m ii u l V !l j V ';.f"' ! I"w nwar-" ' ryMwwwtir fV 39 mri(meigsrm- MMWM-g.imm0r, jr.ggMy23!SklSS.'!l ; - - J-X'3fe?MBggSI wis a-lsi !qi i(rj f ii. u) gSjaJiBitJJi.- wg&'--kwkHlkkkk,P7BMHM ;iHa xsaKam-ltltl'VaC! MnT 'arTaaaaaaaaaaaMffnTrffMfiagtfPrMfi B i fcrfc - aaaaaaaaaaaaar BaaWa 1 V"V!VWL - ST " Hf SM al .Hjaf aaaYVBlWiA Ii aBS nfi aaaaaaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaaaaESvaaaaalaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaK aAt aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY volume xxvni. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AUGUST !M, 1000, NUMBER 4 mm I Our Pa Stock IS ABRIVING DAILY. While in market our buyer secured man exception al bargains in Dross Gonds, Ginghams, Percales. Outing Flannels, Etc. We give you the benefit. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. in m m i Dress Goods. ...... 40c to $1.75 7icto 2 75 15c to 1,25 ...COo to 1.50 All wool suitings Muck Goods Henriettas, SergeH Broadcloths, Satin Heroers, biectria uioiu too w i.uvj Wo aro showing n special Ijno of dovelty dress goods, 7 40c patterns at 35c. ' 'i Novelty goods 7Jc to $1.25. i Speciaijob lat of 1,000 yards dress gooJs at onehalf price. 75c goods for 371c; COo goods for :i0c,40o j goods for 20c; etc. 1 Percales. ! The best "ricretines" at 12Jc. Guarameed to give perfect satisfaction. Calico. G000 yards of calico at 10 yards for 32c. Muslins. Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdale bleached muslin 7c. Good quality bleached at 7c. Hest LL unbleached 5c. Hose Special Bargains. 10 dozen school hoso, regular 25c grade, containing illtscK Cat Leather stockings and goods of that grade to close out 19c per pair. 100 dozen special heavy weight school hose at Lc. M i m m m m vri m m 1 I TYJi i 1$ R4-t ii jc Outing Flannels. Special offering at 5, T. 10, 124, and 15c per yard. Immitation French Flannels, llfteen patterns, very suitable for drossing sarques, wrappers, etc., 20.5. Blankets. rtr H..ln . U1nbita lnot riWnlvfl . We offer you a full 10 4 sized blanket, gray, white or j tan, at 47c. ., , 1 Other grades at CO, 75, 70c and up to 810.00 per pair See our special "Harvest" blanket at $1.00. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Etc. Our carpet sales during tho season just past have been the lamest in the hlstsry of our business. QUALIFY AND PRICE A LONG LKVKU. Ingrains at 25 to 40c. Union Carpets 05c to 55c. Cotton warp, wool filling, 50 to 50o. All wool 37c to 70o. Mcquettes 874c to $1.10 per yard. Wtf constantly crrry about 50 patterns fo carpets in 'stock. You cau see your goods in tho piece; you do notTiave to wait a week or ten days and then take something you do not want. Wo guarantee a tit, .you take no chances with us. OIL CLOTHS. Kunning yard 30.i to $1.00 Patterns 75c to $1.75. R I TC S Special values at $1 50, $2.00, $2.25 and upwards to $7. AUT SQUAHKS, 21x3 yard sq-iare !lx3 yards square constantly carried in stock. CURTAINS AND P0RTIERRES" We havo just received n heavy shipment of Portjorres and lace curtains. 4fe Luce Curtains 75o to $7 50 per pair. I'ortiorres $1.97 to $7 50 per pair. WINDOW SHADES. Guaranteed first quality oloth shado, complete 35 to COc. Wo trim all curtains for you. in m V'f.. r.ii m i 9$: m Furniture. $19 50 15.80 10.50 Threo S-pleco hardwood suites, regular $25 values at Six 3 piece naruwooa suites, reumi v vumu Special offering all $12, $14, $16 couches . . !. . M..Inn. n .HtilnM alila and olinlrft. Special ciosiiiK uv i-in-o " "" --" --, ' -1ft Special closing out prices on rockers $1.39to$l0.w FROM OUR ,NEW CAR. to Brrlvo In about ten days or two weeks we will nave Iron lieds $ 2 27 o $21 00 Dining Chairs per set 4 50 to $18 00 Dining tables.. 4 98 to 2l 00 Combination book cases JS.1" Chiffioners ,om!nm Guaranteed couches l- w " 1U w We buy and seJl for cash, thereby enabling us at all times to take advantage of any special offerings that are on the market. We guarantee lowest price. i 7UY I N B R ' B RO S . fc Red Cloud, Nebraska. ."SeS Incident ol Evtry Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut ( Their Littlenm Tim llrst of the month will usher in the palatable bivalve, tho oyster. It will also bo.abou tho timo when the national political campaign will begin in dead earnest. Thoso dainty ntol lttscs will form tho basis for many elcc- tion bets but if you placo your faith on tho republican presidential nominees wo think you will win the oysters. Tho summer girl who has been usod to holding tii her best follow for ice nrnnm Ipn cream lemonade, while wlnos. Sundays, and tho thousand anil "ni . . . nnt nun summer drinks can now ue called tho "oyster glrl".-Sho will slip Into the now rolo with becoming moo csty nnd will never think that her best fnllnn' CYnfltlRG RCCOUDt Will bo six times as large as formerly at one sitting Ho may have had hopes ol a new winter overcoat but if his salary is not large he will have to forego this ex' pense. It is romarkablo the number of persons who havo during me pres ent summer taiten a layotr irorn tne cares ol business and taken trips either to the mountains and to western cities or to their old homes in the east. This has been notlcablo not alone with the business man but with the farmer and persons in every walk of iiffl.ThAr,must be 8omthinR out side of tho mere matter of cheap rates to make this activity in traveling by tho public Ono little itom alone tells n nurt of tho story. Ono hundred thousand more hogs havo been shipped to market so far this year than last. Hogs, notwithstanding tho increased number in shipment bavo maintained a good price. There has been some prosperity. Tho farmer has been the recipient of good prices and ho has in turn aided tho business man. And as rPRtilt tho two havo enjoyed them selves during tho heated term, in tho mountains. Ued Cloud is going to havo a suro enough new brick store building. That is cause for general rejoicing. The idea that a man in this city has summoned up courage and nerve enouch to Invest money In a hrlek store room in the best town in tho valley is wful. Th Ciiikf takes otf Us hat to the gentleman and hopes that after his nev building is com pleted and he moves in he will havo a splendid suoceta in the now location. Thero is always faith that a start in tho rleht direction may havo Bomo fol lowers. The west side of Webster street north of tho Uust building should bo built up with brick, even If tuey re only ono story and they wohIi! bo pay ing investments, 'IMio ast side of tho street could bo mado presentablo by a row of bricks and tho ownors could get enough more in rentals to pay for tho Investment. Wo want to toll our subscribers this week tho wheat story. It prcbably is a whopper but it has a mural which fits our oaso. Thnro was once n farmer who had been fairly suc cessful and had raised a good wheat crop tho year before. Out of this crop ho had kept a thousand bushels. The next voar wheat was an cntiro failure and his neighbors knowing ho had tho wheat went to him and bought, from ouo to live bushels each to get a start of seed. Tho wlwat was worth ono dol lar per bushel and each neighbor prom ised to pay when he raised a crop. Tho owner of tho wheat owid a niort gage of eight hundred dollars which he iniHiided to ft when ho reailzeu irom his wheat. Some few kept their prom ise and paid up promptly. Others said "Oh, I only owe him a dollar, I'll pay him sonic timo when I meet him." So they waited and it camo in in dribs ir utter it was duo. Hut the mort gage wouldn't wnit, it was relentless and tho farmer wiio nau accommouaveu hl noicboim lost his property. Now our subscription book shows the same condition as the farmer's whuat book. No ono subscriber owes an amount tiit. would be hard to pay but the ag- grepato moans a thousand dollars and the relonlless mortgage unsatisfied. Whon a tourist printer comes around nnd secures work in r-1- ojllco, in or der to keep him we oUke l mvJl i v fllTOEfl PSSIW 1 1 Not perpetrated by the Chinese Boxers, but by Turnurc Bros, on high prices. $ If you don't believe it come to our store and see the bargains that are olfered. g Look over this list and see if there is not something you need. Our entire line of Ladies', Misses and Children's Underwear to go at actual cost prices. Our line of Ladies lisle thread gauze vests 35c and 40c values go at 25c each. Our asc crau.e vests to go at 17c uatii, Our 18c and 20c gauze vests at 13c' Our 12&C and 15c gauze vests to go at 10c. Uhiiuren s unqerwear at remiiuius ui lunnu rn.o. i 'Have placed on sale an elegant assortment of neck ribbons, 35 and 40c values at 19c OUR - ENTIRE - JlVHSTB - OIJ - PRTS comprising Simpson' blacks and grays, Trovillc Grays, Garners reds Columbia COnp and indigo blues, Merrimac and American shirting prints, Epatant fancies, etc., to be sold during this sale at 5c per yard. Percale calicoes, double fold, extra quality at 6c jur entire: sjiuuk. 01 1 aiuauw . ... -j r .To close out our line of Shirt Waists we will give you your choice of any waist for 48c. This line comprises waists that sold for $1.75. i.50, $1.25 and $1.00 each. 1 adies Belts at prices to meet the smallest pocket book. Ladies Dcusap discount of 10 to 1 per cent. Latest styles, .. ' ' Lace curtains 48c to $6.00 per pair. ' "' Portierre Curtains $1 .00 to S.oo per pair. Ladies handkerchiefs from 5c each to 50c each. Apron and dress Ginghams from 4c to 25c per yard. Batiste. Organdies, Dimities and Lawns at halt price. 15c goous at ol. Dress novelties in Union Goods at 10c to 35c per yard. Ladies Wrappers 50c to $1.50. Children's and Missck dresses at actual cost. Ladies wash suits, Jacket and skirt, $3.50 to 5 per suit. Table Oil Cloth, best quality, 19c per yard. . Carpets and mattings of all kinds. All carpets cut and matched. A fit guaranteed 1 ;irwl nripps thfi lowest. VX4 wwr -- - SU K6 SM m W m m We always have on hand a complete stock of Overalls, Jumpers and Work Shirts. ft fresh Supply ot uroeeries ana Fesn rrmc nicuayb uh iiaim. m . .! .Af!nn (nr iiic cfimionminl frin to the eastern markets lnr nntpr 1Q m:iKiiii uicuiiiauuiin iui m j-... ---i- to nrocure a complete line of the latest novelties for all departments ot our store, g to prom l a uu uH v.v .ore fhnt nnu ener n orders or articles 21 We would UkC to state tu any wi uui tuaiuiin.ia ". ; r-.. . . that ySu would like to have him purchase for you while on this trip will meet with gi t.s. l"" -Li , cninrtinn rnme in nnv time between now and August 10th. M - TURNURE - BROS. - I seed Cloticl, Nebraska. & UimmttmmmmmmmmimMmM M tm l I him to tho clothinR store nnd lix him like an aristocrat. It looks as if it is the clothes that makes the man in the siRht of die law.-When we rIvo him ii dollar at supper timo to K ni k. somothiiiK to eat wo will ntivu 10 iuj; him so that after ho emores Horn ins rotiiwt he will not bo thrown in for bo- ing wobbly. How a 'man cxn Ret r suppor, havo llfty-fiv cents loft and get drunk and disorderly nil t of n dollar w can't soc And a printer ut that. He couldn't buy enough booru for the balanoo to wash tho loa4 poison out of his throat. Wo cnuH bco the iiint aoerulmr to the city either of arresting this class of people Mil giv ing them ten days on broad and water. The dog tax ordinance has ueen a winner and all kinds of dogs wiUi all kinds of names are now proudly wear ing a collar with a license tag. Tho CiUEr Calculating i'encil ena bles any ono to tlguro faster than tho brightest brain can without its aid. A twist of tho wrist brings tho result, inatrtmtlvo. interesting and highly useful. From this dale we will give ono with each dollar paid' on subsorip- tlon' ... oEiTitAY Notjcb: Takon up at tho farm of K. W. Studobaker four miles west of Kol Cloud ono bay horse pony ton years old and 0110 light cream pouy blind id one eye, about twelve or in teen years old.-V. W. Stiiukbamb. Noln on hc Way to Chicago. 1 had ordered tho hack to lake mo to tho depot on Saturday, and tho pro prietor said ho would bo at the house nl '.1:55 11.11. I looked nnd waited unit waited mill looked for him until 10-15. 1 began to think ho was not coming and was afraid 1 would tins tho train, when I happened to see a vegetable vendor who.had disposed of his wares, nnd I rushed frantically out into the Htreot and asked him to take mo to tho dopot, and ho kindly did so. Tho back was there but I did not step to bless the driver, as tho tram camq in bofqro 2 got my ticket bought, and I had just time to cut In the car. J found plenty of room for thero was no crowd aboard. Tito corn eeoius to lie better east of Chester, wjU whou wo got into the twelvo inch rain region tho corn was viu-v o-rf n. but I think tho rains aro a littlo too lato for tho ears. The roads weio very muddy and every ditch and low ilco was filled with water. As I loft tho cur at Liucotu I found Mrs. Winters looking for lied Cloud people, hue I was tho onlv ono elm found. 1 found thu. department prvtidont and others of tho W. It, O. and was soon comfortably situated In tiu huadijuar tci'ticar. It KeetiH il it Mils time the railroad coiiipauy had f uviiisiicil cars enough so there was up crowding unit there worn threo well I tided trains pulled out of Omaha Saturday night containing Nebraska'.) people bound for Chicago. Wo crossed tho Missis sippi just at daylight. It was raining and rained all dnj Sunday. Tho corn looks hue in Illinois. Wo arrived at Chicago at 11 a.m. As wo marched up to tho gate to go into the depot, all having Nebraska badges on, tho boys ranged along by tho railing said, "Thoso aro Nebraska poople, lot us hurray for llryan," Some of tho old soldiers resented it and yelled out, "Wo aro not pops." Great crowds are coming into Chicago every day. They expect a'mMlion poople and they will come. I found my nieco standing aU tho head of the stairs. Wo wont ove; to another dopot and soon started for Kacine. Chicago has Increased so in size that it seoms to extend about twon ty.llve miles up the lake, Great man ufacturing building havo sprung up in tho last few years, businoss is good and thero is no lack of work It is very cooi ami cnmiortauio uore. K. it. Kkiout, Washinoton, D, C. Genomic Pure Food Co., Lo Roy, N. V, Gontlomen Our famrly realizo so, much from the uso of GItAIN-O tbatyl feel I mast say h word to induco others to uso it. If people aro interested In their W'ulih and tho welfar.0 of thuir children, they will use no other bever age. I havo used them all butGraln-O-I havo found jupunur to any, for tiio reason that it U solid grain. Ycurs for health, O.F.Myww. y iiti J . .:- i n J i r 9 w J I . j 'lb4-.-t . ,erai .DtMt S U'-li' W S .r-J ,. .uCA.&afl88ate'M" - J" UWWIiVMBXwWtCalMlMMWW4ll fmwawMmwzysizsjSi mr faww