. f vwr.- -. r ' Sw4. ; i ' WAITING FOR A 1(0 kWvS vii ""vv -v -AW ' REPORT J tt'cl'i'i; (or tho jrii.-t fiom u t you ieg..idnig that v ach you neeil. u i You've thought nliout it nnd J tnluad ubout it. T ifc 2J "(iucss wink" will no longer i do in this day of uiitvi-ptlou and f American push. a T Tho man wlio never carried :i u. 2? reliable tlinep ceo bus missed hulf the joys o( lije. n ib n u We know watches (torn tho (nctory to our case. In buying J n licic you got our expei ieneo and u. best judgment wen th something j but costs nothing 5 H,e,vovoxsfc ""Bros., .IKMT.I.HIS AND OPTICIANS t'etfsfrfrfr,,' GENERAL CITY NEWS. Nowis tho time to subset ibe. Telephone No. 'J? (or your gasoline K. D. Bedford was in lllue Hill today. Do you want u naw cook tovc? K so seo Wiigkt. Two residences (or silc in city. See .S. H. Llghtfoot. C. O. Hakor was up (rom (Juido Hock the first of the week. W"c guarantee no other loans made on siimo terms. 1). J. Myers". L. D. Clough o( Lincoln is visiting in tho city the guest o( J. A. Haiuu. Smoke Colonial Girl, the best Cc cigar in the world, at tho lion Ton Hakery. Walter lloby sells tho Singer sowing machine, l't ices right. Get tho best. Pay your subscription and gel a cal dilating pencil. They sue a little won del. "Dad" Shanklin returned Sunday (rom a scveial weeks stay in Aduir county, Iowa. Win. Longbotliani o( Lawrence was looking :i(tur business iniittcis in the city Wednesday Morris Stern and wi(e led Wednes day evening lor a two weeks stay in Denver and other parts o( Culoiado. It was a gloiious rain hst Sunday night and all wo need is more o( the same kind to put tho peoplo in good spirits. Mrs. Dr. Rockwell and daughter, Mrs. Graham, will leave the foro Dart of the week (or a two month's outing in tho mountains. V social dance will be given in the ilreman's hall on next Saturday even ing (or tke purposo o( raising money to defray the expenses of a delegation o( fireman from this city to the stato tiienien's tournament at York from the -24th to tho 20th of July. On last Friday afternoon about five o'clock tho fire department was called out to attond a tiro in tho northoast paitof town which ptoved to bo tho stable of Win. Fiuit. Tho lire had gained such hcad.vny that tho stablo and contents wet e practically destroyed before tho department arrived on tho scene. Night Policeman Smelser was ar rested on Wednesday on a complaint sworn out by Capt. Archer, tbo street revivalist. Ho was released upon his own recognizance to appear bo(ore Judge West Thursday afternoon, and at that time tho judge dismissed the jaso otPaccount of the prosecution be ing unable to give a bond for costs. A good crowd was prcsont the most of -whom wero disappointed. ANOTHER OF THOSE BIG SUNDAY DINNERS NEXT SUNDAY. ik Star JBalcery j ; J. O. WILES, Prop. 71 Ky a W lwiftw kAA4k4l MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. The Chief SI per year Wanted (Sill at the Hon Ton, $3.00 per week Annual inteiest, option loans of 1). J. My cis. Seo Wright beforo you buy n gas or gasoline stove. Itoy Oatnian has taken a position with T. K. Penman Seo our pot ti nit oiler and then come in and sec tho sample poi trail. Smoke Colonial Girl, the best Cc cigar in the woild, at the Hon Ton Hakery. A com pie to line of pump ami pipe goods aio cat lied in stock by Moihsut Hi OS. Intel est and piiueipal collected at your homo bank if you wish I). J. Myci. Mrs J.O. Wiles visited in Orleans this week tho guest of Mr, and Mis. P. W. Shea. Frank Smelser and wife depaited Thursday for a visit witli relatives at Grand Island. C L.Winfrey was looking after bus iness matters in Guide Kock ami Host wick tho tiist of tho week, qC. I). Robinson and James Huiden let tuned from a two weeks outing in the mountains of Colorado Tuesday. Miss Lthel Cumnnngs left Monday morning for Heatiiee where she will visit with her sister Mrs. Call Jenkins. Miss Virginia Caldwell loft Thursday (or her homo in Cameron, Missouii, a(tera visit with J.O. Caldwell and family. For a clear complexion, bright, sparkling oyo and vigorous digestion, tako Prickly Ash Hittois. II puts the system in perfect ordor. Sold by C. L. Cotting. Passenger train No 13 had a number ( extra cars tilled with excursionists bound (or Denver and tho mountains Wednosday morning. It was several hours late in consequence. On account of tho rain last night tho meeting for tho purpose of oignnizing a McKinley and Roosevelt club was postponed until tonight at the court house. All tepublicans aro iciuiested to bo present. Keep your system in pei(cct oidor and you will have health, even in the most sickly seasons. The occasional use of Prickly Ash Hittors will insuio vigor and regularity in all the vital organs, Sold by C L Cotting A number o( mlddle-of the-road pops wero in the city Thursday between trains, enioute to the state convention at Grand Island. In outer that no one would mistake thoni they took tho mid dle o( the road and maichcd up (torn tho depot. L. M. Vanco and wi(e, lornier resi dents of this city, now of Hnstings, ar rived in the city overland (rom that placo the first o( tho week. Mr. Vanco wont back Wednesday but Mrs. Vanco will stay here and visit with her par ents and otuor (rionds (or somo timo.Q Wanted Ono young man from Web ster county, Nebraska, to proparo for tho coming Railway Mail Sorvico Ex amination. We furnish everything in cluding books and maps. Address, enclosing stamp, lnWr-Stato Corres pondence Institute, Cedar Rapids, la. Mrs. Georgia Cropp, ifo of Wm. Cropp, formerly of this city died at her homo in Republican City on Wed nesday, July 18th. Tho remains will bu brought to this city for interment. The funeral sei vices will bo held (rom tho iciidtnico of G. W. Francis this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and the remains will bo laid at rest in the Red Cloud cemetery. JThis paper would advocate the idea of tho mayor issuing a proclamation and having it printed in tho city papers and distributed in printed notices de claring that all offenders big or little caught teasing or in any other way in terfering with Tommy Quinn will be arrested and fined. This nuisance has gone far enough. Tho fact that the Indios of our city have to bo subjectod to the vilo blasphemy of this old fellow in ordor that somo may have fun out o( it is getting a littlo thin. He should either bo placed in stibjoctiou or tho ones causing tho nutsanco should bo. Henrietta Kuehn, one of the old and highly rosp'ected citizens of Webster county living in Lino township, died at her home last Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock. Deceased was born on October 37, 1824, and at tho time ( her death was seventy-tiro yoars, eight months and tweaty-one days of ago. Sho came to this county with her hus band and family in 1870. Sho leaves threo sons, Will, Frank aud Carl, and a host of friends to mourn her lose. The funeral services were held at tho residence and were conducted by Rev. I. W. Edson. The remains wore laid at rest in tho Red Cloud cemetery by the side of her husband who died a few yeais ago. The remains wero (olio wed to tho cemotery by a large concourse o( sorrowing relatives and (riends. The bereaved relatives havo the sym pathy o( all. - - - I FountaimDrinks! at tiii: i Bon Ton Bakery, j J FIVE CENT DRINKS. i Ire ('renin sotln, ("nulictl Krult olft ( ooo ( oik. t lierrr PlioliMc, I WIMt Urttj Hoot llrcr 'liniitil'Mfr Rkr l.i'inonikilp, I (lliiRpr 1p, t)ro Lemon, Grape Kola. Moile, I drop Orange. Lemon Pour I Soda LrmotiAile, riierry Illc, I Celery l'luuptiaie. Fruit riioplmte I Orape Phonpliate, I cinon Photphate. I Orange CMtr Paiim llromlile, I lierr; lllpe Pnophale TEN CENT DRINKS. I (iicen'a Kaorlte. Kbr Plionpliale. I Imrtottp Ittico, Mountain Koatn, i llmmmi ('renin, Ladle' FntorlU?, I Spa VIit. I'eraliinSlierlict, i Oraiik't'ftdf Fruit Sunday t t liuct Phosphate. Plnln ( Inrot I Scltfcr Lemonade wild I lierrle FIFTEEN CENT DRINKS. I riarcl Lemonade t'lierr) (ilaee I Moorluli siuTt el, CntMtliA rili, ltnplierr Pimrli Sherrj mid KgK Claret I'uuili W.S. BENSE, Prop.) WEEK'S HAPPENINGS All kinds of garden tools at Wright's. S1U0.O0O to loan on land by 1). J. Mycis. Peter Nelson o( Rosomonl was hero ThutMlay. All kinds ol wiie (cueing at Wright's hardwaie stole. A good second hand buggy for sal. Enquito of J.J. Haker. Come in and see our simple poitiait and you will want one. Wiight has every article of waiethat is needed atound the kitchen. Smoke Colonial Girl, tho best fie cigar in the wo! Id at the Hon Ton Hakery. For a good smootho hair cut or shavo go to J. J. linker's on Wobstor street. M. W. Diekerson is homo again after a several weeks trip in southwestern Kansas. All kinds of repairs (or tho Cham pion binders and mowers can bo had at W. H. Roby's (eod store. A. C. Potter (ormcrly of this city, now of Lead, South Dakota, was hero this week visiting friends. Sheriff Wells nnd James Halo re turned home Wednesday from" their trip in iho mountains of Colorado. Mrs. L. IS. McFnrland of Lincoln has arrived in tho city and is making her homo with Geo. J. Wan on and family. F. V. Taylor nnd wifo left Wednes day night for a tiip to Denver nnd other CjIoiiuIo points and to Salt Lake Citv, Utah J O. Linilley auived liomo Wednes day fiom n tiip to his former old homo at Grecntown, Indiana, to which place ho had been called by a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of his sister. A delegation of iniddle.of.tho-road populists bearing tho badge of Harker and Dounolly c.iir.o in on the morning passenger (rom tho west nnd stopped off hero while waiting (or the train to take thoin to their stato convention at Grand Island. Tho Fourpaugh-SellsUros. circus will exhibit in Superior on August Oth. This paper received a generous supply o( bdvertising tu bo paid (or with ti (ow paltry tickets but we didn't think wo wanted to visit Superior to seo tho show that bad. G. A. Winton, who has boon quite seriously ill (or somd time, died nt his residence two aud one-haK miles north of tliis city yestciday morning about nino o'clock Tho (uncial services weio conducted (rom the i evidence this (rridaj) afternoon and the ic mains wero laid at rest in tho Red Cloud cemetery beside of thoso of his wi(o who died a few years ago. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofiico at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ondiug July 19th 1000: Dunning, John Davis, Cha. McMurrny, Georgia Smith, Dela WelU, F. F. These letters will bo sent to tho dead lotter ofBco Aug. Sd, if not called for bofore. When calling for above please say "advertisod." T. C. Hackku, P. M Epwartb Loaguo Assembly, Lincoln, August 1st to Oth. Encouraged by tho phenomenal success of threo previous sessions, tho management of the Neb raska Epworth League Assembly has arranged a program for the 1900 meet ing of which they may well be proud. It it belioved that in variety, Interest and real worth it surpasses anything of its kind ever placed before the peo ple of Nebraska. Those wh attend this year will havo tbo opportunity of hearing Frank Koberson, frosh from the battlefields of South Africa; Dishop Hamilton, General O. 0. Howard, Gen eral John B. Gordon, Dishop Galloway, Major Hawks, Maud Ilallington Hootk, and a host of others philosophers, teachers, lecturers and religious work ers. Tho musical attractions aro espec ially good, tho South African boy choir and the famous Arion Lady Quartet of Chicago. Half rates to Lincoln via the Burlington every day (rom July 31 to August 8, LOCALLY. C V Cather if Lincoln washeio this wcwk Fai in loans on most favomblo terms o( I) J Myeis. Nelse Longtin made n business tiip to Superior Wednesday. Dr. F E. McKeeby was up (rom Su peiior the first of tho week. Galvanized iron well tube So ll at Mm halt Bros Hardwaie Co. Our phono number is now 7'J Cill us up when 3011 need job pi luting. LOninStiekley of Guide Hock was a visitor in tho city Satin day night and Sutida Oidei jour gasoline of Moihait Bros llatdwaie Co. They will de- livei It foi j oil. Will Auld left tho last of tho week for a tup to tho eastern paitof this Mate and to Iowa Wm. Potter and family left the last of the week (01 a visit nt their loimui old homo 111 Kentucky. A. O Heig returned Wednesday morning (10111 a seveial weeks tirp in Coloiado wheio he visited with a sister. D. W Turnuio and wi(n left Wed nesday eieniug (or a seveial weeks stay at Denier and other points in Col orado. J 0 Wiles lias received a new up right two hoisc powwi Stover gasoline engine and has it in tunning older, tho smallei engine not having power enough to satisfactory 11111 his ma chiller C. S. Gnskoll of Republican City was in the city this (oienoon. Mr Gaskell is tho owner of a mciiy-goioiid and while bote made arrnngumonts to bring his machine (or a couple o( weeks. The machine will probably ar rive next Monday. It is now located in Blue Hilt. Mnnied, at tho homo o( Rev. (5. W. Hummel, south o( tho city, on Sunday, July 15th, 1000, Mr. William Dollins to Miss Jennio Runclc, both pnrtios o( Smith county, Kansas. Tho groom is aprospeious young (aimer while tho btidoisono of Smith county's admit able young ladies. The young couple will reside on a fat m. Wo extend con gratulations. John A Fence, a bicyclist o( Read ing, Pennsylvania, arrived in tho city Wednesday, having made a journey of over thieo thousand miles visiting in other states Ho was an employe in 11 lingo shoe faetoiy in Reading ami made the tiip for the benefit of his health He is visiting with his uncle J. F. Hassingerof Ninth Branch, Kan sas The Chief has always been in the habit of giving it's subseiibeis the best of it on the ofTcring of premiums (or subscriptions paid in advance. The (act that paper has advanced mater ially and that no ndvanco has been made in tho prico o( this paper, has made it imperative that wo havo what is duo us at once. Wo Have horoto(oro been lenient, but will bu compolled soon to placo many accounts in the hands of a collector to en(orco pay ment. Rather than do this we will give ns an inducement for thoso pay ing up to date, a six months paid up subscription to tbo paper and a tine genuino oil finish portrait of yourself or a friend, in a splendid frumo for tho small sum of 11.03. Theso por traits will not rub olT like the cheap crayon pictures, but they wash and can bo put in a tub of water over night without injury. Tho portrait can bo made from any small piotuie, photo, tintype, or ambrotvpe furnished. Any portrait that is not eiituely satisfac tory will not cost you a cent. Wo haven sample poi trait at this office which must bo seen to bo nppieciated. If you havo a loved ono whose picture you wish enlarged it will pay you to tako advantage of this offer. fcttttfrtfrtttttp. X We sell all kinds S of the best Machine Oils and can give the lowest prices. Special prices to Threshers. MACHINE CASTOR, PURE CASTOR, CYLINDER, RED HARVESTER, BLACK OIL, LARD OIL. Give us a trial. C. L. COTTINQ, The Druggist -4444444-44? V I Commeneing July 4 1 it ft li Hi Hi li Ui it it it we will sell the balance of our spring and summer clothing left in stock at a discount of 20 per it j One-fifth off regular prices on all it it it! Men's, Boys' and it it it it it it it it Hi it it it it it and Straw Hats at Cost. 25 0 it Fur and Wool it W tti cent discount. ir 2J itt W il it GomdenaleyGlothingGo. it iy LtAutio in rt!3CcJft!5ftr5aw!3r2;ft'J'3ft: Hot feather Goods I We have a few hot weather goods on hand that we want to close out and we are offering them at closing out prices taht will make it an object for you to look after. Such goods as Gasoline Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Bee Hives, Gasoline Stove Ovens, Water Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Bakes, These goods are the best money con buy andwc want to close them out and get in our stock of winter goods it will call and Morhart Bros. m m m m m m m m m m m m Gent. Children's Suits $ m Pants. 9 m w m Hats at 20 per Jg W i-uw rieuca, yii m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Window Screens, be to yeur interest to see them. , Hardware Co. "" " S m n M kul 5 4- fl ' wl 9 I t nst t ..-- r te I"1- ni f &&&ffi1S&eie ay mwgng KBWM