Mr jp" "" " HWW'SPUB re i-" fV' -mw !S2 l? "t?"" tii rJi 3BfeAarfaEfcifc-S;fc.-5ry--y-rtprtEr-sM- JMgwiMMr MwVfS' MmT&JcT- iSfeli JMBIg,MWFii A" iBm C ii umtur m 'HM t' ePPPPPPPPPM?,PeJ2ejhMejpBfllfcrriH?-H ;i -'i.aBrrrir-! 'rmiv.pTiifrrir Inra .. . ' ' - F- iiggg!lM5-JJi-a5JRCgJggSJtL -1! rbr3fcsSv: Jfc-gj.-, I .III .I -:-.JJM? .. MUJ . . XHBB;WHH VOLUME XXVIII. IT IS PULLING HGHINST THE CURRENT When one pays too high a price for the Home Supplies. When the Money's Worth feature is overlooked. The new goods are here, ready for your inspection. The assortment is above the usual standard. The styles arc the foremost and the way that we are pricing the goods will convince you that we have looked well to values. This is the economical store the store of leading styles, the proper qualities, the lowest prices. SHOES. Your individual taste is always con sidered lure and we havo tli shoes ut all times Hint you par ticuluilT picfer. the I shoe that pleases ami at a prico that you will duet fully pay. Our stock is so varied that you are always assured of the fullest satisfaction, a most important feature of your shoe buying. Knch pair glial nnteed Wolfe Bios, medium pi Iced shoes COc to $3 per pr M. D. Vols & Ce. line of Ma9tifT school shoes; Ilontley & Olmsteads eelebiated liucof mens shoes; (Jreen'Wheeler, Jno Stieetman, and Itichnrdson & Co. lines of Ladies lino shoes $2.75 to 11.00 The "American C!lil"$'J fiO shoes, Riiaianteed tho best value on the market. Five stales EVEKY PA III OF SHOES GUARANTEED. Good Values in Linens. Bleached linen finish damask 'i'ic to 40c. All linen damask 40: to $1 7ft Union damask, 40 to COo. Turkey led, lft, 18 to fiOc. Yellow, 2!i, au to one. '10WKLS Special in all linen Special in unions Special in hath towels CUASH All linen Knni'lul i in urn led 10c to 7fic 10c to 30c lftc to 75c 7c to 29c 10c to 25c The best woanng eutsli liiaue. Union crn-di ... So to 2ftc Crash 21 to 10c Ttrry cloth . 20c, 30c, 50c Underwear. 300 dozen Men's", Ladies, Misses and Children's underwear. That we placed our ordeisatni) oppoitune time you will tind proof in these puces. 50 dozen menM wool fleeced (every( piece full market) special at 50c. 2ft dozen men's lleeceil at 33c 25dozon ladios' lleeceil, same quality as men's wool fleeced, 50c. 100 dozen ehililien's fleeced, special at 13)0, size 10 50 dozen men's, Indies and childien's all wool Raiments at special cloe out piices. SEWING- MACHINES. New Hoy a I Illh head $20 00. l)iop head $22 50 FIELD, Five diawer bitfli head like cut $20.00. Five drawer drop head 25 00 Every machine KuaniDtced. Telish finish cases. HALL UEAKIN G. Why pay $35 to 950 for a machine when wo can sell yju a better one at $20 00 to 5 00 Wo have placed 200 of these maehines in this vieinity. Hosiery. Lndios cotton hoso ut 10o to fiOrt Ladles cotton lUeeod, 15n to 30a. SOME Sl'EUlAL BAKGAINS. 10 do.on school hose, 25o (,'iade, containing Black Cat leather stock iii(,'s, poods of that p'uide, to close out at lOu 100 dozen special heavy woipht Br"-5epBWBWBIBIfc HI III V nfl )immmmmmmmmmmm RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 2 1 , 1000, mmm ;;::i;ir Garpets AND Hags. AND Payinp ripht prices for the new cai pets, securinp'them at worth is the remit if vo u s o 1 o c t them heio. The way we list prices on teese super ior qualities makes this the carpet stock that Rives you best at smallest prico THE RELIABLE MAKES AND STYLES. We proposo niuk , -, inp volume of UJlTl (Ty , sales so we aiew l VVl, J. i -J uoiuiiip iiie puces down. Incrains,25 to 40c ; (Ji unites 2ft to 40c ; Union, "5 to 55c. Wool lillinp, 5ftc. . All wool, 37J, 42, : GO and 70c. : Hemps, 7 to 2ftc. ; Moquettes 85c to 81 00. Axmiusters, $1 00 A, ,.. Stl 1(1 $$naDL1PMaVEKV We carry a very complete steck of rups, samples art fquareu, et:. We guarantee lowest prices. Queensware. Wo have just opened up several new crates of queens wale, English and American poods. American tilled in, pold traced, special, 100 piece set, $13,00 American pold traced filled ware, f 10 00. American piint waro $9 00. American pi hit ware, $0 50 English ware, $7 to $18 per 100 piece set. Toilet sets, 0 piece, $2 25 to Sift 00 Glass sots, 2ftc to tl 25 Men's Duck coats. Men's blanket lined, eoiduioy collar, extra lltlinp at DO cuits Other pi ades at 1.7o, i?2 00, $2 50. Black, blown mid Houpli Kider color. Boy's duck coats 90o to$l 25 Men's Overalls and Pants. 50 pans of men's coltonndo and .Jeans pants to mowi quickly, we place them on Mile at 50c per pair. Blankets 10 4 cotton blankets in pi ay, white and tun, 55x70 inches, fancy hiph color border, 47c. Special ofTeis at 60c to $10. Our prices ate 30 per cent below tho market. Demins. lilackx, (iieys, Uiowns, Blues and Fancy Stripes 10c to 20c per yarrt. Shirting. 5,000 yairift shitting. Aiuoslieap, spaial for tlris sale 0c Southern SUV, same weight and tlncr texture 8o First quality ranchman' 12 Knit Lake cheviots 15c LA-iamr i iiwMiee in la IS) Wief3ewi?jBj MINER iMIi.iiw"' Lifflj'' "jjriiiiiwri i .a- r Serges, Henrittas, Cash meres, Etc. Special offering in Black, Blue, Orcou, Hod, Blown and Greys. 27 inch seipes 30 inch serpos . 40 inch serjjo 10 inch all wool scipu 40 inch all wool serpo . .. 40 inclt all wool seigu . ... 15c 221 30j 50c 70c 90c Cashmeres Heniieltas. etc, all colots20c, 25c, 40c, 00c to $1 r.o. Crepon tffects, 50c to 83 75, the latest styles. ' -' Novelty Black Goods 7Jc to $2.75 Home pun suitings 10; to $1 50. Broad cloth suiting, Venetian suitinps, Camels Hair suitings, 00c to 91 50 Urillhnttucs, Silcillians and Mohaiis, blaeksand colors, 00c to $1.25 Basket cloth suitinps, $1 2ft. Electoial cloth, reversible, $1.2ft Plaid skirting', all wool,.'lJc to $1 2ft. Novi Ities. 7Jc to $1.25. Special silk and wool mixed novelties, 50 j. 30 inch ll-inneh 35c. Outing Flannels. 15,000 yat ds outinp, bouplit one year ago, goods just delivered to us. New patterns just placed on sale at 5c, 7c, 10c, 12c and 15c. Our pi ices mean n saving of 20 to 30 per eent. Picretine Percales. NEW DUESS STYLES. Choice new designs in navy, china blue, paruot and black pioiind and solid colors. Extra fine and heavy cloth 30 inches wide, 12u. Wo guarantee these poo.ts. Calicoes. Wo arothowiug a laiper lino of choico prints than any other season. Simpson's blacks and prays, Garner's Heds, and Garner's indigo blue, fancies in fall and winter dress styles. 30,000 yards, yonr clicice at 5c 5,000 yaids prints for comforts at 4c Another lot of 5.CX) yards just loeoved to be placed on sale at 10 yards for 32c. You can buy one or one hundred patterns if you want it. Cottonades, Jeans and Wool Suitings. We catried over a number of pieces of these goods f i om last seatori, purchased befoie the advance Wo have decided to close out this line, hence the puce. 18c cottonades and jeans lie 250 " " " lie 25c " " " 18c 75c all wool suitinps 40c ilfto all wool suitings 33c G-inghams. Apron Checks, lo to 7(1 Dross Ginghams 7c to 100 MUSLIN. Tho best L L nuislk, unbleacUed, 5c. Other grades 0, T, 8 and 10c. Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdalo blenched, first quality, 7c per yiird. SHEETING AT SPECIAL I'lUCKS. 42 inch casings 10c 50 inch casings. 15o Tillow tubkig at 15 to . 20o New Idea Paper Patterns, ioc each. 3- m in hi i -i --i - w ' ,seWsMMewwel)jW'1lXtOnJUl&i, We have just placed on sale 300 Ladies', Misses and Children's Jackets, and Ladies Capes. This is a part of our fall order. We are pricing the garments very low in order to move them rapidly to have room for the balance of the goods soon to arrive. I VOW I iTv'Tw) nk 20. $6 K for all wool Kersey, full lined through wv . . t Li ,i uoU urn.,Li OUl, III lilllS, UlUCSi aim uuiurwo. iiuuiu be a trood value at $7.5o. Q Ofl for all wool Kersey, full silk lined, in g,v tans, blacks, blues and reds. Would bp n hnnrnin at SlO.;o. Lid. K( for 27-inch Salts Plush cape, would The above arc three of the many values that we arc offering. Our line for this sea son contains Ladies Jackets, $2.00 to $16.00. Misses jackets "2.00 to $10.00. Children's Jackets, $1.30 to $9.00. Ladies Capes $1.00 to $16.00. FURNITURE Monday, September 24th, we place on sale another car load of new furniture, bought for cash direct from the fac tory. 1 1 miliml. mattress and sidings com- plutu, 90 25. &n frIt(M l x 1G i)0Ht wllitu L'""im1 JklS Jyjotton top mattress tw,4WWovoii wire sli etcher puKs Other grades at $11 00 to $21 50. Now Bed Koom Suites at 91i to 610 wo guarantee all suits lirst class. NEW DINING UOOM TAHLES. 0 foot extension table $4 50 5()c rlso por foot. A special value In in solid oak, 45 iuch, polished top, five inch lcgs,5 foot, 83 50. $1 per foot for additional. NKW LOUNGES AND COUCHES. The newest coverings, patent, consttuetion guaranteed, $7.50, $10,112.60, ?21.00. Now Sideboards, HO.fiO to $25 00. New Combination Hook cases, $1.1 to VMi Librat y Cases, 13 50 to Ml 00. Newchillloieis$-50 to$J5, Now Cliniis Uickeis $125 to $12.50. Speciil li-iril wnoil, cobbler seat $1 33 Dining Chans-Sped il lend wood, antique llnisli, cano soat, tin 00 patterns at $1 50 Sold oak, golden miMi, auo seat, a raro valuo at $11 sot' Olliei values to $18 por set. Kitchen Chaii s -ll spindle, bow hack, 5(K 1 spindle, bow back, GOt? Curtains. Special purchase in this line makes it possible to make special prices and we take advantage of the opportunity and offer sonfc very good values. Lieu Curtaies Cheullo l'ortierros. 'Papostry I'ortlorre.s ltagdnd stripes pottierres 00 te 17 50 per pair. 81 Qfi to 5 00 l 3B to 7 06 " Wm 00 to 7 00 " )S BB HB k is" lfc mM k i tic i ' I f.( .. 'l I .. a P1 NUMBER ill 8 m . .a iuJJ I i R6D CLOUD. NEBRASKA. school hoso nl inc. &$. LWA&Zi&z&AHZ !X"1 RTMt mi E, tj RSSiME rii- rm .(Mwk, jnv rr-tp. vtj. TT'Jl ttwiMlirr tMwnrww xS8MmmmWmmWtymmmmr'&i&tteMmiwtKt-i 1 pyimm1i e 1 m imtmv MV'"s&U rtftfrltx,':i.rr.Yt- -w 1 e , ,M U W WmtafrWi;.. . Wv J.: . yWyVm tiKrtM'Mti rrr" raor-mm imtevMrngzoKaassaMam