The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1900, Image 3

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SnillO llaj.
8IIII on the III"" of nil wo (mention
Tlie linger of -.nils ssllenci lien.
Will tin lost IiiiihIh In unit In' rutilrtl?
Will tho flint over rlu7
O filctiil, nci proof beyond the yenriiltiK
This outre. mil of otn hearts f need;
Ooil will not mod. the hope Mo i;lvoth;
Nh luu Mi' pHiiiipts hIiiiII vainly plead
Then let us Httitrh our hands In data-
Ami rail 0111 loved imoV o'ei ""' " rr-
Some ilny their anus hIi.iII close about in,
And tho ohl voices .poult once inoio.
-John (.rooii'.cuf Whittle..
Tho little apron made Its debut In
London society at an afternoon nffalr
Blvon hy Miss Paget, the Klrl who is
the reigning beauty of tho debutanto
season. Tho npron was worn by the
fair hostess herself and was so be
comingly managed Hint, straightaway,
sixteen of London's most exclusive
women went home
and fashioned an
apron like It,
Think not thr.t
tho apron was
or cambric, cal
ico, l'a w n nor
lace. It was taf
feat, an old-fashioned
apron such
as grandmother
wore. Hut of course
it had Its redeem
ing feature In a
very modern rullle
of chiffon, which
extended all the
way around It. Thcro was a tiny
pocket of silk, bordered also with chif
fon rullle, and the strings were of silk
with a very narrow rtifllu upon tho
Another pretty feature was the lin
ing which was of white lawn, very di
aphanous, so that tho color showed
through prettily.
Tho apron was of medium length
and Its color, which was a lovely tur
quoise, exactly matched the blue stock
at Miss l'ugefs throat nnd tho bunch
of ribbons in Iter hair.
Silk Apron.
iTi ilotucs rennets tnem poriecwy
white Kill) a cloth on the soap, npnly
to tho tea-kettle, then rub It lightly
with a dry cloth, and It will tolled
your pleaded fan- in Its bright surface
Wherever soap Is needed for cleaning
or puilfylng. this will accomplish the
pin poe, and far inoie otliiwclously
than any other soap or cleansing com
pound 1 have ever used.
I'oUo of Mumicr.
Evoiy woman can. If she will, culti
vate the solf-ionttol that miImIiioh the
manifestation of feeling in frowns or
excessive laughter, says the Baltimore
Heiald. Poise of manner may be mndo
merely the outward expression of poise
of mind, ami the many little worries
of life can bo relegated to their proper
place as trllles. True ropo.sofulncss Is
not the absenie of strength, but its
assured possession. Mothers should bo
observant of any tendency In their
irtowlnc ihlldrou to undue facial dls-
torllon In speaking and gently remind
them of it until the habit Is cured. It
Is dllllcult for tho adult to dismiss a
habit once formed, hut It would be
wise for every tiling woman and man
to establish u close survelllanco over
their manner of using tho muscles or
the face in speaking. Many of them
would be surprised to llnd that every
senteiuo is a freslt grimace.
Original Afternoon Modes.
No words can describe- tho Inventive
genius of the world's great modistes,
as It is exhibited In the exquisite
gowns that are bent forth nt this sea
son. Indeed, their resources seem
more than adequate for tho great do
mnnils made upon them by fashion's
An afternoon toilet that presents
something In every sense of the word
new Is built of blue voile. The skirt
has a graduated tunic laid in a wide
box plait at the front and In vory
nai low tucks tho rest of the way
around the waistline. Tho foundation
Is appllquod at tho front with a design
In Jade passementerie which is re
vealed by tho abridgement of tho
The waist is laid In tiny tucks and
has a bolero of Jado passementerie
which fastens over a yoke of blue
Our rooking feclnnl.
Orman Coffee Cake .Make a spongo
with one quart of warm milk, half a
cake of compressed yeast dissolved In
luke-warm water and Hour; cover and
let stand over night In a warm placo.
In tho morning add a scant cup of
butter, a level teaspoonful salt, ono
cup sugar, half teaspoonful grated nut
mec. and two eggs, beaten, with stifll-
i-lent Hour to make dough as soft as(
can he handled. Knead well for tlfteen
minutes and set In a warm place to
rise. When light, roll out In sheets
about an inch thick and let ilso to
double the bulk. Cover tho top with
rich sweet or sour cream, Bprlnklo
with sugar nnd ground cinnamon, and
bake a light brown. It requires from a
half to threo-qtiaiteni of an hour If
Hie cake browns too quickly, cover
with butteied white paper. Raisins
may be added If desired, and the top
coveted with chopped, blanched al
monds niled with sugar.
Luncheon Uolls. Scald half n cup of
milk and add to It two table-spoonfuls
of sugnr and saltpoon of salt. Dis
solve half a cake of compressed yeast
in quarter of a cup of luke-wnrm water
and add to the milk when It Is luke
warm with a scant cup of Hour. Cover,
set In a warm place and let rise. Then
add two tablespootifuls of softened
butter, a well-beaten egg, grated tlnd
of n lemon and Hour enough to make
a good dough. Set to rise again, and
when light roll tint to an Inch In thick
ness, cut with small round cutter,
placo In buttered biseult-pans, cover
nnd lot rise again. Hrush with melted
butter and milk and bake.
N y 6 J..r la.xScsr V Al PNKVC V7Vcc. rL A
-M :wKX raw Thw-E7 ?s.vr
n '.Fi-t.r-4.jx x. r ii vms-w i 1 .-. r---r .
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iW O. M&liJ MsMr .
u? L r ' i-.,'vi'-iiv!yk & i
A Suiitll Ktenlni: lint.
Hats for evening are claiming n
greater share of attention than usual
tills summer. They
are very small, and,
like tho fashion
able gowns, nra
made of light col
ors. In soft, shim
mering fabrics.
A very dainty
design Is n round
toque of bluish
green liberty satin.
Dainty lonuo. The satin is laid
In small plnits for the brim nnd tho
crown Is gathered full "-otintl It. It Is
trimmed only with a largo bow made
of loops of palo greon and blue satin.
CT.r Lute Martin J. lUirjell.
Martin .1 Hussell. the great Chicago
dltot. lnii--e death was lecorded last
Aeek, eeni.iil a wide Inllttence In
!lvlc nff.tlrs. In politics In social life,
tly native talent, by industry, by thrift,
iy hottest endeavor, by loyally to the
'ilea hi vvhli It he had formed he paved
its vvav to the poMtlon whlih he oc
Mtpled. He followed every path of
iuty as It lay before hint lie was
corn In Chicago In 1 S 1 5 . When the
'Ivil war In tike out he left bl-i books
'or tin liattlelleld lie accompanied his
incle. Col .lames A. Mulligan, to MIs
Miurl. and was i boson second lleutcu
mt a ytai later In IStVJ Lieut, llus
jell was appointed assistant adjutant
general and .ervod In that rapacity
mill mustered out of service. In 1ST0
Mr. Kussell began Ills Journalistic ca
reer ns a lepurtet for the livening
Post. Later he became a member of
the edltoiial staff of the Times, and In
... .
A Kllolieu Futry.
Really, It Is tho moat helpful "small
thing" I have tried In many u day. In
ono of the papers that camo to my
desk I noticed tho following formula,
und knowing tho cleansing properties
of each of the Ingredients, I said, ' I
will try that." Take llvo bars of good
oap (preferably whlto soap,) shavo
and dlssolvo !u Just sulllcient water to
havo it nice and smooth. When dis
solved add two rounded tnblespoonfuls
of powdered borax, and ono common
nlceil teacupful or kerosene. Heat ln
well, so as to thoroughly incorporate
tho kerosene. Stir occasionally while
cooling, so the coal oil will not rise to
the top, pour into a Jar, and tho
"fairy" will help cleanse many a soiled
utensil or garment with a minimum
outlay of strength.
Glass, china, or silver came forth
shining from suds mado with this
sonn; used In cleaning lamp chimneys,
they becomo brilliantly clear. Kub
hod upon a spot of smut, lamp-blaclc
or smudgo on wiping cloths, tho ebony
tint fades from sight: whllo a suds
The Art of lJttliiK.
Iord Hyron, It Is said, used to pro
fess Hint tho spectacle of a. pretty
woman eating filled him with horror.
Theodore Child, of cuisine fame, on
the other hand, says that, nfter all, a
civilized man devo trlng, with all pos
sible cood brccdln.:. a slice of roast
beef Is as disagreeable a sight aa ono
would caro to look upon. Hut, Mr.
Child continues, eating being a neces
sity, nnturo and civilization havo tnlt
en enro to surround tho operation
with everything that tonds to distract
tho attention from tho material side,
mid they liavo succeeded so completely
T 'V'r.
fir A -,,
& !
I87C was made editor of the Telegram
a paper published by W. V. Storey.
Shortly afterward he letnrned to the
rimes, and In 1SS3 Joined the staff of
the Herald During tho administra
tion or President Cleveland Mr. Rus
loll was collector or the port or Chicago.
Some Rotable JVominatton-r.
Speaking or the unanimity or Roose
velt's nomination the Philadelphia
l-iilletiii expresses the opinion Hint It
that not ono man out of a thousand must be extremely trying to sit In a
onventlon as a delegate and be iiom
knows anything of the physiology of
eating or tho chemistry of food. Hat
ing has become n social as well as a
natural act. It has been sublimated by
tho idea of hospitality; the festive
board has acquit ed a certain solemni
ty from Its connection with fes
tivals of tho family; tho dinner has
become the highest function of homo
life, a dally act to which no other can
bo compared in Importance and results.
vollo. An embroidered bolt gleams
smartly beneath tho ends of a necktie
of heavy Jade colored taffetn.
Another costume. In hunter's pink
ladles oloth, has a pointed tunic out
lined upon the skirt with black stlk
Tho Eton opens over a tucked vost
of hunter's pink taffeta and thoro Is a
deep crushed girdle of black satin.
Robert Stevenson. Jr., of Chicago
has beon voted tho handsomest man In
Sunt nuil bin.
"You rnlso a good ileal of garden
sass, don't you?" said Jaxon's neigh
bor to him over tho back fence.
"I'd nil so a good deal more of my
wife's sass If I didn't," responded
Jaxon without discontinuing his la
bors. Detroit Free Press.
mado from this soap for bolting kltch-1 Yale. 1900.
An ArtUtli' Iniiimitlnu.
Mrs. Nlbber. What alls Hint paint
ing, Mrs. Fadd? It looks ao queer,
and 1 can't quite make It out.
Mrs. Fadd. Oh, that's Niagara Falls.
I'vo hung it upsldo down. That ovor
lastlng running water mado mo so
tired.--Detroit Freo Press.
Simli Ili'Krettuil,
A man can't ho too careful whom ho
What do you mean?
Why, every onco In a whllo I'vo
enubbod somo plnln pooplo who after
ward camo into a lot of money.
Bloomlngton Pantagraph.
Inated at the same time, and recalls
tho fact that (Jarlleld was tho only
president who sat In the convention
which nominated him, and Seymour
mil Ilryau woio tho only other presl
Jential candidates evolved from out
tho convention chaos of which they
vore a part. Hendricks was a delo
Mto to the convention or 1881. which
lamed him nominee ior vice-president
tfter an attempt bad been made lo
Itampode It from Cleveland to him;
.rthur sat among the New York
lelegates when tho victorious antl-.hlrd-terniers
tossed the second place
:o him like a bono In the closing
.ours of the session, and old demo-
rntH remember how vonni: .iohll C.
Breckinridge sat in tho convention
which gave him the vice-presidency
)ti the ticket with .lames lluchanan
tnd sought In vain to escape the pros-litre.
Mr. Crofyer and Ms JVcilhborJ
.tnoiig Rl.hiiul'H neighbors
In lleiliMlihe there his been a vety
general feeling ol disgust at the at
tacks Unit have been iiintlo upon thU
gentleman hv one of the London
unille. I do not know Mr. Croker
tnjeiif and 1 have no fondness for the
political o.guhl.atlon he bonnes, bill
those who have tome Into contact with
the Ameilcan politician ptnnouuee
him to be one of the quietest and most
unassuming of men, friendly, hospi
table, and charitable, while showing
not Hie slightest disposition to thrust
himself Into county society or to "cut
a llguiv" In any dluvtlnn. Nell her his
politics nor any oilier of Ills views
have been obliuded upon his neigh
bor's, nor on any tine in (his coun
trv. It Is alleged, however (with vvlfit
truth I do not know and do not inivi
that Mr. Croker has favored the lloet
delegates In America, and to suili
lengths Is the abuse of 'p.itili'tism '
for trade or party purposes now iar
tied, that this allegation is deemed
Hiillitient to Justify the raising of n
lute nnd try In the London press
against an Atneiican citizen who hat
paid us the tompllment of acquiring a
home in l'nglanil, nnd whose conduit
among us has been beyond leproaeb
A gtosser bleach of the laws of hoi
pUallty. not to say good mantlets,
could baldly be committed, even In Hie
name of patilotlsm Tititli
Gen. Chaffee Off for TeKin.
Hen. Chullee has left Washington
to take charge of the American land
roices In China. Ho Is accompanied
by the Seventh cavalry and will draw
the bnlanco of his foiccs from tho
Philippines. The foiniul orders to
(Jen. Chaffee, Issued by Acting Socio
tary of War Melklojobn. direct him to
"take command of the It oops otdered
to China, and to proceed to Pekln by
way of San Francisco and Tnku, ac
companied by his aids " Tho direction
to proceed to the capital of the Chi
nese empire indicates a determination
on the part of tho
government au
thorities to havo a
strong military
force at the seat
of the Chinese
government. Tho
desire to have Hen
Chaffee and tills
cavalry regiment
reach China, with
little delay Is such
that the ttansport will not stop lit
Honolulu, but will continue on her
way direct to Nagasaki, .lapan. At
that point (len Chaffee will bo In com
munication with the war department
and will receive fuitlier Instructions.
If the trouble Is all over tho troops
will go from Nagasaki to Manila.
Fiauris Mat-Daniel an custom in
ventor, has Just obtained a patent on
tlio electrical eat trumpet shown be
low, Its principle being bnfnil on tho
well-known fact that persons ilf to
'ordinary soutidt such, for Instance,
as tho human voice -can hear tho
same sound petfictly plain If pro
duced In the presence of a sound of
gi eater volume. Theoretically this
condition Is probably due to the In
lliieiico of Hie ordinary sound waves
piodttced by the voice, music or simi
lar means acting im sttpcrposod
waves or Interfering waves with tho
Inllitenio ei cited by lite largo sound
waves upon the nerve tenters of the
ear In the device tho Inventor ap
plies the principle by creating sound
waves ftoin tho vlhiatloiin of a tuned
reed, which Is set In motion by mak
ing und bieaklng an electrical cir
cuit. A small battery mid magnet aro
used to create the electi leal vlbiatlons,
Willi a push button located In a con
venient position to close tho circuit
when the person desires to hear. Tho
reed Is located In the bell of a linnipot.
$l 'CSSV3)n.
which also serves art a receiver and
mixer for tho vibrations of the exter
nal sound waves and those from tho
iced, the latter serving us a vchlclo
for tho former.
Hen. Chaffee.
Spain Is Loohjnil Vp.
Tho vigor with which the Spanish
government Is enfoiclng tho collection
of the new taxes .teems to Inspire con
lldence at home In the honesty and
ability of the present financial admin
istration. The i per cent bonds of Hie gov
ernment sold on the Furopean bourses
above 7, and the new and pnrol In
ternal loan of 1,200,000.000 pesatas
nominally equal to 10,000.000-tlc-signed
to take up more than half the
nation's IloaHng debts, commands
premium in aiivanco or us issue.
Lord Ranfiirly, the governor of Now
Zealand, has earned for himself consid
erable notoriety as a voluntary and
lomowhat exacting sanitary Inspector
a work which, to say tho least of It,
Is not usually regarded as within the
icono of vice-regal duties Tho
governor has pro-
nouiitctl views on
hygiene mid sani
tary science, nnd
ever einco tliero
has been danger of
the bubonic plagtio
being carried from
Sidney to Now
Zenland ho Iiub
heon tho lending
spirit In nn ener
getic nnd cffectlvo
trusade for cleanliness. He has not
tontented himself with directing tho
movements of sanitary nlllcials, but
has personally visited unsanitary
neighborhoods, laid baro hidden
lources of possible disease and ordered
their Instnnt removal.
To Soar Abo-Oc the Clouds.
News conies from l.urope that the
Hying machine designed by Count Zep
pelin or Hie Herman army has been
completed and Is about to be put to a
series of lilals. says the Philadelphia
Record. I'mistta! interest Is cenleted
on this machine, because of the mag
nitude of the scheme mid because of
tho association with it of such a dis
tinguished name ns Count Zeppelin
An Idea of the enormity of the
s-rheme may be gatheied from the fact
that liefoie any wot I; was begun a
Moating const motion plant was erect
ed on Luke Constance, I fid foot In
length and slxty-Ilv feet high, in the
boathoitse the foundation of Hie ship
was laid, and slnct then the entire
construction has been carried on
within Its four walls.
Slaves in Uatvi UaUii.
The slave owners In Tawl Tawl are
Moros. They havo the right to slaves
by their religion and havo held them
for centuries. In tho past they havo
carried on a great business in kidnap
ping men, women nnd children, nnd
taking them to Hornco and elsewhere
for sale.
Tliero aro white men still living who
have been Moro slnves, having been
captured by tho Moros In their ware
with the Spaniards. Accoidlng to the
Moio laws the father has tho right to
sell his children He can sell his wlf
I - Jf t- 'Y?"JT'f- -i- far
Lord Ranfiirly
There are quite a numbor of cos
tumes that are now considered corroct
stylo for mald-servanU to wear. In
deed, In every well-ordered household
considerable uttention is paid to hav
ing each bervant dreosod according to
whnt tho best ruling ot fashion has de
emed Is the proper costume. Each
nnd every maid In tho houso is pri
marily supposed to have a print dross
tor the morning, and an absolutely
plain block, cool dress In tho aftov-
noon. But It Is In the npron and cap worn for purposes of cleanliness, and
that thcro Is tho markod difference are only too glad of tho neat appear-
between 'cook and waitress, lady s
niRld nnd child's nurse and the best
class of servants aro quite as ruxIoub
as their mistresses to havo every ap
pointment correct, for It Is no longer
considered a badge of servitude to
wear a cap and apron whllo perform
ing household duties. On the contrary,
the girls aro sensible enough nowadays
ance that Is demanded of them. Then,
too, like every well turned out cos
tume that Is appropriate for the occa
sion, the maids' costumes are decidedly
becoming, for thero are very few girls
who do not look well In their abso
lutely pluln cambric frocks or black
gowns, with tho npron cap, collar,
cuffs and ties that fashion has ap-
to roallio that caps and aprons are J pointed as being the latest style.
Mystery in tOashington.
Ioeked securely away in tho big
lafo which Is such a conspicuous fea
turo of tho ofllco of tho librarian of
tongress, Is a packago which ranks in
nystery with "The Man of the Iron
Hask," It required tho efforts of four
ible-bodled men to placo tho packago
h Its present location, and tho quartet
remarked at tho tlmo Hint It was tho
leavlcst Job they had over handled.
This packago, whatever It contains, Is
i donation to tho government by a
loted collector of curios, tho only stlp
ilatlon accompanying tho gift being
that It should not bo opened until tho
lloeo of tho twentieth century, or 100
roars homo.
In "Rich Man's Taradisc.
Otto Young, the wealthy Chicago
merchniit, tins decided to mid another
palace to tho group nt Lake (.enevn,
Wis., tho rich man's resort. Here Is a
picture of tho proposed dwelling. It
will tost n million dollnis, anil is to
bo 17fi feet In length, aevonty-Ilvo feet
deep, und three stories In height above
tho basement. It has a whlto Georgia
granite baso, and, above tho stylobato,
tho entire face, walls, cornices, bnlus
trados, etc., aio finished In whlto Bed
ford oolitic limestone, richly carved
and if ho nets Into debt ho soils him
self to pay It. Tho debts of fathers
cntnll the slavery of tho children, who
agree to work ror their creditors until
the debt is paid.
W" -'
and decorated throughout. Tho style
Is Italian renaissance Tho pavilion
ends of the structure aro open through
the first story, and form a continua
tion of tho loggia at tho center, In
tersected nt each end by covered
porches, making a gallery or corridor
250 feet In length, by sixty feet in
width across thu front and aides ot
tht building, Tho enst front haa at
Its center a clrculnr portico somo
twenty-flvo foot In dlamoter, forming
the carriage porch entrance.
A Now York city Inventor has dis
posed of his patent rights In tho In
genious bicycle motor hero Bhown to a
company formed for the purpose The
main feature of
this device la the
unique method of
transmitting power
from the motor to
n friction pulley
which Is In contact
with tho rear tiro.
Tho motor wheel
nnd the friction
wheel aro each
provided V 1 1 h
sprocket wheels,
the power being
means ot small
47i T-y-rHL
Friction Motor.
transmitted by
chains of the kind
us)ially seen on bicycles. These mo
tors may bo attached to any make of
bicycle, tho complete motor and fit
tings being sold for flOO. The friction
wheel la ot aluminium bronze, and
presses on tho sides of the tire, thus
avoiding wenr on tho tread. A coaster
brako should bo used In connection
with this motor In order that tho
rider may rest or assist tho motor at
xill, Tho wheol hero shown la fitted
with n gasollno tank, carrying suffici
ent fuel for a seventy-live mile Jour
ney. After tho regulating, which Is
done by tho rider sotting tho regulat
ing lever and giving the pedals a few
turna, the ontlro apparatus may bo
controlled hy ono lover, located near
the handlebar,
' . .i
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