The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 27, 1900, Image 4

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T is significant that
the very best is demanded, Ivory Soap is
used in the nursery. At the same time, in
hundreds of families where economy decides
the choice, Ivory Soap is selected. Thus its purity
attracts the rich; its economy attracts the poor. High
quality and low cost: is there any better combination?
punl.iKtiiu n r
W.L. McMillan.
One jcut tl 00
SlxmouUm 0
Inured t the pout offlco t Hod Cloud, Neb. t
ccondcUiimtll maltor.
l,orl clTertllim 5 ccntn per lino r Isniie.
Local AdverllMiiK for ciitcrUlmnviiU, ron
lrtld,oclHl, etc., given by rlnirrliM, clmrltablo
jocletten, etc., where all inoiiuyn raited there
from are lined wholly for church or charltRlilo
oclctlr, llrat ten lilies f roe nml all over ten
iliioK'Jii ccntN per lino per Iksiiccj;
Local wlvcuMnx of cntertaliiiiiviit, i-oucertw.
recital, etc., where ior cent In kIvcii to pro
iuoHtm, 6 cent per lino per Ihiiiu.
lllHI'LAV AllVnilTlHINd.
One rolnmn per mouth - f" no
One half minimi per month ."I Ml
One fourth column per month 1 75
(Icucrul illKplay ndvcrtliluK 8' cent per
Inch perlMiiuc,
National Ticket.
Kor l'rclrti'lit,
for Vice rrt'klilent,
State Ticket.
lir HovctHor.
c. ii. HKinticii,
Of AiIhiiii Cuiiuty.
Kor Sccrclarj of Mate.
Of ItlclmrdMiii County.
Kor htateVrca Mirer,
Of t'uuiinliiK County,
PorMt Auditor,
Of .Sheridan County.
Kor Attorney (ieiieral,
K. N. mow,
Of (luge County.
rr OuuiiilHouor I'liMIt Lands
Of Nucleoli County.
KorSuperlntemlenlJI'iihllc liiMrurtlon,
Of WaxhltiKtou County.
Congressional Ticket.
For Couutc-Miian, Mil DIMrlrl,
W. 8. MOltLAN,
Of lied Willow Ciiunt),
County Ticket.
For '-tale IteprccntatlM'.
ciias i: HICKS,
For Count) Attorney,
K IT nvi'.HMAK.
The '.democratic putty is the tail to
tho populistie kite this year.
Tho McKinhiy and lloosovell club
wnsorgi.nledlast Friday night
m m
The dictatorial attitude of Moss
llryan at Kansas City is very suggest
ivo of imperialism.
Tho Ropuhtlcaiia have no party per
ildy and dishonor to hamper them in
theit victorious campaign
Hon.'Adlai Stuvoiiion-wus originally
-a gioenbaokor. Mix this with 1(1 to 1,
and what will bo iho product? a
m -
Hon, Don M. Dickinson predicts
"that Hryan will not got within two
million as many votes nshodid in ismi
I,. S. Wilson, tho fusion nominee for
oounty attornoy, was present at the
ineetlngof tho republican club last Frl
day night.
If farmor Hryan hold bis hoo in the
wrong hand tho f armors will soon get
on to It wuou tho moving pictures arc
on exhibition.
Tho campaign may not have been
formally oponod in this city as yet, but
notwithstanding that thoro is plenty of
politics on our streets.
Sinco Mr. Bryan btfgan to tell tho
peoplo four years ago that what they
wanted was more monoy, thoy uavo ad-
in homes of wealth where
(led tit tho rtilo of $11,807100 per
inonlli, or about jl.'I3,HG5 for every
working day.
(iov. HooattYolt will spend at luust a
week in Nebraska, and wu sincerely
hope that lit Iwust two hours of that
weuk will lie spont in Kcd Cloud.
Since tho adoption of the gold stand
ard in Japan the currency of that
country lias been freed from constant
tlttctuations in its exchange ratos.
Every dollarclrculntingin the United
States is what Mr. Hryan calls a 200
cent dollar. This is better than the
ftO-cont dollar that he wants to give the
The war with Spain served todeinon-
Htrnte something more than the military
and naval Mi eiigth of the United Stales.
It brought to light tl.e vast resources
and wealth of this country
Wo heard one fellow maku a remark
this week that he would like to know
" dumps at Grand Island
.wanted to put up another ticket V" Tho
only reason we enn see is that the fus
ion ticket in a little too democratic to
suit the taste of a man who professes
to be a populi-1.
Why is it that tho demo-pops cuss
Mark Ilauna every time a drouth of two
or three weeks duration hits tho coon
try? One would think to honrsomo of
them talk that tho Hon. Marcus A. con
trols tho elements ami everything else
and that tho Creator accepted orders
for rain, drought, good times and hard
times from no one but him.
A London cable says that "Nobody
in Euglnnd ever speaks of McKintoy as
anything but an uncompromising
champion ot American ideas and poli
cies.'' His renomination was received
in England with enthusiasm and with
quiet reserve. It wad different when
G rover Cleveland was nominated to
head the democratic ticket.
Wrinkles come
To many n face which should still be
smooth and fair. Worry doesn't bring
them. There are no cares and anxieties
to furrow the face. They are the signs
of physical suffering, graven by the hand
of rain. It is the saddest result of the
diseases which af
fect the womanly
organs tliat tliey
write nlaitilv the
sod record of suf
fering on the face
and form. The skin
becomes sallow, the
cheeks are sunken,
the eyes look dull,
the Inxly falls away.
No woman who
values her health or
good looks should
neglect to use Dr.
l'ierce's I'avorite
Prescription for dis
eases of the wom
anly organs. It
cures irregularity,
iullamninliou, ulcer
ation and female
weakness. It lights
up tlic eye, origut
ens the complexion,
ami rounds out the
sunken curves of the
" I uLe Kreat pleasure
in recommending Dr.
Pierce's I'avorite Pre
scription for female
wraLlRvi " write Mrs.
Susannah Perinentcr, of PnuU Store, Shelby Co ,
Texas. "I was troubled with benrlne clown
pains In my tuck audhlpnU years, nnd I.wrote
to I)r Pierce for odlce I tried hU I'avorite
Prescription and six bottle cured me. I feel
like a new person, and I tlmuk Dr. Tierce for
my health. Life is n burden to any one without
health. I lutve told a great in.iny of my friends
bout the great medicines I took."
Dr. l'ierce's Common Sense Medieal
Adviser, 1008 pages, bent free on receipt
of stamps to pay cost of mailing only.
Send 2i one-cent stamps for paper cov
ered book, or 31 cents for cloth. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
i I L
The mlddle-of-thc-roud populists put
up a complete state ticket at their con
vention in Grand Island lint wtok. It
hows that sotno of tho advocates of
Dopulism at least. have got tired of
voting tho chronic oflleo seeker fusion
ticket and come to the conclusion that
it is better to vote their own prlnciplo
eren though they don't got a smell
than to continually voto for a chronic
otllco seeker's fusion conglomeration.
When n free silver republican votes
ihts fall ho will havo to shut his eyes,
rim question is whether lie is voting
ititi-impcrialism and Clevelandism
with a catch-vote free silver plank in
the platform ho is supposed to be sup
porting. In other words they may
want to know whether they arc still
fire silver republicans or just plain,
common, every-day democrats.
When the present plans of the Navy
Department are carried out, there will
tie about -LOGO mat lues in Chinn to act
in concert with the army forces. This
will not only bo the largest foice of
American nuulncs ever on foreign soil
it once, but will be the largest force of
Vmeiican marines ever assembled at
any one place. The full inutltoti.ud
strength of the marine corps is 0,000
and special efforts are now being made
to recruit up to tho limit.
' '
Americans, Japanese nod Chinese
lighting side by side against Europeans
for the maintenance of the Chinese
Empire is one of tho possibilities of
tho near future in Chi tin," remarked a
European member of the diplomatic
corps. 'Ihat is probably an extreme
view, but it is ceitain that the Euro
pean powers, whatever inny bo their
piofession, wish to dividu up China
amongst themselves, while the United
States and Japan would prefor that the
Chinese empire remain as it is.
m m ii
Haiti is tho order of tho day.
C. L. Lewis and wife wort at Hed
Cloud Tuesday.
Mrs J. Kinscr and daughter of Hoso
mont woro visiting at G. W. Baker's
Mrs. McBrido of Hud Cloud visited
her daughter Mrs. Frank Frisbio last
Several on tho sick list.
Farmers woro hauling thoir wheat to
Guido Hock. Bost weight and prices
Mrs. Geo. Wilson of Guide Hock and
Miss Attn Baker of this place were at
Hed Cloud Tuesday.
Joe Cars is expected homo socn.
Several of Chas. Basset's family were
on tho sick list last week.
Jessio Cockrall is homo from Blue
Milton Fairfield of Guide Hock was
on our stteets Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfard S.iladon
Saturday, July 21, a son.
Sylvester Frisbio was at Hed Cloud
Clairo Cox was visiting at Cowles
Joe Saladen is visiting his brothers
J. V. and A. 11. Saladeu.
Mrs. John Holcomb and daughter
are on tho sick list,
C. II. Frisbio and family woro at Hed
Cloud Sunday.
Mrs. I. Frisbio was at Guido Hock
last week.
The Ladies Aid society mot with
Mrs. Miller last Wednesday and there
was a good attendance.
We had another good rain in this
pint last Thursday. It has revived tho
crops wonderfully and somo of tho
farmers arc not looking down their
noses and prophesying for a drou h as
they havo done for two or three weeks.
C. Stevens sold tweuty head of hogs
for a consideration of '.'37.00
A now fence will bo built around the
Mt. Hope cemetery right away. Tho
material is read .
Fall plowing has already commenced
for wheat The crop in this part was
rather good and ran from sixteen to
thirty bushels per acre.
Hev. Con Hewitt of Walnut Creek
delivered one of his lino sermons at
Mt. Hope lust Sunday ovoning.
Hev. Geo Hummel of Hed Cloud
preaches at Mt. Hope every two w't)ks.
Considerable threshinc has boon
done in this part by tho Fruit Bros.
H'jally they am doing about all on this
creek this year with thoir now ma
chino. Leu Wiliuot, tho popular road super
intendent has done considerable work
north of tho slate lino on Mr. Stevens
now road, stinting from the tlig pole,
The Logan township maitiul band is
a success and parties who havo rallies
will do well to get them.
Jesso S.ipp and little Leslie have
gone to Ohio to his former homo. Thoy
went by way of an it note's In Mitchell
county, Kansas, then to Missouri and
on oasi.
Does alfalfa pay? One man had two
acres sown last year and has cut it tho
second time and got eight ton. It is
good for four mote.
P. S. Fair .sold foity.nino fat hogs for
1070. Occasional.
Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer.
No matter how often a cancerous wire is removed, another comes at or neur the same point, and always in a worse form.
Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer is n blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure this deep-seated, dangerous
blood trouble oy cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the disease place of exit for
the poison ?
Cancer runs in families through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at any
time to be stricken with the deadly malady.
Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another
further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood.
To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood system remove
lancer cueciuauy ntui permanently out t.
S. S. S. enters the circulation, searches
or ordinary blood medicine can do this. S. S. S. goes down to the very roots of the
allowing the bore to heal naturally and tiermanently. S. S. S. nt the same time purifies
experience, who are
or Information wanted, we mukc no charge
Bain, rain, and more to follow.
Tho corn will maku about fifteen
bushels to the acre.
L. A llaskins lopt a cow by its get
ting in the alfalfa and caue. Mr.
James also lost two cows.
The Aubushoti Brothers will put out
ouo hundred and fifty acres of wheal
and! this fall
John Beatiehamp is the owner of one
of those Webstur itinwei.-.
Mr. anil Mis. Hiley Lewis ate visiting
their children at Do in or, Colorado,
this week
Charles Isom and Poke Sutton start
ed overland for Oklahoma last Sunday.
Amos (i list is tho owner of a wind
Mr. and Mrs. L. Aubtuhon attended
tho funeral of Mrs. Hrechbuhl Monday.
Leu Wiltnot is busy this week work
ing tho road near Will Kuehn's.
Tho Fruit Bros, had tho mislortuuo
to break the power of their threshing
machino last weok.
Will Atibushon has leased the Chas.
Besso ranch on west Penny creek for
tho next year.
James Keaglo has leased the quarter
section east of L Aubiislion's.
Allan Carpenter bought Charles
Isom's stock hogs.
Mrs. Sutherland of Boslwick was tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wlldey this
The Sunday school at Lower Penny
Creek is getting along nicely with Mr.
Van Patten as superintendent.
Frank Van Dyke and J E. Fox weie
doing business in Gaitield this week.
Ernest Beauehamp and Hoy Bjyeo
went south in search of work this
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days.
Mortou L. Ultl of Lebanon, Indiana, hijm:
"My wife had Inflammatory Hheilmalhro In
every muscle and joint; her suffering was terri
ble and her body and fact were swollen almost
beyoud recognition; had been lu bed for six
weeks and had eight physicians, but received
no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for
Rheumatlrru. It gave Immediate relief and rbe
was able to walk about In three days. I am
sure It saved her life. Sold by II. K. Orlce,
druggist, Hed Cloud, Neb.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day
Myctlo Curo for rheumatism and neuralgia
readily cures In from one to three days, Its ac
tion upon tho system Is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at onoe the rauxc and the
disease Immediately disappears. Tho tlratdoe
greatly benefits. 73 cents. Sold by II. E. Grlce.
Had Cixitd Neb.
W Mm f
I uon't dtop
I taking Scott's Emulsion he
rn cause it's warm weather.
I Keep taking it until you are
Jk cured.
1 It will heal your lungs and
4 give you rich blood in sum
B met as in winter. Ifs cod
f liver oil made easy.
a 50c. snj$l. All druftlns.
MMtiewliuru if you don't (rot good o.uali
ty in your harness.
Don't lie cunt wlso ami dollar foolish
hy galling trnslty HtulT, hut huyottr
Leathtir hiinioss. Tlmt will Itut fin
yKti and jrivo satisfaction, at a prioe
that will surprise you hy its littleness
tiiiuli as tly nots, to . are well wort!
jour attuniion, and will sitrvly prove a
Kioat iuvustuiuut.
J. O. Butter, THeRss
III 1 Tnjr Stl4 sJi m
i. fc
out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells. No mere tonic
A little pimple, n Harmless looking wart or mole, a lump in the breast, a cut or bruise tliat refuses to
heal under ordinary treatment, bhould all be looked upon uith suspicion, as this is often the beginning of
n bad form of cancer.
Mrs, Snrnh M Keesliue, 941 Windsor Aveu Ilihtol, Term., writes : ' I
am 41 je.irs old, nud for three years had suffered with n severe form of
Cancer on my jaw, which the doctors in this city said was incurable, and
Unit I could not live more than six months. I nccepted their statement as
true, nml had given up all hope of ever being well again when my drug
gist, knowing of my condition, recommended S. S, 8. After taking a few
bottle the sore began to hcnl, much to the surprUe nf the physicians, and
In a short time made n complete cure. I h.ixe gained In llesh, mv nppctlte
Is splendid, sleep Is refreshing In fact, am enjoying jcrfcct health. '
Our medical department is in charge of uhvsicians of loin?
especially skilled in treating Cancer and
whatever for this service.
The Portrait Painter 1
oifcYOiv ivk:,
wjvaJBi color,
Portrait Frames and Easels in stock and to order.
Studio in Damcrell lilock, Hed Cloud, Nebr.
The New.
iaMPiN Binder
Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eccentric Binder Wheel.
An Entirely New Departure.
The New.
The Pitman has no other motion except straight forward and
straight back. It never breaks and never wears out.
The only Mower where lost motion can be taken
up both in boxes and gearing. Turning
a set-screw does it.'
W. B. ROBY, Agent
No, i Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr.
How niiniy of you imvo lost tho prloo of this KiiRlnn In nno div nn nccnnnt nf in.
sumclent wln.l to npenile your wln.l mill, ihivIuk jour MooU "with. t w?t$. Ort on
now to do your nuiiipliiR when thuro Is no wluU or to ilo It x- titar . VV.Mllior (iou noi
iilloct Its work, hot or olil. wi-t or dry. win nr calm. It U iv liVi .iiinu i iiVu m ?.hi?.V.
Will also slml! writ. kpIiiiI fwl. miw wood, cliiirn I. n, ,, ,, . i, u,'"," -' .'.'l, !.'."V:
to :
,. i.. .1... i... M .. .i... ...... r...,. . : ..: ." : .' " ' iiuiiwri'i "'iiur
;, lu tho liouso or on the farm. Con untlilm; to Ki-.-p when not WorUliw. and onlv 1
! ountH nor hour when worklmr. Si mm nimiii.ii,.i .... ., ....... i;. ." """."Pi.
needed, n creiit Inlior nml monov miY.t l X Z1Z? ,, ,,i'"' ".' r""V"" '"' "f!
nfe Wo innko ull Blzos of Ousollnc i KuKtneVtro T V ,ff ho 1 ' S. UM
oiroauir linn Biwcnti nnrws, -
Bviilciinti material, Bto.
ehieago IiambeF faFdJ
Cannot he Gut Out or
Removed with Plasters
every trace of the poison
Nothing cures
disease, and forces out the deadly poison,
the blood and builds up the general health.
other blood diseases. Write for any advice
& CO.. OmflHA, NEB.
t -
and GOA1
y ?
Lumber, Lime, -, CoaHl Cement. s
r .