The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 26, 1900, Image 2

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The Sportsman May Stalk Lions in the
Streets of Mombasa.
II &uy onv taiterlcAnr tht idea that
tht tiurtli has ibtmu Xitf'fly i wrpt f llc
cuuf. aoifl t&tututU vi w lut plaining
tfkwwuC lie tftouM iuV.- 11 :uutfl KLr3 i
u vjexji'j.u, jiiiw Axxara p-o out or-
rw about H iiivrv JM&Uugiualit v" i
fcikflu .of Hie Otut'il lfttl ut MomUiriiu, !
Bwiua MuuviuttM-a mitfht grtiw juu-
owl4 nal. liii ;ji1iiufc tiBwrU !
twl rit yt I&viulfiu.a Ui'1 fl? f M
aivjw.cJ, jui it tv 1An wjouu- " U hwinf
iiMxx it not fitutt lu vrl.irDJaiiU lit
r.tAut4r' Kr C JL Ji)H, liTt
aoui nikfl ji;.M'ititow4 ituntyr. u m-
U-Jri Lie iJfwi:r vjutij toj3 6rtw&
iitxu out tkivticl IVv vtivfiow M t
HyWf fluliit tr 41a oSow f iif Pw.
jt.ul vvMo- wu'.iit .HwriJuUoitat
Wia to tlfij mi Uj Ui-'.'.K, Jiii4 on ti t
ia iwb;uj vAii 1 vt.b-T w'iif j,
id uUJUwkttd iKa1 at4f Jit- .4tor
tiit Cwwr ta1 Mr Hsxi.rr mwyi.'fl u
luk Jurt eV-ri' alrx
Tif tnJi) Uy uL JJiiiiua ahUva,wjUi
Ja vnnksA A ik ovuiTtrurtiwa tiaj
Mr, PftJ 4wri JT u$ Bbvat 2 i- ,
tbrwUog up Me htAt vtz in wa
ttct -51a tin- lurJy ioJ ti !;,' Wvnew
i)Jli wju tyi;iu: ww li"n "A'V-lij-
(Thl Myatri wsjs klliMi la tit main
jttrti oa Moabaxa afttr 4 long buat
t .. . . . T
lyiuK oa tbt
pot bsre it vu
(i)Qt dOMU.)
why !, did aot kboot. i not btta
....iui...j .. . ...... .4... . 1
...v ..f. a ' ii. ... ... .1...... 1
!,, Mr n!i .h ..(- ,i.' ,L
... .., ..,., , ,.,.uft, M, 7 .v
prootwitrj to
itr thnuxi
win- 1
oa aad only Kton of .nUa. Mr. j
Huintr tok la tat tra,.5y. bt w
p-nln wlti honor tiat bt tua-
Wtd to tit llryr aud lay titx motion.
l&jt, ftaxlatj tiat it aIo alcbt btwat
r,.wiw- i
1 ,.i .. .i. ....
ii..-v 7 a iw pairoi iooaq wa ,
rtaasaU of Mr Myall's iwdy ialf a
allt fxoa tit Mt of iU d-ath. Tbty
tr jcatfownd up and
buritd. Tbt
llonu of (iKauda isxa to Krww Iwldtr
every dar. and If tbty wtr nut to 1
aavajpi ulffbt bwoat tbt country'
popu'ar animal Tbt only ptxson In
tKanda wfco nUTUiiat any kindly
fwlluKS for tht king of btaU is tbt
Ctrxnan cblijf of pollci; at Tansa, who
may b w.n icolng bin rounds with an
ovtTKXown Hon tub latins; In bis foot
sttps. Tbt rwit of Tanipi do not
jwjtai to sbart hU caprlc, aad In a
bungalow o'jxjtldt tb vJl'tj tbt wrlttr
called on a French eunattr. who to
d fitfully on his aiU'b, aad thouK'i
racked with fevtr. xnxult llicbt of that.
complaining only tJxat bo could not
slttp at night on accouut of tbt llor.h.
"Sy-bow you call It? roar'" he
wild, "and thr iwund! It is u-rrlbhi'
May j) you hlvtr, yi-Ay"
Notwithstanding ftvr aad wild
caj!t, th HcxiU4.t of clrlllzatfon In
Kouth Africa hare alrtady Out their
way towaidxs UKanda, which has al
ready pxovwl lu;lf a rich and fertile
country whr cereal ;row Hide hy
sldo with tropleal vtKetatlon Tho
Oorxnanis hav bt-n juick to rfcoznlzt
tht posslblllllcwj of thU r-Klnn. und
thtlr .'ijttrprlfj In Kust Africa Is re
marktthlt. Klvo years au tht home
Korerxunwit npproprUtd 800xOO
inarkfi for the emtabllHbiwnt of n corftfj
plantation not far from TariKa. The
first y?ar tho ylhl paid expenses; tbe
third ytar It wiunltd half the i:ailtal:
tbe fourth year the tnllro capital, and
In th: last 12 months the plantation
tins made a profit of 400,000 inurkn.
An fcvldenc of tho HUilrlen develop
nmnt In the part of tho Dark Contl
rifnt Is to be seen In tho growth of
Nnvprrtiitiglndnptriiieut KuMr lt)irr
Several weeks ago Iirazll awoke to
the luiportanco of nupprcsslng tbe
band of Independnut rubber gatherers
In the little republic of Aero on the
borders of llollvla and Brazil. A gun
boat wua sent up the Amazon to nettle
thu dispute. Nothing has been heard
from tho expedition, nnd tho taxes on
the exports of rubber from thnt region
are still being levied by tho officials of
tho Aero republic. Tho dearth of news
from the neat of tho trouble comes
from tho fact that the republic
is 3,000 in I lea from tho sea const, with
IV Gw-uhui Kni.-t Ar1i.ti fltnaxniMxi J
otmiptay, wldub ius a juouopwly is tit
fcn,h rrwra Str. .&rKUnOr the wmi.
jy Jr aiuMefl vruxy J:w to lmflfl
fc new ttblii Hit- liurt -out ltarinr litrua 1
U trltl trtp net he lwfcofc of lurt
n.titilli Knrili T ttiM T.,iu.irtr 1r tititH
iHsjjuntj. Wlfl woth gj-j:l-r .carrying
Hfl!M ,t luan' tli iuiliiUr is'
fjatnf jihj, Tbe CtxaiBitf iu?
Tiue airtuit H rai-4 iva ptologrc ii ula U a nttloa tI tbt Ucurflji
nJwv, tad jiiovt a aturt clitl aiafl alk -"iiti vtltlag tbt trriiJ cJ n
: rwhl&z rsilrouds JaltaS froa iotiixnid Cirlrtlaa ira!oL I- H- S..
' tU4r portr. utd 1u.t ain- foajil1.a j Ctarti'-j!. KaiiaiiaR.3rttiti 3a4lLar3t
1 tktcu to n oittta? o! Tfr Ci3 atilt. I fet-ait tc4 otaer Anittics Iron owtJa
Tiit- UKksAa roiid. im tl- oiar iiaai. j J Pf.dea sell; Artlis. rt SwtHMf
! it cow iut Jx 4irtaw ol X alJt ta4 Urtji. Ti-j rt wo ior hir
1 tad lurkc, imt itK of r.'wA3ax Victoria ior lo:2z4 ay inaa of tie ia. vlr
i Sruizai. Ux twakiMi. Eart Afrietat i Jwn plrrr uj mms ae iJJcrt :at
( aJrtatfr tak o! H ai coat-ta, aa4 ' V-rt of .'axtliuf t thJppla? Taer
, tit p;afat t.at4toa Lwj"- w s? to ' flr4-rlww iypJu;l. goT?raaitit
'jj lr raL j iwJMIaK. Una Mae ta4 atvrapw.
J Ilai;xua4 4fripaest la la&4a it a ) " lru ait nil aaa. tit sons
Jow pioctaso, for tit iartw oi tit ' aalt4. at- Vuilaew firat wa-
toVBtrr. at aay W wa Vr ti" vboA ! aUr otaisj; p sa f tit !loai
i xjapac jairs artfl ijcJatri2K. 1 H ?:slJ' litvt, Moaaa.a tipticu
i Ealaod it sJifa4r ptat 23CV.V.'9 hvm 1 tit oort tiririac 5iy oa
a tit Job. aa3 tr.r asj3t ootls 5a tat ' ta' -AfrJcta EtM fsort
i aiibcj;V of IWA Kroa Woa- j
lawi ! a yoiat atw Lakt Mavajsia. I
1.W ft aLytt j. Jtvtl. tit rouS prt- J
;! It tia anktt a mMs -Jrop , B , , " r lbr Artla''
of 2jtia fwt to ib- JjiV-. aaJ aftw- ! . a"t " ch a aiM03 -c3e la lit
ward ka, t a 12.W3 foot JtTti a- ! uoW liii aay of ui Jo aot uf
f... ii. ... . ., ...'. fccftaUy auiciat Ir n l.!tiK of Mv,
jml. tiroMza Tat brr-n !K1. but ,
tiea aia awtad. to PUaa. aa3 ,
awBitm ni rat ih umai u
'l.ta d tat T.StUtk,a ri.
nanf Mint--!. . .vi.i ... ..1........1
flaaL MIifMli r ol.i ,. v,,,,., '
Pl-atifullr. an1. roMln. ..!.
Uut at ZaanLir Mount kih-.
.... .. ........,....,
u who )roa" Tit aatlrt of Ujpadm I
ari! tr)or rat, formwi irpltadldly.
mi ladtMadtit. th th-4it ,.... n..
5r,dtat tiat tbty will aot work
tbt railroad. It Is. titrtfoxt. it- ,
ao.tly by clit labor.
Moabu town. n wblch tbt xaer- ,
caaUJt lift of Eaxjl)b IlaAt Africa U
tlntd to cntr. is rltnattd 03 tbt
'r.u .jt o: aa u.saa 01 tit Eanit
naae, wblii is tbrw? allts In Itanh.
aad oat and a ialf In bradtb Afttr
a Itp of rtnturW It has suddtalr
- ..
hten salvanlzpd Into iictlvlty. and If
tho old Morjrlhh sultans who formerly
held way there could have a look In
ut tbe new metropolis they would rub
their eyes In wonder. The time-he-grimed
fort erected In 1531 by tho Por
tuguese sovernment Is now used an a
military store and central Jail for the
entlro protectorate. It still bears the
no telegraphic lines, and Is reached
only after a long voysge up the Ama
zon and Its tributaries. Acre produces
about J5.000.000 worth of rubber an
nually. Pedro de Castro In Itlo de Ja
neiro correspondence of Chicago lUsc
ord. Canaita' r.iliKMtlonsl 'inilrn.
Over 1,500 text-book and atlases of
the dominion of Canada have been
supplied to rural schools la Bog
land hy Lord Strathcona, tho Cana
dian high commissioner. Tho Cana
dian government la very anxious it
: .utifl the uc3ir of the
, .cyxxurty vMiib soj'tmut.3 PartagaJ it
that time
Tie KUtltiuitlt Mttear I Memlitna.
witch Abarer -wtti JtaffiaflJ lie iwaw
of inane mwitioiitifl Jn "Paradiflt Liort.
CfX'jt bixi to .the ufl of lie fcfUienth
utaturr. wita tbe Portagutue .oo;Biria
it from Hit Hvorr and fctpt it thour,-n
ntrwaj tunt drir-a oat. TJM its cap
ture iy the Jaaa of Mtinuat In J CM
From that Unit uxtfl 1L'17 -vixen it ut
I to tairfal Brttton Bat
4 AXricui lUWDllUir KuaitBii liu3 Xor ill
I sov-snr Ittioat.fiua jiriaw jcnfl
i 'Oiefi- TL leva 2uw its t pajialttlwi
! 'ttf J'W'ftt, intiufllaff Yttoto -will jiemtmt..
r P(, ,m1. b.
- - u jjaay &(: isrKi
fJ " UJ s u -Bilcb It aay
f aa,J fe ' ' "It S
ff riJ!." h li ,a e i
" - w""w ivujiiiua mui may i
"" I3- JtJ5 JoWoU Ubt tit
ttti c ktpt iriltt. tit gaaj hard.
, , .1 htMlh
. ' 1 r
Wata tit saas i
art spoagy tit aonti tiould it wasa-
"ar:a rAn aa3 r. atW la tie
!t " , " . J3 ' jf'
S" to"!flS
SitblL itu 5? ,2, aad Sy
to try. Ajjaln. wj-ial paru of alan and
mIl or tvtn tail aloa pac.i oa a
pt of cottoa wool aad iaortwi ia
tbt bolJow of an arblng tootb will
oftta Kire r!!tf wbtn otb-r af-aa
havt fallfi. To allav nturalgic pains
In ih hd and far jV u -m,it . i
- ,. - . ... w..Ua, Mi. 1
of flannel. All with
salt, htat thor
oughly and apply
to tit afftcttd
part. A bag of salt
plactd hot to the
ft or aay other
portion of the
body is better for
giving and keeping
warath tbaa Is
tbe conventional
brick or hot water
bottle. Salt placed
on the gum when a
tooth hag been ex
tracted will pre
vent profuse bleed
lug at such a time.
An excellent gar
gle for the throat
Is simple salt and
water. Many seri
ous cases of throat
affection might be
cured by the use of
this alone, If only
taken In time,
gargling every
hour or half hour,
aa the need war
rant. A flannel
cloth, wrung out
of salt water, is also nn
excellent remedy for simple sore
throaL Salt In tepid water Is a
handy emetic; as an antlCne for the
poUon silver nitrate or lunar caustic
glvo bait nnd water freely. For poi
soning by alcohol an emetic of wurra
salt and water should b given and
repeated often.
encourago tho study of the history,
geography and resources of Canada In
the schools of tho United Kingdom nnd
therefore offered about four weeks ago
to Bupply any rural schoolmaster with
aa many specially propared text-books
as ho had scholars. Schoolmasters all
over the country took up the Idea with
enthusiasm and one and all agreed
that from an Imnerlal nolnt nf viou,
notblug but good resulu can follow.
Tho tailors nnd Bhocmokera In Vien
na are mostly of Dohomlan descent.
stejulxzatjon of milk.
A Trvn VliVif Irtmrnnn JScitirihUUic
VtiuUtW J ittir fltdO.
Allw JB iLitt tut .littea -rritta aafi
rreuc&iifl aliout Hit 2aiatT of Btta
4ria aafik ftir tbe oit .of iaftatii, ii
Ujui ua itaa-e uf lioui -vonlB -flo litir
fu39 flHty ttlf anoOitaJ njxicl idiots la
tit curt vS ibflrtai .icre now til lit
ojUktan ihet rctrfliaj-tlna 3t:nncae lit
utiurtiOdat cuiiha;i, til azdat,, tufl rta
flen St anror fitfartat tif .fttcunticaL
Tie iBiunt tcuiitiatc -a lair. ia;iorl
uxtt .tojile fta tit 1m:. itutifilcaa (ircUeis 1b
tint sunt muw tf 2jt:tii;nlty !lt tatrfl
ltfl lor flUtttf f Ekt if j.1 iu. 3h".21
rjioi)fl to inrntfn pinat. ftil lia.t 3t
In jJtticirtiw 3ntfruiilf to yniu ia
Itau" ioofl -vlth TtuiKtBrfhs)a itait W
iwofl ufl itiit'jajciSr itiitiiai aafit aa
1 ita. Ta sneuax Jitt jiuiaii, i.atnia
lt UiJtim to ttt wjJV. roa itialtiy
tiowi! thu iurt liwai aailfctta la a cScaa
3y mfcaiMsr. tbt adtk intej; tit thcrt
tSttir Oil rt:iifly for ume in diaoi tk'.aIiu
t3wflr iiOTwea.
It it twlia- now lor Jiont -wio ta
a.ora lo jitjr rxc Jt to jrocan- itaJ
otBy jnf cdik in Ijaye nutate lita ia
lawa lootLitry jli.ti:K A iarpt aaalitr
vl ivoplt now suit x. iuKLanbb of iai
la? .cart -of ticwj. tiui asaxr iuata
laxjs T:n5rt. jallfcine tbta wjii tit
ctaaoia tLaiitrj- jctiut-auoai, joa coa
T7ltj; tit mili: to tatmt wlo itaaafl
riaiwJry 3Ea auirk for ialaxU JtaS
Oa tit 4ara tit iour.fwift akttLMy
i.lti) jjjJai to n::aM tit aJIt rcep
ttdea. iot ia tit aa5orJty of caws
tit alltlac 3i float iy a 'aL-tia a.aa''
vho iu. atTta- lntta tcrgbt. aad dotf
itn laiow tiat a allbsr iiooia itTt
taa azaii. It TresM a Li41y ;ot
rlMt to laiitt titt cat wio rollts
jioaia wii alt itafiB ticroaijiJy Jurt
itfort allklajc. If titrt Ir aot a rtg-a-lar
liUry for tit ailk, a rptidal pint
liouia l jtitioati3 oS to ioia it
wita rittJa? ia tit paas; tils jilttt
tiosW i srrjv3 froa fllss. TriJti
arry typioM cata5ioa, aaa aotilag
Vt sain: iitntia it ttpt titrt. to tiat
ooort of fmitk aaa T-gttablt iiaa all
ivitn liall it ktpt froa tit aUk aad
MUk Jata4a for laftati tiovld tt
pat ax t-ovn a.f siUlu fato claw iot
titr. tiat, aittr ls? c!aata. iart
tta rlaM-3 ia bofllnc wattr aad tara
ta apEldt: 3owa to arla apoa a waJd
4 dlii. Tit to&fee riold tita it
cortrta Jotly tdti a EUp;tr of oot
toa iattiac. or, if for traarportatSoa.
tit iottJts tioald iar a liquid tigit
rap: tiif. if of attai. jaoald it ktpt
froa toataiaj; tit alll: triti oat of
tit pattat ptptr tap., tiat can it dip
PJ lato iolliaK wtttr 1tioat iajury.
WoJ-rfiU i:3-t u IxkHacu mt
Ia bis "Rtoolltrtioas jof aa Old Mu
Icla, Mr. Tioais Kyan tells of tit
tSect produced by a Tlollalst oa a
family party cf IndJaaB wio occupied
the front rtats at a oosctrt la Toptka,
Kan. "1 was told titrt was a fatier
wlti Jx was ia tie party, all very
large, broad-sioaldtrtd ata. They
filed qultuy lata their 5at&, preceded
by a local guide, in ibost haads thty
wtatd like good, docile children. One
can never kaow what they tiougbt of
us, but one can do oattblng in tit
way of Inference. They Eat quite la
aovable In their teats, with their ox
llke eyes fixed oa our party while we
played strious auric No. shadow of '
emotion could bt s-'tn on their coun
tenances. The nfth nuabtr of the
program was a violin solo by Mr.
Schultte, and for aa encore he gave
a little caprke, enmita "The Bird la
the Tret." The moment Mr. Schultze .
began tils piece the InulaaB were all '
alive, their eye sparkled with pleas
ure, and tbey nudged each other with
their elbows; and wbea the little bird
melody and Imitation of bird-slnglng
began tbey looked all around tbt ceil
ing and the walls, doubtless expecting
to see singing birds flitting about. Not
teeing any, they looked at the violin
ist and began to understand' that he ,
was the magician. Tbe surprise ana
almost incredulity depicted on the
faces of these children of nature was
a rare show In itself. At Iu conclu- (
slon they Jumped up and down. Just '
as little children do when something
unusual pleases them." Youth's Com
panion, IUU Afltet Stockholm.
Stockholm and its environs are suf
fering from a plague of rata, which. If
it Is not checked, may later lead to a
plague of dUtaM. The evil has gone
on unheeded for years, and now the
posts aro to numerous that people are
crying out for onergetlc measures. The
rats career about the city toward even
ing, and may bo seen romping even in
crowded thoroughfares, so bold have
tbey become owing to tho laxity of
the authorities. Not a house In the
town la free from the pest, and serious
damage Is being do;s to foundations.
It Is proposed to offer a premium for
each rat destroyed, after tho policy
adoptod by the Copenhagen corpora
tion, Irofeior IIconia rulor.
The CongregatlonalUt says: "The
call of Prof. Edward Cummlngs, of
Harvard University, to tbe pastorate
of tho South Congregational church,
Boston, over which Dr. Edward Ever
ett Hale has ministered so many years,
Is of more than usual significance, in
that it Implies that he will give up pro
fessional ambitions at Harvard and
prefer the pastorate, and In that it will
bo a notable Instance of a man coming
to tho Christian ministry without much
of tho conventional training for tho
profession, but who, on tho othor hand,
Is unusually well equipped for tho d!a
cusslon of the ethical and sociological
problems of tbe day.
y.-jf ?l$X'ws it,y.v5iMvr yaMvvm
Among lit few io :sn look coa
jil&oratJy va tit miarlnx; iirja Jaapi
of lie aei-cury tiwt aldrnaatr
'Guy art tit r'ata oa tit Mg boats
ia tie Great Lake, nsyr tit CilcafO
ChrnJc3t Down ia Jit hold of tie
rt2i Triwe tit flrtsntn, or sto
km. ac Jity sra t:Jlid oa ana Ma
vrr iart to liovH mjuI Into tit big
furnatfu! sit ltaptrataxt it no re3-hot
lint tit d-.grt of iet tbore board
or oa lana. io snatttr how iixjdti, woald
it a -wfrJooat change. Ope hundred
and Jilrly degrees it n:t aa aawa
saoa rtgioriLtJoa of tit tieraoatltr'
iisi tit jlati wio tie flxtata work.
Tiat l.ra;wi.Jn!t i qixitt sraa in tit
lambr room of tit ioitt. wMth itTt
ao ani3cii.i fcmaFtaat for apply
iar; air to tho- badly overheated
patou.. A Jew of tit Satrt boiiis are
5 ted v&i aa apparot&B coailFtisg of
a 2arrt ;4; ooiLavaieating with the
aapflr iir aod an tiwtrki fas, which
4rawr tit fxi 00&J air 4owa iatj tie
ftuisa't njarixuaiL By tit operation
of tilt dtriot tit laptrktn:t in tat
boJItT rooa li Uwtra ooaFidtrably
aad aadt avci aort coafortablt for
tit ata -ohoM- dty ciaias thwa there
for Ux or git ioors at a ttrttch.
Bnt aot.t of tit vW or CW lake itai-tl
Jsxaea art aot lortisnatt eaouph to
woik oa ntaatrr viti icb modern
appJiastti. Erta under tit aon fa
Torablt coadltioas firing on a sttam
toat is aa taployatat well calculat'd
to itrikt ttrxor to tie itart of any
one, txxypt iia who is capable of en
daring tit aort fearful discomfort.
Ytt titixt art xJirays enough men to
it fosnd, for a toat wldoa goi ont
aintiB tTta azit of tie awestary quota
of Si eats. Tit iigxtst boats tearing
tit city ofto tarry SW tons of soft
coal, aad tit smaller oat often carry
aa awci ar IM tear. Soae of the larg
er Bttaatrt bare ao fewer tian twelve
Mjiaratt isd diKlact faraacts la their
ioldf. aad to fted their capacrbus
aawf only tixt ata axe kept on
d:y. Tais glrti ach aan four fur
aa'"a to fill and It Is F.carctly ntce3
rary to ftatt tiat the flreaen And
liult tiat for running up on deck to
rather a fw wills of cool air. A man
witi four faraat to fill has enough
oa hh isadr to keep hja busy moving
froa oat farnac to another, and shov
eling in coal as fast as the strength of
hi ana? aad back will peraiL For
tlx or tight conscatiTe hours the Are
ata auit brave tbt appalling heat
and work at the harden kind of labor
into tie bargain. The only gusts of
air which ht ftls are the hot blasts
that belch froa th furnaces every
Jlat he opens tit door. While the
door is open the fierce glare of the bed
of coal half blinds him and the con
suming heat envelop hia on every
tide, while he works like a Trojan to
throw in the required amount of coal.
The fireaan got-s to his -ork attired
only in a thin gauze undershirt and a
light-weight pair of uocsers. These
In a atasure protect his body from
the htat without causing much heat
thtawlves. Perspiration comes in
xtreaas froa the porw of, the stoker,
and this not only agists in reducing
hi temperature by evaporation, but
its presence in such large quantities
acts further as a protection against
the heat, a water is notably a poor
conductor of temperatures. Under
such conditions as are necef&ary in the
mission Cite
in pekin...
After securing a place advantageous
ly located for reaching a large popula
tion, the missionary begins the dreary
work of repeating after a Chinese
teacher the various words he learns,
giving to each In Its turn the four dif
ferent tones of tho Chinese language,
each tone or inflection having a dis
tinct and separate meaning. After a
year spent In this way he makes his
first attempt at street preaching, and
by talking to natives wherever he can
get tbem to listen he seeks bis first
convert, out of whom he makes a help
er or native preacher. With his first
convert made, the missionary feels
himself established, and then follow
schools and churches.
In Pektn, where the missions are
well on'thelr feet, the work is divided.
In the compounds, which are usually
In a quiet part of the city, are gath
ered the homes of the missionaries,
their schools, colleges and hospitals,
and a church, called the domestic
chapel, for teniccs among their pro
fessing converts. The outside work
consists of dally preaching In street
chapels, which are secured along the
crowded public streets, and In the pe
riodic visits to surrounding villages
and cities.
The Chinaman Is nearly always
ready to hear a new doctrine, and the
street chapels are full ol men, who
drop in, sit a while to listen, get up
and leave whenever they do not like
It, or stay to Inquire If they aro Inter
ested. These Inquirers are, If possible,
taken to tho mission compound, Intro
duced to native Christians and mis
sionaries, given a gospel or two, and
Invited to coma again. So tho work
fsraaoe rooms of ioslr. It is rtsatrk
aMt tit aiaoanl of work wiitb ti.
firtnifs awioapJiti. Tit Urrt t
uttaaera, those witi a dcr.ta furaa r
when raining sadw high prts-urt
itzrxi up not few- tiaa tirtt tons '.r
iear. Tiat mtaae tiat rrtry iix y
alnutAs avi of tbt tire firtata ait
Bhortl a toa of coal into the gJgait.o
irt iozts, and tiat toa of coal a -it
lt lowed, aot Into oat place, int cath
lato a wparatt plac. This aaraxttti
tiat tit firtata ztv lit iuclut ata
oa tit boat ttTtral tiaei ortr. Wb.n
at lart thty finish thtir six or dr.:!
hour thift tit ata art thoroughly ti
iavrtod. aad roat pounds lighter than
whtn thty went down. Th'dr lo la
ptrrpiratioa ofta amounts to asreaJ
poosds. lit there Is always a torrti
ponding gain in appetite, and wbt:i
this iE apptafd the men haT regain-t-d
in weight all tier lost whllt the
wtxe down la tit hold.
Ilmlry on IJUrrml YjinttXtnu
Prof Hx3ers definition of a liberal
tdncatloa Is worth coaaitt'ng to
atraorj-. 'That man has a liberal ed
ucation who ha been so trained in
yootb that bi body is tht ready serv
ant of his will, aad dots with ease ani
pleasure all the work that, aa a ratvb
anffm. It is capable of; wbc.e Intellect
1e a clear, cold logic engine, with all
Its parts of equal strength aad in
fcaooth working order, ready, like a
rttam eagine'to be turned to any kind
of work, and spin tht gossamers as
well as forge the anchors of the mind
whose mind Is stored with a knowl0z
of the great and fundamental truths t
nature and of the laws of her opera
tions; one who. no sUinttd ascetic. .
full of life and fire, but whose passion-
are trained to come to halt by a vigor
ous will, the servant of a tender con
science; who hpj; learned to love ail
beauty, whether of nature or of art, to
hate all vlleness, and to reape-tt others
as himself. Such a one, and no other,
has had liberal education."
It I'nrllat to Jlonocrmni.
Sir L. Alma-Taderaa, the eminent
painter. Is particularly partial to mon
ograms. Over many of the doors of his
beautiful house In St. John's Wood his
monogram appears, but perhaps the
happiest notion of nil In this direc
tion Is the one which occupies nearly
the wholo of the door which opens to
the entrance leading to the conserva
tory. His full name is Laurence Alma
Tndema. Tho "L" Is composed of the
various wooden curves used by artist
for Insuring symmetrical drawing, the
"A" Is an easel, the cross-bar admira
bly representing the cross lino of the
letter, while the final Initial is repre
sented by a huge "T" square. Sir L.
Almn-Tndema'B conservatory la a floral
fairyland. Winter or summer flowers
In full bloom are always there. He has
a choice collection of tropical plants.
Taper Mal from Leather.
A novel tise of leather Its In the
manufacture of flbroleum, 11 now pa
per product, which Is tho Invention
of G. Drlgalant of Uarentln. In
France. This Is a sort of leather
paper on board, which is mndo from
waste cuttings of sklus Into small bits,
and then Immersing them In n large
vat containing nn alkaline solution,
which dissolves tho glutinous matter,
but leaves tho fibers unaltered. The
resultant fiber is then beaten and
afterward pressed through a refiner.
The stuff Is run onto tho wiro and n
very thin paper Is made, which Is cut
into sheets, and while wet is placed
in piles and subjected to pressure to
squeeze tho water out.
Many a man's vices hnyo nt first been
nothing worse thnn good qaulltlcs run
wild. Haro.
What a Rcu) flduocatc
of ihc raill) must do
to Win Conuo-ts.
spreads, tho Inquirers scatter and mes
sages come to the compounds from
distant villages, asking them to coma
there and preach moro of tho now doc
trine. This outside work.howovor, can only
be carried on in the winter tlmo. Llfo
is strenuous In China, and tho proplo
have no time to listen whllo they nro
sowing and gathering their crops. Mis
sionaries hnve tried to work In the
summer, but tho torrentlnl rains mnko
travel difficult, nnd tho peoplo will not
stay to hear whllo thoy have work to
With the cold of winter, however.the
roads freeze nnd trnvel ia easy, while
tho people, with their crops garnered,
are ready and anxious to hoar and dis
cuss for the Chlnamnn la n, philoso
pher; he enjoys dobato koonly nnd
accepts only what seems to him rea
sonable and Just. Tho missionaries
travel about In tho Chlneso carta dur
ing tho long, cold winters from village
to village, stopping In tho cheerless
Chlneso Inns or at tho homo of soma
friendly natlvo, trying to follow up
those who havo como to thorn as In
quirers. As this work can only bo car
ried on In cold woathor, and as llfo In
a Chinese city Is neither healthy nor
comfortable in summer, tho city com
pounds nro closed In tho spring nnd
tho missionary families move for tho
summer to somo mountain resort near
by; tho great place near Pekln being
the famous western hills, only about
fifteen miles from tho city. Tho bills
aro covered with beautiful old temples
kept by sleek, bald-hoadod IJuddhist
priests, where accommodations can bo
secured for tho summor at very rea
sonable prices. Leallo'a Weekly