- m&Aim-wKwmw-TGW wwmtmmiminfom'-m. 2BL MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. LOCALLY j . rr v ft - OxlMl I The Old Tallow Candle. Z The Old "Specks." Tho old tallow candle and the old method of selecting f;ltiS3us u JJJ gO together. Both priniitlrv both bust of tliu tlnit'S In which they llouihh- t JJJ cd bull mo "buck uumbots " p Tho 111:111 who takes his J "speck?" from off a case and I puts them upon bis face .without p knowing they are right, should Jt step to tho other end of the JJJ counter and buy a tallow candle Jjj r to go with them m If these aru too modern, there u! still remains for him the Hint JJ and pine knot. WK KIT (H.ASSKS TO IIOIIKUN 2 KVKS BY MODhHN MhTllODS. V 5 BteNNMN&fc KYOS., t JEWKI.IHS AND OITICIANS 'tttttcc-tttct(tttfrettttty- GENERAL CITY NEWS. board at tho Star Bakery $3 00 pet week. U. C. Maker of Guide Rock spent Sunday hete. Do you wnnt a naw 000k .stove? If so seo Wiight. Mis McGinnis loft Wednesday for a visit in Missouri. They all go to Peterson's when they want a good buggy. Co nio in and see our sample portrait and you will want one. Jacob Nustein nindo a businoss trip to Kansas City this week. Walter Koby sells the Singer sowing machine. Trices right. Get tho best. Pay your subscription and got a cal culating pencil. Thoy are a little won. dor. Walter llngar, formerly .with tho Nebraska Mercantile Co. hero was in the city this weok. From the way that the buggies aro going out from Peterson's ho must have something attractive. Frank Waters of the B &M. depot foico hai been transferted to Eckley, Colorado, to act as operator. Mrs. W. B Koby and daughter Helen left this week for a visit with relatives and friends at East Dubuque, Illinois. Mrs. Dennis Finn who has been vis iting friends and relatives hero loft for lior komo nt Barr, Colorado, Tuesday evening. Mr Hon Ludlow left Mondav for a vwit with hor sifter at Omaha and to take in tho Ak Sar-Ben festivities oc curring there this week. Tho fraiiifl work of VT N Richmd son's new dwelling was put up this wook on tho site of his "hi ic-iilenoe. The new house will be unite a baud some and vety ciiiiiuioilions one when oouiuleteil ROYAL The Absolutely Pure Baling Powder is the baking powder of general use, its sale exceeding that of all other baking powders combined. Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the bread more healthful and the cake of finer appearance and flavor, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent in other leavening agents. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, Thk Ciiikf $1 per year. All kinds of gulden tools at Wright's. Will Roats was in Kansas City this week. Soo Wiight beforo you buy n gas or gasoline stove. UMiehoGriswold loft Wednesday night for Wallace, Idaho. L II Fottaud wife were visiting in Omaha this week. Miss Helen Wright left Wednesday on a yisit to Omaha. A liuo lino of cakes and cakes made to older at tho Star Uakery. Mrs. A. A. Popo is vl&itiug with her son Alvin in Omaha this week. Mis, U.K. Hesse relumed Tuosdny morning from a trip to Denver. For a good smokn get the Uiley cigar at M M. Stem's and tho Holland House. I have a few first class sewing ma chines to trado for stock. F. V. Tay 1.0 it Ed. Fcarn and family have gono on an overland visit to Ellswoith county, Kansas'. A. Cook and wifo left Wednesday eve ning for a month's visit with his. dnugli teis at Primrose, Iowa. Isaac Mjois of Inavale leturned Sal uulay from a month's visit in dilleront portions of Onio. Mrs. J. W. Wati'en loturned Tues day f 10111 a couple of weeks visit with her son Walter at Supeiior. F. C. Williams is building an addi tion to his house in the ninth pai t of town in the shapa of a kitchen. Isyouinamo wiitten there? Wheie? On our subscription books for the last vear in the lUth century. It shuwlil be. Miss Nona Teoters left Wednesday morning for Faiimont having received iutolligenco that her mother was seri ously ill. Tho W. C. T. U. mass mooting will bo held at the M. E. church Sunday evening, Soptember 30th. Uev. Dean will deliver tho address. I have just unloaded a car of tho finest buggies and surreys that bavo over been brought to the town. Come in and seo thorn. Jas. Pktehson Are you going to buy a sewing ma chine? If so I have tho best machine for tho money ever offered. Do not fail to soo it before buying. F. V. TAYI.OII. Tho local pension examining board was reorganized this morning. Dr. W. Foster was elected presidont; Dr. H. N. Dradshaw, treasurer, and Dr. Fred Mc Kceby, secretary. Superior Journal. Mrs. L. D. Ontman loft Wednesday ovoning for Wallaco, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Oatnian will ongago in tho hotel business nt that place, the former be ing already there and having pur chased a hostelry. We hope for them the best of success in their now home. Roosevelt nt Hastings October 1st. Gov. Roosovelt will speak at Hastings at 4:10 p n. October 1st. Sothatevery hodv may have a chance to hear him, the Burlington Routo offers a rnte of $12.) Red Cloud to Hastings and re turn. Take tt.iui leaving Red Cloud at 2 p in. October 1st. Great efforts are made to sell alum bnklup powders unilei the plea ttwt they are so many cents n pound cheaper than Kojal. Tlieadmls sion that they are cheaper made is an admls tlon that they arc inferior. Hut alum pow ders contain a corrosive o!snn and should not be usul In food, no manor how cheap. tOO WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. ' FTtM) I'hTKItMiN Hill 111 (llllKP Last week I told you that goods well bought were half sold. This is a true sajiug from the way the people buy when they see what I bav for the money. I will sell you a better job than you can buy at Chicago or any otlior placo for the money. Compare my goods and pi ices witli otheis and seo for yourself. Juisj. Peterson WEEK'S HAPPENINGS For fai 111 loans call on C. W Kaley. All kinds of wire fencing at Wright's hardwate .stole The Ciur.K and Chicago Inter Ocean no year fm $1.25 1). J. .Itidsou was visiting fi lends in Riverton this week Mis. C,) Pope was visiting 111 Riv el ton the liiMnf the week. Wiight lias every article of ware that is needed mound the kitchen. Seo our portrait offer and thon como in and see tho sample portrait. John Polnicky and wifo returned Tuesday morning from Denver. Get the Riley cigar at the Holland Houso and Stern's. It's a good one. For a good smootho hair cut or shavo go to J. J. Baker's on Webster street. Mrs. Lulu Poaso of Hastings was vis iting old friends in tho city this weok. Mrs. Perry Rcardsloy loft Wednes day morning on a visit to Thayer, Iowa. For finest homo-made candies. Some thing good and toothsome go to tho Star Bakery. Mrs. C. D. Dickcrson left Wednesday for a visit with relatives and friends at Bcdfoid, Iowa. Geo. B. Lea returned Wednesdny evening from a several months visit in tho eastern states. Hon. C, A. Towno of Minnesota is billed to speak for tho populists here on Saturday October Oth. R. B. Kummor left Tuesday for tho oast to purchase tho engine to bo used for power at tho now flour mill. Mrs. A C. Potter who has been vis iting relatives hero for the past two weeks, returned to her homo in Load, South Dakota, Tuesday. C. L. Cottiug and Mrs. H. A. How. ard wcroin Rirertou attending a meet ing of tho Republican Valley Associa tion of Congregational churches. Put your stomach, liver and blood in good condition and you can defy dis ease. Prickly Ash Bitters is a success ful stomach regulator. Sold by C. L. Cotting. A vony pleasant party was given to a number of tho little friends of Maud Parker at tho residence of T. C. Hacker on last Saturday. An onjoyablo time was had by tho little folks. Agamoof ball between tho Bladen nnd Guide Rock clubs will bo played on tho Rod Cloud ball grounds next Wednesday nfternoon. Both clubs are good ones and it will no doubt be a gamo worth seeing. J. I. Kolloy and family left this week for Lincoln where thoy will rosido in the future. They made many friends during their sovoral years residenco hero who will rogret their departure and who hopo they will bo successful in their now homo. L A. Haskins loft tho first of tho week for his old homo at Elroy, Wis eoniin. Ho will also visit at Omaha and several other places. Whon ho left he woro a largo Bryan button to lot the people know that there are still pops in Nebraska. Hereford breeding stock for salo. One half blood cow five years old. Two half blood yearlings, nearly two, one has calf by hor sido. Tho cow and one yearling aro bred to full blood Red Polled bull and will bo frosh in Febru ary. Also ono calf six wcoks old. E. L. Fawobtt, Cowles, Nobr. Half rates to St. Louis, Soo the St. Louis fair Ono fare for tho round trip via the Burlington Routo only 314 45 Red Cloud to St. Lou in mid re turn. Tickets on silo September 80 to October 5, inclusive Return limit Oc tober 8. For tickets or further infor mation, call on nearest agent of tho Burlington Route, or write to J. Fran- I cis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Now is the time to subset ibo. Mrs. llarwood at rived in tho city Monday ft 0111 Republican. The btick work on the McFmiaiid building was commenced last Monday Mrs. C L Winfrey left Wednesday night for a aeveral weeks visit iti the east. Mrs. Gillllth who has boon visiting with her sou hero has toturncd to hor homo in the east. Work on the collar of tho Halo build Ing Is about completed, ami the btick masons will soon commence laying the walls. L, Baiiiu of Galena, Kansas, former ly of this city sont us n dollar on sub tlon this week through his old friend J, Nustein. Chailes Longhoff and wife who havo born visiting Christ Zeiss and family and other ft lends havo relumed to their home at Kansas City. For driving out dull billions feeling strengthening thu appetite and in creasing tlie capacity of the body for work, Piickly Ash Bitters is a golden icmcdy Sold by C. L. Cotting. Tho new tcsldenco of ')r Creighton on Sowaid Htieet is rapidly Homing completion. It will be a very unique tasty icsidenco piopeity when it is completed. Tho W It. C will hold memoiial set vices for the late Mrs Ladd, at the Masonic hall S.itiiiduy, October Cth, at 1 p. 111 Conn ndes and members of the family, ami ft tends of thu deceased ate coidiallj invited NM' Tiiim.h, Corps Pic.siitctil. Attkntkin Kaumkus. I will com mence to sell ft nil mid ornamental trees October 1st for Brown Biotheis Continental Numerics of Rochester, New Vol k, mid all tiees (old by me within the last year, if dead, will be replaced ftco. Bear this in mind. M. C. SltKHMAN. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllco at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the weok ending Sept. 27th, 1900. Brasslicld, B R. Conley, Annie Morris, Ray Hooker. Kfllo Nelson, O. J. Proist, Annie Woist, Willie 2 These letters will bo sent to the (toad letter olllee October 11th if not call cd for beforo. When calling for above please say "advertised." T. C. Hack kh, Postmaster. Tho Odd Follows picnic at Lester hut Tuesday was one of tho most pleas ant and sociable affairs of that charac ter that has ever been held within tho boideis of Webster county. Among the crowd could bo found a number of members from ovory lodgo in tho coun ty and tho Rod Cloud lodgo was out in force. After tho usual formalities of greeting and handshaking tho crowd proceeded to ono of the bost parts of a day's picknicking in tho woods, i. e. to see what the numerous baikots con tained, and tho way that tho contonts wore devoured would convlnco any ono who witnessed tho operation that it was a good thing to bo an Odd Fel low. After the inner man had boon satislied and shoit rest taken, tho pro gram of tho afternoon was given. Tho mnin feature of tho program was a speech by Past Grand Master Wier of Lincoln. His address was a good one and well nnd masterly did ho toll of bonclits of Odd Fellowship and the olo vating effects of such an older upon all mankind. Aftor tho program was comploted tho balance of the day was spent in having n general good time, and, as tho women call it, visiting. Boating, swinging, pitching horse shoes, etc , furnished plenty of amuse ment. A county 01 gun i .at ion was per fected and in tho future the older will hold a picnic every year GUIDE ROCK. Ray Redden is here from Omaha. Otto R. Parsons has sold his farm south of tho river to J. B. Elder of Jewell county, Kansas. Rev. Wolff, tho now Methodist minis ter arrived last Saturday and has moved into tho parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horn started Tuesday for a two month's visit in Iowa and Illinois. K U. Overman of Red Cloud, O. K Hicks of Blndon, and F. P. Olmstead of Hastings nre expected to speak here in the 11 our future. The mothor and a brothor of the Shoubourg boys arrived from Missouri last week aud expect to ruako their home here. G Ohrastcdo is building a large barn 0x100 feot. P. L, Fairfield has traded for the Shuck stock barn. A merry go round is hero and locat ed north of Lovitt's ofllco. C. K. Hicks of Bladen, candidate for representative, 10-.li district, was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Quito a number from hero attended the picnic at Amboy Tuesday. The Guide Rook hoys played ball over in Gailleld Wtdnesdiiy. Score 22 to 11 in favor of Guide Rock. The McKiuloy. Roosevelt club has 115 members enrolled. Henry Morauville started to Iowa the first of the week. AMIDOWlf, 11- tt Cowden-Kaley to LEADERS IN VP. Nothing over on sale here fr that will prove a disappoint- w ment to the buyer. U (to -aj We prefer everything to ilti loom up much bigger that the W paper promises. $ i It is simply impossible to W describe to you on paper the yft magnitude of our line this w season. M When you are ready to buy I CLOTHING ) let us show you our line. It will pay you and we it will be pleased to serve you in any way we can. We offer a beautiful line of to it $ MEN'S SUITS iti ft bine Worsteds at $13, 0 Cowden-Kaley y LEADERS IN 0 & ft DON'T BUY 4 A HEATER, Until you have seen Morhart Bros. Hardware Oo's, line of heaters. EVERY STOVE A HOT BLAST. Prices that are bottom and the best line of stoves on the market. Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. 1 mmmmmmmMmmmmwmMKm Clothing Co. 7 n m m n m m m m m m m m m m m m m m w m LOW PRICES. at $5 to $12. $i., $15, $16 and 17. (m W) l1L3 We are making special efforts on OVERCOATS. We bought 500 overcoats at sacri fice prices and are making a big ad vance sale on them at money saving prices. Childrens Suits $3 and up. Wc are the largest dculcrs in Men's and Boys' Shoes in Red Cloud; also sell Arctics, Rubbers, Mackintoshes and Duck Coats. Clothing Co. 9 LOW PRICES. ft I t (H ! a m m m m m m m v .1 .w wammmmmmm uerim taiwy.MroF'wwH iaiiiiWMajiiiM HM IJg&ff&ttaFmiM'r vm r gg j , , , , -