The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 27, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME xxvrn.
The Big- Store.
Telephone ISTo. 22T.
July - Clearing -
300 yds Dimities
regular 8c 10c and
12 l-2c values at
150 yds 15c, 20c
and 25c Dimities
at lie.
Demins Shirting,
regular 12 and 35c
values at 9c.
A few Scotch
Lawns at 4c.
Coin II
Utllll 1
STd 'i in :
one-mtiii piiuc.
one-half price.
Four dozen Shirt
Waists at 25c.
Lace Curtains, Tapestry and Chenille
Pof tierres at 20 ner cent off.
Muslin Underwear one-half off.
Umbrellas 33 1-3 ofi.
A Little Light Dug Up by the Editor of the
Blooinlngton Echo and Republished (or
the Benellt of a Sympathizing
It luis always been, and wo suppose
always will bo a fact, thai a certain
number or class of people in overy
community will take tip with stranger
to tlio exclusion of their own people
who have been good citizens and who
have lived hero for lifted) or twenty
years They will even condemn these
cili.ous for intimating that there is
8nmotuiug wrong with theso strangers.
Take for instance the follow who for
two weeks made a pretense of preach
ing on our streets and while doing so
took occasion to villify tho mayor, the
city ofllcors and our townspeople in
general. On last Saturday afternoon
ho again directed his remarks at thu
above named ofllcials and this paper
for the few words it shot at hinrin
"Almost Forgotten. " If you Imvo read
the Ciiikk for lone you will tind that
our assertions have generally beeu
backed up by facts. For the beaelit of
skaptics and to show that wo were not
giving the follow the shots without
grounds we print the following taken
from the lHoomington, (Neb ) Echo of
Juno 8th, under tho heading "Capt.
Considerable comment has been
caused since tho last issue of the Echo
as to the true status of tho above named
gentleman. The Echo has no personal
tight on the man and what it does is
only what it would do to any other per
son who comes into our community
undcu the same circumstances. It is
true ho came here and claimed to be
long to the Volunteers of America,
showing what he claimed to be creden
tials from (Jen. t ieldicg. Tho follow
ing letter plainly shows that he was
not what he represented himstlf to be:
Omaha, Neb., June 4, 1000.
Mr. H. M. Crane, Hlonmington, Neb
raska: Dear Sir: In answer to yours
of thu -d, will say that tills man Archer
is not in any wise
V.V..,fWt.V.a.htfa..Ai4:wiA.f;.A.f-i.."A'i. ......i.V..f .-. .
'ti lm''
If you do not want to see the greatest of all
bargains in seasonable Dry Goods. Our en
tire stock to be closed out preparatory to
getting in our immense fall stock.
Japanese Silk.
Just the thing for waists this hot
Regular price 25c per yard.
To Close, 1 8c per yard.
Lawns and Challies.
To help this great sale we have
decided to give 10 yards good
lawns for 25c, less than one
half the regular price.
Wash Goods.
Our entire stock of wash
to be slaughtered.
Plain Colored Dimities, 20c and
25c grade, 15c.
Batiste, i2Aand 15c grade, at 8c.
Linen Colored Dptted Swiss 15c.
ribbon with
Fancy trimming
shirring string,
colors, regular price 10c, to
close, 5c. Wash Taffeta rib-
bons, just the thing for ties, 3
to 4 inches wide, to close, 19c.
1 sfe2JL
I 'latest
1-3 Off.
Duck and Linen Skirts must
sold regardless of cost.
each to 50c each.
W Calicoes.
Simpson's Epatant Fancies, 5c.
Simps'on's Blacks or,Greys, 5c.
vjui nci b i.v:u3, aw-
Indigo Blues, 5c.
All Fancy GingKam Prints, 5c.
We must have the space now
occupied by our stock of Ox
fords to put our fall line of
shoes in and to close out wc
are makinga great cut in prices
Mnlln. L. L. nnbleaclied, 5c,
Henry Muslin, .6c, 7c and 8c.
Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom bleached
'. muslin, 7c.
'Farmeife Choice bleached muslin, 6c.
Calicoes, 10 yards for 32c.
GingMrns, good apron check at 4c.
nghams, Amoskeag, 6c.
S!ir.tinsr, 8c. 10c and 12ic.
Prices td
continue as long as'goods last.
Furn ture and Queensware.
The barga is from the Furniture and Queensware
s )ck are going fast. A few left.
3 prtterns (jning chairs, antique finish, regular price
9.oo; set during this sale, $4.98.
Several 3-plce hard wood sets, a big bargain, until
AugustU, $15.00. Other valuns up to $55.
Couches, $7.50' to $20.
Sideboards, $10 to $32.50.
Ki:he'n cupboards, $4.00 to $9.00.
Kitchen chairs 25c each.
ed fJout t Ncbra ska.
connected with tho
Volunteers af America. He has been
dismissed some months since, and wo
understand he makes it his business to
represent himself as still a member.
It wool I bo to your interest to writo
0111 Territorial Commander, Hrlg. (Son.
K Fielding, at Chicago, '150 W. Madi
son St., in regard to this man. I am
in charge of tins district and ail ollicers
sent outthroiigh Kansas, Nebraska and
O. T. are sont under my supervision.
This man is nothing but an "im
postor" and should be recognized as
such. Denounce him by all means,
Trusting you may put this man to
silence for the good of (Sod's cause,
1 nm yours very respectfully,
it. u. uii,i,kt7K, Major.
Cuicaco, Juno!), 1000.
Mr. II. M, Crime, llloomiugton, Neb
raska: Dear Sir;- In roply to yours of
the ad, would say this man Archer has
no connection with the Volunteers of
America whatever. He H'ns a member
at one time but was dismissed a lone
time ago at .Jacksonville, III., and if
vou will write there you -vill nscertain
wny. Ho is had. I can say nothing in
his favor. 1 am glad you are looking
him up.
I am sincerely yours,
. n K. 1'IKMIINU,
Sovoral peoplo have doubted our
statement made in last week's Echo,
which denounced him at a fake. Tho
following letters which were written
without any solicitation on our part,
are enough to make any fair-minded
person think something is wrong:
llKi'tlUMCAN Citv, May 110, 1800.
Miss Mahsh: Your letter received
the 20th. Will say in answer wo know
by experience more than we euro to
know of Capt. Archer. Will warn you
of keeping his company or any other
young lady who has any respect for
themselves. He didn't prove himself
to be a true Christian; his uncle said
ho wasn't worthy of respect or confi
dence. 1 nm glad you wrote me for
my opinion of him; please keep out of
his company.
Yours with respect, may (Sod bless
I you is my prayer,
. Mas. M. liitAKT.
rj The man made a number of contra
A dletory statements to some of our eiti
l.zens which they have certilied to in
( WiilliiL' and which aru in the posses
sion of some of our citizens. Had tho
man emtio into town and held his meet
ing without pitching into everybody
who did ikiI fall in .with him he would
not have called all of this district down
upon him anil if he is slneeru lie will
have learni d a gnnd lesson.
We have af lot of extra quality
pearl buttons, all sizes, regular
price oc, to close 5c per doz.
Thesere not a cheap pearl but
clcfjjr, white, extra quality pearl.
Our enmre line of Sun Bonnets to go at loc eacn.
Shirt waists now selling at one half price will still be dis
counted 10 to 15 per cent.
Our entire line must be closed
out and to help them along we
will give a special discount of
20 per cent.
Reel Olotxd, Jel3i?jaslca. m
Tun following wim-puhjjshfid in (ho
issue J the Kulio of Juno lKtii, under
the Hiimn 1k:uI :w the lirsl:
Sincu Itiit issue thft liypacrito has
left our place aud we tuppose we
should lot tho matter end without go.
ing into tho case any more, but as the
fellow pushed up his "gall" and stop
ped at Franklin wo deem It no more
than fair to tho peoplo of that place
that wo expose him still farther. Since
last wook wo have received suvoral let
tors from the ollicers of the Volunteers
branding him as a hypocrite and an
impostor. Tho fallowing letter was
received from Jacksonville, III., and
the clipping following it was taken
from tho Journal of that place of tho
dato of Oct. SO, 1898:, III., Juno 12, 1000.
Mr. H. M. Crane, liloomington, Neb
raska: Dear Sir: As I was at Jack
sonville on a furlough resting, I re
reived your letter of inquiry, also the
Kcho. There is no Volunteers post
here now; was closed when Capt. Ar
cher left here, tho man you are enquir
ing about; he was here about three
weeks and through investigation I Hnd
ho was a man without principle and
iviih tiHkeil to luuvu heiu on ouick no
tice which lie did and left his wife lurtt
for two wteks, after which she follow
ed him and they have not been con
nected with tho Volunteers of Amorica
since. I will send you" a papor which
has Hie causo of his being asked to
leave Jacksonville; nlthouch his name
doesn't nnpear In the article ho U Uie
man for l invoHiignieti iinir wimi 1 leu
you about this is true. Personally 1
don't X"w tlio man but such a man
ouahl tq be silenced,
May the Lord bless you. 1 am yours
for tlio Master. .
Cut S. S Ciiawkoim),
Volunteers of America.
"Saturday night the mother of a 11
year old girl informed nlllcer Cannon
that the leader (if tho Volunteers had
; come to her dutighter uud after-prom
islng to buy tho child all sorts of fiuory
asked her to run away with him. The
mother didn't wnnt to get out a war
rant for lis nrrest but she askod Otllcor
Cannon to, interview tlio man. The
otllcor did so and at llrst the volunteer
denied all knowledge of the alTair, hut
later sent word that he would leave
town at once if nothing was (tone to
hinder his going. Olllcor Cannon, be
lieving a hypocrite will do 110 good in
tho community, ordered him to lose no
time in getting away"
He claimed when ho first came here
to bo out under control of Lawyer
Wolfonbarger doing temperance work,
but that gentleman in a letter to us
denies knowing anything about it. He
also said he was a single man aud was
trying to get young ladies to marry
him, while the letter from Illinois says
htf has a wife,
From what we have learned of tho
actions of the fraud in tho past wo are
convinced that tho propor way to treat
him whoreror he goos is to hurl bou
quets of hen fruit of uncertain vintage
at him.
. I...
For a Grand Time.
Klabnralu preparations are being
made for a harvest homw and old set
tlers' picnic, to he held in Frank Cook-
rail's grove, one and one-half miles
north of Amboy, Tuesday, August 11th.
Ii none are barrcid from pnrtiofpajing
In the amiiKomctiiH 01 tins event, it is
expected that a very largo attendance
will Ixi present; ami this Is just what
the old settlors desiru. The more the
merrier! Tho picnic proper is con
ducted on'tho "baaket plan" he that
hath, let him bring, that there amy be
good things in abuilancc. Also bring
your hammocks, swings, croquet set?,
crockinole boards, etc., and help to
furnish plenty of amusement. Com
mencing nt ton o'clock, an excellent
program will be rondered:
HIiikIhk "llrlnKlutf in the Bheures"-
Chorus of .1)0. led ty L, I. AlbrlRht. '
Invocation Her.G. W. Hummel'
SIokIok HchI Cloud Quartet
Address of Welcoin. 0,0. Cox
ltosponso H. U.O-crmau
Blueing Hcd Cloud Quartet
Hhort Aildres...., Itev. 1. W, Edeon.
HoiiKHTid Chorn ot (00 Voices.... Seleotodi
Tonit..."Puitnn(l Paturcof Webster Count j"
I, II. Uamptoii.
ToRst..,., "Schools"
Mrs.l'.vn J, Cativ,
Toast Bar of Webter County'
Fred Manrer:
Declamation ......' Hellen Fuller
Toast "The Home"
Mr. Ilortoa,
Tonrt...... "Tlie Press"
W. II. NewmoyeV.
Bo!o,.., (Uaco Martin
H.Min, MILI.KU, Toast muBtrr.
Johei'H Uauiichi, Master of Ceremonies.
Everybody is cordially invited to
come and enjoy tho pleasantries and
help to make theaiTalra grand success,
. Auknts Vantki, Wo want an ac
tive. agent in Hod .Cloud uml vicinity
to represent the largest evergreen nur
series in tlio U, S A. full lino of hardy,
fruits, r'fihado and ornamental trees
shrubs, oto. Turoo plans, pay.wgekly
Address nt uuce, The Elgin n'nricrUs,
LNgin, Jlllnois.
." itirriCIKa'iMUiiaOt'' - - "
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