The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1900, Image 2

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A Tragedy, in Slums
Ron)ar)ce in the Low Life
of New York,
s Undoubtedly tho mnrrlago of Mnry
Queen In St. VInccnt'B Hospltnl nof ton
ed tho hnrshness of her death. It
taught her there Is lovo and charity
In mankind, and undo her hope for a
ifuturo which In tho hint few yenno of
'her wasted llfo seemed cjosrd to nor. A
sinner, sho died rich In tho lovo of an
honest man, coiiscIouh that Ho who
controls had forgiven. Mary Quean
was pretty flvo years ngo. Sho was
what would havo been termed a beau
ty brlght-oycd, red-checked, 17 years
old, a finely developed specimen of
tho solf-rellant girl of tho tenements.
Thoro wero many young fellows who
admired; somo of them wished to mar
ry her, among them Timothy Sullivan,
a driver of a milk route. "Oood, hard
working Sulllvnn," ho parents termed
him. Ho nd in I red and loved her. Ho
didn't caro for tho Hast Bldo dances,
but ho took her because sho Insisted on
going. If sho didn't go with him sho
would go with somo other mnn, When
pressed to marry him sho refused. At
times slio preferred the society of oth
ers to him, and on ono occasion, when
ho called at tho homo, her family told
him sho wasn't there; sho had gono
to an excursion tho night beforo and
failed to return. They had a telegram
from her which said she had missed
tho boat and the last train. Then she
developed a habit of vlBltlng girl
friends In Harlem and not coming
homo for a week. It was tho same
old story. Sullivan reasoned with her.
Onco ho say her coming from an up
town resort, half tipsy, with a flashily
dressed mnn, who handed her Into a
cab. For a couplo of years ho hoard
nothing of her. Meantime Bho had ac
quired a tasto for liquor nnd was
quarrelsome. In Jnnunry Inst sho hit
a man known ns "Foggy" O'Day over
tho head with a bottle. Sho was ar
rested,, but "Foggy" refused to proBO
cuto on tho ground that ho "wasn't go
ing against no woman." Sho was re
leased and quarreled with tho man
who was known as her lover. Sho at
tempted to hit him with a bottlo and
ho gouged out ono of her eyes and beat
her Into Insensibility. After this dis
figurement tho descent was rapid. Tho
sailors and others nbout tho resort sho
visited cruelly called her "Starboard
Mary" because her "port oyo" was
gono. A llttlo more than a week ago
Sullivan mot hor. Sho was a wreck.
Ho talked about old times to her, and
asked her why she didn't brnco up nnd
"What's tho use, Tim?" sho said.
"You are tho only man that over was
really stuck on me. nnd I threw you
,ovcr for a lot of muts thnt couldn't do
nothing but rush tho enn and spiel at
a chowder."
"Mebbo I ain't got over being stuck
on you yet," was the reply.
"Cut it out, Tim, for your own good.
Everybody knows me, and whllo you
think that way you couldn't Btand It
for long," was tho reply.
Tho strength of tho lovo that never
liad died Insisted that tho woman ro
form and marry Sullivan. Ho told
her ho had money enough to go away
from Now York, that In somo other
.stato there would be nothing to remind
her of hor past. Sho thought for a
In tho Court of Chnncery at Jersey
City a case has begun for which, it Ib
said, there Is no precedent either In
this country or England. An order
was obtained from Vice-Chancellor
Pitney, requiring Margaret E. Kings
land of Nutley, N. J., executrix of tho
estate of her husband, Joseph Kings
land, to show causo why sho should
not be compelled to furnish hay and
pasturago for two cows. In 1878 Jos
eph Kingsland of Nutley died, dividing
an estate of JC00.000 by will botweon
his daughters Margaret and Martha
and his sons Richard nnd Joseph. Tho
will nlso provided thnt bo long na tho
two daughters lived the sons should
furnish hay nnd pasture for n horso
and a cow for oach. Tho sons entered
Into nn agreement whereby Richard
wan to furnish tho hay and pastnro for
the horses, and Josoph wns to provide
- .
numjmnimiiBjjmuw bi
while and snld: "Tltnmlc, I always lik
ed you. I was a fool, but I was young.
If I thought you wouldn't rogret It I
would marry you tomorrow." In this
way tho affair was fixed up. Sho vis
ited a few of her friends nnd confide!
to them sho whb going to get married.
"Havo a ball?" snld ono.
"No, I'vo cut It; I'm on tho water
cart for good," was tho reply.
"Clean tho pipe, Mnry, nnd tnko
another draw," urged tho girl known
ns her sldo partner.
Mnry hesitated. Tho temptation was
great. Sho yielded, and In a couplo of
hours more Mnry Queen was hersolf.
Sho had pummeled a bartender who
laughed when sho told him sho was
going to bo married and broken a mir
ror with a whisky glass. When she
got sober she went out and bought n
bottlo of carbolic acid and drank It.
It was on Saturday, In St. Vlncent'B,
the doctors told her sho could not live,
nnd she sent for Tim. Ho camo and
held hor hand. Sho talked a little. She
Eald sho was torry, but nftcr brcnklng
her word with him sho didn't caro to
live. "Ill keep mlno with you, Mnry,"
was his reply, and on Sunday morning
Father Donohuo. of tho hospital, mar
ried them. Tho witnesses wero tho
painter of the hospital and tho nurse.
"Mny" Queen was Just nblo to mur
mur tho "I wills." The next morning
Mrs. Mnry Queen Sulllvnn died.
Said "No," Aftnr Crossing tho Ocean to
Slurry Kultom.
Tho tltlo of tho piny of "Love's
Labor Iost" could woll bo applied to
a Btory In real life, tho opening sceno
of which was In Westphalia, Germany,
nnd the llnis in tho olllco of the
United Stntes Immigration commis
sioner at Baltimore, caya the Balti
more Sun.
Wllllum Tempelmclcr nnd Christo
pher NIermnnn, both of Indianapolis,
Ind., recently visited Westphalia, and
whllo there mot Minnie Stein, nged 20
years, and Minnie Flesgrnbo, aged 16.
Tho young men fell In lovo nnd pnld
most devoted attention to tho young
ladles, telling them of llfo In tho great
Unltod State. Tho glrla concluded thnt
they would como to this country, and,
with tho consent of their parents, each
purchased a ticket for Indianapolis,
nnd, with nbout ?35 in money, thoy
started. All tho way over tho suitors
pressed their clulms with all nrdor,
but tho girls declared that tho nearer
they camo to America the greater their
deslro becamo to bo freo nnd un
trnmmelcd. These thoughts wero not
mndo known to tho two lovers, who,
ns soon as landed In Bnltlmoro on Sat
urday, bet off In posthaste In snnrch
Lof a minister and tho required license.
Tho licenses were Issued on Mondny.
Rev. Otto Apltz of Christ Gorman
Evangelical church was engnged to
perform tho nuptlnl ceremony, which
wns to tako placo at tho emigrant pier.
On tho return of the would-bo grooms
men and minister to tho stenmor they
wero Informed thnt tho mnldens had
changed their minds and would not be
married. The two suitors argued and
plendod, but discovered that tho two
German mnlds wero very much 'sot"
In their minds. Tho lovers nppcaled
to Mr. Lou Robinson, deputy commis
sioner of Immigration, who told the
men that In this country "when a wo
man will, sho will, and when sho
won't, sho won't," nnd thnt there was
no legal remedy. Tho young men went
home nnd tho two maidens took an
other train for Texas.
A Sliuculnr Minister.
Tho Rov. John McD. Hcrvey, pastor
of tho United Presbyterian church at
Richmond, Va dealt out summary
punishment to a stranger who Insult
ed 1Ib wife. Mrs. Ilorvoy, while re
turning homo alone, was accosted by
a man who caught her by tho arm.
Sho broke away, and on reaching homo
notified her husband. Tho Rov. Mr.
Ilcrvoy hunted up tho Insulter nnd
whipped him without mercy.
In Court Because
Gows Game
Ilfiml Father's Will Directed Sons
JTlvf lllwato Pasture the Animals
for tho cows. Since 1895 It Is charged
that Mrs. Margaret Kingsland, admin
istratrix of the estate of hor husband,
Joseph, has refused to feed tho cows
ub directed by tho will. Miss Kings
land then employed counsel to secure
tho carrying out of tho provisions of
tho will and to recover through tho
Supremo Court 1,000, tho amount tho
Kingsland sisters havo spont for hay
and pasturo alnco 1895. When Miss
Klngsland's attornoy came to draw hla
declaration In tho Supreme Court suit
ho could find no form that fitted tho
case. Ho wroto to James D. Cockroft,
editor of the American nnd English
Encyclopedia of Forms nnd Prece
dentB, for advice. Mr. Cockroft re
plied that a careful senrch failed to
dlscloso a caso in any way similar to
tho ono In point. Tho chancery suit
will como before the vice chancellor
"gain on Mondny.
In Alirnjfl Hit mi Hyp to liusliir. nml
Wlnll-1 Cmh Out of III Dupes
Pnlil to Itn 1'ossessor or Munjr Wlyea
btory of n Victim.
CharlcB M. Lclghton of New York Is
cither a romarkablo man or his wife
belles him. Lclghton has been missing
from home for several days, nnd it Is
believed that ho is attending to a llttlo
business in a lino peculiarly his own.
Tho story told by the deserted wlfo W
unique. Lclghton is a handsome fel
low and It Is said that he alwnya had
women by tho dozen falling In love
with him. "I believe," Bald Mrs.
Lelghton. "that If ho has one wife In
this country he hns mnny. Ho regards
It no mero sport to mnrry n woman,
whecdlo her out of her money, and
then leavo her. as he has now twice
left me."
"'My dear,' he said to me onco In
Boston, when I was thcro trying to
bring him back to our homo, which
ho had deserted, 'My dear, In that
houso Uvea a woman from whom I got
$3,000 In less than three months,' and
ho pointed to a mansion on ono of tho
fashlounblo avenuea of thnt city.
"There Is ono womnn living In this
city who thought she wns tho real
wife of Mr. Lelghton. Sho had twice
gono through the mnrriago ceremony
with him. That womnn told me that
when Lelghton deserted her and sho
upplled to a lawyer to Institute pro
ceedings for divorce, tho lawyer told
her there was no necessity for going
through the form, as she had never
been married to Lclghton, nB ho had
already several wives living, and a
dozen of his marriages could bo found
on the records.
"Tho only thing wo ever quarreled
nbout," she snld, "was a proposition
that ho mndo to me to go West, or, at
least, tako n room to myself In another
house, so that ho could mnrry other
women nnd get hold of their money.
He wns astonished when I lndlgnnntly
refused. Women, ho declared, were
running after him to such an extent
that It was fun getting money from
them, nnd that ho could soon pick up
several thousand dollars. I refused to
tako part In any such miserable plot,
and ho ran away from me."
ATr. Hunt of I.011K Island City Yt Kn
Joy t'.ooil llt-ultli.
Mrs. Ellnda Bonner Hunt, colored,
living at No. 84 Marlon street, Long
Island City, L. I., was 108 years old a
few days ago. Mrs. Hunt's family and
friends allege that she Is tho oldest
womnn In tho world and that If hor
present health continues sho will live
soveral yearB yet. Mrs. Hunt lives
with her son, nnd tnkes na much in
terest In the events of tho dny as she
did fifty years ago. Sho has a very
clear memory, and has frequently tola
of tho excitement that tho presenco of
Gen, George Washington caused when
sho wns a young girl. She, however,
never saw him. Mrs. Hunt was born
In Virginia, nnd lived there nearly all
hor life. Sho remembers clearly the
visit paid her native vlllago by Gen.
Lafayette, and how tho pcoplo decorat
ed their houses and put on their best
clothea to pny homngo to him. Mrs.
Hunt hna been married twlco, and chil
dren by both husbands nro living. Ono
son disappeared many years ago and
has never beon heard from since. Sho
has always hoped that sho would hear
from tho missing boy. Ho must bo
now more than sixty years old If alive.
A Henl Hon Serpent.
Coast Guard Martin and Pollcemnn
Frank Marsh of Atlantic City, N. J.,
report having killed a marine mon
stor, which looked to them llko a sea
serpent, nfter a hard fight. Whllo
walking along tho beach in Chelsea,
Marsh saw tho fish caught in tho surf
and wont nfter It with a club. Nash,
upon seeing tho struggle, went to his
assistance. The two men finally suc
ceeded In killing an ugly looking
thing. It had an elongated body about
12 feet in length and was probably
two feot thick. The head was flat,
and tho Jaws wore sot with two rows
of fangs. The tide carried tho body
out to sea before tho men could res
cue It.
Refused the Hillary.
Acting Governor Johnson of Now
Jersey has refused to accept tho f 27
n day to which he Is entitled whllo
acting nB govornor during Govornor
Voorhees' absence. He says that Mr.
Voorhees needed n vacation nnd ho Is
willing to perform Mr. Voorhees'
duties without compensation during
tho tlmo tho governor Is away.
A Wniiinn Slunclcil liy a Jncunr at
A fierce Jaguar that has beon in cap
tivity only a few months almost killed
Mine. LouIbo Mnurello, nn animal tam
er, In Frank H. Boatock's show, at
Newark, N. J., tho other day.
The woman fought for hor life, whllo
tho Jaguar bit her and toro her Bhoul
ers and arms with his torrlblo claws.
Other trainers nnd circus men ran to
Mme. Maurello's nld nnd beat off the
great cat-llko beast that seemed de
termined to take her life. Being n
woman, as well ns nn nnlmnl trainer,
Mine. Mnurelle fainted ns soon ns she
.found herself safe. Weeks will pass
before alio recovers, but tho wounds
will not bo fntal unless blood poison
ing results. Mme. Mnurello exhibits
herself nnd four Jaguars and leopards
In a large circular cage. Thcso four
beastB she hns reduced to almost com
plete docility and, at her orders and
tho threatening of a rnwhldo whip Bho
cnrrles, they Jump through hoops, pile
themselves -In pyramids and do vnrlous
other tricks. A few doyB ago another
Jaguar was added to tho collection. Al
though this beast Is loan It weighs 200
pounds. Its short captivity has not
tamed Its ferocity, but Mme. Mnurelle
determined to begin Its education.
With tho other Jaguars and leoparda
sho drove tho now Jaguar from Its
wngon cage Into tho exhibition cage.
After a half hour of lashing and loud
commands she succeeded In making
the now Jaguar obey her so far as to
He down and nrlso whon sho so order
ed. But It was obstinate, surly, slink
ing. Never for nn Instant did tho wom
an danco away from It, for It con
stantly wntched her as If waiting Its
opportunity to attack her.
After thirty minutes of such practice
Mme. Mnurello dismissed tho five tam
er animals to their wagons. It camo
tho new Jaguar's turn to leavo tho ex
hibition cage. Striking It with tho
rawhide, the woman drove It toward
tho door. Crouching, always eyeing
her, It took two or three sneaking
steps, then turned and sprang on her.
Its forepaws, the clawB distended,
struck her on the shoulder; tho brute's
force and weight boro her to the
ground. Instantly It bit her, sinking
Its teeth In her right side and back,
while its claws kept deeply lacerating
her arms and shoulders. The woman
shrieked for help, shouted commnnds,
to which tho beast waB deaf, beat It
with all her strength with hor whip,
Tho besast, becoming even nngrler,
more excited, released its hold of Mme.
Maurello's body and seemed about to
seize her throat, when Matthew John
son, nn experienced nnlmnl trnlner'.and
other men connected with tho show
ran Into the cage. With tho butts of
henvy whips, with clubs and pitch
forks, they beat from Mme. Mnurello
tho Jaguar, which, as it slowly retreat
ed, kept snarling, showing Its teeth,
feinting to spring. When the womnn
was released, badly and painfully
wounded as alio was, sho staggered to
her feet and weakly struck at tho
Jaguar. Only when It was safely lock
ed In Its en go did she faint.
Tll ('Ofltlll-St IYllMt.
The Worshipful company of Glrdlera
estimates that the luncheon given by
them to tho secretnry of stato nnd
members of tho council of India re
cently worka out at something over
2,000.000 n head. The history of this
remarkable feast is absolutely unique.
In 1C31 a Robert Bell, then master of
tho company, ordered from tho East
India company a Persian carpet at n
cost of 150. For this carpet tho East
India represented by tho
council of India, never received pay
ment. It was only recently that the
present master of the Glrdlers.the lord
mayor, discovered that at the ordlnnry
rate of compound Interest tho sum
they now owed amounted to no less
than 107.000,000! Tho Glrdlera con
sulted together and camo to tho nat
ural conclusion that they could not
meet (heir obligations. Not wishing,
howevor, to appear dishonorable, they
suggested that they should entertain
tho council of India at a luncheon,
which should wlpo off tho score. The
council agreed, and tho Glrdlera, ns a
result, entertained them nt a lunch,
over which tho lord mayor proalded.
Thero wero seventy-five guestB pres
ent, so that each ono, bo to speak, con
sumed a meal costing over 2,000,000.
London Mall.
Countess Hollo Chotek.
CountesB Sollo Chotek, for whose
love tho holr-prcsumptlvo to tho
throne of Austria will sacrifice tho suc
cession of his children to tho crown,
Is one of the most beautiful and fas
cinating of the women of the Aus
trian nobility. Sho Is In every way
but ono worthy to be tho wlfo of a
prince. And that is no fault of hers,
for she could not help having been
born outsldo the sacred sphere of roy
alty. The countess Is thirty-one years
old. Sho Is very popular Ina Bohemia,
where her father Is tho owner of lnrge
estates, and in Vienna. Franz Ferdl
nnnd, Archduke of Austria, her hus
band, Is the son of tho late Archduke
Karl Ludwlg. Archduke Franz visit
ed Chicago during tho World's Fair
on his tour around tho world. Ho has
been somewhat wayward and never n
sourco of Joy to his imperial uncle.
This has been especially seen in his
late secret marriage to tho Countess,
ngatnst tho express prohibition of the
omporor. Franz Is thlrty-soven years
Curious I'nner Weight.
Tho most curious paper weight In
tho world Is said to belong to tho
Prlnco of Wales. It Is the mummied
hand of ono of the daughters of
Heroically Send Their .Men to tlio Front
Without Tours A Heroism Willi Tow
I'nriillrU In the WorUr History.
Mrs. Lulso DeLnssomm of San Fran
cisco returned from a tour of South
Africa n short whllo ago and relates
somo Interesting Impressions of tho
Boors. "Tho Boers Impressed mo as
being a Tory uncouth sort of people,"
sho says, 'although thoso that wo mot
were pleasant enough. It Is easy to
seo thnt thoy nro required to pny little
attention to tho courtesies of life while
young, bo that their manners nro de
void of polish, nnd they frequently
huvo a surly nlr, which does not by
nny means creato a favorable Impres
sion upon strangers. But of their
fighting qunlltlcs thero can be no ques
tion, and England need not expect to
subdue them until their last shot has
been fired nnd their last ounco of
strength Ib exhausted. Thero Is no
moro determined nnd stubborn rnco
of people on enrth than tho Boers.
The children, both boya nnd girls
aro taught the use of firearms' as soon
ns they nro old enough to hold n gun.
They prnctico constantly. From one
generation to another tho Boers have
been preparing for wnr, until to fight
is now their nntural Instinct. Tho
women nro as courageous and as com
batlvo as tho men. A Boer woman Is
never too old to Bhoot straight. You
should seo them aa I havo seen them
coming In the station to say good-by
to hUBbands, fathers, brothers and
sweethearts on their wny to tho front.
Such stoicism Is astonishing. Not n
. , V
The Natives of Bohol
V 'Si.' V "."
Tho Rov. Dr. J. H. Cisscl. of Craw
fordsvllle, Ind., has received an inter
esting letter from his son. First Ser
geant E. W. Cissell, of Company G,
Forty-fourth Infantry. Sergeant Cis
sell aerved through tho Cuban cam
paign, and then enlisting with tho
forty-fourth went to the Philippines.
Ho Is now nt Bnclnyon, Bohol, nnd
writes that Bohol Is radically different
from the other lslnnds he has visited.
Tho natives wero frightened half to
death when the United Stntes soldiers
enme, ns they had for ages suffered
terrible Indignities from tho Spanish
people, but In less than a month they
wero thoroughly reassured. So In
tensely do they hato tho Spaniards,
however, that tho better educnted peo
ple, who understnnd the Spanish lan
guage, refuse to mnko uso of It. Tho
population of Bohol Is devotedly Ro
man Catholic, but Sergeant Cissell
writes thnt the religion there Is much
more given to form, and Is much moro
exacting thun In this country. Tho
cnthedral nt Bnclnyon is a magnificent
building, with n chime of sixteen bells.
"Llttlo clothing Is worn, except on
Sunday," writes Mr. Cissell. "On that
day, however, the men wear suits of
spotless white, and tho women attlro
themselves in most fetching costumes.
They wear a black skirt with a long
trail, a cream colored waist of somo
light material, made In evening dress
fashion, and then complete the toilette
with a head dress that la stunning.
ThU la a sort of sun-bonnet, made of
very thin white material. At tho point
where It touches tho head It Is rein
forced by ply, which is stiffened with
starch, and Instead of having strings
and being drawn,Jn tho back, it is al
lowed to flow freely over tho shoulders
to below tho waist. Around tho edge
A Nlclllun fltateminB.
A correspondent from Palermo gives
a curious sketch of tho deputy, Slg.
Pallzzolo, whoso arrest on the charge
of having procured the murder of
Commendatoro Notarbartolo six years
ago by hired assassins has caused such
a sensation throughout Italy. Ho was
known to dispose of tho forces of tho
Mafia, tho Irrepressible Becrct organi
zation of crime In Sicily, and his house
wns besieged by a clientele of persons
doslrous of his Influence, lnwful or Il
licit. Of these he dally held a levee
In tho most literal sense, ns ho re
ceived In bed, got up and performed
all tho operations of tho toilet In pub
lic. In the heterogeneous crowd ma
gistrates, Judges, and public function
aries, were Intermingled with suspi
cious characters or tlcket-of-leavo men
seeking permission to carry arms, civic
officials desirous of municipal con
tracts, BtudentB anxious for a certifi
cate of a scholastic year or term they
had not passed, all tho rank and fllo
of tho array of corruption wero nt his
bedside or In his ante-room. Collier's
nattleflehl Wills.
Every British soldier has served out
to him when he enlists a llttlo volumo
containing, among other things, three
blank forms ready for will-making.
Usually n soldier pays no nttenflnn tn
this pocketbook and goes Into battle
with his will unmade. After ho hns
beon hit by a bullet and hf.iHnH
realize that his chances of getting
homo are small, a soldier bogliiB to
think more carefully of the loved ones
left behind him. As a result mn
queer and pathetic wlHs have been
tear does a Boer women Bhod when
she sends a son nway from her to fight
for his country. Not a tear does sho
shed when ho falls In battle. Fighting
to them Is a business, a duty any
thing but n matter of sentiment. My
opinion Is that when thcro aro no
moro Boer men left on the field tho
Boer women will tnko their places and
glvo desperate battlo to tho English
foe, whom they hato with all their
hearts. Thcso Africander women nro
better soldiers than moat men. Life In
tho Trnnsvnal for Boer, women 1k very
pleasant. In Johannesburg I saw
moro bicycles thnn In nny other city
nnd I havo visited nil tho largo cities
of tho world."
(Irotesquo Muffs Thnt Wero Formerly
Curried In ICiigliinri.
In former times In England walk
ing sticks wore commonly carried by
both malo and female heads of fam
ilies. Queen Elizabeth carried ono of -,
thcso toward tho end of her life.
Sticks were then used chiefly as em
blems of authority. Tho monstrous
stlcka shown In the engraving nro
drawn from specimens which havo
been preserved by dealers in London.
These a century ngo wero conrraoa
nnd might have been seen by the thou
sand, borno by tnll footmen behind
ladles dressed In old hooped dresMxj,
tho fashion of those days. At that
time, nlso, thcro was a tasto for vari
ous kinds of monsters, In china, wood
and other materials. Monkeys nnd pot
dogs wero mndo pets of und the stlcka
of tho footmen were fashioned Into
grotesque forms. These sticks wero
nbout six feet high and wero In part3
painted nnd gilt. Dr. Johnson, Oliver
Goldsmith nnd n host of other literary
lights and celebrities considered a
good stick as necessary as a coat.
v v c v
" -r -v -
v , JC
of the bonnet Is sewed n deep lace, oft
en of various colors-. The natives
wear this garb gracefully and aro real
ly most attrnctlvo when so nttlred.
Immedlntely nfter church comes tho
cock-fighting, and this consumes tho
balance of the day.
"Each evening tho natives congre
gate at a placo near our camp to sing
for a couple of hours, and this sing
ing Is of a most weird nnd peculiar
character. It reminds mo of ghost
danco tunes, or tho dcvll-entranco
music In opera. If you can recall tho
music rendered In "Faust," where
Mnrguerlto becomes Insane, you can.
get an excellent Idea of the popular
musle of Bohol. Often, lato at night,
these strango airs come floating In
from tho ocean, whero tho natives aro
bobbing about in their canoes, fishing,
nnd one is forced by somo strango
spell to stop and listen, for the music,
though nwfully weird, has a wonder
fully soothing effect.
"Here In Bohol the cocoa tree Ib tho
staff of life. The nut is used exten
sively for food and also furnishes im
mense quantities of oil, excellent both
for illuminating and lubricating pur
poses. Tho hull about tho nut, very
thick and fibrous, is used to make ropo
and fabric. What we havo been led
to bellevo Is Manila hemp is nothing
moro than a product from cocoanut
hulls. Tho fiber is pulled npart,
6onked In coconnut oil and then spread
out in the sun to bleach. ThlB accom
plished, it Is twisted Into ropo nnd
again bleached, making tho finest Ma
nila hemp (?) that ever bound sheaves
of Indlnna wheat. The leaves of tho
cocoa treo aro used to thatch tho roofs
of all the buildings, and they also fur
nish tho native with clothing and car
pets." found upon tho bodies of dead soldiers,
and In every cbbo tho wishes of tho
testator have been respected.
Silas I.oiir'h Sllsslon.
Miss Ruth Cordis Long, a niece of
tho secretary of tho navy, John D.
Long, Intends to be n gospel singer,
and Ib full of enthusiasm about hor
now work. Two years ago, when In
San Diego county, California, Miss
Long was asked by tho Christian En
deavor society If sho would bo willing
to sing at somo services to be held on
board tho United States steamship
Monterey. She gladly consented and
sang "Where Is My Wandering Boy
Tonight?" with so much effect that
ono of tho sailors, a boy of about 20,
camo forward to her at the conclusion
of tho services nnd declared that tho
song as rendered by her had determin
ed him to lead a different life, and that
ho Intended to write in hio mnttior tn
, that effect on that same night. Ho
gave suss Long one of his cards, on
which ho wrote: 'May God bless you
for showing ono sinner the true light."
Miss Long carries tho card In her
purse as a keojsako ef her first mis
sionary work. Sho also Bang at n re
vival servlco at Worcester, Mass., not
long ngo, nnd since her return to Bos
ton from Cnllfornla, Miss Long has
been engaged In church singing.
"Wlmt n Memory!"
A schoolmaster, who had been tell
ing of tho doings of Caesar, onded up
with: "And nil this happened over
1,500 years ago." A llttlo boy, his blue,
eyea wdo open with wonder, said nfte
a moment's thought: "Oh, what 'a '
moraory you've got ' v
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