r i f PAINFUL PERIODS HO MORE MRS. GEORGE OSMUN, of Belvldcre, Warren Co., N. J., writes "Suffering nfl I Ifuil from weakness, Irrenlnrltles and backache for several years, n release from tills milTcring was is blessing. Old how I wish more Buffering women would accept your kind offer ami bo relieved. Tbcro is no need for women to miffcr. Mrs. IMnklmm's advico and Lydia E. m?iz. vmm kkkkkHn 'mbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbv flBzvssiH yiM imh wBBBBBBwikwPri wnlhVfiVcirk WBBBBBBBBBbWL V J iSmlubtbw f wmr 'SMM MRS. H. A., 124 S. Cednr Street, uwosso, awqiu, wrues: ' Nearly three years ago I wroto to you asking advice in regard to my health. I was so miserable; suffered from painful menstruation and backache, was nervous, dizzy and faint. I received such a kind letter from you, telling me Just what to do. I followed your advice and I now mn recommending Lydlu E Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. 1 thank (lod for this pain destroyer." THE CHIEF . ruBMNiii) nr W. L. MoMILLAK. One jw It M tlxmonthi SO PU1ILI9IIKI) BVERT FRIDAY Bntosod at the ot office at Hod Cloud, Neb.a tcond clsss mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Local advertising 6 cents r line jor lime. Local Advertising for ciitcrulamanu, com term, rocUls, etc., Klven by diuretic, clmrltablo joclellci, etc., where all moneys ratted tbcro fremareuied wholly for church or charitable societies, Or it ten lines free and all over ten lines 94 cent cr line cr Issue. Local advertising of entertainments, concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent Is given to pro moters, & cents per lino per Issue. MM'i.AT AUVrilTISINa. One column per mouth ..................I7 00 One half column per month ........................ 3 M) One-fourth column er mouth ... .. ... 1 73 General display advertising 8V cents per loch perlssuc. REPUBLICAN TICKET. National Ticket. For President, WILLIAM MCKINI.KY For Vice-President, TriKODOHK KOSKVKI.T , ' Stat Ticket. r"oraoemor. G. II. DKITHICII, I Of Adams County. ! Ker Lieutenant Govesnor, ', K. V. 3AYAUK, Of Custer County. , Far Secretary f Mate, ' (I V MARSH, , or IllrUttriWsu Ceuuty. For Stnto Treasurer. WM.STUKKPKK, Of Cutuuiliig County. , For Stnto Auditor, J CIIAR1.KS WKSTO.V, , or Sheridan County, i ,, For Attorney (ieueritl, , K. N. I'ltOUT, i , or Clsge County. i Fir CoramlHsloner Public Lands, I (1KO. I). FOLLMKR, I qr Nuekolls County. (' For Superintendent;! ubllc Iiiktructlon, ' ' W. K KOWI.HR, or Washington Ceuuty. " Congrtsjlonil Ticket. ' For CougrestniHii, A'h DIMrlct, W. S. JIOIII.AN, t or Red Willow County, I Stnatorlul Ticket. i For Slntc Senator, Will DUtrlct, I r I. It. HAMPTON, 8 or Wclter Caiiuty. Float Repf"nttlvfc Ticket. For Float Kepresntutlve, rUF.I ! OI.MSTKAI), or Adams County, Ceunty Ticket. nor Stale Representatlrc, CIUS. K. HIUKS, For Ceuuty Attorney, K. U. OVKRMAK, Tuesday is tho day. - - McKtnley is tho num. Tho parntuouut issue: Defeat W.J. Bryan. Bryn is sttro to carry fewer states this year than In 1800. Tho reform party lias now got up lo Tammany. Whero noxlT Toil voted for prosporlty and got It. Will yH cow voto ngiilnst it? Peflrapi llio next time tho democrats will nominate a democrat. - If you wutit to vote for pnuio nnd al-inu put a mark after the fusion electors. Voto for u republican stato legUln tute, which will olect a republican to tho United States senate. IMiiklium's Vegetable Compound will relievo them." Mks. Ida Peters, Milan, Tenn., writes: " Dkaii Mils. I'inkiiam When I wrote to you tho first time asking your advico I was a great sufferer. Menstruations were irregular, somo times a week too soon and then n week or two late, and when they appeared were very profuse; great pain and tenderness in the bowels, pain in back and limbs, Icucorrmca all tho time, i was weak and nervous and had no appetite. Iturning and choking sensation in my throat. 1 received your reply and followed nil your Instructions and now I urn cured. I owe my ' recovery nil to Mrs. l'lnklmm's ndvlco and her wonderful remedies." Ella E. Brenner, 'East Rochester, Ohio, writes: " I have been thankful a thousand times since 1 wrote to you for what your Vegeta ble Compound has done for me. I followed your advico cnrcfully and now I feel llko a different person. My troubles were back ache, headache, nervous tired feeling, pain ful menstruation aud lviicorrlucn. I took four bottles of Lydia K. Piuklnm's Vegeta ble Compound, one box of Pills, one p&ckago of .Sanative Wash and am now well." " Mrs. Maggie I Stine, New Berlin, Pa., writes: " I have suffered with terriblo backache in tho small of my back for nbout seven years, and could never get anything to help me. I tried hovcrul physicians, mil lotinii 'no help. I have now taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'H Vegetable Com pound, mid feel like a different woman." Tho ex-presideuts of tho United States will have none of liryatiisin even though it bo put up in nntMiupcriatism cnvsulse. - If the campaign woro to continue n. month longer detnocrnts would bo ns senrco in tho United States ns snakes tiro in Ireland. Chairman Jones seems to bo labor ing under tlio impression that if ho guesses bard enough ho may bo ablo to pull his msti through Tho positivo cortnintv of republican success is now amirud and it is now only n question of tho sl.o of tho ma jorities that will bo given for sound government. As tho campaign draws to a close, Bryan increases the cxlrnvaeunco of Ids charges against tho republican party and stows more indefinite as to whit ho will do when elected presi dent. W.J. Brynn says tho democratic pnr ty stnnds whero it did in 180G on tho money question. Tho probabilities are that tho American people will bo ft Mini standing in tho sninu position m they did in 1800. The mind of tho pooplo is now inndo up. Tho light is over. Anothur cum paign of education is ritiished nnd it Only remains for tho workers to get out tho votes in older that McKinley's administration be gloriously vindlcat ed at tlto polls. Thoso who believe it safu to voto for Bryan because tho republican linaneial legislation has settled tho mouey qui s lion, should remember Unit a free sil ver congress enn enact freo j liver leg islation Just as well as u sound money cbiigrois can enact sound money laws. Bo sure that our congressman nnd stnto legislators are republicans. Whal Motherhood Means Motherhwod means either happiness or misery ' There is scant happiness for the mother, who In pain nud weakness brings into the world a weakling babe which she can neither nurse nor nourish, Dr Pierce's favorite Prescription fits women for motherhood. It strengthens the maternal organism It trauquilizes tlie nerves, eticourngcs the appetite nnd brings refreshing sleep. It muktis the birth hour practtally painless and gives the mother the nourishment to give her child. There is no alcohol in "favorite Pre scription," nnd it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics. ' Wonts cannot express how grMefut I am for out kind advice and your 'Paorlte Prescription,-" writes Mrs. I) ll Harriets, of Perrows, Campbell Co , Va. "I tcel that It has cuted me I hail liee.n in poor health for four years Suf fered Kreatly wlih my rigtit side, also with txarluRdown pains, aud my nerves were In a dreadful state, After unliig four bolHes or yor ' favorite Prescription ' I am now well I am the mother af two chiUrea With the first cllld I suirered twenty-eislit hours, and with the second I used your medicine nnd was sick only three hours I believe Dr Pierce's 1'aror. lie Preciptlou lo be the best medicine In the world for milferiiiR females. I wish you great success, aud hope that God will bless ou In your noble work," Pr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent tee on receipt of 21 one -cent stamps to pay expense" of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. jtt&Z$frmW ABBBmmh-4y3s$fWI ABBBBMU$UmWSwy E. U. OVEVMAN. 'lltot (lice of county attorney I one which intnifbts evpry voter In Wobter county Too much partisanship and not enough good judgment in selecting a proper peisoti for this olllco lias been 11 detriment to this county. A county attorney kIioiiL be a petsou who is :nnb'u of defending too interesis of the people he represutits in aujeoiitt wltln ui fl istanto. This year the it publicans have on their ticce I a caiidl date for county attorney who is one of the best v ad nnd most capable la -yiM's in Weiiter emiuty. Omt who w a lawyer minis no iutioduetion to the piipr. Olio who located iutbitcity only 11 few jeurs ngo, Mil m iiisiiit loot as huge, if notlugei prneiid ilinii tiny oilier iilltiinc in the count j. w,Jffe " ivJ ft Olio who through his Mriet attention to the law business, and who throdgh his willing'ic.vs to prosecute or defu ml any legitimate r.niiii, tin matter how large or how small the nmottui involved, has endeared himself to the people and has acquired a reputation of being a clean, honest, reliable, upright and capable man and a trustworthy law yer, nnd ono who has the confidence nnd respact of nil. Such a man is the next county attorney ot Webster coun ty K. U. Overman, He needs no iutio duetion or words of commendation, his residence boro has gained both for him. Very few aro tho people of this county who have not mot him. To meet him is to meet n man, to get acquain ted with him is to bo convinced that ho is a man when tho full moaning of that word is tnkon into consideration. Ho has risen from boyhood to his present station i j lifo through his own person al clTorts, and he is not ouo to stop, bttt rather ono who will overcome any ob slaclo in his road to success. Tho vot ers of Wobstor county can select no 111010 capable man for the ofllce of county nttorney if they go over tho whole list of members of the Webster county bnr. Nothing would ,bo more creditable to the voters of this county thnn to have it said that for onco they luid aside political differences and elected n capable attorney to uttond to their legal interests To do this they will have to put an X after the name of K U. Overman, but thoy will novor bo soriy that they did it. Seo that you murk an X after his name on your Dal- ols next Tuesday, ' 1 C. E HICKS. WI1011 a man comes up for oflico ov oiyime, as a rule, considers that Wis kindly disposition aud geniality will disappear as soon as the election is over aud the votes aru counted, and in some cases this is true. However, there aro exceptions in all cases, ami especially so is this true in tho ease of ouo of tho candidates on tho republican ticket this year. Wo refer to (Jhas. K. Hicks tho republican candidate for stnto representative. Two years ago Mr. Hicks was a candidate for float representative 011 tho same ticket aud was elected in the faca of 11 largo fu sion miijorily in both Webster nnd Adams counties. The people mado no mistake 111 his selee.Mou then. Ho took tho utmost euro 111 looking nfttr the interests of tho peoplo ho represented and their sni illest desires for special legislation were always attonded to by him with pleasure. Ho mado no bold pretenses thou, tiu simply promised ns ho did this year, to look after the in terests of his pooplo to tho bust of Ills ability, and no ono ever criticised liii actions while in the state legislature. Ho was no more approachable by a rich man than by a poor man while in ofllce nud during his touuro was ever possessed of n personal opinion tlintony man was us good as another, and was deserving of the same atten tion. Ho is always tho same, before election or after election, and auyono who kuos him knows that this is so. A voto f-r li'.m means a vote for all tho peoplo Ho is an Inmost nnd upright m ui one who is always trim to his con. siilueiits and ono doiciving of tho votes of 1 1 p illtle.il eromls, Put an X nftes' his name and have your neighbor do the stmt; " ' I B HAMPTON. 1 B Hampton, the next stato sena tor from this district is conducting ono of the most iIiuioukIi and gentlemanly eanipaluii!1 ever conducted in tbis dU ttict. He ban made a thorough can vass of the dlsti let, and in no ulaco has lie attempted to ui.tko a showing for himself by decrying the demerits of 1 his opponent, but simply by his own Blood Troubles: As the blood contains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it is impor tant that it be kept free of all impurities, or it becomes a source of disease, poisoning instead of nourishing the body, and loss of health is sure to follow. Some poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin by absorption, or inoculation ; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the system and ferment, allowing disease germs to develop and be taken into the circulation. While all blood troubles have one common origin, each has some peculiarity to distinguish it from the other. 'Contagious Wood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Ecacma and other blood diseases can to distinguished by 1 certain r.-tr'- ' r, eruption or Inflammation appearing on the skin. Every blood disease s' ncr or later on the Manv mi sore or outward slcn external i.1M.i..ubii9. Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from such treatment. BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES f the poisoe -ust be completely and perma. nently eradicated the blood reinforced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deeix 1 enps the very life. Mercury potash and arsenic, the treatment usually prescribed in this class of diseases, are violent ioisons, even when taken in small doses never cure, but do much harm by adding another poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood. sss or any similar blood trouble, write them fully for advice about your oasc. All correspondence is conducted in strictest coofi. dencc. We make no charge for this service. Book on blood and skin diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. individual met its. Ho lias lived in this county ever since t lie oarlj 'TO's and is well known nnd highly respected by everyone. No one cuu placo or show any spots or blemishes on his reptitn tiini politically. Always honest, al ways just, always (quitnble. Helms no excuse to make for past actions. Ho is nn exemplary man nnd one well calculated to 1111 tho olllco to which lie aspires with grace nnd dignity. Tho people of ibis distt let aro fortunate to have such a man to vote for. One of the best indications to good citizen ship is to bear n man siy, "I voted for tn honest nud capable man regardless of politics." Tbis is what can bo said if you cast ymir Inllot for I. B. Hamp ton for senator. Kemember it nnd win n you go to voto be sure and put an X after his name. Four years ago Bryan received n plu rality of 233 votes in this county. This means that tho republicans will have to make again of thirteen in every voting precinct in the county, or that about seven votes in each precinct will have lo bo changed in this election in order to carry tho county for Mc Ktnley. Can it be done? Don't say no. On tho morning of election day got off your coat and Ret to work and do your sharo toward changing to a substantial mnjoriiT for good govern ment. Seo that every man votes and vote? right. If voit are h republican and do not voto on election day, that menus two votes for tho democrat iu ticket. Dou't stay at homo nud then kick if your ticket is bent. Go aud vote and uiako every ouo else do the same thing. m m Reform politics in 18U0: "Down with political corruption." Uefoini politics of 1000: "(treat is Tammany and Crokor is its prophet." W.J. Bryan. -s Voto foi tho republican congressman so as to sustain the president In his policies for good government. r&S8T&2sz&Zr,S&J l'liis picture is the timlo titiiiU of SCOTT'S I-MUI.SIOX, ami is on every bottle of SCOTT'S KM!,. SION in tlie World, which now amounts to mtuiy millions curly This great business lias giowu to such vast proportion Frsfz-Because the proprietor have always beeu mos.t careful in selecting the various ingredients used in its composition, atucly: the finest Cod Liver Oil, aud the purest Hypophosphites. St?contf:-Because they have sc skillfully combined the rarioti: ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. 77ir;-Beeause it has made si many sickly, delicate childret strong and healthy, given healtl and rosy cheeks to so many pak anaemic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If you have not tried It. send for free sample, Us agreeable taste will surprise vou, SCOTT S. HOWNC, Cliemlsts, 40013 rearl Street, .New York. joe and Ji.uo; alldruggut. U A outside and on the weakest part of the body, or where it finds the least resistAnr. for the real disease, and attempt a cure fc. a. fc., nature's own retneuy, maue 01 roots anu ueros, attacks the disease la the blood, antidotes aud forces out all impurities, makes weak, thin blood rich, strong and healthy, and at the same time builds up the general health. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the only one that can reach deep-seated blood troubles. A record of 50 years of successful cures proves it to be a reliable, unfailing specific for all blood and skin troubles. Froo Medio! Troatmont. Our Medical Department is in charge of skilled physicians, who have made blood and skin diseases a life study, so if you nave Contacious Blood Poison. Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Eczema, an Old Sore or Ulcer. Gleafing Sale To make room for my new Special Cargains 2 only, line fancy Kilt, worth 8po0 at 2 only, blacK and gold burnished, -vorth $4 00 at 1 lineO inch Rilt burnished, worth $4 CO at . 2 f8 ench. One lot nsforted flan eh wotth $2.r.O and $2 00nt. 1 48 each. Ouo lot (1x14 hand painted pastels sketches iu 7uc frames, your choice of tho lot with fiunio com plete . . . 00c each. AT THESE: PRICES IT BUY ; NOW : FOR -G. V. ARGABRIGHT. PORTRAIT PAINTER, RED CLOUD, NEB. W. B. DEAI.KK IN Flour9aFeed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hay and Coal Oil. HARD - ABI - No. i Third Avenue, Red PLATT & Giheagokambef Yard, RED CLOUt). Lumber, Lime. CityDra and B. Stf. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. TRADERS LUMBER CO, DEALBR8 IN LUMBER and COAL -building; material. Etc. Red Cloud. JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "UTTLE GIANT" It H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH 118 WEIOBT IN COID TO EVERY SIOCKMAH AND FARMER. FmSBHttKS, MOftSE A CO.. OCQAHA, NEB. Cancer, Scrofula, Old Sores, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Chronic Ulcers. by the use of salves, liniments and nih on frames. i i 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 Holiday Goods I offer some in 16x20 frames. 2 93 each. 2 48 each. WILL: PAY: YOT TO FUTURE : USE. IUUSMUUMUtUMtuti ROBY, SOFT - COAL Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. Q FREES CO.. NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Express .Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest I Nebraska Vv