The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1900, Image 4

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Red Cloud
for :i shoit time onl tit tho
Holland House.
)r Motnoo does not pi act
lltt hits norfucted hitnsulf and docs
not need to practice, tilt hough
a Kiuduato of the best moil-
cat college in Ainoiiea
lid has a lino of
Quaker Herb Remedies
which positively cniu
Female weakness
Salt Rheum,
Tape Worms.
Add all diseases of
the Nervous System
A specific for tho liver and kidnos
Young old or middle-lined men mxt
women who :u o exhausted f i om
uvciwuik 01 oilier causes
s-hoiild consult tho
(Junker Doctor
)ne year
rum mini nr
W.I,. MoMll.l.AN.
I! 00
Bnterod Hi the post otnre at ltcil Cloud. Nct
econdclRMtnall mallet.
l.ocnl nihcrtlnliiK fi lent' cr Hue tf iMio
I.oihI AthcrllnlMK for enUrlnliiiiisiilf, tun
rrtu, noclnl. etc., ghoii by clmrilici, rhnrlliilde
lAclellc clc, wlitre nil mono raked there
from arc utcd wholt) for clmrcli or rlmrltnlilc
iocIoiIca, llrnt ten Much free nml nlluurtcn
lltieM Vl cents per line per
t.ncnl ndverlUlnn of cntertnlmiicut, com ertw.
rccltnln. etc where per cent l rIuii Id pro
iiioler fi centi per lino per luc
Oiicrolninii per iiiimlh .. . ! no
one half column per mouth I Ml
One fourth column per mouth I T5
(leiicrnl dlpliiy advvrlhiliiK HH tent cr
lurli perlMiip.
1 AIT.
Worm Removed Ai.ivr.
Fur.K orOiARc.i:.
And strictly privnto Tho nu'dieiues
nro sold for n munll sum Olllcn limns
fiom 0 to 11 it in. it i id fiom 2 to I p in
You who have HiilTuied for years hikI
Buy you crtnnot bo helped how do jon
know? Avuil y out self of this gnhUn
opportunity nnd know thetiuth. It
inny bo tho moans of tostoiinpr. you to
pei feet health nnd n life of happiness
and longevity, such us is now enjoyed
by tho (Junkers of America.
Holland - House.
U bettor to havo a Rood -medicine in
tiio houso who you doti'tlnced it than
to need it badly when Jyou don't Iihyo
join, mill nil of the litttei clas agree
that last jenr the bench from Snake to
IViinj ilicis, a distance of 12 miles,
and about llucc miles east of Snuku
ilvei was veiy lieh that their wis
ihiee piy-sttcaks, the lower one being
the lichest. The beneh-woikois ignor
ed thu liist two and woiked the lower
one only. Hy doing so the fits' two
pay sln-nks weir mixed with the satin
that cm i led no pay, mid accounts for
small colois of gold being found in al
most ovoiy shovel full of sand, but not
in stillloient ciuaiititieslo pit to "tuck"
it The sand within the space mi il
lumed ha nil been uoikuiI out fiom
two to live times.
The most disappoiiitrd nuoplc am
those who neit hcio last season nnd
took out fiom one thousand to seveial
thousand dollnis. and went home and
invested nil their money in niachinoiy
and In might it in ami found in many
instances they could not pny expenses
mid the result is the beach is stiown
with niachinoiy of all kinds.
I believe theie will be soino ricli
sti ikes made on some of the creeks in
thofuttiie Anvil and Dexter cieeks
nnd Snow (iulch mo vciy tich They
took out 800,000 nt one dcan-up on
Anvil. Thny have a man jianninR con
stantly to keep the pay streak located
at tho hst mine on Anvil. A patty hot e
told me while ho was there he saw them
pan out one pan which pioduccd J35
Some pat tics liave opened up a bench
claim. ( This is a claim on the side of
the mountain) Above Atnil cieek
they blink a holo about 10 feet and
stiuck a pay stieak live fed thick. A
p.uty in town bionght in his coat pock
ets full of the S'ltid mid washed out $3.
I could go out and within thiity min
utes Inn) gionnd that 1 would bo will
inir to e.Npend sullicietit time to pios
pect, "out if I should lind anything, the
agent of the owner would be after me,
so it is no use trying.
Theie havo been st veial crises wheie
men have gone away out in the inciin
tains ami opened up claims and vuto
making fair wages, locking, but the
ownei's agwiit would send tho soldiets
out and nil est them
The b.ilnnco of our putty arc now
up Snake river, about 2." miles, open
ing up a leased claim. I am watching
om supplies until they tetiiin. If we
cm make wages we will move up, if
not, I think I will start for home as it
will bo too late to make another elToit
this fall
Unlike any other mining camp in
Anieiica, this one is undoi nvutial law
and consequently tho woist governed
camp known to Illinois Theie me
tin eo or four big companies who own
thu ttauspoits and tho claims, mid
ovi ijiuing, nun 10 pioieei wnose in
teiest the soldiers weio sent. Murders
and lobbeiies are of ficqiionl occur
once, and the peipetratois mo seldom
nppi ('bonded A well oigani.d vigil
unco committee that bus successfully
pievailed in nil mining ramps fiom MO
to the piment time would couect all
of the evils and make lifo nndpiopeity
serine. As It is, nothing issecnio A
few dnjM ngo a man wl h skull mushed
was uneai thed in tho band, about MO
icet iiotn our tent Another limn was
beaten into insensibility and iobbod of
WOO about 100 feet ftom our tout An
other about siMne distance f i om us wns
ehloiofotiued and lobbed. As high as
live tobberies n night occur, that we
hem of, and no doubt many we nevet
hi nr about
The Nome thiol usuaHy has a tender
Heal t, ns ho gntioially uses ehloiofoim
on his subjiiets uiidor operation I a n
guarding oursupplics, and supplies am
what they seem to want while the
balance of the boys me out in thu
mountains, but I alwavs lock the tent
focuioly by tying it in tin en places,
Hildas an extia precaution I pin it with
a largo safety pin, and anyone familiar
vith tho doing or undoing of safety
pins neod bo nofuithnr advised of thu
pel feci seem it y I feel when tho door
if my tent is thus protected. Hut t hoy
to not nl jvays come thiough tho door.
In fact tkeir most fnveiito plan is to
out a holo In tho tent by your bed, reach
jin aim in with sponge satin ated with
chloiofut in, and when you me rcstinp
quiutly tliej c.uij oil tho plunder.
I Ills plan I can't guaid ag'iiiist so well
When Mr. W.iller is heto he has his
gun by his side all night mid says if
inyone cnts a hole in the tent hu will
isk no questions but will pump shot
nto the (I forget what he calls him)
md keep it u ) as long astlicto waan
"shoot" in 111 gun, and I believe he
vlll do it, but I don't want to be an mid
when the sht.oting begins, for I am
powetful afraid of a gun.
Tho Tuiidia, 1 do wish I had the
ibility to convey even a faint deciip
lion of the Tundinj I don't believe any
one cm at d I won't try A piece of
native pootty that I mil going to send
you calls il "The Too Twistir gTundrn."
It is eeitaitily nil of this and more too
If you tiavel up or down the beach
you have your choice of two trail, one
along the edge of thu water in sand
ibout shoe-mouth deep, the other from
100 to 200 feet along the Tundra
When on mo on one you wUhjoti
weioou the othci , wlicti you get on
theothoi 3011 wish you weie back, but
when 3011 go out in thu C0111U13 nivn
from the beach 1111311 bote, you must
walkover thu Tiindut. It is the one
thing that is oniiiipioceiit; whelhi 1 in
the valli'3 or mountain side it is nil
coveted with "Tho Tundia." Theiols
but one thing that I can call to iiiiiut
that can bos.ud in its favor, it is pitied
apiodtict of Alaska. It bleeds mux.
quitoes typhoid fevei and consumption
and if necessaty "soiild bleed any or
all diseases to which mankind is licit,
but inasmuch as these tlnee pests will
iWpopulnte any count! y within n short
lime, it Is unnecessary to its
btain to get up mi thing womc A
bunch of moss glows very coinpaetl
fiom one to three feet high and covet
ing a spitco of fiom one to live Mtimo
ftet. Tht'3 11 I'm not square, but eiy
mogul ir in sl. nnd shape In be
tween thuso tufts of moss ate holes
fiom 0110 to tin cu feet deep. In walk
ing ocr it you step fiom hill to hill on
the moss, into which in dry weathei
yu sink down but n few inches mid
when thu foot is rumored theto are no
tracks left, but in wot weather the
spueo between these hills of moss are
oven full of water and tho moss satu
rated, so when you step on a hill of
the moss you may go down one foot or
two, you enn't toll which, but in older
to keep fiom getting wet and catching
one or the other of the diseases men
tioned you had better wear hip boots,
and il is best to go in patties so in caso
one gets swamped the balance can get
him on his feet or the mosquitoes will
got in their (loudly work. For a team
to haul an empty wagon across now
while it is wet would be impossible
Noinu is built on thu Tundra. Onto
Fust stteet they Imvo hauled sand and
gravel from the beach and mixed with
the Tundia so that for a mile or 111010
it is possible for a team to dtive along
but it is impossible for a team to gut
along on any other stieet and a few
days ago I saw a big, stout, sober man
absolutely swamped in Iho middle of
the stieet nnd ho would no doubt have
pcnshed had not assistance been given
him. This is Tundra in tho city after
Inning undeigoiie a certain stagu of
civiliUion jhnt woiu down the bumps
of moss and lilted up the pools of water
and left it n common qitagmiio It
wont do to civili.e a Tundia
Up to about thu In st of August wu had
nice pleasant weather as any one could
wish for. Wu all enji3ed good health
except colil. No high wi ids, but al
wasa gentle bieiv.e. Heavy woolen
mulct clot lung and heavy ovuishiit wns
not iiucomtoitnhlu, nhilo nt night four
thicknesses of twelve pound blankets
was what was req.ihed to keep win m.
We began to think tho climate of Nome
had been, misiepieseiited, as well as
the quantity of gold 011 the sands of
thu beach. About the liist of August
however, the stoims came and the
winds biow, tho tain fell and the waves
rolled high mid beat faither nnd far
ther on tho beach. First one tent too
near the water's edgo would beconin
siibmeiged and then anothei Then n
lighter would break its cable and be
dashed upon tho beach; then a tug
boat would unci a similar fate and
then a schooner that hud successfully
made the tiii) across fiom Seattle
to be dashed to pieces within a few
minutes on the itiby sands of Capo
Nome, then n Yukon steamer toady
for her roMiru tiip to Dawson goes
down out 111 the sound where sho was
anehoied Wo have seen wild days
since the tirst of August. Not luss
than twenty boats, tugs and schooners
are now llng along tho beach betwo u
our tent and Snake liver about 0110
milu distant 1 have seen some lino
hemic .senfminc woik done in tho
meantime. One lino lmgo four mast
sehoonet paited her cable and was bo
iiigdiivou with lightning inpidity t
waids tho tieaeherotis beach, lit a
moment 0110 breaker was crossed, in
less time than I can wtitu it thu second
bmakei was crossed; huudieds ot peo
ple on t hoi 0 stood inutilities-). If she
eiosses tho uoxt breaker sho is lost,uho
will sttlke the sand mid no power
can sno her, but just as thu fatal
breaker js pi epat ing to give the knock
mil blow, as if by miigio the s-iils un
(ml, they catch tho hree-. and sho
proudly s.dis over the tie.iuheious
bieakei-, skillfully iiinnouvoiod. sho
dodges hem and ilium between the
uuiiieious boau that urn iitichoied far
out f mm s-hoie, sho leaches 11 point of
safety and quiet! luKi s in hot sails,
diop anehoi and assumes bur place
among ship Unit m 0 entitled to live.
If tho sallots did not gt mi extra grog
jFwm il 0 Kt jif off d m RtF
Time wns wnen Cancer was considered ns incurnble ns leprosy. m UF0K mJFWKlFHmmt
Physicians and friends could give little relief or encouragement to
one afflicted with this terrible disease. Kvcit now doctors know of no remedy for this fearful malady 5 while admitting it to be
a blood disease, they still insist that there is no hope outside of a surgical operation, and advise you to hnve the Cancer cut out,
but nt the sune time cannot assure ou that it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sore, but another will come in
its place, for the disease is in the blood is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife or
caustic, llesh-ftestroying plasters. The blood must be purified and strengthened, the system relieved of all poisonous, effete
matte before the Cancer sore will heal. ,
S. S. S. is the only medicine that can ocrcome this powerful ami contaminating poison and force it out of the blood. It
builds up and invigorates the old, nnd supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S.S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy : no mineral
can be found in it ; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful purifying properties that act directly upon
the blood svstem nnd make it safe nnd cnnanent cure of Cancer. It lias cured thousands, why not you?
Cancer ts not always inherited ; your family may be free from nny taint, yet your blood may become so polluted that a severe
and stubborn form of the disease may
impure Blood Invites Disease. i?ZSS&
or hurt, a little pimple on the eyelid, lip
or nose, n small lump on the jaw or breast, a harmless looking wart or mole, and other causes so insignificant as to attract
I) aiieillioil, 11 OU nac nu oosuiinie sore, uun 1 reiy upon saivi-3 or oinuneius 10 tuic 11 utyiu wjvu o, o. o.
it will cleanse your blood nml prevent the formation of cancerous cells.
little or no attention
ut once
Mm K Milter I.s I'htn Mo
tit on the led Mde of my f ici
vr!t s
A small iilmole enme on my J-iw atxmt one Inch liclow the
Al fimt it enciiiemitt(iulile, mull did lint think II was anything serloun
At tne Mine nine inc sore iicfin to Fprenii nml
mil II tin- h liio-in In mi II ntnl l.cciniL-iiiucli itilhliunl Al the Mine tune llicsorclicnn toFtr
mi tntntlii- Hi-ill nml i- in- nip Im!i n-ti- mill I tried cvr thine I could hear of. hut wit hint; did luenuv
pood I then begin tlif line of S S S.nnd after taklnp;"(-evernl bottles the Oncer hrnlcd nnd there
is now no sign of theditiae This was two cnrV ngo, and I am Milt enjoying pirfcct health "
Send for our special book on Cancer; it contuins much information that will interest
you ; it is free.
Write our pnysictans nnoui our cise, anil lor nuv novice or iniormauon warned ; iney
Have made a life study ot cancer ana nil bioou uiseascs
ever for this.
We make no charge what-
that night the captain ought to be com
pelled to -valk ten miles over thu Tun
dra I'.veiyone weats 1 ubber boots, men,
women, nnd children nnd inlults;
some hip, some knee. Somn women
wear skiits just below their boot tops,
while extra modest ones have them a
few inches longer. Yesteiday while
tho suif was in its most violent mood,
the Jiteakers lolling about tnent feet
higl , a young woman a d hoi fellow
came down on the beach which is
shallow for quite a distance- out.
Waves 1110 comical ct liters, they seem
to joku occasionally. They will inn
ut full swing nwny up on tho beach,
then the next not that far by a tod; tho
next ton feet shoit of the last mink
and will continue so for ushoil lime,
seemingly coaxing people in, nml then
they will comu with a big swell nnd
follow it up with one bigger until it
wns-hes all accumulations nshoie. This
young woman, like many others, want
ed to see how near she could get to the
swell without tho water coming over
bur boois and agninst tho advice of her
fellow she followed tho tecediiig waves
until the water coveted her Icet.
Standing facing the broad tin bulont
sea she turned her head, looking ovei
her shoulder ns much as to say I un
derstand how fnr out it is snfo to g
when to use ti sailoi's expicssion
wnvo stttiek her nfoie tilling her tub
bor boots with water She iiinnedi
ntoly tinned around witli back to thu
sea mid instead of pulling for the
shore as almost any "well oignnied"
woman would, the wave having to
ceded, she stooped over to investigate
the extent of tho dampness her skit ts
had sustained. Sho wot not that tho
wavo nail gone back for reiuforcements
tnd wns even then approaching with
sutllcient forco to knock a ship lying
on tho beach into kindling wood, but
whether sho wot or didn't wot, the
wave did come with full foicomidns
sho occupied that stooping posuiieit
struck hei (what s-iilois would call nfi)
tin uw lior 011 her face nnd washed her
about two tods mid loft her with her
powdeied faco and son el hair lying
high on the uiby goldun sand (wry
little gold nnd nlinighty line) of the
bench of Cape Nome. Ftiilher inves
tigntion of damnges was discontinued
Tho fellow lnughed, tho hundreds of
spectatois smiled and as tho follow ns
sisted her to her foot it was noticably
plain that she was the maddest bloi de
that ever woie 11 1 ubber boot and as
they stinted to their home, sho violent
with 1 age, called her fellow byname
1 foiget his niiiuo, but it is the same
naiiiu of tho man Mr. Waltor is going
to shoot when hu undertakes to 10b us.
Theie must bo quitu a hn go family of
them heiu ns 1 hear it often. Stiango
I eaii'i lemombei it
The Cut Prices On High Grade
Portraits and Frames
Will continue until Septembet 15th, to accommodate
those who have had to have photographs made.
SPECIAL Crayon Portrait Free !
Crayon Portraits free this week with each cash frame
order. Satisfaction guaranteed.
i Upto-Date - Millinery !
i !
No shoddy goods offered to our trade. Prices the
est; quality the best, and styles up-to-date.
5". 'I Mdy's Gold Wateh and Chain Given Away. I
A V013 line I.id3 's (old atch and Chain will bo given nwny at the end
of the season. IJuy a dollar's woith of goods, for cash, or pay a
dollar on 3our account at the Up-to Datu Millidery Ston-
and for each dollar .o spent you will be entitled to
11 number on nn elegant wntch and chain
Kit st door 1101 th of F
& M Hank.
How many of jnu hnve lost tho price of this I'nglno In ono day on account of In
sufficient wind to opt-ruto J ma wind mills, u-uvlnj; jour stock without water, (let one
now to do jour numpliiK when thorn Is no wind 01 to do It n-'Ulurly. Wo.ithor (loo not
ulTcct Its work, hot or cold, wit or dry. wind or culm, it is a ilio hiiiio to this machine.
Will id so shell torn, grind ftc,, "(w wood, churn tiutter and Is handy for a hundred other
Jobs, In tho liouso or on tho farm. Costs nolhinir to keep when not worklnif, and onlp t
to 2 cents nor hour win 11 woiUinK. Milppt-d completely set up, ready to run, no founda
tion needed, 11 Rreiit lnlior nnd money haver. Honulres prnctle.illy no attention, and Is
absolutely safe. We make all sizes of Uaeollno KuKlues, trora IK to 75 horso power. Writ
er circular and special prices.
How To
Gain Flesh
Persons have been Known to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce or buiri emul
SION. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound ; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erly, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health; if you have
not got it you can get it by
yon's fimiislon
You will find it fust as useful In summer
as In winter, and if you are thriving upon
it don't stop because the weawcr u warm.
50c. inJ $1.00, all druggist!. ,
SCOTT & DOWNE, ChemUm New York.
Tbttildlna material, Etc.
Red Cloud. - - Nebraska
ehieago Itamber YarclJ
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the LowestJ
W T -
, ntrmvfr-iMtt-
CS'SSaKlWBShJWsms; w .mawr""""-""