JM frv--vw. I 1 F x t ' i p r j i i h If i it I J m WJ IV ' i ; fcfii K. yw Qgrf THROUGH A GLASS. VORY SOAP is a skin soao. On one square Y inch of your hand there are 2,800 pores. On the whole body you have 2,38 J, 284 ot these little cavities to look after. Every one of these openings must be kept clear, or the impurities of the body can not pass out. Now, to cleanse tne pores, you need a fine, pure soap. Scientists who speak not from opinion, but from scientific analyses, urge the use of Ivory Soap. 09s. per cent. pure. THE CHIEF v ruBLicimt) nr l. McMillan. about twenty-tiro miles then laying off to another course (or fifteen miles she drifted idly for a few hours until the heavy hoi Re had passed, blowing her .Irene fog horn at Intel vni of every thtea to live minute until the tog had ilsen On the 10th we weie traveling at all points of the compass, dodging mam moth fields of floating ice and in -ev--ial instances we got pocketed and hnd to back out and make a large cir cuit tget around In cloudy weather duy or night, the ever vigilant nitivcr of a ship cannot tell at just what point lie will come in contact with these ice Hoes, nst hoy are alway coveted by a dense fog Of course the appearance of a fog at this .seiixon ot the year will warn him of appi (inching lee lines and he will decioase his vessel's speed and put on extra lookouts a ti pieealition OurgreUeft inn foi any twenty-four hour unco leaving Seattle was '251 miles. We stopped at no point be tween Seattle and Nome City, and our ship will not have to make any stop on her return nip ax she took on I 100 tons of eoal before starting. She con sumes about thirty tons of coal a day The next triu of this boat will be an excursion and will leave Seattle about July '25th. She will come over the same route we have just come lo Ncine Citv and will also touch at St Michael, and stop at Nome City thre'e days for her passenger to see what here. She will then course- northwest into tin; Arctic ocean, cros to the Sibtiiau coast, leturiiing aiound the Aleutian island", to Seattle. The cost complete for everything, first class, will be about i'2'25 Nome City this summer will be BOILS CARBUNCLES These unwelcome visitors usually appear In the spring or summer, when the blood is making an extra effort to free itself from the 'many impurities that have accumulated during the winter months. Carbuncles, which are more painful nnd dangerous, come most ircqucntly on tne Dae ot tue neck, eating great holes in the flesh, exhaust the strength and often prove fatal. Boils are regarded by some peopfc as blessings, and thev patiently and uncomplainingly endure the pain and inconvenience under the mistaken idea that thefr health ii being benefitted, that their blood is too thick anyway, and this la Nature's plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased is full of poison .ind unless relieved the entire svstcin will suffer. The Iwil or carbuncle gives warning of serious troubles, which are only waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop. Many un old sore, running ulcer, even cancer, is the result of a neglected boil. t2nfiai Keep the blood pure, and it will keep the Oat-lff fYfifsflff JK aan&fUM skin olear of all llle 'irritating impurities that ?l mm .jy cause these painful, disfiguring diseases. BOiiS S- S- & cures boils and carbuncles easily Crf?fffff ff CM G& aim permanently oy reiiiiorcing, puniywg "" building up the blood and ridding the system of all iiccumuUteU w.u Mr. R M Pratt, Cave, S. C. write "For twenty jears 1 was sorely aliucteu vun nous ami carmtncie famed by impure Mood It is im uste matter. i ; s rnnianiuilior biwli c h act ilircctlvoii the mood, niuiau poisons, no matter pov I 1,ow deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely vegetable medicine. slble to describe mvsufTerinK, part of b. h. h is not a new, untried rcmciiy, out tor ajjJBJJJjjsw tiietinieiciii(tunaiiietowork.or)tieep. fiftv ears has been curing all knuKot Moon nnd skiii ffuR'SledWSnXV ! - " ? thousands, and will cure jou. ll is a pii-.isuni ionic as wuii as uioou jmiim-i im proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your general health and keeps your blood in order. Our physicians have made blood and skin dis eases a lilc studv write them fullv about our case, ami nnv information or advice wanted will be cheerfullv irivcn. e make no charce whatever for this service. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. Address, The Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta. Ga. nolliiiK' seemed to iln llle nnv uood During the summer of iSSS I wnspcr Miadedtotry S.h.S , mid after tiilitia several twttfes was entirely cured, nnd hive hid no return of these painful pests up to tlic present time." 555 One rear . Six months 1100 SO PUULtStlED KVKUY FItlDAT Entered at tbo pod office at Ked Cloud, Neb.aa coed class mall matter. ADVKUT1S1NO KATKS Local advertising & cents per line x:r Issue. Local Advertising for entertainments, con tertf, socials, etc., kIvcii by churches, cliarltable joclctlea. etc.. where- all monojii rained there rcoiu are uei wholly for elinrcli or cfcarltnblo ocUtiei, flrit ten linen free ami all ovor ten linen 'J Si cenla per line per Imiue.c! Local adyertlilng of cntertalumeiiU. concern, rccltalu, etc., where per cent l k'ch to P'0 niotcri, h ccnta per lino per lui Diarl.AT AIIVKUTIIIINO, Ouc column per month - '' One half column per month ...- J One fourth column per monlli 1 Oemral dlaplar lvertlnlin! HV cents per lucli per Issue. REPUBLICAN TICKET. National Ticket. For President, WILLIAM MCKINI.I'.t Kor Vice l'rcihleiit TiiKonnitr. uoihVKi.r State Ticktt. Kordowriuit. 0. It. DKIl'ltlini, t)f AilNint Coillity. rorsecrclnrj' of Mate. (I. W MAUSII, Of Ilkllrtt.lMlll C(illlll. Kor Male Treasurer, WM.STUKKKKU, (If ('lllilinlllK Count. Kor Male Auditor, CIIAKI.KS WKSTON, of Sheridan County. Kim Ailorne) (leneral. K. N. I'HOUT, Of Cage I'nlltlljr Vi r Commissioner IMiblle Lands, (SKO. U. KOLLMKIC, of Nuckolls County. Kor Miperlntcndf nt'l'iilillc Instruction. W. K. KOWI.KIt, Of Washington County. Congressional Ticket. ('It Congressman, Rth District. W. S. MOIII.AS, Of lied W'lllon Colllily, County Ticket. Kor Male lteircsentatle. CIIAS K. lllCKs, Kor County Attome). K. V OVr.HMKS THE ALASKA WANDERERS. The Experiences and Troubles oi the Red CUud Fortune Hunters in AUska as Told by One of Them Kkikmp CitiKr As per your request I will try to give you a little of our sea voyage from Seattle to Capo Nome. The puBseugera went aboard at Soattle at 10 o'clock p m.. May 'M. but the or- iter from the captain tor "tie lose" w not triven until 4.U0 a m. the next .m-ninfr. when our stcaiiief left hor dock and lounded out Into the harbor with hor bowsprit north waul up l'uget Sound far Cape Flattery. Onboard were about 650 passengers, nnd the of ficers and crew numbering 1&0 more, about 8500 tons of freight and 33 head of horses. Many f the passengers did not retire to their state rooms but walked up and down the decks to be .on the lookout for scenes of interest as they were passed, such places as Port 'Townseml, Fort Dungeon lying on the . west shore of the sound, and Victoria, tB.C, on the east shote, with many .smaller places of less interest at vari- .ous points. We passed Cape Flattery about 5-30 in the nfterroon, and swept . ,,mi nn the broad blue waters of tne l Pauifin. Of course everything was so , rout-, but on the next morning, June 1, ..bright and early there was a grand i rush for the upper deck by tho passon. A . .llartniimnil ftltamft trifia'at nrs. WUO SOOU uiouuti-icu lunv idiu expanse of water. underneath, and a datk leaden sky overhead Then canio the reaction and oh, my. Peo ple who were not accuslomud to walk ing the deck of it rolling ship without land observations, suddenly commenc ed to look pale. They would pass you with tightly compressed lips, nnd if you, through neighborly courtesy, would sny "good morning" they would look at you in n dazed sort of a way, yelp out "O, dear!" and tho next min ute they would bo laying over tho ship rail and heaving up Jonah. After they had tried, as it seemed, to throw up tlieir boot heels, they give a sigh for the happy home they had left, a few weak shakes of tho head, and stngger down tho companion way to their statu looms where they tumble iuto their berths shoes and all, theio to lie and enjoy the liiMities of sea sickness for from one day to one week, but when they did comu aga'u on deck they looked as though they had gone tin oiigh an intemperance banquet. Our boys Millet ed very liltlo Itom tho 1 t'llet'ts except niysiilf I was tumbled oil the pet eh the first day out, and sinj cd out fur a week Our first sight of laud was the bold towering rocks of ('.onion island, 1(1.10 mites tun thwest of Seattle, one of the Aleutian group of Islands, and seventy tin co miles cast of Dutch Harbor which is the coaling station in the main pass through these islands for the ships which ply betwet-n Pacific coast ami liehriug sea and Alaska points. Our steamer did not go lo Dutch Harbor to go Into the Uehrlng sea, out went tliroueh Uinmac Pass, seventy-three miles enst of there. The Gordon island is one side and! the Unimac island on the other side of this pass. These islands aro in the Fox group of the Aleutians. At this point some very tine sceuary came into view, (ioidon island on your left with its ban eti volcanic locks, and Unimac on the right with its peaks towering to a height of six or seven thousand feel and covered with snow from near the water edee to the topmost peak. Two of the tallest have burning craters at their peaks The snow on this barren island glistened in tho early morning Minlighl like burnished silver and was one of the finest scenes along the route. Another line scctie was just north of Northwes Cape, where a mountain shaped like pictures we see in books of the pyramids of Kgvpt, tises for nine thousand feel out of the sea. Like all others in this region it is completely covered with snow and on tho day we passed it, June 7th, at 2 p.m. (the first day the sun has shone since we left Seattle) it was grand. Wo passed It to he westward about GO miles, and what made the scene of this square shaped mountain covered with glistening snow particularly attractive was between its center and summit at three differ ent elevations bluish colored clouds weie passing around it. Our only other attraction for the next twenty-four hours was in watch ing the spouting whales, some reach, ing to the estimated length of eighty feet, the different kinds of sea birds, and now and then a passing whaling vessel or fishing schooner. When reaching the middle of tho Uehrlng sea our approach to the land ot the midnight sun becomes very noticeable as it Is broad daylight at 10:30 p.m. and the balance of tho night the shade of twilight gloom At 2:30 a, m , June 8, J tine reflection on the clouds of the gieat ice Hoes, nr fields of moving lei were seeti atid our ships olllcors were on the alert for moving ice. On June !Hh, at 1.30 am, In n heavy fog, we came in contact with a heavy field of tho Monte Carlo of America situated in Alaska Our experience us to the probability of being shipwiecked were too cloe to be comfortable on the afttruoon of the 10th. After our ship had been working haul all day, running at all points of he compass in dodging large fields of filiating ice, wo wero thrown enough out of our course by moving ice, to be stranded upon tho Yukon tints, there stuck fast in the mud with a heavy field of ice coming down upon us with tho shore current. This held of tee struck us on the port quarter aft and for three hours our ship stood the test splendidly with the grating and churn ing of ice that crunched around her side, and then after two hours our ves sel managed to free herself fiom the mud, only to get upon another oank where we stuck to stay, mid tieltUot ice for fiO hours The point as shown on the map is in Norton sound, ninety miles southwest of Nome and designat ed as sand islands, or belter knouii as the Yukon ll its, which is the wash and wast i' tin own out into the sound fiom tho Yukon tiver This tilling in of mud inns from twenty to fm'y miles out fiom the mouth of the liver into .sound and along tin1 shore line from sixty to eighty mile, each wuj from fie mouth of the river The depth of water over these ll.its is from live to forty feet Wheto we were stuck in the mud it is from font teen to sixteen (Continued on page 5 ) Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Con tain Mercury a uiimciii a in Min-iy destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the wliuit, system when entering it tlitonyH 'In' miit-mis sm faces. Such aiiicli'-. !intil. nert-r be used except on pre-eiipt khis fiom icputable physi cians, n the dttmage they will do i ten fold to i he uooil von can possibly de rivi from them Hall's Catarrh Cute maniil.ii tmed b !' .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O.. milium- n iiieiciirv and i taken mh.-i nallv. tieiniir -In ! y upoui the li!"i.l -tud mucous siiiiaces of the system lu tuning II.ill's Cataiih Cutc! be siiiu viti get the genuine. It is tak en inlet i.-tlly and U made in Toledo. O , by F .1. Cn"t:ey A: Co. Testimon ials ftee Sold by druggists, pi ice To cents per bottle Hall's Family Pills are the best. Is yotirnaiue written there! Whete? On our subscription books for the last vcar id the 19th century. It should be. i ARGABRIGHT, The Portrait Painter I STRICTLY FlXp; WORK IN CRAYON INK, WATEK COLOR. rAsaAJBL, Portrait Frames and Easels in stock and to order. Studio in Damerell Block, Bed Cloud, Nebr '- Exercise an Hcalih. Exercise is a splendid thing for a liealthy person But when the body is weakened by disease, exercise strains rather than strengthens Kxcrcise will not cure a "weak" stomach It may in crease the appetite, but it won't cure , .. dsiK.-Dsia. and an increased apietitc is ml a curse not "MILWAUKEE" HARVESTERS. ItKI'OItT OK Till: CONDITION PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD CliAitTKKNO.SUI. t lied Cloud, In tho Mute of Nebraik at the ciuseut busineti Jiuieseui, ivuu. llKSOClttM. l.WfttlS ami IHsCOIllltH Ortmlraft. secured and tiu-ectired WarrniilHnnd internal Kevenue stamps furniture and tl mires .... Checks and oilier cash items .. One f ruin National and Mate Hank - f.vjr.0;. it Hills ot other bank . . I.9A0 U) Nickels and cents 15 :J bpecie S.i.7.1 T.'i I.eKal tender notes 2,ujo tw Total cash on hand M, ,, (WW -CAnl a curse not a oless a. . rft.v- ' iog to the sufferer fKsivV;'K.'; f" dyspepsia ilf- W.:; Take cvcrciso by 'i. .; t'i'rf'ciS nil means but also I- .'-'VrEil take Dr Pierce's t fw-'Wy' 'V Golden Medical Dls IOl l.-msKwI .-tV3 coven if there i.s a k ,- 1j' ,9'XI'IsnX'm . ffA MM $U,939 00 1.7U1 31 303 W 911 36 V5M 6J.7.V) Tii Total i uiiiimr. Canltnl slock sutplns fund I iiiiiIi 'mm Mod prollts . f Ih.Pis) 00 IU.IM) 00 ;s vi IH leviiils unpaid ... f ti.Min eo Indltldiial Deposit" subjeil to check IlllrtHW Demand ivrlltlcatcs of de lioslt Z,M) l.l Time CeitUUnUs or deposit ll 73 -tOI,3i'.l SO Toiai. . . tl-.ti.Ttfi Hi btATKor Nebiiaska, i I'utuiiy of Webster, f " I, W A, Sherwood, t ashler of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above utatement Is true to the best of my knowl edgoand belief. attest ? A Mitnwoon, Cashier. C. II. Minik. Director W, A.Mimwoon, Director. Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 3th day or July, 10. D. J. Mrim, Notary Public. deranged or diseased condition of the stomach ami other organs of digestion and nutrition. This medicine is nott a cure-all but a specific for diseases of the stomach and diges tive and nutritive system It strength ens the stomach, purifies the blood, and increases physi cal vigor. There is no alco hol contained in "Golden Medical Discovery" and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine and eerv outer u ircotic It is strictly a temperance medicine "1 wish to say that l)r Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery has tirovot J great blessing ti tne ' writes Mrs. Hllcii K nacoii.of Shuteslmry, I'r.mLlIn County, Mass "Prior to September iS07 I had doctored for my -lonuch trouble for bcverut cars, Rolni; through a cuiirse of treat nienl without any real benefit In Septemtcr iSyfi. I had very sick spells and grew wor-e; could cat but little t commenced .in Sr ptetntier l8)7 lo take Dr Pierce'-, medicine and In a short time I could rat and work I hue gained twenty pounds in two msntlis ' Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a cure for constipation. TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y BED UI.OUD. SKIUU i THK MILWATKEK I.KADt) tsdnv. as ii has in the past, with a line of grain and grass ciittini; machineiy win id famous fur its light dintight, petfect op eration, dtiinlnlit and mechanical lieiiiin, and all those other de.-irable and ntcessary qualrie- riUiieb to make a pes feet machine JAS. PETERSON, Agent. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. The New. Champion 3noer ItKI'OItT OK TIIK CONDITION or Tua STATE BANK OF RED CLOUD, ClIAHTKIt. No 3. at lied Cloud, In the Stato of Nebraska at the close of basinet June xoih. tun) iin-onu r tsi.tiliUI I.IW49 IH Oo M.ISI Loans and Discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured lieteuuesinuips ..... Due from National Stat and Private banks and bankers 14 0.11 7 Ullls or other banks -J Ml On bpecle - - WW W Fractional enrrancy, nickels and cents .., 9? Legal Tender ... l.W 00 Total cash on hand .... Total . tlS9,Ml :1 LIABILITUS. Canllal stock raid III -.... : Surplus f nud... - Undivided prouts Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check ... 81.4V! HI Demand certificates orde posit i.:ar.s Time ceitlllcates or deposit U') 31 Total Deposits . 11V00OOO 10,0)0 00 .. l.ssw or 3,000 00 1109 ftSVl 20 LISCOLS OMAIJA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points enst nnd south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL1 LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAM FRAKG1SC0 and all point west No No, No. No ts'o, TRAINS HAT A rOLLOST 13 PassenR-er dally for Oberlln ami bt. Francis branches. Oi ford. McCook. Denverand ail points west d:J3 tl Passeinter dally for rU, Joe, Kansas Cllr. Atchison, si. Louis, Lincoln via Wyinore and all points east aud south 9:9 1 a ra IT. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points lu Colorado, Utah aud California ...........-.-.- DMOp.m 18. Paascnger. dally for St. Joe. Kansas City. Atchison. St. Louis and all points eannd south I0:!a.ta LIGHT DRAFT. Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eccentric Binder Wheel. An Entirely New Departure. RADICALLY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER BINDERS. IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. The New. (HflMPlN JVWER Hi. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Uastlngs. Grand Is land. Ulack Ullls and all wasnothiugto be sees but an endless a hasty retreat ou the back track foi moving ice, and our ship had to beat Total r. or Ni Count) of Webster t-TATr. or Nebraska, I --r, i M9,.13l . W. T. Auld. cashier of the abote named bank, do holemtily swear that the above statement Is true to lite ln-.l of my kuowl edge aud belief , . (TrrsT!l IT Ai-in. Casnler W, T. Aui.ii. Dlrecior. M. Vim ii. Director. Subscribed and sworn lo before me this lb day of July. I. . ... ' I' D Utiironn, Notary Public. So. I4S. No. 94 points tn ine normwesu.... Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Oberlln, Kansas, and intermeaiaie i"u., i s l:U0p,m publican Freight. St. uilr. Wvmore and Joe and intermeaiaie U:30p.m No. 63. No. 60. No, 178. Junction points . .........w.u p.m Freight, dally for Iteptibllcau Orlesns, Oxford and all points west ........lOUOa.m Freluht, dally except Sunday for W) more and all point east O.l.Sa.m Freight dally toOxfotdatid inti.rmpiiiHtf- nolnts ..... l:'J(i n.m Sleeping, dining, and recllnlug chair cars, (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and Laxgage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call ou or address A. Conover, Agent, Ked Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha. Nebraska. MOST PERFECT MOWER MADE. LIGHT DRAFT. The Pitman has no other motion except straight forward and straight back. It never breaks and never wears out. The only Mower where lost motion can be taken up both in boxes and gearing. Turning a set-screw does it. SAMPLES NOW TO BE SEEN AT W. B. ROB Y, Agent No, i Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr. For all kinds of JOB WORK call onthe RED CLOUD CHIEF. V ffsjatijaawswaiisswa'