The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 26, 1900, Image 1

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ta53EiL-i:ya!liif??ifeT?BMi JiiiiM!iMLfiiii
Carload shinDine' moans a saving of
,25 per cent over local freight, lluying
and selling for cash wo soil on ciosor
margins. wa ouy direct irom indor
ses, thereby saving jobbers profits.
A solid oak bedroom suit. 21x110 mir-
, ror, porfoct condition, was $25, October
special, tiv.vv.
A 3-nicco hardwood bedroom suite,
'2Cx28 mirror, perfect condition, was
JCfl, Octobor special 817 UU.
Dining chairs, high backs, cane and'
wptd soats, 75c to2 25 each.
Kitchen chairs, !J spindle 50c, 4 spin-
Dininc tabic. (5 feet. 81 50. October i
specials at 8.1 uu, 87 uu, ss.uu ami iu uu.
Wo handle onlv the Karnen guaran
teed construction concho, prico9
' range from 5!) 25 to 521 W).
One each, iron bed. springs and mat
tress, complete, $0 15.
Kitchen cupboards, 84 00, 85 00, $6.rt)
I8.C0 and 13 50.
Hocking Chairs 81.39 to 812.50.
Combination book cases 812.50 to $32.
Falriinv Iron and wooden beds 812 50 1
.$14 50, $10. High chairs i la 8U ou.
Good - October - Values !
They are right in line with October needs. You will believe upon comparison that our prices are
"RIGHT," and we know that the qualities are leading. It isbecr.use we buy them right
that we are enabled to offer these values, but that is the secret of gootl mer
chandising. Newest styles and most reliable qualities.
The essentials are of great import
ance to every bwycr. Oimj wants overy
outlay to briag tito best possible re
sults, and buying ftrab goods bore
makes it certain that you got tbo foro
most qurlitics as wo II rs the lowest
possible prices. .
Outing Flannels.
Our outing flannels wcro bought 25
to 30 per cont below tho presont mark
et price. Wo give you the bonetit.
lfi.OOO yards. Prices range from 5c
to 12c.
Immitatiou French flannels, October
special, 15c.
Wo aro now working on tho last caso
of our special offerings of calicoes at
10 yards for .T2o. Thcso goods will not
last long.
All blues, blacks and greys, reds and
fall dress stylo fancies, special selling
at 5o per yard.
Amoskeag plaids and stripes, Octo-
nor special 'o
Southern silk 8c
Other values at 5c and To
15 patterns fancy choviots at 15c
Fruit of tho Loom or Lansdnlo (Jc
Host L L 4 jo
Lonsdalo cambric 0u
Duck Coats.
Wo have decided to quit handling
Duck Coats.
Men's Duck Coats, heavy duck, cor
duroy collar, blanket lined, 00c.
Superb Garments.
Superior Values.
Manv now ideas for fall and winter
'soiling, many special values, but al-
wavs tho norfect littintr. stylish kind
iNomattor how particular about tho
lit or stvle and characterof the making
. you will easily find hero what pleases
you, and always
At a price you are willing to
Thcso aro superior values, for tat
arleo tho most reasonable, aari ttio
qualities tho reliable mxt. Rest mak
ers, best makes, best Kiting.
Men', wool fleece, full size full made
rxtra heavy, silk taped, wore 60c
October special . 46e
Men's fleeced, full sio, full mado
cotton tapo, was 40c, October wxlo flOo
Ladles extra heavy lleeco lined, was
50c, October special 40c
Ladies .Jorsey knit, light fleece lined
was 30c, Oclnbcrspocinl .25c
Children's fleecod, size 1C .10o
5o riso per sizu.
Children's wool, sfco HI . 8o
fie riso por size.
Children's cotton, sizo 10 !ta
!!c riso per nizo.
Tho big pile nf blankets containing
nuu pairs at tuo beginning oi tuo sea
son have boon loworod vary purcopt
Full weight 10 4 sizo 50x72 inches, nil
cotton blanket, !! colors, fancy border,
sold everywhere at 50 to 00, hero at 47c.
Other valuos at 05c, 80c, $1.00, 81 25,
$1 50, $1.75.
Jeans andOottonades.
Goods bought 25 percent below tho
present market. Wo aro olforing thorn
during tho coming mouth at onudialf
20c cottonndes or jeans at 10c
S0d cottonndes or Joans at 15o
40n cottonados or jeans at 20c
00c all wool suitings D0o
75c all wool Hiiitingi USc
We guarantee lowest prices and best qualities. Your money-
back if you are not satisfied.
Red Olotxcl, Nebraska.
Notwithstanding the Rainy Wtathtr It
Was A Grand Success In Every
A republican rally and a "Hot Time
in tho Old Timu" aro synonomous
tonus, is tho conclusion most of our
peoplo have come to since last Satur
day. Tuo morning dawn broko cloudy and
tho prospocts for a shower wero good,
but notwishstanding tho threatening
weather tho crowd was ono of tho larg
est that has been In this city for sever
al years. Tho crowd commenced to
arrive in tho early morning, and by
10 o'clock the streets wero full of peo
ple, and every llvory stable and hitch
rack was full and wagon loads of peo
plo still coming. Tho McCook band
and tho McCook drum corps arrived
on tho 10:30 train, and marched up
town escorted by the (larlleld Hough
Ridor club and tho delegations from
tho west, and gavo a brief concert on
tha square.
Tho Cowlcs delegation, composed of
somo fifty or sixty teams, arrived at
tho time of tho band concert and ow
to tho crowded condition of tho streets
it was found necessary to abandon the
parade which it was expected this
delegation would make. Tho banuurs
of this delegation wero very appropii
ato and artistically executed. J. T,
Emlgu headed tho delegation and did
a goodly bhare of tho work. of organiz
ing it, and is to bo congratulated on
its success.
At que o'clock tho afternoon parado
formed at the lircinan's hall and
matched through tbo principal streets
of tho city. Tho procession was about
hnlf n milo long. After tho parade
spenking was held at tho republican
club room and at the opoia house,
and a'so atthe s'ard which had been
built north of the lircinan's hall. At
tho opora house and club room tho
crowd was a literal jam throughout tha
afternoon speaking, and it was almost
impossible to get either in or out. At
tho stand a crowd of ft am 1,600 to
1,500 was present all tho timo, notwith
standing tbo mist nnd spitting rani.
Tho speakers wero so r.unioroiw that it
was found necessary to cut tho speech
es very short and transfer the speak
ers from ono speaking placo to another
in order that tho peoplo might hear
them, and even then hundreds wore
compelled to go homo without hearing
one half of the next state ofllcors.
lion: J. Warren Kelfor of Ohio, was
the principal speaker, and aside from
him weroE. II. Honshaw of Fairbury,
C. II. Ueltrich, candidato for governor;
Ezra V. Savage, candidato for nonten
ant governor! G. V, Marsh, candidate
for secmtaiy of state-, W'm. Stueffer,
candidato for sta'o treasurer; Chailcs
U'ADtnn finnil Wl ri t n fnt Qtttfn ftltflttrir
1, l OH,. I, ......... .....w .. ....... ,
F. N. Prount, candidate for nttornoy
general; Geo. 1). Follmer, candidate
for commissioner of public lands and
buildings; W. S. Morlan, candidate for
congress in this district; I. U. Hamp
ton, candidato for stato senator; F. V
Olmstead, candidate for float represen
tative; C. E. Hick, candidate for rep
resentative and E. U Overman, candi
date for county nttornoy.
In the evening a grand torchlight
and tirowoiks parado was had which
was the finest ever held in this city.
Not enough torches ei.uld bo had to
supply ono-tonth of those who wanted
thorn. Tha ovonlng procession was
much larger than tho one In the after
noon, and tho amount of enthusiasm
displayed excaeded at about the ratio
ofsixteon to ono. The fireworks dis
play was simply grand. As tho parado
turned tho cornor nnd started up Main
street the band Ntrnck up "There'll He
n Hot Time in tho Old Town Tonight."
nnd you can bet tho old familiar tune
hit tho frituntion to it dot. After tho
parade speaking was held at tho opora
IiohoO and at the republican club room
both of which halls were packed. A
hoary downpour of rain occurred jiut
after the parado and shelter was at a
premium. Taken altogether tho rally
was ono of tho most successful nnd
most largely attoqded ever held in this
sdcilon of tho state. Between 4,000 and
1,500 people wero present nnd pnrticl
paled. Thi' republicans of thU city
aro to bo congratulated on tho success
of the demonstration.
Kcnor.s or tub iui.i.v,
And tho republicans aro not all doad
Didn't tho rain conin down eaca
timo tho cannon wont 0(1.
How tho pops do hato t acknowl
edge that they wero ut-dono.
Tha little girls McKiuley and lloosc
volt club won the admiration of every
A crowd of bstwoen four nnd five
thousand was not so bad for a rainy
Tho banners and lings wcro onniigh
to make ovon a populist or democrat
laugh. Some af them wero also very
artistic in design.
Ono of tha most uniquo features of
the parado was tbo 10 to 1 brigade
under tho command of G. 11, Ilollister.
It was composed of sixteen men wear
ing yellow capes, on horso back, and
ono follow fallow following along be
hind on a jackasM, supposed to be
llnlan riding tho democratic donkey
and taken from a picturo in Judgo,
Tho Garllold Hough Hiders mado nn
excellent showing. When thoy took
part iu the parado li'io tonio four or
Hvo weeks ago their nurtibors were
very fows but last Saturday thero was
some fifty or Mxtv in tho lino of march.
Wo nro pleased to eongratulato them
on their incrcaso and may their num.
Wo have Just nlaood ou Bale a now
shipment of Austrian china as light as
llaviland' Special ptlco for this sala'
oi r.u per iuu piece set.
l.'.mrltcli ntul Amoi'timn anf i-iincrififr
."T.7. :."":.:.," 3' .,.""?; "
iriiai ?o u (ovia ou pur iuu pi.iuu sui.
I iii mi sniu Ki ti. n mil. nni- m.
All irnmU Tnnnt. Aiivtrinn I'kina ODPn
ttook patterns, you ean buy what y'
' wivni.
IVn luivii iilimit. 10(1 iiiiim of Muck Cat
Itlnnlr llnur unit ullinr liimi) of III!) same ,
.quality, regular price 2.V, to closo out
to maka room for naw lino wo placo
llwini on huIii whiln thev lust nt till!.
V..W... .... ...-. .. .-- -rf ... f '
utlier good values in iuo io wo pr.
soeu in oueritiff in oniiurcu s scuooi
hoso at 15o per pair.
Dress Goods.
A few values selected at random ,
from our complete stock.
3(1 inch Huriru. 5 colors. October
BIMH-Ifll 221,
, 4(1-1 tich nil wool lonrc. special for
Uctoiier uu
All wool plaid skiriiugs .'l.'Jit to $1 25
Spucial silk and woo! mixed nov
elties at. . ou
Croi)H effects 50c ta $3 7S i
BltPl 33, 14, it, JS, ail, 3J, 34.
'ft Due. i, 4, t jcirt.
NEW IDEA Paper Patteans, 10c aach.
hers still larger grow.
A lino rain Saturday night and Sun
day. Adam Orr has boon quite sick but
was reported bettor at last accounts.
Mabel Woodsido of near Eckloy is
working in Hcd Cloud at F. W. Cow-den's.
Arch Isom has gone to nenr Heatrico
to husk corp.
Wm. Isom Sr. and wlfo onjoyod a
visit from their dniightor and family
from Illinois rocontly.
Mrs. Win. Mlddlotown from south of
Mt. Claro visitod at bar father's Thos.
Fianoy'a nnd at Wm. Cro,lors last
week. She was accompanied homo by
Mrs. L. A. Crozlor who wont to stay
over Sunday to attend communion tor
vices at Iieulnh church.
Tho rally at Hcd Cloud was attended
by a number of peoplo from th! j vicin
ity. Thoso noticed worn Ad Howard
and family, E, L. Doughman and fam
ily, Wm. Crozier and wifo, Chas. Mol
loy and family, S. Croxton and family,
J. E. Haught and family, S. Fnrquhnr
nnd son.lG. A. Wells, Wave Fisho), John
Miller, J. T. Christy and wifo, J, W.
Smith and J. H. Crozier. All roport
t splendid time and somo even stayed
until tho night porforninnco nnd got
btorm stayed in Hod Cloud rill night,
KAVK8DKOITKK. Sai.K: Sixty head of stock
At my placo six miles north nnd
three and oce-half miles west of
Red Cloud, and ten miles south und
onu half mile east of ISladon, on Wed
nesday, October 31st, beginning at 10'
o'clock a. m . tho followinir. towit: Ono
brown horse, eight years old; ono gray
horse, nino years old; ton head of early
spring steer calves; ton head of early
spring heifor cnlvc;elght coming two-year-old
otters; eight coming three,
year-old heifers-, seven one-year-old
holfors; three four-year-old cows. Ten
milch cows, somo will bo fresh soon.
Two high grade Horoford buM, one
two years old and ono thrco years old.
These cnttlo aro all good grade, of
Durham and Horoford strains. Terms:
Twelve months time will boglron. pur
chaser giving noto with npproved se
curity, boaring ton por cent interest
from dato. AH sums of 810 and under
cash. No property to bo removed un
til settled for. Froo lunch nt noon.
-bank Hkan, Ownor. Col. C. IJ
Winfrey, Auctioneer.
Card of Thanks.
Wo dosiro to thauk tho many kind
friends, neighbors and momborsof tho
I.O. O, F., K. of P. and Masonic lodges
for thoir a!8tanco and sympathj a
our recent boroavmont, tho doath of n
husband and broth or,
MnaJ.S. Pakkes & Famu.t.
William Paukesj
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