v "1 jlk,. MOREOR LESS PERSONAL. LOCALLY 1 , , ..,,JA,,.. " I v .fok ft: k. i 3if& 1 .H 'I- ")hU 1 fil H ayytyfe THE CLOCK. A reliable cloekis ii necessity in ev ery well regulated household Our -clockstconibiui beauty of design with accuracy in time keeping. Vo guar anteo every clock wo sell and know how to niako it go r;slit if it goes wrong. THE RING. Our linger ring nil have the ring of goodness. They stand the closest in spection under the strongest light of day, Your critical inspection invited. THE WATCH. There are two kinds of people we want to watch. They who have- watch cs wo want to repair them. They who have bono we want to sell them watches. Newhouse Bros., .1KWKLKIH A OPTICIANS. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Tiik Chikk SI per year. For farm loans call on C. W. Kuley. Janiei Morrison of Superior wag here tlvis week. Cowdon-Kaley C. for hats, enps, gloves and mittens. Xao Chikv and Chicago Intor Oceau nayoar for $1.25. Diright Jones f Guido Rouk was on -our streets Tuesday. Seo our portrait olTor and then come In and seo the samplo portrait. Henry Cook returnod Wednesday from a business trip to Lincoln. For a good suioothe hair cut or shave 4o to J. J. linker's on Webster street. A brother of o.ir fellow townsman 1). B. Spanogle is visiting in the city this week. Mrs. Buntloy of Lincoln, a former resident of this placo is visiting friends here this week. Pete and James Mcintosh returned 'home Wednesday morning from a sev eral day's trip at Denver. Jack l'egg who has been working for tho H. & M. at Alliance arrived bouio Wednesday and will stay hen tiintil after claction. Mrs. Thomas Hicksou, formerly of this city, now residing in old Mexico, is hero visiting with her sister Mrs Harry Stroup and other relatives. Wo carry tho largost line f mens' und boy's duck coats, water proof and wind proof, lloy'i 8oc to $1.,")0, mens' r$l 00 to $2,75. Tiik Cowokh-Kalkt o. Sins. C. Haresnapo of Smith county, ".Kansas, Rev. Harcsnape and family of Utocktoa, Kansas, and R. K. Haresnape of Colorado were tho guests of Mr. am1 Mrs. H. C Weber last waek. LaW aaBBaV 'ibbbbI aaaa A 'Laf m aaBBBBBal aaBBBBBBam Lam N other aid so great to the housewife, ho ther agNt so useful and certain in making del'iciwus, pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised. r . fttfAl MtiM POWJM .00,, Cow-den Kal' y Co., for nhoes for men and bo s John Havel is homo agniu after a t trip to Denver. All kimU of wire fencing at Wright's hat d wart store. Mrs. N. M. Doudtm of Guide Kock was hero Saturday. L Kenyon and wife of Iuaralc were in the city Saturday. Ed Hilton and Chatles Wilt of Hlue Hill were in tho city yesterday. Cowden-Kaley Co., for mens' nobby neckwear, collars, cutf i and shirts. Mrs. Hannah (Jarber of Guide Kock is visiting with Geo. Garbor this week. I have a few first class sewing ma chines to trade for stock. F. V. Tay i.ou. F. E. McKeeby of Superior was in the city Saturday taking in tho big ra.ly. L. C. IVisicci- of Hluo Hill was in tho city this week ndjusting his political fences. Mrs. C. I). llobinson loft Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends in It tie Hill. Norman Morrison left Sunday for Omaha where he will takoa course in a dental college. Mr. nnd Mrs Jack Hayes were up dom Guidu Kock last Saturday taking in tho celebration. Mrs. Hall of Stoux City, Iowa, and Mrs. Dunning of Klkport, Iowa, sisters of Mrs. Gov. Garber, are visiting in tho city. Mrs. C. E. Hicki of Bladen, wife of our next caunty representative was visiting with Mrs. Jns. Bunion and family last Saturdny. I Ikuvo just unloaded a car of the ilncst buggies and surreys that have over beon brought to the town. Cotue in and soo them. Jas. 1'ktkkson. Are you going to buy a sewing ma chine? If so I have tho best machine for tho money over offered. Do not fail to soo it beforo buying. F. V. Taylok. Wantkd: Man to manage branch ofllca for wholesale house;. salary $125 00 per month, idlice expenses nnd com mission. Must furnish satisfactory reference and $300.00 cash. Address, Wholesale, No TM Nelson Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo. Married, at tho homo of the bride's sister, Mrs. II. C. Webber, nt high noon on Wednesday, October 17, Geo. C. Hing to MissTeua llaresnnpe, Kcv. Harcsnape olliciating. Only a few of tho immediato friouds of tho contract Sag parties wcro present. Mary Ellen Lease tho noted speaker has been secured by tho republican county central committee to speak on tho issues of tho day fiom a republioau standpoint, at tho opera kotise in this f city on next Monday evening, Oct 31st. I'his is nor tirst appcaranco in this city and there is perhaps no porson on the public stage in later years who has a tetter reputation as a public speaker than this lady orono who has had maro ;ood and bad things .said of her. If you want to hear a good speech come in and hear Mary Ellou. Tlieru arc unitation baking powders, sold cheap, by niauy grocers. Tliey are made from alum, a poison ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health. 1W WlkUAM ITh rW.YrC. pTTTii I'KIKIC-iis Knit III nulhF Last week I told you that goods woll bought wore halt sold. This is n true saying from the way the people tmy when they seo what I hav for the money. I will sell you a better job than you can buy at Chicago or any other placo for tho money. Compare my goods and prices with others and seo for youi self. JTa.ss. Peterson GENERAL CITY NEWS. Dan Enos and wife Suudaycd in tho city. dialler Buschee of Guide Rouk was horo Satin day. Beit Ovcrlees of Itiverton was in tho city Inst Friday. Thoy all go to Peterson's when they want a good buggy. Come in and seo our samplo portrait and you will want one. J. 11. Butler of Bloomington was in the city ou business Friday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Topkam on Saturday, October 20, a boy. Mrs. Sutton of McCook was visiting L. P. Albright and family Saturday. Walter Roby soils tho Singor sowing machine. Prices right. Got tho best. Pay your subscription nnd got a cal culating pencil. They are a little won der. W S. Arbulhat of Lebncu took in the republican rally at this placo last Satuiday. From tho way that tho buggies aro going owt from Peterson's he must have something attractive. Thus. Brakolield and wife departed Tuesday for Spokane, Washington, where thoy will make thoir futurt home. Tho young boyH of this city have or ganiztd a drum corps and soan martial music will bo floating on tho evening breezes. Don't delay until thoy are all gone but come and get it buggy or spring wagon at Peterson's and savo from flvo to tan dollars. Tho "Ashland," "Secretary", "Direc tor," "Sothern," and "Tho Booth." Proper taiags in ahirts. Thk Cowdkn Kalet Clotuino Co. E. L. Ely of Omaha, formerly pastor of tha Congregational church of this placo ii hare this week fleeting old friends and looking after business Matters. Rockers and iron beds nt greatly re duced pr'.cas for the noxt thirty days to maka room for holiday gaoas nt Wolfo'a fnrniture store. Wo mean business. Come nnd see, A Now England young man, height Oft 7in., weight 140 pounds, blondo hair, hluo eyes, does not drink or use tabacco, intends to buy a f.irm in Neb raska and wishes to correspond with a Nebraska lady ns a hclp-mato is need- ad. Strictest conlidonco. S. H. .Tiu- mkuson, Port Chester, Now York. Homcsoekors excursions to Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Lousiann, New Mexico, Oklahoma Territory, and '1.i-na IVt.. ..l XT n a.. tr LCAIIS. 1IWCO Ul BUIO 11UV. 0 VO U, December 4th and 18th. One fare plus $2 for tho round trip, limited twenty ane days from dato of sale, continuous passago in both directions. A. Con oveu, Agent. Ouo f tho prettiest features seon on our streets during tho parado Saturday was the horso ahd buggy drivon by the Misses Lotta Boats and Ntttie Fort. Tuo buggy was tastefully decorated with red, whito and blue bunting with tho pictures of McKlnley and Raoso- volt on either side of the top. Tho yo.tng ladies woro a plentiful supply of yullow ribbon, siiowinir their tiolitits nil right. Tho republicans of Guido Rock nro making nrrangomants to have a !g tima at that place next Monday. By tho bills wo seo that two oxon will bo roasted on the grounds and will ho dis ponsod free of charge at noon. CofTco nnd bread will also bo served free. The McCook band aad York Quartet which furnished such excellent music iu this city last Saturday, will also be tlioro. Mary Ellon Lease will bo the principal speaker, although sovoral others will bo proseut. A cordial invitation is ex tended to everybody to come and bring a knifo and fork and help themsolres. Now is tho time to subscribe. E. C. Moore of Bladen was in the cay Saturdny. J Warren Keifer Jr. of Bostwick tvas in the city Saturday. Miss Grace Hicks of Bladen was the guest of Miss Nellie Walton Saturdny. Mrs. E S. Prathor, a sister of Lou Clapp was visiting in tho city Satur day. Jntuas Bowren left Tuesday for Den ver where he will engage In tho livery business. Tho "Lion Brand" shirts nro the best in the woi Id. For sale by Tho Cowden Kaley Clothing Co. Mrs. J M. Sellars returned Tuesday from a several week's visit with her daughter Mrs. Oscar Yarger in South Dakota. Among the visitors from Guide Rock last Saturday were K S, i'lotidlit, E. E. Burr, W. A. Seeley, Donald McCalluia, and Aaron Gnrbcr. "Lien Brand" shirts had the largest summer sala of any shirt iu America. The fall Una surpasses anything ever attempted in slui t manufacture. Sold by The Cewden Kaley Clothing Co. Kidney disease is tho enemy wo have most to fear as a result of tho fi-vcrisS restlessness of our much vaunted mod ern civllizvtion. It is a treacherous enemy, working nut its deadly efleet under cover of tho most trilling symp tiiius. Th( Hist indication of change in the mine, frequent headaches, di gestive troubles, sliomld bo the signal for prompt remedial measures. Prick ly Ash Bitters is a kidney remedy of superlative merit; it is soothing, heal ing aud strengthening, quiekly reliuve the nchiagnnd soreness thntnlwaysap pears in the advanced stapes, cheeks tho progress of Uio dieeuso audthroaph its excellent cloaHaing aad regukaiBg effect in tho stomach fiver nnd bowels it brings back tho strength and ruddy glow of vigorous health. Sold by C. L. Cotting. The smokers of Bed Cloud can find on salo by II. E. Gric'o and a few of tho locol dealers ono of tho choicest and most phenomenal retailing cigars ever manufactured iu tho west, the "Tuck" cigar. It is hand made throughout ana" unequnlcd in workmanship by nny 5 cent cigar on tho market. Tho "Tuck" cigar lias in its tiller the linest grade af old unllavored tobacco thntcanht pur chased and used in a 5 cent cigar. Its draft is perfection. Thu "Tuck" cigar is packed in tin foil in packages of live with the object iu view of keeping it fresh, retaining tho flavor nnd protect ing it from breakngo when carried in tho pocket." Tho "Tuck" cignr is in fact perfection iu everything that is required to make a chaico smoke. There is na rigar mado in the fivo cont cigars that equals tho Tuck cigar, iu (luo workmanship, quality, draft and filler. Try tho "Tuck." ' John S, Parks Dead. The sad news of the death of John S. Parkcs at Stotts City, Missouri, was re ceived by his brother Win. Parkcs in this city last Friday. Deceased died on Thuisday evening, October 18th, after an illness of ten days with pneumonia aad heart trouble. His remains waro brought to this alty for burial arriving hero Saturday night, and were accom panied by his wife aad two youngest children, agod four and sown. Tho funeral services were held on Monday aftemeoa, October 32, and wero con ducted nader tha rites of tha Odd Fel laws, MaBenic aad K. of P. lodges, and were attended by a largo con courso of frionds. Deceased loaves a wifo and sovon children, William, tho oldest of whom lives in this city. Tho fattier and mother, Samuel and Sarah Parks, John S, William, and Samuel Jr., nnd ono sister, Charlotte, emigrat ed from England. They sailed from Liverpool on April 22, 1855 nnd landed at Now York, May 22, 1855, thenco to Atchisog, Kansas. From thero to Utnli overland with a ox team. Thoy left Utah in 1859 ani wont to Omaha, ntd shortlv thereafter located in Council Bluffs, Iown. John S. Parkcs came to what is now Red Cloud in July 1870, and lived hero twenty, live yoars, after which ho moved to Missouri whoro ho died. For a ) 1 SQUARE MEAL ) I next j SATURDAY 5 I go to I I ' L X VaBBT'U'lraBBBBBBBBBB S fStai? Bakery, J. O. WILES, Trap. 3 Cowden-Kaley vs LEADERS IN --a Special - Low - Prices ON Men's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS AND PANTS, Wo were fortunate this season in our fall and winter purchases of first class mer chandise for all male creation. Our fortune is your fortune. We divide our good things with our trade. OVERCOATS AND UNDERWEAR. 500 men's and boys' overcoats at special low prices. Man's overcoats a $3.00 to $15.00. Big Hue at $6, $8.00, 10.00, $11.00 and $12.00. Boys' and Children's ovorcoats cheaper than ever sold. i:i Underwear. Start at 25c a garment. Duck Coats $1.00 to $2.75. 5 3 -a '3 3 -a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 V3 Cowden-Kaley CLOTHIERS FOR 2tfQTCUKX?fii2fitt$3tt3KU You are cordially "THE PM1EABI1E" I STEEL IN OPERATION We will show you how to bake "just such biscuits as mother used to make" with only half the fuel now being used. Vl'l'. Ul.,' M-Jbil f " ' 'i jTjr 'lllLWIL-j-jaaLi-dCE mwsrii-; nrAl 11 UMrff IB mm A great saver of fuel and labor. Made of malleable iron and steel. Riveted together libe a boiler. If properly used lasts a lifetime. flOVEW8ER 5th to 10th, FREE Three-minute Biscuits and Delicious Coffee served every day. rft 1 'M A salesman from the factory will be here to dem- M Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. Clothing Co. ; LOW PRICES. Clothing Co. ALL MANKIND. m invited to call and see gl RflH&E, AT OUR STORE. m m 3 Strength, Economy, Conveniecne Durability and Beauty Combined. mm WAVi V V VA1 $m YSs.'.VfJ fZL onstrate its sunerior nnnlitiPQ M I ili i u m v ! m ii r1 ' ' .ft I". i. JBjja A.S