H wMjmuMWmwmimmm '; CHAPTER II. Jnbez HiiVhltison received our heio with a. face an tlark as a thundercloud, but it seemed that, when ho heard Ainu's news, ho considered It Import nut enough to warrant lilt; intrusion on his privacy. It appeared to Alan that, of whatever linport."iiirc It wan to the firm. It was of Htlll greater to Hutchinson, which continued hlin in his suspicions that he had prlvato dealings which had nothing to do with the firm. Alan talked the matter over, nnd Hutchinson was Impulsed with his clear-headedness and the coiicIhc way he had of statins tilling.;. Little by little he looked upon Alan with a more favorable eye, mid In the end Invited him to stay and dine. Although Alan did not want to prolong his Interview with tho brute, he accepted the Invita tion, thinking that he would then see the girl who had taken his fancy he fore. Herein he was mistaken. To nil intents nnd purposes It was u bachelor cstabllthment, nnd the Spaniard who came In to smoke a cigar with Hutch inson after dinner evidently came without expecting to see any Indies. Alan rode home. It was a perfect moonlight night, nnd the road was as clear as If it had been day. Hutchin son had told It I in before he left that he should bo glad to see him ngatn, and tho young mini was revolving in his mind how he could accept tho Invi tation, and yet not play tho part of traitor to his host. Ho felt sure that Hutchinson was not acting square by the firm; he nlso felt sure that ho would try and gain him over to his sldo. Instinct told him to beware of tho man; but, on the other hand, there was the girl, who lind touched the young man's heart by her loneliness and her unhapplr.esn and by her beiu ty. If be did not go back to La Paz all chance of seeing the girl again was at nn ond, and she had made such iiiii Impression upon his rather suscep tible heart that bo was wilting to chanco many things, but not the risk of never seeing her again. Ho was riding along In the moon light; ho wn3 young, nnd adventurous blood was In his veins. The brilliant beauty of the night, tho strong scent of the flowers, nil Intoxicated him. Suddenly a white figure flitted before him. He reined In his horse sharply, feeling sure that this was the girl be was thinking of, nnd so It proved. In the clear, cold moonlight her face looked white, and the shadows round her eyes deep. She had a soft, cookig voice. Alan thought she was more beautiful than he had even at first Im agined her to be. "I have watched for you," she said softly. There was not a trace of co quetry In her voice and she was simply stating n fact. "You were so long that I grew anxious." Ho could see that she wanted to say something, and yet was half nfrnld. She looked round nervously. "No ono Is about," ho said, reassuringly. "No." She still besltated nnd still looked around her. "Mr. Mackenzie," sho said at last desperately, "do inot think 111 of me. I do not want to say what I nm going to say, and I know n child ought to reverenco her father, hut " She gave a long, shuddering sigh. "I understand," he said, quickly. "No, you do not!" she answered quickly. "It Is not because he has struck mo ho did It before, nnd I never minded It until today. You see, ho still thinks I nm a child, but I nm afraid for you. Ob, I must warn you! Do not come hero again!" "Why not?" he nsked. "I nm not a child to bo told to do a thing without n reason," "Thero was a young English clerk who used to como out hero to seo my father," she said, very slowly, "and affer six months ho had embezzled some money or something, and In tho ond ho could not face tho Inquiry; ho " She stopped; ho could seo the horror in her face. "What did ho do?" asked Alan, In his quiet, manly volco. "Ho committed suicide," said tho girl. "Hut I nm not of that sort," said Alan. "I havo my eyes open, nnd never do anything without a reason." "Thero havo been men young men coming bnckwards and forwards to tho house and thero always has been ono end to It nil, and I cannot bear It. My father ruins them sooner or later. As soon as they know too much some thing hnppons." "What do you want mo to do then?" nsked Alan. "Don't como back hern," sho bogged "I cannot promise that," ho said quietly. And In tho moonlight ho look ed Into her dnrk eyes. "Why noi?" sho asked, but sho low ered her lids, "Because," ho said boldly, "It will bo my only chanco of seeing you again." There was n llttlo sllonco nnd then tho girl spoko. "But if It should Drovo dangerous to you I should novor forglvo myself!" Thon Ainu laughed a good, frank lnugh. "Tho ono thing thnt will bo dangerous to mo Is you," he snld, "and I am going to court thnt danger." Bho laughed, too, A1s-d looked so iiwUiiiniMmii1,iM,w. I Fascinating fl'JI Romance && by Alan Adair..,, brave and bonn that nny womun would have loved to hnve been courted by him. "Very well." she said. "Mr. Mackenzie, you have been warned, and so have I." "Tell me your name," he said. "My mime? It Is u common enough one here- It Is Veronica." "It Is u very bcautlfful one." he puld. And then he took off his cap and bade her good night; and his dreams that night weie full of moon light nnd u dark-eyed, slim girl, and all the sort of thing that a young man dreams nbout when for the Hist time he enters upon the realms of ro mance. He remembered the financial crisis only the next morning, when he saw Hutchinson again. He fold Dempster of bis Interview; but here he found himself In u dllllculty. It was dllllcult to talk to his chief of the man he mis trusted, nnd yet to know that he was valuable to the firm and knew many of Its secrets. He could not tell Demp ster that what be suspected was that Hutchinson had secret dealings with the government, nnd that he mostly knew of events beforo they became public property, nnd so could buy and sell to greater advantage, using tho capital of tho firm for his own pur pose, for that was what Alan sus pected. Rlchnrd Dempster saw that the young man was keeping something back, although of course he could not guess what It was. "Look here, Mackenzie," he said. "I don't want to force your confidence. I can seo you huve something on your mind; but I can trust your father's son sufllclently to know that If it ought to be brought to my notice you would not hesitate to do so." "The fact Is, sir," said Alan, "thnt I have as yet nothing tangible to lay be fore you; but that, not having nny proof at .nil, it is rather dllllcult to como to you nnd to sny, 'Do you trust this man or that man.' " "Quite right," said Dempster. And then they began tnlklng of something else, nnd had u good long consulta tion on tho present state of affairs. It was only when he wns leaving that his chief said to htm: "Hy tho way, did you have any dllllculty In finding Hutchinson's little cottage. He tells me that It Is some way out; lie pre fers the country." Alun looked at Dempster to see It ho were spcnklng Jestingly; but no, his words were evidently uttered In perfect good faith. Ho believed in Hutchinson's cottage. "I bad no dif ficulty, sir," ho replied. "Any one could tell you It Is not a cottage, but n fine, largo place." "Oh," said Dempster, laughing, "then that la Hutchinson's modesty, is it? I must chaff lilm about It!" "I hope you won't, sir!" said Alan quickly. "I'leaso say nothing about It!" Dempster looked nt tho young man curiously. "I will say nothing If you do not wish It; but I own that your manner makes mo strangely uneasy." "I want It to do that." said Alan, and left him. Matters, however, grew very dis turbed, and Dempster had reason to believe that tho government was very unstable. Alan Mackenzie was sent backwards and forwards to La Paz. It began to bo very exciting, for every day he seemed to see moro clearly that Hutchinson was playing a double gnme. Ho had Dempster's confi dence. Alan knew that, among other things the firm was Importing, there wcro firearms, and ho felt almost suro that Hutchinson was in league with somo malcontents, and that these arms were meant for them. Llfo grew very Interesting, nnd every day seemed big with chances; and every evening that ho mndo his way to Ii Paz ho found Veronica awaiting him. First of nil she camo to warn him, then sho enme because sho feared him, and lastly sho camo because she loved him. And he bo felt that ho loved hor, too. It wns not the same tender, nll-endurlng affection that ho would havo given to nn English girl, not tho lovo thnt desires nothing except to bo loved In tho samo absorbing wny; but It wns moro tho tender, protectlvo lovo that a man gives to ono weaker than himself. Veronica was not his equal In mental power ho knew. Sho had had very llttlo educntlon, nnd could hardly do moro than read and write. Sho sang In a sweet, full volco without any nrt, because sing ing enmo natural to her, nnd sho plny ed n gultnr by ear; but sho had no ac complishments nor nny learning. Sho was a puio, Innocent, beautiful child, who wanted to ho loved nnd cherished. Her father had been cruel to her, and she feared him. Alan had been good to her, and sho loved him passlonntoly, and would have gono through flro and water to servo him. And so weeks went by, and nt last there camo a dny when tho proofs of Hutchinson's double, denllng wcro In Alan's hands. Ho must go with them to Dompster or tho ruin of tho firm might ensuo. If by nny chanco tho existing government lenrned thnt tho respected English firm was providing tho Insurgents- with flrenrms thero would bo an end to tho houso thnt Richard DempBter had built up with so much care. Hut then thero wns Veronica, Alan knew thnt sho must participate In her father's ruin. The thought of the poor, gentle girl, made to suffer by her father, without a soul to help her, was too much for the young man. Ho loved her quite sufllclently to want to shield her from any barm. Thero was only one thing to do: He must tell Dempster of Hutchinson's treachery, and he must persuade Veronica to bo come his wife secretly. It must bo secretly, for no one knew either of Veronica or of anything else. And so, went to bis chief. Richard Dempster looked very gravo Indeed at tho news. The two men sat up all night In consultation. Hutch inson was to be dlsinlsted nt once; there was nothing else for It. And then Alan made a request. "Will you send me to Santa Rosa nt once?" bo said. "I don't caie to stop on hero after I hnve been the menus of getting rid of Hutchinson; 1 don't want to benefit by his fall." "I shall miss you, my lad," said Dempster. "I had hoped you would have settled among us; but I suppose you have other plans." He looked at Alan, who reddened. The young man bad known for somo time that even his chief's daughter would not have denied him; but then ho thought of his lovely, dnrk-hnlred Veronica, who hud no one but him self. No, he had ruined her father, sho must be his care and a very sweet care, too! Perhaps not tho Ideal, the perfect marriage he bad dreamed of In other days, when soul goes out to soul, and man and woman have but one Idea, one thought; but a marriage born of lovo and respect, a protective, not a passionate lovo, although Veronica wns beautiful enough to cause many a man's heart to beat quickly. Tho very evening ho had his talk with his chief ho rodo out to La Paz, but this time not to seo Hutchinson. Veronica would bo In the avenue, nnd Veronica must be wooed to glvo her consent; the two had but a short time. "You will trust me, Veronica?" ho nsked. "To the death," said tho girl; "but Alan, I am afraid If he hears of your part in his ruin he will kill you sooner or later." "Ho will hear of It," said Alan gravely. "I am not the man to let nnother do my dirty 'ork. And will you wait for mo at Santa Rosa, my dnrllng? 1 will mnko all necessary arrangements, and will bo married tho day I come." And so matters were arranged, nnd Veronica promised; and this was the end of Ainu Mackenzie's life In Rio. (To he continued.) I'lirlur Muglr. A feat which any ono can perform with little or no practico Is that of placing fourteen matches upon n tnble and lifting them all up upon one of tho matches. This Is how It Is done: Pick out ono match the one that has the (latest surface and then pmco six of the other mntches about ono-fourth each across tho first one, each of the six being parallel to each other and the thickness of a match distant from each other. Next place six other matches one-fourth each across tho first match, but from the other side, all parallel and In tho spaces left by tho arrangement of the first six matches. Now take tho fourteenth match, lay it over tho twelve matches whero they Intersect, nnd by carefully lifting match No. 1 nnd holding match No. 1 1 In place you will accomplish without dllllculty tho feat. Adelaide Herrmann In the Juno Womau's Homo Companion. l'almlnu- l'rlco for I.ittir. Ono thousand pounds was the sum paid by tho lato Bernard Qunrltch for nn autograph letter, of Columbus, which ho afterwards exhibited at tho World's Fair In Chicago. A wealthy collector of autographs In Chlcugo In 1898 offered through tho American Press to pay 1100,000 for n genulno autograph letter of Shakespeare. Only seven are known to bo In existence, and as to three doubts hnvo been ex pressed ns to tholr genuineness. Two lotters of Mnry Queen of Scots, writ ten Just beforo her execution, aro said to have cost an English collector $20, 000. Tho ono letter existing in Ti tian's hnndwrltlng wns sold for ?G00, and n letter of Raphael's for $300. Tho ono letter written by Comelllo which was ever sold was purchased by Alfred Morrison for $800. TncloiV AiinnjrniKM'D. A clover observer says of hor expe riences In a drawing-room car: "Thero sit directly behind you those who wash their family linen for tho benefit of tho traveling public, ho accusing her of all sorts of Irregularitlos with other men, whom ho Judges by himself, and sho defying him to nnmo Just one man, and flnnlly going Into hystorlcs. Thon there Is tho woman In front of yon all scent ed up with white rose, and beside her Is tho manwho pares and cleans his nails with a pocked knife nnd UBes tho samo blade to pick his 'teeth. Thon there Is tho sweet llttlo child who snaps tho window catch or thumps the win dow pane, which seems to bo music to tho fond mother's ears." -Now York Press, ' Ireland I.mci I'opiiliillnn, Tho population of Irolnnd still ap pears to bo on the decline. The quar terly return of tho registrar-general up to the last day of March shows a de crease of 10,135, of whom 5,302 was debltod to emigration. Tho estimated population of Ireland Is now -1,504,000, or llttlo moro than half what It wa8 In 1811, when It stood at 8,175,000. Thero Is a limit nt which forbear ance ceases to be a virtue. Burko. 1MMMH.F I'M - Ml k A' 7 o l Mft islhfjfrtfjf. nf rmf rtrM alcr face Vtlb ih imifcdiv'iDG OICT ctfcs.wtfi) tbcirniv'c- their sM "brovnl look at jdj "No- I cant sit down, .lust ran to see you a minute. What are you doing"" Ned llnzaul bent to look at the medallion ner which his sister's tiny camel's hair brush was suspended. "Jove! what a beauty! A portrait--really? Who is she?" "Miss SiUertcm of EvniiBton. This Is to be a gift to her fiance from one of his friends a wedding gift. She Is In the secret. I worked ficim a photo graph until last week, when she gave me a sitting. She Is to be here for an other today." Annie llazatd. a little, slender, elf locked sprite, enveloped in n big paint ing apron, with a palette on thumb, looked up to read approval In the eyes of the gigantic young brother who tow ered over her. Ho had taken the me dallion up In bis palm, and was look ing down upon it with homethlug brooding In his gaze a glance of ten der prophecy. "You think It good?" "Stunningly good. I didn't think It wns In you, Nan!" A IIhhIi of pleasure Irradiated her small, dark face. "I did," she said. He laughed, putting his left band caressingly on tho wavy, blue-black head. "I know dear. We guyed you drend fully nbout your determination to bo como a miniature painter--1 more than tho otheis. But you're proving your detractors In thu wrong. It's quite a triumph to do that Isn't it?" "A glorious triumph! In fancy, I already see you bespeaking a snillci from the foremost miniature artist of the coining century, and bragging of your friendship! (live that back, sir. I must complete that gown before tho original comes In." "Ib she really as lovely as this, Nan?" Ho mnde no attempt to return the pic ture in his palm. "What a nobility of brow! And those eyes are serene and pellucid as a mountain lake. Black eyebrows but the hnlr Is reddish gold. Is" a sudden doubt striking him "the shade natural?" "Natural!" His sister picked up n niahl stick and assumed a belligerent attitude. "Trust a woman," sho said, "to recognlzo bleached hair." Still bo held the miniature, his eyes bent full upon It. Tho mistress of tho studio heaved a ponderous sigh. "If you don't mind," she suggested, meekly, "I should like that back beforo the night cometh wherein no man may work, or wouinn, either." Young Hazard lifted his head with nn awakening gesture, laughed, hand ed her tho oval piece of Ivory. "If you hadn't dashed my hopes nt bit th, Nan," he said, "I'd have staid to mnko the acquaintance of tho orig inal of the miniature. But us she Is to bo n bride" he struck a tingle pose. "Farewell, sweet dreams!" ho cried. "Farewell, dear brother!" returned tho nrtlst. "I love to havo you come in when Coke and Blackstono or do lawyers still read thoso eminently re spected authorities? when they will let you." She picked up n now brush nnd moistened Its tip between, her sensitive lips. "Your new spring suit's becoming." "Thanks, awrully. But I didn't come In to bo told thnt. The Percy boys hnve a box at the Auditorium to night. Thoy want us to Join them. They're to hnve n chuflng-dlsh supper nt their quarters lator. You'll como, won't you?" "Can't!" Tho smnll head swayed In decided negation. "Haven't n deceut pair of gloves to my name, nor time to buy them." "O, If thnt Is all. I'll got them for you. What shade do you wish what is your number?" "Shndo, light heliotrope. Size, fivo and a half. Six buttons." "Explicit, nt lenst." He took up his hat. "Jolly little den you've got here, Nan. Do you moan to say you'vo dono all these things?" Tho comprehensive sweep of his hand Included many pic tures, from the rnpt countenanco of 'lOnuyson's St. Agnes to u sketch of one drooping hand holding n perfect rose. "Not all though I am responsible for all. My pupils huva dono somo." "Pupils! Phew wo nre in earnest. Honestly, Nan, I'm glad I Induced dad to let you have your way. Wo thought It was all a fad, you know." "Yes, I know." She smiled n con scious llttlo smile. "Wo didn't call It n fad when you wished to study for the bar. Ami aee how you'vo vindi cated yourself! I was so proud this morning when I road what tho paper said of your speech in tho trust caso yesterday " "Nan you flatterer!" But ho color ed with pleasure. "I'll have to mnko tho pnlr of gloves half a dozen pairs in paymont, I sluppose!" The flickering smile deepened around her lips. "You may prove your gratitudo In that way if you cIioohoJ" Blie declared demurely. "I've nover seen the day when I had too mnny pairs of gloves." "No woman ever did." he rojolnod, Inughlng. And ho went out of the studio, out of the building, and ntrodo down State street, a strnlght. hand some, manly young fellow to whom went sparkling glances of spontaneous admiration. He did not notice the glances nor those from whom I hey mine. He saw a face an he swung along. It was un like all other faces tluoiiglng that populous thoroughfare. It was not only the physical perfection that ap pealed to him. tt w.m the look of to-serve-of distinction. This look told him that back of the courtly kindness with which the world was greeted a sanctuary stood apart a sanctuary wheie Only the high priest entered In! "Pshaw!" he muttered, and shrug ged his great shoulders. "To be dis turbed by the memory of i inlnla tute!" He found himself pushing against the swinging doors or u vast dry goods establishment tin uu of them. "(i loves?" The deferential tloor walker lent an attentive ear. "Yes, sir. In the annex yes, straight down this aisle!" Curious In the midst of surround ings foreign to him, Ned Hazard strode on In the direction Indicated. Light ponied from the gieat dome ot ground glass overhead. Fair women, alert or languid, passed nnd repassed him In a steady stream, downed In cloth, In fur, In velvet, purchasers passed up and clown between the laden shelves, the polished counters. A group ahead there a congestion of trade! Hazard swerved a little to pass thu augmenting crowd. What was the trouble? A lost child a fainting woman? "She took my purso!" The wail came fiom n llchly dressed wo man of conspicuous physical develop ment. "She was nearest mo. 1 laid It down a minute It's gono!" Involuntarily Hazard paused glanc ed at the accused. And ns ho looked his heart stood still. For there, fac ing that curious mob, haughty, Indig nant, white as she would be ltr hor colllu, stood tho original of the in In la tin e he had lately held. That fearless poise in tho head, those dark eyua un der curved black brows, that scornful young mouth, the rippling red-gold hair under the plumed hat how fa miliar were these! "You nre mistaken, madam!" The volco thrilled htm. It was tho volco he knew this one lady must possess. "1 saw a woman take up a purso from the counter. She went toward that elevator. I am no thief. You nro mistaken. My nnmo is Eunlco Silver ton. 1 shnll glvo you my address." "I don't want no nddressl" Ono fat, ringed hand gesticulating frantically. "I want my purso. I wnnt you search ed. You got my purso!" A man pushed through the throng a man with n quiet countenance nnd untranslatable grny eyes. "If you ladles' will como with mo," began tho houso detective. Tho ac cused lifted higher her shapely young head. "1 will not go with you. I object to tho Indignity of being searched. " She paused. Another was speaking. Tho crowd, grown suddenly silent, were listening. "This young lady Is Miss Sllvcrton of Evauston," Ned Hazard said. "If you," turning to tho attentive floor walkor, "will tnko my card to ho mentioned tho nnmo of tho head of tho firm there will bo no further trouble Ho is a personal friend of mine. It lu better," ho concluded, and tho peno tratlng volco rouched those of tho out skirts of tho press of thu people, "not to make a mlstako in tho matter. Such errors cost a firm dearly some times. It Is my word against ho glanced nt the virago who stood with poised umbrella In their midst against this porsnn'8!" he declared. Tho latter burst into n torrent of vi tuperation. But tho lloorwnlker had read tho card passed it with lifted brows to the houso detective. "If you will come this wny," tho do tectlvo said, bowing, "the affair will bo nrranged." Young Hnzard elbowed a passago for tho trembling girl. She looked up at him gratefully as she walked by his sldo to tho manager's ofllce. A llttlo man with a Hebraic cast of counto nnnco came hurrying In. "My dear Hazard! Thero has been an unfortunate mlstako somewhere, I am Informed. My men havo been tolling ino thnt this young lady a friend of yours wns nccused of shoplifting. Ob viously, the chargo Is absurd!" "She did take It!" yelped tho woman of tho ungloved hand. "Sho stood noxt mo at the silk counter. I Jest set it down when oh?" Sho stopi,ed, her flshllko mouth still open. The dofectivo was presenting her with hor purse. "Wo corralled tho thief on the third floor. She Is nn old hand at this gnme. Burko has ikc hor to the Is your pockotbook, Tho big woman rrabbod it from him, " 'Tls mine-and small thanks to you!" sho snapped out. Sho flounced off. Tho lloorwnlker wlj.d his forehoad and tho head of tho house smiled. "Our system of detection," ho said, "U thorough. I, however, humbly, apologize to Miss " "Sllverton." suggested Hazard. To Miss Sllverton for the unpleasant experience to which nlm has been sub jected. It was fortunate, Hazard, thnt you happened nlong when you did." Miss Sllverton Hashed Ned a glanri that set him tingling to his llngor tips. "Most foitunato for mo!" sho mur tnered. Then they were out on Stnto strem together nnd Ned was telling her hov he had recognized her, about tho min iature, his sister many things. You nro to give Nan a sitting thl afternoon." he reminded her. "Not I!" "But," he stammered, "she said sho expected you! That the miniature must be finished for for " He choked there How could ho talk to her about her wedding? "For my sister's wedding yes. Sho went directly to tho studio from tho train." For nn lustnnt State street whirled around like tho bits of colored glass In a kaleldosrope. Then things righted themselves, and the young lawyer know that two eyes allvo with laughter wore smiling up at him. "Your sister! But you must bo alike. I could hnve sworn " "We nre nllko. We nro twins. You aro not the first who hns bean be wildered by tho resemblance. 8hal we go on to tho studio? Hudorn wns to wait for me there." They did go on to the studio. Nnn nlo gave them tea out of old Beleok cups. They aro tinned wafors and tnlkod a lot of delightful nonsense. And Ned Hazard mado up his mind for good nnd nil that tho original of thd miniature was not half ns beautiful as the sister whom she so resemblod. "My gloves. Ned?" demanded hli slBter. ns sho locked the studio door. Aghast, ho wheeled around. "My dear glil, I forgot all about them. I'll get you a box a dozen boxes " "When?" Their eyes mot. "Beforo the wedding to which we nro bidden?" "Yes. I sny, Nnn, how does thai song of Riley's go you nlways remem ber poetry. It Is something like this- and ho quoted, his eyes nllght: "When my dreams como truo, whoo my dreams come truo, I shall " The light In tho elevator thormomo tor fell lower. "Down!" cried Nannie. Chlcngo Tribune. On tlio Itiillrimil. Another woman, ono who spend half her time traveling on tho rail roads, says: "Wi.ut a delightful world this will be when one person In 1,000 learns to respect the rights and feel lugs of others. Nowhero does ono suffer moro from tho solflshness nnd disgusting habits of tho averago hu man being than In a railway car. First, tho lack of ventilation has a depress ing effect upon n sensitive tempera ment nnd fatigues ono quicker than miles of wnlklng In the open air. Noxt conies tho hiimnn annoyances. Thorn Is tho peanut eater sitting opposite. Now, nny ono who would cnt peanuts except In a ten-acro lot or standing on u burning deck where a certain boy In history is said to havo devoured them by tho peck ought to bo flayed allvo. What, then, should ho done with tho creature who devours peanuts by tho qunrt on a railway car where It Is Im possible to escnpo their horrible odor7 To me there Is nothing more offenslvo than tho smell of peanut, nnd when thnt everlasting boy comes through tho car calling out 'salted peanuts,' I frequently bankrupt myself by buying up his whnlo stock. But ono cannot keep HiIb sort of thing up. It would cost less to hnvo n bill passed by tho legislature forbidding their sale." MunW-lpul Utriicrelili I Anclunt. Municipal ownership long ago passed out of the stage of theory and experi ment, if, in fact, It ever belonged there. Centuries beforo America was discov ered public ownership of public utili ties wns highly devoloped. Tho city of Rome 2,000 years ago possessed its splendid public baths, Its superb nquo ducts and other utilities owned and managed by the government. AVI f ii Kli-pt Too Lato. In a western court tho other day a man nskod for divorce on tho ground that his wife would not got up early enough to get his breakfast In her counter-petition tho wlfo alleged that her husband snored so loud that in tho early part of tho night sho could not go to sleep. The court granted tho divorce on general principles, with out prejudice agulnst cither side. Tho LntMt fuel In Ecri. Dairymen hnvo known for a long while the fnmllleB thnt require that tho milk served them for tholr chil dren shall como all from one cow. A grocer heard recently for tho first time from ono of thoso families. Tho head thoroof asked tho grocer to soo that tho oggs of tho house camo dally from ono hen. Now York Commercial Ad vertiser. found Ub W7 Home. A hound was bought In Missouri and shipped in a closed oxpresi''ca'r to a ranch In KanBas. In a day or two.lt was missing. Investigation provod that it had gone bnck to Its Missouri homo, ovor n distance of fiOO miles, on a road entirely unknown to tho dog. ntntlon. This nindnm?" roi y w b 4 1 . 'A 3 I