The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1900, Image 1

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Telephone KTo. Z2T.
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To make room for fall stock soon to
One-third off on entire line of belt
buckles and belts. This line in
cludes nil the latest novelties.
Wash Goods.
Pre-Iuventory Clearing sale in
Wash Goods. In about 20 days
we commence our semi-nnnnal
inventory. These goods must be
gold before that time.
All our silk ginghams iS'sC
" " Alberta sateens -Ic
" " HelvoirCoid. regular 20c. 13 'We
' dininbrav niadrin
" regular 8 and 10c Dimities.
" 15 and 20c
" 12' j, and l"c denim .-kirtiiig
During tliih sale we will place out
entire line of Umbrellas on sale
at IJ31 , per cent discount.
Umbrella for (Ju'o.
A brief description of tliisoue um
brella shows the bargain: Gloria
silk, fancy handle, steel frame.
All other umbrella? priced at the
aine discount.
kef &IGjP
Shirt Waists.
In order to quickly reduce before
invoicing we will place our entire
line of hhiit waists on ale at
exactly otie-liHlt price. That
means $1.25 waists at 02' a r each;
fJ.DO waists at $1.00 each.
Wash Skirts.
One-half price for every garment
that wo have in stock.
One lot of 5 bets ot dining room chairs,
hardwood. cane seat, worth on todays
market. $7.00. During this sale. .$4.US
One set of Holid oak. cane scat, panel
back, polished cluiiiH. Fancy design,
worth on today's market, $1.U0. lhls
sale 9;
Two only, wood M-at, diners, iegn fu
ll .00, this sale 8c
Two only, oak, cane sent, regular
$1.40, this sale I1;0'
Four only, oak, cane seat, regular
$1.75, this sale f '-
Three only, oak, cnue seat, box frame,
regular $2.25, this sale $1.55
Onelot of hardwood, cobbler seat rockers,
turned spindle and legs, worth on todays
market, $2.25. This sale $1.J8
All of our stock of $7.00 fancy rockers,
during this sale f-"'no
All of our $8, $1), $10 and $12 rockers,
during this sale $7.00
We are receiving new fall goods
in the queensware stock. We
must have room for properly dis
playing these goods.
Four open stock patterns of goods
that formerly retailed $15, $10 and
$18 per 100-piece set. These pat
tfi hi are running low. If yon do
not want a full set will sell you
pnrt. During this sale, your
rhoich ot any of the four patterns,
Hnglish wnie $11.25
Two patterns one filled in and
one gold traced, neat designs, for
mer price $12.50, balance of stock
during this sale $0.25
One pattern, fnrmar price $10.00,
English waif, dining this sale
only $7.70
One lot of three toilet sets, former
nrice W.U0. during this side . $1 .07
Special prices in granite white
wate. irla-swiiie, lamps, water
sets, etc.
During this sale j mi will find the
strongest values ever offered to
the trade in this locality.
One-half off marked price.
Dress Goods.
We have taken from our stock a
number of pieces of dress goods
which we have placed on sale at
exactly ONE-HALF price. Dur
ing this sale you can afford to
anticipate your need for early fall.
Scotch Lawns.
Guaranteed )at colors. 500 yards
lett. Regular He value, thin sale
at lo
We guarantee satisfaction. Money refunded
if you are not satisfied.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
A Formtr Red Cloudtr's Experience on the
Route, and an Account oi the Ocean
5110 p.m. Saturday, May 2G, 1000.
At last we nro pushing into the open
sen and oh how tho wind howls and
billows roll as we turn round the light
house point of land north of Cliff
House. AInady dozens of people nre
feeding the lishes. not b'icause of the
fear Hint the said lishes are in need of
any immediate assistance but princi
pally on account of nn overlond of
good, bad nnd indifferent foods which
the aforesaid dozens ot individuals
tried to carry to Boa in their several
sumachs. How I do pity some of
those poor sick ones; some heaving,
some crying and groaning and some
trying to get to their bunks where tbey
aay they will remain until we reach
land again. We are nearing the pilot
boats where we are to put off our pilot
who has directed our course thus far
He can have all he wants of getting off
in such a small craft in this gale. I
will take tho largest steamer and then
it is shaky enough. Several ships are
in sight, all putting out to nea to avoid
the danger of nearing the rocks in this
gale. Our pilot having gone we are
now interested in locating our eating
quarters. Some of us are ready for
the tirst gong; others look as if they
never expected t welcome the sound
of anything short of Gabriel's trumpet,
and to some the sooner it "trumps" the
better. Here is another stowaway.
After all their searching one is over
looked and just now crawled from un
der the canvas on upper deck where
he has been piled in between boxes
and crates since 7 a.m. He is now
safe for n free ride to the next port
at least and the chances are he will get
through to Nome on.this ship. "Gong."
No moonlight promenndes 011 deck to
night. Glad enough to get into our
rooms with dry clothes anil steady legs.
Sunday, 12 m, Ohl how I do "sym
pathize" with those poor sick mortals
who have thrown up everything loose
about them and are trying haul to
loosen up the remaining adjuncts to
their lespuctivo stomachs. Yes, I
have had it, in fact have now got it
bad Four-liflhs of the people on
board are sick and as for me I can't
imagino how I shall ever bo able to do
justice to Mrs. Martin's short cake and
the mauy delicacies which I am so for
tunnte to possess. If this is seasick
ness In its glory I candidly do net care
for any more of it. Not much outdoor
exercise for mo today.
0 p.m. Feel much better and have
eaten light dinner. We are to have un
instrumental counert by the orchestra
tonight. There being no piano on
board we will not have much singing.
There nre G5 ladies on board most all
of whom are wives and mothers and as
a wholo a very nice crowd.
Monday. Tho concert last night was
line but the storm at midnight was
grnnd. I 11111 all right now and ready
for throe to ten meals daily. Manj of
the crow are sick and only about tlfty
passengers ate able to be up. I really
enjoy the rolling of the ship now and
don't care how hard it blows.
1 p.m. A ship is sighted to our
front ind how the few who are able
crowd the rail fore and aft eager to
get even n faint glimpse of the ship we
are to meet.
:) p.m. Have just passed a small
steam schooner towing two big heavy
barges, Tho weather has settled into
n most beautiful day. Such a grand
scene. The bluest of blue is the sea at
this moment. Wo gave tho captain of
tho schooner all our San Francisco
papers. They need them, having boon
out from port about ten days
TucrfdiiT. Another gale last night
and wo had to have our doors closed
up tight to keep out the waves which
lushed tip over thw main deck rail.
Wednesday. Distant 878 miles fiom
San Francisco. This has boon a dull,
dark and dreaiy day. Many of tho
boys are homesick today. At 2:30 p.m.
a llttlo excitement wa created by tho
illicit of a man who is charged with
tho misdemeanor of trying to "mash"
a maiden lady passonger. Thoy or
ganized a court on upper deck and ae-
Shirt Waist Sale.
We made a startling purchase of 50 dozen, 600,
new Shirt Waists at about 40c on the dollar.
Two-fifths manufacturers wholesale price.
This is the largest and handsomest line of Shirt Waists ever
shown in this city. The whole line will be
Placed on Sale at Startling Priees
Lot No. i, worth 6oc to 75c, sale price,
Lot No. 2, worth 75c to $1.00, sale price,
Lot No. 3, worth $1.00 to $1.25, sale price,
Lot No. 4, worth $1.25 to $1.50, sale price,
Lot No. 5, worth $1.75 to $2.50, sale price,
Do not fail to take advantage of this extraordi
nary sale. Come early and get a selection
from this large stock.
20 per cent discount on Parasols, one-fifth off.
This is the time to secure a cheap parasol.
All Wash Goods at Reduced Prices.
Red Cloud, Nebraska. m
cording to marine law a Jury was em
panelled, the case tried and defendant
found guilty. He was sentenced to 24
hours in irons in tho second forecastle.
(Moot court.) We are getting up a
patriotic concert for tonight and guess
we will have a good time.
Thursday,. 1137 miles from S. b.
The concert last night vas very pat
riotic and well worth task of getting
Friday. 11)82 miles from S. F. A
very cold, bleak, windy day and aside
from some singing of hymus and prov
erbs in social hall tho time has hung
heavily on our hands up to present
hour 1 p.m.
Saturday. At 11:15 a.m. ships time
or 2 p.m. S. F time wo passed the
steamer Grace Dollar 100 yards to our
port side. Great shouting and signals
between ships passengers. This is the
worst day of all and many of us are
seasick again, My oh my if this is to
last long, think I will return overland
on fool. 1 am on the program tonight
to sing Little Hoy Hluu but unless 1
feel much better will not attempt it.
Sunday. 1823 miles from S. F. Tho
day opened fiomtwhal calmw but cold
damp and cloudy. At 10:110 a.m. an
informal church bervico was held in
tho dining room. There are thre or
four preachers jii boiud and several
missionaries', of the latter two are full
blood Ksqulmo. Wo hastily organized
a choir led by Mr. Holmgren, chorister
of the Swedish Congregational church
of San Francisco. The singing was
praised very highly and the entire ser
vice was good. Wo are expecting to
arrive at Unalaska tomorrow night.
How we will all rejoice at the .sight of
land even if it is only an island. I for
got to relate that we have had two
little informal socials on board which
together with the conceit, help to
while away the long hours.
Monday. 2078 miles from S. F. Our
song and praise service last night was
h success in an respects, j no room
was crowded to its full capacity and
surely it was inspiring and elovaling
to hear the men from all quarters of
the globe (nearly), giving their testi
mony in favor of u Godly life. To-day
the sun is shining brightly and there is
not so much wind. Wo expect to
reach Unalaska tomorrow when we
can mail letters on a Sitka ship, enab
ling said letters to reach you possibly
this month yet, If wo should get
locked in the ire as some predict, it
may be July 1st befout wo reach our
destination however I think wo will
get through all right nnd probably
spend next Sunday in Nome City. At
tl p.m. we aie in sight of the Aleutian
Islands. Everybody crazy to se' Unit
fust. At fi p.m. we am entering the
harbor of Unalaska and I will hasten
to gel this ready for tho mail. Such
grand .scenery. The whales have been
amusing us by spouting within gun.
shot ol tliu hhip. At 12 midnight have
just leturned from a tramp on the hill,
sides, the town cemetery, etc., and it.
is bright daylight yet. Of course it'
only 0 p m by our time hero but 12 by
San Francisco timo. Of all scenery on
earth this is surely tho grandest of its
Tuesday. If you could see theso
beautiful greon islands and lakes yon
would feel like the sight is worth the
seasickness of the trip. The Dutch,
harbor about iwo miles distant is tilled
with the many ships which have pre
ceded us, none of which have been
able to get through tho ice of iho
iiohriug Sea. How thankful 1 am that
I camo on the St, Paul. Whilst we
have had a rough voyage part of the
way, it is nothing to what the ethers,
have experienced. And such a crowd
of gamblers and cut-throats on some of
the boats. Of tho 25 or rnoro vessols
here in port, all excepting the Ohio
and St. Paul have bad almost mutiny
on board. Suicide, murder and death
in some. You remember I told sou of
the nice room-mates I was to have on
the Ohio! WelJ, ono of thorn commit
ted suicide by jumping overboard, He
had been drinking heavily since leav
ing port and when ho commenced to
sober up he realized how he had dis
graced himselt and deliberately jumped
overboard and refused to tnko hold of
a life float thrown to him, Ono small
boat with sixteen passengers is re
ported bottom up in mid ocean. At
11-20 p.m. it is still bright daylight.
This p.m. I havo attended a base ball
game, n big clam bako on tho buaoh,
and then ull by my lonely tool, a long
tiainp over mountain and glon, whero
I picked the loveliest (lowers, somo
from the snow bunks. Am sending
you some in n small box. We nnut
get our mall all ready tonight to post
early in the morning and then it may
lay here a week or two.
D. V, Pakexk..
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