The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1900, Image 3

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a-"-"1 .
-s. .jjiii3mtttmar
It rtim n l.oiinr 'Jlme ('ottiluu, Iitil It
l'ld Hint When It (nnic (ltd
Mnn (irci-ntiiit's story tu Nliott
the Vol tic f Persistence Mitr
(ctitler Who stuck IIU Tlieor)
of I'oUor Tlirouuli ilun Dlnt'iiur
iiKemciit mill Won tint nt l.itat.
A yf(ri 'rH a moHt mirprUIti thliiR,"
QQ I '!' "Ill limn Ureenhut ns he
lot the buttled nwny behind
this bar. "Unit folks ilon't
U teem to 'predate, the Impor
tance o' belli' persistent
Now, t-it thero SI Walker, 't
Jiut c;a, t In Iilio uii' tnok n dthik nti
went oj 'thnut stiyln it word lit tin imp,
I u bright uii' shlnlii' example never tin
I r nothln' worth while, 'cuuse lie don t
never Ptl.-k to It. (Ills illfcrmiriiKCil like,
mi sets down nu' think ubmt It, when If
he'd trY spit on his hands an' tnke n
lieh jrlp lie tuought come out n four
time winner. Whj, I loll voti tbut mini
might 'a' t. in .i Justice o' the peace on'
tiuirrlttl Ui Widow Ilaher with four
hun'red ncrea o' Rood fnrnt Innd. no cud
' stock an fiirmln' utensils nn' inutif
In the bunk, on'y for that hnb'lt o'
his I)1 not stlckin' to It. Just (rive up. he
did, 'critifo he got bout out In two 'lec
tions nn" wouldn't run for ofllre no more,
no' when the widow Mild no throe or four
t' ca be 'lowed she didn't want Id in nn'
Kit out o' the gaino, when tint hh.m
tl d oughter knowed that nil "In- wanted
viio innn with gumption enough to keep
on cuurllit."
The old man tut nod hit back for n mo
ment while he slyly poured n little water
Into a w'j'sky bottle In which the liquor
win runntuir low, and then plating It
with the other bottler he enme out to bli
favorite peat b th' window nud cat
smoking for some iulnu(ei.
"Heats all." he said aftei a while, "how
fnlk It t eo like Don't iieem to
Iiiimj no s.rriso o' religion. The Oood Hook
sa)s. 'Oo to thn ant. )nu sluggers. Con
sider lier wovs and be wise' Now, there
Hlu't no p'lnts about an ant t V woith
cuisldirln, 'cept tlulr nlmlRht) etkU-lo-it-Uini's
BPinds to lenson. It moans fei
us to kern pcRglu' away till we git thoi"
T SI Walker'd on'v penned like the
ants doc lie mottght 'a' been rkh an' re
Kpcotcd. "Thero was I'ute Kennev Unit dropped
off n a boat hero some thlilj jear as"
an' Jut There didn't seem to
be no 'eanmi vhv he should '..' entr.e bete !
In the first plnco ir why he j-hould 'a'
tuyid aflcr he nrrovo. but ho did Some
mill he mu?t 'n' dtoppod onto Dim boat
b accident somewheres up the tlver, an'
the rttptaln put hint off at the Hrst laiulln',
hint not bavin' the testation fare In Ills
Joans However 'twos, he come, an' he
tonulnocl. More'n he's well fixed
n jw an' pajH taxes.
"Thete warn't no tenson for It. fur
Hi anybod.v eould ee, 'loplln' 1'ete'n all
llreil ierltency. Il was a bright enoimh
curt o' man nn' mlsht o' fettled dawn In
hu-dniPR fer himself, for Iip got a Job n
bartender down to the hotel an' made
money. They do naj as how a steuilv.
Imlustrloiig bartender In a hotel where
there's a good tun o' buslnext an' a bo"s
tint drinks some himself can hate a sa
loon of liU,- own In a f w )eais, un' i
rocfron It's pretty near tine 1 kept bar
In a hotel mvself when I was )ounu,
"That wa-u't Hole's la). UiourIi, I'oto
used to sly that thue w.i one wa) o'
estab'.lshltiR yourself In life that laid otor
any other, an' lhat was t, hold h rotnl
Hush In n rooJ stiff Rame ' draw poker.
Then, he rays, it's on'y a nuosilon ' how
much tho others hns Rot to Inspire their
conlldence an' how much they has to hot
with that fixes tho amount to be gathered
In, on which n man can retire nn' bo ie-
spectacle fer tho rest o his natural life.
"Some o' us reasoned with I'oto at times
about thlF. We told him that nival
lushes was sca'ce Rame. and that f
o' a kind was good eno'tgli for a careful
player to Rlt ilch on, hut Pete 'lotted
that a ro)nl flush was the on'y thing a
nmn could be dead Hire of Seems lia'd
had four queens beat when he was young,
an' he'd learned consM'nble cautlun fiotn
th' experience,
"'A to a ro)nl flush boln' sca'ce,'
l'eto says, 'It stands to reason lhat a
man's Roln' to git It some time. If he
plays Ions enough. Htlck to It,' he says,
'an' sooner or later yer Roln' to get a
n)iil Hush. The on'y thing needed l.s
to stick to It.'
"Consequences was that Pete, bavin'
found bis theory of business success, de
voted himself to the workln' on II out.
with a persistency that would n Rrotved
wool on a rilRRor's hi el 'f he'd devoted
hUself to that particular foim of effort.
Talk about HI Walker an' thn widow. I'.f
HI hud stuck to the widow with one forty
leventh part o' Pur', persistency, the
widow d 'a melted like butter in a blast
iiiriuiue. hi i-eii it give nts lllgnts ail
days to poker. He never allowed buiiluess
to Interfere with a game 'slang's he'd
money to play with.
"Just naturally his theoiy of the game
Interfered with bis general success. Most
ly It dues Interfere, I've noticed, when
man get theories In hU head an' pluy.s
the Kamii different fin the ordinary run o'
people. These here sharps that llggers
out some particular thing In the game iu
lieln' n dead certainty, nlw.i)s loses
money on n. lor you can say wnat you
like ubout tho great American Rame, but
It certalnl) does beat anything clue for
the preponderance of uncertainty lhat 1ms
to be calculated on, whenever .ton have
a dead sure thing In your mind-all ex
cepting u ro.tal flush, as Pete used to say
with ondenlable wisdom,
"Pete's mind belli' Hied, so to speak,
on that loyal flush, you can see for oin--kelf
that It warped his JudRiueut on the
question o' draw In' cHrds, Many a time
I've seen hltu split a pair or at es, an'
draw thiee uirds to u ace an' queen, or
ace an' ten o' the -ame suit Once I
even seen him split two pulls, aces an'
queen-s, an' draw two cards to the ate,
queen an' Jack o' diamonds, an" Joe
Hooker says he sect, the blamed IJJIt split
mrro r.iiiK-t iu nmn u:t- -mix jun
because they wns all court cauls o' the
same suit. An' the Hrst card he picked
up Iu the draw was the fourth king
Shows how a man'll ovetlook the blessln'H
o' Providence right In his list renchln'
out nfter things he hain't no icason
to hope for Iu the natiiinl coinse of
events. Stands to reason a man'll lose
money defyln fute with sueh monkey
shines as them,
" 'Twasn't no uso to arguti with Pete,
though. He were as obstinate as n mule
an' stuck to his notion o' fettln' ro)it)
flush like n stok nlKor thks to the
Methodlxt ehuroh. You eotiMn't persuade
blui One das I ?it)K to him, 'Look a'
here. I'ete. n lojal llil'li Is most onuues
tlouably a Rood piece o' pruperly, but
what how hev you Rot o' Rettln' one?
You put me out o' imtlouce. Look nt
the pots you luliiht 'a' h oopod with two
pairs an' tluoe of a kind If you'd only
drnwed like a Christian, says 1, '
o' puttln' tour it lift In HttaiiKe Rod, an'
caoillleln' .tour Rood ehlps an' the prlu
elples o' the Ritme In a tinnRo an' foolln'
endeavor It's il In In the fau o' 1'iov
lilenee,' I nays to him. 'an' you'll Rodown
to oui Rrave iinhouoied, unwept nn"
iinliittiK If you persist In II. Moie'u that.'
1 "ays, 'you'll be dead broke all the days
"' Minr life"'
'Hut ou (ouldu'l eonvlme hlin 'TIhto's
four loyal lluhos In the deek, alnl there?'
a.s he, 'an' them Iho turds Is just as
likely to eome as any other live, stint
the" An' If theie'H nn,thluK eeitalu In
this hole world o' trouble an' oui'ertalnty.
'tin that a inan'll Ret 'em Homottme, If
he kei ps on tryln. An' fay! When I
do Rel 'em' If the Lord span's me till that
happ dav, I wont do anythlliR tint swat
the RnitR.'
" The Lord rnn spare you easy enoiiRh,' '
sajs I, (lNRiisted. 'an' ( ean the eniumii
nltv If v.ui go on lr In' to bleak up our
national Institutions by ptopiiRtitlu' sleh
revolullonai v Ideas. It's woiso'u social
ism,' 1 sns. 'It's ildieulous.'
"lint thoie wasn't no movln' of him,
an" we Jut had to leave blot to the error
of his ways, nn' what we thoiiRht was the
Inevitable xetiKcanee of heaven. An' the
t.... .. ..!.... I.. ....I .1..., I.. I U.. I ..
i,.i;r i ii tiutit-ii t nit iH'lll ii1- nun it- wti-
a olf-nppolntrd xessel n' wrath, an' I
bound to be skinned In the R.imo as Ioiir j
as he contlutiid to play It, It was a soit o' ,
mlKslonar.t wmk to assist In the skin
nlu'. Most of 'em devoted themselves to
the iilss uiiii , woik, too, with sueh holy
real that I'ete was broke most of the ,
time. I
"lie was roihI Kt It UiourIi. Nidiody
nevor livmil hlni (oiiiplnln. for he seomed i
to be sustained b a ealni eonndence In I
that mnl IIihIi. an' every, time he went
bioke he'd ro back to woik its chipper as i
a cattish an' stick to It till ho had a stake
to sit In the R.ime with.
"That was another thliiR I tfid to talk
to hint about while I was tr)litR to show
him the erroi of his ways. '.Supposln' you i
do Rot ' ni.tal lltth sometime,' I says,
'how can you expect to Rot a IcRlllmnto
prollt out of It If ou ro broke all the
tluu tr;b' to 'ot If You won't hnv nn
mono) to bet with,' I sa.vs
"Hut all he ever snlil to that was, 'Oh,
the I .old will ptovlde' You don't Mipposc
thliiR Is tjoln' to be so ordered, do you,
that heat en's ilclust ble-ln' would come f,m the table whole they had been ly
to a man. nn' him not have the means to , Kl a H., Pm kind (' carelesj. Just
biiilc It up'.'" Whh h was the next door to ho (,nt Stevens could see 'etn, but pre
blasphomy. as I told him frcuuont. but t,.ndln' not to notice that they could be
he only sihIImiI. aii' when the tttnr come, oon.
as It did llnnll), when bis faith was Justt- (,! H)lrt Stevens, 'ton want the
lied, an' he wiped the lewnrd of per- money to play with, do you? Hut ccr
slstcney. It woie developed tbnt he had talnly joti ain't (mill' to bet on that
Rood leiiHou to smile, foi he had provided hand?'
for thai contluR0!u- with a wisdom coin
paled to which the Rttllc o' the sarpeut
was as the babblltiRs o' babes an' suck-
j HuK", '! I,,l' wnn a pollshod article
even If we did size him up for a deluded
fanatic all them years.
"It went on for u matter o' fifteen )eat
or mote an' Pete's. lo)al lllih com to bo
a staudlu' Joke In tow 1 1 . I'ctlcis would
luiiRh about It I'tir) time he set Into a
same, an' ll weie esteemed a Rreat piece
n' wit for Mime feller to sa), 'I'll bet a
thnuspud to one In town lots that Pete
won't Rot a in) til Hush to-nlRbt.' 'Course
nobody ior took It up. but evei)body'il
tatig'i, an' l'ote would blush, an' he'd say,
I 'I'll r t It so
nlRht '
me time, bojs. If I don't to-
vens had come to know about Pete ill
If ever n mini won sue- ' wnys plnyln' for n royal Hush, an' had
"An' he did.
less bv biug-eoutlnued, peislslent striiK-
gllu' for ll, Pete Kenncdv did, an' things
fell out about as he'd nlnavs said the)
would It was h protty good riiiiio from
the Hist, for thou- was a couple o' cross-
Kinds gamblois who had come to town
buis'ln' for blood, an' It happened that
them was two plnnteis Just back from
Now Orleans with their unmet in their
pniko, an' thoy was lookln' for cm Ito-
merit. One of Yin knowed Pete an' liked
him an' asked hlin to Join In the riiuic
that was sinned Just about the time they
cot off nt AlkHlisas City hen, un' Pete
hat In' a bundled In his clothes, Just nat
urally did.
"Me tila.t oil lucky from the start. It
happened fortunately that he didn't get
a i bailee to make one of his fool draws
iiiiiih'ii nine In I nlf an hour or so, an'
his play out"lde ' that was faltly good
pots on Huxlios in' fulls, besides two or
three that he took In nn deuces and
neive. or Mime slch band,
"An) how, be had near a thoonnd In
fiinil of hlni when thero lome a big Jack
j ,.,,, ,, fu , ,Kf(lr(. t W1)H I)lw,i.
', ,.PH ;, ,P1 , . ,,,.,,.,. ,, ,)p ,,,,
hat In' on'y a king. Jack an' ten o' clubs,
not boln' permitted to open under the
rules. The next man opined It for fifty,
tin next three come In, an' Pete raised
ll a bundled That was his fool play.
Whenever hn'd see a show foi a royal
Hush he used to play as If he had It,
for feat he wouldn't get the good of It
I when It did oome.
Well, It walked pietty well. One of
,IL. ,.ri,ssioiiils pinfesslonalu diopped out,
, ,le o(h,.P ,. , ,,,,, fllf ,)Mt
llf,,,. tllc lw ,,. ,.ul come In
, Iih i.ilsetl Pole another bundled. Pete i
i came link at hlin with soother and one
of the planters dinpped The other had
I a four Hush and he stii)ed. The gambler.
! for some leiisou, didn't r.iUr again, but
I simply saw the talse, and there was i
I..".imi In Hie pot
"In the thaw Pete got tho hco an' quten
n' i bibs. I suppose If I'd it taught them '
i aids miller the i Ircumstnui es, I'd a
hopped dead with suipile. but Pete
never turned a hair Thete was a kind
nt ii .ii'iiii i.i iIim 1, ft al.ii, ,.r I. iu fii,., un
t looked a Utile droopier than iiunl. for
( n mlnlile, but h gave no oilier sign, and
I t),,. dtheis thiiught he hud thiee of a
; Kind at Ihe most. The planter filled his
I ,sh, an' so Pete had two good l.nn.Ts to
piuy uRaiusi, Willi ll was as biucn as any-
body could (xpect. lie had about six
huiitlrtil on Ihe table to bet with, he
sides, ami more'n that, he had lesourccs
tbnt nobody at the table knew about,
"The planter sat next to tho opener,
who had drnppid out, and as It was his
Hrst bet anil lie hntl n Hush, he pushed
up a hundred, not curln' to go too heavy
ugiiliist the gambler who hut stood pat
and who stood the thltil lalse befoto the
diuw. The gambler raised, of coutse,
ptishln' up three-fifty.
"Things was iiroIii' Pete's way, but he
never Brlniied What he had to do win
to make the otlieix think be was blulllntr,
no lot Htinlte hN eaidi enreful for a
while an' then Miyn, port it de.pcrntts
like nn' "iidden, 'I'll re that, nn' I'll
(fii ou two'llft.t bettei.' an' be pmlic
Ins pile to the middle of the tuble, txir
rln' tlftieu or twenty dnlhtix he had In
looe ditUKe.
"Thn itlnntctV llunh m kins blKb,,i
he haw It. but didn't rnln". nn' the Kiini
bier mixed It Ihe hundred, thlnkltip that
l'eto would drop out. 'That'll more than
your throe are worth, I reekon,' be said
with a Mierr, but l'eto never answered
him. Ho studied bis ennls n while
longer nud then fnld, putty Mow, 't
haxen't i;ot the rnh to ko on, but I've
Kot tin deeds to dome ptoperty hero
'hat's pietty valuable, nn' If ou'll take
that for Hoourlty, l II rahe you u thou
caud '
"lie pulled Home law paprrn out of Ids
pookel as he upoke iind laid them an the
table, but the Rambler npokc up, very
nasi, nn' kii.vk: 'I ain't buln' no prop
ert without lookliiR lit It, an' money Is
tin oul thliiR that talks In this gnmr '
"Polo looked at the planter, but be
I idiook his head, 'I wouldn't mind an far
Ins I am loueernod.' he said, 'but there In
an ohjtetlou made. I don't fie how I enti
help oii'
"'Very well,' savn rote, pertendlmr to
look troubled, 'then I'll have to ask for
a few minutes time till 1 ran Rot some
none) to play with. Hum,' he says to
the nlRRer that was IiiIiirIiir thorn drinks,
'take these papers over to Mr. Htevens
an ask him If he will loan me tlO.DOO
on them.'
I "Then there was a little wraiiRle. The
other Rambler who had ill tipped out oh
I Joeted to the delay, but the. two plantera
spoke up for l'eto and the Riimblei who
held the full hou.e sold he was wlllln'
to wait white the Rontloman Rot some
more money as he was Roln' to win It
nn) how, so Sain went over to Mr. Hlef
ens' house. Htevens belli' the president
of our kink an' a Renlleiunn with proper
spoithiR hablt.s.
"Bottle of us that as looklu' on was
Rtlessln' for fair. We net or knowed o'
I'ete havlti' no proport,. an' we thotiRht
he was hluflln, but w eotildn't see Just
how he reckoned he eould woik It, or
whet be expected to do. I says to nty-
self 'I reckon he's eatlRht that royal iliHi,
but what this move moans is nunc than
I know.' An) how. thete warn't nothln'
to do but wait, an' 1 walled as all the
othois did, for It looked aa If there'd be
some fun.
"l'rotty soon Mr Htevens came back
m, t lit iiIrroi. an' says. 'What's this
niean, I'ete? The nlRRrr says you want
to bortow f Iti.lHKi.'
" 'Yes, 1 Jo,' says I'ete
"'Well,' sas Stevens, 'you can hnvo
the money on thee deeds, of cour', If
)ou'll isinte to the bank to-moiiow, but
' l ti'ii, il ll tuiiv unv'd 1tn tiilrrlltitlll'.
I n' as he spoke he picked up Ills cards
I " 'You'll obllRe me.' says Tete. pretend-
In to Ret In a terrltile rage, 'by saytn
nothln' about my hand. It tuny nut be
the strongest hand In the deck, but Its
tine best one out. llesldes, It's my own
business what 1 do with the money. The
question Is whether you'll let me have
"'Oh, yes,' saj Stevens, 'I'll let you
havu It all right. That Is. I'll give you
' my personal check.'
, ' i reckon that's good,' savs Pete, nn'
' so It was, for eteiyboily on the river
knowed Stevens.
i "It wns the neatest play I ever expct
. to see, for them papers wan't worth the
i Ink that was on 'em It seems that Hte
' Joked him about it, knowln' hint pretty
I well an' llkln' him as a man Rets to like
a bai tender tbnt treats him right, nn'
' Pete had got him to piomlse lo lend him
' all the money he needed to piny with
whenever he j;ot the royal IJu-li. Then
, when Htevens came nter to lend him the
money If be really had the cnids, him
' knowln' that the deeds was n bluff, he
was sport enough unci liked Pete well
enough to help him aloiiR with his little
remark about bettln' on UiHt hand,
, "Of course, when they heard that the
ouier piayers uioiigrii sure ne was iiiuii
lug. nn' Pete Jollied them along till ho
, cleaned up $1H.000. Then he quit playing
poker for Rood an' ns I said became a
respectable taxpayer. It all shows what
a man can do by sllckln' to his Ideas of
1 what to do In this world." New York
I Sun.
It's IPs Iniirariinest hoiie I eter saw,
This Mr gruy lioue liie I to
I ilon't liiII It lltln' nt all, lit all
Hlnte in) mother went ).
I'onr Ionic t r'Jn ngo, an' It srrini a ar;
' (iim tionie," m Hie prrat lirr said,
An' I at li la tut' lirrMM with wantln' lir,
An' my fs sre atna) rU.
I rtii) fiiit'tif-iloors till I'm Mmoit frozf,
'C'aiiF etery eornrr nn' rotmi
HtfiiK finiil) enniiKli to filHhlm a boy,
An' mini to Hie doors nllh tlluora.
I tiilte tli-ln to cm 1 1 mr In In in) infill",
KoinHlmr I think I ian'1 txar
To swullnir u Mioiilhrnl of alt) thin'
An' liei not illlln' up tlifit
A-ioiirln' tin- Ifa, an' passln' the tliliii,
.Mi' UiikIiIii' to ' me lake
Too bin luiiiin of s ti r ' r liiftesrt of on,
An lnoi lliHii in) rliaro of take,
'riirrf's no on- to ko to when Hi I n k to wrunc:
Htio whh aluH)s mo tiHfe an' suia.
Wli), not a tionlile coulil liiikle a boy
Thxt ili ooiililn't up an' cur
"I in loo bl( lo be klvriit," I ilfil In fay,
Hilt stinx-liim 1 ilon't feel rlfthl,
CiHttlln' Into bed u "till a n ioouhb
Nobotl) us) In' k'smI nlclit,
An' turkln' the rlutht up uinler my rliln,
An piisiuir my nair mik, eo:
i 'I Mn ,'" "' '.'' Ifa III" rliiinoJ,
inn iiiiii'fc'-' (ii(t nt inti ri i'ii ii.'?'.
I ejii't niukr nut for Hip lire of mo
ttliy Iki nhoiilil Imtr to ko
An' tor boy ten hr In thin nlil sray limir,
A-ii'f.lln' an' wnntln' h'r so
i There m lcit of wonifn. It seeme to me,
Vii'he" toy. aleMlout' Mn up,
An' oin main huiiii-s, an eiitn
I tell nn the very ItinrsnitK st Ihlnr
111 tbls ureal bin world to-day,
Is a bo) of ten it hope lienrl In broke
Caime hl mother Is noil away.
Toronto Olob
I.lfe Ii not one Kruiiil, steel mm at Cape
Nome, A W'lrliltu man wrllhiK home from
there eas. "Ileie lies the rolling feu, Tower
ing above Iho reu nr the lie mountains, and
tonerlm; alsite theni In the price of sniti "
Iluibaml-I don't eo why )oii hnve aerouiita
In many dry gtsid stores, Wife Herniate,
my dear, It makes tint lil so much smaller
1'erny th. CuUlc TnlLs While (lie
llnss lleelliif to lllte Cnlrli of the
Itril I'lnnnel Shirt I'liiilsliliiritt
if All rk II it in r, tin Menu Meoteli
innn 'I'n rue t ShootliiM of Hie for
riiiliien 'I'lii llentli Koim of tin
I.oon l-'orent llomniiee.
Z-0 MIK1USON th" guide, called
r r Ferity for short, squat, niurcu
J j lar riial brown, with smalt,
I dark e)es pierhiR from under
U a droopliiR biltii, sat on the
middle thwart of the boat. In
the i . miner i tt it Hound lake by placid
Not a ripple etlukleil It Tluoe RleiU
pints and lumhuks which giew to the
walir's etlRo. wore motionless In the noon
bent Over the whin ninl tnliiot-llke ev
pause Ihi qtuiterltiR, walling ciy of the
loon souudiit A blue heron stood uiiiint
upon ii ttootjtd tmliit, waiting for his
lunohooti lo swim by and nt the other end
of the lake n mother teal led her browi.
blood of set en by devious ways In and out
among the rushes While uuu illy the wn
tri rippled, us If ugnltiKl a htiiih, upon the
lips of the Illy pads, on this tiny not a
murmur nunc fnmi them Uittlct tin Ir
shelter tho huge black bass lepotosl, tun
might nay form of lure, lite ftog or min
now, ph iiitom minnow or spoon, Hy or
white suit pork, tempt hlin to come forth
'the othoi man In the boat listened while
1'ere.v talked lie pays Pergy $'J a day to
haul hlni about Into sirret plates where
the fish nre known lo be, nnd to hnndle
the craft as only a master can handle It
when that shooting wolf of the Western
watots, the musknllotigo, tttrlkos the
Momt nnd the battle for life begins It,
addition to services as a guide, he oh
tali oil fiom Kergy a w tilth of tomance of
the forest and Held, for this boiitmnn Is
cerlulnly the most gifted and ornate Hat
to he found between lit eon Hay and tho
Mississippi tlvei Whin pike, plikeiel
bass and "inuskv" lefuse to sttlke, tt Is
worth tho-moiiey to boat him. In nviduhit
ed Milto, thone on of the way Iu which
they have bitten In the, and doubt
less will bite ngaln. Ills language Is sim
ple nnd tlltict. unadorned with the graces
of rhetoilo. iitiiuniird by the eilmplngs of
Riniimar, the tinfettond, free, explossUit
tonrue of Ihe vvlldorntss, tint birch bark
slunk and Ihe logging tump.
"Talking about INhlt p." said IViuy. th"
other man not having spoken for half n't
hour, "talking ubout fishing anil the fun
ny things a man sees sometimes when his
o)s .iln'l shut, tendinis nn' of a X'nw
when I gut tlrtsl of loafltiR 'round Ho)d's
hnti I, and wanted to do n do on my own
reel I go down to Long hike and dump
in) i If n plroig, mid I go across and
Iilke along Into the woods. I pike for .Vi
yaids. straight as a teal Hies when It
means lmiliurs, ninl I run bing against a
little lake I bad never seen before In m
life It lay there among the trees and tint
alder buheH like a lr.oklng glass, not
moin'n an note, nnd I wanter say It was
broke from end to end with ripples niiuW
hy the rmall-ninulbed bass.
"They wns two million of 'em, or mnb
H.ey wns three million, nn' It was nretty
enough to make a man keep away from
whisky ninl the gals forever and ever
nmen. I dug my hands Into my pookets.
nnd I didn't hnve no more halt than
would tutrh u stimltiR minnow In n wash
howl I thought hnrd for throe nrd a
quarter minutes, nnd tl eii I out with the
tall of my led flann'l shirt and lore off a
hunk blR enoiiRh to wrap n penkn'fe In. I
didn't need that mttrh, but I wnnled Hsh.
nnd the other guides had plenty of shlll"
nnd we nil bunked In the sumo nibin
Now, a tittle pi ee of nil flannel nln't Un
most eatful thing In the world, but. s.iy,
them llsh witK cm)' for It It hadn't
touched the wnter when twenty-three of
em made a dish for II, nnd one of 'em
Unit wilghtd four nnd a quarter pounds
got It light In the left gill, The-i begin
the dnilhlngedost hurroosh what ever
"The line was In the air most of tho
lime, going In or rnmlng out, and many n
time n Hsh would miet the Hnnnel two
and n half feet above the water I'd ief
It Into him the second he struck! he'd be
hooked by the time his tall touched the
lake, and I jelkrd that old quadiitple mill
tlpl)lng so fast tbnt he'd come tu standing
on bis flukes, with mnybe bis bind Htt
Just tipping the water now nml again. I
never see such llsh. Nobody never did.
"I fiitehod sixty-one red-eyed bass In
slxtv inlnuN Hut. Then my light arm
was so tiled that I had to lift on the.
string with my left hand, nnd paddle home
with tbnt hnnd. too. I nln't ceiialn but
what they was slxtydwo. but Antolne
Oririihh.iy come down to the boat to meet
me nt the hotel Indlug, nml he was the
worst flsh-thlef tint ever made n ttack
ble rnougli for two falr-slred nun. Un
wns drowned last year, logging on the
lb.niheau, nnd I nln't much douhl tint
some meat wns on his tint es mule hy one
of them red-eyes That oiitch weighed
I.'i2 pounds II ounce, and they want
bin-mouth In the bunch."
Kiigy had never rend Dean Bwlft, and
Is unaware of the great doctor's habit of
embellishing bis yarns by Ihe use of
mlnulne, measuring n wah bowl of tin.
IlrobdltiRnnglans by the dome of HI
Paul's, nnd so for lb: lut be hns th genius
for detail that marks the accomplished
prevnilrator. and backs his statements
with such wealth of little things that the
listener Is farced Into mute aoqulescnrtr
If l ot lulo outepoke.i belief.
"The meatiest guide I ever bumped
agin," he went on, "was Aleck Hume, lie
was a HcnUhtnan, with Kroneh blood In
him and a dash of I.eecb Lake Indian. 1
don't know where jmfil ro to find a
meaner cross than tbnt. It was his grand
mother on the mother's side that give hlin
the Indian tinge, and he got the French
from hi father's grandmother. 11
smoked mv tohacker and broke my pipe,
nnd told the guests nt tho hotel that I
w'n't no good. One day on Pickerel laks
mo an' my man wns nut of bait, nn' Aleck
an' bis man was down the shore JJOO yards
from us. Aleek bad the big bucket halt
full of frogs, sitting behind him. and the
man wns In the sttrn. I can outswlm hh
fish that ever Jumped a llly-pnd to reach
June bug. when 1 try, and I said nothing
to my man. I Just went over the stdv
without n splash and slipped under the
water. The tlls'oncn was Itt'i yards, and
there was it big rullle on from the wltuT. 1
got a good slait about eight feet under,
and I enme up Just behind Aleck, as true
as a bnlr. Bay, you couldn't hear a rip
ple. I put my band over tho gunwale,
lifted the frog bucket, went under nRtilti,
nnd the next thing I saw, I wan on tht
far shin of my own boat, holding up tint
frogs for my man to see. Hay, I thought
hn'd roll off the seat.
"Comtnc back was a little harder than
going. I wns afraid to take too deep a
htealh, Aleck might hear me In a tilth)
while his man lost tho frog off bis hook.
They saltl It was it w Iloss hook, but It
got caught In the puds. Just the same.
They nln't no vvevdleris hook, suie enough,
except one I made, nnd I'm lr)lng to got it
patent on 'It Well, the linRWItlgo that
went over that lake when that itmn nrsktl
that guide for them frogs wns Just won
derful Aleck swore thoy wits b"hlnd hint
nmlmitc afore. Ills mull nsketl siilkasllc
ul what brand of llcker he was dt Inking
Then Abck he saltl he was as uober "
any dude that ever oome out of Chlcniro,
and his man said that Aleck was a 11 ir.
Then Aleck got sulky ninl turned the hunt
round ninl made for the pottage back Into
Mason laike, and mi on lo tin holol, and
tlevt thiy Ihe hotel niilli that gave hlni Ills
grub to hung uinundatul guide for the
guests t.'itl hlin over two counties A
tree 1 in f-tt high nnd ll feet ' Inches thick
fell on hlin last winter, up Iu Hula
Hit lib s cairp. and uushiil hint Hatter
than n lad) bug. but that don t gliiiiu back
my lobatket
"Tho)'s ii funny tiro right baik of ti up
on the hill then You couldn't llud It un
less I took )oti to II, hut It's a w omit r It
stands !IJ."i lods fiom whote we an sil
ting, northwest bv ninth. I run itKiilnst II
one dny when 1 wns out hunting for
wasps' nesls Thoy nlu I no halt for has
like )ouiir wasps some times of the )em
Tho tree Is a silver birch, unit It nln't
inor'tl throe Inches IIiiourIi I noticed II.
because about ii fool ami a half from the
ground then was a bhue on It two hit bos
square, Ilk. some feller had thine It with
nn axe. I didn't see what a hi ire was
titling llii'te. unit so low down, bioause
there weren't no trail an) where nmr. and
I wont up lo hate a look at It Mivheou
won't believe nut when I tell )ou that It
hntl thlity-thrce pork) pine quills sticking
in It. Just like little airets 1 never see
anything like hat before, ami I hutiR
mound for an hour waiting to see some I
mote I knotted the pork)s was pji to I
, nr i
sumothlUR Hlmeby I sit two tonu on
Ihe woods, waddle up lo the tie" nud llur,
waddle nway fiom It ubout two ymds I
meiirured the tllslunoe nflirwiiul, aril Ii
was six feet two bit bos,
incy tooKc n, ,.- ai.o.n,r "-'
n.,,1 scorned to be argu t.g j
Ilihig. Thev weie Jus plain hlaok pokv ,
pines, and I see ii.i their quills was till. - ;
nor than they oughter be 1 biallv one ot
em switches hlss.lf mound until he was i
hroilillib- to Ihe tiee, plvo hls-elf a little
Jeik and n quill went II) lug mid Muck In
the tl co. a half Inch nluvc the bhuto nud u
quatler Im'i Ii tho left The other one
sorter snickered, took his poslsh mid bind
od Insld" the bias!., nn Inch below the cen
ter. The) was xhnulliiK at a in ilk that'e.
what they was doing but what they hud
bet on It I don't know, mid If 1 knew 1
would not toll, at. the song says.
"The first on-, wh'cb was Ihe biggest,
lookcd soiter mini and tiled another shot
He Rot pietty olo-c to the tenter but tin
oilier one heat him with n biiU'Mi The)
tried nnnlhcr shot apiece, hut the 11 1 1 lo
one won fiRiihi. He yo'ler limited iihou1
on two loss for a minute ot tw.t, nnd then
the big one Riilhi'teil htm Hay, ou tnvr
see nny loaves Hy like them leuves flow
Theie wns a cloud of 'cm v. hilling about
nnd In the cenlor of Ihe cloud was tin
two porkvs. The Utile oi.o wasn't st
sttoug ns the big one. but he was selenoed
for keeps I never See it little feller light
lllte he did 1'hlee times the big one got
him down, nml throe times he broke
nway. ninl Hie way liny slung the quills
Into each oilier was infill. You could
a ho'iid 'em rnltle 'i quaiter atlli awav.
"At th- llllle one vlte n hiilf-whlrl
Jumped it fool high, passed over the big
one's buck. Ill six Inches fiom hlin. Inir
turned nml sot k-d his Ik lb Into Ids
where no quills ilon't glow Hnv, It was
ICnty bar the door then. The hlg one lot
out a squeal like a ) pig. ami In half
a minute ho hi clod otor on hit rddc nni,
lay sllll He didn't hnve life enough left
Iu hlin to roll up Into a hall, lln Jut din!
ileuil The llllle one looked at hlni for n
while, then he went over anil looked in 1
the mnrk tiny hntl been shooting at. He
sorter sized up Ihe pnslsh of the quills
sticking In It, and then he went nway
"I toilld akllled him with a club, but I
didn't, hnve the heart to do It. He sure
was ti gnme llllle tighter. When lhat fight
ended them two pnikvs didn't hnvo n
doen quills I. piece on Vm that growed
th re They hail ued up most of their
ntiiti million ioi-Hiir the shmp pints Into
each olhir. The one lhat lived looked ttke
he had boon In a wind that blnwed bit
qulljs the wrong way. and the other one
what was dead Just bristled with 'em. II
nln't nn use for people to (ell me a porky
can't throw his quills, because I see 'em
tin It nud do It mighty accurate V.l I
could shoot ns slralght nccoidlug to m)
sire, I wouldn't have to RitMe nobody for
a living. The dead one weighed five
pounds ami thiee outlets.
"And talking ulriitt bass nml porkvpli'es,
I see some loons do a funny trick once I
wns over on I.lltle Price lake trying for
some California (tout the fool gover'tiient
put In there to feed the muskles 'bout five
)enrs ago. They's lots of loons on Utile
Price because nf Ihe small Hsh In It. I
was late starling back, ami twilight had
got plumb Into moonlight i.fore I look up
my nnrhor. Just then I heard a splash,
and about it hundred unci ten yards away
I see n loon come sv noshing down nml hit
the water ketblop lie gave tli3 signal .
cry, and another nnd another came In un- '
III I 0 eighteen of 'em sr.lmmliig I
ii round In a circle.
Then thn first one raised his head and
ninth a long cry, and the others took It up
In i hoi us. Thuy swum slowly round and
round ami kept up their crying. It sound
cd like n sorter loon squalling match to
mo at first, but pretty soon I begun to
phk out the different notes One feller d
squall 'way down do.pmi.1 another 'wa)
up hle.b, and (mother sorter In the middle,
and the others Joined Iu Hrst here and
then there, nud I vee that It was a slngliiR
bee, Thai's what It was, as sure ns the
I.nrd made little apples, Th Hist looii
wns teacher and Iho others was learning
firm hlni
"Well, say, that noise got to be pretty
ncrecnhln nfter a little while, It had a
sorter tune to it, Hlmeby the ture got to
bo strong nml lUiln. I never hiurd no
tune like It, and I'd been hitting the fid
dle for twei.ty year, but It was u tune nil
rlfht. Then the lender waved his bend
thiee times, nnd one of 'em came swim
ming slow out of the bunch nnd took
station five yards and one font aw,i)', I Iu
rulsed Ills head, nnd his voice came nut
sorter sweet and clear and thin, like the
note you make op the little string when
tho pitch Is high anil )ou draw the bow
soft untl even. Then the big feller that
had more white on hlin than ho oughter,
rolled In with a biss, that wits like the
wind booming In the pine trees of winter
nights. Two of 'cm, with middling hlcri
voices, chimed In, nnd the others Wept nn
mum ns mice nnd swum round nnd round.
It wns n loop quartet, nud the music was
"They sung and sung .and the old one In
the ft'iilir looked like he was going to
faint. Ills hill would drop down until It
tested en tho water ,nnd then hr'il bring It
back with u Jerk, Just like a man sitting
before n Hie nfter a hart) dty with thn
Iors, ui'tl nod ling. Ile'tl roll from side to
side and drop his bill, nnd pull It back, and
wave bis tall baikwnrd and forward,
qithk or slow, In time lo the music, nud
rveiy now nnd then lied rise nlmiett licit
of the water and stietch his wings like
he was yawning and the music wits so
good If made him lnr.y Finally 1 notleeil
that when his hill wont down each time
ll'd stay n little longerr nml seemed heav
ier when ll come up.
"Then, towiiid Ihe last, nil of the loons
Joined In the leading of the quintette. (
never hoard n stower or more sndstnpa
tune ll iiltniM made me cry, because t
briflti to see what this wns all nlmut,
fllict a feller told me about the snnc ot
(he dying swan, I see a ninny Bwnns tiles
I shot a many of 'em myself, but I never
hear 'em sing none, litre, though, was it
loon deathbed, nnd this was thn loon
It) nut they sing when one of 'em gotlet
go, The muIi got slower and morn end
like mid the old loon In the middle flnallv
louldu't got his bill up ul nil. Then ho
gave a last kind wiggle with bis tub,
sorter turned lo one shin nnd gave up his
sjnnrt The others sing n slave or twi-,
anil thin give It to me loud and ghtdsoinn
for rt bit, then they raise nil fit once and
Hy nwity, Jiut us nolsetes nnd swift as
spooks I i minted 'tn ng'ln when they
left, mill thoy wns Just seventeit of 'em.
"The dead one Hontid for a minute ot
two. but when I slnlted toward him to
pick I Itu up mid see what was Ihe mitlter
with Mm, n Ii'k musky rose under him,
with his bull bead pointed straight up. t
see Ids Jaws open, anil that was the hist
of Mr. le-Min, Tbnt musky look lilm down
like he tvein't no hlRgcr'n n bnlf-growed
leal. I wanter say I was mighty shivery,
ami going home I totk the boat clear out
of the walei everv sniilih of the oars."
Tho man It the stern of the boat said Ii
did not think Ihe bass would htle nt nil
that dav. and Fergy said they imver bit
when the wnter was sllll and the sun was
shining, unless a fellow could gel a piece
of )onn.' fawn for bill a piece weighing
tiree nnd u milliter ounces foi preference
The mail. In the stein tilled his plpo with
,u . , lll( ,, , ,m,k..l t his guile and
' , ,)pm, ,.,,,
n ,,,,,,
-J pri)n),)U) lhl,, , .... tt U
' ',,., .,. ,- .....,. witter
.... ,.,,.. ,.., ,.,, ,,., ,,.,., ,MO
nt ! ,,- .... - -
windmill was iWe fo t eight Inches Iu dl
itinotei Thou the) went slowlv home
ward -Flllfhl (Wis) Ctiitespontleiue New
York Hun
iiK-rloiin lot eollons IInIIiII.ik ''
I'orrlKii urlooltnre,
American Invention has been utmost ns
helpful to ngiloulti "t ns to tnui.ufiirli.r-
lug entetpt los. It us miide practicable
ihe cultivation of much InrRsr areas nf
' Innd than would else hae boon possible,
j It has Inctoaseil tho output and decreased
i ibe cost of food pioduots. This has been
lint case espet hilly us regmils Ihe cereals
ami lotion lint while our Inventors hnv
In en adding to the protlts of our farmers
ami simultaneously giving nil consumers
cheaper food, they hate also been build
lug up, Iu other countries, it strong com
petition wllh our wheat-growers. Amerl
ran i.gtlciiltuiiil machinery has been a
vast benefaction to tmlvcisnl humanity.
Argentine Is steadily Inclosing her
rxpnit of win at. as a lesult of tin-
I ut-o or All.erlt.iii inventions, in irni
I she ox.i.illeil mil) J.l.ntm,KMI bushels,
but her expoils for this enr will, It Is
repoited, iiggregiile 7.1,(H"i,tHi. Our wheat
area ciiiiuol he greatly Increased, exotpt
by Iho costly menus of Irtlgalloii, but
Argentina bus Immi nro nrtns of rich soil
inimitably adopted to this crop, which
lime not .vol been btought under cultiva
tion She has a mild climate, low wages,
anil cheap subsistence, Most of the lab-
ii t-r is ate Unbans, and a majority of
tin-in gi t but ,M) tents n day-not mi eight,
or nine, or ten hour day, but from stin
ilse to sunset, Thus It Is easy for Ar
gentina lo Increase her wheat export,
ten ugaltist the heavy handicap f high
freights -three limes as high for trims
Atlantic tinnsportnllon as our shippers
pay. Hut that Is not a permnnenl feature
of the situation. There will eventually
he ii great .eduction of freight rates from
Houtb Aincilcnil pints to Hurope,
Hut we need not be grout ly disturbed
oter this competition, for the time Is lint
far off probably less than fifty years
when wo shall need all our wheat for consumption. Mennwhlle, will It
not be practicable to so develop our corn
trade us to fill the Impending void?
Washington Post.
'.OT OVKIIItr. t'HINl.
Itiissla's HhiiiIs tre Full In Develop
liiK the Vital Itesourers nt Hllirrln.
The mllltury HtrriiRlli of Russia In
Mum bin Iu tit.d on the I'aclflo count
cannot be estimated, but It In doubtful
If (the could muster, nt the maximum
IlKtiti'. UHl.tfOO Uooiih. .That Mich n
tun (opt with icstloHsness In China,
cHpeclully when communication In by
i nml only, Ih Impossible. Russia ban
her luinilN lull In the t'cvelopiiieiit of tb
vast loroiiuett of Klbel'lti; lieie. mill
ions of coloulMft must be nbmibr.l In
fill e nnytliltiK tun be ntlendel to It
Cliltin. Meanvvblle, notvvltbsttitull'ig
lb-ice iriK'tlou, inogri'ss niUHt Innvltu
bly i;o mi In China, solhllf.vlnR the
iniiHMes nf tin iieoph. II Ih ii pioblem
vvbetber tin ntitlonnl of the Chi
nese will in t anon be unified to such nu
extent an to be able succesHfully to re-
pJuij. ..jlllHlUlat
u ( i(J Umt ;.t.UUlc luwH ,)U,
Ktioil tbut bemuse Itii.sslu bus
been able to absorb and "IlUHSlunlze"
the Ht'iiil-tiiuiiuillc tilbeH of Contrul nnd
Northern Aslu th(t Hhf will l" equally
Buciessful In denllng with Chlni'st. Hut
the luindlliiK of Immense iiiubso.s of
population that have a Rtuttd pant Irotn
which to Ruin individuality, Is quit -lf-.
fetenl fiom (ivernvvliiK weak unJ HMt
telotl tilbea. Nutlonul CieosriiphlcMl
Minn I'lnUle's I'orellio'Kttt.
Juno That Mr. Hhallowpnto h at the
the door. Shall I tell hlin you aid en
RiiRed? MIbh IMnUle Show hlni Into tho pnr
lor, Jane. ,
"Yen, tnlas."
"And June, after he has laid his tm
of chocolutoH on the innntloplcuc t 1
lilm I am out. KxcliaiiRe,
Knmo fool HPCin too ttoft to do ft,
foill'itfily IIiIhk.
XiMWS-lW"" 3"
m&mtmm 'twrtsUN
-Ti "Ig-TiMliM'
y ir't- ffj ' " m
'mast 1 1 mmmmmtiilmmmrr I
f 'ftl-XiUKIl