The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1900, Image 3

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V)hey Jre a Happy Class of People.
A rich Chlnamnn wears Bilk, a poor
one cotton. Since the proportion of
rich to poor Is about one In a thou
sand, It follows that the growth nml
manufacture of cotton are vital nec
cessitlM. It Is thought cotton culture
was begun In the thirteenth century,
tho plant coming In from India, where
it has been known for 2000 years. In
nplto of her tinequnlcil agriculture,
China does not raise cotton for export
nor, In fact, enough for her own
needs. In the growm and manufact
ure of It, as In everything else, the aim
Is not, as In these United .States, to
save hand labor, but to use as much of
It as possible. Thcro are no power-
We occasionally hear adverse reports
of the conduct of the Russlnn soldiers
In the field. As a matter of fact, such
reports generally emanate from un
truthful sources. The fact Is that,
were It not for tho protecting arm of
tho czar's soldiers In China, terrible
bloodshed would havo resulted at mnny
points. Some days before tho cap
ture of Telntsln a company of Russian
Boldlers entered tho city. Of their
heroic efforts in behalf of the foreign
ers Mrs. Charles Donby, Jr.. wife of the
6on of tho ex-minister to China, writes
from Tientsin: "Enormous fires in the
native city were started and the Boxers
began their attack on the settlement;
so we wcro all aroused at 1 o'clock,
und every one who lived in the extra
concession went either to friends on
the Victoria road or to the town hall.
Ah it happened, Mrs. von Hannekln
had asked us to come to her In ense
of alarm, so wo escaped to tho town
hall. There were perhaps 100 people
who remained In their homes. All tho
rest wero huddled together In Gordon
hall for ton days.
"Tho Chinese troops wero every
where. Two days before the alarm
1.700 Russian troops arrived. They
saved our lives. Had it not been for
them nil of us would have been slaught
cied. On that Monday they fought
lu Native Costume.
5.000 Chinese well-drilled troops for
twelve hours. At ono time they
thought they could not hold them nt
bay, but in tho evening tho Russians
still maintained their position. How
Ruslans fought and suffered! I cannot
describe their courage. Kor threo days
they lay In tho open, exposed to a ter
rlblo fire, without being nblo to fight
back. Tho Chinese wero behind
trenches, so the Russians could not
afford to wasto ammunition.
"All these days wo wore wnltlng and
waiting for re-enforcements. We could
not believo tho admirals would bom
bard tho forts at Tnku, plunge us Into
war and then leave us with only n few
hundred troops. Such, howover, was
tho case. No one known where the
fault lay. Thcro wero three drendful
days of fighting. Hut when tho second
additional troops wero dlspntched from
ToUn, after tho arrival of Jim Watts,
the bravo Riibalan rider, they were
able with such a rs-enforrement to
work their way through. Thus they
all-arrived on Sunday morning nnd wo
were saved."
Mlsa Tllllo Knhr of San Krnnelsco,
who was also a refugee at Gordon hall,
gins for taking out the seed. Instead,
the Chinese use the little hand-gins
very like those still to be found In the
homespun regions of the Appalachian
chain, The gin Is nothing more than
a couple of small wooden rollers, made
fast In uprights affixed to a bench.
Tney nro turned by a wooden crank,
revolve one against the other, and free
the cotton of seed by drawing tho lint
The lint Is fed to them by hand, nml It
takes n long and steady day's work to
gin Ave pounds of lint which means
twenty pounds of cotton In tho seed.
The cotton Is carded simultane
ously with tho ginning. A set owl
man stands at the end of the bench
beating the clean cotton with the tc,e
kung, or earth bow, Into big (laky
"bats." These bats the women spin
in various wnys. Sometimes they usd
the old-fashioned spinning whe'l
Much oftener It Is something approxi
mating tho ancient distaff. The spin
ner twirls It steadily, walking around
und around as she twirls, thus wind
ing the lengthening thread Into very
long hanks. If It Is spun and run In
to broaches or quills, they are often
reeled with a hand-reel. Chlncso In
dustry Indeed Is ns Inveterate as Chi
nese economy. Women usually work
at such reeling while they stand un.l
gossip in the alley ways between their
houses. If there Is no le 1 handy they
will be stitching upon a shoe so'e, al
ways a salable article. Hare feet nro
i .r. ' 1 i . .j- :
pays a high tribute to Jim Watts, In
her diary of June 10 she says:
"They nre bombarding us heavier to
day than heretofore. Early this morn
ing I stood behind a closed window
peeping through the shutter hints.
Pour bullotn pierced tho shutters, but
did not btrlko mo. 1 rushed to the
commanding ofllcer and told him that
iho bullets must hnvo come from a
Chinaman concealed In a tiec Hanking
tho window. Calling four Cossacks, we
went to the tree, nnd sure enough
shook out u Chinaman, whose first
Inquiry was whether he bad killed the
j lady. I told him 1 was very much alive.
.My wouiu-ue assassin was nnmeiitnteiy
tried and shot. All else may
bu dead, but heiolsin still llves. Jim
Watts rides to Tnku to bring us ro
tnfoi cements. He heads for Taku, but
may lido Into the very Jaws of death,
it Is u most perilous undertaking, but
brave Jim Watts gladly, gallantly risks
his life. I myself heard him offer It.
'Somo ono must go to Tnku,' said the
commanding o Ulcer. 'It may mean the
lives of women nnd children It may
menu denth to tho rider. Who will
go?' 'I know the roads, evorj Inch of
of them; let mo go,' said a voice. Then
Jim Watts stoppeil forward. 'I shall
go; It Is right. I am the older brother.'
We saw him mount his horse, we
heard the thuds of the hoofs bent more
faintly and die. Hope took no new
lease of life from this. Hefore re-enforcements
could reach us It would be
too late, granting that brave Jim Watts
eer readier Taku. And what more
unlikely than Hint?"
"June 23. Through the glasses 1 saw
tho troops coming nearer and nearer.
Are they rc-enforcoments for the Box
ers or us? Closer they come, and. yet
wo cannot distinguish them. Eyes
strain through glnabes nor catch a
clow to their Identity. Another half
hour. Sudcnly something Mutters to
the wind. Tho stars and stripes, thank
God! thnnk God! They are coming
to us and wo shall not dlo. How good
heaven Is, how sweet Is life! The slurs
and stripes, and we wept and HOPED
tho first time since that day long ago
when wo camo to Gordon hall. God
bless Jim Watts! Other flags arc now
visible It Is 10:30 in the morning.
Tho troops reached us Itcforo
2 o'clock. Tho rent of the day has
been very quiet. Tho are evi
dently puzzled what move to make
next. How strange not to henr tho
hhelllng! There are other discordant
sounds, though the moo of the hungry
cows, tho bray of tho donkeys and fiom
the other starved animals cornea n cry
for something to eat. Poor creatures;
yet It Is Impossible to spare food for
Uhc JVamc "America,"
Rlcardo Palma of Lima, the director
of the National Library of Peru, has
published a book reviving and review
ing the old controversy ns to the
origin of the name ''America." Ho
contends that this hemisphere was not
named after Alberlco Vespucci, but
that the Klorontlno merchant's nam
was changed by a French painter to
"Amerlcus" In honor of his travels In
the now world; then a German profes
sor, either Ignornntly or wilfully, car
ried on tho compliment, nnd from a
nlcknamo gnro two continents their
present title. Jules Marcr-n, In the
I bulletin of tho Paris Geographical so
ciety for January, 1883, conjectured
this origin of "America." Mr. Palma's
review of tho facts and evidence
unknown In China. Even u beggar
wears shoes, though he may have no
other clothes than the liead-bowl,
which serves both ns a hat and to hold
out when there Is a chance of alms.
Nothing Is wasted In China. Even
grass and wheat roots are pulled up,
washed, dried and used for fuel.
Scraps of paper ami cloth are pasted
together to make the Insoles of shoes,
lilts of wood nre glued to build up
either a board or a post. Women spin
ners and straw-philters earn 2e a day.
The spinning, though, Is most coin
monly like the. weaving at the hnnd
looms, only n part of unpaid house
hold labor. Machine-made cloth and
tht end have of l.ile" come to bear
heavily upon the cotton-workers, but
that fact Is In a degree offset by the
growing Import of raw cotton. Still
some of the light yellow hand-made
fabric, know the world over as nan
keen, from the city of export. Nankin.
Is shipped abroad. It Is made from a
peculiar yellow-staple cotton, hciico
not dyed. The same yellow-staple cot
ton Is grown and manufactured by Ar
cadians in Louisiana, but the fabric
is so scarce it does not compete with
the Chinese one.
l-'lve dollars a year will clothe a
Chinese husband ami wife something
more than decently. I'nderwear Is un
knownso Is lilting a garment. The
onlv measures taken are from the hip
to the uround, and from the middle
en and
makes out a good for Marconl'3
"America" Is Iho native name of the
mountain range betwen hake Nica
ragua and the Mot-qulto coast. The
termination "Ic," or "nc." Is common
lu native place-names all around the
C.ulbbcan. Spanish voyngers for
years after Columbus were still search
ing for the water passage to Indln nnd
for gold. Both motives caused them
to give particular attention to the
western end of the Caribbean. So the
name "America" becnnie familiar long
before it got Into booti.H. Vespucci's
account of his voyages, published lu
1504, was the first printed description
of the mainland of the new world. It
ran through many editions in several
languages, and brought Its author's
name Into much notice, lu the Latin
editions Vespucci's name was Latin
ized into "AUtei leus Vcpueiiib."
Worn an' Ingenuity.
I i nit wives oi ino policemen or I'lllln-
dclphla devised a plan for keeping
their husbands cool during the hot
weather the other day. It, at least,
Illustrates how tho
ingenuity of a
w o m n n m n y
mako light of of
ficial rules, even
though they bo
those of a munici
pal police depart
ment. One of the strict
est regulations of
t h c Philadel
phia department
Is that all officers
on duty niunt wear
(oat and vest, nnd
must have the top
button of the coat
buttoned. No In
fractions of this
rules are allowed
even urer condl-
How PhlladeiphlaUona wnlch mako
Policemen Keoptho bronze statue
Cool. f William Penn
sit In Its shirt sleeves. Philadel
phia policemen nro all strictly
observing tho rule, and yet thoy are
keeping reasonably cool. Tho wlfo of
each of them lias, taken an old vest
nnd entirely cut away tho back and
sides, leaving only a single thickness
of bluo cloth In front without lining.
This remnant has been sewed Into the
coat, which is also entirely robbed of
Its lining, so Hint while tho nppeir
mice remains the substance Is ulmust
Chinese Code of Etiaueltc.
Tho standard book of etiquette in I
China was written by Lady Clio 2,700 j
years ago. Lady Clio was tho widow
or a distinguished literary mnn of
north China and after his death waa
faithful to his memory. Hor husband's '
brother was historian of that dynasty, '
llllt IL' tllu 11,lfls ...nt. I.nlf .. l-i. I
.... ........ ..... nuo iiuu cumiueiei!
ho lost his sight. Tho Emperor sent a
messenger to him asking him who
could finish his book and tho reply
was returned that only his brothor's
wlfo was capable of doing it. The
Emporor sent for Lady Cho and she
was conducted In the greatest of stato
tar the Emperor's pnlaco. Thoro she
completed her brother-in-law's work
so satisfactorily that It Is Impossible
to tell where tho man loft off nnd the
woman began.
To Make a Garden of ihe Soudan
Capitalists of London, according to
reporls which emanate from Importers
of the breast to the flncer tin. Knsh
Ioiih do not change. Winter garment-
and bedding are wadded with cotton.
Once u year they must be ripped apart
and washed, padding and all.
How needful is economy may be
Judged from a few figure. Unskilled
lnborers are paid upon an average 7e
a day. Masons, carpenters anil stone
cutters, hcie as elsewhere tho aristo
cracy of labor, get fiom 25c to 30c a
day. According to the average of
prices of articles of consumption in
China 25e a day Is equivalent to ?2.5t)
per day here. Work begins at snn
rlsc and keeps up until dark. Not
withstanding all which strikes are Vir
tuall unknown, and the Chinese la
borer is tiie happiest and most con
tented in the world.
lu tills country, are formulating plans
to turn the entire Soudan, lu Africa,
Into a gigantic fruit garden. They ex
pect that the product of their ventuie
will supply the whole of Europe with
those fruits that can be raised only In
hot .mil moist climates. A largo con
signment of fruit trees has already
been shipped to the Soudan and if It H
found that these lake root and bloom
as do the native trees, then millions
of other trees will bo shipped nnd B"t
out. Experts who have thoroughly
gone over tho grounds and consldcied
tho enterprise from all standpoints am
confident that the schenio U feasible
and will prove highly successful.
Laboucicrc Accused.
London Truth publishes cor
respondence ndvlslng ,lluit paper of
tho seizure at Pretoria of n compro
mising letter from Montagu White,
former consul general of tho South
African republic In London, to Secre
tary of State Rcllz dated Aug. 4. ISO!),
and two lcttora from Henry Labou
chore to Mr. White, dated respectively
Aug. 2, ISOO, and Aug. 4, 1800, which
Mr. White appears to have Inclosed to
Secretary Reltz. and n letter of Joseph
Chamberlain, the secretary of state
for tho colonies, Inviting Mr. Labou
chcre to offer explanations or observa
tions, theieon, and Mr. Labouchorc's
leply. Mr. Lubouchere's letters nro
brief and amount to advice to the
Transvnnl to gain time by the accept-
ance of the proposed commission to
settlo the franchise questions, etc., to
gether with an expression of oplntm
from Sir Henry Cniupboll-Banuornin'i,
the liberal leader In the house of com
mons, and tho liberals generally that
the British cabinet proposed the ap
pointment of the commission with the
view of giving Mr. Chamberlain a
chance to "climb down," ami that the
cabinet wan determined to have no
Madame Rlchter, Meyerbeer's daugh
ter, hah pitvtentcd to the museum her
father's piano, a well-preserved Erard,
and another donor has added an eight
eenth century lyro-shnped piano of
great beauty. This royal collection
also includes the oldest upright oblique
piano In existence, It wn.s made In
Paris by the Inventor, Henri Pate, in
Over In Linn county, Missouri, n man
wished to innrry a widow who had
seven children. With n view of avoid
lug nil future trouble, he obtained the
consent of all the children anil of tin
Intended bride's father before getting
a license
1 drilling Tit 1 1' or 'IVrrlltlo Onlrnl He-lilU-cl
l.y Vtltllrini Warn Irk Who Win
Itt-M'iii-il I'roni tint .liitt of Oriith off
N't-M fnuinllrtlMl CoiMt,
After he had spent twenty days on
the desolate piece of rock off the
southern coast of Newfoundlund, Wil
liam Warwick, a sailor, has been res
cued and placed under it physlclun'.
caie. Ills feet have been amputated,
and bis physical condition Is very
bad. Ills tale of suffeilug is almost
be.vond belief. He said:
"On July I, with two shipmates,
Oliver Siulthwlck mid llcniy Winn,
1 deserted the British schooner Llttl
Pet. We slid down the Hue by which
the yawl was made fast astern and cut
adrift. Smllhwlck had robbed the
galley of stores enough to last for
three days. We expected to lench the
Krcneh lobster factories on Ihe west
coast of Newfoundland, where Winn
said there was plenty of work at goo.l
"When we had been about six
hours, It blew a gale. The yawl upset,
and the last I saw of Winn and Smith
wick they weie lighting In tho water
to get on the yawl. They were out of
sight lu a minute, nnd I fancy thoy
were drowned.
"I kept alloat. When It got daylight
my legs were swollen and cramped,
and I had no feelulg in my arms. I
saw an Island and swam for it. The
surf rolled up on the rocks and pound
ed me. remember dragging myself
out of the reach of the waves ami g.i
lug to' sleep. I woke up about noon
and tile sun was frightfully hot. M.
skill was all puffed out lu bllsteis. My
legs were so swollen that I had to cut
my troupers off with a sharp plice of
stone. 1 could not get my knife out
of my pocket. I lay there lu the hot
situ nil the afternoon, too weak to
move. When It got dark I went to
sleep again for a while, mid when I
awoke It was raining. My tongue was
swollen so that 1 could not keep It In
my mouth. I rolled over and
my (III from a hollow lu the rocks anil
went to sleep again.
"On July 3, nt da break, I dragged
myself to the top of some rock to ret
my bearings. 1 could see the main
land, about ten miles off to the north.
My Idea was that 1 was off Cape R.ieo,
and I was right, for, nftor dark, 1 saw
the Cape Race light.
"It mny found strange, but up to
July 4 I had not been hungry, al
though I had not had anything to eit
since leaving the Little Pet. I guca
I was buffering so much that I forgot
to get hungry. There was plenty o"
water in tiie hollows of the locks. I
went off on a cruise around the Island
for soniethliii; to eat and found tha'
I was upon a rocky desert. There was
not a weed, a bush nor a root on the
whole Island. On July fi I beennio very
hungry. Tho sun entno up ns hot as
lu the tropics and my skin began to
peel off. 1 titanic n quantity of water
but could not drug myself around
much. A fishing schooner passed, but
I could not ettract Its attention.
"On July 0 I tore up my trou8nrB and
made u sort of n hook out of tho
buckle. I tried to fish, but, having no
halt, of course I did not catch any
thing. I was out or my head at times
with pain and hunger.
"On July 7 I soaked tho pocket of
my trousers In which I had carried to
bacco, In water, and chewed tho wet
cloth. It seemed to mo Hint It stayed
the hunger some. On July 8 I was in
a kind of stupor. Several fishing boat
passed during tho afternoon, but they
wero a long way off. I could senrcely
crawl, but I kept filled with wato.-.
On July !) the sun was very hot and I
suffered moro than at any tlmo sines
I had been cast ashore. I linil lest nil
feeling In my legs from tho knees
down. My stomach hurt mo so that I
was bent up with frightful cramps. I
drank about a barrel of water on July
10, and for tho four succeeding day.
all hunger had left mo and I lay with
out moving, at the side of a pool of
water. I saw a steamship passing one
day so close that I could see people on
tho dock looking at tho Island, but I
could not mnko a movo to cull atten
tion to myself.
"On July 15 tho wind blew a gnle
through tho night and It wns fright
fully cold. I managed to crawl to tho
side of a rJck close to the water, where
I was sheltered from tho wind. My
feet wero beginning to turn blue. I
remnlned there till the 17th, when I
began to feel qulto strong, and, get
ting up, tried to walk on my swollen
legs. '1 hoy did not hurt, but I could
not manage thorn. I had to mnko up
my mind Hint I was going to die.
when a small yacht came along and
appeared about to put off a boat. I
Jumped up nnd screamed, but my
scream was a whisper. My throat
seemed to close. On July 18 I know
1 was going crnzy. I could see bun
dreds of boats on the water. "They nil
came to tho beach and turned around
and went back again. 1 thought there
wns a big band playing nt Capo Race
and that I could hear tho music plain
ly The Idea got Into my head that
I had found a rich gold mine. I actu
ally crawled around hunting for gold.
Toward evening tho wind blew up .cool
and fresh and I had frightful pains In
my stomach. The lust I remombo
was a dream of eating almost every
thing 1 had ever heard of.
"On July 1!) I can remembor for n
short time lu tho morning, nftcr sun
rise; 1 looked at my Teet and wondored
ir they wero there. Thoy wero burst
log, but I did not feel pain. I don't
remember drinking water,"
Mr. James Currle, a telegraph re
pairer, while passing Isle du Mnrtc in
tils boat, saw the body of a man on
the beach, Investigated, and found
Warwick, who was unconscious. Ho
has a remniknhle constitution, which
was all that carried him through his
terrible experience.
Hill tlio (l,l Win 'lliniiMnl for Her
llMorl'n rrUult' Hint.
A New Orleans girl tells this on her
self' She went up to the Inaugural
ball at Bitnn Rouge In a paity. Ker
illnand we will consider him ns such
was with Them, the dear fellow who
has be n "nice" to her ever slnco she
came out, but who has never commit
ted hlmxcir. Beauty determined to
evoke something: besides ndmlrntlon
fiom him nt this last event of the uni
son and In ulil of that purposo carried
along u choice organdie evening gown,
cut Just right, und ns fresh as a new
blor.som. They had wait .oil a turn or
two ami were moving toward her chap
eron, when Kerillnand lenned forward
her and unit mured In that only-for-yon
voice that will revive Mutters in
the lie.nt of u divorcee: "May I tell
you something?" Beauty was on the
point of telling him that It was not
necessaiy that she knew, felt, nil he
would speak, but no girl wants to miss
the Joy of a pioposal, so she dropped
her hoed and tried to he brusque. "If
you want to," she said. "You are sure
yon won't mind?" he went on. "I don't
think I shall," nlie murmured, giving
him the upward alant of the eye that,
In the lexicon of lllitntlon, means
hut why explain? .hint then mamma
signaled with her Ian for they had
begun to waltz ugaln und Bounty
murmured, "Not now; Just wait till
we resume dancing," nnd permitted
herpelf to he takn to her mother.
"Yon have left one of your curl. up
lu Its piper, my dear," explained mam
ma, sotto voce. "Put your head down
as If I weie talking to you and I'll
lake It out." Mamma win a very good
sort to iMitke tli.i. marring detail und
the papllloto episinl' was over in n mo
ment. She Joined Kerillnand quietly,
as If nothing had happened. They
moved along quietly behind un avenue
of palms. "And now," she iiald, n world
of emotion in her voice. Ills eyes
melted over her. "It's nil right now."
said he; "your mother took It out."
Beauty says the whole social season
has been a dead failure. New Orleans
llo I'iiIIimI I:iikIiiuI' 111110 nml Won I'orJ
Count Mournvlelfs most fatuous
"coup" was the grabbing of Port Ar
thur. Concerning that bit of uctlvo
diplomat y on the p:ut of the late Rus
sian Minister, the following story Is
being told: Mour.ivlerf, It is said,
beard at the psychological moment In
the iicgntlutlous during tho CIiIikmo
crisis of two years ago of Oneon Vic
toria's avowed determination never to
sign another declaration of war. With
this knowledge nt command he held
the key of tho situation In the Kar
East. He knew that Great Britain
would not "risk n war," and, therefore,
he rend the brave talk about the "open
door" with n smile, and received Iord
Salisbury's protests thereby as signi
fying so many pretty phrases and bis
veiled threats as simply bluff. In this,
say those Hint believo the story, lies
tho explanation of that sudden with
drawal of the British ships of war
fiom Port Arthur after thoy had gone
In with mien bravo parade. They worn
sent ns an ultimatum, but the Admiral
dlBcovoicd that there was nothing nt
tho back of the iiltlmntum. In short, ,
Mouruvlcff's discovery of tho alleged
determination of the Queen novcr to
sign another declnratlon or war en
abled him to accomplish without n
shot what Russia had secretly been
striving to reach for centuries. In the
language of the new diplomacy, It was
tho scoop of the century.
Story of a t'liult.
An oxtrnordlnnty account eonies
from Devonshire, England, of a chub,
found In a muddy" pool, that had' evi
dently pushed Its way when young In
ro n cago-llko space formed by tho
roots of a tree, nnd being unable to
escape, had grown Into the shape oi
Its close-fitting prison. Lack of room
had caused tho tall to develop only lo
tho extent of a llttlo deformed stump.
The back fin also had vanished, and
the whole fish had been distorted Into
the gnarled and twisted form of the
root cage, being hideous In nppenr
tnce, yet seemingly strong nnd
healthy. It Ik dlfilcult to lmug!no how
a fish could get food for yenrs under
such conditions.
Puleiit-I.rn'lmr HooU.
Nlco patent leather mnkes the neat
est of footgear, but it requires care to
keep In order. Thoro is no better
dressing for It thnn n very llttlo snlnd
oil. Before wearing a now pair of
patent leather boots It is expedient to
well rub lu a small quantity or salad
oil and then polish with n sort cloth.
This Is to prevent tho leather truin
crocking, aB It sometimes does. Pat
ent leather should novor bo dried by
tho firo, for heat has a wny or causing
tho leather to harden nnd crack.
.Memorial Dy I'ttrdon.
Ex-Gov. Uushnoll or Ohio said
recently that while Governor ho made
It a regular part of his Memorial Day
co!obratlon to pardon somo old soldier
from tho penitentiary, always ono who
had been n good prisoner nnd who was
n prison for life for manslaughter.
At one tlmo thoro wcro 119 cx-so'dicra
the Ohio ponltentlary.
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