pgaL?.rmmiTw i M.i ., -. Jk rf-rt .. wtrmMSb. rrwia h 8 i p. tSiWT' 3 The Old Tallow Candle J The Old "Specks." p Thu old tallow eimdlu ami thu f old method of scld-img giuvM's t JJJ go together. n Hotli ptiinitivc-hotli !ci of Jj " tin times in which they llnirUh- k ud litth me '"luck numbi-is " w Thu iiiiiti win takes liis ) "specks" ft dim oil' cao ami ! puis ilifiti upon hi f ifti uitlimit knowing they hiu right, s-hoiild )t fl step to t It ti other enil of thu ii J5 counter and buy a tallow i':iinllo J n to go with them, u, m If these arc too modern, there !i. i still remains for him thu Hint m . .. i ..... i . il .mil ('nit num.. 1 WK KIT (ll.ASM.S TO MoDKIlS 2) i:VES UV MOUhltN MCTIIOI". T ,,,! ,,!,,,, I,,,,,. - 5 "KewWse T&vos., S U JKWKMllS AND OPTICIANS m T lb GENERAL CITY NEWS. " 0 1). Morse t lie jeweler. Now is the time to sUb-ciibc. All work warranted at the new j ti olry store. Harvey ('ox left Monday morning for Lincoln. Do you want a haw cook stou! If 80 3eo Wright I). M. Piatt left Sunday morning for n trip to Chiuiigo. Como in and sec our sample poi trait find you will want one. Fred Gund of Blue Hil'. win visiting friends here tho tfrst of tho week. Oicnr Pattnor of Cow los spent Sun day here visiting with old friends. Walter Roby sells the Singer sewing machine. Pi ices right. (Set the best. Pay your subscription nnd get a cal culating pencil. Thy area little won der. L. I). O.ilmin left Satin d.iy for a trip in Wyoming mid other states in the northwest. Mr. .mid Mr. .John C formerly of this city, now of Kanas City, were horn the first of the week. Mrs. Klias (Joble left Mnndnr morn ing for a visit with rel.ttives and friends at Montgomery City, Mi-ti-nuti Mrs. I). Jones of Guide Rock was visiting here the last of the week with her d' Nits (ienrje Morlrn' 1$. Si M piiatti'gfi Main N 1(1 Killed three calves and eiiKpleil u fnurili he longing to K fi (Jotii- m-M- Ids luime west of town last . Dr. McK"i)by mid wife after a visit hem l"'t Mi-'dav '' npeiinr where they viil iiril.1- -i tii "iih iheii n. fcred mil i'i.i i i i.i Hell ii. i.i mi (Jutlii ie, I hih'Mi a. Absolutely Pare Makes light, flaky, delicious hot biscuits, rolls, muffins and crusts. Makes hot bread wholesome. These are qualities peculiar to it alone. I have found to all others. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Try the U"W jeweler, Tiik Chief $1 per year. See Wright before jou buy n gas or gasoliuo stove. I want eggs and will pay you cash. CAI.DWKM., Poitltryman. Margnrct Miner was visiting friends in Blue. 11111 thu last of the week. O.J. Wnnou was looking after busi ness matters in Heat rice this week For a good smoke get the Riley cigar at M M. Stern's and the Holland House. Geo. Ross who has been in Denver for some time has returned to this city. 1 havu n few Hist class sewing ma chines to trade for stock. F. V Tay i.oit. Alice Coombs left the Hist of the week for Cietu where she will enter Duaitn college. Watches mid clocks made to run and give satisfaction at the new jewelry store C 1) Mousk. L. C. Peisigcr of Bluo Hill, demo ci atic nominee for lepresentntive was hero tho last of tho week. Mrs. Dennis Finn of Burr, Colorado, arrived in thu city Saturday for a visit with lelativcs mid friends here. The Riley cigar is a hummer. For stlu by M. M Stem and at the Holland House. Try it and get a good smoke. P.thct Cummiiigs leturncd Sunday evening from a number of weeks' visit vtithhur .sister Mrs. Carl Jenkins at Beatrice. Mis Iiiulry of St. Joseph, Missouri, at rived in the city Monday and has taken I lie position of trimmer at the Upto-Date Millinery Store. Win. Parkes and brother Kdwurd left Saturday for Indianola to attend the funeral of their sister Mrs. C. S. Quick of that place who died in Den ver. Aicyou going to buy a sowing ma chine! If so I havu the best machino for the money over offered. Do not fail to mo it before buying F. V. Tavlok. Hot days followed by cool nights will breed malaria in the body that is bil lions or costive. Prickly Ash Bitters is very valuable at this time for keep ing the stomach, liver and bowels well regulated. Sold by C. I.. Cotting. Miss Nellie Sherman returned Tues day evening from Des Moines, Iowa, where she has been taking instruction in the trimming department of a whole stle mil inery house. She will go from litre to McCook and take a position in a millinery store theie. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postotlico at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending Sept. 13th, 1S00 A C. Francis. W. C. Biown,l. C. Kimball, Wm. Butler, J K. Littell, Sylvia Krb, S S Parduti, Isaac Flaek. Clr.a Sillers, Mrs. R. K. Those leturs will be sent to the Head u-ttt-r nflW September 12?ih if not call- I f 'i In 1 " When calling for nbovo .les .iv '.Ivortised " T. O. Hark- i i: iiii t r. the Royal Baking Powder superior C. Gorju, late Chef, Delmonico's. 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. All kinds of garden tools at Wright's. Mrs. Wells left Wednesday for Alma. Prico the watchts at Morsu's juwclry store. Chris. Fasslor of Hluo Hill was horo Saturday. Alfred Hadell returned Tuesday from a trip east. All kinds of wiro fencing at Wright's hardware store. Miss Nettle Postlowaltof Guide Ruck was here the lust of-tho week. Wright has every article of ware that is needed around the kitchen. F. Newhousc has purchased thu Mc Furlattd rosldcncu on St ward street. Get thu Riley cigar at the Holland House and Stent's. It's a good one. Mrs. Giwits returned Monday night from a several week's visit in Missouri. For a good smoothu hnlr cut or shave go to J. J. Baker's on Webster street. Mrs. A. C. Potter of Load, South Da kota, is visiting relatives hero this week. Frank Kueltn and 11. W. Gulllford wont overland this week to Greeley, this state. Chnrliu LongkotT, who has been vis iting relatives mid friends here loft for Lincoln Monday. Mrs. M. C. Rockwell after a several months visit at dilTurent points has re turned home again. Miss Irene Minor left Tuesday morn ing for Chicago where she goes to re sumo her musical studies. Thu Rescue Circle will meet witli Mrs. Tato Tuesday, September 18, at II p.m. It is hoped till members will be present. DA pleasant party was given by Mrs. Geo. W. Lindsoy to a number of child ren on last Saturday in honor of her sou Noal. Bertha Smith and Dorlha Lockhart of Jewell City, Kansas, arrivod horo last Saturday on a visit to James Bur den and wife. James Halo has purchased tho prop erty north of Henry Cook's drug store and wo understand will have a brick building built on tho same. Mrs Mark Lawretson, formerly n resident of this city, now of Holbrook, this state, arrived hero this week on a visit with J. O. Lindley mid fam ily. Estkay Notice: Taken up at the farm of F. W. Studubakcr four miles west of Red Cloud, one bay horso pony ten years old aud one light cream pony blind in one eye, about twelve or fif teen years old. K. W. Stuueiiakkh. On Thursday morning liro was dis covered in tho grocery department of the Nobraska Norcautilo Co. Although it was about throe, o'clock tho dromon responded promptly, hut it was put oat by a fow buckets of water hoforo much damage was dono. Tho republican electors of Garliold township will meet in caucus on Thurs day, Soptembor 20th, at 4 o'clock p.m. at tho Pope school house for the pur poso of nominating township ollicers and such other business as may come before the meeting. Kt. Amack, Com mitteeman. Horeford breeding stock for sale. One half blood cow llvo years old. Two half b'ood yearlings, nearly two, nno has calf by her side. The cow mid one yearling are bred to full blood Rud Polled bull nnd will bo fresh in February- Also ono calf six weoks old. K. L Fawcett, Cowlos, Nobr. Again within the short space of f jur months it becomes my sad duty to an nounce to the ini'inbors of our corps thu passing away of another of Its members. Suddenly on Sunday morn ing, August 20lh. Matilda Ladd, past president of our corps, entered the un seen world. In grateful appreciation of her worth, and in loving memory, lot tho charter of our corps be draped with mourning for thirty days. By command of Nancy J. Tuknkk, Corps President. Homo visitors excursions, Septem ber 10 and 30. On litest dates the Burlington Route will sell ticrcets to all points in Iowa, Wisconsin and north ern peninsula of Michigan at rate of one fare plus $3.00 for the round trip. Same low rates will apply in southern Minnesota, northern Missouri and tien tral and western Illinois. Tickets will be good to return any time within 30 days from date of Issuo. For further iuformallon consult nearest ticket agent or write to J. Francis, Gonerul Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nob, Odd Fellows Picnic: Tuo Guide Roek lodge of Odd Fellows has united with tho lodgo of this city and are pre paring to give a harvest picnio at the Amboy picnic grounds, Tuesday the 25th. This will be a basket picnic and thu Odd Fellows and their families are invited to como and enjoy thumsolves. Also btlng your hammocks, s ving, horse shoes, etc., and help furnish plenty of amusuinont. The manage' ment are looking forward to this as an a tnual atTair so that tho Odd Fellows and theii families may enjoy a closer bond of fraternity. Program will bo announced next week. LINE. Tureo Inches of rain Monday after noon and night. Lou Wilmot has done some good vork on the roads this week. Mr. mid Mrs. Wildeyinado a business trip to llostwlck this week. A cottage union prayer meeting at Will Aubushon's Sunday afternoon, September lOth, at II p m. A cordial invitation and bring Best and Punto costal hymns by request of the leader Mrs. Aubushon. Mrs. Williams and Miss Sutton weru the gnosis of Frank VanDyko this week aud reports a big rain thetu. Tho school In District 8 is getting along nicely Thu school in District ill is gutting alor.g nicely with Miss Kinsul of Red Cloud as teacher. 11. 11. Haskius had tho mlsfottuito to lose one of his horses by getting il in the cane Saturday night. Sowing wheat is the order of the day. Tho union Sunday school at District 8 was reorganized September Uth mid the following ollicers elected Super intendent, Mrs. Aubushon ; assistant Rev. It. H. Haskius; treasurer Ida An bushon; secretary Miss May Seeluy mid chorister, Charles Anderson. School will meet at 10 a in. the Hist Sunday in October. Some changes in location. Frank VanDyko has moved in where Will Au bushon lived, and Will Aubusou whuru Chas. Isoni lived on thu Charley Bessu place. The U. B will huld their fourth qttartorly turetiiig on Rock creek, in Franklin count-, September 10 and 10. All of thu tlllcials itru teqiicsted to at tend. Rov. Jas. Campbell of North Branch will preach at thu Pope school house September 10 at 11 p.m. A cordial in vitation is given to all. Bonn, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Gnlbreth a boy. They call him Win. McKinley. Louis Aubushon has returned from tho mines and reports a good time. guide'rock. F. E. Smith, formerly residing north of this town, now at Barada, Nebraska, was here on business the first of tho week. Ernest Jones starts thu last of tho week for Ann Arbor, Michigan, to take a degree in law. Tho Rough Riders organized Tuesday night. Tho McKinloy-Roo!ovelt club has 70 members and still coming in rapidly. Tho Rough Riders drill Saturday afternoon. Wm. Sawyer and 1. B. Colvin wore at tho county seat Wednesday. Born, Sept 7, to Mr. and Mrs, A. Sides, a daughter. Guide Rock vs Weblor at Guide Rock Friday and Saturday Sept. 7 and 8. Scoro Guido Rock 9, Webber 1; Sat urday Guido Rock 20, Webbor 12. Archie Redden is playing ball horo this week. Burt Crow has bought the Lcn Tompkins place. I. W. Crary, A. J. Hayes and Clyde Hodges have just returned from K it sns City and St. Joseph whore they have boon purchasing large invoices of goods. Kirkpatrick& Lovitt sold six horses the first of tho week. Robt. Garrison and wife started Monday for a visit in Illinois. Harvey Sides is down frjin Atnpii boo. Four and foity hundreths of an inch of rain hero Monday. S. Vandoren of White Cloud, Kansas is visiting in this vicinity. . Amidown. See our portrait offer mid thou come in nnd see the lamplu portrait. t Teeth Would Last I s $ too Years JJ if kopt clean that is, surgically clean; so clean that no tooth do- M stroyiug germ can tind lodgment. i There are plenty of dentrlHccs JjJ that will polish enough or too JJ Mi iniico but few that will cleanso 2 thoioughly. i Dr. Reed's I Tooth Powder 2 JjJ clcansos, whitens nnd polishes tho tooth, and is an antiseptic a. nnd ret-michln. Dunn nil that U any other tooih preparation does m jjj and it has the germ destroying i quality that few have. Perfectly harmless, delightful to use. PRICE 25 CENTS. C. L. COTTING, Li. The Druggist S $ Glimpse of iii ft tt ifc ft i t it t tt ti ii it l il it ii it ii ii ii) il ii ii ii ii it ii) ii) il) ii) ii) 0) ii) ii) ii) ii) ii) 0) ii) Autumn Tints. Have you seen those l First our NEW FALL SUITS. Nothing like them ever seen in this city. Suits that Demand Your Attention. We are showing a great variety of novelties in fall suits. Unfinished worsteds, fancy worsteds, fancy cassimercs, made in sack suits, single or double breasted. Elegant line dress frocks in clays and French backs. All our fall styles in HATS now on the shelves. Hoy's and Children's clothing in endless varieties. ii) Gouiden-Kaley Glothing Go. J LEADERS IN 0"--'-t-lmfm'-'-'--00-00'-0-2'-''!&-'fit!9' mmmmmwmmmmmmmmm KNOCKING ! KNOCKING I KNOCKING ! Still hammering away and the prices are showing the effects of so much hammering. We are mak ing them lower than the lowest, and you should take advantage of it to save money on Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. From week to week we put a few prices inthe papers. The proper way to get full benefit is to come 0 fnc.h stove pipe ("Jjij pounds to joinl) d inch, ono pluctt, corrugated steel elbow , (1 Inch, lour piece, stool elbow - Ouo-nitlf pound, No. 0 copper rivets ThrcefourtliH inch galvanized iron pipe, pur foot.. One quart tin fruit cars, per dnzon No. 8 Nicklo d lifted copper lou kottlo 100 foot wire clothes linos Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, por sot m Come in and see the O. K. rotary washers. These Care the best washers on the market and give the best satisfaction. Our'spacc is limited but our stock is complete. iuome in and let us rfl ure to i . t.j sacrei Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. mmwmmwmmmmmm : fa II u 1 i it ) m m n m i m m n to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to beautiful Autumn tints to NtWTIGER 5XIH. to LOW PRICES. in and see us. 15o 20o 10c 20o 8c 40c $1 00 aco too snow you. A pleas- i chom goods. J., VII - m m m m m m m m m m m m m m : m m m m m m m m s I If-1 H i. m 81 vtk ,wmmMmmm 'fiTll"tr li' ' ll I'WH-lfiiiliiWiilinn i " ' '9MkWiimi' i tllillffigiiEi ' " iii ! infM --"ntBi i . . TJ"nLLTf:.i i''i&irii J.n.aLdJ- '.'" i 'H'lfH.Hftni,,. .,.......-h.. ...,.!. ., .-.,--4' , . '