J 15 .1 ,i VOLUME XXVIII. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 7, 1900, NUMBER 35 wm&mmmmmmmmmmsk vamm I 1575MINERBR0Sf, 1900 .t?J . $ f V"l ljj 1f V f That these prices are economical you must ack- ? wj? JLv wl-l v-ifl JT nowledge aside from our prices the fact that only jW 'Jail - the better class of merchandise is offered here & (w) should be a strong incentive. One that should direct your buying here. lf "BUYING AND &ET.r,IJKG FOR CASH.' lh Upon this basis we solicit your fall and winter business. THE ALASKA WANDERERS. 44 Curtains. Special purchase in flii; linn innlcr a .a..u - - .. --- it possible to make special prices and we take advantage of the opportunity and offer some very good values. Eaee CurUiiti4 Chtnilo l'ortieiies Tapestry I'ortiorros Hngitail stripes portion es IftMll TO ftfg 60 to 7 ."0 per pair. SI 1)3 to fi 00 1 98 to 7 00 " .( 00 to 7 00 fi Outing Flannels. JiOO pieces of llannol wo bought enrly anil nml in Inigo quantities to soouio the price. We liiul v huvo u hugersiook Ihtui wo tre warranted in cai tying for a shoit nop year In oritur to move this stock we have to ninko prices. 50 pieces nt re, regular 7c value 100 pieces at 8c, tegular 10c. valuo. 100 pieces at 10c, regular V2a value. ."iO pieces at ll!Je, regular 15c values 15 pieces imitation French llannel, '20'. DRESS GOODS. We make each season bear its bunion of losses in our tti ess goods stock, anil in operating in this mnniiri our. slock is always the fieshest, full of the newest anil most dcirublo fabiics the, most styl ish suitings. The lamest assottment in the valley. All wool suitings 40c to $1 70 Hlack gooils 7Jc to 1! 75 Honiiottns. Singes IOc to 1 -.5 Venetian cloths , 00c to 150 llioadcloths. sntiu boibor. clastic cloth 75e to 1 50 Novelty goods fAJ i 1 ll rjc; UOo c tc oils a Kooils at 80 c; 10c Underwear. tlOO dozen Men's, Ladies, Misses and Chlhlien's underwear. That we placeil our orders at an oppoitttuo time you will Had proof in these prices. fiO do.en men's wool lleeced (overj piece full market) special at 50e. 25 do.en men's lleeced at !Mc. 25 dozen ladies' lleeced, same quality as men's wool lleeced, 50e. 100 ilo.nn ehildien's lleeced, special at 12c, si.e ill 00 do.en men's, ladies, mid childinn's nil wool gaimnnts at special close out pt ices Garpets . AND Rags. AND Liann, '"; w:rwS3& 1 1 , M "jGKoi5Ej?2KSl MM Taying light ptices for the new carpets, securingthem nt worth is the result if vo ii select them hero. The way wo list prices on toese super ior qunlities makes this the carpet stock that gives yoi: best at smallest price THK KELIAHLB MAKKS AND STYLES. We propose- mak- "T T1 n iT sales so wo nie JX aJJ Mj) " holding tliepiiccs ; down. t Ingrains, S5 to 10c : (iranites'J5to 10c : Union, 155 to 55c j Wool lillinir. 55c. . All wool, 37, I2J, : 00 and 70c : Hemps, 7J to 25e ; Moiiuettcs 85e to ; 81 00. ; Avminsters, $1 00 A . SI 111 Wo carry a very complete stock of rugs, samples art squai es, et 5. Wo guarantee lo woBt priced. SHOES. Your individual tasto is always con sidered hero and we havu the shoes at all times that you par- liculailv piefer. Ibn i shoe that pleases ami at a prion that you will oheei fully imy. Our stock is soviii it'd that von aie alwajs assuied of llift fullest satisf notion, a most important fealiue of mi shoe hiding. Each pair guai anteed Wolfo llroH. meilium pi iced shoisfiOu to j pi r pi M U WolistX: Co. lino of MaRtilT school times-, Huntley & Olmsteads eelobuited lino of nieiiH shoes; ( con Wheeler, . I no. Strootman, and KiehauUon & Co lines of Ladies lino shots $2.75 to 81.00 The "Amoiican (Jirl"$2 60 shoes, guaianteeil the best value on the ninrkot. Kivi) ftloh EVEHY PAIR )F SHOES (JUAKAMKLD. jl Special jolt lot of 2000 yards ill ess goods at half ice. too coods at ;ti goods at 20c. Fall and Winter Shirt Waists. A belter assoitment to select fioni would bo haul lo tiud Velvet, Sitin, I'laul, Flannel, Novelties, ranging ih price fiom ?1.00 to $7.00. Ladies' Fall and Winter Skirts. Consisting of golf skiits, hnlliantincs, brocade and serge, pi ice ?a.50 to 87 00 PERCALES, 1 yard wide. 12Ju (Suaranteuil to give perfeut satisfaction. The heaviest piint cloth made. CALICOES-5000 yatds at 10 yawls for 32c MUSLINS ri nit of he Loom or Lonsdale bleach id at 7e (Sood quality bleached at 5c Host L L unbleached al 5c. Hosiery. Ladies cotton hose at 10c to 50c L adies coMon lleeced. 15e to I50e SOME Sl'EUAL HAIKJAINS. 10 lit .en school hose, 'J.'ic glade, containing Hlack Cat Leathei stock ings, goods ol that grade, to close out at lOo. 100 doen special heavy weight school hose at 15c. Blankets. 500 pails just received. A full 10 1 sized blanket, gray, white or tan at-17i: Other grades at 00,70. 75e up to $10 per pair Ask to see our Inn vest blanket at $1.00. Furniture. Another car of tuinituie lo airtvo about the 12lh. Hougbt direct fiom the fac tory in cat load lots Huy ing and selling foi cash en ables us to make the lowest pi ices. Wo guarantee our prices lower tham all com petition lleie are a few items. .'I piece hardwood bedioom suit, $15.00. Couches $7 50 Kitchen chaiis, 50c. Dining room table, 0 foot, ash, 81 25 each. lion bed, matiiess and sptUigs, complete, 80iI5. Strictly high grade goods. Good Values in Linens. Hleacheil linen finish damak 2:ic to I0e. All linen damask 10: to 81 75 Union damask, 10 to (iOc Tin key icd,15, 18 to 50.'. Yellow. 25. ill) to 5nc TOWELS special in all linen Special in union'. Special in IhiMi :owi Is CUASH All linen Special unpolled The best wealing clash Union cinsh Crash l'liry ninth K' w MM K5S jJVjLiii-i JVj '.WSJ TC 10c to 7fio 10c lo lido 15(! to 75e 7o to 2!)o 15o to 25o lade. Bo to 25e 2 to 10c UOi!, Ii0c, 50o SEWING MACHINES. Now Hoy nl High head $20 00. Drop head $22 50 FIELD, Five dtnwer high head like cut $20.00. Fivutliiiuor drop head $W 00 Every machine cunranteed. Polish lluish cases. HALL HEAHINO. Why pay $35 to $50 for a machine when wo can sell yjii a lie Iter one at 320 00 lo 825 00 Wo havu placed 250 of these machines in this vicinity, New IdV:a Patterns, every pattern 10c. jVIIjVE! JSlfcOSs?., IJfcecl Cloud, Xebraslra. mimmimimm'Mimmmmvmmm The Experiences and Troubles of the Red Claud Fortune Hunters In Alaska a Told by One ol Them ;Nomk, Alaska, Aug 10, 11)00. Editor Chief, Ked Cloud, Nob -We have received several copies of the "Groat Family Weeklj" since our ar lival here, i vciy uowl of which (ads included; were lead and le read with pleasute, A few facts about Nome may bo of interest to sniiiii .f our fiienils I vill give yoi a few and you may publish such part as you may deem advisable After ii pleasant vojago of W days fiom Semitic, woluulcil heio on the UUh of .Juno and pitched our tent oh the beach liftyfeet from high tide whet o it elill remains. Nome is the largest mining camp in point of number of people ever known The cause of the groat rush was the ropoit of Iho gieat Holiness ot the beach diggings and the fact tli:t the government rtserved for a public highway a sixty-foot strip along the beach, which could not bo staked by anyone as a placer claim, but was free and open lo any and all per sons to work on cither n small ot largo scale as long'as tlioy soe lit to woik it but tho niomont they removed their tools and quit work they abandoned their right to that fpot aud any other person could step in and prosecute tho seal eh for gold This rule, which seems ((juitablo and just, has prevailed until a short lime ago, when tho steamship Senator, on its second tiip, brought in as the main putt of its cargo a fully Hiuipped United States couit, judge, maiahai and clink with pioper number of deputies, and a man whom tho com t has appointed receiver, for most of the eases v hum a receiver has boon asked for, and itiito a number of lawyers. Tho jury, I believe, is not unpolled. The com l opened up tho equity mill at onco aud issuod a grist of in junctions that modern weapon of legal war faio used often as a substitute for tutiity. In this case it had thuclToctof closing up ami shutting down the fab ulously i ich mines, on Anvil Crook until the comlcoiiU appoint a leeeiver It was not dill'icult to llnd a man to ac cept the position Tho receiver being placed In position to draw a salary the com t tin lied lis attention to the beach miner, and at one gentle sweep of tho equitable pen, of the honorable court, it was docioed that the persons who have located claims along tho beach on I tho Coast of Alaska shall also have the right to mine tho beach t waiei's edge, and the hundreds of poor follows who landed heie without money, who had up to that timo boon working al most night aud day with rockers trying to gather together enough of the lino parliolt h of gold, so Hue that a thousand of them would not make more than 5 cents, had to abandon this, their last hope of seeming the neccssaiy funds to pay their passage homo. And tho men to whom this beach, this public high way was given, tuo the locators of tho claims adjoining tho beach, and the localois of these claims aie tho same clas of men who have staked and located all the claims for liundieds of miles around. They sit in their touts and send men all over tho country to drive stakts and number them and wiito cei tain names on them as locat orsnever intending to do a day's work on them, but by diiving tho stakes keep men who would prospect aud opou them up, cntiiely away until someone should by chanco discover on some cioek a pay streak which would give a speculative value to all the claims un tho creek. These art) the men who get the bench. How true that jmssngo of holy wilt: "To him that hath shall bo given, and to him that hath not shall bo taken away even that which ho soemoth to have." It Is possible the com t wanted to fol low tho teachings of the bible, and this was the only passage ho could safely .apply and protect tholooatots. Tlio beach, as a mining proposition at this time, is a falluto. I have' 'lamped along tho shore fur twenty miles and have talked with hundreds of men, many of whom woio heio Inst : i SS m m :& ..Ji.j.ii.- lJwmm-JJm '. WJ V' i I TUIPHE BROTHERS Big New Fall Stock 2 & '." fi' Yis to :' I .' !.' 'l' tk i ft? .."V S ft if ti V ' tf Vt'. - i ih '' 'M :Vi '"'' i M m. OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, JACKETS, CAPES AND SHOES is almost complete. This is the largest stock in Webster county. Our increasing trade de mand the big stock we have put in. T"" '' ''' " " ' - : '- Speeial Prices on Silk Satin Waists. $5.00 silk waists for $2.gS. S'ilk Waists $2.75 to 6,50. A nice line of wool waists at $1.75, $2.25, $2.50. Satteen waists, black and colors at special prices. Dress Goods. We are now showing the largest stock and best values ever shown in the county. -51 inch all wool llcnileltasand SeigiMj all colors, worth ill 00, oar pi ice (10c Waist pallet ns in French Plaids at 75o, $1.00 and $1.'.T per J awl. Polkadot Ucni iettas in waist patterns at 81 00 per yawl. Black Dress Goods. Our stock of black dress goods would be a credit to cities of the Omaha and Lincoln class. Don't fail to see this stock. EXIUA SPECIAE-Eddio Silk, Hi Inches wide, just the thing for fall ill esses, at I80 per yard, well worth il."ie. T.liis is a baigain. A beautiful line of imltntlon French polkmlot and stripes at t8i3 per yawl. Novelty worsteds worth I. In to 'JOe nt 12Jc per yard. Changeable llrillantine, IIS inches wide, at (IOc per yard. Outing Flannels. Tills is our long suit. Two hundred piecoj at fie, lie, 7c, 8c, lie, 10j aud l'JJo per yawl. Carpets and Rugs. A nice now lino of Carpets and Hugs and ArtSiruarcB that wo can save you money on. Table Linens. Red Table Damask at 10, '.'O, '25, 110, 113 and 40c. Illcachcd tabic linen fiom 15c up to f 1.00. TOWELING at !), 5, 7, 8, 10, 1'2 and irc. Gent's Collars, Guffs and Neckties . (Jont's linen collars, all tho latest stylos at 5i (lout's linen cull's at 10c. (iiinl's regular Mo ties at Me PANTS. A nice line of boys' knee pants at'J5o and 0O0. Also a good lino of men's overalls and cotton pants at 50e. Toe, il.00 and tl 25 ;'. n V:. i m m Jackets and Capes. Wo aio receiving our now stock which when all in will bo linger than wo have before shown, and prices aio very cheap m Blankets. foi $ Wo have a reputation of soiling blankets at mouoy saving prices and wo propose to maintain mat ropuiatlon. See our blankets. Underwear. CONTINUED ON I'AIIE KIVK. I 'M If tlio piieo and quallly has anything to do with selling undorwear Tiirnure Bros, will sell your underwear. Our stock of undorwear was contracted for January 1st, bcfoio any advance and our customers will got tho advautauo of this saving. Ladies' heavy lleeced vests and pants nt !25c. Compare this garment with it.'c and 00c garments elsowhoro. Our Men's lleeced at 50o Is a hummer. ;ii ft! . r: w ft ft'-'? m "j. ? m ii i m A U h hi i Groceries. Salt, )pr barrel , f 1 45 Canned goods while tlio btock on hand lasts nt pi lens as follows II. pound can 'JOo California uroeii gago plunw " " !20o California Egg plums 25o California QUince. " 25n Ctlifornia Currants " " iWo California SJniwborries 10 liars Fern Soap S bars Santa Clans soap 8 hats Diamond C soap 15o 10c ICo 150 15o 25o 20o 25o i Vt' ?. M sr m s '.: TURNURB - BROS. mimmimm&mmmmmmM fcittMtgC "'"" u!jrwyo- 1 TvasanKit-.,-! t Mb- K ' 'tTTSWl KlarTiJ" W T 4k,S! muxsina&H.i ap M. a--. t. "wJ-tt, , - ,v.t"3aTW'wMs 'aiik.i.wwwxn nwwntwwnVM iiibMl.xi . Mir-- , ft 'X u .- - - TTiTWftllrliirTmirfllMffiililTr UMfvffiri rr r rJ - -...lii caawts'