The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1900, Image 4

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h County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement
A HKUAlTI'UIiATION, showing tho amount on hand January 4th 1900 tho collections since made. ilil'urspnien, at
ir- the close of the 30th day of June, 1000, in each and all of the snveral funds slated.
mil amount remaining on hand at
I :
TI. S;''-
M mroftr rilr. nf Jmrr Snan fnr arc I Ofl
f complete suits of rich, creamy lather. Before
dressing, put on a suit of Ivory Soap. Cover
the entire body from head to foot with
lather. Take the suit off with tepid water and you
will remove with it all the impurities of the body
which have been carried to the surface through the
pores. Use a pure soap for this.
COMDIOMT t tf TMl OCTI 0Miil co eieiuti
t'iMii.iniiKii nr
One yenr 1 '
glzinnntht .... M)
Entered M tlio pout office at HcJ Ulouil, Nob.
Ccouilclntnmftll mutter.
Local advcrlldliiK f edits per lino t Iiuiio.
Local AiItertMiiK fur vntcrlntuiuviitH, roil
jcrlr.t'oclnln, etc., rIvcii tiy cliurclicH, clmrlinlilu
locution, cte., where nil inoticja niK'it there
from nrctiH'il wholly for church or ehnrltHlilu
oelctlfH, HrH ten llnei free mitt nil over ten
lliiCK'J'i cents per line per lisiie.a;
Local iiilvcrtlxltiK "f entertnlnmentn. rourcrta.
recltRl", fin., where per cent Im Riven to pro
mourn, li cent per line per Issue.
One column per month 17 '
One half column per month . .. .1 '"
One fourth column per month I
Ocnenil illipliiy ncherlMiiR s' renin per
Inch prrlhinc.
National Ticket.
Kor I'reMilent,
Kor Vlre 1'rolUcnt.
TiiuoDonr. r.i.T
State Ticket,
r'or Governor,
of Ailntns county.
Tor Scciclnry of Shite.
Of IllehiinUoti County.
'For Mute Tronintcr.
Of CiiminliiR County.
Kor Stale Aiiilltor,
Of Slierlilau County.
Vor Atlomi' (irneial,
Of (iaKC County.
Kir CommlMloncr I'uMIc l.nwls
Of Nuckolli County
Kor ijiiperliitemliMit I uhllc liMiiictloii,
of WaihliiKton County.
Congressional Ticket.
Kor (.'OURK'i'HiiHn, Mil DMrlct.
Of Hcil Wilton county.
County Ticket.
Kor Slato Heprcentatlo.
niAS r. incus,
or County Attorney.
Democrat! eaii put to lliyiiu In No
vemhor tho serows he applied to their
on volition in Inly.
Stevenson will no doubt bn roniBin
uered us n folic of ono of tliu worst ad
ministrations this country over knew
Wheat is Kottiti near the dollar
luark again. Silver stands still. Anil
oven corn is worth nearly as much
now us an ounce of silver.
Only Frnnoo, del many a ul Australia
now bavo more golil per capita than
the United Stales. Only France niiil
the Netherlands litivu more silver per
capita than the United States).
The timo when the Fifth district of
Nebraska will again be represented in
the hulls of congress is not far distant.
No ned of the fusionists lighting ovur
who shall bo the nominee. It will bo
all tho same whoever they put up. Thu
next congressman from the tlfth dis
trict is YV. S. Morlan.
Mr. Bryan has Just remarked to a
delegation that called on him on its
way home: "1 do not believe that the
republican party will carry a single
state. I shall not concede them even
Vermont. Mr. Uryan is evidently snf.
ferlng with permanent dementia or
epaarnodio and intermittent Insanity
and uii alltnont should receive tho
prompt attention of his campaign man.
In n brief speech at Canton on tho
Fourth of July President MeKinley
said- "Summoning the precepts of
the fathers, wo will maintain inviolate
tlit! blessings of free government at
home, carrying its benelitM and Iipiio
dictions to our distant possessions,
which Ho under tho .shelter of our glo
riotis Hag" The sentiment relleets
tho exient to wliieh the president is
The .selection of Stevenson for vice
president shows that the democrats
have despaired of carrying any ot tho
eastern states, and are going to con
centrate their whole efforts on the
west, iloth end of the ticket are from
western states. In selecting both of
their eaudidates from the same sec
tion of the country the democrats have
ditphjed a disiccard for geographical
considerations tn-h u have had great
iu'liience on most of the conveii ioii.
of all the gieut panics heretofore.
In President Mi Kinloy the people
have a man of high character, iiiimiI
Hid reputation, unswerving patriotism
mid tt Mronger candidate thnr lie wa
in Win", because his rciuarknhlc epcii
cuce tuts stiengtiii'iied and broadened
him and better tquippid him for ex
ecutive duties. In (invellior House-
volt tin' people have a tiotig iepr
sentative of the stalwart AmericauUm
of the day, and a n.iiii as closely Idea
tilied with the policy of expansion as
is the president hium If They make
n strong team.
The state central committae lias se
cured some of the best speakers in the
country for date in Nebraska this fall.
Among those certain to make ore ot
more speeches in Nebraska during the
campaign are Hoosevelt, (Srosvenor,
Dolliver, Cousins, I.afe Young, For
aktr, Fairbanks, Heveridgc, Cullom
and Henderson An earnest effort
will also be made to secure a date for
Chatincev M. Depew and another for
Senator Wolcot'. Nebraska will be a
great battle ground this fall, and No-
m -p. i
jsj" a'J Amount r.
W Amount funks hunos Amount
JS4"J s on Hand Interest
jrr KtNtJS ok funis. Since tuanskkkukd total r tkasfkkuki) Now on total.
ft? ri Last Collet'd
'U Collect'd KitoJi. 2 to Hand
5 Settl'm't 7
; School and University Lands 1 i -L'Ol 05? U857 HI i l-JUOO oiiIS.VV: 80 1S00 07 W9 f.O
W State Consolidated '.' 811!) 41 8007 33 S '."J I 40 01'JS 17! "tO 32 113 ffi 0128 17
'Ml County (iuncnil '!, 100.108 7102 07 210 :W V'arlou. fiimUl .72 24 07M 211! SS.'l ."- 003 00 97o8 25
W County Hridge 4. ft 00 2230 00 72 80 Poor hou-e 300 00 2000 30' 2100 81 IIS Mi 2000 39
iJ County Hallroad Hond ft1 r.001 22 2233 oNi Mill 70ft7 74li S2ft 00 7132 71 70.-.7 71
ill County Poor 0 38 72 1101 0 8 Ol1 1200 :2' 403 11 710 3S 1209 "2
' County Poor House 7 35 0i 27 72 ft 28! ' S8 01 Other fund- SOO 00 OS 40' 808 01
fV County Insane 8, 2771111 olft 73 0 3li , 3320 20 72 00 . .'1257 20, 3320 20
t County Hoad !. U0 22, 00 71 S 00 Various fund- 235(5 30 258132' 1 MS K 1 135 H) 258132
4& County Soldiei's Helief 10 1111 324 17 3 50 3210' 211 'I1 C 35 32 19
'V Hed Cloud City II 200 10 1100 07 70 bo . 1482 75, 13(0 03! 135 82 1 182 "ft
KJ Hed Cloud Water Hond 12' 037 25 1I0XI71 53 00 230150, 1501 021 &30 21 2301 "0
?:; Hed (loud Water Works 13 112 13 400 03 12 01 021 70 1 500 051 23 Oft (12170
& Hed Cloud Klcctrle Light II 170 50 337 87 0 01 . 527 01 115 10 8155 ft-.'7 04
lf Hed Cloud Judgment lf' 8 111 10 28 2 05 . .. . 20 52 25' 20 27 20 52
555 Hed Cloud Special 10 4 80 .... 4 80i I 1 Mi 4 M!
U, HluellillNillage 17 208 77 51122 43 07 S2S W 740 20 . S2 70 828 90
tYj lllne Hill Water Hond 18 025 10 340 01 0 30 07 J 50 ' 320 71 053 85 974 50
iii Blue Hill Judgment 10 301 05 21113 .'5 43 .. . 038 Olj1 0U4 80! 33 72 038 01
fit CtlhU Hock Village 20 122 201 13 51 8 81 . .... 310 011 303 05! . 1ft 00 319 01
f Cuidc Hock Hridgo Hond 21 12 03 3 33 2 81 JO 07 12l 13 05 10 07
f:; Hoad Districts 22 810 70 8170 28 82 43 . 0072 50 1 0130 OO.Uther funds 1830 30 1010 15 9072 50
U; School Districts 23 0020 Oil, 17511 31 110 01 State app't 4020 48 2047 30. 10703 57l 077170 20178 30
Jv4 School Honds 21 4322 3' 2202 2 1 02 30 0077 01. 1120 33 5217 08 0077 01
Hi, High School 25 25 501 243, 13 , 5115, 53011 51 51 1ft
TIJ Township Special 20 3 80; 33 122, 03'Cotinty Ceil 4 11 122
tV State Apportionment 27 I Statu treas. 1020 43 4020 43;' School Dist- 4H20 48 4020 48
:($ Interest 28 I 1300 71' . HI00 71i Other funds 1300 71 1300 71
Oj Advertising 20 IS 10' .(8 lit County (Jet, 4s 10, 43 10
;" Hedeinption 30 21183' 27305' . . 2053 18 2500 57 302 01 2053 IS
iZi School Mandamus 31 0 31 ft 52 11 83 ' 12 1171 11 3
A -331003 73 ilWHO 321300 71 'illOOl 50,3111201 3ft';01Sl i J370I 35311 05 $114201 35
I-'ees and commissions icuniwd from J.iuutuy 4, 1000, to July 1 t , 1000 S 1532 51
Hailroad Honds Unpaid 40000 00
I, C. '). Hobinson, County Treasiue , certify that thu a'i 'vc Is a true and correct statement of the outstanding indebtedness of the county, and
of all moneys received and disbursed by me as Treasurer of Webster County, Nebraska, from tho 4th day of Janu.uv. 1000. to the 1st day ot Juh ,
1000, to the best of my knowledge and beliet a per .statement herewith Mihmitted. C. 1). HOHINSON, Count Treastirei.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of July. 1000. J P. HALK, County Clerk.
m Jl.!lili iS.KS-:3SiiSssgISgils,Sg
braskans will bavo the pleasure of
hearing tho greatest political orators
of the republic.
The democrats are trying to make
tho farmers discontented because they
are paying a little more- money for
their wire nails and wire fencing. Of
course they never point out to tho
farmer that his ;c.tra profit this
year on two or three bushels of corn
will pay for any increase in the pi ice
of a keg of nails, and that his profits
on all his farm product!) in this year
alone will pay for many tunes the cost
of his barbed wire, besides leaving him
a handsome surplus to put in the batik
or pay off his mortgage. It is a strange
faculty the democrats pc ssess not to (
see the bright side of an thing ,
In all human reason the states that (
njected fiee coinage four yeatsago
will do it again in November, audi
there aie statis that supported it lie
foie that regard it of a lost and do
setvedly beaten issue. All the argu
ments upon which it was urged four
years ago have bein disproved. The
gold standard is an accomplished fact
based upon a splendid prosperity. In
every continent the drift has been
away from silver as a financial stand
ard. Tho world has coased to think of
it Hut the democratic party Is chain
ed to it anew ugainat its better judg
ment. Tho false step of four year.' ago
has led to another that is worse, and
which, from the standpoint of sober
reason, must bo regarded as suicidal.
Blood Troubles:
Old Sores,
Blood Poison,
As the blood contains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it is impor
tant that it be kept free of all impurities, or it becomes a source of disease,
poisoning instead of nourishing the body, and loss of health is sure to follow.
Sonic poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin by absorption, or
inoculation ; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the
system and ferment, allowing disease germs to develop ami be taken into the
circulation. While all blood troubles have one common origin, eacli ha some
xa.r.i.llrn.11.. . .1 ! tf i t. ... . 1 1 1 . If f.-..t. till. nt1ln PV., r . .i . .1 , u Olfwul ll.!.... C..f..lM
Cancer. Rheumatism, Hczeiua and other blood diseases can be distinguished by ff3 B9? MSSG mJiCCrSm
a certain sore, ulcer, eruption or Inflammation appearing on the skin, livery blood w
disease shows sooner or later on the outside and on the weakest part "of the body, or where it finds the least resistance.
Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the disease, and attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments and other
external applications. Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from such treatment.
BLOOD TROUBLES .ILQUWE BLOOD FlCMIEDiES; the poison must 1e completely and perma
nently eradicated the blood reinforced, purified and rlraiiicd, or the I'tsiase goes dectitr and saps the very life. Mercury,
jKitash and arsenic, the treat niei.t a.-,inlh pn-senbed in this rl iss of diseases, are violent poisons, even when taken in small
doses never cure, but do much harm by ai! 'mil ano'linr pninii to the ilready overburdened, diseased blood.
S. S. S.. Nat irt's own temcih, made of roots anil herbs, attacks the disease in
the blood, antidotes and forces isit all impurities, makes weak, thin blood rich, strong
and healthy, and at the same time builds up the general health. S. S. S. is the only
purely vegetable Moud purifier known, and thu only one that can reach deep-seated
blood troubles. V record of 50 cars of successful dues proves it to be a reliable,
unfailing specific for all blood and skin troubles.
Froo Modlcal Treatment Our Medical Department is in charge of
skilled physicians, who have made blood and skin diseases a life study, so If you have
Contaeious lllood Poison, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Hcema, an Old Sore or Ulcer,
or any similar blood trouble, write them fully for advice about your case. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confU
deuce. We make no charge for this service. Book on blood and skiu diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
tffllslSfefc jdQSBfe .fFJUc tfc
1 """i "nf
We thrill al lh slnrv nt Tiirfio
shall not ring tonight." Yet it is
melodramatic and commonplace be
side the peril every woman runs who
faces motherhood Women are
strangely (elf.forgetful The ex
altatiou of the fact of motherhood
blinds them often to its peril Yet
the husband who can bear no tithe
of the mother's pain or peril owes it
to himself to see that his wife is iu
that condition of sound health which
niininiUcs the risk both to mother
and child Many husbands have
expressed their gratitude for Dr
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, be
cause it makes the pain of mother
hood practically nothing and reduces
tin.1 risk to its lowest possible point
"I'lve years my wife m in nu I most
ticlplcnx condition MilTtrfiiK from female
weakiim," which j s Uverriit. Ki ot
HaRcrman Washington Co., I'la "I.ait
bct'temtwr I ilt-ttilrtl 10 have her try lit
1'ictcc I'avoriU l'tm-ri)lloa She look
! Nitlltv. of ilir meiliciue and Ke
mini in u nu Hiunii m)ii on January iti
Sh Hic i now cmul mid well aud doing
net ticuiework
Di Pierce' M1Uic.1l Adviser 1008
pises fent free 1111 receipt of stamps
to pay cost of inailtin; only Send 21
one-cent tamp for paper-bound vol.
time or 31 ttaavps for cloth binding,
toUr R V Pierce Uutfalo-N Y
All tho advices from China indicate
that a very largo army will be needed
to punish tho Chinese, and even if
three mouths were to be consumed in
gathering that army; the United States
cuild not have more than six or seven j
tin iisand soldiers in Cluna, it no more
are to bo taken from the l'nilippines.
How this will strike public sentiment
in this country will bo hotter known
when tho fate of tho Americans who
were iu I'eKin is absolutely known.
If our citizens have not been harmed
this country may he willing that other
nations shall do most of the lighting in
China, but if our citizens have been
murdered, our people, are liable to de
mand a larger share in the duty of
avongiug them.
Btware of Ointments for Catarrh that Con
tain Mercury
as mercury will .surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces, Such
ai tides should noTcr boused except on
prescriptions from reputable, physi
cians, as the damage they will do is ten
fold to tho good 3'ou can possibly de
rive from thorn Hall's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, ()., contains no mercury and is
taken internally, acting directly upon
thu blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Iu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It is tak
en internally aud is made in Toledo,
O , by F J.Cheney iv Co lestimon
hits freo
Sold by druggists, price 75 cents per
Hall's Family 1'ills ate the best.
Is yournaine wiltten there? Where!
L)n our subscription books for tho last
year in thu ItHb. century. It should be.
Allen's Foot-Kaso, a powder. It
cures painful, smarting, swollen feet
and ingrowing nails, and instantly
takes the sting outof corns and bun
ions, It'.s the greatest discovery of tho
age. Alleu'.s root-r.ase inaKcsiigiii or
new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot, tir- (
ed, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores. My
mail for ' in stamps. Trial pael- age
free. Address, Allen S Olmsted, Le!
Koy, N V. 1
The New.
..rati. '
Is Baby ThJ n j
this summer? Then add a
to his milk three times a day.
It is astonishing how fast
he will improve. If he nurses,
let the mother take the
Emulsion, sec. and $uoo i 11 dronut.
Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eccentric Binder Wheel
An Entirely New Departure.
somowhere if you don't got good (Utili
ty in your harness.
Don't be cent wise and dollar foolish
by getting trashy tulT, but buy our
Leather harness. That will last for
years and give satisfaction, ai a price
that will surprise you by its littleness
such as tiy nets, etc. are well wortL
your attention, and will surely prove n
great Investment
J. O. Butler, THEflR?ESS
The New.
The Pitman has no other motion except straight forward and
straight back. It never breaks and never wears out.
The only Mower where lost motion can be taken
up both in boxes and gearing. Turning
a set-screw does it.
W. B. ROB Y, Agent
No, 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr.
ehieago Lumber Yard,
Lumber, Lime, Coal and.Cement.