltE" STEEL WE, u IN OPERATION AT OUR STORE. We will show you how to bake "just such biscuits as mother used to make" with only lla,f the fuel now being used. C H A great saver of fuel and labor. Made of malleable iron and steel. Riveted together libe a boiler. If properly treed lasts a lifetime. flOVEWBEft 5th to 10th, FREE Three-minute Biscuits and Delicious Coffee served every day. A salesman from the factory will be here to' dem onstrate its superior qualities. Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. mwmmmi Our our boys' overcoats at special low prices. Start at 25c a $1.00 to $2.75. Clothing Co. ALL MANKIND. s! Strength, Economy, Conveniecne Durability and Beauty Combined. i, j 1 f, a k 1 H ? fjitW tt U'u -i,ift . . rfw,,,WWW r.1... "ra